バスの中、しばらく会っていなかったアメリカ人教授・恩師とバッタリ。 おじいちゃんではないけれど、私よりも20以上年齢が上。 "Long time no see." は くだけた言い方なので 目上の人には控えるべき、というのは辞書で知っていたのだが でもこれしか言えなかった・・・ "It's been a long time." でしたか!
what have you been up to? とwhat have you been doing? どちらもネイティブがよく使います! what have you been up to? 「ここ最近」または、「この間会ったときから今まで」「何をしていましたか?」 what have you been doing? も全く同じ意味ですが、時間のニュアンスが少し違うと思います。「ここ最近」や「この間会ったときから今まで」というより「今日、何していましたか?」によく使う気がします。 どちらも「〜から今まで何していましたか?」という意味ですが、「〜から」がはっきりしていないので、いつからでも使えますが、習慣的にネイティブは上記のように分けて使っていると思います。
Thank you for the video, it's so interesting 😊 I have some questions. Can I use "I'm glad to see you again." when I want to say "また会えてうれしいです。"? "How have you been?" Does it feel like that they don't meet for a while? And...Can I use "What about you" instead of "How about you?“ I'm sorry for my many questions😅
Thank you for commenting! There's no need to say sorry! 「Can I use "I'm glad to see you again." when I want to say "また会えてうれしいです。"?’」 →Yes, you can also say that! I personally tend so say "It's nice to see you again." more though. 「"How have you been?" Does it feel like that they don't meet for a while?」 → Yes, it does feel like you haven't met for a few weeks or more. Good question! 「And...Can I use "What about you" instead of "How about you?“」 →Yes, "What about you?" is also VERY common!😁
@@SummerSensei Thank you for your reply and detailed explanation! メモメモ! (I went to buy the book yesterday you wrote "好感度UPのシンプル英会話", I'll study hard using it from now on! ) Thank you so much for taking your time to this reply, Summer. That helped a lot! (^^) Let me ask you a question. What's the difference between "today" and "earlier today" (The page 59 in the book) Could you tell me if you like?
Wow, thank you so much! I hope you like the book so far! "today" can mean any time today. but "earlier today" is similar to 「今日の午前中」or even 「先ほど」. In most situations you can use either one. But "earlier today" is just most specific. Let me know if you have any more questions, or if my explanation is hard to understand! I can also write in Japanese, if you prefer!❤️
@@SummerSensei Thank you for reply and your kindly explanation ! 😀 Let me ask you only 2 questions. (I'm sorry!) No1. You wrote 「Pleaseをつけても丁寧になるとは限りません」 in the book. If I ask my friend the following sentence, is that rude or unnatural? (I have asked my friend like that many times) "Please check my sentences only when you like." "Please check my sentences only when you can." "Please check my sentences only when you have time." Of course, I know I can also use... "Can you check ~", "Can you please check ~", No2. You wrote in your reply... About "or even" Do "or even" and "or" have same meaning? like.. or → "もしくは" "or even" → "あるいは" Could you reply only when you can? 😅
No problem! I'm happy to answer your questions! "Please check my sentences only when you like." "Please check my sentences only when you can." "Please check my sentences only when you have time." ↑ All of these are 命令文. If you're asking your friend for a favor, I don't recommend you use them. It's much better to say "If you have time, could you please take a look (check) my English sentences?".😊 As for "or" and "or even", could you give me the exact sentence they are used in? For example, let me talk about these two sentences: 1. I can meet you on Friday or Saturday. (金土曜日なら空いています) 2. I can meet you on Friday, or even Saturday.(金曜日なら空いています。(ダメだったら、)土曜日でも大丈夫です。) The first sentence means "Both Friday and Saturday are convenient days for me," but the second sentence means "I prefer Friday, but if Friday doesn't work for you, I could also meet on Saturday." Does that makes sense? 😁
とてもよくできたと思います! 1.のLong time.だけですと、文が成立しないので、「It's been a long time.」や決まり文句の「Long time no see」の方が自然に聞こえると思います。 2.I'm glad to see you again.←OK! 3.How have you been lately?←OK! 4.Are you well?←OK! 6.のAnd you?も使いますが、How about you?の方がよく使われていると思います!
こんにちは!コメントいただきありがとうございます! What have you been up to?がWhat do you been up to? に聞こえるのですね。それはWhat haveのhaveが「’ve」になり「What've」と発音しているからだと思います。 二番目の質問が理解できているかわかりませんが、How have you beenとWhat have you been は、〈have you+現在完了形〉(前から今までしたことについて話すときに使う文系)を使っています😁
"long time no see you"は中国語の挨拶”好久不见你“を中国人が文法を変えずにそのママ英語に訳してアメリカで使いだした物で、あまりネイティブは使わないと聞いた事があるが、使われているのですね。 NYに1年住んでてまだ一度も聞いたことないですが。 It's been long timeばかりだなあ。
私もLong time no seeは昔の中国人の労働者が作った表現だと聞いたことがあります。しかし、ほとんどのアメリカ人はその由来を知らないと思います。中国系の人であっても、「失礼な表現」だと思っているアメリカ人はほとんどいないと思います。私の周りの人はよく使いますよ!でも、使いたくなければ、It's been a long timeでも大丈夫ですよ!☺️
You teach English very well. Would you please tell me what is the meaning of "How are you doing"? Is it equal to say "How do you do"? Thank you very much.
これらでも通じますかね、、 ❶ It's been a while, isn't it? ❷ It's great to see you again! ❸ How have you been recently? ➍ Have you been doing well? ❺ What have you been up to? ❻ How/What about you?
とてもよくできました! ❶ It's been a while, isn't it? → It's been a whileのIt'sはIt isの短縮形ではなく、It hasの短縮形です。なので、It's been a while, hasn't it?が正しいです。 ❷ It's great to see you again! → はい!このフレーズも非常によく使います! ❸ How have you been recently? → このフレーズも! ➍ Have you been doing well? → Have you been well?がより自然に聞こえますが、どちらでもいいと思います。 ❺ What have you been up to? → よくよく使います! ❻ How/What about you? → はい!What about you?もHow about you?と同じぐらいよく使います!
I use to OK Good Wadafll Amazing Perfect Excellent. 相手を褒めるときの序列として使用してました。 Could you please tell me Summers an opinion? もし違和感があれば教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。 2021/Oct/05 Thank you.
The education of Japan does not show a native. Therefore, even if he studies at a university at a high school as long as four years and a total of ten years for three years for three years, it cannot talk in a junior high school. It is meaningless if Doc. Summer is said like this, and this catch is not carried out, however it may memorize the word returned like this. I regard a complaint and a clause as speaking being impossible, unless it pronounces W and R how or a hearing is made probably. In that respect, Doc. Summer has the wonderful place which has hit the focus to the ability to talk [ how ] if it carries out! And more other,Doc. Summer too cute.
① 親しい友人なら Long time no see. 目上の人なら It's been a long time. ⑤ What have you recently been doing ? 後は サマー先生の例文と同じです。 I realize it's important to express what I mean indirectly.
学校英語で使うIm a boy He is a girl How do you do.Is this a apple No it is a pen.日本で本当に習うの? あいあむあがぁる。ひぃいずあがぁる。いずディスああっぷる? のぉ、いと いずあ ペン。中学生にもなればペンかリンゴ見ればわかると思うけど。 あいむタイアード しーゆー sory 4 ur time cu agn many tnx
【✨無料Mp3🎧✨】発音・シャドーイング・リスニング練習用音声ファイルをたくさん用意しています!無料ダウンロードはこちらからどうぞ!→ www.summerrane.com/freelisteninglibrary
👩🏫 サマー先生とのマンツーマンコーチングやセミナー→ www.summerrane.com/lessons
pretty good が good より下の「わりといい」という意味だとは!
南タカトシ pretty goodは別に「良くないよ」と断言してる訳では無いですが、例えば、英作文の添削等で、「悪くないね」って時や、体調や近況聞かれた時に「まあまあかな」って意味合いで使われるので、「かなりいいね」とは相手に取られがたいと思います。
バスの中、しばらく会っていなかったアメリカ人教授・恩師とバッタリ。 おじいちゃんではないけれど、私よりも20以上年齢が上。
"Long time no see." は くだけた言い方なので 目上の人には控えるべき、というのは辞書で知っていたのだが でもこれしか言えなかった・・・ "It's been a long time." でしたか!
Long time no seeはネイティブは使わない!みたいな記事をたくさん見て、同時に使うって言ってる人もいた
ゆっくり発音すると 聞き取りやすいです
5番はwhat’s up?に、して
It couldn’t be better.とか It could be worse.などの言い回し方が好き。最初は混乱したけれど慣れると愛着わくフレーズです。
5に関してwhat have you been up to? とwhat have you been doing? の違いを知りたいです。どちらの方がネイティブがよく使うとかカジュアルな表現だとかお願いします。
what have you been up to? とwhat have you been doing? どちらもネイティブがよく使います!
what have you been up to? 「ここ最近」または、「この間会ったときから今まで」「何をしていましたか?」
what have you been doing? も全く同じ意味ですが、時間のニュアンスが少し違うと思います。「ここ最近」や「この間会ったときから今まで」というより「今日、何していましたか?」によく使う気がします。
正確には サマー先生のアメリカン英語発音講座
日本の学校では教えないけれどアメリカ人は why の代わりに "How come ....?"をよく使うから、是非その動画も作ってください。
Amazing かぁ、知ってるのに全然使ってなかった…今度使ってみよう。
1番ですが Been too long,hasn't it?
2番 It's wonderful to see you,again.
プライムイングリッシュやってます!音声変化わかりやすくて助かっています。ありがとうございます^ ^
Thank you for the video, it's so interesting 😊
I have some questions.
Can I use "I'm glad to see you again." when I want to say "また会えてうれしいです。"?
"How have you been?"
Does it feel like that they don't meet for a while?
And...Can I use "What about you" instead of "How about you?“
I'm sorry for my many questions😅
Thank you for commenting! There's no need to say sorry!
「Can I use "I'm glad to see you again." when I want to say "また会えてうれしいです。"?’」
→Yes, you can also say that! I personally tend so say "It's nice to see you again." more though.
「"How have you been?" Does it feel like that they don't meet for a while?」
→ Yes, it does feel like you haven't met for a few weeks or more. Good question!
「And...Can I use "What about you" instead of "How about you?“」
→Yes, "What about you?" is also VERY common!😁
@@SummerSensei Thank you for your reply and detailed explanation! メモメモ!
(I went to buy the book yesterday you wrote "好感度UPのシンプル英会話", I'll study hard using it from now on! )
Thank you so much for taking your time to this reply, Summer. That helped a lot! (^^)
Let me ask you a question.
What's the difference between "today" and "earlier today" (The page 59 in the book)
Could you tell me if you like?
Wow, thank you so much! I hope you like the book so far!
"today" can mean any time today.
but "earlier today" is similar to 「今日の午前中」or even 「先ほど」.
In most situations you can use either one. But "earlier today" is just most specific.
Let me know if you have any more questions, or if my explanation is hard to understand! I can also write in Japanese, if you prefer!❤️
Thank you for reply and your kindly explanation ! 😀
Let me ask you only 2 questions. (I'm sorry!)
You wrote 「Pleaseをつけても丁寧になるとは限りません」 in the book.
If I ask my friend the following sentence, is that rude or unnatural?
(I have asked my friend like that many times)
"Please check my sentences only when you like."
"Please check my sentences only when you can."
"Please check my sentences only when you have time."
Of course, I know I can also use...
"Can you check ~", "Can you please check ~",
You wrote in your reply...
About "or even"
Do "or even" and "or" have same meaning?
or → "もしくは"
"or even" → "あるいは"
Could you reply only when you can? 😅
No problem! I'm happy to answer your questions!
"Please check my sentences only when you like."
"Please check my sentences only when you can."
"Please check my sentences only when you have time."
↑ All of these are 命令文. If you're asking your friend for a favor, I don't recommend you use them.
It's much better to say "If you have time, could you please take a look (check) my English sentences?".😊
As for "or" and "or even", could you give me the exact sentence they are used in?
For example, let me talk about these two sentences:
1. I can meet you on Friday or Saturday. (金土曜日なら空いています)
2. I can meet you on Friday, or even Saturday.(金曜日なら空いています。(ダメだったら、)土曜日でも大丈夫です。)
The first sentence means "Both Friday and Saturday are convenient days for me," but the second sentence means "I prefer Friday, but if Friday doesn't work for you, I could also meet on Saturday."
Does that makes sense? 😁
「I Iove you」😘
1.Long time.
2.I'm glad to see you again.
3.How have you been lately.
4.Are you well.
6.And you?
1.のLong time.だけですと、文が成立しないので、「It's been a long time.」や決まり文句の「Long time no see」の方が自然に聞こえると思います。
2.I'm glad to see you again.←OK!
3.How have you been lately?←OK!
4.Are you well?←OK!
6.のAnd you?も使いますが、How about you?の方がよく使われていると思います!
@@SummerSensei 今回も、丁寧な回答ありがとうございます。
What have you been up to?ですが
What do you been up to? と聞こえます
How have you beenと
What have you been とでは
Have youの言い方が違うのですか?
What have you been up to?がWhat do you been up to? に聞こえるのですね。それはWhat haveのhaveが「’ve」になり「What've」と発音しているからだと思います。
二番目の質問が理解できているかわかりませんが、How have you beenとWhat have you been は、〈have you+現在完了形〉(前から今までしたことについて話すときに使う文系)を使っています😁
Thank you for teaching !
サマー先生、動画の制作 お疲れサマー
"long time no see you"は中国語の挨拶”好久不见你“を中国人が文法を変えずにそのママ英語に訳してアメリカで使いだした物で、あまりネイティブは使わないと聞いた事があるが、使われているのですね。
It's been long timeばかりだなあ。
私もLong time no seeは昔の中国人の労働者が作った表現だと聞いたことがあります。しかし、ほとんどのアメリカ人はその由来を知らないと思います。中国系の人であっても、「失礼な表現」だと思っているアメリカ人はほとんどいないと思います。私の周りの人はよく使いますよ!でも、使いたくなければ、It's been a long timeでも大丈夫ですよ!☺️
こまで説得力のある説明を聞かせれては今後は"long time no see you"も使いますがな。😅
You teach English very well. Would you please tell me what is the meaning of "How are you doing"? Is it equal to say "How do you do"? Thank you very much.
What have you been up to がWhat do you been up to に聞こえる。
It's been a long time.と It's been a while.では意味や感覚の違いがありますか?
@@SummerSensei ご返答ありがとうございます。
What's upは使いますか??
Good question! 友達同士でしたらよく使いますよ!
サマー先生と英会話 ! 【プライムイングリッシュ】 ドラマとかでよく見てたんで、友だちにはWhat's up使ってみます!!ありがとうございます☺️
Nice to see you again.
Great to see you again.
It’s nice to see you again. の違いはありますか?
②は、I'm glad to see you again. と考えました
コメントありがとうございます!I'm glad to see you again.でも大丈夫です!
サマー先生と英会話 ! 【プライムイングリッシュ】
Do you say “it’s GOOD to see you again” instead of NICE?
And I also want to know how it sounds to use “yourself?” as “how about you?.
Yes! You can say both of those things. I use them all the time!😁
It's been a whileのニュアンスを教えてください
It’s been such a long time .でも合ってますか?
コメントありがとうございます!はい、It's been such a long time.でも大丈夫です!しかし、suchが「なんと〜」「とても〜」という意味なので、とても久しぶりに会ったとき(私の感覚では、一年以上)のみ使います😁
サマー先生と英会話 ! 【プライムイングリッシュ】
1. It’s been a while
2. Glad to see you again
3. How’s it going?
4. 5. No idea
6. How about you
とてもよくできました!It's been a whileもGlad to see you againもよく使う表現です!
えー、うちらが刷り込まれてたI'm fineっていうのはそんなに良くないイメージなんですね。
I'm Currently studying in Toronto, Canada. Next time, I want you to teach English grammar that can be used in love.
What are you up to? はどうですか?
What are you up to?は「今」、What have you been up to?は「最近」していることについて尋ねる表現です!☺️
サマー先生と英会話 ! 【プライムイングリッシュ】 ありがとうございます!
❶ It's been a while, isn't it?
❷ It's great to see you again!
❸ How have you been recently?
➍ Have you been doing well?
❺ What have you been up to?
❻ How/What about you?
❶ It's been a while, isn't it? → It's been a whileのIt'sはIt isの短縮形ではなく、It hasの短縮形です。なので、It's been a while, hasn't it?が正しいです。
❷ It's great to see you again! → はい!このフレーズも非常によく使います!
❸ How have you been recently? → このフレーズも!
➍ Have you been doing well? → Have you been well?がより自然に聞こえますが、どちらでもいいと思います。
❺ What have you been up to? → よくよく使います!
❻ How/What about you? → はい!What about you?もHow about you?と同じぐらいよく使います!
①no answer
②I'm glad to see you again!
③what have you been up to?
④how have you been?
⑤what have you been doing?
⑥how about you? what about you?
とてもよくできたと思います!gogo teaさんの②〜⑥の答えは全部よく使われる表現です!
I use to OK Good Wadafll Amazing Perfect Excellent. 相手を褒めるときの序列として使用してました。
Could you please tell me Summers an opinion? もし違和感があれば教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。
2021/Oct/05 Thank you.
It’s great meating again? はどうでしょう
The education of Japan does not show a native.
Therefore, even if he studies at a university at a high school as long as four years and a total of ten years for three years for three years, it cannot talk in a junior high school.
It is meaningless if Doc. Summer is said like this, and this catch is not carried out, however it may memorize the word returned like this.
I regard a complaint and a clause as speaking being impossible, unless it pronounces W and R how or a hearing is made probably.
In that respect, Doc. Summer has the wonderful place which has hit the focus to the ability to talk [ how ] if it carries out! And more other,Doc. Summer too cute.
① 親しい友人なら
Long time no see.
It's been a long time.
⑤ What have you recently been doing ?
後は サマー先生の例文と同じです。
I realize it's important to express what I mean indirectly.
I wonder how i response,when i met No1 phrase.
とてもいい質問です!Long time no see!と言われたら、通常「Yeah! How have you been?」と返します!😁 日本語のように、同じ「Long time no see!」(お久しぶりです!)と返す人は少ないと思います。
What have you been up to? スローでもワー ドゥン ユー?に聞こえます
How are you? にいつもI'm fine. って答えてたけど、かなり悪い寄りのニュアンスだったと知ってショック。おみくじでいったら末吉くらいか?
Not me just coming here to see how other people learn english dhfaoidhd
学校英語で使うIm a boy He is a girl How do you do.Is this a apple No it is a pen.日本で本当に習うの?
あいあむあがぁる。ひぃいずあがぁる。いずディスああっぷる? のぉ、いと いずあ ペン。中学生にもなればペンかリンゴ見ればわかると思うけど。 あいむタイアード しーゆー sory 4 ur time cu agn many tnx
very goodってダメなんですか?
英語の出来ない日本人の考える「とても良い」ってvery goodかもしれない。
How attractive you are
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