You could just make the vehicle have induction charging. Remember years ago, Tesla bought a small company with very good induction charging tech, simply to get the technology, then they sold the company again. They're gonna use induction charging on the Robo Taxi. I would assume the Robovan also. They could do it with vehicles as well. If you want your vehicle plugged in automatically. Buy an Optimus Robot one day for home use. It'll plug it in for you.
Is that level one or level 2 charging. Went to the website and there’s no information on how fast it charges, but that cord looks kind of thin. Not too familiar with Tesla chargers so maybe that’s normal. With that parking set up if you have the charger on the wall it takes 10 seconds to plug the cord in and then you know it’s charging. This could be amusing, not sure it’s very practical.
You could just make the vehicle have induction charging. Remember years ago, Tesla bought a small company with very good induction charging tech, simply to get the technology, then they sold the company again. They're gonna use induction charging on the Robo Taxi. I would assume the Robovan also. They could do it with vehicles as well. If you want your vehicle plugged in automatically. Buy an Optimus Robot one day for home use. It'll plug it in for you.
Is that level one or level 2 charging. Went to the website and there’s no information on how fast it charges, but that cord looks kind of thin. Not too familiar with Tesla chargers so maybe that’s normal. With that parking set up if you have the charger on the wall it takes 10 seconds to plug the cord in and then you know it’s charging. This could be amusing, not sure it’s very practical.
Not bad as a first attempt . Well done
net but it looks so stupid xD