I really love most of these ideas, it's so interesting as a relatively new player (caught up end of 5.5) to see old facets of jobs that were removed for streamlining that are honestly cooler than most if not all of the the EW/DT additions. Like Soul Survivor is SO RAW why would they take it away what a unique tank ability. Maybe even give you the ability to activate it early for less potency like Earthly Star. Really miss being able to place Salted Earth and giving it something per tick is way better, Heal on Bloodspiller and Quietus would be so good because rn besides capping Blood there's no using Bloodspiller is so braindead, same with giving C&S a heal. Shadowbringer one charge THANK you and change the animation at least the wind up like you could make it the Dark Passenger animation. I'm a TBN defender I really like the risk and I'd rather more incentive making it break like idk giving a potency buff to the Dark Arts Edge/Flood or giving a regen to the target if it breaks but I get just giving the MP refund. I'm a little confused about Darkside; I get it costing MP to turn on and draining as you use it but is it like a 2 minute cooldown for buffs like Living Shadow is now or more like a stance meant to be sustained throughout a pull like current Darkside just needing an Edge/Flood to refresh? Because the with latter like you'd have to change how Edge/Flood and TBN work to compensate the constant drain in terms of MP costs and make sure you never hit 0. Not necessarily bad I'd be down to try that but that's a pretty huge rework. I personally wouldn't mind giving Dark Mind a 10% mit for all other types of damage that aren't magic, just so it's not worthless in fights like M3S. Maybe give Living Dead a 30/40% damage mitigation when you're in Walking Dead/Undead Rebirth because healing is great but it can still mess up and that feels awful. I also like the idea of giving another Blood Spender on a 30 second cooldown, costs 50 Blood to use, maybe make it a DoT? Just gives you something to do at the 30 second window and make sure you have to think about having managing Blood beyond making sure it doesn't cap and having max. 70 before pressing Delirium for raid buffs. Maybe give it the Power Slash animation pretty please?
there are plenty of ways to go about it, along with yours lots of comments here have some pretty cool ideas. A blood cost ability that you had to manage would def lead to a more active approach to manage blood instead of save to 70 a good way to bring back Scourge
"I don't want to turn dark knight into another warrior" Turns it into another machinist. As an og drk myself too, I think the class lost a lot of it's identity and could use a touch up to avoid falling into obscurity, just cause ff logs says it does damage doesn't mean it's in a good spot. I agree with the delirium and quietus changes, good counterpart to the paladin holy casts, I think abysal drain needs to not be shared with C&S, since they were fine separated before, one for a big hp gain (buff it to heal a lot regardless of mob hits) and make C&S a 3000 mp gain or give a free proc like tbn break because rn it feels like it has no identity besides a small damage weave like an auto. Sole survivor should definitely be a thing, if paladin can have a 20s cd regen with shieltron, warrior has a 20s cd beefed up bloodbath, and gnb has a 20s cd excog, why can't drk have any crumb of self healing why is it only a 60s one that only works on 5+ mobs. Let us use an aoe sole survivor that gives a bit hp and mp back per mob killed with it on, and it's a 20s cd, perfect in dungeons, if the effect expires and the mob is alive (for boss encounters), have it restore a flat amount of hp and mp scaling with the level you're at. All mitigation buttons are fine, except it needs something for physical raidwides that isn't reprisal. TBN changes should've been there since Heavensward, baffling that you can just kill 3000 mp because bosses decide to stop autoing to do minor self repositioning, very frustrating.
@ThatOneCloudGuy Drk into Mch... you know now that you say it. One of my favorites was when I could get to 1.6 gcd in stormblood. Hyper charge blood weapon? I Jest... Unless
I'm glad the DRK conversation has been started. Personally, I think there's 1000 ways that DRK can be improved. Hoping the devs can see the fan outcry and put some time in to make it a great feeling tank like the rest.
@@SierenGreenwalt-wp3ub here's hoping for the 8.0 job uniqueness they were talking about. Tho I do enjoy some what's if with jobs, hearing people's idea
Honestly, I came up with a fairly similar rework to what you came up with, but with more of a focus on Blood management and self-healing/life steal. Only really focused on the damage side (and no potency numbers or cooldown numbers) of things because defence wise is fine for the most part imo. 1: Darkside and Blood are now one gauge. This new Blood gauge (Blood because i think it fits thematically) maxes at 100 and slowly drains. Each point in the gauge increases all damage and self-healing by a small amount maxing at 10% damage and maybe 50% extra self-heal. 2: Every attack (Except Bloodspiller/Quietus) now has a small blood gain on it and taking damage (Shield damage excluded) grants blood based on how much damage was taken. The blood gain on the basic 1-2-3 and AoE Combos are enough to outpace blood loss, but only by small amounts to encourage gaining blood through other means 3: The 1-2-3 combo and AoE combo both have small self-healing, but only a small amount. 4: Edge and Flood of shadow are now one and work like shadowbringer damage-wise and generate a decent amount of blood. Dark Arts from TBN upgrades this new flood of shadow to Shadowbringer. 5: Bloodspiller/Quietus work the same, but have a smaller blood cost (30-20) and a self-heal 6: Living Shadow... Pretty much as described in the vid, right down to the copying of player actions, but connected to the blood gauge rather than MP and copies all your inputs exactly (Could be the solution to the coding issue you mentioned?) 7: Blood weapon and Delerium split up again. Delerium is same as ever, but Blood Weapon provides a boost to life steal and blood gain (Bloodspiller/Quietus gain blood gain with this effect) 8: Salted Earth, C&S and Abyssal Drain... Don't really have much opinion on them. Drain is fun and imo current DRK best feeling move (When used on 3+ targets, atleast) but in my idea could probably be removed tbh. 9: Living Dead disables healing from all sources when popped until HP reduced to 0 and the actual invuln starts, but stores what would be healed and it contributes to the HP needed to not die when invuln ends and applies at after invuln ends (So a WHM can just bene a DRK when the pop invuln and ignore them for 10~ seconds). Also, when Invuln part of the effect starts, Self-healing gets a massive boost (Enough so that just the 1-2-3 combo alone can save the DRK from the heal check) The basic idea is generate blood and either keep that blood for consistent damage and self-heal survival or spend it on big attacks (Bloodspiller/Quietus) for high damage, but you suffer from weaker damage and life steal (And thus, survival chance) for awhile after the burst.
Few notes on your ideas: - Darkside: That 10% would have to be taken out of other abilities, maintaining that juggle for it really doesn't add anything to the class. Any kind of downtime you'd be forced to turn it off and then reactivate it. - Blood weapon: You'd still end up using it always with Delirium, so really no point to separating it. 5 Stacks + Increased attack speed would give the class a better feel though, so that change is great. - Salted Earth: Ground targeting makes it extremely clunky to use versus any other tanks kit for no real gain. 30 second duration just means it does practically no damage unless you shift damage out of other abilities. Combo that increased duration with giving blood per tick, and if you miss or mess it up you're out a huge chunk of damage/mitigation. - Heal on Hit Bloodspiller/Quietus doesn't really give the player agency on when they want to heal. Idea I have for it gives more decision. Not a fan of having it be 10 stacks. - Being entirely focused around keeping the shadow out means any fight that has downtime is going to be severely punishing if you aren't at the correct mana to either keep it out without a resummoning, or the resummon during uptime meaning there's 6 seconds you don't have it minimum. Personally changes I'd make that'd more likely fall in with SEs design: - Blood Weapon/Delirium: 5 stacks, skill speed increase - Salted Earth: Same duration, but Salt and Darkness gains a 200 potency per enemy hit heal. Allows the DRK to determine when they want that heal. - Carve and Spit: 500 potency shield added with a 15 second duration. No longer shares a cooldown with Abyssal Drain - Abyssal Drain: No longer shares a cooldown with Carve and Spit - TBN: Duration increased to 10 seconds One new ability: - Dark Dance: Spend 3000 mana to augment your next spell (30 second cooldown) - Unmend: Increase potency by 400 and heal for 600 potency - Unleash: Increase potency by 120 and heal for 100 potency per enemy hit - Stalwart Soul: Increase potency by 120 and do a party wide heal for 200 potency Dark Dance basically gives a semi-on demand way to recover during a fight at a cost of mana + a small potency loss versus just using a Shadow ability.
I had an idea for The Walking Dead. Heal on damage you deal. Outside Heals sent you way become a shield (up to 100% HP). Keeps undead / vampirism feel. Healing magic doesn't work on you quite right, and your damage is responsible for your healing, let's you get a big buffer of extra health on top of it.
Genuinely excellent set of changes, if this was how dark knight functioned i could easily see myself maining it. Only change i'd make would be to tie shadowbringer to some kind of resource (blood?) like pre-endwalker Upheaval so it's less of just a "mindlessly press on cooldown" button. C&S and abyssal drain already fulfill that function, so having shadowbringer use more depth would make its place as a level 90 capstone skill more fitting.
Im shocked there was no mention of changing enhanced unmend. That trait has long overstayed its welcome and is rendered even more useless since shadowstride deals no damage. Either change it so it shaves 5 or even 10 seconds off something actually useful like living shadow or gut it and replace it with an actual useful trait like getting an additional charge of dark arts.
to be honest the unmend cooldown has helped me a few times, with bad rng for m3 and m4 mechanics it sometimes comes in handy, but it does not warrant a trait it should just be baked in i wouldnt want it to shave off time for major offensive CD due to burst timings but maybe generate resources for the time lost using unmend
1 - Abyssal Drain should be a standalone skill, reduce its damage by 50%, reduce the cd to 30 seconds and raise cure potency to 400 per target. 2 - Dark Mind should either give all dmg reduction or additional 10% physical dmg reduction, because in whichever fights without magic damage it becomes useless and unusable. 3 - Dark Missionary at lvl 70, give it something more like a little barrier or at least 5% physical dmg reduction for the same reason as i would change Dark Mind: useless in MOST scenarios, raid isn't everything. 3 - TBN shouldn't cost mana, shouldn't give edge/flood, should have a dmg reduction in built and the shield should last longer - you could even make a "the darkest night" version to use in lower levels cause right now, lvl80- drk is miserable. 4 -Fray should mimick our attacks instead of being a dot - 5 charges of mimicking spells/weaponskills/abilities would work. 5 -Oblation could be a 10% maximum hp barrier instead of flat dmg reduction, its very underwhelming right now. 6 -For the love of our lord and savior Zodiark, update the Goddamn 1-2-3 animation, bring spinning slash/power slash/scourge back for that purpose. 7 - Salted Earth should give us heal per tick just like pvp and while we're at it, delete Enhanced Unmend and give us Enhanced Salted Earth, reducing its cooldown to 60 seconds. 8 - Definitely bring the Dark Arts system back, but that's a full rework stuff that would probably have to wait till 8.0. 9 - Add 2 more charges of Blood Weapon.
Hard disagree on TBN. The tight window is what makes it fun. What it needs is more payoff. For example: When it pops you and whoever you used it on (can be yourself, twice) gets an HP/MP regen and some blood to go along with it.
@@crownmetal make tbn more rewarding to those who know how to play around it. That could be interesting. Incentive to help keep your team healthier too
Really good ideas, i think all of them would be really good. Some additional ideas: 1) Dark Mind : In addition to reducing magic damage, temporarily stop the MP drain effect from Darkside, so it'd be useful even when there is no magic damage coming in and is a useful ability when the DRK has low mp and does not want Darkside to end. 2) Dark Missionary : In addition to reducing magic damage, whenever a party member gets hit by magic damage, the DRK recovers some mp. This would turn raidwide-damage attacks (which are usually magic) into an opportunity for DRKs to rapidly recover mp. 3) Salted Earth : Trait Salt and Darkness will recover Blood for each target hit. 4) TBN : When the shield effect breaks or expires, reset cooldown of Carve Spit and Abyssal Drain. Would add a lot more healing during dungeon pulls and would give a choice between recovering additional health and magic.
If they made flood and edge of shadow abyssal edge and flood with the drain effect drk would be fine. Carve and spit and abyssal drain should be removed with that change.
While Xeno may have had his complaints and rant about DRK he didn't exactly help with it either, since he ended up maining WAR he hasn't really cared about other tanks, so long as WAR was on top, but I noticed that WAR is apparently currently doing the least damage of the 4 tanks not drastically low though. I just think there are genuine DRK mains out there with better opinions and ideas, like yourself. Not a hater of Xeno by the way, just don't always agree with him on Tanks.
Im may be one of those who wants DRK to be on top but Tank currently are so close in terms of dps it doesnt matter, that why i tried to make it about playstyle
Even if Xeno mains Warrior i do still he has some vailid points about Dark knight with some decent ideas for changes. Is his ideas the only ones that are valid? No of course not. But atleast he know change is needed even when he does not even main the job.
Just gonna put my thoughts on Dark Knights here real quick: 1. TBN should be an upgrade from Dark Arts; switch out the useless Enhanced Unmend Trait with Enhanced Dark Arts Trait instead at LvL 70. Base Dark Arts would increase potency, but only for DRK's 123 and AoE combos for 10s; 50 damage potency(or cure potency, but damage potency feels more consistent). New effect while Dark Arts is active: Dark Soul - Gain a stack of Dark Soul after executing a 123/AoE combo, to a maximum of 2-3 stacks that restore 10% of maximum MP per stack after Dark Arts expires. Once upgraded to TBN, Dark Arts duration increases to 20s-25s and stacks of Dark Soul increase to 4-6. DRK changes their battle stance, which alters their 123 and AoE combo with new animations; increase damage potency applied to these skills from 50 to 100, once upgraded. Remove the requirement of breaking the TBN shield to activate Dark Arts; Dark Arts activates in tandem with TBN, even if you put the shield on an ally. New debuff effect when Dark Arts upgrades to TBN: Unwilling Succor - DRK siphons life energy from enemies, healing for X potency over time(X duration). Applies after successful 123/AoE combo; can be applied on multiple enemies after execution of AoE combo. Can be refreshed while under the duration of Dark Arts, but won't expire after Dark Arts expires. This will NOT be a DoT debuff. TBN shield duration should be increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds. As for the MP cost, I'd rather they removed it. But if they kept it, the MP loss is mitigated by the huge MP gain after Dark Arts expires. Increase the recast timer to 25 seconds to match other Tanks. 2. Oblation and Dark Missionary should have resource requirements. Oblation should make use of the Blood Gauge and provide health regeneration in tandem with its damage reduction. Dark Missionary should make use of MP and give MP regeneration to allies, in tandem with its magic damage reduction. Just make these two defensive skills do something else besides just being "damage reduction". An alternative thought for Dark Missionary: Could be a shield that blocks magic damage(or just overall damage) and provides MP regeneration if broken, for allies. 3. Abyssal Drain should be combined with Salted Earth and use the Blood Gauge. It first starts out as Salted Earth; but instead of a static AoE, it should be a mobile AoE underneath the Dark Knight in a small radius, leaving behind a trail that fades over a few seconds. Then, when it upgrades to Salt and Darkness, it spawns the spiky ball(Abyssal Drain) - up to 3 max - and can be fired as at 3 targets. Now, it could function(both the AoE and ranged attack) similarly to Abyssal Drain and heal the DRK, or apply a damage debuff: Dark/Black Blood - Reduce an enemy's damage by 15% for X seconds. Oh, and make sure it's not tied with Carve and Spit in recast time(seriously, why is this even a thing?). 3.5. Regarding Carve and Spit, alternatively, instead of DRK's 123/AoE combo changing to different animations when TBN/Dark Arts activates, CnS becomes a new combo when TBN/Dark Arts is activated. This new combo is MP regen, while the Delirium combo converts into a heal combo with alteration to Blood Weapon effect. 4. At lvl 88, Enhanced Living Shadow should be changed from damage potency to faster action input - your shadow directly imitates any of your skill inputs. Instead of the slow summon animation, Esteem instead uses Shadowstride to appear next to you, ready to follow you in combat. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
@@MeldinX2 here’s my thoughts on how to improve DRK. -Change Oblation to 1 stack down from one. -Dark Dance returns as Darker Dance. -change Enhanced Delirium to give give more MP over the 3 stacks of Blood Weapon(+1,200 more MP to match 6.55) Alternative buff Siphon Strike’s MP by +1,200 instead. -Swap Living Dead’s tooltip with Superbolide(It’s funny and more fitting for the flavor) -TBN now gives a 10% damage buff to the free proc.
hard agree with bringing back some old moves. sole survivor is dope. in my mods i'm currently using it as my bloodspiller animation. it grows in size depending on the enemy you're hitting so it gets really nutty on some bosses
@CutmanXTREME k I'm no expert vut my changes would be. Bring back plunge and remove mp crap from TBN and make it like reapers defensive. Oh and remove abyssal drain from carve and spit shared cd.
@@CutmanXTREME you didn't see "a vid", you saw xenosys's vid and tried to hop on it because now he has everyone talking about drk and he is the biggest drk fan there is. it is fine.
I really love most of these ideas, it's so interesting as a relatively new player (caught up end of 5.5) to see old facets of jobs that were removed for streamlining that are honestly cooler than most if not all of the the EW/DT additions.
Like Soul Survivor is SO RAW why would they take it away what a unique tank ability. Maybe even give you the ability to activate it early for less potency like Earthly Star.
Really miss being able to place Salted Earth and giving it something per tick is way better, Heal on Bloodspiller and Quietus would be so good because rn besides capping Blood there's no using Bloodspiller is so braindead, same with giving C&S a heal. Shadowbringer one charge THANK you and change the animation at least the wind up like you could make it the Dark Passenger animation.
I'm a TBN defender I really like the risk and I'd rather more incentive making it break like idk giving a potency buff to the Dark Arts Edge/Flood or giving a regen to the target if it breaks but I get just giving the MP refund.
I'm a little confused about Darkside; I get it costing MP to turn on and draining as you use it but is it like a 2 minute cooldown for buffs like Living Shadow is now or more like a stance meant to be sustained throughout a pull like current Darkside just needing an Edge/Flood to refresh? Because the with latter like you'd have to change how Edge/Flood and TBN work to compensate the constant drain in terms of MP costs and make sure you never hit 0. Not necessarily bad I'd be down to try that but that's a pretty huge rework.
I personally wouldn't mind giving Dark Mind a 10% mit for all other types of damage that aren't magic, just so it's not worthless in fights like M3S. Maybe give Living Dead a 30/40% damage mitigation when you're in Walking Dead/Undead Rebirth because healing is great but it can still mess up and that feels awful.
I also like the idea of giving another Blood Spender on a 30 second cooldown, costs 50 Blood to use, maybe make it a DoT?
Just gives you something to do at the 30 second window and make sure you have to think about having managing Blood beyond making sure it doesn't cap and having max. 70 before pressing Delirium for raid buffs. Maybe give it the Power Slash animation pretty please?
there are plenty of ways to go about it, along with yours lots of comments here have some pretty cool ideas. A blood cost ability that you had to manage would def lead to a more active approach to manage blood instead of save to 70 a good way to bring back Scourge
"I don't want to turn dark knight into another warrior"
Turns it into another machinist.
As an og drk myself too, I think the class lost a lot of it's identity and could use a touch up to avoid falling into obscurity, just cause ff logs says it does damage doesn't mean it's in a good spot.
I agree with the delirium and quietus changes, good counterpart to the paladin holy casts, I think abysal drain needs to not be shared with C&S, since they were fine separated before, one for a big hp gain (buff it to heal a lot regardless of mob hits) and make C&S a 3000 mp gain or give a free proc like tbn break because rn it feels like it has no identity besides a small damage weave like an auto.
Sole survivor should definitely be a thing, if paladin can have a 20s cd regen with shieltron, warrior has a 20s cd beefed up bloodbath, and gnb has a 20s cd excog, why can't drk have any crumb of self healing why is it only a 60s one that only works on 5+ mobs. Let us use an aoe sole survivor that gives a bit hp and mp back per mob killed with it on, and it's a 20s cd, perfect in dungeons, if the effect expires and the mob is alive (for boss encounters), have it restore a flat amount of hp and mp scaling with the level you're at.
All mitigation buttons are fine, except it needs something for physical raidwides that isn't reprisal.
TBN changes should've been there since Heavensward, baffling that you can just kill 3000 mp because bosses decide to stop autoing to do minor self repositioning, very frustrating.
@ThatOneCloudGuy Drk into Mch... you know now that you say it.
One of my favorites was when I could get to 1.6 gcd in stormblood. Hyper charge blood weapon?
I Jest...
I'm glad the DRK conversation has been started. Personally, I think there's 1000 ways that DRK can be improved. Hoping the devs can see the fan outcry and put some time in to make it a great feeling tank like the rest.
@@SierenGreenwalt-wp3ub here's hoping for the 8.0 job uniqueness they were talking about. Tho I do enjoy some what's if with jobs, hearing people's idea
Started in the west, but I'm pretty sure CBU3 doesn't care. Doesn't JP love DRK?
Honestly, I came up with a fairly similar rework to what you came up with, but with more of a focus on Blood management and self-healing/life steal. Only really focused on the damage side (and no potency numbers or cooldown numbers) of things because defence wise is fine for the most part imo.
1: Darkside and Blood are now one gauge. This new Blood gauge (Blood because i think it fits thematically) maxes at 100 and slowly drains. Each point in the gauge increases all damage and self-healing by a small amount maxing at 10% damage and maybe 50% extra self-heal.
2: Every attack (Except Bloodspiller/Quietus) now has a small blood gain on it and taking damage (Shield damage excluded) grants blood based on how much damage was taken. The blood gain on the basic 1-2-3 and AoE Combos are enough to outpace blood loss, but only by small amounts to encourage gaining blood through other means
3: The 1-2-3 combo and AoE combo both have small self-healing, but only a small amount.
4: Edge and Flood of shadow are now one and work like shadowbringer damage-wise and generate a decent amount of blood. Dark Arts from TBN upgrades this new flood of shadow to Shadowbringer.
5: Bloodspiller/Quietus work the same, but have a smaller blood cost (30-20) and a self-heal
6: Living Shadow... Pretty much as described in the vid, right down to the copying of player actions, but connected to the blood gauge rather than MP and copies all your inputs exactly (Could be the solution to the coding issue you mentioned?)
7: Blood weapon and Delerium split up again. Delerium is same as ever, but Blood Weapon provides a boost to life steal and blood gain (Bloodspiller/Quietus gain blood gain with this effect)
8: Salted Earth, C&S and Abyssal Drain... Don't really have much opinion on them. Drain is fun and imo current DRK best feeling move (When used on 3+ targets, atleast) but in my idea could probably be removed tbh.
9: Living Dead disables healing from all sources when popped until HP reduced to 0 and the actual invuln starts, but stores what would be healed and it contributes to the HP needed to not die when invuln ends and applies at after invuln ends (So a WHM can just bene a DRK when the pop invuln and ignore them for 10~ seconds). Also, when Invuln part of the effect starts, Self-healing gets a massive boost (Enough so that just the 1-2-3 combo alone can save the DRK from the heal check)
The basic idea is generate blood and either keep that blood for consistent damage and self-heal survival or spend it on big attacks (Bloodspiller/Quietus) for high damage, but you suffer from weaker damage and life steal (And thus, survival chance) for awhile after the burst.
i disagree with most of the video especially about tbn dark mind and oblation but the shadow idea is very good i would love to see it happen
Few notes on your ideas:
- Darkside: That 10% would have to be taken out of other abilities, maintaining that juggle for it really doesn't add anything to the class.
Any kind of downtime you'd be forced to turn it off and then reactivate it.
- Blood weapon: You'd still end up using it always with Delirium, so really no point to separating it. 5 Stacks + Increased attack speed would give the class a better feel though, so that change is great.
- Salted Earth: Ground targeting makes it extremely clunky to use versus any other tanks kit for no real gain.
30 second duration just means it does practically no damage unless you shift damage out of other abilities.
Combo that increased duration with giving blood per tick, and if you miss or mess it up you're out a huge chunk of damage/mitigation.
- Heal on Hit Bloodspiller/Quietus doesn't really give the player agency on when they want to heal. Idea I have for it gives more decision. Not a fan of having it be 10 stacks.
- Being entirely focused around keeping the shadow out means any fight that has downtime is going to be severely punishing if you aren't at the correct mana to either keep it out without a resummoning, or the resummon during uptime meaning there's 6 seconds you don't have it minimum.
Personally changes I'd make that'd more likely fall in with SEs design:
- Blood Weapon/Delirium: 5 stacks, skill speed increase
- Salted Earth: Same duration, but Salt and Darkness gains a 200 potency per enemy hit heal. Allows the DRK to determine when they want that heal.
- Carve and Spit: 500 potency shield added with a 15 second duration. No longer shares a cooldown with Abyssal Drain
- Abyssal Drain: No longer shares a cooldown with Carve and Spit
- TBN: Duration increased to 10 seconds
One new ability:
- Dark Dance: Spend 3000 mana to augment your next spell (30 second cooldown)
- Unmend: Increase potency by 400 and heal for 600 potency
- Unleash: Increase potency by 120 and heal for 100 potency per enemy hit
- Stalwart Soul: Increase potency by 120 and do a party wide heal for 200 potency
Dark Dance basically gives a semi-on demand way to recover during a fight at a cost of mana + a small potency loss versus just using a Shadow ability.
400 potency on unmend is crazy
@@DylanCorbones Still would be a DPS loss to use over regular combo + edge of shadow, but yeah lol
I had an idea for The Walking Dead.
Heal on damage you deal. Outside Heals sent you way become a shield (up to 100% HP).
Keeps undead / vampirism feel. Healing magic doesn't work on you quite right, and your damage is responsible for your healing, let's you get a big buffer of extra health on top of it.
Genuinely excellent set of changes, if this was how dark knight functioned i could easily see myself maining it.
Only change i'd make would be to tie shadowbringer to some kind of resource (blood?) like pre-endwalker Upheaval so it's less of just a "mindlessly press on cooldown" button.
C&S and abyssal drain already fulfill that function, so having shadowbringer use more depth would make its place as a level 90 capstone skill more fitting.
To be GNB feels really floaty and awkward compared to DRK, the Dilirium combo has better animations and can be used every minute.
that slight screen shake does make the attack feel real weighty when they land.
Im shocked there was no mention of changing enhanced unmend. That trait has long overstayed its welcome and is rendered even more useless since shadowstride deals no damage. Either change it so it shaves 5 or even 10 seconds off something actually useful like living shadow or gut it and replace it with an actual useful trait like getting an additional charge of dark arts.
to be honest the unmend cooldown has helped me a few times, with bad rng for m3 and m4 mechanics it sometimes comes in handy, but it does not warrant a trait it should just be baked in
i wouldnt want it to shave off time for major offensive CD due to burst timings but maybe generate resources for the time lost using unmend
1 - Abyssal Drain should be a standalone skill, reduce its damage by 50%, reduce the cd to 30 seconds and raise cure potency to 400 per target.
2 - Dark Mind should either give all dmg reduction or additional 10% physical dmg reduction, because in whichever fights without magic damage it becomes useless and unusable.
3 - Dark Missionary at lvl 70, give it something more like a little barrier or at least 5% physical dmg reduction for the same reason as i would change Dark Mind: useless in MOST scenarios, raid isn't everything.
3 - TBN shouldn't cost mana, shouldn't give edge/flood, should have a dmg reduction in built and the shield should last longer - you could even make a "the darkest night" version to use in lower levels cause right now, lvl80- drk is miserable.
4 -Fray should mimick our attacks instead of being a dot - 5 charges of mimicking spells/weaponskills/abilities would work.
5 -Oblation could be a 10% maximum hp barrier instead of flat dmg reduction, its very underwhelming right now.
6 -For the love of our lord and savior Zodiark, update the Goddamn 1-2-3 animation, bring spinning slash/power slash/scourge back for that purpose.
7 - Salted Earth should give us heal per tick just like pvp and while we're at it, delete Enhanced Unmend and give us Enhanced Salted Earth, reducing its cooldown to 60 seconds.
8 - Definitely bring the Dark Arts system back, but that's a full rework stuff that would probably have to wait till 8.0.
9 - Add 2 more charges of Blood Weapon.
Hard disagree on TBN. The tight window is what makes it fun. What it needs is more payoff.
For example: When it pops you and whoever you used it on (can be yourself, twice) gets an HP/MP regen and some blood to go along with it.
@@crownmetal make tbn more rewarding to those who know how to play around it. That could be interesting. Incentive to help keep your team healthier too
Really good ideas, i think all of them would be really good. Some additional ideas:
1) Dark Mind : In addition to reducing magic damage, temporarily stop the MP drain effect from Darkside, so it'd be useful even when there is no magic damage coming in and is a useful ability when the DRK has low mp and does not want Darkside to end.
2) Dark Missionary : In addition to reducing magic damage, whenever a party member gets hit by magic damage, the DRK recovers some mp. This would turn raidwide-damage attacks (which are usually magic) into an opportunity for DRKs to rapidly recover mp.
3) Salted Earth : Trait Salt and Darkness will recover Blood for each target hit.
4) TBN : When the shield effect breaks or expires, reset cooldown of Carve Spit and Abyssal Drain. Would add a lot more healing during dungeon pulls and would give a choice between recovering additional health and magic.
If they made flood and edge of shadow abyssal edge and flood with the drain effect drk would be fine. Carve and spit and abyssal drain should be removed with that change.
ooh , nice editing my dude.
While Xeno may have had his complaints and rant about DRK he didn't exactly help with it either, since he ended up maining WAR he hasn't really cared about other tanks, so long as WAR was on top, but I noticed that WAR is apparently currently doing the least damage of the 4 tanks not drastically low though.
I just think there are genuine DRK mains out there with better opinions and ideas, like yourself.
Not a hater of Xeno by the way, just don't always agree with him on Tanks.
Im may be one of those who wants DRK to be on top but Tank currently are so close in terms of dps it doesnt matter, that why i tried to make it about playstyle
Even if Xeno mains Warrior i do still he has some vailid points about Dark knight with some decent ideas for changes. Is his ideas the only ones that are valid? No of course not. But atleast he know change is needed even when he does not even main the job.
living dead healing potency should be increased. on 2.5 gcd you could still die
You’ve added back like 4 buttons
Just gonna put my thoughts on Dark Knights here real quick:
1. TBN should be an upgrade from Dark Arts; switch out the useless Enhanced Unmend Trait with Enhanced Dark Arts Trait instead at LvL 70. Base Dark Arts would increase potency, but only for DRK's 123 and AoE combos for 10s; 50 damage potency(or cure potency, but damage potency feels more consistent).
New effect while Dark Arts is active: Dark Soul - Gain a stack of Dark Soul after executing a 123/AoE combo, to a maximum of 2-3 stacks that restore 10% of maximum MP per stack after Dark Arts expires.
Once upgraded to TBN, Dark Arts duration increases to 20s-25s and stacks of Dark Soul increase to 4-6. DRK changes their battle stance, which alters their 123 and AoE combo with new animations; increase damage potency applied to these skills from 50 to 100, once upgraded. Remove the requirement of breaking the TBN shield to activate Dark Arts; Dark Arts activates in tandem with TBN, even if you put the shield on an ally.
New debuff effect when Dark Arts upgrades to TBN: Unwilling Succor - DRK siphons life energy from enemies, healing for X potency over time(X duration). Applies after successful 123/AoE combo; can be applied on multiple enemies after execution of AoE combo. Can be refreshed while under the duration of Dark Arts, but won't expire after Dark Arts expires. This will NOT be a DoT debuff.
TBN shield duration should be increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds. As for the MP cost, I'd rather they removed it. But if they kept it, the MP loss is mitigated by the huge MP gain after Dark Arts expires. Increase the recast timer to 25 seconds to match other Tanks.
2. Oblation and Dark Missionary should have resource requirements. Oblation should make use of the Blood Gauge and provide health regeneration in tandem with its damage reduction. Dark Missionary should make use of MP and give MP regeneration to allies, in tandem with its magic damage reduction. Just make these two defensive skills do something else besides just being "damage reduction". An alternative thought for Dark Missionary: Could be a shield that blocks magic damage(or just overall damage) and provides MP regeneration if broken, for allies.
3. Abyssal Drain should be combined with Salted Earth and use the Blood Gauge. It first starts out as Salted Earth; but instead of a static AoE, it should be a mobile AoE underneath the Dark Knight in a small radius, leaving behind a trail that fades over a few seconds. Then, when it upgrades to Salt and Darkness, it spawns the spiky ball(Abyssal Drain) - up to 3 max - and can be fired as at 3 targets. Now, it could function(both the AoE and ranged attack) similarly to Abyssal Drain and heal the DRK, or apply a damage debuff: Dark/Black Blood - Reduce an enemy's damage by 15% for X seconds. Oh, and make sure it's not tied with Carve and Spit in recast time(seriously, why is this even a thing?).
3.5. Regarding Carve and Spit, alternatively, instead of DRK's 123/AoE combo changing to different animations when TBN/Dark Arts activates, CnS becomes a new combo when TBN/Dark Arts is activated. This new combo is MP regen, while the Delirium combo converts into a heal combo with alteration to Blood Weapon effect.
4. At lvl 88, Enhanced Living Shadow should be changed from damage potency to faster action input - your shadow directly imitates any of your skill inputs. Instead of the slow summon animation, Esteem instead uses Shadowstride to appear next to you, ready to follow you in combat.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
I dont really agree with your deliurium/blood weapon change back to being seperate buttons. Thats a good change imho
Them being on the same button is fine but i do think it should atleast give 5 stacks of blood weapon like it used to.
@@MeldinX2 here’s my thoughts on how to improve DRK.
-Change Oblation to 1 stack down from one.
-Dark Dance returns as Darker Dance.
-change Enhanced Delirium to give give more MP over the 3 stacks of Blood Weapon(+1,200 more MP to match 6.55) Alternative buff Siphon Strike’s MP by +1,200 instead.
-Swap Living Dead’s tooltip with Superbolide(It’s funny and more fitting for the flavor)
-TBN now gives a 10% damage buff to the free proc.
hard agree with bringing back some old moves. sole survivor is dope. in my mods i'm currently using it as my bloodspiller animation. it grows in size depending on the enemy you're hitting so it gets really nutty on some bosses
drk is fine, stop crying
Agreed Dark is best it's been since Stormblood
i dont mind it, I saw a vid on what if changes to my favorite job and decided to take my hand at it
@@chestercarter6081 Stormblood DRK is waht i miss the most, but thats mainly due to how fast i could make it as well as sole survivor
@CutmanXTREME k I'm no expert vut my changes would be. Bring back plunge and remove mp crap from TBN and make it like reapers defensive. Oh and remove abyssal drain from carve and spit shared cd.
@@CutmanXTREME you didn't see "a vid", you saw xenosys's vid and tried to hop on it because now he has everyone talking about drk and he is the biggest drk fan there is. it is fine.