Hello sir I was wondering can I use sothing ells ? I have only round ceramic speaker magnet that fit on alternators shaft how ever I did salvage some ceramic bar magnets from me starter motor that thing even has 2 metalic brakets to hold thise bar magnets. So I was wondering can I use those 2 things together ? Can I increase magnetic field with just magnets wuld alternator still work? I sadly destroyed those pole 2 pole peaces from the alternator I only have shaft left . So I cinde of experimented with those speaker magnets pole sides and that starter magnets and holder fit perfectly over those round speaker magnets but there are only 3 north and 3 south poles so wuld that be enough to run alternator?
Possibly the magnetic power is weak. Or the magnet is less big and thick. Mounting of the former speaker permanent magnet, exactly the same as the original magnet (remanent magnet).
@@YudiHermanto4H I tell you from my own experience, I modified an alternator from Renault 12, I removed the winding and I put two magnets of equal diameter and it did not work
@@mecanicul I'm not sure what the problem is with your alternator. If the alternator is used, sometimes the alternator has undergone repairs in the stator winding. And once I found the direction of the winding was wrong. It can issue voltage but not maximal. Moreover, if it has been replaced using a speaker magnet, the magnetic power is different from the original, namely when the rotor is still using a coil. Maybe your alternator problem is like that. And in my video it can really work well even though it's not as good as the original.
Very interesting gentlemen. As many point out it may not be strong enough. One or two neo magnets? If you have higher speed or gearing that would also increase the power. One problem is i may take much heat and a puller to seperate the Rotor halves, grinding out the holes may help assembly.
Sir what wuld hapen if you force 2 oposing pole magnets together? Long time I see some peopel video shoving 1 magnet broke in half the other was in 1 peace . They apearently atracted instead of magnets they did atract 2 peaces of galvanized washers . And it apeared the magnetic strenght was lot stronger then useing magnets alone . So any usefull information why those washers become magnetised? What wuld such arangement do to the alternator?
Buen trabajo,pero de pegamento utilizaría tipo caucho de alta resistencia,agarra mas y permite cierta amortiguación,estaría interesante poner en vez de 2 anillos de ferrita dos o tres de neodimio.Recuerde que los grandes edificios utilizan enormes amortiguadores en su base contra terremotos,es el mismo principio del pegamento rígido o usar tipo caucho ultrafuerte pues ya le digo que estoy convencido y seguro, que cuando usted abra el motor de nuevo, es probable que encuentre algún imán roto o parcialmente lados dañados,de no ser así¡Felicidades! Me quito el sombrero señor,a desafiado a la ciencia,luego con esa herramienta,es suficiente para poner y adaptar 12 imanes de neodimio rectangulares de 30×15×5 incluso 30×15×10 según medidas habituales ¡Ojo! Medir antes y si las tres bobinas vienen bifilares, separar bornes de cada bobina en serie tipo pancake Nikola Tesla,serán tres bobinas mitad de potencia pero doblará voltios.Buen trabajo de todas formas.
Один мой знакомый выжал около 8 кВт, взяв за основу генератор от ВАЗ 2109, там намотка статора «змейка». При такой намотке получается что, во всех проводах токи сонаправлены. это уменьшает торможение ротора.
I am just about to do this same thing except I got the exact same magnets from a dead microwave! So there's another source of the magnets if anyone doesn't have speakers to salvage.
Yang lebih bagus lagi torsinya yang ini : th-cam.com/video/bi1aV38xKD8/w-d-xo.html Karena juga alternatornya lebih besar. Untuk lengkapnya video di link atas, masih sementara saya edit, belum selesai.
@@BudiSetiawan-iu1ik kalau awalnya 2 (NS) trus dibelah jadi 4 biji dengan urutan jadi NSNS, berarti nambah jumlah kutub/pole magnet. Kalau yang mas maksud dinamo itu motor listrik, nambah pole berarti torsi jadi lebih besar, tapi rpm turun. Dalam artian dengan suplai tegangan sama, diameter kawat email yang sama dan jumlah lilitan yang sama. Ini berlaku secara umum pada motor listrik. Tapi lilitan juga disesuaikan. Jadi, jika itu akan diterapkan pada motor starter, tidak serta merta langsung jadi/berfungsi. Karena model/konfigurasi lilitan juga harus diubah.
@@BudiSetiawan-iu1ik ya mas, kadang ada yang nyebutim dinamo padahal yang dimaksud motor listrik. Ada yang bilang dinamo, padahal yang dimaksud alternator/generator listrik. Contoh orang bengkel mobil, ada yang nyebut alternator jadi dinamo atau dinamo pengisian. Makanya saya seringnya tetep pakai bahasa bakunya 😂😂
@@YudiHermanto4H nach masalah nya saya mau buat yg kerja nya bareng mesin mobil...jd ikut bantu putaran mobil...kayak nya harus pakai hall sensor...supaya sinkron putaran nya ..alias selalu tepat posisi nya
Dacă pentru un generator de încărcare a bateriei, utilizați șase diode. multe scheme pe google, căutați schema trifazată a diodei redresoare. dacă pentru motor fără perii, utilizați driver trifazat pentru motor de c.c. fără perii. Sau voi face un videoclip mai târziu.
Wahh kurang tau mas, di video ini pertamakali mencoba. Di ukur saja bagian dalam rotornya kira2 berapa. Tanpa bongkar dulu kan bisa, nah cari magnetnya yang lebih kecil sedikit misal kurang 2mm atau lebih 2mm juga tidak apa2. Kalau kelebihan besarnya kan bisa digerinda seperti di video ini 😀😀.
Mas apakah saya bisa bertanya tentang salah satu karyanya. Jadi saya mahasiswi jurusan fisika dan saya terinspirasi dari video mas ingin membuat salah satunya untuk di seminarkan. Jika mas berkenan untuk membantu saya, apa saya bisa menghubungi mas lewat email, wa, atau salah satu akun sosial. Terimakasih sebelumnya
Boleh mba...silahkan nomor wa nya...nanti saya yang menghubungi duluan. Setela itu nanti komentar yang berisi nomor wa saya hapus untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan.
@@monsterketek7749 yang sharing/tanya lebih lanjut, biasanya chat via wa mas. Silahkan no wa nya, nanti saya yang chat duluan, barangkali butuh sharing2..😀😀
@@YudiHermanto4H nah itu dia mas , saya butuh tanya tanya tentang bldc inih :D makin penasaran hahah , tapi sayang saya lagi ga ada wa , cuma ada ig aja :(
Éste sistema no es buen generador,produce poco,luego tiende a romper el imán,es quebradizo, aunque esté bien sujeto,debe ser ajustado muy bien,algo fuera del alcance del 90 % de los replicadores por la razón que sea.Algo que si funciona y será seguro,👉🎇 desmontar el eje,realizar un nucleo de nylon o aluminio en torno mecanizado,instalar 12 imanes o montar 12 triangulos con imanes circulares de neodimio,por ejemplo,tipo cilindro de 5x5 milímetros,yo en mi caso por conocimientos de aquella manera🤭,me permito jugar con distintos tipos de imanes y demás variables🤷♂️¡Todos producen muchísima energía🎇🎇!😂,luego,ajustar dejando un margen mínimo posible sin que se dañe,entre imanes y estator de 1.5 a 2.5 milímetros máximo,ayudarse de hilo fuerte de pesca para sujetar los imanes al rotor de nylon o aluminio,añadir pegamento sobre el hilo ligeramente,tipo resistente de contacto(evitar salgan despedidos),barnizar con barniz eléctrico, imanes (Oxidan)y el hilo 🎇👉 por supuesto,quitar el regulador para que no limite el voltaje a 14.5v.Aproximadamente y entregue mucho mas, si son vuestras necesidades¡Claro! No superar mas de 1000rpm/min para obtener mas tensión🙈Por ejemplo,en un coche 👉 de no tener regulador supera bastante los 50 v.¡Aviso importante ! Nunca instalar motores modificados con imanes en coches ¡ROMPERÁN Y EXPLOTARÁN seguro antes de los primeros 100 metros ! Además CERCA DE LA ZONA DE COMBUSTIBLE EN COCHES ANTERIORES AL AÑO 2000 !🥶Solo aquellos que han pasado un control adecuado para tal fin 🙏🕊️
@@FranciscoAguilar-rk6pm puedes hacer maravillas,aunque según sea el propósito.Si fuese para un generador para mayor voltaje,en su caso creo son tres bobinas bifilares,poner en serie cada bifilar y queda aumentado el voltaje,para usar como motor tiene la ventaja que sufre menos el controlador de motor,hay un sistema simple,se unen los tres cables de las tres bobinas,por ejemplo,el derecho de cada bobina se empatan juntos los tres cables,quedan los otros tres libres, que se pueden conectar a un controlador de motor de tres fases¡Ojo! La potencia puede ser importante la del controlador.Creo y es una opción posible, puede usar controladores potentes o adaptarle mosfets potentes para funcionar el alternador.O comprar un controlador de tres fases completo .Estoy suponiendo que el alternador tiene imanes pero no me gusta el sistema del video ,es inestable por muchas razones y por rotura sujeta al subir de velocidad baja🙏
Itu kabel power suplainya kan ada tiga, merah besar, merah kecil dan hitam. Kalau mau memfungsikan kontak/saklar, kabel merah kecil dihubungkan ke kabel merah besar.
But pure tehnocaly what if you use magnets and force them together oposite poles wuld that not create 2x south reluctor polarity ore 2x north reluctor tuth polarity? I belive the magnet power wuld increase as well .So now instead of atracting magnet and steel the steel tuth and stator core are atracting together basicaly . That experiment was first recorded from men named Joe who build Joe cells. Im not shure but I belive even wires culd by added to rotor makeing that dual out put generator basicaly. And those are just ferite crap neo magnets are lot stronger if they are opose polarity forced then the steel 2 peaces are atracted heavely . Im not shure but wuld that not do the same thing residual magnetism culd theoreticaly still produce curent in copper wire ?
Can you proof read your message, and add punctuation? As you trying to say that if he loaded the magnets opposite in the rotor it would make double the power? If that is your comment I believe you are incorrect. The magnetic field is effective because the fingers in the rotor break up the magnetic field and in a serve chase the current around the wires in the coil. That's how it spins. With the two magnets opposing each other would not matter as they do need to chase the current as it goes through the wire. I'm not entirely sure but I think you would just get heat as the opposite forces would try to spin opposite directions, and so not spin at all. the opposed magnets would fight each other one going one way, the other trying to go opposite. You were get no motor it generation n if energy instead it would get hot and lock in place. As you said if you used neo magnets that are stronger you would get more out of it. So putting 2 magnets together makes it stronger. The coil acts as a opposing force to either generate power or if you add power to the coil then it makes it a motor. It's either positive or negative or north and south. If your rotor is both then your being even more inefficient. There is not a third pole. Thicker wire and more of it, and/or stronger magnetic force are your only two ways to get more from this design. Ask he's doing is replacing the inner electro magnet with a permanent magnet. And neo magnet pub but the best option since there can't stand a lot of heat. Heavy use if that was made with n52s wit be good until about 150 degrees. Then slow down until the last but it magnetic for was gone. Maybe a week n34 would last longer and be b better than a ferrite magnet. But the ferrite also gains energy with is weight and centrifuge force. The heavier it is the less it will need to keep going. More work to start. But once it's going have its better. A really heavy motor use for a scooter with be great if it starts from the initial human power to start to roll
Helo dear. First you should know about the poles of a cylindrical magnet then you post the video. This is non sense. How can it generate electricity without magnetic flux cutting across the conductors.
As per my youtube channel name. Whether you want to try it or not, it's up to the viewer. At least this can be an alternative for people who do not have a lot of funds. Or it could be for reference material for those who have the same project. Ok, thank's.
How to Cut and Shape a Ferrite Magnet, for Car Alternator :
Hello sir I was wondering can I use sothing ells ?
I have only round ceramic speaker magnet that fit on alternators shaft how ever I did salvage some ceramic bar magnets from me starter motor that thing even has 2 metalic brakets to hold thise bar magnets.
So I was wondering can I use those 2 things together ?
Can I increase magnetic field with just magnets wuld alternator still work?
I sadly destroyed those pole 2 pole peaces from the alternator I only have shaft left .
So I cinde of experimented with those speaker magnets pole sides and that starter magnets and holder fit perfectly over those round speaker magnets but there are only 3 north and 3 south poles so wuld that be enough to run alternator?
Finally someone did it the right way. Probably should of put only 1 magnet in there not 2
Desde Cuba saludos es lo q andava vuscando gracias
Have to test it myself...
So far it seems a real BLDC motor...
When you use it as generator, it outputs 3 phase AC
Nice vedio for the rescuer thanks
Hello my friend Once again my congratulations excellent job
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Inovasi tiada henti, mantebb bgt nih bg, Terimakasih
Ok mas broo...sama2..semoga bermanfaat.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
wow great work..i just want to know, the purpose of cotton bud sticking inside the rotor..
it helps with the gluing.
hello,I tried something like this at home,does not work,but I did another rotor and I planted neodym magnets,goes excellent.
Possibly the magnetic power is weak. Or the magnet is less big and thick. Mounting of the former speaker permanent magnet, exactly the same as the original magnet (remanent magnet).
@@YudiHermanto4H I tell you from my own experience, I modified an alternator from Renault 12, I removed the winding and I put two magnets of equal diameter and it did not work
@@YudiHermanto4H th-cam.com/video/E8YLGqBTe7c/w-d-xo.html
@@mecanicul I'm not sure what the problem is with your alternator. If the alternator is used, sometimes the alternator has undergone repairs in the stator winding. And once I found the direction of the winding was wrong. It can issue voltage but not maximal. Moreover, if it has been replaced using a speaker magnet, the magnetic power is different from the original, namely when the rotor is still using a coil. Maybe your alternator problem is like that. And in my video it can really work well even though it's not as good as the original.
@@mecanicul I'm trying to replace the coil in the rotor using speaker magnets, because I've already studied how it works.
Wah....mantafff tuh bang.....
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Nice work thanks for sharing
Can you make video how to get the rotor out
Should have used a towing tool (puller), but all I did was pry it out.
like this :
@@YudiHermanto4H Thanks for the link
What about using a lathe...???????
It would be best with neodynium magnet...
Do you mean can be used on a lathe? This one has better torque :
@@YudiHermanto4H nooo...i mean you can do this Work on a lathe ...
@@vivalalibertad9194 No, I do it only with a grinding machine.
Very interesting gentlemen. As many point out it may not be strong enough. One or two neo magnets? If you have higher speed or gearing that would also increase the power. One problem is i may take much heat and a puller to seperate the Rotor halves, grinding out the holes may help assembly.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Why bother at best you increase the efficiency from stock by about 2%. Just use it as is.
Sir what wuld hapen if you force 2 oposing pole magnets together?
Long time I see some peopel video shoving 1 magnet broke in half the other was in 1 peace .
They apearently atracted instead of magnets they did atract 2 peaces of galvanized washers .
And it apeared the magnetic strenght was lot stronger then useing magnets alone .
So any usefull information why those washers become magnetised?
What wuld such arangement do to the alternator?
How much nicely you did.....
Very good video indeed.....
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Buen trabajo,pero de pegamento utilizaría tipo caucho de alta resistencia,agarra mas y permite cierta amortiguación,estaría interesante poner en vez de 2 anillos de ferrita dos o tres de neodimio.Recuerde que los grandes edificios utilizan enormes amortiguadores en su base contra terremotos,es el mismo principio del pegamento rígido o usar tipo caucho ultrafuerte pues ya le digo que estoy convencido y seguro, que cuando usted abra el motor de nuevo, es probable que encuentre algún imán roto o parcialmente lados dañados,de no ser así¡Felicidades! Me quito el sombrero señor,a desafiado a la ciencia,luego con esa herramienta,es suficiente para poner y adaptar 12 imanes de neodimio rectangulares de 30×15×5 incluso 30×15×10 según medidas habituales ¡Ojo! Medir antes y si las tres bobinas vienen bifilares, separar bornes de cada bobina en serie tipo pancake Nikola Tesla,serán tres bobinas mitad de potencia pero doblará voltios.Buen trabajo de todas formas.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
@@nelustetco7681 see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
thanxs 4 your vid, what is the voltage it can suport and about how much time?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Tenho um motor de ventoinha que quero colar o imã mas não sei qual é a cola
Tem como me dizer o nome dessa cola
В принципе рабочая схема !магнитное поле есть значит и ток вырабатывать генератор будет !только сила тока будет зависеть от силы постоянных магнитов.
Да, ты прав.
Один мой знакомый выжал около 8 кВт, взяв за основу генератор от ВАЗ 2109, там намотка статора «змейка». При такой намотке получается что, во всех проводах токи сонаправлены. это уменьшает торможение ротора.
Este alternador serviría para hacer una bicicleta eléctrica....?
Very nice idea. Verry useful.
So good~~👍👍👍👍👍
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Nice video, thanks :)
Buatkan skema nya dong dan alat alat nya sekaligus cara penyambungan nya.
Coba tonton video saya yang lain mas, ada beberapa video yang saling berkaitan.
Is it strong enough to move a go kart ?
this one is better :
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Mantap 👍
Qual é o nome da cola que usa da
Epoxy glue.
Thanks for you tutorial next time boss ferfec the best videos you welding work steel
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
I am just about to do this same thing except I got the exact same magnets from a dead microwave! So there's another source of the magnets if anyone doesn't have speakers to salvage.
Kang bekas altenator mobil apa itu ,kalo buat motor listri kuat gak kira kira
Yang di video, torsi kurang kuat. Lebih cocok untuk generator listrik.
Cek video ini, lebih kuat torsinya : th-cam.com/video/tI-UUc8EpYs/w-d-xo.html
wah jadi dinamo magnet permanen ini mah...cuman torsi nya kuat gak mas bro ?
Yang bagus yang magnetnya dibentuk seperti ini : th-cam.com/video/TZY7Ppa5AdU/w-d-xo.html
Yang lebih bagus lagi torsinya yang ini : th-cam.com/video/bi1aV38xKD8/w-d-xo.html
Karena juga alternatornya lebih besar.
Untuk lengkapnya video di link atas, masih sementara saya edit, belum selesai.
@@YudiHermanto4H ok...otw ke tkp
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
3:09 next time you may try baking powder with crazy glue
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Привет! Хорошая идея! У меня есть неодимовый магнит 🧲 дисковый с силой притяжения 100 кг. Может быть попробую такую же игрушку сделать.
Qual é o nome da cola
Mase.. Pengertian yg di hasilkan magnet lebih bnyak sama sedikit itu apa ya ?
Seperti magnet pada dinamo stater motor kan cuma ada 2..nah kalo dibelah tuh di jadiin 4 .. Apa yg terjadi mase
@@BudiSetiawan-iu1ik kalau awalnya 2 (NS) trus dibelah jadi 4 biji dengan urutan jadi NSNS, berarti nambah jumlah kutub/pole magnet. Kalau yang mas maksud dinamo itu motor listrik, nambah pole berarti torsi jadi lebih besar, tapi rpm turun. Dalam artian dengan suplai tegangan sama, diameter kawat email yang sama dan jumlah lilitan yang sama. Ini berlaku secara umum pada motor listrik. Tapi lilitan juga disesuaikan. Jadi, jika itu akan diterapkan pada motor starter, tidak serta merta langsung jadi/berfungsi. Karena model/konfigurasi lilitan juga harus diubah.
@@YudiHermanto4H siap mase.. Jadi intinya torsi jadi nambah cuma rpm jadi turun..
Makasih mas ilmunya
Sukses selalu
@@YudiHermanto4H kalo pengertiannya di generator bukan motor mas..
@@BudiSetiawan-iu1ik ya mas, kadang ada yang nyebutim dinamo padahal yang dimaksud motor listrik. Ada yang bilang dinamo, padahal yang dimaksud alternator/generator listrik. Contoh orang bengkel mobil, ada yang nyebut alternator jadi dinamo atau dinamo pengisian.
Makanya saya seringnya tetep pakai bahasa bakunya 😂😂
O que vai determinar a direção da engrenagem?
You watch this one, the results are better :
Ini tanpa hall sensor ya..kl pakai hall sensor bisa kah?
Bisa, tapi kadang kita sulit penempatan hall nya. Karena tempat tidak memungkinkan. Jadi saya pakai kontroler yang bisa tanpa hall sensor.
@@YudiHermanto4H nach masalah nya saya mau buat yg kerja nya bareng mesin mobil...jd ikut bantu putaran mobil...kayak nya harus pakai hall sensor...supaya sinkron putaran nya ..alias selalu tepat posisi nya
Nice work, can you help me build the right coils for my generator?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Nu inteleg cum se conecteaza la bateriecele 3 faze ale statorului? ..ajutati- ma ,multumesc.
Dacă pentru un generator de încărcare a bateriei, utilizați șase diode. multe scheme pe google, căutați schema trifazată a diodei redresoare. dacă pentru motor fără perii, utilizați driver trifazat pentru motor de c.c. fără perii. Sau voi face un videoclip mai târziu.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Torsi kuat apa ga pak ..?
Yang ini yang torsinya benar2 kuat, mas :
Joooos um👍
Terima kasih mas ☺☺🙏
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Ok felicitari
Pero lo voi a dejar con la cuarteto de diodo para cargar la vateria
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Jenis altenator ape yang kamu gunakan?
Apapun jenis alternator mobil bisa digunakan.
kumparan stator jika di rubah dari yang hubung bintang jadi hubung segitiga efek nya gimana boss
Torsi lebih kuat konsumsi daya lebih besar.rpm turun.panas tu Turun
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
@@hendromarjoko7788 see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Bro,how many voltage as output.
Ceck this video :
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Ini yg sy tunggu muncul juga , kalo buat alternator Suzuki Cary yg 40 Amper kira2 ukuran magnet nya diameter nya brp bos , mksh.
Wahh kurang tau mas, di video ini pertamakali mencoba. Di ukur saja bagian dalam rotornya kira2 berapa. Tanpa bongkar dulu kan bisa, nah cari magnetnya yang lebih kecil sedikit misal kurang 2mm atau lebih 2mm juga tidak apa2. Kalau kelebihan besarnya kan bisa digerinda seperti di video ini 😀😀.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Yo lo elabore y si funciona felicitaciones no como los farsantes gracias
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Cuando los dos imanes se pegan y meterlo al rotor asi funciona yo ya lo probe genera 19.84v yasi carga la bateria es 13.5 ók
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
This wiil generte current. But will not generte high ampere. To generate high ampere neodium magnets must be used. Still idea is verry good.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Mas apakah saya bisa bertanya tentang salah satu karyanya. Jadi saya mahasiswi jurusan fisika dan saya terinspirasi dari video mas ingin membuat salah satunya untuk di seminarkan. Jika mas berkenan untuk membantu saya, apa saya bisa menghubungi mas lewat email, wa, atau salah satu akun sosial. Terimakasih sebelumnya
Boleh mba...silahkan nomor wa nya...nanti saya yang menghubungi duluan. Setela itu nanti komentar yang berisi nomor wa saya hapus untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan.
@@radenayunazia4553 ok mba
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
How much torque
Sorry, I don't have the measuring instrument.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
mas lokasi daerah mana ?
Purbalingga....Jateng, mas MN
@@YudiHermanto4H wih mantap .
saya dari depok jawa barat mas :)
ada kontak ig nda mas ?
@@monsterketek7749 yang sharing/tanya lebih lanjut, biasanya chat via wa mas. Silahkan no wa nya, nanti saya yang chat duluan, barangkali butuh sharing2..😀😀
@@YudiHermanto4H nah itu dia mas , saya butuh tanya tanya tentang bldc inih :D makin penasaran hahah , tapi sayang saya lagi ga ada wa , cuma ada ig aja :(
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
k&j magnetics get a N52 doughnut shaped neodymium magnet. The biggest they make.
How much torque ?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
bhai bina controller ke kaise chlegi
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Éste sistema no es buen generador,produce poco,luego tiende a romper el imán,es quebradizo, aunque esté bien sujeto,debe ser ajustado muy bien,algo fuera del alcance del 90 % de los replicadores por la razón que sea.Algo que si funciona y será seguro,👉🎇 desmontar el eje,realizar un nucleo de nylon o aluminio en torno mecanizado,instalar 12 imanes o montar 12 triangulos con imanes circulares de neodimio,por ejemplo,tipo cilindro de 5x5 milímetros,yo en mi caso por conocimientos de aquella manera🤭,me permito jugar con distintos tipos de imanes y demás variables🤷♂️¡Todos producen muchísima energía🎇🎇!😂,luego,ajustar dejando un margen mínimo posible sin que se dañe,entre imanes y estator de 1.5 a 2.5 milímetros máximo,ayudarse de hilo fuerte de pesca para sujetar los imanes al rotor de nylon o aluminio,añadir pegamento sobre el hilo ligeramente,tipo resistente de contacto(evitar salgan despedidos),barnizar con barniz eléctrico, imanes (Oxidan)y el hilo 🎇👉 por supuesto,quitar el regulador para que no limite el voltaje a 14.5v.Aproximadamente y entregue mucho mas, si son vuestras necesidades¡Claro! No superar mas de 1000rpm/min para obtener mas tensión🙈Por ejemplo,en un coche 👉 de no tener regulador supera bastante los 50 v.¡Aviso importante ! Nunca instalar motores modificados con imanes en coches ¡ROMPERÁN Y EXPLOTARÁN seguro antes de los primeros 100 metros ! Además CERCA DE LA ZONA DE COMBUSTIBLE EN COCHES ANTERIORES AL AÑO 2000 !🥶Solo aquellos que han pasado un control adecuado para tal fin 🙏🕊️
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Yo tengo también 6 cables y no se como juntarlos
@@FranciscoAguilar-rk6pm puedes hacer maravillas,aunque según sea el propósito.Si fuese para un generador para mayor voltaje,en su caso creo son tres bobinas bifilares,poner en serie cada bifilar y queda aumentado el voltaje,para usar como motor tiene la ventaja que sufre menos el controlador de motor,hay un sistema simple,se unen los tres cables de las tres bobinas,por ejemplo,el derecho de cada bobina se empatan juntos los tres cables,quedan los otros tres libres, que se pueden conectar a un controlador de motor de tres fases¡Ojo! La potencia puede ser importante la del controlador.Creo y es una opción posible, puede usar controladores potentes o adaptarle mosfets potentes para funcionar el alternador.O comprar un controlador de tres fases completo .Estoy suponiendo que el alternador tiene imanes pero no me gusta el sistema del video ,es inestable por muchas razones y por rotura sujeta al subir de velocidad baja🙏
Itu kabel yg untuk swit on off yg mana mas?
Itu kabel power suplainya kan ada tiga, merah besar, merah kecil dan hitam. Kalau mau memfungsikan kontak/saklar, kabel merah kecil dihubungkan ke kabel merah besar.
@@YudiHermanto4H siap mas.. Sy coba langsung mak byoor..
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Really or fake
Real work, but not too much power.
how can i run this motor without controller
Had to use a controller, I used an e-bike controller.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Berapa Watt bang???
Kalau sesuai spesifikasi aslinya 200 watt.
Kalau yang ini lebih real watt nya :
how many volts and watts does it produce
More than 12V, according to the rpm of the player.
More than 200W.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
@Random see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
How much Watts
I don't have a measuring instrument. But it is able to turn on two car lights 100w each.
@@YudiHermanto4H 👍
Thanks for your replay
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
But pure tehnocaly what if you use magnets and force them together oposite poles wuld that not create 2x south reluctor polarity ore 2x north reluctor tuth polarity? I belive the magnet power wuld increase as well .So now instead of atracting magnet and steel the steel tuth and stator core are atracting together basicaly . That experiment was first recorded from men named Joe who build Joe cells.
Im not shure but I belive even wires culd by added to rotor makeing that dual out put generator basicaly.
And those are just ferite crap neo magnets are lot stronger if they are opose polarity forced then the steel 2 peaces are atracted heavely . Im not shure but wuld that not do the same thing residual magnetism culd theoreticaly still produce curent in copper wire ?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Can you proof read your message, and add punctuation? As you trying to say that if he loaded the magnets opposite in the rotor it would make double the power? If that is your comment I believe you are incorrect. The magnetic field is effective because the fingers in the rotor break up the magnetic field and in a serve chase the current around the wires in the coil. That's how it spins. With the two magnets opposing each other would not matter as they do need to chase the current as it goes through the wire. I'm not entirely sure but I think you would just get heat as the opposite forces would try to spin opposite directions, and so not spin at all. the opposed magnets would fight each other one going one way, the other trying to go opposite. You were get no motor it generation n if energy instead it would get hot and lock in place. As you said if you used neo magnets that are stronger you would get more out of it. So putting 2 magnets together makes it stronger. The coil acts as a opposing force to either generate power or if you add power to the coil then it makes it a motor. It's either positive or negative or north and south. If your rotor is both then your being even more inefficient. There is not a third pole. Thicker wire and more of it, and/or stronger magnetic force are your only two ways to get more from this design. Ask he's doing is replacing the inner electro magnet with a permanent magnet. And neo magnet pub but the best option since there can't stand a lot of heat. Heavy use if that was made with n52s wit be good until about 150 degrees. Then slow down until the last but it magnetic for was gone. Maybe a week n34 would last longer and be b better than a ferrite magnet. But the ferrite also gains energy with is weight and centrifuge force. The heavier it is the less it will need to keep going. More work to start. But once it's going have its better. A really heavy motor use for a scooter with be great if it starts from the initial human power to start to roll
Rpm ?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
I salute you and everyone ... but seems that all of you are missing something...
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
@@chopchoptenfold8805 see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Friend and the north and south not have or so not run nooo
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Helo dear. First you should know about the poles of a cylindrical magnet then you post the video. This is non sense. How can it generate electricity without magnetic flux cutting across the conductors.
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Con eso no te da ni para cargar el móvil
Ногти просто ужасные ! Проблема с ногтями ?
Pls show the video clearly?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
Идея хорошая, но ногти!.......
The speaker magnet of generater produce only milli amps and low volt,,useless video...
As per my youtube channel name. Whether you want to try it or not, it's up to the viewer. At least this can be an alternative for people who do not have a lot of funds. Or it could be for reference material for those who have the same project.
Ok, thank's.
Try watching this one :
Why that dumb music cant watch the video
Aynisini ben yaptim manyetik alani olusmuyo boşa uğraşmayin
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html
output zero voltage this is a fake generator
You haven't tried, or really can't?
see this video maybe it will help you in your projects ::::::: th-cam.com/video/2F78rWju3D4/w-d-xo.html