Has anyone tried to use SortableJS in Maui Blazor? I have it working on the Windows platform. But can't get sorting to work on any other platform. The javascript breaks when it gets to this line: component.invokeMethodAsync('OnUpdateJS', event.oldDraggableIndex, event.newDraggableIndex);
So I have been struggling with the whole JSInterop stuff. Did you cover this topic much on any other videos?
This came in clutch today. Was attempting my own thing with sortableJs and so thank you!
Anyway to incorporate a Datagrid row (either from Msoft's Quickgrid or another) into the SortableItemTemplate?
There is a fork of this functionality from AlexNek called BlazorSortableList and it works also with nested lists
How about blazor maui?
how can i extract the index of an item in the list?
Epic, would this work with nested lists?
There is a fork of this functionality: AlexNek/BlazorSortableList and it works also with nested lists
great stuff!
Awesome, ty!
Even their devs know it's better than windows.
Hot Reload? Someone out there?
Has anyone tried to use SortableJS in Maui Blazor? I have it working on the Windows platform. But can't get sorting to work on any other platform. The javascript breaks when it gets to this line: component.invokeMethodAsync('OnUpdateJS', event.oldDraggableIndex, event.newDraggableIndex);
I have tried it in our MAUI Blazor project and it works correctly. I have used nuget package: AlexNek/BlazorSortableList
Looks good but I hate that it's 100% JavaScript. Kind of defeats the purpose of using Blazor, no?
Well the component logic is an invoke to the javascript library, that is the point of the component so it is in C# :)
Lol, once the component is built, it's 100% C# to use.