※このタイムスタンプは絶叫だけをまとめたものなので本編鑑賞後にご視聴下さい (Please watch this scream timestamp after watching the main movie.) 【絶叫タイムスタンプ Scream Timestamp】1/10~1/11 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 6:58 ①開始早々 (Right from the start) 12:14 ② トイレの中に,,, (Ghost in the toilet) 15:49 ③物音(Noise) 21:40 ④トイレの扉 (Toilet door) 23:44 ⑤木の異変 (Tree anomaly) 30:47 ⑥水飲み場 (Drinking fountain) 31:08 ⑦公衆電話 (Public telephone) 33:40 ⑧自動販売機 (Vending machines) 37:50 ⑨物音(Noise) 40:20 ⑩物音(Noise) 41:57 ⑪サッカーボール (Soccer ball) 49:52 ⑫見上げると,,, (Looking up) 51:34 ⑬血(blood) 1:00:12 ⑭⑮連続 (continuous) 1:02:04 ⑯⑰「はーい🙋」 1:02:25 ⑱トイレ後の物音 (Noises after using the toilet) 1:08:34 ⑲こたつ (Kotatsu) 1:09:39 ⑳幽霊? (Human or ghost?) 1:10:14 ㉑物音(Noise) 1:11:40 ㉒さっきの女? (A person or ghost that just appeared) 1:15:13 ㉓物音の真相 (The truth behind the noise) 1:16:10 ㉔マイキー1 (Mikey) 1:17:26 ㉕マイキー2 (Mikey) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー (おまけ bonus) 29:09 「全然可愛くない」 (I meant to say that MUZU is not scary, but I mistakenly said that it is not cute.) 47:48 🎵おそらくすいみん不足 53:05 カワボ(Cute voice) 1:03:28 まりも鑑定士 (MUZU is knowledgeable about where mold grows)
Thank you for the screams
That was a fun game
Have a good night
(Please watch this scream timestamp after watching the main movie.)
【絶叫タイムスタンプ Scream Timestamp】1/10~1/11
6:58 ①開始早々
(Right from the start)
12:14 ② トイレの中に,,,
(Ghost in the toilet)
15:49 ③物音(Noise)
21:40 ④トイレの扉
(Toilet door)
23:44 ⑤木の異変
(Tree anomaly)
30:47 ⑥水飲み場
(Drinking fountain)
31:08 ⑦公衆電話
(Public telephone)
33:40 ⑧自動販売機
(Vending machines)
37:50 ⑨物音(Noise)
40:20 ⑩物音(Noise)
41:57 ⑪サッカーボール
(Soccer ball)
49:52 ⑫見上げると,,,
(Looking up)
51:34 ⑬血(blood)
1:00:12 ⑭⑮連続
1:02:04 ⑯⑰「はーい🙋」
1:02:25 ⑱トイレ後の物音
(Noises after using the toilet)
1:08:34 ⑲こたつ
1:09:39 ⑳幽霊?
(Human or ghost?)
1:10:14 ㉑物音(Noise)
1:11:40 ㉒さっきの女?
(A person or ghost that just appeared)
1:15:13 ㉓物音の真相
(The truth behind the noise)
1:16:10 ㉔マイキー1
1:17:26 ㉕マイキー2
(おまけ bonus)
29:09 「全然可愛くない」
(I meant to say that MUZU is not scary, but I mistakenly said that it is not cute.)
47:48 🎵おそらくすいみん不足
53:05 カワボ(Cute voice)
1:03:28 まりも鑑定士
(MUZU is knowledgeable about where mold grows)