Not possible perpetually for many people....illness can get in the way for one thing. I managed to do mine last year finishing January of this year. At least one Friday last year I was using a wheelchair due to foot surgery recovery (no weight wearing on foot).
Yeah I've not been able to do it. I'm an hour and half away from my parish and also take care of my elderly mother and still work. And still recovering from a broken ankle.
@@christopherpavesi7245 still over an hour away for me. And when the Mass is at 8am. I would have to leave around 6am and get up and do all my morning chores by 3am
Your channel should be in every Catholic’s top 10. Sad to say, NOTHING good comes out of the Vatican these days. We all need to pray for the Church and the return of a holy Pope.
Anthony Stine suggested your Channel. Thank you for your insights. I couldn’t agree more! More contempt of Tradition is certainly woven into that document. 😢
Actually go read the document, I'm on paragraph 124 and it's absolutely beautiful and well balanced. This guy is not Catholic he's trying to make you despise the Holy Father it's covert anticatholicism.
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in thee. May this stunt by Bergoglio backfire and bring back a great renewal of the nine first Friday devotion!
I would prefer to know what’s on your mind than to hear others parroting the latest. Your analysis of the elimination of the “Last gospel” in the New Order was very introspective. It was very telling to me of the hierarchy following the synagogue. Ave Mara
@@catholicesquireYou're in an echo chamber. You will be judged for slandering the Holy Father, you're no better than a modernist because your daily bread is the same as the modernists : Use the name Catholic, while undermining the Living Magisterium. According to your works, if you do not make a public repentance, you will receive.
Just listened to Anthony Stine. Subscribed immediately to your site. I have been a life long devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am so pleased to see you have revealed so well the reality of this new assault on Our Lord. Looking forward to following you.😍
Re: reparation and St. Thereze, I read in her autobiography that as she was travelling in Rome with her father, (to ask Pope Leo XIII for a dispensation to enter the Carmel of Lisieux at the age of 15) she remarked on the laxity of so many priests in their demeanor and devotion. From that time on, she made a promise to always make reparation for them, through adoration of the Sacred Face of Our Lord. This is the reason why her full religious name is St. Thereze of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Her mother superior made a declaration for her (Thereze's) canonization, stating: ''However tender was her devotion to the Child Jesus, it cannot be compared to the devotion which she had for the Holy Face.'' In conclusion: the DEVOTION to THE HOLY FACE of OUR LORD JESUS, is the devotion for our times, which will repair the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences that offend the Holy Trinity. The 'Golden Arrow Prayer' is a prayer of reparation, dictated by Our Lord Himself to a Carmelite nun in France, in the mid 1800s, Sr. Marie de St. Pierre, to whom the Holy Face Devotion was made known: ''May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible, most innefable name of God, be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar. Amen.'' Please research The Holy Face Devotion and join in making the reparation needed for our times. ''Eternal Father, we offer Thee the Holy Face of Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust and spittle, in reparation for the crimes of Communists, blasphemers and for the profaners of Thy Holy Name and of the Holy Day of Sunday.'' 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for articulating the connection so well! I do this every Friday ❤ I didn't think that others do this also. I'm really old and just assumed everyone knew.
Anthony Stine sent me here! Others will follow! He said we need to change your 5.5 thousand viewers to much more than that! Ave Maria ✝️🛐🙏❤ 💝💖 Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us 🙏
What comes to my mind initially is 1. Judas’s criticism of Mary Magdeline’s pouring the expensive substances on Our Lord’s feet and washing his feet with her hair. 2. Mary’s complaint to Jesus that her sister’s sitting at His feet and listening to him rather than helping her with the corporal work of preparation of the meal she was preparing. 3. And the fact that Jesus didn’t go about relieving EVERY person of their poverty or illness in his time of walking this earth. (they needed to suffer for a reason known only to Him.) 4. Anyone who hasn’t read St Therese “Story of a Soul” has missed out on a treasure! I call her my first little Saint because she truly opened my eyes to the Spiritual life! Francis has lost the plot.
ST. TERESA OF LISIEUX: “It is not because I have been preserved from serious sin that I lift up my heart to God in trust and love. I am certain that even if I had on my conscience every imaginable sin, I should lose nothing of my confidence, but would throw myself, my heart broken with sorrow, into the arms of my Savior.”
@@Justyouraverageguy172Fraternal love is a relativistic love. It is love defined by our brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ NOT required.
There’s real Christian love of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” preached by the French Revolution (a thoroughly Freemason-driven movement) wants a brotherhood of man without the fatherhood of God.
I'm hopeful that thousands and thousands of faithful and sincere Catholics and maybe non-Catholics shall take it upon themselves to find and read the original revelations and promises regarding the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Life of St Margaret Mary.
Satan appears beautiful to those who do not recognize him for who he is. Jesus gave us specific guidelines for good reason, and not only for devotion to His Sacred Heart, but the authority of the Church, and salvation. If we do not respond to Him with love *and* obedience, we belittle and reject His authority. Francis seemingly despises any requirement that we participate in our relationship with Christ, instead preferring a delusional, inverted and self-centered theology that God is there to please and obey us.
The Encyclical states that "Acts of love of neighbour, with the renunciation, self-denial, suffering and effort that they entail, can only be such when they are nourished by Christ’s own love." He quotes Charles De Foucauld thus: “I desire sufferings in order to return love for love, to imitate him… to enter into his work, to offer myself with him, the nothingness that I am, as a sacrifice, as a victim, for the sanctification of men”. He defends Corporal Love of neighbor saying: "Although “the sacrifice offered on the cross in loving obedience renders most abundant and infinite satisfaction for the sins of mankind”, the Church, born of the heart of Christ, prolongs and bestows, in every time and place, the fruits of that one redemptive passion, which lead men and women to direct union with the Lord." He proclaims the necessity of Jesus for true Charity: "The emperor thus insisted on the need to create charitable institutions to compete with those of the Christians and thus gain the respect of society... Julian [The Apostate] did not achieve his objective, no doubt because underlying those works there was nothing comparable to the Christian charity that respected the unique dignity of each person." He has a whole section on Compunction and Consolation He says "believers who fail to live in accordance with their faith “are crucifying again the Son of God” (Heb 6:6)" He says "the acts we now offer for his consolation, also transcending time, touch his wounded heart. " He says " it cannot be doubted that at the same time he derived some solace from our reparation" He says " It is fitting to recover one particular aspect of the spirituality that has accompanied devotion to the heart of Christ, namely, the interior desire to offer consolation to that heart." There are innumerable other quotes which show his desire to revitalize true love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. His section on "social reparation" is very brief and is very clearly not the focus. I agree it is cringe, maybe even misguided. But certainly not uncommon. I could give you a hundred bishops who have done the same things in past centuries, and probably a few dozen popes. A Pope who likes making other people happy by apologizing is not a sign of Diabolical or even malicious insurrection in the papacy. To find that, look to the numerous Cardinals who are openly way less devout than Pope Francis. By bearing false witness against the Roman Pontiff, you commit a grave offense. I do not know if you have sinned thus, but I urge you to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St Philomena, and ask both Holy Virgins to grant you the grace of humility. Quick judgements lead to a quick damnation, ignorant claims about something you clearly know nothing about is a sure way to imprudence. Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, miserere nobis.
@@LeviSmail Stating the truth isn't false witness, and especially not when I said "Francis seemingly...." Did you not read what I wrote before presuming to judge? In Dilexit Nos, as the presenter here specifically pointed out, there is no mention of the Kingship of Christ over all men, as was central to the devotion, and the Catholic faith, prior to the apostasy of Vatican 2. Among many heretical comments, including denying Extra Ecclessiam nulla salus three times, Francis consistently fails to mention Biblical and dogmatic sins in context with the need for penance for the sake of salvation. It is always in a watered down social justice context, focused on mercy without contrition, common of modern Jesuits. He cites a return of Jansensism several times out of context, and clearly to point at traditional Catholics, as there is no evidence of a return of true Jansesism among faithful Catholics, though that is his most frequent target of such accusations. I advised following the Sacred Heart Devotion as given by Our Lord. At best, to suggest otherwise will lead to a false, fruitless devotion. At worst, it is a grave offense against Our Lord's divine authority. Satan has lured many into his false imitation of Catholicism where there is no salvation. He wants us to heretical prelates and has twisted the concept of divine authority in the minds and hearts of far too many Catholics who will rush to the defense of Francis, but not Christ the King. It is through a false obedience to men that Satan will lead many souls away from worshiping Our Lord and onto the broad path to Hell.
@@LeviSmailNice try, but a heretic and someone who does not defend, but denigrates and deprecates the Catholic Faith, cannot measure up as a valid Pope. This work by Bergoglio bristles with all the usual overweening, Baroque flourishes and trimmings adorning a Bergoglian cake. You can have that cake, but I won't eat it. Now go ahead, and continue in your attempt of making silk purse out of a sows ear.
I get it. He is subtly implying that there is a tradeoff between personal sanctification and charity/justice toward our neighbors (as opposed to the traditional notion that we grow in love toward both God and our neighbor when we are transformed by the Holy Spirit). He even implies that devotion to God has caused harm to society in the past ("... the streams of living water that can heal the hurt that we have caused ..."). That is truly diabolical. Thank you for sharing your analysis.
Thank you. As you make clear there is a gradual leading away of the importance of a spiritual relationship with the sacred Heart of Jesus in this document. All of us are aware of the need for corporal works of mercy and for that to be our natural way of being in relationship with others, which is through and because of our closeness to Jesus.
I started reading the Encyclical, but it's 65 pages long! So I'll have to read it when I have enough time. But what you have said doesn't surprise me, Brogolio uses the Hegelian Dialectic as a substitute for reason.
I've gotta criticize your argument about St. Therese. If you actually read the letter Pope Francis references, Therese nor the Holy Father in any way criticizes the desire of martyrdom or penance as wrong or bad insofar as making it "all about just loving and being loved." It is actually an extremely profound point that, if one does not grasp, their path to salvation is at the very least greatly hindered. The entire point of her letter is that, by resting your spiritual identity in any of these good acts other than a pure humility and spiritual poverty in the confidence in the mercy of God, you will be imperfect. Having desires for penance of any kind is not what makes any person spiritually great: "My desires for martyrdom are nothing, they are not what gives me the unlimited confidence that I feel in my heart." Rather it is God's mercy. Read what Therese's sister wrote, in part, to her to prompt this: "Like the young man in the Gospel, a certain feeling of sadness came over me, in view of your extraordinary desires for martyrdom. That is the proof of your love; yes, you possess love, but I myself! No, never will you make me believe that I can attain this desired goal, for I dread all that you love. This is a proof that I do not love Jesus as you do." Notice how Therese's sister is suggesting that the desire for martyrdom is evidence of proof of God's love for her -- true perhaps -- but she goes further in suggesting that she will never be as great, nor love God as much, because she lacks this desire. The Holy Father's interpretation here is spot on. St. Therese is refuting the notion that desire for martyrdom alone is the ultimate proof of her being loved and loving Christ. (and by implication, any act of extreme penance -- this is because her Sister wrote Therese this letter in response to hearing Therese had a huge desire for martyrdom, penances, prayer for all, etc., after hearing a talk from a priest on retreat). St. Therese is saying, as is the Holy Father, that our ultimate and only sure confidence, and thus knowledge of being loved, comes from the theological virtue of Hope: confidence in the great mercy of God in light of our spiritual poverty. That alone, which is receiving the love of the Father through Christ, is what gives us confidence, not a desire for any particular spiritual good, and certainly not a pride in our own actions. The Holy Father does not denigrate any acts of penance with his words, nor does St. Therese; rather, they place them in the proper order of charity. You can only do true works of penance when enraptured by charity through humble submission to God's confidence. You can only be enraptured by charity when you become humble and submit yourselves to the one Hope of all: the Cross of Christ and the manifest mercy of God. If you really want to truly desire martyrdom, you first must be truly humble and submit to God's mercy. This isn't even that new anyway. St. Thomas clearly teaches that the value of satisfaction for sins is ultimately in accordance with the degree of charity one possesses. Even for one who has sinned much, by possessing great charity, the smallest act of satisfaction atones for great things. It's why St. Therese says even if she were the worse sinner she would not worry, and it is why the Holy Bible says "charity covereth a multitude of sins." If you are wondering where I learned this: much of this came from Discalced Carmelite Friars who were giving expository talks on St. Therese and this letter in particular. Here is a link to the letter of St. Therese:
@@patrickmelling8404It’s not about being a Jesuit. It’s about being an enemy of the Church. Bergoglio is basically a supporter of Democracy, which is frontally opposed to Christian theocracy. His God is Man, in other words the "god" of the Masonic lodges.
With all due respect, neither of these replies are a real argument against this document, and are probably born of hatred for the Church. Open disdain for legitimate Church leadership, what scripture calls "party spirit," (which is VERY DIFFERENT than legitimate criticism, 2 Tim 2:25) from the laity is a grave sin (Gal 5:20 RSVCE2).
ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, in her spiritual dialogue, while praying before the tabernacle, said: “Jesus, you can love me with great love, and I can only love you with small love.” But Jesus said to her: “I have made it possible for you to love me with great love. I have put you among neighbors. I have placed your neighbor at your side. Whatever you do for your neighbors, you do for me. When you go to them, you go to me.” Catherine, full of joy went out running to a hospital to visit the sick and to care for them. She was full of joy because she knew that running to her neighbors, she was running to Jesus. Visiting them she was visiting Jesus. Loving them, she was loving Jesus. And she said, “Now I can love Jesus with great love!” ST. CAJETAN started a congregation of clergy called the Oratory of Divine Love, and he founded hospitals for incurables. St. Cajetan told his brothers, “In our oratory (or chapel) we try to serve God by worship; but it is in our hospital that we actually find him.”
I would say he sounded Protestant, but he doesn't require that Christ is the Way, Truth & Life. Soon the saints will be dropped and NEW environmental saints or people whether Catholic or not, will be put in their place. The Rosary will go next. Mark my words! Canonized while alive ~ Saint Bill Gates, Saint Alex & George Soros, Saint King Charles 3, Saint Bono
The rosary is already warped and mostly replaced: Woytijla's new 5 decades and his problematic support for Faustina "Divine Mercy", which many people do instead of rosary.
Thanks for drilling down into this. I saw the document but had not read it. I know PF signed off on this, but I wonder who did the research and writing. That "fraternal love" sounds like Freemasonry.
I doubt the faithful will read or use this whole document per se , but it may well increase the interest in the true devotion to the Sacred Heart. I remember when Francis declared a Year of Mercy , which originally seemed to be about mercy devoid of repentance but then priests intrinsically saw the opportunity to preach on confession and suddenly confession was in again. The morning offering says , “ Oh my Jesus , through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers , works , joys and sufferings of this day , in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world for the intentions of your Sacred Heart; Reparation for sin, the salvation of souls and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of the Holy Father and especially those of my associates , through Christ our Lord , Amen.” It is such a powerful prayer that makes everything in your day valuable for souls. There is so much richness in the devotion to the Sacred Heart, this encyclical will not be able to dilute it. Watch as books , podcasts, sermons etc. on the True devotion to the Sacred Heart explode .
The confusion caused by the current pope has inspired us to learn our Faith more deeply. So too with his calling attention to devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the 12 promises that Jesus grants to those who do the 9 First Friday series devitiin in spite of what Pope Francis is trying to do here. Rbt Moynahan on his Urbi et Orbi podcast will be interviewing Henry Sire, author of The Dictator Pope who will reveal the character of Bergoglio, the “Peronista Pope.” who talks out of both sides about f his mouth-no clarity, just confusion!
These redefinitions to meet the needs of modern sensibilities will naturally change as the modern world changes. Thanks to ReturnToTradition for steering me to your discussion. I’ve been a subscriber for a little while, but I don’t often visit your channel. For that I apologize.
I myself have experienced the reality of the watering down of the Catholic faith even in the priesthood. During one of my confessions I was very reluctant but I asked the priest or more or less told him that I feel sorrowful for offending God with my sins and the priest immediately told me that he didn't understand why I thought that way because you can't offend God. I explained to him that as a child in catechism the nuns explained to me that Jesus suffers because of her sins and the priest apologized to me and said that he was sorry that I was taught incorrect information.
Aren't we supposed to take care of the log jam in our own eyes first before we remove the splinter in our neighbors eyes? (paraphrasing Matthew 7:3-5) Are we to stop this devotion which started in the 1670s and then added to the church calendar by Pope Pius IX in 1856 for the very recent divine mercy devotion? Francis continues to confuse the laity. Thank you for this video.
This was fantastic! I so appreciate your helping us to better understand the traditional devotion to the Sacred Heart and the actual apparition of Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary. The ideas of Pope Francis and his bringing into question our own devotion and attempts to console and give reparation to the Sacred Heart for our sins and the sins of others, by which we offend the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is just so confusing! His covert suggestion that we are Jansenists or otherwise in heresy for our devotions certainly targets our beliefs and practices.
I am at a point where even if Bergoglio said something mildly Catholic, I would be 100% sure that he was doing it for the purposes of harming the Church in some surreptitious way. His true master compels him thus.
Exactly right. It’s all part of his Peronism: he’ll try to play both sides and throw us some red meat occasionally to appease and throw us off his stench.
@@jefffinkbonner9551 I pray that most Catholics realize what is being done by the Pope to the Church, sooner rather than later, because if not, nothing short of Divine Intervention will fix this mess. But Bergoglio already stated that he wants a mess, so... He has aligned himself with "the powers that be", that is to say, with globalists and with their goals. During the pAnDeMiC he shut down all Catholic churches across the World to prove his allegiance to them, he told Catholics to get the vaccine, just like his United Nation pals asked him to do. He is pushing gender ideology, lgbtqp, blm, mass muslim immigration into the West, feminism, anti-capitalism, woke activism, etc. knowing that a majority of Catholics will not question him. His reluctance to punish serious offenders like McCarrick or Rupnik is solely for the purposes of tarnishing the Church's reputation as moral authority in the world and giving more fodder to the leftist mob, so that when they proceed to burn down Churches (like in Canada), he appeases them and puts on the feather hat making himself and Catholicism a laughing stock, just like they want. He is now in the process of undermining the power of his own papacy and for all future popes. The synod's end game is a Christ-less Church, emptied of all Catholic Traditions, a safe space for Agenda 2030 to unfold, which is why he opposes the Latin Mass so fervently. You see, he disguises his destructive force, because it makes the destruction more effective and keeps popesplainers "scratching their heads" while they defend him with a straight face. Distraction, Dissimulation, Destruction. That's the Bergoglian trinity. Traditional Catholics are such a minuscule group that only there does he feel confident showing his hand, as he is sure there will be no repercussions for him. In everything else he is Machiavellian and diplomatic. We have a pope. The kind of pope that the enemies of the Church have been anxiously awaiting for at least a few centuries. He is an intelligent man, there's no denying it, which is why I consider it impossible that all this chaos in the Church is not deliberate. Incompetence? No, it's not incompetence, it's malevolence. It saddens me to say it, to write it, but that's the bitter truth. May any faithful Catholic reading this not be scandalized but instead confront the crisis with the wisdom of God guiding his mind and God's mercy guiding his heart. Pray for me, I will pray for you. May our Church and Catholicism be restored once and forever everywhere. Amen.
@@jefffinkbonner9551 His devotion is for the globalists, he proved his loyalty to them during 2020 by shutting down the Catholic Church. Then, he further virtue signaled his unwavering allegiance to them by telling Catholics to take the "magic potion". Sure, he has to say or do something vaguely Christian once in a while for the sake of appearances but as far as I'm concerned he is exactly the kind of pope that the enemies of the Church have been awaiting for at least a few centuries. All the chaos in the Church is deliberate. It's not incompetence but malevolence.
Reparation is totally missing in this lousy document. Why? Because God is not the center of everything to Francis. The sacred Heart of Jesus is God centered. For 60yrs actual church teaching has disappeared within the church.
15:00. The 2 great commandments are to love God AND your Neighbor. Pope Francis is reminding us of the later, not rejecting the former. So reactionary.
I was given a copy of the Manual of the Sacred Heart years ago (from a Eudist). It's from the 19th century but remains a central aid to me and my family.
Thanks for doing the work and reviewing this. In our day, the path is narrow, more so than ever. The Fatima prayers are meant to pray for other in this time. I. E. By the infinite merrits of the sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary etc.etc. .this document seems to say, don't worry about staying in a State of Grace. More confusion and word salads to scatter the flock. Pax Christi
It’s all naturalism. This life is all there is. That is why you always have divert all your efforts to easing the material deficit of the poor. You can’t actually make reparation to God; because that would be a waste. I personally have been devoted to the Sacred Heart. What they are doing really bothers me. It invalidates my devotion.
Its a con job. Its also being used to squash Trad Mass which he thinks doesnt need to be taken seriously. He seems confused when saying Trads are obsessed with flesh when that's the main discussion coming out of the Vatican since he supposedly became pope. Who really wrote this document? "Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. Lord, show us Thy Face and we shall be saved." Is this the first time Francis/Bergoglio spoke of Jesus?❤🕊
The title translates to “He loved us.” I’m no Latin scholar, I’m genuinely curious here. If God is an eternal being and has an eternal burning love for us, why the past tense, “lovED?” Is this just a Latin translation thing that I’m failing to comprehend?
As someone who has a minor concentration in Latin, yes it’s a Latin language thing using the past perfect stem of the verb in the current tense. Francis does not use the verb stem to say in the passive tense and language at all “We were loved by God” but Francis uses the active voice past tense of “God loved us (in the beginning)” still does and will continue to love us. Latin also omits words a lot since the meaning is implied. Of course this guy doesn’t know Latin and is calling that a problem just because he hates Francis and V 2 living as a heretic.
@@VirginMostPowerfull Why don’t you worry about your own intentions and salvation? My question was out of genuine curiosity and members of CE’s audience provided insightful answers. Of course within those answers here we have it, some judgment and fake piety. Since you are so concerned about my intentions, here goes - I don’t really care what the document says. I’m not wasting my time reading anything that comes out of what used to be the “Holy Office.” I already know that Francis and friends are trying to dismantle the eternal Catholic Church in the name of a made up word, “synodality.” The document was likely written by the renowned pervert, Fernández. I already have a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I’ll continue that and continue reading the writings of St.Margaret Mary Alacoque. We have ~2000 years of writings from holy popes and saints, all of which align, have the same message, and 100% do not contradict. There are not enough hours in the day to read all of the books that we know to be holy and true. I have no desire to read the “latest trend” coming from Rome, I’ll rely on the Catholic Esquire and Anthony Stein to get the “gist.” I’ve had enough of the accusations and infighting from those who put their head in the sand and pretend that an elephant isn’t standing in the room. My disgust goes the other direction as well, to those who claim that “Novus Ordo people aren’t Catholic.” Stop it. Both sides. People do the best they can with the information they have and the physical churches and priests they have access to. The church is in a state of emergency. Wake up! Stop pointing fingers and fighting with one another.
You could find online still a prayer book I have myself, it was my grandmother's and has such beautiful prayers and very clear explanations. It is called, ' The Treasury of the Sacred Heart' I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Start by reading Pope Francis' encyclical, I'm on paragraph 124 and still going. Don't buy into this YTbers anticatholicism against the Holy Father, actually read it for yourself.
I’m sorry but I have just tuned out Pope Francis at this point. He is dismantling all that it beautiful in the church. I’m sticking with writings of saints, mystics, previous popes, the Bible, good Catechism and channels like this. I have done both 1st Fridays and Saturdays and continue to do so.
Pope Pius XI: ...all true followers of Christ...suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals...through its Supreme Pastor the Roman Pontiff, who is himself guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Some criticism of Borgollio's ON THE HUMAN AND DIVINE LOVE that I think should be made. Chapter I: Cites the virulent Anti-Catholic, Dostoevsky. No Pre V2 Pope would be citing a novel of an openly anti Catholic author. 12 Promotes humanistic worldliness which disregards the essential uniqueness of man's soul. 21 Advocates for nationality/ethnic indiffrentism. 22 Advocates that fulfillment as man is love of self and not of knowing God. 23 The entire purpose of the philosopher, as Justin Martyr explains is to know God more. The idea that the philosopher is seperate from a faithful servant of God is a modernist definition of the stated goal of philosophy. 25 Borgollio contradicts his previous point in 25 by citing Bonaventure who taught that faith is in the intellect. Therefore the saint is stating that philosophy and faith are inseparable. 26 Promulgated more V2 "we are the world, everyone hold hands, mother earth" nonsense. 29 Chapter II: Suggests there is no hierarchy between Man and God. 34 Takes John 8:11 out of context when he excludes the portion, "Go, and from now on do not sin any more". Emphasizing that Borgollio is more concerned with only forgiving sins, rather than only forgiving sinners as long as they no longer sin in the future. 35 "as a mother would do" is a bizarre statement to make when speaking of Christ's acts of healing. This may be stated as a possible nod to the bizarre modernist heresy that "God is a woman". 36 Chapter III: Makes a statement that suggests indiffrentism, in so much that the heart is universally recognized as a symbol of affection. This is inaccurate as it ignores how Christians view the heart differently then how a Pagan would view the heart. Borgollio, like all liberal modernists, is projecting his notion of the symbol of the heart via a Christian understanding onto what he views as the "Noble Savage". His placation to universal truths infact undermine the uniquely Catholic perspective of the dignity of the human heart. 53 "Yet we cannot attain our fulfillment as human beings unless we open our hearts to others; only through love do we become fully ourselves." This is false and misleading, we cannot atain fulfillment in this life and the only way for man to be fulfilled in the next lift is by opening our hearts to God in the current life. This is not to say we should be cruel or indifferent to our fellow man, but it is to say that to love God more so than man is our purpose. 59 Borgollio reiterates the modernist belief that Philosophy and Theology are distinct from one another. His statement would be correct if he clarified, as past Popes have, that "absolute reason" and "absolute logic" (as claimed by the heretical Modern) are at odds with Faith. 63
Surely, we are living in the last days. Dear faithful, keep the Holy Catholic Faith, trust in our King, Jesus Christ, and live our lives as true Catholics, and pray for those in error 😢.
Do you believe that Catholics are obliged to believe in a particular instance of private revelation? And if so, how do you reconcile that with orthodox catholic doctrine?
Everyone should read "20 Holy Hours" by Fr. Matteo Crawley-Boevey. It is a beautiful first Friday devotional meditation. Also," The Holy Hour of Reparation" prayer booklet by Soul Assurance Prayer Plan published 1945. Everyone Please share these resources to renew Devotion to the Sacred Heart! ❤❤❤
I am a devotee of the Sacred Heart in the Philippines. Where could I find and read this 20 Holy Hours and the Holy Hour of Reparation? Can I search it thru Google? Thank you
Let Jorge Mario Bergoglio know we want our Church intact. We are tired of your innovations. A Pope is supposed to preserve the faith, but then Bergoglio is an anti-Pope so we should expect nothing from him. The Cardinals and Bishops watch Bergoglio's destruction of Christ's Curch, and they have done nothing for more than 11 years.
The same authors of past motu propios, the "sinod of sinodality", and wlection of very dubious cardinals cant all of the sudden produce a pious, according to the teachings of the church document. Having said that the less heretical it sounds at first glance or for the less instructed the more dangerous it is.
With Bergoglio as with Wojtyla and Ratzinger, all is ambiguity, obfuscation and double speak....and: Outright lies, Without disguise. "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No'. What is more than this cometh from the Evil One." - Our Lord. +
I really like the way Joe Horn of the great state of Texas helped his neighbor out in 2007. Joe Horn of Pasadena, Texas was right neighborly in 2007. So much help he was that it made National News. Joe Horn, a truly helpful neighbor. And American hero I might add. I wonder if Pope Francis could possibly publicly recognize Joe Horn for helping others in his community. It would be super nice if he did. Joe Horn we love you!!
The reactionaries are out in force against Francis in this comment section. He anticipated their attack in Delexit nos when he wrote about the Jansenists. These critics of Francis are neo-jansenists. Just because he doesn't mention something from past devotions doesn't mean he is rejecting it. He is trying to contribute new understandings to an inexhaustible symbol of an infinite Love. So reactionary. Such hall monitor vibes from these imperialist Catholics from the US empire.
Wait is he going so far as to equate penance and reparation with fraternity and temporal charity and well-being? At least with regard to this devotion?
He seems to wish to undermine everyone’s favorite Saints who happened to be brought to holiness alongside the Mass of their times. The traditional Mass was all they had. And now none of them are as ‘worthy’ as we thought? No.
Oddly enough (shocking as this may be to some here): It is truly beautiful, yes, telling too - speaking of us to ourselves, yet also an indictment .. of the crippled human heart, so cold and so ungrateful, struck and yet ever busily unwilling to seek healing (from the One Heart that can heal, pierced for love of us as it is) : 'No room is left for the heart.' Pope Francis, Dilexit nos, 1, 9. Devotion to the Sacred Heart was very nearly the core of piety (with the Mass and the Rosary of the BVM) as I grew up, enjoying wonderful reflections from Fr Martindale SJ, and others, but within twenty years it was successfully pushed aside. Oh! the icons were still there in 1976 CE, and popular attention .. but the clergy had moved on to the more psychedelic mysteries of California psycho-babble in 'I'm OK : You're OK' stuff. One wonders if they'll have recovered enough from themselves for 2025 CE to see that genuine love restored to its proper place .. at the heart of Catholic self-understanding (painful as no doubt it is). It sounds a bit more like Fernandez on Father Diego Fares, cited in the encyclical, rather than Papa Bergoglio himself, but that is not the point - such is the true genius of the Magisterium (it belongs to the Church not to individuals alone); cf Cardinal Bea SJ, re 'Haurietis Aqua' 'May it come about, by the divine inspiration as a token of His favour, that out of the celebration established for this year the love of the faithful may grow daily more and more towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and its sweet and sovereign kingdom be extended more widely to all in every part of the world: the kingdom "of truth and life; the kingdom of grace and holiness; the kingdom of justice, love and peace."(Roman Missal, Preface of Christ the King)' Ven Pius XII, Haurietis Aquas, 126. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o) P.S. The years AD 1955-56 were an interesting, provocative, and indeed devastating milieu at least in Europe, no not just for Bill Haley, Elvis and Rock 'n' Roll, but for the peaceful independence given to West Germany and Austria by the victors of WW II (more important than you might imagine), the Formosa (Taiwan) belligerence, Poznan Protests, Interfaith Dialogue, US Nuclear submarines, Soviet ballistic missiles at sea, Hungary, the Suez Crisis, and in fact the crumbling of the Stalin Era and the European Post War empires (also gapping cracks for the Separate But Equal equivocation in the USA).
this pope is blind to the worshipful message of `the Sacred Heart devotion`: he only uses it, redefines it, in order to strike home his own pseudo-religion. Alas, the bishops and flock who follow him are so spiritually blind that they happily lap it all up!
This seems to disregard the words of Christ, doing work but not doing the will of the Father. Matt 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
One example being a Catholic evangelist but proselytizing others into the Catholic Faith and what you think it should be over the authority of the Magisterium and Francis when talking with others.
Anthony Stine sent me here. Thank you. SUBSCRIBED. ❤ BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER 🙏
Same here.
Same here!
Not possible perpetually for many people....illness can get in the way for one thing. I managed to do mine last year finishing January of this year. At least one Friday last year I was using a wheelchair due to foot surgery recovery (no weight wearing on foot).
Yeah I've not been able to do it. I'm an hour and half away from my parish and also take care of my elderly mother and still work. And still recovering from a broken ankle.
But can’t because I have no TLM near me😢
@@debbieramsey8933 what about an Eastern rite Divine Liturgy?
@@christopherpavesi7245 still over an hour away for me. And when the Mass is at 8am. I would have to leave around 6am and get up and do all my morning chores by 3am
Your channel should be in every Catholic’s top 10. Sad to say, NOTHING good comes out of the Vatican these days. We all need to pray for the Church and the return of a holy Pope.
For that to be true he would have to be catholic first and not a heretical schismatic Protestant who sold his soul to the SSPX.
@@michaelspeyrer1264 Oh look a "liberal Catholic".
Anthony Stine suggested your Channel. Thank you for your insights. I couldn’t agree more! More contempt of Tradition is certainly woven into that document. 😢
Actually go read the document, I'm on paragraph 124 and it's absolutely beautiful and well balanced. This guy is not Catholic he's trying to make you despise the Holy Father it's covert anticatholicism.
@@michaelspeyrer1264 Recognize and resist makes no sense. I thought Catholic Esquire had embraced sede vacante. Perhaps I am mistaken.
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in thee. May this stunt by Bergoglio backfire and bring back a great renewal of the nine first Friday devotion!
It's not a stunt you just have been misled for so long about the Papal Magisterium
Amen! ❤
Follow the Traditional Universal Magisterium! (Not the Bergogulian magisterium.)
@@matthewschmidt5069 We are long past the benefit of the doubt stage buddy.
@@jefffinkbonner9551 It's not benefit of the doubt. It's called the hermeneutic of continuity.
@@patriciamathews5975 Protestantism
You have a very intelligent, gem in this channel. Thank you for your insite! 👍
You are always spot on! Thank you! Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us!
Thank you. I always have anxiety over whether what makes sense in my brain makes sense to those who listen. I appreciate the feedback.
I would prefer to know what’s on your mind than to hear others parroting the latest. Your analysis of the elimination of the “Last gospel” in the New Order was very introspective. It was very telling to me of the hierarchy following the synagogue. Ave Mara
Thank you for this chanel!! We need you & your spot on clarity!!
Sounds very protestant to me, attacking what is not there and looking at everything with a bad intepretation @@catholicesquire
@@catholicesquireYou're in an echo chamber. You will be judged for slandering the Holy Father, you're no better than a modernist because your daily bread is the same as the modernists :
Use the name Catholic, while undermining the Living Magisterium.
According to your works, if you do not make a public repentance, you will receive.
Dr. Anthony Stine sent a bunch of us over. New sub 👍🤗
Just listened to Anthony Stine. Subscribed immediately to your site. I have been a life long devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am so pleased to see you have revealed so well the reality of this new assault on Our Lord. Looking forward to following you.😍
Excellent review on these changes coming out against the devotion of Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thanks for pointing this out! 🙏🏻♥️🌹
Classical postmodernist fogging of the truth from Borgoglio.
Re: reparation and St. Thereze, I read in her autobiography that as she was travelling in Rome with her father, (to ask Pope Leo XIII for a dispensation to enter the Carmel of Lisieux at the age of 15) she remarked on the laxity of so many priests in their demeanor and devotion.
From that time on, she made a promise to always make reparation for them, through adoration of the Sacred Face of Our Lord. This is the reason why her full religious name is St. Thereze of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Her mother superior made a declaration for her (Thereze's) canonization, stating: ''However tender was her devotion to the Child Jesus, it cannot be compared to the devotion which she had for the Holy Face.'' In conclusion: the DEVOTION to THE HOLY FACE of OUR LORD JESUS, is the devotion for our times, which will repair the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences that offend the Holy Trinity.
The 'Golden Arrow Prayer' is a prayer of reparation, dictated by Our Lord Himself to a Carmelite nun in France, in the mid 1800s, Sr. Marie de St. Pierre, to whom the Holy Face Devotion was made known: ''May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible, most innefable name of God, be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar. Amen.''
Please research The Holy Face Devotion and join in making the reparation needed for our times. ''Eternal Father, we offer Thee the Holy Face of Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust and spittle, in reparation for the crimes of Communists, blasphemers and for the profaners of Thy Holy Name and of the Holy Day of Sunday.'' 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for articulating the connection so well! I do this every Friday ❤ I didn't think that others do this also. I'm really old and just assumed everyone knew.
❤Thank you 🙏🏻
@@Myohomoto : you're most welcome. God bless you.
@@robwinike9147 : you're most welcome. God bless you.
They're gutting actual Catholicism.
Indeed, this is what the modernists do. Desacralize everything until there’s nothing left of the faith.
@@jteh6579 It's parasitical behavior They don't have the faith, so they want to ruin it for everybody who does.
Anthony Stine sent me here! Others will follow! He said we need to change your 5.5 thousand viewers to much more than that! Ave Maria ✝️🛐🙏❤ 💝💖 Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us 🙏
I'm not so smart. Dr. Stine brought me here. Keep it up Brother!
I’m truly grateful for explaining this. As an uneducated elderly woman I may not understand the real meaning. Thanks so much. 🙏🙏🙏
Nothing good will come out from him. One will have to discern carefully for he will package it with apparently good words mixed with lies.
Just like Vatican 2, if everything in the document was bad, then everyone would know it's bad.
Just like "eat the apple, you won't die."
The typical Modernist modus operandi.
What comes to my mind initially is 1. Judas’s criticism of Mary Magdeline’s pouring the expensive substances on Our Lord’s feet and washing his feet with her hair.
2. Mary’s complaint to Jesus that her sister’s sitting at His feet and listening to him rather than helping her with the corporal work of preparation of the meal she was preparing.
3. And the fact that Jesus didn’t go about relieving EVERY person of their poverty or illness in his time of walking this earth. (they needed to suffer for a reason known only to Him.)
4. Anyone who hasn’t read St Therese “Story of a Soul” has missed out on a treasure! I call her my first little Saint because she truly opened my eyes to the Spiritual life!
Francis has lost the plot.
ST. TERESA OF LISIEUX: “It is not because I have been preserved from serious sin that I lift up my heart to God in trust and love. I am certain that even if I had on my conscience every imaginable sin, I should lose nothing of my confidence, but would throw myself, my heart broken with sorrow, into the arms of my Savior.”
Per Anthony Stine sugestión here I am.
Thanks for checking me out.
@@catholicesquire and I am staying 👍. Thank you for what you do.
There is no forgiveness without atonement. That's undeniable
Isn't "fraternal love" a stone cutter ideology?
Jesus talks about fraternal love in the Gospels “those who do the will of my Father are my mother, bothers, and sisters.
Bergoglio always uses it as a stone cutter.
@@Justyouraverageguy172Fraternal love is a relativistic love. It is love defined by our brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ NOT required.
We pray for fraternal charity, we always have as Catholics. The brick layers have always perverted what we preach.
There’s real Christian love of our brothers and sisters in Christ. The “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” preached by the French Revolution (a thoroughly Freemason-driven movement) wants a brotherhood of man without the fatherhood of God.
I'm hopeful that thousands and thousands of faithful and sincere Catholics and maybe non-Catholics shall take it upon themselves to find and read the original revelations and promises regarding the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Life of St Margaret Mary.
Thanks for your helpful information.
Thank you and Anthony Stein who recommend your channel. God bless you
Thank you for a wonderful presentation. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,we love and adore you
Satan appears beautiful to those who do not recognize him for who he is. Jesus gave us specific guidelines for good reason, and not only for devotion to His Sacred Heart, but the authority of the Church, and salvation. If we do not respond to Him with love *and* obedience, we belittle and reject His authority. Francis seemingly despises any requirement that we participate in our relationship with Christ, instead preferring a delusional, inverted and self-centered theology that God is there to please and obey us.
The Encyclical states that "Acts of love of neighbour, with the renunciation, self-denial, suffering and effort that they entail, can only be such when they are nourished by Christ’s own love."
He quotes Charles De Foucauld thus:
“I desire sufferings in order to return love for love, to imitate him… to enter into his work, to offer myself with him, the nothingness that I am, as a sacrifice, as a victim, for the sanctification of men”.
He defends Corporal Love of neighbor saying:
"Although “the sacrifice offered on the cross in loving obedience renders most abundant and infinite satisfaction for the sins of mankind”, the Church, born of the heart of Christ, prolongs and bestows, in every time and place, the fruits of that one redemptive passion, which lead men and women to direct union with the Lord."
He proclaims the necessity of Jesus for true Charity:
"The emperor thus insisted on the need to create charitable institutions to compete with those of the Christians and thus gain the respect of society... Julian [The Apostate] did not achieve his objective, no doubt because underlying those works there was nothing comparable to the Christian charity that respected the unique dignity of each person."
He has a whole section on Compunction and Consolation
He says "believers who fail to live in accordance with their faith “are crucifying again the Son of God” (Heb 6:6)"
He says "the acts we now offer for his consolation, also transcending time, touch his wounded heart. "
He says " it cannot be doubted that at the same time he derived some solace from our reparation"
He says " It is fitting to recover one particular aspect of the spirituality that has accompanied devotion to the heart of Christ, namely, the interior desire to offer consolation to that heart."
There are innumerable other quotes which show his desire to revitalize true love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
His section on "social reparation" is very brief and is very clearly not the focus. I agree it is cringe, maybe even misguided. But certainly not uncommon. I could give you a hundred bishops who have done the same things in past centuries, and probably a few dozen popes. A Pope who likes making other people happy by apologizing is not a sign of Diabolical or even malicious insurrection in the papacy. To find that, look to the numerous Cardinals who are openly way less devout than Pope Francis.
By bearing false witness against the Roman Pontiff, you commit a grave offense. I do not know if you have sinned thus, but I urge you to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St Philomena, and ask both Holy Virgins to grant you the grace of humility. Quick judgements lead to a quick damnation, ignorant claims about something you clearly know nothing about is a sure way to imprudence.
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, miserere nobis.
@@LeviSmail Stating the truth isn't false witness, and especially not when I said "Francis seemingly...." Did you not read what I wrote before presuming to judge? In Dilexit Nos, as the presenter here specifically pointed out, there is no mention of the Kingship of Christ over all men, as was central to the devotion, and the Catholic faith, prior to the apostasy of Vatican 2. Among many heretical comments, including denying Extra Ecclessiam nulla salus three times, Francis consistently fails to mention Biblical and dogmatic sins in context with the need for penance for the sake of salvation. It is always in a watered down social justice context, focused on mercy without contrition, common of modern Jesuits. He cites a return of Jansensism several times out of context, and clearly to point at traditional Catholics, as there is no evidence of a return of true Jansesism among faithful Catholics, though that is his most frequent target of such accusations. I advised following the Sacred Heart Devotion as given by Our Lord. At best, to suggest otherwise will lead to a false, fruitless devotion. At worst, it is a grave offense against Our Lord's divine authority. Satan has lured many into his false imitation of Catholicism where there is no salvation. He wants us to heretical prelates and has twisted the concept of divine authority in the minds and hearts of far too many Catholics who will rush to the defense of Francis, but not Christ the King. It is through a false obedience to men that Satan will lead many souls away from worshiping Our Lord and onto the broad path to Hell.
@@dterry95 Well said. Follow Christ through the Latin Mass and Sacred Tradition. [Note missing word: "He wants us to (follow) heretical...].
@@LeviSmailNice try, but a heretic and someone who does not defend, but denigrates and deprecates the Catholic Faith, cannot measure up as a valid Pope. This work by Bergoglio bristles with all the usual overweening, Baroque flourishes and trimmings adorning a Bergoglian cake. You can have that cake, but I won't eat it.
Now go ahead, and continue in your attempt of making silk purse out of a sows ear.
Very well written
I get it. He is subtly implying that there is a tradeoff between personal sanctification and charity/justice toward our neighbors (as opposed to the traditional notion that we grow in love toward both God and our neighbor when we are transformed by the Holy Spirit). He even implies that devotion to God has caused harm to society in the past ("... the streams of living water that can heal the hurt that we have caused ..."). That is truly diabolical. Thank you for sharing your analysis.
Thank you. As you make clear there is a gradual leading away of the importance of a spiritual relationship with the sacred Heart of Jesus in this document. All of us are aware of the need for corporal works of mercy and for that to be our natural way of being in relationship with others, which is through and because of our closeness to Jesus.
I started reading the Encyclical, but it's 65 pages long! So I'll have to read it when I have enough time. But what you have said doesn't surprise me, Brogolio uses the Hegelian Dialectic as a substitute for reason.
I've gotta criticize your argument about St. Therese. If you actually read the letter Pope Francis references, Therese nor the Holy Father in any way criticizes the desire of martyrdom or penance as wrong or bad insofar as making it "all about just loving and being loved." It is actually an extremely profound point that, if one does not grasp, their path to salvation is at the very least greatly hindered.
The entire point of her letter is that, by resting your spiritual identity in any of these good acts other than a pure humility and spiritual poverty in the confidence in the mercy of God, you will be imperfect. Having desires for penance of any kind is not what makes any person spiritually great: "My desires for martyrdom are nothing, they are not what gives me the unlimited confidence that I feel in my heart." Rather it is God's mercy.
Read what Therese's sister wrote, in part, to her to prompt this:
"Like the young man in the Gospel, a certain feeling of sadness came over me, in view of your extraordinary desires for martyrdom. That is the proof of your love; yes, you possess love, but I myself! No, never will you make me believe that I can attain this desired goal, for I dread all that you love. This is a proof that I do not love Jesus as you do." Notice how Therese's sister is suggesting that the desire for martyrdom is evidence of proof of God's love for her -- true perhaps -- but she goes further in suggesting that she will never be as great, nor love God as much, because she lacks this desire.
The Holy Father's interpretation here is spot on. St. Therese is refuting the notion that desire for martyrdom alone is the ultimate proof of her being loved and loving Christ. (and by implication, any act of extreme penance -- this is because her Sister wrote Therese this letter in response to hearing Therese had a huge desire for martyrdom, penances, prayer for all, etc., after hearing a talk from a priest on retreat). St. Therese is saying, as is the Holy Father, that our ultimate and only sure confidence, and thus knowledge of being loved, comes from the theological virtue of Hope: confidence in the great mercy of God in light of our spiritual poverty. That alone, which is receiving the love of the Father through Christ, is what gives us confidence, not a desire for any particular spiritual good, and certainly not a pride in our own actions. The Holy Father does not denigrate any acts of penance with his words, nor does St. Therese; rather, they place them in the proper order of charity. You can only do true works of penance when enraptured by charity through humble submission to God's confidence. You can only be enraptured by charity when you become humble and submit yourselves to the one Hope of all: the Cross of Christ and the manifest mercy of God. If you really want to truly desire martyrdom, you first must be truly humble and submit to God's mercy.
This isn't even that new anyway. St. Thomas clearly teaches that the value of satisfaction for sins is ultimately in accordance with the degree of charity one possesses. Even for one who has sinned much, by possessing great charity, the smallest act of satisfaction atones for great things. It's why St. Therese says even if she were the worse sinner she would not worry, and it is why the Holy Bible says "charity covereth a multitude of sins."
If you are wondering where I learned this: much of this came from Discalced Carmelite Friars who were giving expository talks on St. Therese and this letter in particular.
Here is a link to the letter of St. Therese:
The problem is this though. PF comes from a position of sneering condescension about anything traditional. This Jesuit pride taints everything
@@patrickmelling8404It’s not about being a Jesuit. It’s about being an enemy of the Church. Bergoglio is basically a supporter of Democracy, which is frontally opposed to Christian theocracy. His God is Man, in other words the "god" of the Masonic lodges.
With all due respect, neither of these replies are a real argument against this document, and are probably born of hatred for the Church. Open disdain for legitimate Church leadership, what scripture calls "party spirit," (which is VERY DIFFERENT than legitimate criticism, 2 Tim 2:25) from the laity is a grave sin (Gal 5:20 RSVCE2).
ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, in her spiritual dialogue, while praying before the tabernacle, said: “Jesus, you can love me with great love, and I can only love you with small love.” But Jesus said to her: “I have made it possible for you to love me with great love. I have put you among neighbors. I have placed your neighbor at your side. Whatever you do for your neighbors, you do for me. When you go to them, you go to me.” Catherine, full of joy went out running to a hospital to visit the sick and to care for them. She was full of joy because she knew that running to her neighbors, she was running to Jesus. Visiting them she was visiting Jesus. Loving them, she was loving Jesus. And she said, “Now I can love Jesus with great love!”
ST. CAJETAN started a congregation of clergy called the Oratory of Divine Love, and he founded hospitals for incurables. St. Cajetan told his brothers, “In our oratory (or chapel) we try to serve God by worship; but it is in our hospital that we actually find him.”
Thanks for discussing the insults and bad statements in this document!
I would say he sounded Protestant, but he doesn't require that Christ is the Way, Truth & Life. Soon the saints will be dropped and NEW environmental saints or people whether Catholic or not, will be put in their place. The Rosary will go next. Mark my words!
Canonized while alive ~ Saint Bill Gates, Saint Alex & George Soros, Saint King Charles 3, Saint Bono
You are a schismatic moron.
How did you miss Saint Greta?
The rosary is already warped and mostly replaced: Woytijla's new 5 decades and his problematic support for Faustina "Divine Mercy", which many people do instead of rosary.
Thanks for drilling down into this. I saw the document but had not read it. I know PF signed off on this, but I wonder who did the research and writing. That "fraternal love" sounds like Freemasonry.
Pope Francis runs with the hare and hunts with hound.
+JMJ Cor Jesus Sacratissimum, miserere nobis.
Cor Jesu sacratissimum, miserere nobis.
Will you do a video on the true devotion to the Sacred Heart?
Thank you. From Ireland ☘️
Beautiful Ireland. Catholic Ireland. May it be restored, in Jesus' name.
@@Safe-and-effective Amen.
I doubt the faithful will read or use this whole document per se , but it may well increase the interest in the true devotion to the Sacred Heart. I remember when Francis declared a Year of Mercy , which originally seemed to be about mercy devoid of repentance but then priests intrinsically saw the opportunity to preach on confession and suddenly confession was in again.
The morning offering says , “ Oh my Jesus , through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers , works , joys and sufferings of this day , in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world for the intentions of your Sacred Heart; Reparation for sin, the salvation of souls and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of the Holy Father and especially those of my associates , through Christ our Lord , Amen.” It is such a powerful prayer that makes everything in your day valuable for souls. There is so much richness in the devotion to the Sacred Heart, this encyclical will not be able to dilute it. Watch as books , podcasts, sermons etc. on the True devotion to the Sacred Heart explode .
The confusion caused by the current pope has inspired us to learn our Faith more deeply. So too with his calling attention to devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the 12 promises that Jesus grants to those who do the 9 First Friday series devitiin in spite of what Pope Francis is trying to do here.
Rbt Moynahan on his Urbi et Orbi podcast will be interviewing Henry Sire, author of The Dictator Pope who will reveal the character of Bergoglio, the “Peronista Pope.” who talks out of both sides about f his mouth-no clarity, just confusion!
Thank you for clarifying the original Sacred Heart devotion given by Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary in sharp contrast with this new document.
O BLOOD and WATER that GUSHED from your SACRED HEART as a fountain of MERCY for us , We trust in YOU ❤️
Came here from hearing about your channel on Return to Tradition.
New subscription. Thank you!
Glad to have you on board!
These redefinitions to meet the needs of modern sensibilities will naturally change as the modern world changes. Thanks to ReturnToTradition for steering me to your discussion. I’ve been a subscriber for a little while, but I don’t often visit your channel. For that I apologize.
I myself have experienced the reality of the watering down of the Catholic faith even in the priesthood. During one of my confessions I was very reluctant but I asked the priest or more or less told him that I feel sorrowful for offending God with my sins and the priest immediately told me that he didn't understand why I thought that way because you can't offend God. I explained to him that as a child in catechism the nuns explained to me that Jesus suffers because of her sins and the priest apologized to me and said that he was sorry that I was taught incorrect information.
Oh, dear, from a priest, no less. It must have been very confusing!
Wow this is incredible and sad that a priest told you that.... so messed up
Aren't we supposed to take care of the log jam in our own eyes first before we remove the splinter in our neighbors eyes? (paraphrasing Matthew 7:3-5) Are we to stop this devotion which started in the 1670s and then added to the church calendar by Pope Pius IX in 1856 for the very recent divine mercy devotion? Francis continues to confuse the laity. Thank you for this video.
This was fantastic! I so appreciate your helping us to better understand the traditional devotion to the Sacred Heart and the actual apparition of Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary. The ideas of Pope Francis and his bringing into question our own devotion and attempts to console and give reparation to the Sacred Heart for our sins and the sins of others, by which we offend the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is just so confusing! His covert suggestion that we are Jansenists or otherwise in heresy for our devotions certainly targets our beliefs and practices.
I am at a point where even if Bergoglio said something mildly Catholic, I would be 100% sure that he was doing it for the purposes of harming the Church in some surreptitious way. His true master compels him thus.
Exactly right. It’s all part of his Peronism: he’ll try to play both sides and throw us some red meat occasionally to appease and throw us off his stench.
@@jefffinkbonner9551 I pray that most Catholics realize what is being done by the Pope to the Church, sooner rather than later, because if not, nothing short of Divine Intervention will fix this mess. But Bergoglio already stated that he wants a mess, so... He has aligned himself with "the powers that be", that is to say, with globalists and with their goals. During the pAnDeMiC he shut down all Catholic churches across the World to prove his allegiance to them, he told Catholics to get the vaccine, just like his United Nation pals asked him to do. He is pushing gender ideology, lgbtqp, blm, mass muslim immigration into the West, feminism, anti-capitalism, woke activism, etc. knowing that a majority of Catholics will not question him. His reluctance to punish serious offenders like McCarrick or Rupnik is solely for the purposes of tarnishing the Church's reputation as moral authority in the world and giving more fodder to the leftist mob, so that when they proceed to burn down Churches (like in Canada), he appeases them and puts on the feather hat making himself and Catholicism a laughing stock, just like they want. He is now in the process of undermining the power of his own papacy and for all future popes. The synod's end game is a Christ-less Church, emptied of all Catholic Traditions, a safe space for Agenda 2030 to unfold, which is why he opposes the Latin Mass so fervently. You see, he disguises his destructive force, because it makes the destruction more effective and keeps popesplainers "scratching their heads" while they defend him with a straight face. Distraction, Dissimulation, Destruction. That's the Bergoglian trinity. Traditional Catholics are such a minuscule group that only there does he feel confident showing his hand, as he is sure there will be no repercussions for him. In everything else he is Machiavellian and diplomatic. We have a pope. The kind of pope that the enemies of the Church have been anxiously awaiting for at least a few centuries. He is an intelligent man, there's no denying it, which is why I consider it impossible that all this chaos in the Church is not deliberate. Incompetence? No, it's not incompetence, it's malevolence. It saddens me to say it, to write it, but that's the bitter truth. May any faithful Catholic reading this not be scandalized but instead confront the crisis with the wisdom of God guiding his mind and God's mercy guiding his heart. Pray for me, I will pray for you. May our Church and Catholicism be restored once and forever everywhere. Amen.
@@jefffinkbonner9551 His devotion is for the globalists, he proved his loyalty to them during 2020 by shutting down the Catholic Church. Then, he further virtue signaled his unwavering allegiance to them by telling Catholics to take the "magic potion". Sure, he has to say or do something vaguely Christian once in a while for the sake of appearances but as far as I'm concerned he is exactly the kind of pope that the enemies of the Church have been awaiting for at least a few centuries. All the chaos in the Church is deliberate. It's not incompetence but malevolence.
Reparation is totally missing in this lousy document. Why? Because God is not the center of everything to Francis. The sacred Heart of Jesus is God centered. For 60yrs actual church teaching has disappeared within the church.
Great analysis. Thank you!
Got your site through Anthony Stine...God Bless.
Your program is very informative, educational, and spot on. Thank you for your dedication to the restoration of the Catholic Faith. fr. charles murr
15:00. The 2 great commandments are to love God AND your Neighbor. Pope Francis is reminding us of the later, not rejecting the former. So reactionary.
First time on your channel - excellent analysis and (unfortunate) summary of the true intent of Bergolio.
Looking forward to listening frequently!
Pray for the Church and the conversion of our Pope. In the US, the Church seems to be collapsing.
I was given a copy of the Manual of the Sacred Heart years ago (from a Eudist). It's from the 19th century but remains a central aid to me and my family.
Enlightening analysis.
Sounds like a magic spell.
Thanks for doing the work and reviewing this. In our day, the path is narrow, more so than ever. The Fatima prayers are meant to pray for other in this time. I. E. By the infinite merrits of the sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary etc.etc. .this document seems to say, don't worry about staying in a State of Grace. More confusion and word salads to scatter the flock.
Pax Christi
JP11 with his approval of the Church condemned Divine Mercy, began the process of desecrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
It’s all naturalism. This life is all there is. That is why you always have divert all your efforts to easing the material deficit of the poor. You can’t actually make reparation to God; because that would be a waste.
I personally have been devoted to the Sacred Heart. What they are doing really bothers me. It invalidates my devotion.
Its a con job. Its also being used to squash Trad Mass which he thinks doesnt need to be taken seriously. He seems confused when saying Trads are obsessed with flesh when that's the main discussion coming out of the Vatican since he supposedly became pope. Who really wrote this document? "Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. Lord, show us Thy Face and we shall be saved." Is this the first time Francis/Bergoglio spoke of Jesus?❤🕊
Bergoglio is a gaslighter, and yes a liar. His words are about as assuring as the hissing of a snake.
Very insightful.
Thank you. Odd, when he just said all rekigions are way to God. I suspect this devotion, 9 First Fridays, saved my life in dark times.
When what Nurgalio promotes brings poverty to the masses; there will be no means to help everybody who all need it.
You are so Right!! Thanks. Francis cannot, has no ability to be orthodox!
Says a fake catholic who has sold his soul to the SSPX.
@@michaelspeyrer1264 /so says a clueless would be catholic that wouldn't know heresy ,apostacy,and schism if it hit him in the A--s.
FYI, to the channel, you had a commercial wish me a happy Diwali.
The title translates to “He loved us.” I’m no Latin scholar, I’m genuinely curious here. If God is an eternal being and has an eternal burning love for us, why the past tense, “lovED?” Is this just a Latin translation thing that I’m failing to comprehend?
As someone who has a minor concentration in Latin, yes it’s a Latin language thing using the past perfect stem of the verb in the current tense. Francis does not use the verb stem to say in the passive tense and language at all “We were loved by God” but Francis uses the active voice past tense of “God loved us (in the beginning)” still does and will continue to love us. Latin also omits words a lot since the meaning is implied. Of course this guy doesn’t know Latin and is calling that a problem just because he hates Francis and V 2 living as a heretic.
You’re looking for stuff to be mad at at this point.
For God so loved the world
The disciple whom Jesus loved
Many more.
It’s a correct translation. The tense is past perfect.
I hope this was a genuine question and not covert anticatholicism mascarading as traditional.
@@VirginMostPowerfull Why don’t you worry about your own intentions and salvation? My question was out of genuine curiosity and members of CE’s audience provided insightful answers.
Of course within those answers here we have it, some judgment and fake piety. Since you are so concerned about my intentions, here goes - I don’t really care what the document says. I’m not wasting my time reading anything that comes out of what used to be the “Holy Office.” I already know that Francis and friends are trying to dismantle the eternal Catholic Church in the name of a made up word, “synodality.” The document was likely written by the renowned pervert, Fernández. I already have a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I’ll continue that and continue reading the writings of St.Margaret Mary Alacoque. We have ~2000 years of writings from holy popes and saints, all of which align, have the same message, and 100% do not contradict. There are not enough hours in the day to read all of the books that we know to be holy and true. I have no desire to read the “latest trend” coming from Rome, I’ll rely on the Catholic Esquire and Anthony Stein to get the “gist.”
I’ve had enough of the accusations and infighting from those who put their head in the sand and pretend that an elephant isn’t standing in the room. My disgust goes the other direction as well, to those who claim that “Novus Ordo people aren’t Catholic.” Stop it. Both sides. People do the best they can with the information they have and the physical churches and priests they have access to. The church is in a state of emergency. Wake up! Stop pointing fingers and fighting with one another.
It's really is about giving all our time and money to the migrant movement. Don't worry about praying so much! Lord have mercy on us!
This inspiring me to find info on the Sacred Heart & to practice ….🙏🏼
Where do I find faithful explanations of this devotion?
Perhaps begin by reading about Saint Margaret Mary and her visions of the Sacred Heart, and Jesus's instructions to her.
You could find online still a prayer book I have myself, it was my grandmother's and has such beautiful prayers and very clear explanations. It is called,
' The Treasury of the Sacred Heart'
I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Devotion to SH book by Fr Crosiet also.
Start by reading Pope Francis' encyclical, I'm on paragraph 124 and still going. Don't buy into this YTbers anticatholicism against the Holy Father, actually read it for yourself.
@@suziesmgmrI wasn't able to find it. Who is the publisher ? Who is the author ?
Thank you, a dig indeed. Praying all Catholics watch your video. Ave Maria 🌹
I’m sorry but I have just tuned out Pope Francis at this point. He is dismantling all that it beautiful in the church. I’m sticking with writings of saints, mystics, previous popes, the Bible, good Catechism and channels like this. I have done both 1st Fridays and Saturdays and continue to do so.
Pope Pius XI: ...all true followers of Christ...suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals...through its Supreme Pastor the Roman Pontiff, who is himself guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord.
All good ideas.
@@catholicesquire Is Francis the pope?
Some criticism of Borgollio's ON THE HUMAN AND DIVINE LOVE that I think should be made.
Chapter I:
Cites the virulent Anti-Catholic, Dostoevsky. No Pre V2 Pope would be citing a novel of an openly anti Catholic author. 12
Promotes humanistic worldliness which disregards the essential uniqueness of man's soul. 21
Advocates for nationality/ethnic indiffrentism. 22
Advocates that fulfillment as man is love of self and not of knowing God. 23
The entire purpose of the philosopher, as Justin Martyr explains is to know God more. The idea that the philosopher is seperate from a faithful servant of God is a modernist definition of the stated goal of philosophy. 25
Borgollio contradicts his previous point in 25 by citing Bonaventure who taught that faith is in the intellect. Therefore the saint is stating that philosophy and faith are inseparable. 26
Promulgated more V2 "we are the world, everyone hold hands, mother earth" nonsense. 29
Chapter II:
Suggests there is no hierarchy between Man and God. 34
Takes John 8:11 out of context when he excludes the portion, "Go, and from now on do not sin any more". Emphasizing that Borgollio is more concerned with only forgiving sins, rather than only forgiving sinners as long as they no longer sin in the future. 35
"as a mother would do" is a bizarre statement to make when speaking of Christ's acts of healing. This may be stated as a possible nod to the bizarre modernist heresy that "God is a woman". 36
Chapter III:
Makes a statement that suggests indiffrentism, in so much that the heart is universally recognized as a symbol of affection. This is inaccurate as it ignores how Christians view the heart differently then how a Pagan would view the heart. Borgollio, like all liberal modernists, is projecting his notion of the symbol of the heart via a Christian understanding onto what he views as the "Noble Savage". His placation to universal truths infact undermine the uniquely Catholic perspective of the dignity of the human heart. 53
"Yet we cannot attain our fulfillment as human beings unless we open our hearts to others; only through love do we become fully ourselves." This is false and misleading, we cannot atain fulfillment in this life and the only way for man to be fulfilled in the next lift is by opening our hearts to God in the current life. This is not to say we should be cruel or indifferent to our fellow man, but it is to say that to love God more so than man is our purpose. 59
Borgollio reiterates the modernist belief that Philosophy and Theology are distinct from one another. His statement would be correct if he clarified, as past Popes have, that "absolute reason" and "absolute logic" (as claimed by the heretical Modern) are at odds with Faith. 63
Surely, we are living in the last days. Dear faithful, keep the Holy Catholic Faith, trust in our King, Jesus Christ, and live our lives as true Catholics, and pray for those in error 😢.
I have done the1st Friday for 9 months am 85 now
was waiting for this...francis already identified Jesus as unnecessary. SHJ is obvious second step. TY for your information.
Do you believe that Catholics are obliged to believe in a particular instance of private revelation? And if so, how do you reconcile that with orthodox catholic doctrine?
Everyone should read "20 Holy Hours" by Fr. Matteo Crawley-Boevey. It is a beautiful first Friday devotional meditation.
Also," The Holy Hour of Reparation" prayer booklet by Soul Assurance Prayer Plan published 1945.
Everyone Please share these resources to renew Devotion to the Sacred Heart! ❤❤❤
I am a devotee of the Sacred Heart in the Philippines. Where could I find and read this 20 Holy Hours and the Holy Hour of Reparation? Can I search it thru Google? Thank you
@@mbioneda Yes!
Why would he be obligated to mention the promises? They are a private revelation
Very good analysis, I can see the direction the Pope wants us to take...away from the Devotion itself, sadly.
Let Jorge Mario Bergoglio know we want our Church intact. We are tired of your innovations. A Pope is supposed to preserve the faith, but then Bergoglio is an anti-Pope so we should expect nothing from him. The Cardinals and Bishops watch Bergoglio's destruction of Christ's Curch, and they have done nothing for more than 11 years.
Spot-on Bro, True-Dat! 👊
The same authors of past motu propios, the "sinod of sinodality", and wlection of very dubious cardinals cant all of the sudden produce a pious, according to the teachings of the church document. Having said that the less heretical it sounds at first glance or for the less instructed the more dangerous it is.
With Bergoglio as with Wojtyla and Ratzinger, all is ambiguity, obfuscation and double speak....and:
Outright lies,
Without disguise.
"Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No'. What is more than this cometh from the Evil One." - Our Lord. +
This new devotion will be just as successful as his new Our Father version, which never caught on in the Church.
Could you talk about Nostra Aetate?
Check out my written article on Ecumenism. I spend some time on Nostra Aetate here:
I really like the way Joe Horn of the great state of Texas helped his neighbor out in 2007. Joe Horn of Pasadena, Texas was right neighborly in 2007. So much help he was that it made National News. Joe Horn, a truly helpful neighbor. And American hero I might add. I wonder if Pope Francis could possibly publicly recognize Joe Horn for helping others in his community. It would be super nice if he did. Joe Horn we love you!!
The reactionaries are out in force against Francis in this comment section. He anticipated their attack in Delexit nos when he wrote about the Jansenists. These critics of Francis are neo-jansenists. Just because he doesn't mention something from past devotions doesn't mean he is rejecting it. He is trying to contribute new understandings to an inexhaustible symbol of an infinite Love. So reactionary. Such hall monitor vibes from these imperialist Catholics from the US empire.
In paragraph 121, he clearly throws a St. under the bus. I think what he says here is at best pathetic at worst malice of the highest order.
Where is Martin Luther when traditional Catholics, who are more Catholic than the Pope, really need him? Lead us to the Wittenberg door!
Wait is he going so far as to equate penance and reparation with fraternity and temporal charity and well-being? At least with regard to this devotion?
I love the Scared Heart of Jesus! I have never been a fan of "the" Francis. He's a wrecking ball to be sure!
He seems to wish to undermine everyone’s favorite Saints who happened to be brought to holiness alongside the Mass of their times. The traditional Mass was all they had. And now none of them are as ‘worthy’ as we thought? No.
Oddly enough (shocking as this may be to some here): It is truly beautiful, yes, telling too - speaking of us to ourselves, yet also an indictment .. of the crippled human heart, so cold and so ungrateful, struck and yet ever busily unwilling to seek healing (from the One Heart that can heal, pierced for love of us as it is) : 'No room is left for the heart.' Pope Francis, Dilexit nos, 1, 9.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart was very nearly the core of piety (with the Mass and the Rosary of the BVM) as I grew up, enjoying wonderful reflections from Fr Martindale SJ, and others, but within twenty years it was successfully pushed aside. Oh! the icons were still there in 1976 CE, and popular attention .. but the clergy had moved on to the more psychedelic mysteries of California psycho-babble in 'I'm OK : You're OK' stuff.
One wonders if they'll have recovered enough from themselves for 2025 CE to see that genuine love restored to its proper place .. at the heart of Catholic self-understanding (painful as no doubt it is).
It sounds a bit more like Fernandez on Father Diego Fares, cited in the encyclical, rather than Papa Bergoglio himself, but that is not the point - such is the true genius of the Magisterium (it belongs to the Church not to individuals alone); cf Cardinal Bea SJ, re 'Haurietis Aqua'
'May it come about, by the divine inspiration as a token of His favour, that out of the celebration established for this year the love of the faithful may grow daily more and more towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and its sweet and sovereign kingdom be extended more widely to all in every part of the world: the kingdom "of truth and life; the kingdom of grace and holiness; the kingdom of justice, love and peace."(Roman Missal, Preface of Christ the King)' Ven Pius XII, Haurietis Aquas, 126.
Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek.
God bless. ;o)
P.S. The years AD 1955-56 were an interesting, provocative, and indeed devastating milieu at least in Europe, no not just for Bill Haley, Elvis and Rock 'n' Roll, but for the peaceful independence given to West Germany and Austria by the victors of WW II (more important than you might imagine), the Formosa (Taiwan) belligerence, Poznan Protests, Interfaith Dialogue, US Nuclear submarines, Soviet ballistic missiles at sea, Hungary, the Suez Crisis, and in fact the crumbling of the Stalin Era and the European Post War empires (also gapping cracks for the Separate But Equal equivocation in the USA).
And we wonder why traditionus custodis came about? Trads are just protestants on the other end of the spectrum..
this pope is blind to the worshipful message of `the Sacred Heart devotion`: he only uses it, redefines it, in order to strike home his own pseudo-religion. Alas, the bishops and flock who follow him are so spiritually blind that they happily lap it all up!
This seems to disregard the words of Christ, doing work but not doing the will of the Father.
Matt 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
One example being a Catholic evangelist but proselytizing others into the Catholic Faith and what you think it should be over the authority of the Magisterium and Francis when talking with others.
The devil is in the details!
It’s a diabolical MESS!!!