shes not good - Limbus Company

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @funninoriginal6054
    @funninoriginal6054 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +35

    QOTD: She has very good rolls and a theoretically interesting mechanic, but as it stands seems like the retreating thing is more for future proofing than an actual mechanic you're supposed to play around with right now. She might age better when other Devyat boys come out

  • @juhari_iii2652
    @juhari_iii2652 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +33

    Qotd: She doesn't really do much for rupture but she's REALLY funny as an md solo and she can also do big dmg outside of rupture.

  • @faldororlaridon2691
    @faldororlaridon2691 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    Qotd: When I ran her in my rupture team in the Mirror Dungeon, I actually ran her first slot, with Talisman Sinclair in the main team. When you're getting the extra stacks of Courier Trunk, she quickly starts to hit like a freight train. I never once was in the position where I was starting to take damage from the trunk, since they were all too dead to do anything about it. Granted, some of that was the E.G.O. gifts, but still. Figured I would mention that.

    • @blindeyedblightmain3565
      @blindeyedblightmain3565 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      There's no reason to run her first though, her only glut skill is s3 that only applies count one per turn.

  • @chernichka_uporova
    @chernichka_uporova 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    Apostrophe is because there's a special letter. I'm Russian and that letter is Ь (soft sound maker). Devyat' = Девять.

  • @duykhangtran4406
    @duykhangtran4406 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    QOTD: since when she need to dip out due to too much trunk, she would give her skill slot to an ally, I think that make her downside not too bad anymore. I have already seen a lot of funny things people do with her as well

  • @a_tiepoh
    @a_tiepoh 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    QOTD: i think it’s funny that she can explode if you don’t pay attention to her

  • @MaryIsHereNow
    @MaryIsHereNow 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    QOTD: She should really just have better rupture application and the "No rupture consumed" mechanic needs to be lowered. I think the intention is that she *isn't* a main unit on your team, but one of the first characters you send out with substitute when you already have rupture applied. The problem is just how insanely situational that usecase is for a half decent upside. At least she makes rupture more fun in MD just by being a new unit, due to how count barely manages there.

  • @sadpocky3391
    @sadpocky3391 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    QOTD: She's okay. I don't think they want to release a hugely broken ID for rupture because at its core, rupture is literally just true damage, and that could potentially destroy balancing overall. If they introduced any of the "modern" IDs we've been getting for other archetypes, for rupture instead, nobody would run anything BUT rupture. Imagine if any of the heavy hitters like Ring Yi Sang, Dawn Clair, SL Yi Sang, Regret Faust, Molar Outis, were able to sink their hands into rupture. I also think PM sincerely spoiled us with recent IDs....insane coin power & very easy-to-fulfill conditionals on WH Heath and recent Walp IDs? Rodya was never gonna match up.

    • @RenArvos
      @RenArvos 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Honestly, i kinda don't the reason ppl hate her. I think she's good, its just that she's not a *rupture* id. Sure, she does not apply any amount of rupture that matters, but the only thing she loses from not being in a rupture team is a coin reroll on s3.

  • @Lyinghonhon
    @Lyinghonhon 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    she reminds me a lot about rabbit heathcliff, both units rely on ending the fight quickly for maximum value and can have good generalist usages, only that rodion has rupture conditionals that her courier truck can’t give her everything.

  • @lalulica
    @lalulica 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    People are focusing on using her retreat mechanic for some reason as if her rolling almost 20+ with all of her coins isnt a thing when you put her in the lead to soeed stack trunk

  • @TheOtherLPer203
    @TheOtherLPer203 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    QOTD: Art-wise, she looks very warm and I want to cuddle with her.
    Gameplay-wise, she's absolutely useless for my playstyle and I'm never going to use her basically ever.

  • @ryominto
    @ryominto 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    that's some prydwen type of bullshitery there, she didn't save rupture - she isn't good. Cool. bro

  • @scribgusmysterious
    @scribgusmysterious 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Rodion having such heavy SP loss in long fights is objectively an upside when she has some of the most reliable corrosion targeting in the game on some of the best ego in the game.

  • @rottenblock503
    @rottenblock503 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    We had potential man, now we have potential woman.

    • @beanbob5535
      @beanbob5535 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      rupture itself is a potential status

  • @pyrosfolly5698
    @pyrosfolly5698 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    QOTD: I genuinely think she's quite fun to run, but she suffers from not having content that suits her playstyle of getting in and getting out - something that will likely change come next Canto as we get more chain battles. Honestly the main problem is that her other gimmick of being able to sustain rupture isn't really viable outside of MD because we have no way of keeping count up high enough while also stacking on enough potency.

  • @AlterFear
    @AlterFear 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    We could get an actual So That No One Will Cry Talisman EGO for rodya that inflicts talismans

  • @decadrud
    @decadrud 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    qotd: she is unbearably disappointing, but i'm looking forward to when we get another deyvat ID, so you can switch them both out
    at the very least, she's not a g corp gregor (she probably outdamages liu in a typeless team but definitely gets beaten out by dieci having so many coins everywhere)

  • @hatredmalice7273
    @hatredmalice7273 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    qotd: i feel like she'd be a lot more fun if she were released alongside another devyat id that she could take turns switching with
    sadly she just feels weird right now

  • @namelass4099
    @namelass4099 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Deviat Rodion falls into, in my opinion, the same type of ID as rabit Meursault, where I wanna put them in a rupture team but if you want to be the most optimal you use other IDs. I kinda wish that we get a rupture ID that inflicts a ton of rupture count but hard caps the potency, so you get two ways to play rupture, one that wants to go crazy with it and one that makes your IDs strong by giving enemies rupture

  • @AudibleNoiseContent
    @AudibleNoiseContent 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Qotd: I have been using her in story fights with rupture. She is incredibly strong, because rupture has a really weak start and takes a long time to build up resources for passives and ego passives(rambling man). So new Rodion partially solves that by being an early game monster and being somewhat tanky and use her S3 to start up the rupture stack, then leave. If the battle is a non chain battle in a 6 man team, she gives the 1st deployment slot another slot, so you can give W Sang with rambling man another slot which allows you to easily stack the rupture stack. This is really strong but I discovered that rupture still has a weak start.

  • @bloodfallenevileye5688
    @bloodfallenevileye5688 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    QOTD: As I dont run rupture at all and find no huge interest in it she will stay unlevelled at UT3 for the moment, if rupture becomes more interesting im willing to mess around with her. Just dont have the resources to mess around with her right now. Not surprising she sort of flopped cause we just got off the train that was Wildhunt Heathcliff into two Walpurgis IDs.
    Shame the lower power ID went to Rodion again

    • @senpyrothewizard8172
      @senpyrothewizard8172 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Playing with her myself, she's actually more of a DPS ID with rupture support. She hits like a truck, and because her Coin Power bonuses are based on Rupture OR Courier Case (only gets it from one at a time), she still gets Coin Power when she is operating outside of Rupture teams. Unfortunately she demands the first or second slot if you're outside of a Rupture team.

  • @thegoldenraysoftheglorious1180
    @thegoldenraysoftheglorious1180 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Qotd: cool id cool animations interesting kit but why does she do nothing for rupture and have weirdly boring conditionals

  • @arbiterzena
    @arbiterzena 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This Id's gimmick is not having her on the field which sucks because i really want to USE the ID, hoping that zwei Ishmael is better

  • @Water_Connoisseur
    @Water_Connoisseur วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is mostly in response to everyone slandering rodion. Doubt anyone will see it but whatever.
    Rodion is amazing for rupture because of the synergy with talisclair passive which allows you to reap the benefits from talisman in wave/chain fights.
    Talisman cannot be used there because you can't reset and you need the skill 2 to skill 3 combo. He's very finicky to use and once he drops the talisman he's basically dead weight.
    I really cannot comprehend why people would rather use lccb ishmael and say she's good for rupture when she's -1/-3/+1 her only good skill for rupture is skill 3 which is obviously rare and while she doesn't have that skill she's a sitting duck.
    Skill 3 becomes neutral with aedd but that requires ego support and that's basically what rodion already does, being count neutral with her other skills. Rodion is a strict upgrade to lccb ishmael with a better skill 3 to kickstart rupture and the rest of her kit being neutral

  • @tfraenckel
    @tfraenckel 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    QOTD: she sucks. Or at least like, she sucks in the way that Cinq Don does. Her numbers are fine, her damage is fine, but she's not really good on her keyword team and she's not good enough generically to use over one of her other IDs

    • @Water_Connoisseur
      @Water_Connoisseur วันที่ผ่านมา

      Comparing her to cinq don is crazy because cinq don does no damage, her clash numbers are average and her conditionals hard to fulfill without support.
      She also doesn't have a keyword so idk why you are even bringing that up.
      Devyat rodion has more coins with better base value than cinq don so she's already an upgrade just by base numbers alone. She also scales and doesn't need support to fulfill conditionals. She gains 10% damage passively from courier and her skill 2 has a 40% damage increase and skill 3 has a 80% damage increase.
      All this only talking about her performance as a generalist because she's also very good for rupture and the only way you'll run rupture without talisclair on the field. Strict upgrade to lccb ishmael as well which people often hype up for her rupture when she's ass at it

  • @hotman8235
    @hotman8235 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Qotd: I don’t really run rupture but I like the box has voice lines

    • @tachikomagaming2451
      @tachikomagaming2451 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      yeah its pretty much the only reason i sharded her

  • @Silancet
    @Silancet 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i feel like she’s more of a future id if anything, when we get more rupture and devyat she would probably be good, but right now she isn’t.

  • @demonthegamer3624
    @demonthegamer3624 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    As far as i know, she doesn't seem to be an id that can go on her own very much as she's lacking in rupture count and would pretty much die if you use her too much, probably the most pure support id in the game imo

    • @senpyrothewizard8172
      @senpyrothewizard8172 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Her Courier Trunk build up is actually really slow past those first 15. It'd take like, 10 turns to hit 30 if she's first slot. She's stupid fast and stupid strong as she builds Courier Trunk.

    • @demonthegamer3624
      @demonthegamer3624 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@senpyrothewizard8172 which is pretty neat i'd say, as she pretty much promotes strategy and decision making if you want to solo with her, she may be an id that requires heavy support from others, but that doesn't mean you still can't solo with her, if you play smart, she can be broken

  • @MORIE_Lovely
    @MORIE_Lovely 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I like her ut1 art (*´▽`*)
    ♪**Nom nom**♪
    She pretty decent id
    She can do big number dmg on her own way eventhough outside rupture team
    Her dmg is still good also her S3 when u reach her condition its good that wont eat count
    but...she good for short fight not long fight like many wave (yea her designed meant to be with chain battle thing and she need to be quick for her delivery (´・∀・`) )
    Hope we get Rupture Rime Shank ego or new decent big count apply ID SOON
    PS : Anyway i forgot about her support is good for bench
    if u doesnt want to use her in team

  • @vintage6900
    @vintage6900 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    qotd: she’s cute😡

  • @Replosioned
    @Replosioned 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    She's cool, but that's it. I just use her as a support instead of a on field.

  • @greeb4416
    @greeb4416 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    QOTD: not very invested in her

  • @beanbob5535
    @beanbob5535 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    51:28 0 sp enemy moment...