Very helpful video. I knew about the first one, but the train tracks are new to me. I never know where they go, so i usually avoid them, but that one you showed was really great help.. I'll be sure to use iy
fantastic tips champlette! ive been doing bunker grinding from multiple bunkers since 2017 when the Gunrunning update came out, and even I learned some new things and got some new ideas (train tracks)! Ive got to adopt the "no pictures" rule for my crew as well! haha that's a great idea! Awesome content as always Champlette! You help make GTA interesting again for those of us who have played it since the beginning!
Thank you so much!! Yeah, the "No pictures" rule is a lot of fun!! About the shortcuts, don't forget the other railroad track that goes from Cypress Flats down toward the terminal. That's a good one too! I'll be sharing some more videos soon with more shortcuts and other tips.
I almost forgot... another rule in my crew... if we see an NPC standing there on the sidewalk smoking, we'll punch their lights out and say, "Haven't you heard? Smoking will ya!"
@@Champlette2 I really wanted to like them, because I like that style of buggy IRL, but the physics are awful, and I'm tired of R* making small bushes slow everything to a crawl.
@@ZerotheWanderer Yes, there are some thick weeds that slow it down a lot, but at least they aren't really common. That's good. I just avoid those spots, once I figure out where they are.
Same here, sadly dune buggies are impossible to solo when selling a full bunker, even when I did the bunker 1 supply 1 sale my reaction times made the dune buggies way too stressful. I’ve found (for me at least) the only full bunker sales that can be soloed are the 3 insurgent single drops and 2 Phantom wedge missions. Any mission with multi drop offs per vehicle jus t isn’t doable solo, even when using an Oppressor Mk 2 to travel back to the bunker. I just switch session until I get the missions I can do. Oh, and I always sell in solo public lobbies. A timer and NPCs are enough to worry about, without having to deal with other players as well lol!
@@mikeward1701 Definitely true, even two dune buggies would be virtually impossible to sell solo, depending on the location of the drops compared to the bunker location.
My bunker is right next to the military base but most points take me to the city instead of on certain parts of the mountain it's a stright road but definitely alot shorter than the paleto bay bunker
Do you know how to force spawn the Phantom Wedge for the Chumash Bunker? I had a high success rate spawning the Phantom Wedge when I owned the Forest bunker. But can't seem to do it with this one.
I don't think you can legitimately force any bunker delivery vehicle. If you get one you don't like, you can log out of online and come back and sell again, but you lose quite a bit of money (as much as $21,000) from your sale and there are no guarantees which delivery vehicle you'll get when you attempt to sell it again. Not to mention, it's a huge waste of time to log out and back in just to change the vehicle.
because i've farmhouse bunker and route 68 bunker, i think this (starts 4:42) really helps me. thanks. btw i'm still trying to get the shining custom dubsta in LSC. spent 3 days in game but still not there.
Did you see my video about how to get them to spawn? This might help, if you haven't seen it. It has a lot of tips about how far you need to get away from LSC before you come back, and the best times of day to look for the at each customs shop.
@@Champlette2 wow, can't believe it really works! i've found 2 gold dubsta, 1 silver dubsta, and 1 sabre. dubsta and sabre can be sold to LSC for 23k and 17k, but no i didn't sell it yet. the path you show at LSC Burton is easier for me to drive and easier to get the car than LSC La Mesa. thanks!
@@kucingubanan8727 Would I lie to you?? ;) I'm so happy to hear it's working out so well for you! You've really hit the jackpot! Don't forget to customize, insure, and keep one of those Dubstas in your garage to use for bait.
Awwww.... give 'em a try. The dune buggies really aren't so bad once you get familiar with them. They're actually a ton of fun! I love dropping the mines and watching vehicles behind me go BOOM! I'm not a pyromaniac, I promise. ;) They're like fireworks to me. LOL!
@@summerysteam96 Oh that's true, you've got to make sure the mines explode and you have to go back to clean them up if they don't. I've blown myself up, and my crewmates back when we didn't know how long those mines stayed live.
Pro tip for anyone soloing these: Equip the Up-N-Atomizer as your in hand weapon, then climb into the Buggy from the passenger side. That way you can maybe have a chance against the Dubstas coming at you head on.
@@Champlette2 No, NEVER stop to do battle solo, unless you are killed/respawn. But sometimes, a well placed Atomizer shot on an incoming Dubsta can flip it or veer it off course from pinning you in and screwing you over. Can only use weapons solo if you enter from the passenger side first though.
@@Champlette2 No problem, glad to help. Thank YOU for all the hard work that you do. Just about every property with options that I own, I have you to thank for helping me choose. And you have a nice personality and great voice to boot.
Thank you, that's very kind. I guess I just haven't figured out the best way to promote my channel. It grows consistently, but in small steps. That's ok though, I'm truly grateful for the very supportive subscribers that I have.
I love the dune buggies! So much fun! What I dislike is the 29 minutes long Merryweather mission with Insurgents. Somehow this is the one I get most often, especially in hostile lobbies, whereas the easy and save Phantom Wedge Sale has become the rarest sale. I tell you, they changed that intentionally!
If you're running the merryweather insurgent mission solo, equip minigun prior to start. At each drop, drop cargo, and immediately exit vehicle and get in .50cal turret and take out any helicopters first. If for some reason you get lucky headshotted by the AI, use the minigun to get back to the insurgent and lather rinse repeat. it's a pain in the ass, but I've found this the most efficient way.
@@1DarkBaron I usually just call for my APC or my Oppressor MK II when I want a little extra help. The APC is great because it has unlimited missiles. Except for the windows, it's armored very nicely too.
It would be nice if they gave us just a little more time on the buggies. They give us way more time than we need for the others, but definitely not enough for the buggies.
Awesome!! Bunkers are great money. I'm happy to hear you might give them another try. I have a couple of tips videos like this for bunker sales, and more to come soon.
Champlette2 when i bring the truck to the location the right d pad thing doesn’t pop up and when i have to bring the truck somewhere i’m in the yellow thing forever waiting for it to deliver
@@malikperrin8340 Has this been going on for a while? It sounds like you might need to submit a report with Rockstar. What platform do you play on? They can provide you some reset options that might clear that problem up easily.
I recently moved from PS4 to playing on the PC, so I had 3 years of experience at this game when I started this character. I built up enough money to buy an office and a bunker and I've made most of my money from the bunker and the nightclub. Neither of them earns much RP. I sell the nightclub after 20 hours for about $750k profit every day, and I make at least 5 or 6 one-vehicle bunker sales every day for at least another $800-$900k. All of that only takes less than 90 minutes of actual playing time (throughout the day) to make all of those sales.
@kj3283w Thank you! That would have come in handy on my laptop. It ran pretty hot when I'd play GTA on that one. Thankfully my new desktop plays GTA very well. It's perfectly cool and quiet as a mouse. I appreciate the tip!
@kj3283w My overclocked frankenstein PC is pulling 190+ % of GPU usage and gets a steady 60fps, all my mates are astounded and don't know how my ancient crap makes it work as well as it does. Neither do I for that matter.
Following all shortcuts, tips and tricks that allows me to make over $145M Bunker sales still doesn't prevent me from being sniped by a machine PISTOL at the water reservoir dam and my Dune Buggy driving to the water and me losing 2 drops just bc... $201,600 loss... Thanks Rockstar for hiring that SOB, probably the same guy who created the 3 Post Van delivery and the "heat seeking" NPC drivers absolutely breaking every driving rule, normally programmed into them, during missions. Appreciate it, will make sure to buy GTA5 and GTA6 Ultimate and give copies to my brother and cousins (the basic $70 version, not the $120 Ultimate one).
Oh my ! I always do that railroad shortcut too 👏 And i get the dubsta spawning in tunnel pretty often lol and always in front of me 🤬 Always full armor n lots snacks loaded that helps 😋 Pointing out ur next drop b4 ur current is also a great tip And i cant count the times that the alien gun has saved my salevehicle for any of my buiss when im stuck in some way .. last night it saved my 4 last coke drops when stuck on beach with deliveryboat in that down from sandy shores rivermission 👍 Great vid dear , love this !!! Keep it up n stay healthy 😷
Thank you very kindly!! Oh yes, I remember the Dubstas spawning in front of me in the tunnel on the tracks heading south through Cypress Flatts. Scared the holy beejeezies out of me!
Champlette2 Oh yes it always scares me too even tho i been trough it many times lol .. and they always seems to succeed with blocking me out in there too 😵 🙈
@@MissDixon Ya know, I think what a lot of players forget is that it's just four guys at a time. Worst case scenario, if they do kill you, it's honestly no big deal to take out 4 enemies and get back to the buggy. They're just so aggressive in those Dubstas that it's easy to get really turned off by this sale mission, but they're not so bad once you get used to them.
Champlette2 Oh yes you got that right dear 😊 they really are aggressive n very accurate with their shooting .. Usually takes little bit of time getting back when killed in tunnel tho 🙈 Trick is gettin them killed b4 they got u 😋 Yeah 4 sure .. i often hear people puke over those missions .. im always selling just one vehicle bunkersales n its often a big success , for me that is tho .. but always enjoyed the bunker and think its a great way to make money .. and all missions u get kinda used to in a way n finding great ways to get your success
Sure! In the clothing store, browse tops and select Arena War Tops. There are 3 "Two Moons Tee" options in pink, blue, and purple and this is the purple one.
if you do the math it is not worth ever doing this sell mission - if there is a chance you will fail or have to exit the mission - it is much more time/cost efficient to bail on this mission immediately and take the 10% haircut - you only get this mission about 20% of the time so taking a 10% loss to avoid it and get another mission is a better option for $ per hour
Honestly, it's really not that hard. If you just keep the enemies behind you, they really don't hurt you. Even if they do manage to trap you and kill you, it's only four guys with guns. Anyone who is playing GTA can easily handle taking out four guys with guns. I think most players just have the idea that the dune buggy missions are too hard so they won't even try them very many times before they give up on them. Once you learn where all the drop points are and where the enemies are going to spawn along your route, it's not difficult at all.
@@Champlette2 if you fail the mission one time it is better to bail on the mission 9 times - getting good at this mission would likely result in a lot of lost $ - no reason to take the risk - there is at least one sell mission of every type, cargo, bunker, nightclub - that its better to quit and avoid
@@MichaelLee70 Sorry you feel that way, but I respectfully disagree. I've done literally hundreds of bunker sales in the dune buggy (between my former PS4 character and my current PC character I've made about 2800 bunker sales so at least about 560 or more of those were in dune buggies) and I've only ever failed a sale once when I slipped off the road into the water and drowned my dune buggy. I actually have so much fun with these sales now! I drop proximity mines just for fun and find great new shortcuts on my routes.
Correction, I forgot I blew myself up at least once or maybe twice by dropping the proximities when the Dubstas were too close behind me and they blew my dune buggy up.
It's not 100% guaranteed but almost every time, right after a drop, the enemies will spawn directly in front of you and aimed right at you. Try it out and see! It's cool because you can psych them out by aiming away from where you want to go and then they'll be behind you.
HIGH QUALITY CONTENT!!!! This is really good stuff. I'm a veteran GTA player, so I get it... But wait for BossFTW or another ripoff artist to start "Bogarting" your content. Believe it or not... that's a huge compliment, but you got props, BossLadyFTW!!
here is the best tip , altho 2x for bunker is already done lmao, fuck these buggy runs, as soon as come out of the bunker and u see that shit , don't get in the vehicle , quit the application and start the game again, you wont lose the 12k since you didn't even touched the vehicle, phantom wedge and the gray insurgent are the best 3-5 runs for solo players and can be easily done in populated lobbies, I did quite a bit of money while afk doing the same runs lol
2:26 "Later dude!" lol Champlette, you and your videos are pure joy.
hee hee... Thank you! See, the dune buggies CAN be fun!! LOL!!
Only trouble I've had with FAV sales is the damn things dying in ankle depth puddles.
Oh yes!! That happened to my husband several months ago and to this day, he still groans every time he has to drive the buggy through the LS river!
Lol, .same.
9:14 - 9:22 This might be the funniest thing I've seen you do in a video 😂
LOL! That really is a rule in our crew... no pictures, no witnesses. ;)
Very helpful video. I knew about the first one, but the train tracks are new to me. I never know where they go, so i usually avoid them, but that one you showed was really great help.. I'll be sure to use iy
Thanks so much! I have more shortcuts I'll be sharing in future Dune Buggy tips videos, so stay tuned!
Great info. Just did this run and we are close to doing it the exact same way. I did learn a better way to leave the second drop off. Thanks.
Thanks for watching!!
fantastic tips champlette! ive been doing bunker grinding from multiple bunkers since 2017 when the Gunrunning update came out, and even I learned some new things and got some new ideas (train tracks)! Ive got to adopt the "no pictures" rule for my crew as well! haha that's a great idea! Awesome content as always Champlette! You help make GTA interesting again for those of us who have played it since the beginning!
Thank you so much!! Yeah, the "No pictures" rule is a lot of fun!! About the shortcuts, don't forget the other railroad track that goes from Cypress Flats down toward the terminal. That's a good one too! I'll be sharing some more videos soon with more shortcuts and other tips.
I almost forgot... another rule in my crew... if we see an NPC standing there on the sidewalk smoking, we'll punch their lights out and say, "Haven't you heard? Smoking will ya!"
awesome video as always with many details
you have a calm cool voice as well
keep going
Thanks so much! Lots more on the way soon...
I do the same thing with marking my next waypoint before I drop. :)
Oh good, I'm not alone! Having the waypoint lets me focus on the Dubstas instead of where I'm going. ;)
Thanks mate you’re awesome!
Very kind of you, thank you!
Thank you 💚 , i hate the buggy sale mission . And thank you for the import export videos too 💚💛❤💜🤍💙 you are the best
Awwww, thank you!!!
5:18 San Andreas PTSD kicking in...
The damn train CJ
The best Dune FAV shortcut is to just go to a new lobby and try again
Awwww.... the poor dune buggies get no love.... everybody hates them. ;) C'mon, they're fun!!
@@Champlette2 I really wanted to like them, because I like that style of buggy IRL, but the physics are awful, and I'm tired of R* making small bushes slow everything to a crawl.
@@ZerotheWanderer Yes, there are some thick weeds that slow it down a lot, but at least they aren't really common. That's good. I just avoid those spots, once I figure out where they are.
Same here, sadly dune buggies are impossible to solo when selling a full bunker, even when I did the bunker 1 supply 1 sale my reaction times made the dune buggies way too stressful.
I’ve found (for me at least) the only full bunker sales that can be soloed are the 3 insurgent single drops and 2 Phantom wedge missions.
Any mission with multi drop offs per vehicle jus t isn’t doable solo, even when using an Oppressor Mk 2 to travel back to the bunker.
I just switch session until I get the missions I can do.
Oh, and I always sell in solo public lobbies. A timer and NPCs are enough to worry about, without having to deal with other players as well lol!
@@mikeward1701 Definitely true, even two dune buggies would be virtually impossible to sell solo, depending on the location of the drops compared to the bunker location.
Nice to see you again Champlette
Thanks for hanging in there with me! Nice to see you too!
My bunker is right next to the military base but most points take me to the city instead of on certain parts of the mountain it's a stright road but definitely alot shorter than the paleto bay bunker
Oh yes, the Zancudo bunker is a great choice! Congrats!
Do you know how to force spawn the Phantom Wedge for the Chumash Bunker? I had a high success rate spawning the Phantom Wedge when I owned the Forest bunker. But can't seem to do it with this one.
I don't think you can legitimately force any bunker delivery vehicle. If you get one you don't like, you can log out of online and come back and sell again, but you lose quite a bit of money (as much as $21,000) from your sale and there are no guarantees which delivery vehicle you'll get when you attempt to sell it again. Not to mention, it's a huge waste of time to log out and back in just to change the vehicle.
@@Champlette2 :( thank you for the reply
@@Andrew-ey4ti Thank you for visiting my channel and I hope you'll come back for more.
because i've farmhouse bunker and route 68 bunker, i think this (starts 4:42) really helps me. thanks.
btw i'm still trying to get the shining custom dubsta in LSC. spent 3 days in game but still not there.
Did you see my video about how to get them to spawn? This might help, if you haven't seen it. It has a lot of tips about how far you need to get away from LSC before you come back, and the best times of day to look for the at each customs shop.
@@Champlette2 wow, can't believe it really works! i've found 2 gold dubsta, 1 silver dubsta, and 1 sabre. dubsta and sabre can be sold to LSC for 23k and 17k, but no i didn't sell it yet. the path you show at LSC Burton is easier for me to drive and easier to get the car than LSC La Mesa. thanks!
@@kucingubanan8727 Would I lie to you?? ;) I'm so happy to hear it's working out so well for you! You've really hit the jackpot! Don't forget to customize, insure, and keep one of those Dubstas in your garage to use for bait.
i always get help from 1 friend so when its buggies i/my friend hav to change lobby, but we do all others normally
Awwww.... give 'em a try. The dune buggies really aren't so bad once you get familiar with them. They're actually a ton of fun! I love dropping the mines and watching vehicles behind me go BOOM! I'm not a pyromaniac, I promise. ;) They're like fireworks to me. LOL!
@@Champlette2 same, i like dropping mines too lmao, but friends get angry 4 tryna blowem up by accident
@@summerysteam96 Oh that's true, you've got to make sure the mines explode and you have to go back to clean them up if they don't. I've blown myself up, and my crewmates back when we didn't know how long those mines stayed live.
@@Champlette2 yh i make sure i dropped mines right infront of peds when passing by lol, but i dont really do it neither my friends(the mission)
Pro tip for anyone soloing these: Equip the Up-N-Atomizer as your in hand weapon, then climb into the Buggy from the passenger side. That way you can maybe have a chance against the Dubstas coming at you head on.
Do you mean stop to battle with the Dubstas?
@@Champlette2 No, NEVER stop to do battle solo, unless you are killed/respawn. But sometimes, a well placed Atomizer shot on an incoming Dubsta can flip it or veer it off course from pinning you in and screwing you over. Can only use weapons solo if you enter from the passenger side first though.
Interesting tip about entering from the passenger side. I will give that a try. Thanks!
@@Champlette2 No problem, glad to help. Thank YOU for all the hard work that you do. Just about every property with options that I own, I have you to thank for helping me choose. And you have a nice personality and great voice to boot.
@@1DarkBaron Awww... now I'm blushing. ;) That's very kind, thank you!!
U deserve more subs, maybe soon you will be there😍
Thank you, that's very kind. I guess I just haven't figured out the best way to promote my channel. It grows consistently, but in small steps. That's ok though, I'm truly grateful for the very supportive subscribers that I have.
I love the dune buggies! So much fun! What I dislike is the 29 minutes long Merryweather mission with Insurgents. Somehow this is the one I get most often, especially in hostile lobbies, whereas the easy and save Phantom Wedge Sale has become the rarest sale. I tell you, they changed that intentionally!
I agree on all counts!
If you're running the merryweather insurgent mission solo, equip minigun prior to start. At each drop, drop cargo, and immediately exit vehicle and get in .50cal turret and take out any helicopters first. If for some reason you get lucky headshotted by the AI, use the minigun to get back to the insurgent and lather rinse repeat. it's a pain in the ass, but I've found this the most efficient way.
@@1DarkBaron I usually just call for my APC or my Oppressor MK II when I want a little extra help. The APC is great because it has unlimited missiles. Except for the windows, it's armored very nicely too.
Kinda wished there was a way we can sell 2 buggies by ourselves. Shortcuts are nice but I never had any problem driving just 1 of them.
It would be nice if they gave us just a little more time on the buggies. They give us way more time than we need for the others, but definitely not enough for the buggies.
No pictures! 😂
I stopped bunker as I was always getting stuck..good tips..I might give it ago again after watching you.
Thank you good content.
i can’t deliver my stock
Awesome!! Bunkers are great money. I'm happy to hear you might give them another try. I have a couple of tips videos like this for bunker sales, and more to come soon.
What's wrong? What happens when you try to make a bunker sale?
Champlette2 when i bring the truck to the location the right d pad thing doesn’t pop up and when i have to bring the truck somewhere i’m in the yellow thing forever waiting for it to deliver
@@malikperrin8340 Has this been going on for a while? It sounds like you might need to submit a report with Rockstar. What platform do you play on? They can provide you some reset options that might clear that problem up easily.
How do you have $155m with a level 175?
Second character.
I recently moved from PS4 to playing on the PC, so I had 3 years of experience at this game when I started this character. I built up enough money to buy an office and a bunker and I've made most of my money from the bunker and the nightclub. Neither of them earns much RP. I sell the nightclub after 20 hours for about $750k profit every day, and I make at least 5 or 6 one-vehicle bunker sales every day for at least another $800-$900k. All of that only takes less than 90 minutes of actual playing time (throughout the day) to make all of those sales.
Nope, not a secondary character, I just earn nearly all of my income from passive businesses.
@kj3283w Thank you! That would have come in handy on my laptop. It ran pretty hot when I'd play GTA on that one. Thankfully my new desktop plays GTA very well. It's perfectly cool and quiet as a mouse. I appreciate the tip!
@kj3283w My overclocked frankenstein PC is pulling 190+ % of GPU usage and gets a steady 60fps, all my mates are astounded and don't know how my ancient crap makes it work as well as it does. Neither do I for that matter.
Following all shortcuts, tips and tricks that allows me to make over $145M Bunker sales still doesn't prevent me from being sniped by a machine PISTOL at the water reservoir dam and my Dune Buggy driving to the water and me losing 2 drops just bc... $201,600 loss... Thanks Rockstar for hiring that SOB, probably the same guy who created the 3 Post Van delivery and the "heat seeking" NPC drivers absolutely breaking every driving rule, normally programmed into them, during missions. Appreciate it, will make sure to buy GTA5 and GTA6 Ultimate and give copies to my brother and cousins (the basic $70 version, not the $120 Ultimate one).
Oh my ! I always do that railroad shortcut too 👏
And i get the dubsta spawning in tunnel pretty often lol and always in front of me 🤬
Always full armor n lots snacks loaded that helps 😋
Pointing out ur next drop b4 ur current is also a great tip
And i cant count the times that the alien gun has saved my salevehicle for any of my buiss when im stuck in some way ..
last night it saved my 4 last coke drops when stuck on beach with deliveryboat in that down from sandy shores rivermission 👍
Great vid dear , love this !!!
Keep it up n stay healthy 😷
Thank you very kindly!! Oh yes, I remember the Dubstas spawning in front of me in the tunnel on the tracks heading south through Cypress Flatts. Scared the holy beejeezies out of me!
Oh yes it always scares me too even tho i been trough it many times lol .. and they always seems to succeed with blocking me out in there too 😵
@@MissDixon Ya know, I think what a lot of players forget is that it's just four guys at a time. Worst case scenario, if they do kill you, it's honestly no big deal to take out 4 enemies and get back to the buggy. They're just so aggressive in those Dubstas that it's easy to get really turned off by this sale mission, but they're not so bad once you get used to them.
Oh yes you got that right dear 😊 they really are aggressive n very accurate with their shooting ..
Usually takes little bit of time getting back when killed in tunnel tho 🙈
Trick is gettin them killed b4 they got u 😋
Yeah 4 sure .. i often hear people puke over those missions ..
im always selling just one vehicle bunkersales n its often a big success , for me that is tho .. but always enjoyed the bunker and think its a great way to make money .. and all missions u get kinda used to in a way n finding great ways to get your success
Ik this is a random question but how did you get that hair and color because it looks very nice
Thank you very much! I really like it too. It's color 1 (black) with color 33 of 48 (purple) highlights.
What is this tshirt called... Can you please answer
Sure! In the clothing store, browse tops and select Arena War Tops. There are 3 "Two Moons Tee" options in pink, blue, and purple and this is the purple one.
@@Champlette2 thank you so much and best videos btw keep on doing good stuff much appreciated ❤️
if you do the math it is not worth ever doing this sell mission - if there is a chance you will fail or have to exit the mission - it is much more time/cost efficient to bail on this mission immediately and take the 10% haircut - you only get this mission about 20% of the time so taking a 10% loss to avoid it and get another mission is a better option for $ per hour
Honestly, it's really not that hard. If you just keep the enemies behind you, they really don't hurt you. Even if they do manage to trap you and kill you, it's only four guys with guns. Anyone who is playing GTA can easily handle taking out four guys with guns. I think most players just have the idea that the dune buggy missions are too hard so they won't even try them very many times before they give up on them. Once you learn where all the drop points are and where the enemies are going to spawn along your route, it's not difficult at all.
@@Champlette2 if you fail the mission one time it is better to bail on the mission 9 times - getting good at this mission would likely result in a lot of lost $ - no reason to take the risk - there is at least one sell mission of every type, cargo, bunker, nightclub - that its better to quit and avoid
@@MichaelLee70 Sorry you feel that way, but I respectfully disagree. I've done literally hundreds of bunker sales in the dune buggy (between my former PS4 character and my current PC character I've made about 2800 bunker sales so at least about 560 or more of those were in dune buggies) and I've only ever failed a sale once when I slipped off the road into the water and drowned my dune buggy. I actually have so much fun with these sales now! I drop proximity mines just for fun and find great new shortcuts on my routes.
Correction, I forgot I blew myself up at least once or maybe twice by dropping the proximities when the Dubstas were too close behind me and they blew my dune buggy up.
I would like to join your crew. How would I do that?
Thank you for asking, but it's a private crew with only 6 players in it who are personal friends of ours.
Another quality video - thankyou
Thank you very much!
Before I watch this I got my chrome dubsta earlier lol
Excellent!!! Very happy to hear that!
Very helpful
Thanks so much!
Thanx for a another great tip.
Happy to help! Thanks!!
ty i used to get buggy alot ty for tips and advice
I'm very happy to help! I've got more on the way so stay tuned!
Wait so they actually spawn where you're pointing on the map? I'm not just crazy and being virtually superstitious? Lol
It's not 100% guaranteed but almost every time, right after a drop, the enemies will spawn directly in front of you and aimed right at you. Try it out and see! It's cool because you can psych them out by aiming away from where you want to go and then they'll be behind you.
Here before the discord notifaction
HIGH QUALITY CONTENT!!!! This is really good stuff. I'm a veteran GTA player, so I get it... But wait for BossFTW or another ripoff artist to start "Bogarting" your content. Believe it or not... that's a huge compliment, but you got props, BossLadyFTW!!
I'm truly honored, thank you! So far I've been lucky enough not to be on his radar.
I have a bunker at the bay I going to moved to the desert
Austin Howells move to Chumash, zancudo if u have the facilty farmhouse or route 68 the other bunkers aren’t worth it
Action Jaxson I going to moved by bunker next to the highway by the beach
Austin Howells ya that’s Chumash that’s a good choice
Thank you
I thank you as well!!
Legit best help channel on YT. Clear communication, easy to follow instructions, and great best-known-practices.
Consider me officially blown away by that extremely generous comment. I'm so honored, thank you!
No pictures. 😆😆
Absolutely! No pictures, no witnesses!!
And here I was thinking you are a nice, friendly lady 😳 Do your neighbors know...?
@@Celisar1 LOL! No, they don't know. I keep this side of me under tight control. ;)
very nice 👍🏻
Always nice to "see" you here, David! Thank you!
@@Champlette2 im always here 👍🏻
here is the best tip , altho 2x for bunker is already done lmao, fuck these buggy runs, as soon as come out of the bunker and u see that shit , don't get in the vehicle , quit the application and start the game again, you wont lose the 12k since you didn't even touched the vehicle, phantom wedge and the gray insurgent are the best 3-5 runs for solo players and can be easily done in populated lobbies, I did quite a bit of money while afk doing the same runs lol
Comment #50 😎😉🤗
Great vid! That dislike better stay at 0! Also, can you give us a car tour?
LOL!! Thank you very much!
Like #62 🤗😄😊
People still play this train wreck??
No it's new players that come to play the game
There is a great mix in GTA of experienced players who have been here for years as well as new players just getting started.
Heyoo back at ya!