grout will chip and crack, as will modpodge and pva. Fine stone dust and liquid stitch are your friends for this kind of project. Also, you can thin clear acrylic caulk with denatured alcohol to make a flexible adhesive you can sprits through a water bottle over flock if liquidstich isn't your bag, baby.
grout will chip and crack, as will modpodge and pva. Fine stone dust and liquid stitch are your friends for this kind of project. Also, you can thin clear acrylic caulk with denatured alcohol to make a flexible adhesive you can sprits through a water bottle over flock if liquidstich isn't your bag, baby.
Wow that is a next level idea! Definitely gonna go for that next time!
Nicely done. Both side looks super useful
Thank you! 😁
This is an amazing build! I'd love to see you making more styles.
I was thinking of making some modular rivers using this technique, ikl be sure to share how it goes!
Awesome work as always!
Cheers 😁