+Haoyang Zhao We've published some of the work: Our original Rapid Avatar project: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cav.1579/full Our automatic rigging: www.arishapiro.com/AvatarRiggingAndReshaping_FengCasasShapiro.pdf We haven't published the facial construction piece or the body/face integration element yet. Ari
did you worked further on this? the need is huge, market is big.
Great work!
Very cool !
Nice work ! Where we can find 'vuvuzela' app (lol) ?
Would you care to share some relevant links with more detailed explanations on specific setups and softwares in use for the process?
+Haoyang Zhao We've published some of the work:
Our original Rapid Avatar project: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cav.1579/full
Our automatic rigging:
We haven't published the facial construction piece or the body/face integration element yet.
Since you used photogrammetry for the full body scan, why not use it for capturing the facial expressions as well?
That's possible. We are using RGB-D sensors, which give results much more quickly (reconstruction = 15 seconds versus minutes for photogrammetry).