thanks for this video today Sam, I needed it. I am going to Yekaterinburg for 30 dats then I am coming back and closing up shop and moving there. I am so done with the US, I appreciate you brother.
@@SamsRussianAdventures m hi , sam do you know that you can only by land in sochi and ANapa if your a russian citizen , close to a border only citizens can by , and as you well know it takes a while to get citizen m sam can you do a video about this ?????????????
Сэм, Вам повезло: у Вас есть менталитет британца и понимание менталитета русского человека. :) Так Вы можете легко донести нюансы русской жизни до иностранцев. Вы очень подробно разложили особенности с приобретением земли и дома. Я бы хотел добавить. 1. Самое основное. Тип земли, который Вы покупаете: основные для постройки дома и жизни - это 3 типа: ИЖС, ЛПХ и СНТ. С точки зрения закона ИЖС - это просто дом для жизни и немного пространства на участке, ЛПХ - дом + ферма небольшая, можно выращивать коров, свиней и птиц. СНТ - это дачи или сезонные дома, животных нельзя, можно огороды, фруктовые деревья. Если захотите заниматься фермерством: завести коров, свиней и куриц и купите землю ИЖС и соседи будут против такого соседства, то через закон будут проблемы и придется закрыть ферму. Если купите ИЖС, а рядом будет такая земля ЛПХ, то вы сами будете страдать от такого соседства :). У меня подобная история. У меня дача на земле ЛПХ, я могу заниматься фермерством, но я этого не хочу, а сосед через забор имеет землю ИЖС, но у него прямо у забора со мной завели 30 гусей. От них постоянный шум и иногда запахи помета. Но меня это не беспокоит, так как это для меня дача. СНТ земля - только огород, сарай, баня и осторожно дом, надо согласовать и уточнить все. Есть СНТ, где колодец или скважину рыть нельзя, будет большой штраф. СНТ - это не для постоянной жизни, очень сложно. По факту 60-70 процентов свободной и дешевой земли вокруг больших городов - это СНТ. По факту в жизни в деревне или поселке разные статусы земли могут граничить друг с другом легко. Жители с пониманием относятся к соседям, не устраивают скандалов и стараются уладить проблемы друг с другом устно, без участия полиции или властей. В 95 процентах так оно и выходит, поэтому все стараются жить дружно. :) Эти статусы ИЖС, ЛПХ и СНТ важны еще для защиты своих прав на недвижимость. Если у Вас будет стихийное бедствие вроде пожаров, урагана или наводнения, а дом на участке СНТ, то рассчитывать на компенсацию от государства или местных властей не стоит. Будет маленькая компенсация или вообще не будет. Власти могут пойти навстречу, чтобы не обострять ситуацию и добровольно помочь. Но лучше не рисковать. Страховка на землях СНТ возможна, но есть много нюансов, я не узнавал детали. Если власти решат построить дорогу или магистральные коммунникации или новый важный объект с Вашим участком не будут считаться - выплатят Вам компенсацию и дом снесут, а участок заберет государство. Если не захотите добровольно, то через суд. Новые участки ИЖС и ЛПХ никогда не размещаются в проблемных локациях: в заповедниках, в низинах. Старые участки могут там находиться, так как исторически сложилось. Очень много новых земель для постройки домов создаются от бывших полей или пастбищ. Местные жители могут легко сказать, что на этих землях было раньше. У них можно узнать проблемы. Возможно в этих местах сложно добыть воду из-под земли или там всегда происходят весной наводнения 1 раз в 3-5 лет. Эту информацию можно узнать у местного архитектурного бюро в администрации города или поселения. Если покупаете старую землю при покупке земли лучше пригласить геодезиста. Как минимум, чтобы определить точные границы вашего участка. Очень много неточностей в границах на картах. Геодезист поможет узнать качество грунта, глубину залегания воды, чтобы делать колодец или скважину, какой стороной поставить дом на юг или север. 2. Очень много отличных локаций было выкуплено в 1990-е и 2000-е годы и на них построены ужасные огромные дома, которые трудно снести, чтобы построить свой собственный дом. Таких объявлений много на продажу. Огромное количество участков скуплено просто так, как инвестиция и в данный момент не продается. Гораздо легче купить хорошую землю довольно далеко от поселка или города. 3. Покупка земли или дома у компании / юридического лица намного проще, чем у физического лица. Покупая землю или дом у физического лица потребуется проверка юридической чистоты титула (нет ли проблем с наследниками, ареста недвижимости, проблем с правом на землю и прочее прочее). Страхование титула хотя бы на 3 года, если земля приобретается не от государства и минимум на 1 год, если от компании.
@@FadedRoseStoriesFairyTales I am sure that you are right in your statements, but human being is an intellectual creation. A human accumulates negative or positive experiences over the years and draws certain conclusions. So at one time, 90 years ago, there in USSR was started a tradition to create flood maps of rivers and reservoirs. Each architectural department of the district administration has a flood map of rivers and reservoirs still now. The map has been constantly being created and modified over the past 90 years, starting in the 1930s. New development of cities and towns in the Soviet Union was performed according to these maps. But many land codes and rules were liberated too much after the collapse of the USSR. And land and houses buyers wanted to save money of course :). They prefer to buy cheap land in a dangerous area and start to living there. On the example of Orenburg. The Ural River is very dangerous in spring, its flood width reaches up to 8 kilometers in some places. Every 5-6 years of spring those locations are flooded. If looks at the satellite map around the city of Orenburg, you can see flood meadows up to 3 kilometers wide from each shore of Ural river. In fact 85% of the city of Orenburg and 95% of its population were not affected by this flood of 2024 according to the map. For example Orenburg airport is located closer to Orsk. It is not flooded at all also. It was build at 70s. Thats locations were build by soviet engineers and builders according strict lows and rules. This year's flooding in Orenburg is out of the ordinary. A lot of snow in winter plus fast and early warm spring, heavy rains for several days in a row and a broken dam in Orsk - all this reasons are increased an average level of potential flood in 30%. It seems to me that these are obvious things to avoid some kind of that risky places for house construction. And this is an excellent place for agriculture or tourism. And these lands were used for such purposes in direct way in Soviet times .
Good video Sam. I have been a Real Estate Broker in Texas my whole adult life. I have been a home builder, developed subdivisions, and have around 75 houses that are rented. It looks like there are many nice homes in your subdivision. It doesn't look like your subdivision has any restrictions as far as type of building materials or size of homes. I'm used to strict restrictions from a Homeowner's Association which can be a pain sometimes, but it keeps everything uniform and in order. Your house looks great....hope you get to finish it soon.
Thanks for sharing. Planning laws are relaxed here but the thing I dislike is when people leave building materials in a mess at the side of the road. I don’t think I could have the patience to work in real estate! Clients who chop and change their minds so quickly
According to the norms, the main thing is the distance between houses (depending on the material of the house) as well as the distance from the fence should be at least 3 meters. Basically, there is nothing else that is not checked.
Russia is a free country! There are no thousands of everyday restrictions, restrictions in business and household management that exist in the West. Yes, it may be more difficult to maintain order, but you can live much simpler and freer.
Homeowner's association's are criminal in my opinion. You have to pay a corporation to harass you. They don't even pay to plow the road as well the previous city I lived in. I think all the houses looking like is awful.
очевидно, что в данной виде будет больше упорядочиваться законодательство, потому что строительство дома становится достаточно все более и более популярным мероприятием в России, к тому же доходы растут, поэтому требуется определённый порядок , но также важно сохранить свободу выбора любимого дома. Но я бы выбрал землю с гектаром на холме, что лучшее для семьи.😊 но часто дом в России это второй дом, после города. Сейчас правительство создаёт новые программы развития поселка деревенского современного стиля.
When I was 26 or 36, this would have been a great adventure. I am 56 now. I'd just like to visit some day. Very interesting video, Sam. Great job, as usual.
@@RavenShinyThings If you will live somewhere close cities like Moscow, you don't need to worry about the language. If you would live in some village a bit more far away, that would be a slight problem, since it would be impossible to socialize for the first 1-2 years, but you can learn everything, don't be discouraged. The cost of living is actually super low, depending on your budget and desired location, you can buy land as cheap as for 100-500$ and build a decent house for 5-15,000$ where you can grow most of the food for yourself. So, I would not worry about the language, the problem would be rather the income, since as you know the salaries in Russia are not that high. If you can sustain your life trough some business or e-commerce or something like that, just move to Russia, language can be learnt fast. And regarding your origin, don't worry for not being accepted or anything like that, in Russia we consider people to be russian by spirit or the way of the thinking simmilar to ours, not by enthnicity like in some asian countries.
в ютубе есть видео, пенсионерка этническая немка переехала в Российскую деревню и открыла свой бизнес эко туризм тоже построила себе дом ,на своем участке построила несколько гостевых домиков живет и наслаждается жизнью 😊
Wow that's amazing Sam see those walls going to last forever. Here in the UK I live in London renting three bedroom house my are just like paper you can hear everything from every room
In Russia, only in the warm southern regions is it possible to build houses with thin walls. In the central region and further north, houses should have thick walls and good thermal insulation. Otherwise, you will be cold in winter
as an alternative for an average foreign person considering moving to Russia I would strongly suggest buying a cottage (probably on an after market) within the planned and complex developed projects. This gives you a guarantee that all necessary communications and services are at place and operational, roads are paved, community is gated and guarded, some basic services (food store, sports facilities, paramedic treatment etc.) are available, and you won't live on a "construction site" for years and decades... of course it costs more, but it saves you a lot of time and nerves.
Just don’t buy land in Orenburg at the moment. We are completely flooded here. Sorry Sam I had to say that one. Thanks for all of your support. Love your channel and content. Great video. Martyn 🇷🇺❤️🙏
I sincerely sympathize and wish you to overcome adversity as soon as possible. I am sure that the government (and the president will definitely get involved - as has already happened in similar cases) will learn lessons and protect the region from repeating such a tragedy: they will regulate the discharge of water from hydraulic structures, control the quality and maintenance of the dams, so that everything will be fine there. But, of course, it’s creepy to even imagine what it’s like there now.
Thank you Same very informative video, Off course I have no strength to buying a house 😂😂😂in Russia 🇷🇺 , But I just wish migrant to this ancient great country ! Off course I am a fan of great President Putin 🤙
@@SamsRussianAdventures Кстати Sam, обычно вначале строят маленький домик, сарайчик, бытовку, в которой можно начать жить и складывать инструменты и тд
The house will be great when it is finished. There doesn't seem to be much mortar between the blocks. I've seen a similar technique in older buildings. They are still standing, so maybe it is stronger.
Some houses like mine, are made from concrete blocks first then the outer skin of bricks is really just a cosmetic layer/insulator. The structural integrity is in the inner concrete skin
As a Russian, I can confirm that everything Sam said is true. Everything is just like that. I have nothing to add to what has been said. So, if anyone has a desire to move to Russia and build or buy a house here, carefully study this video.
Now throughout Russia, construction companies are building a huge number of gated settlements for every taste and purse, settlements in different styles - there are settlements with houses in English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian styles, townhouse settlements. The infrastructure in these settlements can be different depending on the price. Some of these settlements have their own pond, beach with sand, soccer and tennis fields, schools, kindergartens, stores, beautiful parks, squares with fountains, etc. In the Crimea - these are settlements near the sea. The choice is huge for those who have money
@keithrothman7253 I've seen that exact comment several times ,these western failures who start channels in Russia get huge russian state backing from kremlin controlled bot farms .
For someone who wants to move in Russia, this video is priceless. Thank you for the effort, though I am russian myself and dont need it. I just like to support a really good job made for free, and I like the kind of people who, maybe, will finally decide to move here because you explained the basics so well. I think that you guys is what this country needs.
Дом, эта такая дорогостоящая игрушка для взрослых мальчиков и девочек))) сколько с ним забот и хлопот, сколько денежных вливаний, но сколько удовольствия от обладания собственным домом, наверное это заложено на генетическом уровне)))У самой квартира в городе и дом со всеми удобствами в деревне, где живу летом , хлопот много
@@SamsRussianAdventuresЯ тоже не жалел ни одной секунды после того, как купил участок. При покупке участка если его продаёт посредник, то можно не использовать сейф, так как все риски берет на себя юрист посредника.
@@DmitriyZembatov ну не знаю😅 я хоть и вырос в доме , но когда в 28 лет отстроил свой , прожил там год (даже меньше, месяцев 9) после чего уломал мамку переехать в этот дом, а сам переехал в ее квартиру , года через 2 продал квартиру добавил денег и купил уже норм 3шку 130 метров с сауной - вообще не жалею 😂. Мама кстати на мне по итогу нехило наварилась, так как дом я отстроил за 57 млн, а ее квартира в которую я из него переехал на тот момент стоила 12-15млн :) В итоге дом она тоже продала и купила себе поменьше и в 2 раза дешевле, но с большим участком где она устроила себе сад (ну логично так как нафиг ей на пенсии нужны бильярдная и тренажерник). Просто кому то дом заходит, кому то вообще нет... первые пару месяцев мы там потусили было весело, а потом пришло осознание что я в доме использую туалет, ванную, кухню и 1 комнату по факту 😂 единственный плюс это гараж на 2 машины. Но в моем человейнике у меня свое место в подземном паркинге... + из мо в мск по работе попасть это то еще приключение в час пик
Russia is a free country! There are no thousands of everyday restrictions, restrictions in business and household management that exist in the West. Yes, it may be more difficult to maintain order, but you can live much simpler and freer.
Yes you can live without laws and without the annoying interference of a state. This is why even before the moskals invaded their neighbor and massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people, companies hesitated to invest in that vast country. Because the only ones ruling there are the fsb thugs. They openly demand money if you want to be „free“ there.
@@henk4520 Yeah but here in Canada you literally have a socialist type of agriculture system. Government orders you what they want. This, I believe makes it easier to survive and plan, but is it much "freedom" in such a system?
Those walls around them make me crazy though... What's a point of having a village house when you are surrounded by a solid brick wall? And you go outside, surrounded by solid walls. I can't understand that, I really can't. I can't understand this paranoid autistic modern obsession with walling things.
Way to go Sam! Outstanding video, super entertaining and informative. You're on a winner with this type of videos. I can't wait for the next one. Cheers from OZ mate.
Россия очень огромная, а население небольшое, для такой площади. Есть множество деревень, которые уже заброшены, люди уехали, и они смотрятся очень бедно без людей. Но люди селятся ближе к городам и у каждого города в окружении много современных красивых домов.
Согласна, могу сказать на примере Москвы, что у нас все Подмосковье уже из дач превратилось в полноценные жилые дома в которых люди живут круглогодично и ездят на работу от туда.
@@SamsRussianAdventures I am a Canadian that currently lives in South America and married to Russian beauty for 25 years. We have an apartment in Novosibirsk, but we are looking for land in Southern Russia. We have many dogs so we need a larger parcel and want more of a Cabin/Cottage type of home for all year living.
Yet another great video, Sam. Very informative! I like the looks of the other homes in your neighborhood. It is a shame about the rubbish and not everyone chipping in to maintain roads, etc. It speaks of a lack of respect for their neighbors. I'm not a fan of endless laws and ordinances, but sometimes they can be helpful in ensuring that most people's efforts and investments in a basic quality of life aren't wasted. Maybe plowing snow from the roads up to their garages or gates is an option... Some creative thinking can sometimes convince people of the error of their ways. I don't know if you can go back and add text to it, but at 16:55, I think the word you were looking for is "escrow." Also, for your American viewers, 1,500 square meters is a bit over 1/3 of an acre. That's a decent-sized city or suburban lot. Also, what you call "communications" (gas, electric, water, sewer), we usually use the term "utilities."
Hi, thanks for the information. The first time I have used these terms in my life have been in Russia! So I know the Russian words and not the English! Such neighbours are narcissists and do not care about others. I personal hate to argue with a neighbour because I feel not comfortable afterwards. I understand about laws about rubbish, we have them too but they are rarely enforced.
I want to add that it's getting better than it was in my childhood in 90's. It was a time when our society lost some culture, and even cities became more dirty and polluted. Just imagine that you country literally fallen apart - such things never come without long-going circumstances. But now it seems to going in the right way
Location, location, location… the most important criteria for building/buying a house. We in Russia still think that we can build a beautiful house anywhere but forget that we first must have a proper infrastructure not only for the estate but also for the entire area to get the maximum value from the land. We need to pass legislation that proper roads, walking tracks, playgrounds, etc must be there before houses are built and must stop building in small patches here and there. 😊
@@SamsRussianAdventures True, Sam. But generally, in Russia we build here and there with no sufficient thinking by the authorities. We would all be better off if we develop one area with full infrastructure, leave some land for the wildlife and develop the next one, etc.
@@sergueimikhail9654 Indeed, very little planning on the local level. Part of the problem, land taxes are low, but in return ... residents get little in return. Most Russians are not aware how civilized world functions, so they collectively don't demand better planning.
@@Alec72HD Civilised world? You mean the civilised world that turns a blind eye to carpet bombing in Gaza? Or the world that forgot how they tortured and murdered millions of innocent civilians in Iraq? Cut the crap, bro, and get civilised.
The concepts sound similar to US southwest. Major or at least populated metro areas then rural. Schools in metro areas areas rarely cancled due to weather but rural bussed into metro areas given weather breaks if needed. Electic can be available but better have a well in rural areas and septic system. Telecom before cell and sat depends.
Well we of course don't get anywhere near that cold here. But more rural areas if snow or rain can get muddy or roads not passable until graded or plowed. Cities are done first then move out to rural areas. Major rural roads are also first priority but the smaller dirt tracks to a few house here and there take time.
@@SamsRussianAdventures когда я учился была градация что если -25 градусов не идут младшие классы (1-5) при -30 средние (5-8) ну а старшие не приходят при -35. И все равно были случаи работы при - 35.
I was offered a wooden house on the main street in Suzdal for USD 5,000 in 1995. I'd have had to demolish the old rotten wooden house in order to build a proper house.
@@SamsRussianAdventures I'm from the US and have lived in the nice suburban house and now a tiny house on land in the country. You might think I'm crazy, but those old dachas are endearing to me. Charming, in fact. I understand you may not have all the amenities, but I can forgo those to be more immersed in the community. That's just me. Also, your house will be lovely.
Hi sam just found your channel . This has been very informative and a lot of great advice some of these houses are really nice and i will be looking forward to the next video about costs of buying and building a house also like the idea how people get together to improve where they stay as its very important to have all services like gas water electricity ect and shops medical services plus police local authorities very enjoyable
The costs can be as low as 1k$ for land and old second hnad wooden house, depending on the location. I think that the best option is to not move as a single familly, but relocate with other famillies in same village/city. It would be much easier than to adapt, and mabye one would not be so much homesick, etc.
Ma ajde beži bre.. Kakva Rusija.. Rusi su Imperialisti , Srbi nisu.. Hladan narod bez osmeha na licu k tome jos i alkosi.. Oni na Srbe gledaju sa visoka
I don't see much difference in the building processes or hurdles to overcome there as compared to here in the US. BTW My favorite part of any house is a loft overlooking the main living area. Also my favorite style of house is what your building, gambrel roof or "barn style" as some know it. Good luck and hope your able to enjoy it soon. ✌👍
to be honest im not a village guy , i cant live in such village, the cons are more than pros imo, and to be exact the only + i see is the clamness and big space but thats not an issue for me , i would prefer to live in modern small flat everything is almost near me im talking shops servieces everything , than living in an area where i need to worry about cleaning the road or putting extra money into buliding a barrier or worrying about the possibility of finding a working good transport to take my kids to their school everyday in cold harsh winter for 1 hour before their actual school time and son on , I have lived in such conditions and i suffered alot and i saw my parents suffer too so nah not my thing , great video tho thanks for sharing
What actually happens in the Central Federal District, when the local government turns off your heating because you no longer have money? I saw from another TH-camr that it can be -30 degrees even during the day (he is from Yaroslavl Oblast). I think if the house (and windows) are poorly insulated, then you may freeze to death. This is no comparison to California, England or Central Europe (apart from the Czech Republic, where it is sometimes quite cold in winter).
26:40 golden classics of democracy. In our townhouse village, its very hard to improve anything, because it needs 300 people to come together and give money for this.
There are always some people who are horrible neighbours! I think that at a minimum people should try to get along. Only narcissists don’t care about the others in the community.
@@SamsRussianAdventuresI was wondering if Russia had townhouses & what they would cost? Also.... do they have projects or certain areas or houses for families that struggle? Canada & the US have large numbers of homeless, sadly 😥 In California they have area's that they call tent you see anything like that in Russia?
@@jaqikennedy9990 В России почти нет бездомных. Они сначала появились в 90-е, когда наша страна была почти разрушена западными странами во главе с США, тогда бездомных было довольно много, но не так много, как в США сейчас. Затем были приложены огромные усилия государства и волонтеров (я знала ситуацию изнутри, так как сама в 90-е работала в благотворительных проектах), и проблема была решена, люди получили возможность социальной реабилитации. В целом, у нас нет таких законов, что человека могут выселить на улицу из его жилья. В те же 90-е, когда многие жили очень бедно, мы всегда знали, что у нас есть наши прекрасные бесплатные квартиры, полученные еще при СССР, с почти бесплатными отоплением, светом, водой (коммунальные услуги традиционно дешевы). Аренда простого жилья стоит тоже недорого, при относительно невысоких заработных платах, расходы на жизнь у нас еще ниже, люди не имеют больших кредитов, от зарпалты остается всегда достаточная сумма денег. Учитывая бесплатное образование, бесплатную медицину, великолепные бесплатные детские сады, как наследие Светского Союза - Россия просто самая лучшая страна в мире на сегодня!!!😍😍😍
@@jaqikennedy9990 I will try to answer your questions. Townhouses appeared in Russia in the 90s. They were considered "elite housing" and they were built for rich people. To date, townhouses are being built mainly in new areas within the city or new suburban housing complexes. But it seems to me that such houses are not very popular in Russia. I looked at the prices for townhouses, they are different everywhere, I can't name a certain amount. From 110 thousand to 430 thousand dollars. Some are even more expensive than an apartment in a new building in Moscow. I don't know anything about houses for homeless families, because the problem of the homeless is not very relevant here. There are no tent cities.
@@lanabanana4577 for families that struggle there are such thing as social rent. Such family can rent a municipality-owned apartment and pay utility cost and a rent, that is symbolical (less then 1000 roubles a month).
That video with all the Samovars was completley amazing. I am from Alaska and there are a few around there but I have only seen maybe three. Incredable.
Oh, Sam! I also recently dreamed of my own house, but realized that it is too expensive. Besides, I was thinking about a house in the Resort area of St. Petersburg. The bay, the pines - everything is fine there. But floods happen often. Yes, St. Petersburg itself is now protected by a mighty dam (I don't see such structures in Orenburg), but the Resort area is not. Sestroretsk and Zelenogorsk are not protected. I remember sandbags at the Nevsky Prospekt metro station (and this is the very center of St. Petersburg) 30 years ago, when the dam had not yet been built. It's good to live in the Resort area of St. Petersburg, but you always need to remember that flooding is possible.
It would be horrible for the house to be destroyed by a flood. Most people build in stages, perhaps you can design a house that you can add to over time.
Great information! Your personality does seem to be suited towards being a real estate agent. Maybe a future video you'll tell us you have a new career?! LOL! Keep up the good work!😊
Thank you for sharing real life aspects that you've experienced and how they impact your decisions. I enjoyed seeing your home, street, and neighborhood; including how shared resources, such as the street, are taken care of.
Thank you for great video! Being the one who managed to buy a pice of land and to built a house, I can tell you that would never go another way buying the ready newly built house in a newly build village. 😀 But I agree - for this you should have knowledge on how to do every step of this way and if required to make almost any step by your own.
Почему? Хлопот много, но всё более-менее посильно. А с сада-огорода-цветника и польза материальная есть (можно даже бизнес развернуть, если захочется).
С тех пор, как я начал себе строить дом, я чувствую себя игроманом который просаживает постоянно все деньги...😂 Как только закончил первый дом, начал строить дом для старшего сына.... Теперь я постоянно должен, не смотря на общий рост благосостояния...😂😂😂😂😂
Thank you very much Sam for this informative video which undoubtedly can help a lot of people who want to buy a house perhaps surrounded by a big piece of land, like yours.
Hi, I am Russian, living in the United States. I am just about buying the house in US. This is so much better to buy house in Russia. Это первое видео, которое я увидела на Вашем канале, очень интересно. Хотелось бы вернуться в Россию, но страшновато, боюсь не справиться.
In a village there needs to be electricity, water and gas at the edge of the plot, sewer connection (if possible), good drainage and all year round access to civilisation. Planning permission! Its just a piece of paper. My personal preference is for at least one shop within walking distance.
Электричество в селе пока ещё почти везде есть. А вот вода и газ- роскошь. Канализации в сёлах вообще нигде не видел, каждый роет сам выгребную яму. Но сёла очень быстро вымирают. P.S.: Я про свою Омскую область.
@@СергейХоруженко-ф4ц Не вымирают, а разъезжаются (и заменяются на коттеджные поселки). А канализация в коттеджах такая и есть -- автономная называется, ассенизационной машиной чистится. PS. Но немало и возрожденных сёл (по крайней мере, у нас в Воронежской области много сёл буквально воскресли).
Sam, that was one of your best vlogs to date. It was very informative and gave us a look at a more western-looking neighborhood in Russia. Is this middle or upper class in Russia? Also what are prices like? -
The houses on the two planned settlements will cost about $150,000 at the higher end and about $70,000 at the lower end. When people purchase land and build themselves, there are a mixture of houses. The house next door to me costs about a million dollars
Build your own house is the only answer. That is what I intend to do. This is what most Russians do. All our friends built their own houses, and they are not trades people.
@@СергейХоруженко-ф4ц вы либо не россиянин, либо к России у вас что-то личное! Россияне живут все в разных условиях и большинство там, где захотят! В России огромное количество всяких СНТ и дачных поселков и там абсолютно разные дома! Внимание вопрос - кто их построил и кому они принадлежат? 🤦
So glad you're making these videos dude & giving a proper representation of Russia. I just stumbled across your channel & will be tuning in for updates of how you're getting on. Good luck with the rest of your build. What region of Russia are you situated?
Извините, что пишу в третий раз, как будто я занимаюсь спамом :) Но у меня много мыслей, я хотел бы важную мысль добавить, чтобы никто не сделал ошибок. К сожалению то, что случилось у Мартина из Оренбурга. Если Вы хотите купить новую землю от девелопера компании или в коттеджном поселке - важно разобраться какой тип земли Вам продают. 1. Если это не закрытый поселок, а отдельно стоящий лот земли. Какой тип земли - важно. Я смотрел по картам Оренбурга и нашел локацию дома Мартина, где случилось наводнение, большая трагедия. Все так и оказалось. Их тип земли огромный кусок от жилой зоны Оренбурга и до реки - это пойма реки Урал и там все земли за редким исключением - это земля СНТ. А значит, что защита от государства самая минимальная. Кадастровая цена участка земли их поселка - это 100-200.000 рублей / 1-2.000 EUR, а один участок вообще оценен в 3 евро как исключение :). Это соответствует оценке для участков для разведения овощей, фруктовых деревьев, но не для постоянного проживания - это СНТ. Соответственно от этой кадастровой цены земли государство вычисляет ежегодный налог на собственность - он получается очень маленький. Это конечно плюс. Но минус в том, что формально компенсация и помощь государства такого типа земель будет очень маленькой, люди формально не смогут претендовать официально через суд на большие компенсации, на которые можно все восстановить. В подобном случае остается только просить помощи властей России, поднимать огласку, чтобы власти сделали исключение и пошли навстречу жителям этого района. Такое уже много раз было, когда федеральные власти за свой счет строили или ремонтировали дома жителей, даже когда не имели правового основания на это. В этой проблеме виноват жадный девелопер, который ввел в заблуждение будущих покупателей жилья. Так же судя по видео от Plastic Russian - я смотрю окружение домов в его районе, мне кажется, что участок у него тоже СНТ, только в южном регионе. Современные девелоперы продают дома с землей СНТ или для постройки потому что она дешево стоит, в несколько раз дешевле земли ИЖС. Девелоперу нужно заработать много денег, а то, что владелец дома останется потом один на один с проблемой - его уже не волнует. 2. Второй опасный трюк - покупка дома в закрытом поселке, за забором с охраной и видеонаблюдением. Так как владелец коттеджного поселка остается сам девелопер - монополист, то есть огромный риск, что будут большие ежемесячные платежи NOA за вывоз мусора, интернет, наблюдение и охрану. Такие платежи могут быть слишком большие, поэтому очень часто можно увидеть слишком много объявлений о продаже в одном поселке домов, так как жителям тяжело оплачивать большие счета.
Все зависит от того вы хотите. Если вы не хотите что у вас будет животных, то лучшие купить категории ИЖС. В закрытом поселке есть + и - Вы будете платить каждый месяц за разные услуги, но там будет чисто и в порядке! Вы же все информация изучаете раньше чем покупаете!!!
@@SamsRussianAdventures Да, Вы правы. Это в идеале. Но обычно происходит так. Когда все участки скупают в закрытом коттеджном поселке, управляющую компанию сменяют на другую как будто, но владелец остается тот же или через аффилированное лицо. И тут же идет изменение тарифов. Они имеют право сделать так, как им удобно. У меня есть личный пример, когда мои знакомые приобретали участок в закрытом поселке, они платили 3 тыс руб в мес за услуги, через 5 лет цена стала около 20-23 тыс в месяц.
Greetings. This is an excellent video explaining the pros and cons. I have a feeling the prices are far more attainable than North America, which has sky rocketed. Thank you, keep up the great work
Yes, Russians love privacy, and so that in the morning you can go out into the yard in shorts or without shorts and not think that anyone will think anything about you! I’m like that myself, I’m building a fence at the dacha just for this!😂😂😂
Hi Sam thanx for showing us you're house & land I luv it. You must get onto the exterior timber panelling - sand off all the dead weathered grain & coat with an appropriate exterior timber varnish. Also here's a business idea (unless you've already thought it) an Airbnb people come in stay with you & you show them round & provide info relevant to they're queries re living in R I just luv the aspect - looking across to the pine forest & the "peace" Ur right it's peaceful- good on you & good luck - Mckav
what i like about russia, like he said here, the people decided to put a gate, and did it, you couldnt do that in uk if you all got together(unlikely you talk to each other anyway!) then the council would rip it down if they hadnt done it themselves for a million!
It has its cons though, as you might have noticed the visual aspects of some houses are not that great in many places. It is cheaper to live and the decision can be made fast, but, at the cost of visual integrity. But from another point of view, that is exactly that makes Russia Russia, come and live here as you like, and nobody will bother you 99% of the time.
Sam this is an exceptionally brilliant video. Really very made - and explained. Your house is awesome, i wish i was there to help finish it. I am not a builder but grew up in a cult where i built around 20 buildings. (they build in three days, so started on Friday and it was done by Monday) Huge amount of knowledge and skills i picked up. Not qualified but have the experience and skills, and was architecture mad from very young, i wanted to be a draughtsman/ architect/ designer but by circumstances ended up in pharmacy. I done really well at school in technical drawing. I have done electrics also, again not qualified, i was rewiring houses when i was still at secondary school. Crazy but true. Again, experience. That area is awesome and peaceful. Really beautiful bit you are at. The uniform builds are very fine too. I like the space and the surroundings and so on of yours. Awesome house, i was installing windows and building a staircase to the upper floor, with a large office desk and lighting behind the staircase while watching it. Not a swimming pool person, but i would go all out to see if a sauna could be installed. I like the idea of random houses, costs, sizes and types peppered in the locale and the absence of uniformity. Great to hear that the building regulations and planning departments are not so stringent there as in Britain. Former ‘brown site’ bits of land here - where a large business was and can only be used for another business - is now being allowed for it to be used to put houses in, they are in fact built, so the blasted local government/ councils can break their own bloody rules when it suits them. Over there looks more sane. - i hear the shout out to the other 2 channels also.
You should do a program on buying a flat in Russia. For a lot of people this is easier and without quite the risk of pretending you're an Ivan when you are really a Bob. Just saying, been there, done that. Stay safe.
It will cost you more to buy an appartment than a house with land most of the time. Just for an example, if you want to buy an appartment anywhere close to Moscow, you are looking at least at 50--100k$ for maybe a 20-30 m2 place about 40-50km from Moscow's centre. At the same time, you can buy easilly a small plot of land (100-200m2) in 40-50km distance from Moscow's centre for 4-5k$ and build anything you want on it for 5-50k $, or just put a wooden hut for 1k$ and live in it. You should buy appartments only in case if you have big budget or you want to avoid the upkeep costs for your house, etc. But if you are on a low or middle sized budget, a house with land will be by far cheaper and better option.
Наводнение в Оренбурге случилось вовсе не из-за большого количества снега. Этой зимой, снега в России (и в конкретных регионах) выпало не больше, чем когда-либо в прошлом.
Ты не прав. Мои родственники в северном Казахстане присылали мне видео там снег подходил к мышам деревенских домов и дети катались на лыжах через заборы которые были полностью скрыты снегом кроме некоторых фрагментов и я сразу сказал, что если будет быстрая весна то будет потоп. Так и вышло. Последний раз такие сугробы я видел в середине 1980-х годов. Тогда в лесах берёзы занесены по середину высоты, и мы катались на лыжах в лесу с огромных сугробов, ни до ни после я такого больше не видел.
Весь этот снег наполнил реки. Такие как Ишим и Тобол. Петропавловск в Северном Казахстане тонет прямо сейчас. Вся эта вода будет сброшена и естественно пойдёт дальше на Омск, Курган и далее, так что там тоже будут проблемы. В Кургане вроде уже наводнение. От Петропавловска до Кургана примерно 250 км.
Видите в чем дело, некоторым людям нравится когда все вокруг одинаковые - одинаково одеты, одинаково выглядят и ходят желательно строем. Другие же больше ценят разнообразие вокруг. Так и с домами. Вам нравится чтобы все дома выглядели одинаково, как военные на параде. А меня масса одинаковых домов, одинаковых участков и одинаковых хозяев вгоняет в депрессию
@@sergueimikhail9654 в деревне? Нет, совершенно. У кого есть дети, у тех площадка есть собственная во дворе, а в тротуарах и вовсе нет необходимости, т.к, машины по улице проезжают гораздо реже чем проходят люди. Вы точно были в деревне или эти проблемы придумали наобум?
@@iam___611 Это дело привычки. Плохой привычки в данном конкретном случае. Совсем не обязательно топтать грязb даже в деревне. Тогда и молодые специалисты и учителя в деревню поедут.
Больше всего вгоняет в депрессию круглосуточный собачий лай, как на псарне живешь. Народ у нас не умеет уважать соседей. Да еще своих собак просто выпускают и они свободно шляются по поселку. Никогда не видела такого за границей.
I’m done with my building house in south Russia, spend around 150 000$ it was pre war currency rate around 72 rub for 1 $ . And took 3 years. I think I much better then take mortgage. Good luck 👍
The ones I showed you are about $100,000 but that is without interior. Some can be a little less. Perhaps $70,000. They are perhaps 100 metres in size.
Thank you for mentioning me and my channel Sam.!! Love your house!!!!
Love your channel. Great content.
thanks for this video today Sam, I needed it. I am going to Yekaterinburg for 30 dats then I am coming back and closing up shop and moving there. I am so done with the US, I appreciate you brother.
You speak Russian? Got a job lined up?
Sounds great! I wish you luck with your journey! Perhaps we’ll see a video from you soon!
@@everready800 Fraudsters with bank loans they will never pay back
Why E-burg? It is like Pittsburgh.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Sam, that house looks really cool. Wishing you a speedy finish.
Thanks so much! I hope so too.
@@SamsRussianAdventures What is your insulation plan for the house and what temperatures can your area go down to in winter time?
@@SamsRussianAdventures m hi , sam do you know that you can only by land in sochi and ANapa if your a russian citizen , close to a border only citizens can by , and as you well know it takes a while to get citizen m sam can you do a video about this ?????????????
Сэм, Вам повезло: у Вас есть менталитет британца и понимание менталитета русского человека. :) Так Вы можете легко донести нюансы русской жизни до иностранцев. Вы очень подробно разложили особенности с приобретением земли и дома. Я бы хотел добавить.
1. Самое основное. Тип земли, который Вы покупаете: основные для постройки дома и жизни - это 3 типа: ИЖС, ЛПХ и СНТ. С точки зрения закона ИЖС - это просто дом для жизни и немного пространства на участке, ЛПХ - дом + ферма небольшая, можно выращивать коров, свиней и птиц. СНТ - это дачи или сезонные дома, животных нельзя, можно огороды, фруктовые деревья.
Если захотите заниматься фермерством: завести коров, свиней и куриц и купите землю ИЖС и соседи будут против такого соседства, то через закон будут проблемы и придется закрыть ферму. Если купите ИЖС, а рядом будет такая земля ЛПХ, то вы сами будете страдать от такого соседства :). У меня подобная история. У меня дача на земле ЛПХ, я могу заниматься фермерством, но я этого не хочу, а сосед через забор имеет землю ИЖС, но у него прямо у забора со мной завели 30 гусей. От них постоянный шум и иногда запахи помета. Но меня это не беспокоит, так как это для меня дача.
СНТ земля - только огород, сарай, баня и осторожно дом, надо согласовать и уточнить все. Есть СНТ, где колодец или скважину рыть нельзя, будет большой штраф. СНТ - это не для постоянной жизни, очень сложно. По факту 60-70 процентов свободной и дешевой земли вокруг больших городов - это СНТ.
По факту в жизни в деревне или поселке разные статусы земли могут граничить друг с другом легко. Жители с пониманием относятся к соседям, не устраивают скандалов и стараются уладить проблемы друг с другом устно, без участия полиции или властей. В 95 процентах так оно и выходит, поэтому все стараются жить дружно. :)
Эти статусы ИЖС, ЛПХ и СНТ важны еще для защиты своих прав на недвижимость. Если у Вас будет стихийное бедствие вроде пожаров, урагана или наводнения, а дом на участке СНТ, то рассчитывать на компенсацию от государства или местных властей не стоит. Будет маленькая компенсация или вообще не будет. Власти могут пойти навстречу, чтобы не обострять ситуацию и добровольно помочь. Но лучше не рисковать. Страховка на землях СНТ возможна, но есть много нюансов, я не узнавал детали.
Если власти решат построить дорогу или магистральные коммунникации или новый важный объект с Вашим участком не будут считаться - выплатят Вам компенсацию и дом снесут, а участок заберет государство. Если не захотите добровольно, то через суд.
Новые участки ИЖС и ЛПХ никогда не размещаются в проблемных локациях: в заповедниках, в низинах. Старые участки могут там находиться, так как исторически сложилось. Очень много новых земель для постройки домов создаются от бывших полей или пастбищ. Местные жители могут легко сказать, что на этих землях было раньше. У них можно узнать проблемы. Возможно в этих местах сложно добыть воду из-под земли или там всегда происходят весной наводнения 1 раз в 3-5 лет. Эту информацию можно узнать у местного архитектурного бюро в администрации города или поселения.
Если покупаете старую землю при покупке земли лучше пригласить геодезиста. Как минимум, чтобы определить точные границы вашего участка. Очень много неточностей в границах на картах. Геодезист поможет узнать качество грунта, глубину залегания воды, чтобы делать колодец или скважину, какой стороной поставить дом на юг или север.
2. Очень много отличных локаций было выкуплено в 1990-е и 2000-е годы и на них построены ужасные огромные дома, которые трудно снести, чтобы построить свой собственный дом. Таких объявлений много на продажу. Огромное количество участков скуплено просто так, как инвестиция и в данный момент не продается. Гораздо легче купить хорошую землю довольно далеко от поселка или города.
3. Покупка земли или дома у компании / юридического лица намного проще, чем у физического лица. Покупая землю или дом у физического лица потребуется проверка юридической чистоты титула (нет ли проблем с наследниками, ареста недвижимости, проблем с правом на землю и прочее прочее). Страхование титула хотя бы на 3 года, если земля приобретается не от государства и минимум на 1 год, если от компании.
That's great information....thank you for important to know 👍
эту информацию и местные не все знают 😅
За такую консультацию вы бы деньги получали.
@@FadedRoseStoriesFairyTales I am sure that you are right in your statements, but human being is an intellectual creation. A human accumulates negative or positive experiences over the years and draws certain conclusions.
So at one time, 90 years ago, there in USSR was started a tradition to create flood maps of rivers and reservoirs. Each architectural department of the district administration has a flood map of rivers and reservoirs still now. The map has been constantly being created and modified over the past 90 years, starting in the 1930s.
New development of cities and towns in the Soviet Union was performed according to these maps.
But many land codes and rules were liberated too much after the collapse of the USSR. And land and houses buyers wanted to save money of course :). They prefer to buy cheap land in a dangerous area and start to living there.
On the example of Orenburg. The Ural River is very dangerous in spring, its flood width reaches up to 8 kilometers in some places. Every 5-6 years of spring those locations are flooded. If looks at the satellite map around the city of Orenburg, you can see flood meadows up to 3 kilometers wide from each shore of Ural river.
In fact 85% of the city of Orenburg and 95% of its population were not affected by this flood of 2024 according to the map. For example Orenburg airport is located closer to Orsk. It is not flooded at all also. It was build at 70s. Thats locations were build by soviet engineers and builders according strict lows and rules.
This year's flooding in Orenburg is out of the ordinary. A lot of snow in winter plus fast and early warm spring, heavy rains for several days in a row and a broken dam in Orsk - all this reasons are increased an average level of potential flood in 30%.
It seems to me that these are obvious things to avoid some kind of that risky places for house construction. And this is an excellent place for agriculture or tourism. And these lands were used for such purposes in direct way in Soviet times .
люк используй силу - кадастровую карту
Thanks Sam , it’s only a dream for me but you deserve credit for your honesty
Thank you 🙏 I try to give the best information possible.
Good video Sam. I have been a Real Estate Broker in Texas my whole adult life. I have been a home builder, developed subdivisions, and have around 75 houses that are rented. It looks like there are many nice homes in your subdivision. It doesn't look like your subdivision has any restrictions as far as type of building materials or size of homes. I'm used to strict restrictions from a Homeowner's Association which can be a pain sometimes, but it keeps everything uniform and in order. Your house looks great....hope you get to finish it soon.
Thanks for sharing. Planning laws are relaxed here but the thing I dislike is when people leave building materials in a mess at the side of the road. I don’t think I could have the patience to work in real estate! Clients who chop and change their minds so quickly
According to the norms, the main thing is the distance between houses (depending on the material of the house) as well as the distance from the fence should be at least 3 meters. Basically, there is nothing else that is not checked.
Russia is a free country! There are no thousands of everyday restrictions, restrictions in business and household management that exist in the West. Yes, it may be more difficult to maintain order, but you can live much simpler and freer.
Homeowner's association's are criminal in my opinion. You have to pay a corporation to harass you. They don't even pay to plow the road as well the previous city I lived in. I think all the houses looking like is awful.
очевидно, что в данной виде будет больше упорядочиваться законодательство, потому что строительство дома становится достаточно все более и более популярным мероприятием в России, к тому же доходы растут, поэтому требуется определённый порядок , но также важно сохранить свободу выбора любимого дома. Но я бы выбрал землю с гектаром на холме, что лучшее для семьи.😊 но часто дом в России это второй дом, после города. Сейчас правительство создаёт новые программы развития поселка деревенского современного стиля.
When I was 26 or 36, this would have been a great adventure. I am 56 now. I'd just like to visit some day. Very interesting video, Sam. Great job, as usual.
Glad you enjoyed it! I moved here at 24! So I understand you.
If you will live somewhere close cities like Moscow, you don't need to worry about the language.
If you would live in some village a bit more far away, that would be a slight problem, since it would be impossible to socialize for the first 1-2 years, but you can learn everything, don't be discouraged.
The cost of living is actually super low, depending on your budget and desired location, you can buy land as cheap as for 100-500$ and build a decent house for 5-15,000$ where you can grow most of the food for yourself.
So, I would not worry about the language, the problem would be rather the income, since as you know the salaries in Russia are not that high.
If you can sustain your life trough some business or e-commerce or something like that, just move to Russia, language can be learnt fast.
And regarding your origin, don't worry for not being accepted or anything like that, in Russia we consider people to be russian by spirit or the way of the thinking simmilar to ours, not by enthnicity like in some asian countries.
@@SamsRussianAdventures Did you have military serves in Russia?
@@-Priat- no
в ютубе есть видео, пенсионерка этническая немка переехала в Российскую деревню и открыла свой бизнес эко туризм тоже построила себе дом ,на своем участке построила несколько гостевых домиков живет и наслаждается жизнью 😊
i love your home - high ceilings and open concept. amazing
Thanks! I love minimalism
Wow that's amazing Sam see those walls going to last forever. Here in the UK I live in London renting three bedroom house my are just like paper you can hear everything from every room
In Russia, only in the warm southern regions is it possible to build houses with thin walls. In the central region and further north, houses should have thick walls and good thermal insulation. Otherwise, you will be cold in winter
as an alternative for an average foreign person considering moving to Russia I would strongly suggest buying a cottage (probably on an after market) within the planned and complex developed projects. This gives you a guarantee that all necessary communications and services are at place and operational, roads are paved, community is gated and guarded, some basic services (food store, sports facilities, paramedic treatment etc.) are available, and you won't live on a "construction site" for years and decades... of course it costs more, but it saves you a lot of time and nerves.
Это даже дешевле будет 💯^😼
@@lilipop6990 в конечноми счете - да!
100% agree! Did you watch the video to the end?
@@SamsRussianAdventures sorry Sam, I never have time to watch the videos to the very end )))
my bad
Very much agreed that's best option if you ask me
Nice work. Think people inside and outside Russia find this wery interesting.
Thanks. I tried to cover everything
Just don’t buy land in Orenburg at the moment. We are completely flooded here. Sorry Sam I had to say that one. Thanks for all of your support. Love your channel and content. Great video. Martyn 🇷🇺❤️🙏
It’s awful what you are going through.
its time for buy land in Orenburg
I sincerely sympathize and wish you to overcome adversity as soon as possible.
I am sure that the government (and the president will definitely get involved - as has already happened in similar cases) will learn lessons and protect the region from repeating such a tragedy: they will regulate the discharge of water from hydraulic structures, control the quality and maintenance of the dams, so that everything will be fine there.
But, of course, it’s creepy to even imagine what it’s like there now.
Thank you. We are staying strong and praying for everyone in Orenburg. 🙏❤️🇷🇺
But yes it really is great to build a house in Russia.
Can’t wait to see your place when it’s finished.
I can’t wait either!!!! Thank you!
The house is going to be spacious and cosy!❤😂😊
I like minimalism!
Thank you Same very informative video, Off course I have no strength to buying a house 😂😂😂in Russia 🇷🇺 , But I just wish migrant to this ancient great country !
Off course I am a fan of great President Putin 🤙
Building a house is not a fun process!!!
@@SamsRussianAdventures Кстати Sam, обычно вначале строят маленький домик, сарайчик, бытовку, в которой можно начать жить и складывать инструменты и тд
All of the world presidents are the same..
If he was different he will not vaccine his own people like everyone else did..
Same coin/ different side
Better to rent!
Typical westerner…😂😂
The house will be great when it is finished.
There doesn't seem to be much mortar between the blocks. I've seen a similar technique in older buildings. They are still standing, so maybe it is stronger.
They are very lightweight and the weight of the roof hold them in place.
Some houses like mine, are made from concrete blocks first then the outer skin of bricks is really just a cosmetic layer/insulator. The structural integrity is in the inner concrete skin
Good 👍 show Sam.. we all love Russia 🇷🇺 and maybe many will move there if you continue educating us… I appreciate you… Good work Brother 🙏
Thanks! 😃
As a Russian, I can confirm that everything Sam said is true. Everything is just like that. I have nothing to add to what has been said. So, if anyone has a desire to move to Russia and build or buy a house here, carefully study this video.
Now throughout Russia, construction companies are building a huge number of gated settlements for every taste and purse, settlements in different styles - there are settlements with houses in English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian styles, townhouse settlements. The infrastructure in these settlements can be different depending on the price. Some of these settlements have their own pond, beach with sand, soccer and tennis fields, schools, kindergartens, stores, beautiful parks, squares with fountains, etc. In the Crimea - these are settlements near the sea. The choice is huge for those who have money
Yes! I said this in the video. Most of the settlements near me are small but there is one which is about an hour away, I’ll pay a visit.
Bot farm
@keithrothman7253 I've seen that exact comment several times ,these western failures who start channels in Russia get huge russian state backing from kremlin controlled bot farms .
i have $50k usd, can i buy a house in crimea?
@@kaleeysmith8801 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This was very interesting. Thank you from Québec!
Thank you 🙏
Very interesting and knowledgeable…great presentation.
Many thanks! I tried to cover everything.
Стройка движется . Желаю удачи привет из Крыма из Ялты
Очень медленно! Спасибо 🙏
How sweet darling ypu have there
For someone who wants to move in Russia, this video is priceless. Thank you for the effort, though I am russian myself and dont need it. I just like to support a really good job made for free, and I like the kind of people who, maybe, will finally decide to move here because you explained the basics so well. I think that you guys is what this country needs.
I downloaded this video because this is what I want to do: build a home in Russia. Russia is Europe
Россия это отдельная цивилизация не Европа и не Азия 😼🇷🇺
Brilliant! Hopefully this video was beneficial.
@@lilipop6990 Россия -- Европа, но не Западная Европа, а Сама Своя.
Russia is Asiopa
Russia is awesome
Дом, эта такая дорогостоящая игрушка для взрослых мальчиков и девочек))) сколько с ним забот и хлопот, сколько денежных вливаний, но сколько удовольствия от обладания собственным домом, наверное это заложено на генетическом уровне)))У самой квартира в городе и дом со всеми удобствами в деревне, где живу летом , хлопот много
🤪🤪🤪 но жизнь в деревне на многие лучшие!
@@SamsRussianAdventuresЯ тоже не жалел ни одной секунды после того, как купил участок. При покупке участка если его продаёт посредник, то можно не использовать сейф, так как все риски берет на себя юрист посредника.
@@DmitriyZembatov ну не знаю😅 я хоть и вырос в доме , но когда в 28 лет отстроил свой , прожил там год (даже меньше, месяцев 9) после чего уломал мамку переехать в этот дом, а сам переехал в ее квартиру , года через 2 продал квартиру добавил денег и купил уже норм 3шку 130 метров с сауной - вообще не жалею 😂. Мама кстати на мне по итогу нехило наварилась, так как дом я отстроил за 57 млн, а ее квартира в которую я из него переехал на тот момент стоила 12-15млн :) В итоге дом она тоже продала и купила себе поменьше и в 2 раза дешевле, но с большим участком где она устроила себе сад (ну логично так как нафиг ей на пенсии нужны бильярдная и тренажерник). Просто кому то дом заходит, кому то вообще нет... первые пару месяцев мы там потусили было весело, а потом пришло осознание что я в доме использую туалет, ванную, кухню и 1 комнату по факту 😂 единственный плюс это гараж на 2 машины. Но в моем человейнике у меня свое место в подземном паркинге... + из мо в мск по работе попасть это то еще приключение в час пик
@@rv6136 так эта... только для удаленщиков типа меня. :)
Russia is a free country! There are no thousands of everyday restrictions, restrictions in business and household management that exist in the West. Yes, it may be more difficult to maintain order, but you can live much simpler and freer.
There is a Canadian family of farmers having another opinion about that.
@@henk4520 doing business (like a farm) is more complicated than just living there and you should know the rules of a game, like in any country
Yes you can live without laws and without the annoying interference of a state. This is why even before the moskals invaded their neighbor and massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people, companies hesitated to invest in that vast country. Because the only ones ruling there are the fsb thugs. They openly demand money if you want to be „free“ there.
@@henk4520 Yeah but here in Canada you literally have a socialist type of agriculture system. Government orders you what they want. This, I believe makes it easier to survive and plan, but is it much "freedom" in such a system?
Dont tell me the Canadian gov tells you what you must grow and what not beeing an independant farmer.
Russian-style wooden houses look great
The smell is great too!
@@SamsRussianAdventures pretty cold at winters tho
@@dennisthemenace9133 try Wisconsin
Those walls around them make me crazy though... What's a point of having a village house when you are surrounded by a solid brick wall? And you go outside, surrounded by solid walls. I can't understand that, I really can't. I can't understand this paranoid autistic modern obsession with walling things.
@@aceofswords1725 you may walk naked inside=) I like hight walls, not because of paranoic fear, but because of privacy
Way to go Sam! Outstanding video, super entertaining and informative. You're on a winner with this type of videos. I can't wait for the next one. Cheers from OZ mate.
Россия очень огромная, а население небольшое, для такой площади. Есть множество деревень, которые уже заброшены, люди уехали, и они смотрятся очень бедно без людей. Но люди селятся ближе к городам и у каждого города в окружении много современных красивых домов.
Согласна, могу сказать на примере Москвы, что у нас все Подмосковье уже из дач превратилось в полноценные жилые дома в которых люди живут круглогодично и ездят на работу от туда.
This is intentional so the government can easily control and monitor you.
Great video, Sam! Thanks for sharing!🙏🏻👍🏻
My pleasure! Hopefully it covered everything.
Excellent Video Sam.
Thank you! Hope it was beneficial
@@SamsRussianAdventures I am a Canadian that currently lives in South America and married to Russian beauty for 25 years. We have an apartment in Novosibirsk, but we are looking for land in Southern Russia. We have many dogs so we need a larger parcel and want more of a Cabin/Cottage type of home for all year living.
Yet another great video, Sam. Very informative! I like the looks of the other homes in your neighborhood. It is a shame about the rubbish and not everyone chipping in to maintain roads, etc. It speaks of a lack of respect for their neighbors. I'm not a fan of endless laws and ordinances, but sometimes they can be helpful in ensuring that most people's efforts and investments in a basic quality of life aren't wasted. Maybe plowing snow from the roads up to their garages or gates is an option... Some creative thinking can sometimes convince people of the error of their ways.
I don't know if you can go back and add text to it, but at 16:55, I think the word you were looking for is "escrow." Also, for your American viewers, 1,500 square meters is a bit over 1/3 of an acre. That's a decent-sized city or suburban lot. Also, what you call "communications" (gas, electric, water, sewer), we usually use the term "utilities."
Hi, thanks for the information. The first time I have used these terms in my life have been in Russia! So I know the Russian words and not the English! Such neighbours are narcissists and do not care about others. I personal hate to argue with a neighbour because I feel not comfortable afterwards. I understand about laws about rubbish, we have them too but they are rarely enforced.
I want to add that it's getting better than it was in my childhood in 90's. It was a time when our society lost some culture, and even cities became more dirty and polluted. Just imagine that you country literally fallen apart - such things never come without long-going circumstances. But now it seems to going in the right way
Молодец Сам, прекрасный контент, we love you, carry on!!❤❤❤
I am moving back to Russia end May after 15 years in US. Got dual citizenship. Gonna build a house in Moscow outskirts.
The log homes look nice 34:00
Yes! And they smell amazing!
Great video!
At the moment this Dutchman is renovating an old stalinhouse in the center of Ryazan.
Oh, I can only hear how birds are singing ❤😍 my favorite time, spring..
And dogs barking!!!!!
So HOA all the same. Ugh. Lol
Location, location, location… the most important criteria for building/buying a house. We in Russia still think that we can build a beautiful house anywhere but forget that we first must have a proper infrastructure not only for the estate but also for the entire area to get the maximum value from the land. We need to pass legislation that proper roads, walking tracks, playgrounds, etc must be there before houses are built and must stop building in small patches here and there. 😊
I understand but each location has benefits and minuses. My house is only 5km from the city and 1km from a big village with all infrastructure.
@@SamsRussianAdventures True, Sam. But generally, in Russia we build here and there with no sufficient thinking by the authorities. We would all be better off if we develop one area with full infrastructure, leave some land for the wildlife and develop the next one, etc.
Indeed, very little planning on the local level.
Part of the problem, land taxes are low, but in return ... residents get little in return.
Most Russians are not aware how civilized world functions, so they collectively don't demand better planning.
@@Alec72HD Civilised world? You mean the civilised world that turns a blind eye to carpet bombing in Gaza? Or the world that forgot how they tortured and murdered millions of innocent civilians in Iraq? Cut the crap, bro, and get civilised.
Very interesting Sam. Thank you for the information
My pleasure! Thank you 🙏
The concepts sound similar to US southwest. Major or at least populated metro areas then rural. Schools in metro areas areas rarely cancled due to weather but rural bussed into metro areas given weather breaks if needed.
Electic can be available but better have a well in rural areas and septic system. Telecom before cell and sat depends.
Here in Russia, schools close if it’s colder than -35
Well we of course don't get anywhere near that cold here. But more rural areas if snow or rain can get muddy or roads not passable until graded or plowed. Cities are done first then move out to rural areas. Major rural roads are also first priority but the smaller dirt tracks to a few house here and there take time.
@@SamsRussianAdventures когда я учился была градация что если -25 градусов не идут младшие классы (1-5) при -30 средние (5-8) ну а старшие не приходят при -35. И все равно были случаи работы при - 35.
Thanks again Ryan! You are amazing!
Great video. Very informative on the do’s and don’t s.
Glad it was helpful! Thanks 🙏
I was offered a wooden house on the main street in Suzdal for USD 5,000 in 1995. I'd have had to demolish the old rotten wooden house in order to build a proper house.
Now they are a fortune. My friend just sold a house in Suzdal with 43 metres for 15 million rubles!!!!
тебя надо арестовать за порчу народных старинных ценностей!
@@дмитрийс-щ5иIt was rotten! What would you have done?
@@andreanagy4801 у тебя совсем плохо с чувством юмора...вредитель!🤣
@@andreanagy4801 Bought it as an investment simply for the land the house was on.
Hi Sam,me and my wife buys a plots off land in 2013 and in 2014 we build a new home, it's a shame that I cannot show you our home.😮
If you send me a photo then I can put it in a video or I can come and visit you when you build it?
@@SamsRussianAdventures we build it in 2014 Sam. How can I send pictures too You?
@@SamsRussianAdventuresdo you have a e mail address Sam?
I would prefer a dacha in an old village precisely because I would like to be a part of the community.
I understand. I sleepy village is good too but if you build a modern house there then in will stick out like a sore thumb.
@@SamsRussianAdventures I'm from the US and have lived in the nice suburban house and now a tiny house on land in the country. You might think I'm crazy, but those old dachas are endearing to me. Charming, in fact. I understand you may not have all the amenities, but I can forgo those to be more immersed in the community. That's just me. Also, your house will be lovely.
old villages is death ((
Hi sam just found your channel . This has been very informative and a lot of great advice some of these houses are really nice and i will be looking forward to the next video about costs of buying and building a house also like the idea how people get together to improve where they stay as its very important to have all services like gas water electricity ect and shops medical services plus police local authorities very enjoyable
Thank you! Welcome aboard! Check out some of the older videos too!
The costs can be as low as 1k$ for land and old second hnad wooden house, depending on the location.
I think that the best option is to not move as a single familly, but relocate with other famillies in same village/city. It would be much easier than to adapt, and mabye one would not be so much homesick, etc.
I am from Serbia, and I dream about life in Russian countryside.
I'm fro UK my grandpa's from Serbia. I dream about a house in a Serbian village
I hope you will come and experience it!
Ma ajde beži bre.. Kakva Rusija..
Rusi su Imperialisti , Srbi nisu..
Hladan narod bez osmeha na licu
k tome jos i alkosi..
Oni na Srbe gledaju sa visoka
Сербы нам всегда были братьями это знают все в мире.
@@importedvixen Вы больны? Сочувствую😂
Very thorough. Thank you.
Thank you! I tried to cover as much as possible.
Thank you Sam. Will look forward to watching your 'do up' of your home. Lovely bank of trees in front. Perfect spot. Great Content. xxx
Thank you! Yes! It’s so peaceful here.
Brilliant Vlog Sam
Full of info and good tips
Looking forward to the next Real Estate interviews
I don't see much difference in the building processes or hurdles to overcome there as compared to here in the US. BTW My favorite part of any house is a loft overlooking the main living area. Also my favorite style of house is what your building, gambrel roof or "barn style" as some know it. Good luck and hope your able to enjoy it soon. ✌👍
I’m looking forward to sitting on the first floor terrace and having breakfast in the summer! Or sitting in the jacuzzi in winter!
This was a great video with really informative content Sam..... thank you so much 🙏 I hope you can get back to work on your house this summer 👍
Very informative, thanks Sam.
Great house, Sam, I'm sorry your dream is on stand-by. Thank you for the most interesting and potentially useful, some day I hope!, video.
Thanks. I’m hoping that I can carry on again soon!
to be honest im not a village guy , i cant live in such village, the cons are more than pros imo, and to be exact the only + i see is the clamness and big space but thats not an issue for me , i would prefer to live in modern small flat everything is almost near me im talking shops servieces everything , than living in an area where i need to worry about cleaning the road or putting extra money into buliding a barrier or worrying about the possibility of finding a working good transport to take my kids to their school everyday in cold harsh winter for 1 hour before their actual school time and son on , I have lived in such conditions and i suffered alot and i saw my parents suffer too so nah not my thing , great video tho thanks for sharing
I think you will prefer to live in the countryside after 20 years!!!!! I used to prefer the city too.
What actually happens in the Central Federal District, when the local government turns off your heating because you no longer have money? I saw from another TH-camr that it can be -30 degrees even during the day (he is from Yaroslavl Oblast). I think if the house (and windows) are poorly insulated, then you may freeze to death. This is no comparison to California, England or Central Europe (apart from the Czech Republic, where it is sometimes quite cold in winter).
Живём в Сибири, окна открыты весь год в любой мороз, в квартирах жара. Для меня это плохо, очень душно. Хотя есть дома, где прохладно, не знаю почему.
Looking forward to your next Video, keep up the good work, from Australia.
Thanks 👍
Есть канал австралийцев Russia Guy.
@@karmelitakarmelita7869они как раз строят дом.
26:40 golden classics of democracy. In our townhouse village, its very hard to improve anything, because it needs 300 people to come together and give money for this.
There are always some people who are horrible neighbours! I think that at a minimum people should try to get along. Only narcissists don’t care about the others in the community.
@@SamsRussianAdventuresI was wondering if Russia had townhouses & what they would cost? Also.... do they have projects or certain areas or houses for families that struggle? Canada & the US have large numbers of homeless, sadly 😥 In California they have area's that they call tent you see anything like that in Russia?
@@jaqikennedy9990 В России почти нет бездомных. Они сначала появились в 90-е, когда наша страна была почти разрушена западными странами во главе с США, тогда бездомных было довольно много, но не так много, как в США сейчас. Затем были приложены огромные усилия государства и волонтеров (я знала ситуацию изнутри, так как сама в 90-е работала в благотворительных проектах), и проблема была решена, люди получили возможность социальной реабилитации. В целом, у нас нет таких законов, что человека могут выселить на улицу из его жилья. В те же 90-е, когда многие жили очень бедно, мы всегда знали, что у нас есть наши прекрасные бесплатные квартиры, полученные еще при СССР, с почти бесплатными отоплением, светом, водой (коммунальные услуги традиционно дешевы). Аренда простого жилья стоит тоже недорого, при относительно невысоких заработных платах, расходы на жизнь у нас еще ниже, люди не имеют больших кредитов, от зарпалты остается всегда достаточная сумма денег. Учитывая бесплатное образование, бесплатную медицину, великолепные бесплатные детские сады, как наследие Светского Союза - Россия просто самая лучшая страна в мире на сегодня!!!😍😍😍
@@jaqikennedy9990 I will try to answer your questions. Townhouses appeared in Russia in the 90s. They were considered "elite housing" and they were built for rich people. To date, townhouses are being built mainly in new areas within the city or new suburban housing complexes. But it seems to me that such houses are not very popular in Russia. I looked at the prices for townhouses, they are different everywhere, I can't name a certain amount. From 110 thousand to 430 thousand dollars. Some are even more expensive than an apartment in a new building in Moscow.
I don't know anything about houses for homeless families, because the problem of the homeless is not very relevant here. There are no tent cities.
@@lanabanana4577 for families that struggle there are such thing as social rent. Such family can rent a municipality-owned apartment and pay utility cost and a rent, that is symbolical (less then 1000 roubles a month).
The height of the ground floor is also influenced by people wanting a cellar to store things in.
a basement
It’s not the only reason. I don’t have a cellar!
@@SamsRussianAdventures Because you were not building your own house. People store their tools, equipment and materials in their подваль.
Thank you for the information.
Great video Sam! Keep it up! 😊
Thanks! 😀 I hope it was informative
That video with all the Samovars was completley amazing. I am from Alaska and there are a few around there but I have only seen maybe three. Incredable.
great video sam as always :)
Glad you enjoyed it!
Oh, Sam! I also recently dreamed of my own house, but realized that it is too expensive. Besides, I was thinking about a house in the Resort area of St. Petersburg. The bay, the pines - everything is fine there. But floods happen often. Yes, St. Petersburg itself is now protected by a mighty dam (I don't see such structures in Orenburg), but the Resort area is not. Sestroretsk and Zelenogorsk are not protected. I remember sandbags at the Nevsky Prospekt metro station (and this is the very center of St. Petersburg) 30 years ago, when the dam had not yet been built. It's good to live in the Resort area of St. Petersburg, but you always need to remember that flooding is possible.
It would be horrible for the house to be destroyed by a flood. Most people build in stages, perhaps you can design a house that you can add to over time.
Good video sam👍interesting
Thank you 🙏
Very interesting video Sam Thank you very much! Looking forward your next video about prices! :)
Great information! Your personality does seem to be suited towards being a real estate agent. Maybe a future video you'll tell us you have a new career?! LOL! Keep up the good work!😊
Great idea! Though I don’t have the patience to work with indecisive clients who visit lots of houses and keep changing their minds!
@@SamsRussianAdventures No, it's like PR or journalism in Real Estate.
Thank you for sharing real life aspects that you've experienced and how they impact your decisions. I enjoyed seeing your home, street, and neighborhood; including how shared resources, such as the street, are taken care of.
love ur video channel sam watching from the uk
Thank you for great video! Being the one who managed to buy a pice of land and to built a house, I can tell you that would never go another way buying the ready newly built house in a newly build village. 😀 But I agree - for this you should have knowledge on how to do every step of this way and if required to make almost any step by your own.
Thanks for sharing! I think for people new to Russia and with minimal knowledge of building, it will be a difficult task, as you said.
Загородный участок - это финансовая чёрная дыра 😂
🤣🤣🤣 точно!
Почему? Хлопот много, но всё более-менее посильно. А с сада-огорода-цветника и польза материальная есть (можно даже бизнес развернуть, если захочется).
т.е. все эти огромные дома построили дураки?
С тех пор, как я начал себе строить дом, я чувствую себя игроманом который просаживает постоянно все деньги...😂 Как только закончил первый дом, начал строить дом для старшего сына.... Теперь я постоянно должен, не смотря на общий рост благосостояния...😂😂😂😂😂
Вот согласен на 100%. После того, как я в 2021 купил участок только и делаю, что трачу деньги. Но, черт возьми, мне это нравится!
Thank you very much Sam for this informative video which undoubtedly can help a lot of people who want to buy a house perhaps surrounded by a big piece of land, like yours.
My pleasure! It was a bit of a long video today! But there was lots of information covered.
@@SamsRussianAdventures Anyway it was great
Amazing Sam! I want to visit!
Brilliant! I’m glad the video had this effect on you!
Hi, I am Russian, living in the United States. I am just about buying the house in US. This is so much better to buy house in Russia. Это первое видео, которое я увидела на Вашем канале, очень интересно. Хотелось бы вернуться в Россию, но страшновато, боюсь не справиться.
In a village there needs to be electricity, water and gas at the edge of the plot, sewer connection (if possible), good drainage and all year round access to civilisation. Planning permission! Its just a piece of paper. My personal preference is for at least one shop within walking distance.
Электричество в селе пока ещё почти везде есть. А вот вода и газ- роскошь. Канализации в сёлах вообще нигде не видел, каждый роет сам выгребную яму.
Но сёла очень быстро вымирают.
P.S.: Я про свою Омскую область.
I agree but foreigners will have different needs.
не понимаю дроч на газ
электричество дешевле выходит
@@SamsRussianAdventures True, I just concerntrated on house things. Social things is personal circumstances.
@@СергейХоруженко-ф4ц Не вымирают, а разъезжаются (и заменяются на коттеджные поселки). А канализация в коттеджах такая и есть -- автономная называется, ассенизационной машиной чистится.
PS. Но немало и возрожденных сёл (по крайней мере, у нас в Воронежской области много сёл буквально воскресли).
Sam, that was one of your best vlogs to date. It was very informative and gave us a look at a more western-looking neighborhood in Russia. Is this middle or upper class in Russia? Also what are prices like? -
It's middle class. There are much more posh villages, I wish I could leave links here.
The houses on the two planned settlements will cost about $150,000 at the higher end and about $70,000 at the lower end.
When people purchase land and build themselves, there are a mixture of houses. The house next door to me costs about a million dollars
Build your own house is the only answer. That is what I intend to do. This is what most Russians do. All our friends built their own houses, and they are not trades people.
Большинство россиян? Да ладно! Строят только те, у кого есть деньги. Большинство живёт или в хрущёвках, или в ипотечных человейниках.
To actually construct it with your own hands? I’m not qualified but I wouldn’t recommend a foreigner who is new to Russia, to attempt this!
У таких диванных нытиков никогда не будет своего дома.Видите только негатив в своей Стране. Россиянин ли вы!?@@СергейХоруженко-ф4ц
Yeah, of course .... it's basically a third world country with no building regulations ...of course anyone can throw up a house of straw ...
@@СергейХоруженко-ф4ц вы либо не россиянин, либо к России у вас что-то личное!
Россияне живут все в разных условиях и большинство там, где захотят! В России огромное количество всяких СНТ и дачных поселков и там абсолютно разные дома! Внимание вопрос - кто их построил и кому они принадлежат? 🤦
So glad you're making these videos dude & giving a proper representation of Russia. I just stumbled across your channel & will be tuning in for updates of how you're getting on. Good luck with the rest of your build. What region of Russia are you situated?
Hi mate, I’m in Vladimir region. Glad you like the content.
@SamsRussianAdventures No worries dude. 👍
Hello Sam. 👍😀
Good morning!
Congratulations! Beautiful house and car!
В такой дом как у вас , Сэм, надо хозяйку и детишек! 😊
Точно 💯
I really enjoyed this one.
Извините, что пишу в третий раз, как будто я занимаюсь спамом :) Но у меня много мыслей, я хотел бы важную мысль добавить, чтобы никто не сделал ошибок. К сожалению то, что случилось у Мартина из Оренбурга.
Если Вы хотите купить новую землю от девелопера компании или в коттеджном поселке - важно разобраться какой тип земли Вам продают.
1. Если это не закрытый поселок, а отдельно стоящий лот земли. Какой тип земли - важно. Я смотрел по картам Оренбурга и нашел локацию дома Мартина, где случилось наводнение, большая трагедия. Все так и оказалось. Их тип земли огромный кусок от жилой зоны Оренбурга и до реки - это пойма реки Урал и там все земли за редким исключением - это земля СНТ. А значит, что защита от государства самая минимальная. Кадастровая цена участка земли их поселка - это 100-200.000 рублей / 1-2.000 EUR, а один участок вообще оценен в 3 евро как исключение :). Это соответствует оценке для участков для разведения овощей, фруктовых деревьев, но не для постоянного проживания - это СНТ. Соответственно от этой кадастровой цены земли государство вычисляет ежегодный налог на собственность - он получается очень маленький. Это конечно плюс. Но минус в том, что формально компенсация и помощь государства такого типа земель будет очень маленькой, люди формально не смогут претендовать официально через суд на большие компенсации, на которые можно все восстановить.
В подобном случае остается только просить помощи властей России, поднимать огласку, чтобы власти сделали исключение и пошли навстречу жителям этого района. Такое уже много раз было, когда федеральные власти за свой счет строили или ремонтировали дома жителей, даже когда не имели правового основания на это.
В этой проблеме виноват жадный девелопер, который ввел в заблуждение будущих покупателей жилья.
Так же судя по видео от Plastic Russian - я смотрю окружение домов в его районе, мне кажется, что участок у него тоже СНТ, только в южном регионе.
Современные девелоперы продают дома с землей СНТ или для постройки потому что она дешево стоит, в несколько раз дешевле земли ИЖС. Девелоперу нужно заработать много денег, а то, что владелец дома останется потом один на один с проблемой - его уже не волнует.
2. Второй опасный трюк - покупка дома в закрытом поселке, за забором с охраной и видеонаблюдением. Так как владелец коттеджного поселка остается сам девелопер - монополист, то есть огромный риск, что будут большие ежемесячные платежи NOA за вывоз мусора, интернет, наблюдение и охрану. Такие платежи могут быть слишком большие, поэтому очень часто можно увидеть слишком много объявлений о продаже в одном поселке домов, так как жителям тяжело оплачивать большие счета.
Все зависит от того вы хотите. Если вы не хотите что у вас будет животных, то лучшие купить категории ИЖС. В закрытом поселке есть + и -
Вы будете платить каждый месяц за разные услуги, но там будет чисто и в порядке! Вы же все информация изучаете раньше чем покупаете!!!
@@SamsRussianAdventures Да, Вы правы. Это в идеале. Но обычно происходит так. Когда все участки скупают в закрытом коттеджном поселке, управляющую компанию сменяют на другую как будто, но владелец остается тот же или через аффилированное лицо. И тут же идет изменение тарифов. Они имеют право сделать так, как им удобно. У меня есть личный пример, когда мои знакомые приобретали участок в закрытом поселке, они платили 3 тыс руб в мес за услуги, через 5 лет цена стала около 20-23 тыс в месяц.
Greetings. This is an excellent video explaining the pros and cons. I have a feeling the prices are far more attainable than North America, which has sky rocketed. Thank you, keep up the great work
But why fences are so high?
Because we can’t control if the neighbours dump building waste opposite the house! But we can control what happens inside our border
Russians love privacy
Чтоб можно было ходить голым после бани
@MariaZybrilkina дык за этим он ходит🤣🤣🤣
Yes, Russians love privacy, and so that in the morning you can go out into the yard in shorts or without shorts and not think that anyone will think anything about you! I’m like that myself, I’m building a fence at the dacha just for this!😂😂😂
Hi Sam thanx for showing us you're house & land I luv it. You must get onto the exterior timber panelling - sand off all the dead weathered grain & coat with an appropriate exterior timber varnish. Also here's a business idea (unless you've already thought it) an Airbnb people come in stay with you & you show them round & provide info relevant to they're queries re living in R
I just luv the aspect - looking across to the pine forest & the "peace" Ur right it's peaceful- good on you & good luck - Mckav
Watch out for ticks. That grass instantly triggers my caution of ticks.
Brilliant video 👍 Informative, inspiring, everything a man can ask for. Thanks for that, Sam.
what i like about russia, like he said here, the people decided to put a gate, and did it, you couldnt do that in uk if you all got together(unlikely you talk to each other anyway!) then the council would rip it down if they hadnt done it themselves for a million!
It has its cons though, as you might have noticed the visual aspects of some houses are not that great in many places. It is cheaper to live and the decision can be made fast, but, at the cost of visual integrity.
But from another point of view, that is exactly that makes Russia Russia, come and live here as you like, and nobody will bother you 99% of the time.
Sam this is an exceptionally brilliant video. Really very made - and explained. Your house is awesome, i wish i was there to help finish it. I am not a builder but grew up in a cult where i built around 20 buildings.
(they build in three days, so started on Friday and it was done by Monday) Huge amount of knowledge and skills i picked up.
Not qualified but have the experience and skills, and was architecture mad from very young, i wanted to be a draughtsman/ architect/ designer but by circumstances ended up in pharmacy. I done really well at school in technical drawing.
I have done electrics also, again not qualified, i was rewiring houses when i was still at secondary school. Crazy but true. Again, experience.
That area is awesome and peaceful. Really beautiful bit you are at. The uniform builds are very fine too. I like the space and the surroundings and so on of yours. Awesome house, i was installing windows and building a staircase to the upper floor, with a large office desk and lighting behind the staircase while watching it.
Not a swimming pool person, but i would go all out to see if a sauna could be installed.
I like the idea of random houses, costs, sizes and types peppered in the locale and the absence of uniformity.
Great to hear that the building regulations and planning departments are not so stringent there as in Britain. Former ‘brown site’ bits of land here - where a large business was and can only be used for another business - is now being allowed for it to be used to put houses in, they are in fact built, so the blasted local government/ councils can break their own bloody rules when it suits them.
Over there looks more sane. - i hear the shout out to the other 2 channels also.
You should do a program on buying a flat in Russia. For a lot of people this is easier and without quite the risk of pretending you're an Ivan when you are really a Bob. Just saying, been there, done that. Stay safe.
I have one being edited now.
It will cost you more to buy an appartment than a house with land most of the time.
Just for an example, if you want to buy an appartment anywhere close to Moscow, you are looking at least at 50--100k$ for maybe a 20-30 m2 place about 40-50km from Moscow's centre.
At the same time, you can buy easilly a small plot of land (100-200m2) in 40-50km distance from Moscow's centre for 4-5k$ and build anything you want on it for 5-50k $, or just put a wooden hut for 1k$ and live in it.
You should buy appartments only in case if you have big budget or you want to avoid the upkeep costs for your house, etc. But if you are on a low or middle sized budget, a house with land will be by far cheaper and better option.
Thanks Sam very informative, enjoyed it !!!
Наводнение в Оренбурге случилось вовсе не из-за большого количества снега. Этой зимой, снега в России (и в конкретных регионах) выпало не больше, чем когда-либо в прошлом.
Ты не прав. Мои родственники в северном Казахстане присылали мне видео там снег подходил к мышам деревенских домов и дети катались на лыжах через заборы которые были полностью скрыты снегом кроме некоторых фрагментов и я сразу сказал, что если будет быстрая весна то будет потоп. Так и вышло. Последний раз такие сугробы я видел в середине 1980-х годов. Тогда в лесах берёзы занесены по середину высоты, и мы катались на лыжах в лесу с огромных сугробов, ни до ни после я такого больше не видел.
*к крышам
Весь этот снег наполнил реки. Такие как Ишим и Тобол. Петропавловск в Северном Казахстане тонет прямо сейчас. Вся эта вода будет сброшена и естественно пойдёт дальше на Омск, Курган и далее, так что там тоже будут проблемы. В Кургане вроде уже наводнение. От Петропавловска до Кургана примерно 250 км.
До Омска 300 км.
Your choice of music is awesome. First song and one of my personal favorites already.
Как жаль, что строительство дома приостановилось :(
Ага 😢
@@SamsRussianAdventures будем надеяться на лучшее
Видите в чем дело, некоторым людям нравится когда все вокруг одинаковые - одинаково одеты, одинаково выглядят и ходят желательно строем. Другие же больше ценят разнообразие вокруг. Так и с домами. Вам нравится чтобы все дома выглядели одинаково, как военные на параде. А меня масса одинаковых домов, одинаковых участков и одинаковых хозяев вгоняет в депрессию
А отсутствие тротуаров и детских площадок не вгоняет в депрессию?😊
@@sergueimikhail9654 в деревне? Нет, совершенно. У кого есть дети, у тех площадка есть собственная во дворе, а в тротуарах и вовсе нет необходимости, т.к, машины по улице проезжают гораздо реже чем проходят люди. Вы точно были в деревне или эти проблемы придумали наобум?
Я наоборот не люблю одинаковые!
@@iam___611 Это дело привычки. Плохой привычки в данном конкретном случае. Совсем не обязательно топтать грязb даже в деревне. Тогда и молодые специалисты и учителя в деревню поедут.
Больше всего вгоняет в депрессию круглосуточный собачий лай, как на псарне живешь. Народ у нас не умеет уважать соседей. Да еще своих собак просто выпускают и они свободно шляются по поселку. Никогда не видела такого за границей.
I’m done with my building house in south Russia, spend around 150 000$ it was pre war currency rate around 72 rub for 1 $ . And took 3 years. I think I much better then take mortgage. Good luck 👍
Сэм сейчас много клещей аккуратней будь в траве
Спасибо 🙏
Great video Sam .. How much were the houses in the gated communities, on average?
The ones I showed you are about $100,000 but that is without interior. Some can be a little less. Perhaps $70,000. They are perhaps 100 metres in size.
@@SamsRussianAdventuresотносительно не дорого, квартиры в 100 кв. м. стоят примерно так же
Hi Sam I send the pictures by your telegram channel.
Got it! Thank you!
🙋 Awesome video, Sam!
Thanks for the info. Your a great help ! 😃👍
Thank you 🙏