New Atlantis Artifacts! are they OP? In-Depth Testing & Impressions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 135

  • @ObsidianChill
    @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Dead King's Scepter Artifact (Orbital Strike & Utility Belt) 1:36
    Eye of the Gemini Artifact (Supercharge) 8:38
    Manacles of Force Artifact (Tank Shield) 18:17
    Orb of Arion Artifact (Healer) 24:04
    Final Impressions 32:58

    • @baelothon7420
      @baelothon7420 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hmm interesting to note about the orb of Arion you were in Dps role when testing the artifact which lowers your resto so the base heal should have been about 4500 (maybe more if the healing pet addes the pi from the priority heal???) instead tho it was 8500 healing as a base heal. So it seems like to me that the pet is summoned as if your in healer role?

    • @therealdallasjames
      @therealdallasjames 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Would you recommend the Dead Kind over the Soul Coak? Don't want to drop my base might be swapping out the Heat Vision artifact.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@baelothon7420 I did forget to hit the role switch lol :D it was at like 6am for me. I was about 15.7k resto during those tests, i'll pop on again later and try in in stance and with maybe a cola as well and see if there is a large change. But I would imagine that the pet would be summon as if it was healer stance from the coding.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@therealdallasjames Depends on your powerset, if you are using your supercharge for damage consistently the soul cloak will serve you better in the long run but if you aren't spamming a supercharge like say earths entomb or rage beserk etc then you can afford to lose it for the Scepter artifact.

    • @baelothon7420
      @baelothon7420 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill lol no worries still is interesting how the summon works is all

  • @TheLQGaming
    @TheLQGaming 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I feel like as time goes on the more artifacts there are the more they work more with certain playstyles or powers. Makes choosing artifacts more difficult especially with seals being available only on marketplace.

    • @pastoryoda2789
      @pastoryoda2789 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      TheLQ-Gaming Artifacts cover up the fact that Revamp was a fail

  • @ObsidianChill
    @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    With the dead king scepter portion I mention a 140 artifacts breakthrough, nothing changed from how it works now with the rank breakthrough system it's still 120 I just miss-spoke at 6am :P so ignore that part and the excel document its 120 but what I mentioned at 140 still applies to the 120 breakthrough. Sorry for the mixup

  • @Met-cx9uj
    @Met-cx9uj 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Using the tank artifact in conjunction with third artifact and spamming Pheromone bloom or metabolic boost 2500 cost SCs could work great for a self healing tank, especially a fire tank. You could run the head mod for 2500 SCs too to proc the artifact as often as possible. Hell... If you are feeling spicy, you could even try using supercharge generator as a fire tank to knock enemies down.
    Pretty op in theory... Not worth so much for an ice tank but maybe a long forgotten fire tank could make a good use of it since a fire tank can easily have 150k HP. Upon using a pheromone bloom(knocks down enemies and usable while controlled; not sure how much it heals) 15k?
    This is easily 60k of additional heals over 6 seconds. Not bad if you supplement that with your other heals, just pop immolation, backdraft/stoke to recover. Maybe drop hard light all together and just pop immolation/pheromone bloom/stoke flames, go into blocking as needed while standing in the area of effect and you could avoid those “ohh shit” moments as a fire tank.
    I’d love to see you test that healing mechanic with a self-healing tank. It doesn’t quite work for ice because if you are taking damage on your health bar as an ice tank and have to rely on healing from artifact you are doing it wrong... and in fact, probably shouldn’t be tanking at all. Healing tanks on the other hand...

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can try but the issue is my stats are so garbage on test I can't even reach 100k health with fire because I don't have enough sp to spec properly. In theory it does sound completely correct. I probably would use dash attack over the iconic sc of course only if you are superspeed just because dash attack is a lot better of a SC but yea the healing should be working just like how we say with that artifact. These artifacts certainly open up some different playstyles.

    • @Met-cx9uj
      @Met-cx9uj 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ObsidianChillDCUO Correct. I actually just tested this, I’m not a fire tank at the moment but did play it the longest out of all tanking powers... So I went to respec and spec’d 400 SPs just like I would had I still been a fire tank. Ended up with 14k Resto, 4.5k DOM in DPS role. Tested 2x 2500 cost SC’s: Pheromone Bloom and Metabolic Boost. The iconic pheromone bloom burst heals you for around 33k and knocks down the adds which is really really good for CC. On the other hand, metabolic boost; the super-speed 2500 SC averaged 47k but it was a HoT with 4k ticks.
      Dash attack didn’t really do much to be honest, it did knock out the adds and prevented some damage but it’s animation is too awkward since you’re just bashing your head against the adds. I don’t think you could clip stoke flames or immolation with it, backdraft most definitely won’t clip until you’ve come to a complete stop and waited for like a second or two. It’s definitely good for ice but I was thinking more in terms of synergy for fire since you will be getting 100+k in like 2 or 3 seconds from using the SC, standing in the AoE and having power set heals on top of that
      It could work, I don’t think it will though since I don’t even know whether the AoE proc’d by a SC stays in the same spot or follows you around. If it stays where you’ve used your SC then you’ll just run off of the AoE using the dash attack. I know the healing numbers aren’t that great on Pheromone bloom or Metabolic Boost but will definitely be higher on a fire tank with 13k of Resto and like 16-17k of DOM, on live a fire tank will have like 10+k of additional DOM, which is a good chunk for healing. Definitely 60-70k heals, maybe even higher on crit. Plus, those will definitely clip with stoke/immolation which kinda got me curious how it will play out if in addition to that you are standing in the AoE and are also using your tank artifact to sponge up 50% of the damage.
      As far as Supercharges go, essentially, pheromone bloom is like another backdraft with a crown control and a stun mechanic, metabolic boost is a HoT version of burnout to break out from control effects while healing over time. The reason I brought these up is due to their head mod for 2.5% SC back. Not sure if dash attack has a head mod.
      Even with like 10-11k of Resto and 12k of DOM on test the numbers could be higher and indicative of its potential on live but who knows... I’m actually glad to see them add these to allow a bit of variety as far as different play styles go which they kinda took away with the augments.

  • @HTDJoe1
    @HTDJoe1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm not sure if you know this, I had to learn it for myself. not sure if it works on test server. but if you set your armories in your stash. In this order. (Look at your gear order you wear from left to right).
    In stash any far left spot could be very bottom as long as you got full 14 slots left, to right in any two rows in stash will work. So top left row put in this order (ring pants chest back neck hat and weapon) Then the next row (ring boots waist gloves shoulders mask.) On the row below it. If you set all gear in stash two rows at a time like this missing one row in between. You will have almost 90% full armory change with no gear moved around. (Depends on trinkets and belt items. To do this you NEED to put (ALL) 3-4 armories, in stash and organize this. If you don't take off your gear to do this, and put all in the stash. It will glitch one armory. So put all 4 in this order skipping one row at a time. (Makes it super easy telling what gear is what).You'll have a perfect armory switch with maybe only having your utility belt weapon and maybe trinkets in your inventory.
    Seeing how you will have one armoury on you at all time. After you put all 4 inside your stash. The one you have on will take place of the old gear in your stash, when you switch armories.
    It limits a lot of free space. When your in battle. Well good luck and can't wait for the next video. maybe a vid on this explanation? Its helped everyone I taught it to.

  • @Top-Lip
    @Top-Lip 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I nearly get 30k crits with priority heal atm, with elec. In 9 seconds the pet would basically do 6 healing ticks of almost 60k. It's kind of unclear what "300% more effective" means in terms of actual numbers so I'm guessing the priority heal would do an additional 3x the healing it usually does, so a crit may potentially do a 120k heal, which is more than anyone's healthbar.
    That's actually kinda broken. Even if the cooldown is longer, the pet mitigates that, and the power cost can easily be mitigated with any hybrid build with demon fang.
    It's not gonna be abusable by healers that struggle with power management, but with certain techniques this arti could be completely op for certain powersets. Especially in raids.
    Its basically like a better bio capacitor for tanks if you time it properly. If it was combined with bio capacitor......................

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Its certainly a strong artifact, having the powercost that significant and the cooldown so short its not going to work if every situation and will require either a well prepared healer or a good troll so in terms of pros/cons I think they do even out for that artifact and plus healers have always gotten the short end of the stick for artifacts so I think its fair for them to have a potentially great artifact.

    • @pastoryoda2789
      @pastoryoda2789 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Primal when i switch to Electric next week can you teach me Elec heal & Dps i'll pay you for your time

    • @Top-Lip
      @Top-Lip 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can give you my build/loadout here if you want, I play on eu server. Don't worry about paying anything.
      The artifact set up I use, is demon fang (for power regen), soul cloak (for supercharge, as raid mechanics often force sc in loadout nowadays) and starheart just for extra stats, but since starheart will be irrelevant after the new pay to win orb arti drops, it's pretty much essential to replace starheart with the orb of arion as new raid mechanics are likely going to revolve around new artifact synergy for elite content. I'd also recommend holding onto starheart just incase the devs decide to drop a 4th arti slot. Artifacts are really important for healing, if you haven't already it's highly advisable to get them to at least 120, for stats and especially demon fang.
      My movement mode is superspeed, it's a little trickier so you won't be able to fly Over certain mechanics, but it gives access to a white mod on feet that restores power everytime you do inertial flykick (basically the move where you jump and the lightning is under your feat.
      Sp wise, the best way to spec is hybrid, the extra resto is great for bursts, but it has perfect synergy with demon fang. You can use a variety of weapons that have ranged regen options, I like to use bow but you could also use rifle, dual pistols, hand blast... Brawling wm is not advisable anymore as it has been nerfed, but you don't really need the sp in any other stat as long as your resto is maxed while playing hybrid, so it's not going to be massively detrimental if you spec into wm, on the bow it's actually good to have the melee option to make alerts a little faster.
      I have around 351sp but you only really need to max resto because the other stats are barely useful, so you can dump the remaining sp into dom or might and power or wm (it's nice to have iconic hl shield for certain situations in open world, but this is entirely optional).
      My loadout is:
      1. Electroburst
      2. Bioelectric Surge
      3. Bio-Capacitor
      4. Galvanize
      5. Flux
      6. Group Transducer
      I've tested arc lightning and electrogenesis and come to the conclusion that they aren't really worth it. Electrogenesis has weak hots that can only be applied to specific group members and the heals are too low for tanks, especially since the new heal artifact will be primarily oriented for healing tanks anyway. Arc lightning'a burst takes too long to reach everyone and the heal is a bit weak, overcharge is also an insufficient power so I'd avoid having these on loadout as there isn't really enough space without having to compromise something important.
      You can replace galvanize for recover if you prefer range, but I like to play midrange for hybrid regen and the hots from galvanize help get people's health to max without having to spam bursts when group are around 75% health.
      Galvanize grows in strength with allies healed, but it's mostly used as a small hot that reaches everyone in proximity, the heals aren't going to be anything special. Its very clippable too. Electroburst is also interchangeable with recover if you want to play with recover and galvanize.
      When There is a red skull mechanic that damages entire group, I usually clip bio-cap, galvanize and electroburst to bring group back to full health, as some types of damage, like deathstroke's ikon suit can't be mitigated with supercharge shield.
      I don't spam bio-capacitor, but it's a very good idea to try and keep it on group when you know a skull mechanic is coming, and it can save rage and earth tanks from rage crash/brick dying.
      Pop electroburst and clip with either the priority heal or galvanize every time more than 3 people take damage.
      Try to get op items, they are quite broken for healers because you gain massive dominance.
      As for white mods:
      the hand mod - May aswell use the shield healing one.
      Weapon - the one that gives power back.
      Neck - guardian angel if your reaction time is a bit slow, but I'd advise the resto one instead for extra stats.
      Back - accelerated bio cap or accelerated flux. It doesn't really matter which.
      Head - supercharged group transducer
      Chest - the one that gives 5% super back
      Feet - look for the feet mod where you regen power for inertial flykick or it may be called inertial flywheel (forgot name). If you aren't superspeed, look for dive bomb, or the acrobatic one.
      As for rotation, there isn't really a rotation for elec heals as its burst based, so try to determine when it's best to use the group bursts, try not to ever clip all together because your powers will be stuck on cooldown, and if they are on cooldown, try to use flux inbetween cooldown cycles to mitigate group damage.
      Use weapon attacks inbetween powers to regen faster and proc demon fang. But cancel weapon attacks to heal of course, don't wait until after combo. The main one for power regen is tap range 3 times then hold range, you can jump cancel it into inertial flykick for extra regen.
      In my utility I have, trinket (for buff) supply drop (to help buff dps or get power back in an emergency) a halloween pet spooky jack I think it's called, for a resto buff, the spring event healer pets are also decent because of the heals over time) and the last thing I use is actually an extra self shield, I craft personal dampening field titans, for emergency situations as they have a variety of uses.
      I think I've covered the most important parts but may have forgotten a few things.
      If you have any questions I'll try my best to answer them.

    • @pastoryoda2789
      @pastoryoda2789 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Primal wow Thanks a bunch you are a life saver i appreciate the time you took to type that 😀👍 this will help me a lot 👏🙏.
      i'm tired of earth and it's Jackhammer so i decided to go electric plus i need range so it was either Elec or Munitions i choose electric.

    • @1gta4gta
      @1gta4gta 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      For Water Power too?

  • @dmullins301TWM
    @dmullins301TWM 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Obsidian, regarding the healer artifact, you commented on the strength of the pet's heals "even without pheromones up". Would pheromones have any effect on the pet's heals since the combat tab shows its priority heal power as "Bioelectric Surge"? Odd that a Nature pet would use Bioelectric Surge, but that's what the tab shows. Another great vid. Please keep em coming.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      nah the pet heals aren't impacted by any pi's, it'll be the same pet for each healer powerset. The artifact is impacted by nature and technically water cause they have PI's in hightide and pheromones.

  • @msuphoto
    @msuphoto 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Serious artifact question... so a Rage (melee) DPS will most likely run Soul Cloak, the new SC artifact and a choice of either ones left. Since we would be leveling the SC anyways for DPS stance, is the SC generator on the new artifact useful in tank stance for speed runs to boost melee dps's SC?

  • @zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba0
    @zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba0 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    So is there a way to 'miss' artifacts? Are they only around for a limited time? Or is it always a quest, complete the objective and then they become vendor purchasable?

  • @joeytedesco9032
    @joeytedesco9032 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Obsidian, awesome video and extremely helpful as usual!
    What artifacts would you recommend for a troll? I currently run soul cloak, parasite's power harness, and the debuff artifact, wondering if I should swap one or two out for gemini/scepter from this update.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      nah unless you want to "battle troll" then none of these new artifacts will be better than the 3 we already have.

    • @joeytedesco9032
      @joeytedesco9032 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      ObsidianChillDCUO good to know, thanks!

  • @ajbarry8142
    @ajbarry8142 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What do you believe are the 3 best possible artifacts for both a atomic tank and atomic dps, and lets say I want to increase the effectiveness of my heals as a atomic tank, do you think it’s a good idea to use a healer artifact like the orb of arion, if not some other healing artifact that would be best for atomic tank, given that I’m specking and augmenting everything into damage, and also given that atomics use a lot of power, do you think that the omegahedron is still the best for power regeneration or is there a better one, in one of the new Atlantan artifacts, for atomic tanking, and I don’t think the eye of geminie will do any good because I don’t use any supercharge as a atomic any ways, and also which do you think is better for a atomic dps the tetrahedron artifact or the new dead Kings scepter artifact, and my final question is that given that I want to increase the effectiveness of my heals as a atomic tank, but also want to increase my power regeneration, which artifact is better to stick to the omegahedron or the orb of arion artifacts, especially given that the orb takes too much power, thanks

  • @darkmugetsu6572
    @darkmugetsu6572 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for the info I used 1000 loyalty points to nab a 75k nth metal to immediately get one of these ranked to 80 and could not decide, was thinking the eye IF the radius explosion was far enough but it is not so the scepter one for trinkets looks to be better to spec into first

  • @shandiegooao8137
    @shandiegooao8137 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So nature wolf form procs the new sc artifact? That could be nice. Or even nice for arbiter just for sc gain maybe.

  • @dcuodeathbecomesu1648
    @dcuodeathbecomesu1648 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wondering if could answer a question regarding quantum dps with the eye of gemini, because of oblivion being dealt over time, does this get added to the artifact proc damage?

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      any of the oblivion damage ticks within the 3 seconds at 120 and 6 seconds at 160 will get added. Oblivion lasts much longer than 3 seconds so unless you have the artifact at 160 you will lose out on damage from the gemini artifact.

  • @elijahhernandez8849
    @elijahhernandez8849 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Obsidian which would you prefer for a fire tank, the old tank artifact or the new one?

  • @1shotpdr
    @1shotpdr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What’s up? Quick question for munitions what artifacts would you recommend for dps? Thanks

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Scrap of the Soul Cloak-Dead King's Sceptre-3rd is your choice the Gemini would be handy but munitions is range so you may have issues getting its full potential but still will be great for damage-the Tetrahendron to buff your might-Solar Amplifer for Heat vision single target damage and 600+ base might.

  • @ccorriere
    @ccorriere 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Use metabolic boost with the healing artifact with your tank. Cheap cost, 30 second cool down, massive heal coupled with the artifact.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pheromone Bloom iconic SC is a bit better as its a 25% SC and is a aoe stun as well as the healing

  • @kendallfleming5858
    @kendallfleming5858 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Obsidian, or anyone, I'd like to know why you feel Regeneration is trash for Nature? I know there are other go to healing powers for Nature where you don't necessarily need Regeneration to get you over. However, I use it in oh crap moments and the 3 to 5 large burst heals are significant, I wouldn't say they're trash at all. Plus, the small amount of power push alleviates the troll somewhat when he is getting worked.
    Also, many Atomic Tanks don't recognize that Energize is a very good SC. Yes, you'll get heals from the healer. Yes, if your Dom is really high your self heals will likely get you over. However, I use fortified assault in my neck, and I almost NEVER block unless I know it's a possible hard stun to the boss. Sometimes you get spike damage, where the healer is spamming, but it's just not enough, you pop Energize, you get a MASSIVE self heal back. Granted you won't use it constantly, but it has a significant use.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      With regeneration its having a HOT that's a 5000SC cost that you have to build up and run the soul cloak where with running savage growth over it you have another HOT that you get the entire duration of the raid and you have a free artifact slot to taking something else to help in your regen or one of the new artifacts besides the orb. It's a nice HOT but its not a shield and its not a OP HOT so its not worth having it just in case where you can run another ability to help you the entire raid.
      Atomic certainly can use Energize and i've used it in the past but with the new stats revamp meta the shield is just so helpful from Mass Density especially in cases like Machine where the whole group takes damage from boss mechanics. It's just more helpful for the raid then yourself using Energize but if you feel like using Energize its just as good for yourself.

  • @walterjunior6813
    @walterjunior6813 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    i'm sorry about my English, but, which artifact is worth to use for a long distance dps? I'm using munitions.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Scrap of the Soul Cloak, Eye of the Gemini and Solar Amplifer will still be the goto artifacts for DPS if you are melee or range. If you don't have the eye of the gemini yet you can still use the tetrahendron until you get it.

  • @MrMack49
    @MrMack49 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    in your honest opinion which 3 wld u use in of all of the artifacts

  • @HydroFlame20
    @HydroFlame20 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    😍😍 Your something special 👍

  • @TheLQGaming
    @TheLQGaming 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a Quantum might DPS, would I need the SC artifact or the Orbital artifact? I feel like it would depend on your power.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It does depend on your power, if you are more likely to find yourself in range dps positions it will be more difficult to maintain using it. Also since quantum uses a 100% SC it wont proc as often as some other powersets. Quantum specifically would benefit more from the orbital artifact unless you changed the playstyle because the damage with the gemini artifact will be much greater.

    • @TheLQGaming
      @TheLQGaming 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill I think for the near to moderate future I will stick with my current artifacts. It's a big decision to make especially when high rank artifacts you pretty much have to pay for. That said my heal toon will be getting that heal artifact asap

    • @rockjm9876543210
      @rockjm9876543210 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill What about earth melee?

  • @thechikonky2715
    @thechikonky2715 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice.i feel like my tanks gon b very op now.reduced cool off time on belt sheilds n reduce cool off on my super charge sheild = never die

  • @bignick732
    @bignick732 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Could fire tanks benefit from using the orb? Or does it only work with a party heal?

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      have to use a priority heal to proc so only healer powersets. Fire tanks will benefit the most from the healer using the Orb because of how high the single heals are now.

    • @bignick732
      @bignick732 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill ok. I was thinking more if I used the orb on my fire tank. Would it still work.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bignick732 it doesn't cause its a healer artifact, fire and no other powersets besides healers have a "Priority Heal"

    • @bignick732
      @bignick732 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok that's what I meant to ask. Lol my bad but Ty for info

  • @apex873
    @apex873 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What if you don't have the artefact and you stay in the circle would you still get your dmg absorb made in 3/6 sec including everyone else dmg that's in the circle?

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No, unless you have the artifact you won't get any of that damage but if another dps uses it *you* will be helping their damage out as what you do will contribute to theirs.

    • @abu3azb
      @abu3azb 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Me pew pew while another guy steal my dmg? fair :D

    • @GAMMA_9_
      @GAMMA_9_ 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      True..And this is the reason i hate this eye of gemini..its sorta forcing us who wants top dps :) to really (SEAL purchase) the eye of gemini up to 160...and chase eachother around the board especially when we see a dps drop a supply drop..its now Sadly a must have

  • @Unknown-il3md
    @Unknown-il3md 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Best 3 artifacts for atomic tank?

  • @LAOCastiel
    @LAOCastiel 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Any eta on the celestial guide?

  • @icedcuo1229
    @icedcuo1229 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did you ever get to test if the MoF artifact procs when a rage tank rage crashes? Thats a very interesting artifact if it does lol

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No, but I will when I tank a raid next i'll see.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      yes the MoF does proc with rage crash, so technically if you had a reducer as well like remoreless you would take 50% less rage crash & ontop of that 50% less of the 50% less rage crash with the artifact. It really does make rage tanks super OP the way it currently is, definitely concerning.

    • @icedcuo1229
      @icedcuo1229 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill I literally just read your reply on the forums. I find it interesting with the topic you brought up about tanks being able to initially ignore boss one shots. Interesting for sure

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@icedcuo1229 yea hard to just show an example of it as the hardest hitting thing we have is just doomsday really unless I get a full raid to test with me which is unlikely which is why I asked if a dev could just one shot trinket me for various damage and just having 1 healer with me I can show how it plays out and really makes tanks in general with that artifact ridiculously better for that type of damage.

  • @dcuolordsservent803
    @dcuolordsservent803 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    For my tank right now...I run the fracture.. the soul cloak and cog if I just better off replacing the soul cloak for the new tank artifact??

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      DCUO LORDSSERVENT yea you’ll need the manacles 100% what is your tank class that you run soul cloak? Atomic? There is technically some cheese with the Gemini artifact and tank supercharges if they are 2500 but that could change and that’s a lot of artifact leveling but yea the refractor and manacles will be the goto 2 artifacts for sure and 3 is personal preference

    • @dcuolordsservent803
      @dcuolordsservent803 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Am rage rn but am thinking about going back either earth or ice today..I run soul cloak for honestly just the health...cloak..cog..and refractor..and I haven't ran tank supercharges since before just looking for the base stats..

    • @dcuolordsservent803
      @dcuolordsservent803 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I know the refractor and that new tank artifact go hand and hand..I guess I'll just run cog of Meg.. refractor..and the new artifact. That's really all I see being the best go to 3 artifacts

    • @dcuolordsservent803
      @dcuolordsservent803 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      But if anything please share your thoughts

    • @dcuolordsservent803
      @dcuolordsservent803 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      But if anything please share your thoughts

  • @100kejimaeda
    @100kejimaeda 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can I use Orb of Arion on tank, like I'm going to use it on my fire tank.

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ِsbe22 ِ unfortunately it only works with priority heals which are specific only to healer powersets so it won’t work with any power that isn’t a healer class

  • @Andrito3000
    @Andrito3000 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Maxed out Artifacts are making huge difference and they are basically put behind a pay wall for 140 and 160 level.

    • @mandod1986
      @mandod1986 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've only used the one seal given to my character. My breakthrough failed at 60 but has gone to 140 without any issues. Of course, not everyone has the same luck. Plus, the cache are bound to account. I used my other toons to buff my main. It worked great.

    • @greenmumin
      @greenmumin 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      David herrera how did you use your alts to buff your main?You cant send the seals anymore to another accounts,i tried that.Used to be able to but not anymore.

    • @mandod1986
      @mandod1986 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@greenmumin Just purchase the cache from Constantine and then put it in your shared bank. Not the seals.

  • @strictlyonlybrothersdcuo3906
    @strictlyonlybrothersdcuo3906 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    16:52 he was *Determined*

  • @1gta4gta
    @1gta4gta 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does it will work well with Water Tsunami Streiks?

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      no it wont work at all with them because Tsunami Strikes are not classified as a Priority Heal

    • @1gta4gta
      @1gta4gta 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill meding wave and solace of the sea?

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@1gta4gta just soothing mist.

  • @fuckeverybodycom
    @fuckeverybodycom 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a ton of artifacts butbwith the way they set up for you to spend money on them after level 80 bites my grind my troll could be stronger and my healer could be stronger but the seals cost money in stead of them at least letting seals of preservation drop they make them cost money also which is why I took a break until the new content drops because it’s shitty knowing you could level up an artifact but reap no benefits from the grind only if you pay

  • @DangerouslyActive
    @DangerouslyActive 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you please tank that tank into TT world. To face off against the robot.
    I think that would be a better test.

    • @DangerouslyActive
      @DangerouslyActive 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Chill especially with a tanks durability.

  • @reckless_andrew
    @reckless_andrew 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    So their is two priority heals now why not just make a different one?

    • @David-gz6nk
      @David-gz6nk 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      whiptastic which other is a priority heal? There’s a group heal artifact by not a priority heal one

  • @dcuoscissorkickz1614
    @dcuoscissorkickz1614 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did they come out with better nth metal?

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      no, no changes to nth metal

    • @dcuoscissorkickz1614
      @dcuoscissorkickz1614 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill 🙄 months of grinding to get to 160

    • @David-gz6nk
      @David-gz6nk 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes. Market place lol

  • @strictlyonlybrothersdcuo3906
    @strictlyonlybrothersdcuo3906 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Minor typo in the title it says "the" instead of "they".

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      thanks for catching that just changed it, should have proof read more of this video but it was like 6am and I wanted to get it uploaded so I could go to sleep haha

    • @strictlyonlybrothersdcuo3906
      @strictlyonlybrothersdcuo3906 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ObsidianChill Understandable lol

  • @Play1Dead
    @Play1Dead 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Any news about the SM?

  • @EmanuelSimien
    @EmanuelSimien 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    tbh @ least there support role artifacts and orbital strike

  • @Oru-Fo-Wan
    @Oru-Fo-Wan 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @stevenfontenot5893
    @stevenfontenot5893 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bro, U'r fukin amazing!!

  • @partygaming3283
    @partygaming3283 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn doesnt even mention sorcery hurts man 😭

  • @goodtogrow7774
    @goodtogrow7774 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    So people that away worked or paid to level their artifacts just have to start over? That's a money grab....

    • @magusxxx
      @magusxxx 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can feed your old artifacts into the new one if you want. You get 50% of the resources you put into it. So at least that's something.

    • @goodtogrow7774
      @goodtogrow7774 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      At 100k per cache that still sucks.

  • @osualdocedano5179
    @osualdocedano5179 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Heals are 0p with that artifact

  • @oni-giri2129
    @oni-giri2129 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    you look more villain then hero

  • @jsmackahoe08
    @jsmackahoe08 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    well they are nerfed oh well!

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      they aren't nerfed, they aren't even out yet so people really don't understand what those changes made actually impact.

    • @jsmackahoe08
      @jsmackahoe08 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Increased cool down time and more damage to activate...sounds like nerf, sir. And im only speaking bout the mangle for tank

    • @ObsidianChill
      @ObsidianChill  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jsmackahoe08 Well in terms of tanking its easy to take 30% dmg in one hit if you are fire, rage and any attack that goes through an ice shield and those are the moments you would want the artifact to proc anyways to save you. If a player is wearing it what possible attacks are going to hit them unless it was going to one-shot them anyways? The mini bee bots electric field, the hive bomber snare, terra's grasping hand, hive master laser, hive master reflects so in the moment where you would have died to taking a 80k hit or whatever that hit is only 40k. You are welcome to tell me where I am wrong...
      In terms of cooldowns what boss's are doing skull attacks or damage on you within

    • @jsmackahoe08
      @jsmackahoe08 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I dont have spread sheets nor take this game as seriously as you do obviously..i just hate when people on test say shit is op or not hard enough and fuck others over whom are casual players for fun. I spend 700k on artifacts it can be OP...IM DONE with this post. Keep making vids and ill keep worries bud...geez! I do not test for stats i run to see the stuff...u "pros" keep up the good work. Have a fine day...