What do YOU think about Faruzan in the TCG? Comment bellow! *Deck Codes*: *Xiao Hyper Carry (Xiao Faurzan Raiden)* FpLROSgUA4EB3mQPF3EB6JgPCoFy6TQQFFIxabQXDIIxC8IRDaIRDMoRDbKRDdoRDsEB *Faruzan Aggro (Faurzan Lyney Lynette)* by Voiceanid FZDR2RkNEbCh52AOFnAA6IMOCIAw9JAPCUBw9ZcQCwHwAL8QE2FhBjYQDLGQC8kRDTAA
What do YOU think about Faruzan in the TCG? Comment bellow!
*Deck Codes*:
*Xiao Hyper Carry (Xiao Faurzan Raiden)*
*Faruzan Aggro (Faurzan Lyney Lynette)* by Voiceanid
Nice video! Maybe you can talk about kuki next or even abyss herald
I will be cooking both, lets see who has sauce first