Alhumdulillah we have passed the first ten days of Ramadhan hope you all are having a beautiful month inshaAllah🌙 Link to donate to G4za www.launchgood... Follow me on: Instagram www.instagram.... Tiktok
You made me cry talking about the Children of Palestine 😢😢😢 your are so amazing, inchallah allah blesses you for all the amazing things you are doing❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Assalam alaikum sister...I am 16 about to turn 17 and I am so so inspired by you and baara bolat (I hope I pronounced her name right) . Both of you have such a nice character and I have seen it in your videos, I learnt kindness, compassion and not being judgemental from you guys and I want to be like you one day. I want to volunteer like you and help people when I earn money. Please make dua for me so that I can help needy people in the future. And thank you for inspiring me may Allah re unite me with you guys in Jannah Aameen ❤
watching your videos from istanbul turkiye and i wanna say you have such a beautiful family i loved that you prayed after iftar and before dinner thats also sunnah ❤
In order to leave the fast of a particular day, it is also necessary that the traveller initiates his journey before Fajr (i.e. the time of suhūr) begins. If he begins his journey after Fajr (true dawn) has started then that day’s fast is obligatory upon him and if he leaves it, he will be sinful. In the famous Hanafī Fiqh text al-Durr al-Mukhtār it is stated, “يَجِبُ عَلَى مُقِيمٍ إتْمَامُ صَوْمِ رَمَضَانَ سَافَرَ فِي ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمِ یعنی فَلَوْ سَافَرَ بَعْدَ الْفَجْرِ لَا يَحِلُّ الْفِطْرُ” “It is necessary for a resident (i.e. muqīm) to complete the fast of Ramadān for that day in which he initiated a journey i.e. if he started his journey after the beginning of Fajr, then it is not permissible for him to leave this fast.” [al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol. 1, pg. 154]
Assalamu alaikum......u're most inspiring person to the ones out here...masha allah I'm really happy abt what ure doing......may Allah (swt) bless u immensely maryam💗🥰
If this can help anyone with praying, praying better, gaining some knowledge on prayer (dislikes, likes etc) or anything of the sort, I hope this helps: PART 1 (it wont let me post in one comment so check reply) The conditions of correctness: Islaam. Intellect. Discernibility. Being free from menstruation and postnatal bleeding. Removal of ritual impurity - when able. Purity of body, clothes and place of prayer, from there being impurity - when able. The area being free of graves. It not being in a bathroom - when able. Concealing the awrah - when able. Entrance of set time for that prayer. Facing the Qiblah - when able. Except when exceptions are made. Intention. The conditions of obligation and correctness: Islaam. Intellect. Being free from menstruation and postnatal bleeding. Entrance of set time for that prayer. The pillars of Prayer are fourteen: 1. Standing - while having capability to stand - in obligatory prayers. 2. The Takbeer which commences the prayer. 3. Reciting the Faatihah, and the prayer isn't valid for those that completed its recitation whilst in Rukuu', or those that start reciting it before standing up to the second unit or after or third or fourth, before standing up right, because they would not have recited the Faatihah in its correct place. 4. The Rukuu'. 5. The straightening upright after the Rukuu'. 6. The Prostration. 7. Getting up from the Prostration. 8. Sitting in between the two Prostrations. 9. Serenity and calmness in every of the different actions. 10. Doing the pillars in their right order. 11. The last Tashahhud. 12. Sitting for the last Tashahhud. 13. Sending Salaat upon the Prophet ﷺ. 14. The Two Salaams. The obligatory acts of the Prayer: 1. Having a Sutrah in the prayer, regardless being an Imam or praying alone, those praying behind the Imam their Sutrah is the Sutrah of the Imam. 2. The transitional Takbeers, and they are all the Takbeers in the prayer besides the Takbeer which commences the prayer. 3. The Imam raising their voice when making the Takbeer which commences the prayer, and the transitional Takbeers, and when saying: "Sami'allaahu liman hamidahu", and when making the Salaam, so that those praying behind them can follow them. 4. The Imam reciting audibly in the Fajr prayer, and in the two first units of Maghrib and Isha, and in the Jumu'ah prayer, and the two Eids, and the Eclipse and Rain prayer. And to recite inaudibly in the Dhuhr and Asr prayer, and at the last unit of Maghrib, and the two last units of Isha, and in voluntary prayer except the Night prayer; he ﷺ would recite audibly at times and inaudibly at others, and perhaps recite what was between being audible and inaudible. 5. Placing the right on the left hand whilst standing. 6. Saying: "Aameen" when finishing reciting the Faatihah, by the Imam and those praying behind them, audibly in the audible prayers. 7. Reciting something from the Qur'an after the Faatihah in the Fajr prayer, and the two first units of the Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayer, similarly in the Jumu'ah, two Eids, Eclipse and the Rain prayer. 8. Saying: "Subhaana rabil-adheem" thrice in Rukuu'. 9. Saying: "Sami'allaahu liman hamidahu" by the Imam and those praying alone. 10. Saying: "Rabanaa lakal-hamdu" by all; i.e the Imam, those praying behind them and those praying alone. 11. Saying: "Subhaana rabil-a'laa" thrice in the prostration. 12. Saying: "Rabigh-fir-lee" between the two prostrations. 13. The first Tashahhud, in every prayer with two Tashahhuds. 14. Sitting for it. 15. Resting the body parts of the prostration firmly on the ground. 16. Supplicating before making Salaam: "Allahumma in-ni a-uudhu bika min adhaabi jahannam, wa min adhaabil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahyaa wal-mamaat, wa min shari fitnatil-maseehid-dajaal". 17. Prostrating the prostration of forgetfulness when having a left an obligatory act of the prayer due to forgetfulness or adding to the prayer due to forgetfulness, or due to the occurence of doubt. The preferred acts of the Prayer: 1. It being preferred to take legislative beautification. 2. Drawing close to the Sutrah, whereby there's only enough for a sheep to pass. 3. Raising the hands at the Takbeer which commences the prayer, and at the Rukuu' - and when rising from it, and at standing after the first Tashahhud. 4. Extending the fingers without spreading them about nor putting them together - when raising the hands at the aforementioned places. 5. Placing them at shoulder height or parallel to the ears - when raising the hands at the aforementioned places. 6. Placing the hands on the chest after the Takbeer which commences the prayer when standing. 7. Looking at the area of prostration. 8. Striving to have Khushuu' in the prayer. 9. The supplication of the opening the prayer. 10. Seeking refuge from the Shaytaan before reciting the Faatihah - at every unit of prayer. 11. Saying: "Bismillahir-rahmanir-raheem" inaudibly in audible prayers. 12. Reciting the Qur'an with Tarteel and beautifying the voice - where it's legislated to recite it audibly. 13. Correcting the Imam when making a mistake in the reciting of the Qur'an. 14. Those praying behind the Imam coinciding with the Imam when saying: "Aameen" in audible prayers. 15. Saying: "Aameen" after finishing reciting the Faatihah; by the Imam, those praying behind them and those praying alone, in inaudible prayers. 16. The Imam sometimes letting those behind them hear a verse from what he's reciting in the Dhuhr prayer. 17. Striving to be upon his ﷺ way in what relates to the reciting in the prayer after the Faatihah. 18. The prostration of recitation. 19. Seeking refuge and expelling spittle lightly in the prayer to ward the whispering of the Shaytaan. 20. Spreading out the fingers when placing the hands upon the knees in the Rukuu'. 21. Extending the arms away from the sides in the Rukuu' and the prostration - this is only possible for the Imam and those praying alone. As for those praying behind the Imam - then it is not befitting that they make it tight for those that are praying besides them, and be a nuisance to them for something which is preferred! 22. Adding to the three times when saying: "Subhaana rabil..." in the Rukuu' and the prostration. 23. Placing the hands on the ground before the knees when descending to the ground for the prostration. 24. Spreading out the palms in the prostration and bringing the fingers together, and directing the fingers towards the Qiblah, and placing them parallel with the shoulders or the ears. 25. Facing the Qiblah with the feet and the toes, and erecting the feet and extending the toes, and placing the heels next to each other. 26. Spreading out the left leg under the body, erecting the right leg and pointing the fingers to the Qiblah with it -when sitting between the two prostrations, and the Tashahhud in prayers with one Tashahhud, and in the first Tashahhud in prayers with two Tashahhuds. 27. Sitting on the heels sometimes, instead of the aforementioned description of the sitting, and this is by sitting on the heels after erecting the feet and directing the toes to the Qiblah. 28. The sitting of rest after raising from the prostration, before getting up to the second or fourth unit. 29. Leaning upon the hands when getting up after the sitting of rest. 30. Spreading out the right arm on the right thigh - making the elbow be upon the thigh and the palm on the knee, pointing with the index finger and placing the thumb upon the middle finger, or making a circle with the thumb and middle finger, and to spread out left arm on the left thigh and to grab the left knee. 31. Sitting in the Tawarruk position in the last Tashahhud of every prayer with two Tashahhuds, and this has three descriptions: 1) Pulling the left leg to the right side - whilst flat on the ground, and placing the rear end on the ground, and erecting the right foot. 2) Placing both legs flat on the ground, and pulling them both to the right. 3) Spreading out the right leg and entering the left leg between the right thigh and shin.
PART 2 This is only possible for the Imam and those praying alone. As for those praying behind the Imam - then it is not befitting that they make it tight for those that are praying besides them, and be a nuisance to them for something which is preferred! 32. Variating the opening supplications, and the remembrances during the Rukuu', and after rising from the Rukuu', and the remembrances of the Sujuud, and the versions of the Tashahhud and the sending of Salaat upon the Prophet ﷺ. 33. Supplicating in the prostration, and before the Salaam - after the seeking refuge from from. Especially using what has come from the Prophet ﷺ. 34. Making the Rukuu', and the standing after the Rukuu', and the prostration, and the sitting in-between the prostrations - all roughly similar. 35. Turning right and left at the Salaam concluding the prayer. 36. Praying with shoes sometimes - if it's easy. 37. Men saying: "Subhanallah!", and women clapping, when wanting to notify regarding something in the prayer. The disliked affairs in the Prayer: From it is: 1. Food being presented whilst desiring it, or holding in the two affairs which one relieves themselves of; urine and excrement, when the desiring the food or the holding in wasn't severe. 2. Praying whilst wearing clothing or in a place which distracts. 3. Turning in the prayer away from the direction of the Qiblah without there being a need. 4. Looking around without there being a need. 5. Little unnecessary movements! 6. Wiping the forehead before finishing the prayer. 7. Raising the hands at the Salaam when concluding the prayer. 8. Woman covering their faces except when in the presence of men foreign to her, here it becomes obligatory upon her to cover her entire body, what's including in this is her face and hands. Impermisible affairs in the prayer which don't invalidate it: 1. Praying on stolen land, or on places made for sin like Usury banks. 2. Praying in stolen clothes. 3. A man praying in a single article of clothing and not covering his shoulders with it. 4. Wearing a coat or a cloak on the shoulders without placing your hands in it. 5. Ishtimaal As-Samaa, and this is for a person to wrap themselves entirely with a cloak, inside it and not leaving any opening for his hands and legs. 6. A man to cover his mouth. 7. To place the hands on the waist. 8. To look towards the sky. 9. Reciting the Qur'an in the Rukuu' or prostration. 10. Tucking up hair and clothes. 11. Placing the forearms on the ground. 12. Sitting like how dogs do, this is by placing the rear end on the ground, with both legs on the sides and placing the hands on the ground. 13. Leaning on the left hand whilst sitting in the prayer.
Mashallah may Allah give you so much barkart and happiness ameen for everything you are doing. Ameen. May Allah give your charitys so so much barkart ameen ameen. 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Mashallah may Allah bless you fro the work that you did and everyone else that helped. How did you get the opportunity to do charity work like this, its something that i am interested in
Asalam O Aleykum , Maryam You’re so beautiful Mashallah 😊 I wish I was you ❤ But I’m happy to be me😊 Because Allah made me like this❤ Have a great day Maryam, your Family and All of you out there who seen my comment😊 RAMADAN MUBARAK❤
I love your videos and your like my favorite muslim youtuber and you make me feel so confident when I wear the hijab and It would be my dream come true if i ever met you in real life❤❤❤
This is because Allah has said So whoever is sick amongst you or on a journey (and he does not fast); so an equal number of fasts on other days (must be kept)} [Sūrah al-Baqarah, v. 184]
Assalam o aliakum!! Sister Maryam I think you made a mistake in prayer you should use your right's hand for. Shahada during prayer as Muhammed (Peace be upon him) was used to do the same. May Allah (Subhanahu tala) accept your prayer Ameen. It's for viewers there's possibility that they may repeat the mistake by confusing and she also eats with her left hand which is wrong being a Muslim because Our Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) never does this, he always used his right hand for such purposes it's too important if you wants to follow his Sunnah and teachings. I think she doesn't have knowledge about it otherwise she will never make such a mistake. . Allah Hafiz. 😊
Seeing you praying together as a family brought tears to my eyes, so beautiful. As a revert, I don't have this, In Shaa Allah one day ❤
Shaadi Mubarak
Congratulations on your wedding ❤
I love her Ramadan asthetic decor, it's amazing
Allahumabarik, i love this video so much!! Ramadan mubarak
Thankyou so so much 💕
You made me cry talking about the Children of Palestine 😢😢😢 your are so amazing, inchallah allah blesses you for all the amazing things you are doing❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Assalam alaikum sister...I am 16 about to turn 17 and I am so so inspired by you and baara bolat (I hope I pronounced her name right) . Both of you have such a nice character and I have seen it in your videos, I learnt kindness, compassion and not being judgemental from you guys and I want to be like you one day. I want to volunteer like you and help people when I earn money. Please make dua for me so that I can help needy people in the future. And thank you for inspiring me may Allah re unite me with you guys in Jannah Aameen ❤
omg maryam ur vlogs keeps me happy ahh plz continue to do them and do clothing hauls and islamic content too !!
anyways u slay sis allahumma barik :)🤍
watching your videos from istanbul turkiye and i wanna say you have such a beautiful family i loved that you prayed after iftar and before dinner thats also sunnah ❤
I am Christian but i am watching this to look and learn about other religions
Ramadan Mubarak soooo exited for Eid
*excited ❤
I'm such a big fan Ramadan Mubarak 🕋🕋☪☪
Asslam Maryam.. you are doing such a good job, you're lucky to meet these innocent children from Gaza..may Allah help them and makes their life easier
Ramadan Mubarak Maryam! Love your vlogs💖
11th.. Love Your Content, Nice Vlog! Best Vlog To Watch In Ramadan.
Maryam is a legend maa shaa Allah May Allah bless her always with more knowledge more capability to help the poor you are doing a great job
waw amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ramadan mubarak 🌙 all my brothers and sisters
Ramadan Mubarak Maryam! ❤🎉
I am a 9year old girl and I am so happy for you what you doing to the people of gaza
Ur so pretty maryam ❤❤❤
Mashallah and ramadan Mubarak ❤️ 💖
Ramadan Mubarak ✨️☪️
W. Salam, I LOVEE ur videos so much💞, btw ur so PRETTY ALLAHUMMA BARIKK😍✨❤
you are my favorite content creator!!
In order to leave the fast of a particular day, it is also necessary that the traveller initiates his journey before Fajr (i.e. the time of suhūr) begins. If he begins his journey after Fajr (true dawn) has started then that day’s fast is obligatory upon him and if he leaves it, he will be sinful.
In the famous Hanafī Fiqh text al-Durr al-Mukhtār it is stated,
“يَجِبُ عَلَى مُقِيمٍ إتْمَامُ صَوْمِ رَمَضَانَ سَافَرَ فِي ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمِ یعنی فَلَوْ سَافَرَ بَعْدَ الْفَجْرِ لَا يَحِلُّ الْفِطْرُ”
“It is necessary for a resident (i.e. muqīm) to complete the fast of Ramadān for that day in which he initiated a journey i.e. if he started his journey after the beginning of Fajr, then it is not permissible for him to leave this fast.”
[al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol. 1, pg. 154]
Ramadan mubarak ❤ Qu Allah pardonne tout nos pêcher dans ce mois inshAllah ❤🤲 Amin
Assalamu alaikum......u're most inspiring person to the ones out here...masha allah I'm really happy abt what ure doing......may Allah (swt) bless u immensely maryam💗🥰
Yes you’re right you don’t have to fast when travelling because the prophet ﷺ said that travelling is difficult
Ramadan Mubarak To Everyone ❤ Hope You Guys Have A Good Day
@@petite_maryam Your Welcome ❤️
How do u know me???
@@petite_maryam Just found on TH-cam recommendation
ramamdan Mubarak mayarm may allah grand keep you safe ameen❤
the noor on her face is showing allumabarik
May Allah accept our duas and bless our families.
I loved everything in your vlog! May Allah help u donate money!!
the lady using the teddy to remind her of her husband had me balling
If this can help anyone with praying, praying better, gaining some knowledge on prayer (dislikes, likes etc) or anything of the sort, I hope this helps: PART 1 (it wont let me post in one comment so check reply)
The conditions of correctness:
Being free from menstruation and postnatal bleeding.
Removal of ritual impurity - when able.
Purity of body, clothes and place of prayer, from there being impurity - when able.
The area being free of graves.
It not being in a bathroom - when able.
Concealing the awrah - when able.
Entrance of set time for that prayer.
Facing the Qiblah - when able. Except when exceptions are made.
The conditions of obligation and correctness:
Being free from menstruation and postnatal bleeding.
Entrance of set time for that prayer.
The pillars of Prayer are fourteen:
1. Standing - while having capability to stand - in obligatory prayers.
2. The Takbeer which commences the prayer.
3. Reciting the Faatihah, and the prayer isn't valid for those that completed its recitation whilst in Rukuu', or those that start reciting it before standing up to the second unit or after or third or fourth, before standing up right, because they would not have recited the Faatihah in its correct place.
4. The Rukuu'.
5. The straightening upright after the Rukuu'.
6. The Prostration.
7. Getting up from the Prostration.
8. Sitting in between the two Prostrations.
9. Serenity and calmness in every of the different actions.
10. Doing the pillars in their right order.
11. The last Tashahhud.
12. Sitting for the last Tashahhud.
13. Sending Salaat upon the Prophet ﷺ.
14. The Two Salaams.
The obligatory acts of the Prayer:
1. Having a Sutrah in the prayer, regardless being an Imam or praying alone, those praying behind the Imam their Sutrah is the Sutrah of the Imam.
2. The transitional Takbeers, and they are all the Takbeers in the prayer besides the Takbeer which commences the prayer.
3. The Imam raising their voice when making the Takbeer which commences the prayer, and the transitional Takbeers, and when saying: "Sami'allaahu liman hamidahu", and when making the Salaam, so that those praying behind them can follow them.
4. The Imam reciting audibly in the Fajr prayer, and in the two first units of Maghrib and Isha, and in the Jumu'ah prayer, and the two Eids, and the Eclipse and Rain prayer. And to recite inaudibly in the Dhuhr and Asr prayer, and at the last unit of Maghrib, and the two last units of Isha, and in voluntary prayer except the Night prayer; he ﷺ would recite audibly at times and inaudibly at others, and perhaps recite what was between being audible and inaudible.
5. Placing the right on the left hand whilst standing.
6. Saying: "Aameen" when finishing reciting the Faatihah, by the Imam and those praying behind them, audibly in the audible prayers.
7. Reciting something from the Qur'an after the Faatihah in the Fajr prayer, and the two first units of the Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayer, similarly in the Jumu'ah, two Eids, Eclipse and the Rain prayer.
8. Saying: "Subhaana rabil-adheem" thrice in Rukuu'.
9. Saying: "Sami'allaahu liman hamidahu" by the Imam and those praying alone.
10. Saying: "Rabanaa lakal-hamdu" by all; i.e the Imam, those praying behind them and those praying alone.
11. Saying: "Subhaana rabil-a'laa" thrice in the prostration.
12. Saying: "Rabigh-fir-lee" between the two prostrations.
13. The first Tashahhud, in every prayer with two Tashahhuds.
14. Sitting for it.
15. Resting the body parts of the prostration firmly on the ground.
16. Supplicating before making Salaam: "Allahumma in-ni a-uudhu bika min adhaabi jahannam, wa min adhaabil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahyaa wal-mamaat, wa min shari fitnatil-maseehid-dajaal".
17. Prostrating the prostration of forgetfulness when having a left an obligatory act of the prayer due to forgetfulness or adding to the prayer due to forgetfulness, or due to the occurence of doubt.
The preferred acts of the Prayer:
1. It being preferred to take legislative beautification.
2. Drawing close to the Sutrah, whereby there's only enough for a sheep to pass.
3. Raising the hands at the Takbeer which commences the prayer, and at the Rukuu' - and when rising from it, and at standing after the first Tashahhud.
4. Extending the fingers without spreading them about nor putting them together - when raising the hands at the aforementioned places.
5. Placing them at shoulder height or parallel to the ears - when raising the hands at the aforementioned places.
6. Placing the hands on the chest after the Takbeer which commences the prayer when standing.
7. Looking at the area of prostration.
8. Striving to have Khushuu' in the prayer.
9. The supplication of the opening the prayer.
10. Seeking refuge from the Shaytaan before reciting the Faatihah - at every unit of prayer.
11. Saying: "Bismillahir-rahmanir-raheem" inaudibly in audible prayers.
12. Reciting the Qur'an with Tarteel and beautifying the voice - where it's legislated to recite it audibly.
13. Correcting the Imam when making a mistake in the reciting of the Qur'an.
14. Those praying behind the Imam coinciding with the Imam when saying: "Aameen" in audible prayers.
15. Saying: "Aameen" after finishing reciting the Faatihah; by the Imam, those praying behind them and those praying alone, in inaudible prayers.
16. The Imam sometimes letting those behind them hear a verse from what he's reciting in the Dhuhr prayer.
17. Striving to be upon his ﷺ way in what relates to the reciting in the prayer after the Faatihah.
18. The prostration of recitation.
19. Seeking refuge and expelling spittle lightly in the prayer to ward the whispering of the Shaytaan.
20. Spreading out the fingers when placing the hands upon the knees in the Rukuu'.
21. Extending the arms away from the sides in the Rukuu' and the prostration - this is only possible for the Imam and those praying alone. As for those praying behind the Imam - then it is not befitting that they make it tight for those that are praying besides them, and be a nuisance to them for something which is preferred!
22. Adding to the three times when saying: "Subhaana rabil..." in the Rukuu' and the prostration.
23. Placing the hands on the ground before the knees when descending to the ground for the prostration.
24. Spreading out the palms in the prostration and bringing the fingers together, and directing the fingers towards the Qiblah, and placing them parallel with the shoulders or the ears.
25. Facing the Qiblah with the feet and the toes, and erecting the feet and extending the toes, and placing the heels next to each other.
26. Spreading out the left leg under the body, erecting the right leg and pointing the fingers to the Qiblah with it -when sitting between the two prostrations, and the Tashahhud in prayers with one Tashahhud, and in the first Tashahhud in prayers with two Tashahhuds.
27. Sitting on the heels sometimes, instead of the aforementioned description of the sitting, and this is by sitting on the heels after erecting the feet and directing the toes to the Qiblah.
28. The sitting of rest after raising from the prostration, before getting up to the second or fourth unit.
29. Leaning upon the hands when getting up after the sitting of rest.
30. Spreading out the right arm on the right thigh - making the elbow be upon the thigh and the palm on the knee, pointing with the index finger and placing the thumb upon the middle finger, or making a circle with the thumb and middle finger, and to spread out left arm on the left thigh and to grab the left knee.
31. Sitting in the Tawarruk position in the last Tashahhud of every prayer with two Tashahhuds, and this has three descriptions:
1) Pulling the left leg to the right side - whilst flat on the ground, and placing the rear end on the ground, and erecting the right foot.
2) Placing both legs flat on the ground, and pulling them both to the right.
3) Spreading out the right leg and entering the left leg between the right thigh and shin.
This is only possible for the Imam and those praying alone. As for those praying behind the Imam - then it is not befitting that they make it tight for those that are praying besides them, and be a nuisance to them for something which is preferred!
32. Variating the opening supplications, and the remembrances during the Rukuu', and after rising from the Rukuu', and the remembrances of the Sujuud, and the versions of the Tashahhud and the sending of Salaat upon the Prophet ﷺ.
33. Supplicating in the prostration, and before the Salaam - after the seeking refuge from from. Especially using what has come from the Prophet ﷺ.
34. Making the Rukuu', and the standing after the Rukuu', and the prostration, and the sitting in-between the prostrations - all roughly similar.
35. Turning right and left at the Salaam concluding the prayer.
36. Praying with shoes sometimes - if it's easy.
37. Men saying: "Subhanallah!", and women clapping, when wanting to notify regarding something in the prayer.
The disliked affairs in the Prayer:
From it is:
1. Food being presented whilst desiring it, or holding in the two affairs which one relieves themselves of; urine and excrement, when the desiring the food or the holding in wasn't severe.
2. Praying whilst wearing clothing or in a place which distracts.
3. Turning in the prayer away from the direction of the Qiblah without there being a need.
4. Looking around without there being a need.
5. Little unnecessary movements!
6. Wiping the forehead before finishing the prayer.
7. Raising the hands at the Salaam when concluding the prayer.
8. Woman covering their faces except when in the presence of men foreign to her, here it becomes obligatory upon her to cover her entire body, what's including in this is her face and hands.
Impermisible affairs in the prayer which don't invalidate it:
1. Praying on stolen land, or on places made for sin like Usury banks.
2. Praying in stolen clothes.
3. A man praying in a single article of clothing and not covering his shoulders with it.
4. Wearing a coat or a cloak on the shoulders without placing your hands in it.
5. Ishtimaal As-Samaa, and this is for a person to wrap themselves entirely with a cloak, inside it and not leaving any opening for his hands and legs.
6. A man to cover his mouth.
7. To place the hands on the waist.
8. To look towards the sky.
9. Reciting the Qur'an in the Rukuu' or prostration.
10. Tucking up hair and clothes.
11. Placing the forearms on the ground.
12. Sitting like how dogs do, this is by placing the rear end on the ground, with both legs on the sides and placing the hands on the ground.
13. Leaning on the left hand whilst sitting in the prayer.
Allahumma barik
Ramadan Mubarak and Eid Mubarak
Maryam❤ I don't have words❤
ماشاءالله 🤲الله يحفظكم ❤🧕🥰😍
May Allah see your intentions and grant you the HIGHEST level of Jannahtul Firdaous ❤ can you link the Quran as revealed? That’s a great Eid gift
Mashallah btw am also going too turkey in some weeks😅
Maryum your so nice and organised I look up to you as an older sister the way ur content is Islamic❤❤❤
Mashallah may Allah give you so much barkart and happiness ameen for everything you are doing. Ameen. May Allah give your charitys so so much barkart ameen ameen.
Ramadan Kareem ❤ assalamualaikum
I am going umrah with my family on the third week monday
Do you think you could do a jewellery haul, please, and where you purchase your jewellery from. Ramadan Kareem 🎉🕌
Ramadan ❤❤❤❤❤❤ mubarak❤❤❤❤
اللهم حفظ أهلنا فلسطين 🤲🇵🇸
Lovee uu maryamm..Ramadan Mubarak ❤❤
Mashallah may Allah bless you fro the work that you did and everyone else that helped. How did you get the opportunity to do charity work like this, its something that i am interested in
Ma’sha’Allah ❤
Ramadan Mubarak may Allah bless u and all the Muslim ummah, Ameen🩷
Ramadan Mubarak, from Bangladesh
Ma’Sha’Allah you have wonderful family🤍
Ramadan Mubarak Maryam API🌙❤️ love from 🇵🇰
I love your videos
I love you and baraa bolat❤❤❤❤My Dream is to meet you and Baraa bolat❤❤Mashallah ❤
first also love your vids mashallah!
Ramadan mubarak also a question where do you get your hijab and clothes or abayas from ❤❤?
You look so beautiful with out makeup ❤
Allah ❤❤😢
نورتي توتي
May Allah reward you
Asalam O Aleykum , Maryam You’re so beautiful Mashallah 😊
I wish I was you ❤
But I’m happy to be me😊
Because Allah made me like this❤
Have a great day Maryam, your Family and All of you out there who seen my comment😊
First. I love your content and i love your video❤
I love your videos and your like my favorite muslim youtuber and you make me feel so confident when I wear the hijab and It would be my dream come true if i ever met you in real life❤❤❤
I'm 13 and I started wearing the hijab at a young age around 10 and your inspiration and videos help me so much everyday❤
Just know that you make a difference in thus world and you certainly made a difference in my life❤
It is my first time fasting
I love your videos they're always so interesting ❤
Salaam Maryam can u do a house tour plss🥺💖💘💗
love youre videos💞
Just curios, you said you avoid music during Ramadan but how come ur vlog has instruments playing ?
MashaAllah sis, we need more videos like this💖. Where's your phone case from? x
Yes i agre nadaaalabadi
Love your videosss
Would you make more hijab
Want more vlogs like this maryam
Hey maryamm ❤ I love uuu
Any ideas for eid gifts? For women?
These are just a few pointers I’ve mentioned I hope they are of benefit
love ur vids
Assalamoalikum sister Maryam. No hate to you but it's not allowed for a Muslim woman to travel alone without a non-mahram.
waiting for the `how we met` videooooo
asslamualicum ssiter, when your making videos its best to avoid using music as whenever someone listenes to your video you will get the sin
Pls link the Quran sis ❤
Trop belle ما شاء الله
17:05 u could see her sisters hair i think she needs to delete this asap!! :)
اختي ،، انتبهي يوجد موسيقى بالمقطع ، نحن في رمضان وايضا هذه ذنوب جاريه تكسبين اثم الجميع .. الله يهدينا جميعا
Omg it’s the nasheed without musical instruments dangggg!!!!!
love the vlog Allahumabarik
what 2 dates and water i eat like hell🤣🤣🤣🤣❤❤❤❤
omg I know that girl sitting with you at iftar
Baraaa yesss love her
I’m so confused. How do they just read one ayah?
This is because Allah has said So whoever is sick amongst you or on a journey (and he does not fast); so an equal number of fasts on other days (must be kept)}
[Sūrah al-Baqarah, v. 184]
where do you get matching undercaps from
Assalam o aliakum!! Sister Maryam I think you made a mistake in prayer you should use your right's hand for. Shahada during prayer as Muhammed (Peace be upon him) was used to do the same. May Allah (Subhanahu tala) accept your prayer Ameen. It's for viewers there's possibility that they may repeat the mistake by confusing and she also eats with her left hand which is wrong being a Muslim because Our Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) never does this, he always used his right hand for such purposes it's too important if you wants to follow his Sunnah and teachings. I think she doesn't have knowledge about it otherwise she will never make such a mistake.
. Allah Hafiz. 😊
It's bc the camera mirrors it I think
Its because of the camera
May be😊.
Camera thankyou for sharing I’ve been oraying for years alhumdulillah I definitely know🙈
@@maryxmmx cuz it's better for others so that they don't confuse. By the way I like your videos. ❤️
Hey what is ramadan Mubarak
Hey from where do you buy your modal hijab?
Can you give us a Home/room tour plzzzzzz?
where is the q&aaaa plssss!!!!!!!!