Hey Caroline, I've done yoga in the past and I'm currently opening this conversation again, so just as a disclaimer: I'm not trying to defraud or disprove you with this. I will watch the other two parts of this with an open mind. My only concern is that the two moments of struggle that you mentioned in your story make it seem like you connected with God primarily through yoga instead of through Jesus and through the scriptures. It might just be the way you described it, but that's what I'm hearing--please correct me if I'm wrong. The narrow path that Jesus talks about is NOT through a yoga mat, it is through Jesus. The peace and presence of the Holy Spirit does not come from a physical practice, it comes from the Spirit. All I'm saying is that you God wants us to find all of that love, peace, presence, etc., In Him through Jesus by the power of the holy Spirit, not in Him through yoga. Would you be willing to continue this discussion? My only desire is to speak the truth in love, and I know that can be hard to hear through a comment from a stranger.
@daniel villegas I am a Christian and personally have no any problem with praying, meditating or practicing a physical exercise that will improve well-being, as long as we abide to 1 Cor 10:3,31 As long as you do something led by the Spirit that Jesus has sent to those who believe in Him, I don't see anything against scriptures. Aren't there many assemblies, ministries, self-proclaimed something that declare the presence of the Spirit and actually doing things that do not look conformed to the fruits of the Spirit (I refer to hysterical mass events where people shake, laugh, say whatever believing they are speaking tongues etc.)? I don't see anything wrong in practicing something that is at the end of the day an exercise for the body and the mind, as long as you don't couple that with worship or meditation to foreign idols and divinities. Hope we may continue a constructive conversation on the subject.
@@edoardo7311 Edoardo Hey there :) I hear you, but the problem with using that verse is that you can't literally " do everything" for the glory of God, i.e., you cannot steal from someone for the glory of God. The way to read that is that you can do everything *that is permitted by God* for His glory. To be clear, I'm not saying that yoga itself is definitively against God's will... I think that's a different point, because on the one hand it's physical exercise and on the other hand it's one of the only forms of physical movement that has roots in pagan worship and mystic practices like chakras. My point, however, is that it sounds like Caroline talks like God showed her that yoga was her salvation. This is a dangerous lie, and I would want to bring Jesus back to the center of the Gospel. I know the words of a stranger on the internet may be ill-received, but Caroline if you read this I just want to say that Jesus is the author of salvation and it's only through His grace that we have eternal life!
@@danielvillegas7013 Hi Daniel, what I think is interesting in the scriptures is that Paul makes reference to us running the race as "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." 1 Cor. Paul is referencing the Roman's olympic competitions, and if I recall correctly they ran in the nude 0_0 lol Paul is using this example metaphorically, but these competitions were held in honor of pagan gods. This doesnt mean that running was pagan, or boxing idol worship. With that being said, as I listened to Caroline, I saw no indication that she's saying yoga is what brought her to salvation, but that the exercise brought her to place where she could focus on God in a deeper way. I myself can attest that exercise and practicing physical self discipline taught me to apply the same determination and focus when spending time with God. Let's not find fault where there is none. I believe Caroline consistently glorifies God, keeping Him as the center of her purpose in sharing her videos. Have a great one
@@edoardo7311 You should take a look and study where yoga comes from, and what is the purpose of it, and find yourself that it is not a Christian practice (never a spiritual tool given by the LORD as fasting for example). Yoga was practiced since the beginning and created by Brahmans, the Vedic priests as rituals to open energy centers on the body to access Brahma (another god). We have a Jealous GOD Edoardo, and the fear of the LORD is where wisdom begins. *A 9 year yoga practicer that encountered Jesus tells you this. Yoga is trash compared to the LORD'S way to relate to Us, because HE put HIS Spirit in Us! No need for strange fire! Be free in GOD! No need for rituals! just a humble heart, repented and surrendered to HIM. Worship, pray in spirit and Truly believe in HIM, and you'll need nothing else to be in HIS Mighty presence.
@@valeriegonzalez4316 1. Have you checked for the meaning of the word yoga? it means religion in Sanskrit... 2. If someone practiced yoga merely as a sport I'd say I would not do it, but if someone does without knowing where it comes from I'd say it's fine, but knowing what it's created for; sure not. (fear of the Lord) 3. Yoga positions are sun or other "gods'" worship positions intentionally created for it. 4. The practice of yoga opens your souls energy spots, spiritual doors that are not God's intention for Us to open in any scripture. 5. THE WORST PART: The video maker, is promoting this non-Biblical practice for Christians to worship and access God's presence. Introducing a strange fire in the Body Of Christ! (check for what happened to Aaron 's sons...) 6. Does a Christian need Yoga, do you need it? - Should you defend it so much? Why not just give it up if it's causing tension in the Body of Christ? - Could a new Christian´s faith be mislead to esoteric practices by seen people at Church practice this? YES OF COURSE!
I am an ex-yogi and ex-new ager for over twenty years and came to Christ and I use to live on a yoga ashram and was a new age professional. I had Indian teachers and am an ex-kundalini yoga teacher and Christ called me out of yoga. It’s not just stretching but a spiritual practice and the asanas have a purpose within the body. I came to yoga to heal trauma and met an Indian guru and off I went into the world of yoga and became a yoga teacher and ended up into the new age and Christ saved me from a lot of spiritual deception.
I think you went into it with the wrong intention dear Christina. This is not something to do for fun or bodily pleasures. You don't need a damn guru. You can get wisdom from everyone, but follow God on your own. Feel God and He will be with you and you with Him. God is Love.
Dear Christina - I think the intention of why you went into yoga is different then what Caroline is talking about here. Yoga actually does help the pineal gland to heal and I know christians who have healed from doing yoga. God our Father is a big God and He can use whatever he wants to help us!
dude, if you don't do yoga for spiritual purposes but you use it for a physical exercise to stretch your body, that should be fine. yoga helps so much with tightness in the muscles. i noticed that when i stretch, my body tends to feel calmer, i tend to feel calmer.
@@servantofaeie1569 Well what most people in the modern world think of as yoga is in fact just one part of yoga (it has eight limbs to it) and it's referred to simply as "asana" - meaning posture or pose. So to cut through any mental clutter, if you're a human, and you're putting your body in a particular posture, perhaps stretching as you suggest, some could say you're performing an asana, and others could say its just a stretching posture. In reality, it's exactly the same thing. The only difference is how we label and associate it within our own minds - and unfortunately that's where we tend to create a lot of suffering for ourselves and others. But we live and learn. Mostly.
You gotta keep in mind that these postures are apparently mimicking postures of Hindu gods, so it’s not just stretching apparently. I just learned that. I think just doing regular stretches will get you the same results. And leave yoga, which is a religion, for Hindus, and I’m telling that to myself too.
Very beautiful testimony Caroline. I am a Christian and have had reservations about Yoga but I am someone who also has an anxiety disorder and a Autism Spectrum Disorder so my anxiety levels are typically high and have recently started suffering with some burnout from years of build up. I feel like my body is telling me I need to start taking care of it a bit better and was still very curious about Yoga as an aid in stress reduction and like the fact of just being still before God with it. I am happy to hear that Yoga has brought you closer with the Lord also! May God bless you!
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
@@JessBell39 i want to practise yoga but I know it has roots which are 'christianly ungodly', so, just wondering, what do you practise now if you have quitted yoga? I would love to know
Separating Hinduism from yoga is like separating a mother from her child. Every intricate part of yoga is deeply rooted in the Vedas and Upanishad. We have to understand that Hinduism has fundamental differences with Christianity. There is a clear rejection of material existence and an emphasis on unifying the individual soul with the supreme consciousness that is the Paramathma. The Sankhya, that talks about detaching oneself from fruits of actions and concentrating on his karma rather than for his own selfish needs is what stands at odds with Christianity. Christianity is fundamentally selfish in nature where by the devotees seeks all the love and affection from a higher being rather than realising that such love and affection are mere illusions that are fleeting and temporary. Yoga aims to detach the person from these illusions and make him equipped with tools to see the world the way it is. In Christianity, human being is the centre of the universe and everything else in his resource. In Hinduism, the individual is just one constituents of the infinitely large universe that has no beginning and has no end. And it is his lifelong in the world to get himself reunited with the universe which can also be called Paramathma In conclusion, I strongly believe that Christianity and Yoga are fundamentally different from each other and any attempt at making a christian yoga is a futile effort.
@@JessBell39 thanks bud. Why t f do Abrahamixs love looting others of their wealth and wisdom. In your own perspective, just leave the inferior pagans alone for gods sakd
I'm a teen who is still trying to find that deeper connection with God but as I lay down after yoga and just pray to God and thank God for allowing me this moment to stretch out and strengthen my body I feel so close to him. See yoga can be about you. It can be about you spending time out of your day to stretch. OR you can decide to let God talk to you as you reset your body and open your mind to God's word.
Yoga has helped me a lot as a Christian. It has helped me to deal with anxiety and depression, and it also helped me connect with God at a time where my faith was fading and I was trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't.
@The boomer 1 thank you for your concern, but what I actually meant was that God is using yoga to help me with anxiety and depression. It's amazing how he meets me on my yoga mat and helps me use the physical movements to process my emotions and deal with them in a healthy way!
@The boomer 1 I actually did so much research on yoga before I ever considered trying it. And I do pray without ceasing! Again, thank you for your concern!
The boomer 1 may be we can use some safe yoga postures when meditating on the word of God and instead of chanting mantras we chant God’s word! What do you think of that? Thank you
Caroline how timely this video is! These past weeks doubt has filled my mind and spirit regarding my yoga practice. I felt anxious about if I should continue exploring yoga because of what other people will think. What am I worshipping? All of the questions you asked I found myself saying yes, that’s what I wondered! Your sharing about the peace you felt and hearing God in your mat in the final pose spoke to me. Because I peace and clarity and direction that comes from God during that time too. God has to be bigger than all of it! Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in sharing what brought you to yoga. I relate. What you do matters Caroline! Continue and bless you!
Danielle, thank you so much for reaching out, and sharing. I completely understand how interesting the journey of yoga can be. But you are NOT alone, friend! Thank you. Hugs!
@@CarolineWilliamsYogaYoga means union but people like you are dividing yoga into religion. There is nothing like Christian yoga change it Christian exercise. Google the meaning of Yoga. Those who think it's doesn't suit their religion they should not practice it 😊
I just found your channel and I am SO thankful that you're doing this! I have been searching for a Christian yoga/meditation and this one feels right. Thank you for being here!
Yeah right. Because it makes you feel good... it’s got to be right. Just slap ‘holy’, some Christian music and scripture on it and we’re good to go. Be more mature in your walk. We ARE in the last days. What happened to seeking God’s face for the answer and waiting on it, prayerfully? This is not intended to be a put down or downer, but an encouragement to remember whom we say we serve. Ask.
I turned to yoga for my back pain. Not only did it help me get over my physical pain, but also my mental pain. It helped me to find peace and taught me the importance of silence. The help that yoga brings only lasts with Jesus.
@@kaustubhnigam6220 it's as hindu as taking communion is Catholic. Yoga means to connect with God. Western Yoga is simply exercises, superficial. Yoga is about disciplines like non violence, truthfulness, cleanliness inner and outer, non stealing, only acquiring enough to sustain the body, self introspection and spiritual studies, waking up before sunrise, meditating on God thru chanting mantras, abstaining from meat, alcohol, drugs, garlic or onions, non smoking, not watching violent or porn films, being celibate ideally etc. The yoga sutras will expand on this further to anyone who is interested in being highly disciplined and God conscious in life rather than just acquiring a healthy body and mind. Personally I've lost weight after starting yoga, my mind is a lot lighter now that I practice non violence and abstaining from meat alcohol or eating garlic or onions etc. I am able to understand my fellow living things and the world better after gaining a clearer understanding and as a result I am able to love others more than I used to in the past. Yoga has taught me to love. 💝
Thank you so much for this video! I have loved yoga since I began practicing in high school and a friend recently brought it to my attention that yoga was in worship to Hindu gods. Like you said, I did some research on if Christians should do yoga and my heart sank. I was so upset because I wanted to get stronger in my faith with God, but I also couldn't fathom me separating myself from something that I love to do. I honestly have felt so empty even if I knew he wants us to live a happy life centered on him. I am so glad I did more research into Christians who practice yoga. I feel like I am somewhat WHOLE again. I am so grateful that I did learn the truth behind the type of yoga I was practicing, but I am even MORE grateful that God still makes room for us to do things that we love while we put our complete focus on him.
Hello from Mexico. I am part of a traditional Latin mass (catholic) community in Mexico City, but since I was a teen I felt very attracted to yoga because every time I practiced it, I felt so good. I have never felt attracted to new age. Actually, I feel more connected to God every time I practice. I quitted practicing several times in my life cause it’s supposed that Christians do not do yoga never, and I used to feel guilty and that I was a not real catholic for doing so. Now, I accepted that are so many ways to feel connection to our God. My story is similar to yours. Thank you for your channel.
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga Separating Hinduism from yoga is like separating a mother from her child. Every intricate part of yoga is deeply rooted in the Vedas and Upanishad. We have to understand that Hinduism has fundamental differences with Christianity. There is a clear rejection of material existence and an emphasis on unifying the individual soul with the supreme consciousness that is the Paramathma. The Sankhya, that talks about detaching oneself from fruits of actions and concentrating on his karma rather than for his own selfish needs is what stands at odds with Christianity. Christianity is fundamentally selfish in nature where by the devotees seeks all the love and affection from a higher being rather than realising that such love and affection are mere illusions that are fleeting and temporary. Yoga aims to detach the person from these illusions and make him equipped with tools to see the world the way it is. In Christianity, human being is the centre of the universe and everything else in his resource. In Hinduism, the individual is just one constituents of the infinitely large universe that has no beginning and has no end. And it is his lifelong in the world to get himself reunited with the universe which can also be called Paramathma In conclusion, I strongly believe that Christianity and Yoga are fundamentally different from each other and any attempt at making a christian yoga is a futile effort.
Yoga movements helps improve my flexibility, releases stress and tension stored in muscles, helps me quiet my mind and focus on God, and improved my overall physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. "Every good and perfect gift comes from above." (James 1:17).
I really appreciate and respect the sincerity of your words. I do believe that God meets us where we are and ultimately it is the Holy Spirit who convicts our hearts of the things we practice that do not align with Jesus Christ. However, regardless of what your intentions are as you flow through the poses, ultimately you are physically worshiping something else. You can’t separate Hinduism from yoga, no matter how much you try to focus your heart on Jesus. It is a form of worship but not unto him. May God continue to guide you through this journey as you continue to surrender to Him.❤
I literally felt the tears coming down when you said God told you “I am so proud of you.” I just been going through a metamorphosis in my life, from child to adult, from living a sheltered life to having more experience, from seeing things my way to seeing things for how they truly are. And this whole process and been overwhelming because it’s a lot to take in, and I’m trying to catch up with everything that’s going and re-educate myself about the past, making up for lost time. I used to do yoga a lot before. Then I got into a relationship that I thought would be beneficial, where we could pray and seek God, exercise and do yoga together. But he’s been seeing how young minded I am and criticizing me for it. I wanted to know if yoga is even helpful and right in God’s eyes, because I know now that the Lord wants me to develop my relationship with Him again before anyone else, and develop myself.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Separating Hinduism from yoga is like separating a mother from her child. Every intricate part of yoga is deeply rooted in the Vedas and Upanishad. We have to understand that Hinduism has fundamental differences with Christianity. There is a clear rejection of material existence and an emphasis on unifying the individual soul with the supreme consciousness that is the Paramathma. The Sankhya, that talks about detaching oneself from fruits of actions and concentrating on his karma rather than for his own selfish needs is what stands at odds with Christianity. Christianity is fundamentally selfish in nature where by the devotees seeks all the love and affection from a higher being rather than realising that such love and affection are mere illusions that are fleeting and temporary. Yoga aims to detach the person from these illusions and make him equipped with tools to see the world the way it is. In Christianity, human being is the centre of the universe and everything else in his resource. In Hinduism, the individual is just one constituents of the infinitely large universe that has no beginning and has no end. And it is his lifelong in the world to get himself reunited with the universe which can also be called Paramathma In conclusion, I strongly believe that Christianity and Yoga are fundamentally different from each other and any attempt at making a christian yoga is a futile effort.
@@sidg856 beautifully explained brother.... from when they started realising that yoga is inevitable for humankind they started conspiracy to make the world believe that yoga didn't invent by hindus... Whenever they find something good in Hinduism they try to snatch the credit from Hinduism and give it in their own name
Thanks for your positive video . I am 55 and have been doing Yoga has a everyday practice at home for almost 3 years now. I practice yoga to increase my flexibility and stay in shape, it is a wonderful way for me to start my morning . Often times I will read a devotion at the end of my practice . Being home and going to some of the church events I have found that some of the older ladies can not even sit on the floor . That is not going to be me ,I plan on keeping this up into my eighties so I keep fit .
I struggle with depression and anxiety. A few years ago, I was lost in my pessimistic overthinking and felt like I was drowning. I kept hearing "meditate with God" or "meditate on the scripture", but I didn't fully understand how to do it. Not until I was invited to a Yin yoga session. The instructor was calming and engaged in helping all the students learn. That's when I started to understand what meditation looked like. I went a few more times and could feel my soul calming. I believe God saw me trying and struggling and when I was losing hope, He used a friend of mine to help me find the resource I needed to learn to rest and listen to what He was teaching me. I am still learning and look forward to reviewing more of your videos.
Even what Christians do say about yoga that for you you actually do have a connection with Christ by doing it and also the YMCA happens to be a Christian run organization and they actually do have yoga classes.
I’m a Christian and a worship leader. I had recently had an abdominal hysterectomy and in recovery now. I’ve just been cleared to drive, walk and lift 30 lbs only (prior to this, I weight lifted heavy, and was always on the move). It has been Strongly suggested that I do yoga. Well, I’ve been doing it for a few weeks and I’m so grateful to God. I went from not hardly been able to get off the couch, use the bathroom and using a walker to aide me in movement to now move and stretch so much better. I KNOW WHO I SERVE!!!!! The Lord Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for me ❤️. Yet.... family members are judging me and it’s so heart breaking to me. I just continue to do yoga and have a quiet mind, breathe, stretch and think on the things of the the Lord. Thank you for the video and everyone’s encouraging comments shared.
Yoga is sanskrit word ... stop making your own bullshit version ... Yoga is part of a different religion so either respect that religion or pls just don't do yoga because you don't want to give ceridt to that religion for creating something beneficial for body , mind and soul .....but ripping off yoga and creating your own version .. racist
Personally, I am being led by the Holy Spirit NOT to do yoga. There is no need to couple prayer with movement and with a spiritual tradition tied to false gods - it’s dangerous. Take heed. God wants to keep us safe by following him. In my experience, God speaks through the Holy Spirit, not through savasana. The scripture about good fruits is meant to be understood in the context of ALL scripture. Good fruit should glorify God, not ourselves 🙇🏽♀️🙌🏼🙏🏼 (I think if God is using yoga to help you, then trust him, but I would be very wary of having any spiritual experiences on the mat, like that blissed out high in savasana, and confusing that with the Holy Spirit. Good exercise can give us an endorphin boost and we can praise God for our health, but yoga is designed to open spiritual doors so I would be very careful of what’s happening on the mat. For me it’s better to just stay away. Be safe 🙏🏼)
True. And as Christ followers we are not to connect with our God through exercise. That's not at all scripture. That entire idea stems from this false yoga religion. That's how they connect to spirits. We don't use poses and all that to feel and experience God or to be delivered or anything like that. It's through God's Word, His Holy spirit and prayer. So it's odd to hear Christians speak like this concerning yoga. And I have to wonder if they've really connected to the God of the bible.
Caroline, I too experienced a deeper relationship with God through practicing Holy Yoga. Surrendering myself to Him and listening to his voice. It’s like nothing else. Thank you for posting these videos, I use them daily in my practice!
I can't believe what I just read. Seriously holy yoga? Are you, by any chance, a catholic? They really have a penchant for adding holy to almost anything. You may as well perform a "holy murder" or tell a "holy lie". Smh.
I am a Christian and have done yoga for a while now. I really didn’t know of its connection to Hinduism. I’ve always done it at my local gym or at my Kaiser health center. I always remember it being based sole on the stretches and movements. I still don’t want to be doing something that might not be of benefit to my faith. So far I haven’t had a real problem personally with the practice.
1 Cor 8: 4-8 comes to my mind when considering this. Thank you Caroline, for offering this great channel for those of us who are Christians and want to practice yoga. God bless you.
First, I do believe in the Holy Spirit as a physical manifestation of the presence of Jesus inside of us. I also believe that sometimes we feel His presence, His holiness so greatly that we bow or even dance because of that Holy Presence inside of us. I have also seen the counterfeit kundalini thing that’s crept into the church. And so that is a real reality too. If I participate in a practice that has been used to open ones self up to these demonic presences, how do I know that I haven’t just opened myself up to it? When anyone answers please answer like you are speaking to a 5 year old that just wants to know she is safe.
SDG51 SDG51 Great question. I was hoping she was address Kundalini specifically because that is a very real thing and I was convicted by the Holy Spirit not to do yoga because of it. Like you said, how can we practice something we know opens one self to a demonic presence.
What I would say to a 5 year old is this - you are being wise and discerning, sweetie, good for you. Stay away from yoga - there’s no need to do it! Pray on your knees, not in these poses. To exercise your body, do types of exercise that don’t have spiritual ties. God wants you to be healthy and safe!
SDG51 Stay away from yoga and take everything to the Lord in prayer, he will answer, don’t look to people or even those who claim to be “Christians” but only to him, that’s how you will grow and truly depend on God.
This video brought tears to my eyes. I would not describe myself as a Christian because I find organised religion a bit dogmatic, but I definitely think the Bible contains the truth, and it worries me that Christians miss out on the incredible benefits of Yoga because of fear of it being some kind of Hindu diety worship. Even the philosophy of Yoga in the ancient Indian scriptures is not really religious, more like a guide to taming the mind. I can't see any incompatibility with Christian beliefs.
I started yoga because my body was always achy. I used to sit at a desk a lot. Because I wasn’t on the path to God I got lost along the way. But becoming a mother has brought me closer to Him. I still want to do yoga because being a new mom, my body still aches. But I noticed that the yoga I used to watch didn’t make me feel the same. I still want to stretch but be closer to God too.
Thank you so much for this video and for the yoga sessions! I first attended a yoga class a few months ago and for the first time in ages I heard God's voice clearly and not just my own thoughts and fears and doubts, we communicated with each other softly and prayerfully and I was amazed at how I could do this whilst the yoga teacher was talking about channelling energies and I was just so focused on God🙏🏽 For me, inviting God into the yoga by meditating on him and bringing in his presence makes it so beautiful 💜
Caroline, This video is priceless. I could not have explained "should Christians do Yoga" any better. Just as we often fear that if we participate in something, if we go somewhere, if we pilgrimage away from the straight path for awhile that we might stray from Jesus, we should fear the fact that all that does not matter, because He is bigger like you said. He delights in touching us with His presence when we are in the company of non believers. He delights in covering with His presence when we are on the mat, in the darkness, in the wilderness. He delights in transforming us wherever we are. It has been said that, ' A good teacher shouldn't think necessary to see what a person learned, they should see the transformation." The practice of Yoga will transform you, but putting Christ at the top of your practice will need no explanation because not only He but all will see the transformation. There are so many ways He will meet us, and I will raise my hand first that He does envelope us with His love outside the walls of the church. I have had a relationship with Christ since 1987, but to truly know Christ I had to discover myself and that discovery happened on a yoga mat. Being content with God on a yoga mat is a struggle some might have. I hope that all will know like you said that He is bigger than your struggle. In Acts 17:28 is says - For in Him we live and move and have our being. We live in Him, We are being moved by Him, We are of Him. Remember this - His almighty spirit runs through us on the mat, He moves us on the mat, and we are of Him on the mat. Discover yourself in a new way and just maybe you will discover a God you never knew. Thank you again Caroline. Jaimasi, Brianna
"The practice of Yoga will transform you, but putting Christ at the top of your practice will need no explanation because not only He but all will see the transformation." Absolutely! Love this. Thank you for being willing to be vulnerable in a public space!
As an avid Bible reader and student of Professor Holy Spirit I cannot express how sad I am when people take someone’s word for it instead of finding out for themselves. I found Caroline as I had intentionally asked God, “what is wrong with yoga?” I recently moved to Miami where I started attending a church that was VERY “afraid” of yoga. Even the mention of yoga, almost had them break out in tongues! I never had a problem with yoga. As a matter of fact I did two things at yoga studios (when I attended) I would not bow, nor would I say “namaste. Not even knowing what it meant! After learning it’s meaning, I kept doing the two things; with good reason. Then, God brought me Caroline!!! Not only have I been blessed on my mat, but God has taught me how to “Stretch” my faith not by what I can do, but what I thought I couldn’t!!! While I was in a knot physically (eagle pose needs some work, but seriously) God showed me on the mat how to take that breath and stretch myself Spiritually AND physically! The reading of the talents while I was on my mat, in one of The Abbey classes that Caroline started, woke me up! Being in the safety of what I know or thought, was NOT investing in ALL that God has for those who “take the risk” and try that pose, take that job, start that ministry, leave that job... You will find more of this when you mindfully see God’s word is active and very much alive in every step of your life! So, I invite you to come and sit or just watch one of the classes and make your own decision about this particular program. You may find yourself joining in and doing some “Yo-God!” Abiding in the True Vine, Angie
Isn't it sad when we live in fear instead of trusting the Holy Spirit?! Are there things in the yoga world that we should not participate in? Certainly! But that doesn't mean dismissing everything. I approach yoga in much the same way we (hopefully) approach other activities, by weighing the various elements against our baseline of Scripture and honoring God in all we do. Once we've done that, we then participate in each element, or not, accordingly. I tell people who get upset with me for practicing and teaching yoga that if they insist on avoiding yoga because of some aspects if it, they should probably also stop reading books, watching movies, going online, etc., since there are elements of those that don't honor God too.
This is so encouraging! I’m glad you’re back to bringing videos! I’m a 200RYT and have struggled with such guilt and that I’m having a hard time hearing God. I’m not sure if it’s what I was taught for many years about how yoga is bad or not. I had a wonderful friend at church that was very open to God and had a wonderful Christian walk but she did yoga. At that time I, sadly, judged her. Years later, I became certified for a job and fell in love with it. My old dancer self loved the fluid body weight exercise that it was. I don’t have to push or motivate myself to do it because I absolutely love it! I’ve just struggled so much since getting certified over a year ago. I really appreciate all your videos. Thank you for them from the bottom of my heart!
@@kaustubhnigam6220 I learned a few things in my yoga training (taught by someone who did become Hindu) and they were that you can make yoga your own and it's your own practice, but also that there was a room for spiritual/religious purposes and a separate room for yoga (with the founding fathers of yoga). Based on these, I've understood that it is perfectly okay to use your own beliefs and have seen a lot of people use yoga to do so. Basically, in Christian yoga they are using meditations from the Bible and using it as a body, mind, and Christian-based spiritual practice rather than a Hindu based practice.
Yes!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord that the Earth is the Lord and everything in it!! I have a very personal story of how God has used yoga to help me overcome an anxiety disorder! 4 years ago after I had my second son only 16 months after I had my first I suffered from postpartum OCD, it is not as common as depression but it's not talked about either. I realized I had struggled with it my whole life and now God was leading me to find freedom in it. He absolutely used yoga and still uses it to ground me in His love and to bring a mindfulness of His peace and presence everyday. Thank you Caroline for what you are doing in Jesus precious name. I'm with you in this! Btw, I have 3 sons 5 and under. I need all the help I can get! God is good!!
Wow, Chelsey! Thank you so much for being vulnerable and offering your story here. What a blessing to hear how yoga has been used by God in your life! Praying for you and your sweet children.
I have been struggling with prayer. I feel like there are so many things around me pulling me and needing my attention. This morning as I woke up to pray (I'm in a 24hr prayer with my church) I read a verse on my daily bible app. It was Romans 12:12 NLT and it stuck with me on what it said about prayer. "Be happy in your hope. Do not give up when trouble comes. Do not let anything stop you from praying." With this in mind and resounding in my heart "do not let anything stop you from praying" I searched youtube for "Christian Yoga" and found your channel. I viewed one video and began to relax and at some point I tuned out and began to pray I laid flat on my mat with everything around me silenced. Although I didn't even get trough my 1st prayer request on my list, I connected with God undisturbed for a full hour. Just thanking him and appreciating being alive and breathing. I will continue watching your videos for coaching and learning to use my body. I am hopeful, happy, and with my mind at ease. This feel right with in me.
Personally, I have renewed my faith recently and cannot face cutting yoga out as it has also saved me from things in my life. Yes, Jesus saves us and heals our spirit, but as someone who spends all day at a desk, yoga helps my body relax and release tension. I will be mindful and am exited to try your videos :)
thank-you for your openness Caroline 💜 I really appreciate your honesty & integrity. Our God is so much bigger than any box we try to put Him in! keep enjoying the journey! 🙌🏼
What about just saying amen at the end. And naming the poses differently. We can praise our Jesus any way we want. I'm sure the 1s saying it isn't good....while typing on this phone could be reading more in Bible about judgment. I say praise Jesus christ our lord an savior anyway that brings u closer to him. As long as we are saved we're going to heaven. Live unto Jesus.... Bible says to exercise in all areas of ur life.
For me, yoga is really regulating for my nervous system. Helps me slow down, stretch my tense body and quiet my mind. I think that’s why you were able to let go and connect with God because you quieted yourself. Your mind was still enough to receive from God. Someone here in the comments section said “don’t do yoga, just do normal stretches” I kind of laugh at that because like all “normal stretches” can be traced back to yoga. And stretching is soooooo good and necessary for the body. So why not do it in a way that involves deep breathing and stillness so that you help your nervous system and body at the same time? Seriously, take it from my husband. His parents had that same view that yoga was bad and so they never encouraged their children to stretch- at all! And now I’m his twenty’s he is SO stiff and inflexible - it hurts him and is super difficult to even tie his shoes! Seriously, everything , EVERYTHING comes down to your heart in it. Why are you doing yoga? Is it to worship Buddha or is it to calm your nervous system and stretch your muscles?
Why are you stealing bharateeya culture.The name Yoga itself comes from Sanskrit.don't try to steal concepts. you may use it but not propagate it as yours..
I needed to hear this. I've come from a new age background to christianity and after that I considered yoga "forbidden", too - until I became sick with severe PTSD and burnout. And, seriously with that Yoga has helped me so much, I feel guilty regularly (even though God encourages me again and again, He's so patient and loving :) ). I always thought if I read the bible enough and pray enough, God will heal me. I was so stubborn on this view that it almost killed me (because at some point I was even too scared to go to doctors because the notion "you don't trust God enough"). Thank you for your comment and, Caroline thank you for your channel! I will start diving into your videos as of today :)
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old Christ was son of God. Krishna is real God according to Vedic scriptures which are 5000 years old. Hare Krishna spread Love 😘❤
Yoga is a practice that transcends specific religions or beliefs. It's about physical and mental well-being. I'm curious, why do we sometimes feel the need to view yoga through the lens of a particular faith, like Christianity or Hinduism, when it can be a universal practice
I found yoga in my journey to healing my inner child & with a depression filled past. Jesus met me on the mat & there’s nothing else like it. I too believe that God has to be bigger than it all. He ultimately created my body before time & before all those idol-worshipping practices. He made my body & gave it the freedom to move, stretch, & release. No one else gets that glory. Thank you & so excited that you’re back making videos!
I have always been drawn to yoga but could never really fall in love it... until I started practicing with you! I have had similar moments of heartache for different reasons. Not yoga related but I remember one dark point where I felt very low. My instinct was to get up from where I was sitting and start moving. I literally jogged in place and and did some jumping jacks the tears just flowed. I felt something shift. That moment helped me understand how connected our minds spirits and bodies are. I am so thankful for the way you connect them and share it with us :) I am a recent Abbey subscriber and I have been so blessed by it. Thank you !
Mere, thank you so much for sharing! This is such a gift to hear. The way movement helps us process is amazing. And yay! I'm so happy you're in The Abbey! Hugs, friend.
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍 It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu🕉️🕉️ Stop associating it with Christianity or Jesus 👍
Connect to which god? Jesus or the yoga god? How do you know which spiritual realm are you connected to and how do you confirm it is not a deception from the enemy/ies of the living God Yahweh?
@Lovebirds 0910 You may not realize but what you wrote at the beginning of your comment is taking God Almighty's name in vain, only pointing this in a loving way to you. God bless!
I hear u Caroline, as a ex yoga instructor, I have battled with this for years upon years .. many things r of false gods, medical, symbols, medicine, oaths etc etc. The stretches in a commercial or Christian yoga setting r not the issue as many of the yoga stretches r involved in pilates, aerobics dance etc its the phrasing & the meaning behind the phrases or word(s) which recently made leave it & go to stretching instead. Thank you for doing this video & would love to hear yr feedback on this. 🙏🙏
This was a really well put together answer. Thank you so much.. I am in my teacher training right now and I thought about quitting.. I’m learning about the vedas/history of yoga and it was making me feel uneasy. I love yoga for the mindfulness and presence it gives me. I do feel more centered and able to connect with God more through my practice. I will hold strong.. id love to one day share my faith with others through yoga.. possibly reading scriptures in opening meditation or simply offering a place for them to find the rest that only Jesus can give. Thank you again for sharing, this was really inspirational. God bless you 💙
Hannah, with all respect to you...don’t disregard that uneasiness just because you found someone to validate your desires. Whether you believe it or not, each yoga pose was created to either depict or worship a Hindu god. Look into the origins of the warrior poses. The progression is depicting a murder scene. So, you’re re-enacting that when you do those poses. 1Thess 5:22...avoid every appearance of evil. I know you love yoga, but do you love Jesus more? ❤️ He asks us to follow him. I’m saying this with a loving heart.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
You are Hinduphobic and Racist!! YOGA derived from Hinduism and from no where it forces you to follow Hinduism it's all about spirituality!! If you don't find Yoga easy don't do it!! But please don't degrade our Holy Vedas!! We Hindus always preach brotherhood not hatred!!
Im so thankful... Im a dance student and I use to train almost 40 hours a week. So I need to stretch daily. Yoga helped me a lot to get through this. Not only physically. About 6 months ago I desided giving my life into jesus hands. And there were so many people telling me that I couldnt do yoga anymore. I struggelt a lot. I never really understood why this should be forbidden. Or why it wouldnt be ok to make it a worship . So I continued doing yoga but I was struggeling very much. Today I had a lot of doubts about it. And I felt guilty. But not because god had given me this feeling. It was only because people made me felt guilty for things that are good for my relationship with god. Wow. You made me cry. Tank you so much. I think there are so many people who need to here this
I went to a holy yoga class and really felt so much peace at it. It really was a great way for me to connect with God and make that intentional time for him. So yes! I really think yoga is fine and can be used for God’s glory.
Your story is so neat; I so identify with you regarding the career path! It just blows my mind how God works!! I am so glad that you didn't give up! And just look at all of the good you are doing teaching us!! (high five to you) :)
Totally so true!!! Beautiful Sister in Christ. Our God is so much bigger! I have a similar experience as you . how i can feel the presence of Holy Spirit when i am still on the mat. To enhance my yoga now, i say Our Father prayer before i start, i thank Him for the beautiful creation of human body ... give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His love for us... He pushes me to take care of my spirit, body and soul...each practice i become closer to Jesus. Amazing experience.
Yoga is stretching your body. There is nothing wrong with stretching your body but do not worship other gods. And those that say each pose worships a god are too legalistic in my mind. Yoga/stretching has scientifically been proven to be helpful for the body. Physical training is of some goodness but godly training is even more beneficial no? So what’s wrong with working on doing yoga and taking care of the temple that is your body? I do yoga for medical reasons since I have myofascial pain syndrome. It is the only type of workout that addresses my physical pain and no amount of prayer helped my pain. I’ve been to everyone for prayer and I believed for years it would work. And I don’t know why God didn’t let it. But the myofascial stretching via yoga truly has helped me and my injuries that caused this pain.
And to those who believe the poses worship Hindu gods, none of the poses worship ANY gods. Some are named after Hindu deities because they look similar to what is depicted, but there’s no worshipping of any kind going on in the poses. And the English translations are not Hindu related at all. The poses were created to get out of your head and connect the mind to the body
I also have had tender moments with God and Jesus. I have left yoga and felt more anxiety and been really unhappy. I do not worship other Hindu Gods, I bow to Jesus and stretch and find harmony and peace on the mat. It has helped me be a balanced and healthy person so there's no way it's evil if approached the right way and with the right instructor too. I am relieved that someone shares my experience and I think it's a backwards and inflexible attitude that needs to change with some people who are mininformed.
Found this so helpful when I was not going to church and walked away from God for a bit. Bought me back to his presence and surrendering my walk to Jesus again ❤
Wow! Thank you for explaining what I have always felt! God meets me on the mat! My brain quiets there! Distraction is gone and I am present! Soooo good!
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old Christ was son of God. Krishna is real God according to Vedic scriptures which are 5000 years old. Hare Krishna spread Love 😘❤
Thank you so much. I didn't know if it was right before or not. You made me believe that I can do yoga aswell as doing yoga. Thanks and God bless you ❤
““When the Lord your God goes ahead of you and destroys the nations and you drive them out and live in their land, do not fall into the trap of following their customs and worshiping their gods. Do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How do these nations worship their gods? I want to follow their example.’ You must not worship the Lord your God the way the other nations worship their gods, for they perform for their gods every detestable act that the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters as sacrifices to their gods.” Deuteronomy 12:29-31 NLT
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
I'm facing a lot of trials right now, the biggest being a separation which will lead to divorce. My heart has been broken for so long, I've been rejected, neglected, betrayed, by all the men in my life that were supposed to love and protect me. A few months ago I started a new journey with a God I didn't know before. A few days ago I started yoga because of the current lockdown, I wanted something to do, and someone suggested yoga. I have always been sceptical of yoga, but I have found it so peaceful and relaxing. The breathing techniques has helped me sleep better, I don't need sleeping tablets anymore. I am calmer in general. I have found during the yoga time that certain scriptures just pop into my head. Promises of Gods love, promises of peace. Especially Isaiah 26:3-4 I look forward to this journey and finding more ways to have a more intimate relationship with God. I'm am so glad I have found your channel. Thank you. And God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so so sorry to hear of this difficult season you're walking through. I pray that you feel the arms of the Father around you during this time, and the nearness of Jesus as your friend. Hugs!
Hi Caroline! I’m so happy I just found your channel!!!! I’ve practiced yoga for a few years now. Only consistently 3 times a week for less than a year. I’ve been to a few in person yoga classes - 2 of them being a Christian practice. Every other practice has been through following you tubers - none of them Christian. And today is the first time I’ve ever actually searched for “Christian Yoga” and I’m wondering why I’ve never done this search before! Your channel is the first that popped up! I’m sitting here on my yoga mat tearing up listening to your story and really connecting with it. All of this time, in all of my practices, I talk to God during this time. It allows me, like you said, to be still and cry out to Him in whatever season I’m in! I want to thank you for your strength, beauty and courage in sharing your spiritual journey with us! You are amazing! 😇🙏🏻💗
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
I am an ex-hindu and a former Jehovah's witness who is now a born again Christian...and I have gone through severe depression..and I like breathing practice of inhalation and exhalation.. it is very effective.
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga sister.. many Christian's in the west are associating yoga with demonic practices and new age mysticism.. I would love to know your views on that..
Please consider turning only to the Word for peace. We are called to leave behind our old self and be renewed in Christ. General paced breathing is fine, but the breathing in yoga was designed to open yourself up to the spirits -- it is very dangerous! ❤
Most "Christians" are ignorant of what yoga really is. The west generally has no idea of its depth. Hatha yoga is the balance of positive and negative energies. An adept would hold a pose for 3 hours. His or her mind would be still. As the bible says, "be still and know the Truth". Thank you Caroline.
Caroline, I feel like you are my friend. I have been working through your videos for a few months now. We spend a lot of time together haha! These practices have definitely helped me spend more time with Jesus, since I, too, really struggle with quiet time and silencing my overactive brain! Sometimes I'll go through the same one for a week just to meditate on what He has for me! I first discovered Christian yoga at a small studio in my town. It has sadly since closed, but when I discovered it, I was going through a painful divorce, and can completely relate to the sobbing on your mat! The teacher would anoint our heads with oil during shavasana, lay her hands on us and pray, and it was so loving and precious! I truly miss it. All of this - you, that studio - has me kicking around becoming certified, and helping others connect with God in this way. I'd love to know a Christ-centered way to do that!
Thank you so much for sharing some of your story with me here, Andrea! What a gift. Holding you in prayer and so glad that God brought us together in this way. Hugs!
You’re very brave to be so open and honest about your experiences, especially on such a divisive subject. I agree with you on most points, but the big picture for us is conscience. Whenever we make a decision, it’s our Christian duty to show love to one another by considering the conscience of others. Paul says: “And so by your knowledge this weak person is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning against your brothers and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.” If my understanding of yoga surpasses the knowledge of another Christian, I do well to make sure that my practices don’t call them to stumble. My temporary physical wellbeing isn’t more important than the salvation of another. Careful. Be very careful.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
@@JessBell39 If everything that is pagan in origin is inherently evil and cannot be repurposed to serve God then why does Paul cite pagan Greek philosophers in Acts 17? "For in Him we live and move and are.' As also some of the poets among you have said, 'For we are also His offspring.'" - Acts 17:28 These words were originally from a poet who was a countryman of Paul’s, Aratus of Tarsus (circ. B.C. 272), who had written a poem called "Phenomena". It opens with an invocation to the supreme god of the Greek pantheon, Zeus. Similar words are found in a hymn to Zeus by another pagan Greek philosopher, Cleanthes (B.C. 300). Both passages are worth quoting: (1)“From Zeus begin; never let us leave His name unloved. With Him, with Zeus, are filled All paths we tread, and all the marts of men; Filled, too, the sea, and every creek and bay; And all in all things need we help of Zeus, For we too are his offspring.” -Aratus, Phænom. 1-5. (2)“Most glorious of immortals, many-named, Almighty and for ever, thee, O Zeus, Sovran o’er Nature, guiding with thy hand All things that are, we greet with praises. Thee ’Tis meet that mortals call with one accord, For we thine offspring are, and we alone Of all that live and move upon this earth, Receive the gift of imitative speech.” -Cleanthes, Hymn to Zeus. So Paul is taking something that pagan Greeks wrote in honour of a pagan god, and reused their language only applying it to the True God. So if your theory, that anything that might have pagan origins is irredeemably evil is correct, then Paul sinned when he used those words.
I was introduced to yoga after experiencing a lot of trauma in my life. I had no idea it was “against God” or worshipping any other God. All I know is that it helped me to release this trauma and heal!!! 🙏🏼❤️ We are to do works through God’s eyes and words. Just because some ancient people from somewhere made up poses to praise their Gods- doesn't mean that all people use yoga for that. I would relate it to different hand gestures, meaning different things depending on the culture. Yoga is hand gestures and movements, yes. But only hold whatever meaning you put behind it. We are to practice through God- not our interpretation. If you use yoga to pray to other Gods and believe it to be true- then don't do it.
I have been interested in Yoga for a while. This past February a local yoga studio opened and I decided to try it. I did feel that some of the chants and words of affirmation were not right for me, but thought this is the perfect time to meditate on God's word and pray. So, that is what I started doing. Then i started searching for Christian Yoga and found you and a few others. I am so thankful! I just now decided to watch these videos. I did pray about participating in Yoga and feel that God is telling me "yes, participate". This video confirms it for me. Some of the aches and pains I have been dealing with for years and trying to get rid of are now gone thanks to yoga. I also realized some of the exercises I found to help with the pain were actually yoga poses.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Yoga as nothing to do with the Christianity. If you want to do it accept it as whole cherry picking is not allowed. Yoga was given to hindus by hindu god shiva. Lord Shiva is not a Christian god.
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old Christ was son of God. Krishna is real God according to Vedic scriptures which are 5000 years old. Hare Krishna spread Love 😘❤
I just didn't want anything stopping a relationship with my Father. I'll try this with an intentional Daughter of Good mindset, though. Edit: chanting and idols will not be part of this endeavor in my life. There's a non-Christian Aunt that I love that's starting a health journey with yoga included and I will at least act uninterested in any spirituality other than the Holy Spirit. I will not preach, and I will not act salty. I simply favor God's connection to my spirit -only.
I do find it interesting that you mentioned for us to wait for the fruit of yoga? Should we not have the fruit of the Spirit. This doesn't sound Biblical at all. Yoga takes the place of the Spirit?
Absolutely not! Yoga is a tool or discipline that helps us be transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Jesus. It never takes the place of the Spirit.
Don't do it. Yoga means to yoke/be in union with God. Hindu God Shiva is supreme yogi See how she didn't mention the most basic thing about yoga, cause she knew if she did, she wouldn't be able to deceive Christians. Look up Shiva bhakts (followers), aghori Babas, to understand the bizarre, macabre n dark practices and rituals they engage in. There is lot of weird creepy stuff going on behind the scenes of these yoga, which might explain your emotional outburst,cause they prey on the vulnerable. I have lengthier post on here if you want to read
@@debi7657 please don't do it. Many are deceived. But yoga is a religion... And putting"holy" before it doesn't automatically stamp it with God's approval. That's man's way of making themselves feel better about doing something that is in direct contradiction of God and His Word.
I am interested in practicing yoga and would like to learn a gentle practice. (I'm over 50). Not sure if you have also heard of Rhonda Jones who practices Christian meditation. I listened to her youtube video on how to meditate on scripture. For my journey, I would like to learn to quiet myself and do Christian meditation. Since I need to learn to stretch and get in better shape, I thought yoga would be an avenue. My concern is that I subscribed to a general yoga practice and I saw the woman put her hands over the third eye. I thought that if I am to do this yoga, I will have to rectify some of the movements. Maybe instead of the third eye motion, I should put my hands in prayer position and thank the Holy Spirit for living inside of me and guiding me. Whenever they say to "Give thanks to yourself", I give thanks to Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit for allowing me to do the exercise and giving me breath in my body. Since my pre-salvation was so deeply bad, I feel healing and don't judge to hardly. I just have my goals and I just want to be fit, to meditate scripture and to be flexible physically as I age. I hope that I am able to do this through 2021 to reach a healthier lifestyle.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Don’t thank Jesus for yoga. That’s Satan’s masterpiece working it’s way into the Christian church as an angel of light. Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
I grew up Catholic but no longer practicing. I have been doing yoga for over 10 years and I see so often Christians who would benefit from having a yoga practice to help them with things like anxiety, posture, flexibility but reject it for religious reasons. It is nice to see someone like you attempting to bridge this gap of misunderstanding.
I agree with everything you said! What is your perspective on a Christian studying traditional YTT? Are there parts that would conflict with our faith in Jesus as Savior?
Hi Julie! I have done both a faith-based and "secular" 200hr YTT and got immense value from both of them. There were certainly parts of the secular training that I had to wrestle with but I felt that being exposed to it help reaffirm my own beliefs and opened up lots of doors for me to have great conversations with my peers. It's so dependent on the studio and the program so I'd recommend doing your research and having conversations with the instructors
have also been wondering why most christian say YOga and meditation in demonic but then again for me i believe in "whats the intentions behind what you doing?" and where is it written in the bible that we shouldnt? honestly i get confused sometimes..
Hi Joann! Thanks for sharing your questions and honesty. I would just encourage you to continue taking your questions before God! I know He will meet you there, my friend. Blessings!
Meditating is not demonic. Jesus meditated as well. They are doing this because to stop Hindu conversion in Europe and US. There's nothing wrong in doing hindu yoga. Hinduism is the only religion which supports the practise of other religions. Hinduism is spreading because of it's simplicity and the westerners don't want it lol.
Christian yoga is nothing but an altered Version of the original one written thousands of years ago. No wonder people who tried the altered version had demonic experiences.
Hello, in my mid-50's I took up yoga at my local YMCA as part of my cross-training to run a half-marathon. I admit I went into it with some trepidation, wondering if this was a smiling face that would conflict with my Christianity. But I found my fears were unjustified. I used these sessions to focus on God's presence, and on the sensation of stretching; my instructors were well-grounded people, and everything was fine. Of course, this wouldn't be true of every yoga class, and I would advise any fellow Christian to be cautious and not apologize for walking out if they sensed God's leading to do so. But if you find yoga provides an opportunity to pray, loosen up areas of tightness, and allows you to JUST.SLOW.DOWN... it can potentially be a positive experience. Thanks for this message Caroline.
I've researched that the root meaning of yoga is yoke. I am thankful that there are scurptures in the bible in regards to being yoked to our father. My issue with calling it " yoga" ( body, mind and spiritual unity in movement) is the attachment it has to another spiritual belief and praise poses. With that said, I am a MSW and work in mental health field and working on beginning my hours for licensure (LCSW). I look forward to my ministry being one which will combine mind body and spiritual healing. I want to create healing workshops rooted in christianity, acknowledging the God head: the father ,son and holy spirit. With Jesus Christ as our healer and savior, always in the center of practice. Seeking to learn from any pioneers and leaders in this type of ministry. Be blessed.
Thanks for sharing, May! What a joy it is to know you are digging deeper for the TRUTH. Praying that you continue to feel God near to you on this journey. Hugs!
Intentions are more important than what deity/God you worship. That's why even athiests can do yoga. We hindus have no issue worshipping Jesus christ as well.
As an overseas worker I have come to learn that Christ CAN redeem and use things that the world uses for evil. I see this not as syncretism (merging and amalgamation of differing religions) BUT as a way of injecting our faith INTO all spheres of our life- like working out. Caroline is a God fearing woman and as she leads us through these poses she isn't pushing us towards the secular but the holy presence of God. YES, we as believers need to be discerning of what we listen to...but that does not mean we can't find God in unexpected places. God is able to see my heart on the yoga mat as one in the posture of meditation (which pst IS biblical.)
God, NOT ONCE, not ever redeemed a pagan religious practice-you can search the old and New Testaments-you will not find this anywhere. Yoga literally means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Thank you SO Much for this Video! Jesus centered movement, Breath, Prayers, Listening to scripture settle and still my heart and my mind, Jesus Christ, through the modality and Community of Holy Yoga continues to heal me from a past of childhood trauma, body shame, negative self-talk, and I get to worship and love the one-and-only Higher Power, Jesus Christ with my Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. God Bless You, Caroline. Keep spreading the Good News!
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
I am a christian and practice yoga it's a great way to limber joints and muscles. I have never had a spiritual experience doing yoga to me it's just excercise.
Thank you for doing this video. This has been a struggle for me. I used to do yoga as a workout until friends from church told me I shouldn't because the poses mean I am worshipping other gods. So I changed the narrative and said instead of saying "Namaste" I will say "THANK YOU JESUS" and make God my focus in the movements. Then I was told you still have to be careful because the moves can still bring on unwanted spirits. So to say the least I have been torn. I love how I feel when I do yoga but don't want to go against God so thank you for this beautiful perspective 🙏🏾❤️
Thank YOU Caroline! Praying this video will be found by whoever is looking at these questions and will actually find a more diverse answer which is also pointing to our Jesus. Bless!
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with? What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God. “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land; 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9 We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE. I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures. May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Hi Emily! It is a controversial topic indeed. Thanks for listening to this video. If yoga is something you're interested in, I'd encourage you to keep bringing your questions before the presence of God! He'll meet you there, friend. Blessings!
I started doing yoga, was meditating to the world and asking the universe for blessings using the “law of attraction”. Life got very easy and I started seeing so much worldly success and benefits I guess you could call it. I smoked weed non stop and really tried to be a good person. I wasn’t doing evil things but I was living an ungodly life and was starting to think of myself as a god. I got arrested for weed and spent a night in a cell. That night I prayed to God for the first time in a long time at 26 years old. Things worked out and I didn’t get into much trouble at all, after I started reading the Bible more but was still smoking, doing yoga, and mediating. I was on and off with my Bible reading and praying and couldn’t figure out why exactly I couldn’t go all in with it and feel that freedom people talk about as Christians. A little over a year later I heard an amazing preaching and finally decided to give my life to the Lord! At the time I didn’t realize it but I never said the name Jesus until that day and when I asked Jesus to save me and said I was gonna let him guide me and love me not myself anymore the feeling of peace and freedom I got was like no other and I’ll never forget it, I broke down completely and cried like a baby lol I stopped doing yoga now and just do stretches, I don’t meditate but instead I pray and I don’t smoke weed but instead read my Bible daily. I replaced all those things with biblical things and now I’m living a Godly life because Jesus has set me free from the bondage I was in and now I can say His name whenever I want when before I literally couldn’t say His name which looking back was really scary but I was blinded and didn’t even realize it! So be careful and if you find it hard to pray, read the Bible and/or say the name Jesus, I recommend you to repent right away and put your trust completely in Jesus, He will lead you out of any deception you’re in and will show you the light, He will allow you to see the truth! No good works or anything we do can get us to heaven but trusting in Jesus and believing He died for our sins! If you do that and truly do it, not just believe in your mind but in your heart you will see change. You will want to pray and study the Bible not just read it but really start to understand what it means and you’ll life will never be the same! It won’t happen over night it’s a process and will take many prayers but it only takes one prayer to get started and there’s never a bad time to start or a wrong way to do it just start talking to Jesus and the Holy Spirit will guide you! God bless you all ♥️
Thank you so much for sharing! What a blessing to get to witness the movement of God in your life. I know you are a gift to everyone around you. Holding you before God in prayer as you are on your journey! Blessings.
This is exactly what I needed. For a while now I have been in a tug of war between wanting to worship the lord through this practice and what the internet and even some friends say about it. This is so helpful. I think I just need to do it and pray for the Lors to meet me on the mat ☺️
Thank you! You have confirmed all that I’ve been learning and applying yoga on my mat to honor and worship God Almighty! I’ve connected with Jesus more that anywhere.
Hey Caroline, I've done yoga in the past and I'm currently opening this conversation again, so just as a disclaimer: I'm not trying to defraud or disprove you with this. I will watch the other two parts of this with an open mind. My only concern is that the two moments of struggle that you mentioned in your story make it seem like you connected with God primarily through yoga instead of through Jesus and through the scriptures. It might just be the way you described it, but that's what I'm hearing--please correct me if I'm wrong. The narrow path that Jesus talks about is NOT through a yoga mat, it is through Jesus. The peace and presence of the Holy Spirit does not come from a physical practice, it comes from the Spirit. All I'm saying is that you God wants us to find all of that love, peace, presence, etc., In Him through Jesus by the power of the holy Spirit, not in Him through yoga. Would you be willing to continue this discussion? My only desire is to speak the truth in love, and I know that can be hard to hear through a comment from a stranger.
@daniel villegas I am a Christian and personally have no any problem with praying, meditating or practicing a physical exercise that will improve well-being, as long as we abide to 1 Cor 10:3,31 As long as you do something led by the Spirit that Jesus has sent to those who believe in Him, I don't see anything against scriptures. Aren't there many assemblies, ministries, self-proclaimed something that declare the presence of the Spirit and actually doing things that do not look conformed to the fruits of the Spirit (I refer to hysterical mass events where people shake, laugh, say whatever believing they are speaking tongues etc.)? I don't see anything wrong in practicing something that is at the end of the day an exercise for the body and the mind, as long as you don't couple that with worship or meditation to foreign idols and divinities. Hope we may continue a constructive conversation on the subject.
@@edoardo7311 Edoardo Hey there :) I hear you, but the problem with using that verse is that you can't literally " do everything" for the glory of God, i.e., you cannot steal from someone for the glory of God. The way to read that is that you can do everything *that is permitted by God* for His glory. To be clear, I'm not saying that yoga itself is definitively against God's will... I think that's a different point, because on the one hand it's physical exercise and on the other hand it's one of the only forms of physical movement that has roots in pagan worship and mystic practices like chakras.
My point, however, is that it sounds like Caroline talks like God showed her that yoga was her salvation. This is a dangerous lie, and I would want to bring Jesus back to the center of the Gospel. I know the words of a stranger on the internet may be ill-received, but Caroline if you read this I just want to say that Jesus is the author of salvation and it's only through His grace that we have eternal life!
@@danielvillegas7013 Hi Daniel, what I think is interesting in the scriptures is that Paul makes reference to us running the race as "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." 1 Cor. Paul is referencing the Roman's olympic competitions, and if I recall correctly they ran in the nude 0_0 lol Paul is using this example metaphorically, but these competitions were held in honor of pagan gods. This doesnt mean that running was pagan, or boxing idol worship. With that being said, as I listened to Caroline, I saw no indication that she's saying yoga is what brought her to salvation, but that the exercise brought her to place where she could focus on God in a deeper way. I myself can attest that exercise and practicing physical self discipline taught me to apply the same determination and focus when spending time with God. Let's not find fault where there is none. I believe Caroline consistently glorifies God, keeping Him as the center of her purpose in sharing her videos. Have a great one
@@edoardo7311 You should take a look and study where yoga comes from, and what is the purpose of it, and find yourself that it is not a Christian practice (never a spiritual tool given by the LORD as fasting for example).
Yoga was practiced since the beginning and created by Brahmans, the Vedic priests as rituals to open energy centers on the body to access Brahma (another god).
We have a Jealous GOD Edoardo, and the fear of the LORD is where wisdom begins.
*A 9 year yoga practicer that encountered Jesus tells you this. Yoga is trash compared to the LORD'S way to relate to Us, because HE put HIS Spirit in Us! No need for strange fire! Be free in GOD! No need for rituals! just a humble heart, repented and surrendered to HIM. Worship, pray in spirit and Truly believe in HIM, and you'll need nothing else to be in HIS Mighty presence.
@@valeriegonzalez4316 1. Have you checked for the meaning of the word yoga? it means religion in Sanskrit...
2. If someone practiced yoga merely as a sport I'd say I would not do it, but if someone does without knowing where it comes from I'd say it's fine, but knowing what it's created for; sure not. (fear of the Lord)
3. Yoga positions are sun or other "gods'" worship positions intentionally created for it.
4. The practice of yoga opens your souls energy spots, spiritual doors that are not God's intention for Us to open in any scripture.
5. THE WORST PART: The video maker, is promoting this non-Biblical practice for Christians to worship and access God's presence. Introducing a strange fire in the Body Of Christ! (check for what happened to Aaron 's sons...)
6. Does a Christian need Yoga, do you need it?
- Should you defend it so much? Why not just give it up if it's causing tension in the Body of Christ?
- Could a new Christian´s faith be mislead to esoteric practices by seen people at Church practice this? YES OF COURSE!
I am an ex-yogi and ex-new ager for over twenty years and came to Christ and I use to live on a yoga ashram and was a new age professional. I had Indian teachers and am an ex-kundalini yoga teacher and Christ called me out of yoga. It’s not just stretching but a spiritual practice and the asanas have a purpose within the body. I came to yoga to heal trauma and met an Indian guru and off I went into the world of yoga and became a yoga teacher and ended up into the new age and Christ saved me from a lot of spiritual deception.
Thank God you are saved from deceivers
I think you went into it with the wrong intention dear Christina. This is not something to do for fun or bodily pleasures. You don't need a damn guru. You can get wisdom from everyone, but follow God on your own. Feel God and He will be with you and you with Him. God is Love.
Dear Christina - I think the intention of why you went into yoga is different then what Caroline is talking about here. Yoga actually does help the pineal gland to heal and I know christians who have healed from doing yoga. God our Father is a big God and He can use whatever he wants to help us!
@Tanneeru Saikrishna wow so she's not allowed to have an opinion..Learn to skroll and quit being so rude.
Jesus is gay
Allah is the only way
I personally started yoga after experiencing trauma and I agree with you. And I love your testimony.
Thank you so much ❤❤
dude, if you don't do yoga for spiritual purposes but you use it for a physical exercise to stretch your body, that should be fine. yoga helps so much with tightness in the muscles. i noticed that when i stretch, my body tends to feel calmer, i tend to feel calmer.
why dont you just, you know, stretch. if its just exercise, its not really Yoga at all.
@@servantofaeie1569 Well what most people in the modern world think of as yoga is in fact just one part of yoga (it has eight limbs to it) and it's referred to simply as "asana" - meaning posture or pose. So to cut through any mental clutter, if you're a human, and you're putting your body in a particular posture, perhaps stretching as you suggest, some could say you're performing an asana, and others could say its just a stretching posture. In reality, it's exactly the same thing. The only difference is how we label and associate it within our own minds - and unfortunately that's where we tend to create a lot of suffering for ourselves and others. But we live and learn. Mostly.
Wise Words
You gotta keep in mind that these postures are apparently mimicking postures of Hindu gods, so it’s not just stretching apparently. I just learned that. I think just doing regular stretches will get you the same results. And leave yoga, which is a religion, for Hindus, and I’m telling that to myself too.
Exactly Jesus is gay
Allah is the only way
Very beautiful testimony Caroline. I am a Christian and have had reservations about Yoga but I am someone who also has an anxiety disorder and a Autism Spectrum Disorder so my anxiety levels are typically high and have recently started suffering with some burnout from years of build up. I feel like my body is telling me I need to start taking care of it a bit better and was still very curious about Yoga as an aid in stress reduction and like the fact of just being still before God with it. I am happy to hear that Yoga has brought you closer with the Lord also! May God bless you!
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
@@JessBell39 i want to practise yoga but I know it has roots which are 'christianly ungodly', so, just wondering, what do you practise now if you have quitted yoga? I would love to know
Separating Hinduism from yoga is like separating a mother from her child. Every intricate part of yoga is deeply rooted in the Vedas and Upanishad. We have to understand that Hinduism has fundamental differences with Christianity. There is a clear rejection of material existence and an emphasis on unifying the individual soul with the supreme consciousness that is the Paramathma.
The Sankhya, that talks about detaching oneself from fruits of actions and concentrating on his karma rather than for his own selfish needs is what stands at odds with Christianity. Christianity is fundamentally selfish in nature where by the devotees seeks all the love and affection from a higher being rather than realising that such love and affection are mere illusions that are fleeting and temporary. Yoga aims to detach the person from these illusions and make him equipped with tools to see the world the way it is.
In Christianity, human being is the centre of the universe and everything else in his resource. In Hinduism, the individual is just one constituents of the infinitely large universe that has no beginning and has no end. And it is his lifelong in the world to get himself reunited with the universe which can also be called Paramathma
In conclusion, I strongly believe that Christianity and Yoga are fundamentally different from each other and any attempt at making a christian yoga is a futile effort.
@@JessBell39 thanks bud. Why t f do Abrahamixs love looting others of their wealth and wisdom. In your own perspective, just leave the inferior pagans alone for gods sakd
I'm a teen who is still trying to find that deeper connection with God but as I lay down after yoga and just pray to God and thank God for allowing me this moment to stretch out and strengthen my body I feel so close to him. See yoga can be about you. It can be about you spending time out of your day to stretch. OR you can decide to let God talk to you as you reset your body and open your mind to God's word.
Amen to that! What a beautiful time with God on your mat 🙏🏾
Yoga has helped me a lot as a Christian. It has helped me to deal with anxiety and depression, and it also helped me connect with God at a time where my faith was fading and I was trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't.
Yes, Haley! Yoga can be so beneficial for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. Thanks for sharing!
@The boomer 1 thank you for your concern, but what I actually meant was that God is using yoga to help me with anxiety and depression. It's amazing how he meets me on my yoga mat and helps me use the physical movements to process my emotions and deal with them in a healthy way!
@The boomer 1 I actually did so much research on yoga before I ever considered trying it. And I do pray without ceasing! Again, thank you for your concern!
The boomer 1 may be we can use some safe yoga postures when meditating on the word of God and instead of chanting mantras we chant God’s word! What do you think of that? Thank you
Then call yourself a hindu
You are a hindu now
Not a Christian 👎👎👎
Caroline how timely this video is! These past weeks doubt has filled my mind and spirit regarding my yoga practice. I felt anxious about if I should continue exploring yoga because of what other people will think. What am I worshipping? All of the questions you asked I found myself saying yes, that’s what I wondered! Your sharing about the peace you felt and hearing God in your mat in the final pose spoke to me. Because I peace and clarity and direction that comes from God during that time too. God has to be bigger than all of it! Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in sharing what brought you to yoga. I relate. What you do matters Caroline! Continue and bless you!
Danielle, thank you so much for reaching out, and sharing. I completely understand how interesting the journey of yoga can be. But you are NOT alone, friend! Thank you. Hugs!
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu🕉️🕉️
tell me you are a racist without telling me you are a racist yoga edition,!
Jesus is with me on my mat each min. of each day. The peace I find in his company is joyous!! Thank you for your Christian Yoga videos!
You're so welcome 🤗
@@CarolineWilliamsYogaYoga means union but people like you are dividing yoga into religion.
There is nothing like Christian yoga change it Christian exercise.
Google the meaning of Yoga.
Those who think it's doesn't suit their religion they should not practice it 😊
I just found your channel and I am SO thankful that you're doing this! I have been searching for a Christian yoga/meditation and this one feels right. Thank you for being here!
So glad you're here, Kayla!
Hi Kayla, there's no such thing as christian yoga.. try Pilates!
There is still yoga in Pilates and I don't know why you would recommend that if you were against yoga.
@@ginnyfromdablock7551 Pilates is a rehabilitation exercise with an occult or other faith that has nothing to do.
Yeah right. Because it makes you feel good... it’s got to be right. Just slap ‘holy’, some Christian music and scripture on it and we’re good to go. Be more mature in your walk. We ARE in the last days. What happened to seeking God’s face for the answer and waiting on it, prayerfully? This is not intended to be a put down or downer, but an encouragement to remember whom we say we serve. Ask.
I turned to yoga for my back pain. Not only did it help me get over my physical pain, but also my mental pain. It helped me to find peace and taught me the importance of silence. The help that yoga brings only lasts with Jesus.
Mary, I absolutely relate with you in yoga helping me learn the importance silence. Yes, the work of Jesus lasts! Love that. Blessings!
But yoga is hindu thing
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga please yoga has nothing to do with jesus nothing at all
@@GodsGreatest exactly.. It's just a physical form of exercise which energizes the body and promotes peace of mind..
@@kaustubhnigam6220 it's as hindu as taking communion is Catholic. Yoga means to connect with God. Western Yoga is simply exercises, superficial. Yoga is about disciplines like non violence, truthfulness, cleanliness inner and outer, non stealing, only acquiring enough to sustain the body, self introspection and spiritual studies, waking up before sunrise, meditating on God thru chanting mantras, abstaining from meat, alcohol, drugs, garlic or onions, non smoking, not watching violent or porn films, being celibate ideally etc. The yoga sutras will expand on this further to anyone who is interested in being highly disciplined and God conscious in life rather than just acquiring a healthy body and mind. Personally I've lost weight after starting yoga, my mind is a lot lighter now that I practice non violence and abstaining from meat alcohol or eating garlic or onions etc. I am able to understand my fellow living things and the world better after gaining a clearer understanding and as a result I am able to love others more than I used to in the past. Yoga has taught me to love. 💝
Thank you so much for this video! I have loved yoga since I began practicing in high school and a friend recently brought it to my attention that yoga was in worship to Hindu gods. Like you said, I did some research on if Christians should do yoga and my heart sank. I was so upset because I wanted to get stronger in my faith with God, but I also couldn't fathom me separating myself from something that I love to do. I honestly have felt so empty even if I knew he wants us to live a happy life centered on him. I am so glad I did more research into Christians who practice yoga. I feel like I am somewhat WHOLE again. I am so grateful that I did learn the truth behind the type of yoga I was practicing, but I am even MORE grateful that God still makes room for us to do things that we love while we put our complete focus on him.
Hello from Mexico. I am part of a traditional Latin mass (catholic) community in Mexico City, but since I was a teen I felt very attracted to yoga because every time I practiced it, I felt so good. I have never felt attracted to new age. Actually, I feel more connected to God every time I practice. I quitted practicing several times in my life cause it’s supposed that Christians do not do yoga never, and I used to feel guilty and that I was a not real catholic for doing so. Now, I accepted that are so many ways to feel connection to our God. My story is similar to yours. Thank you for your channel.
Thank you for sharing, Carla! Blessings.
When you mention new age are you saying this in relation to the practice of yoga because Yoga is not ‘new age’ at all
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga Separating Hinduism from yoga is like separating a mother from her child. Every intricate part of yoga is deeply rooted in the Vedas and Upanishad. We have to understand that Hinduism has fundamental differences with Christianity. There is a clear rejection of material existence and an emphasis on unifying the individual soul with the supreme consciousness that is the Paramathma.
The Sankhya, that talks about detaching oneself from fruits of actions and concentrating on his karma rather than for his own selfish needs is what stands at odds with Christianity. Christianity is fundamentally selfish in nature where by the devotees seeks all the love and affection from a higher being rather than realising that such love and affection are mere illusions that are fleeting and temporary. Yoga aims to detach the person from these illusions and make him equipped with tools to see the world the way it is.
In Christianity, human being is the centre of the universe and everything else in his resource. In Hinduism, the individual is just one constituents of the infinitely large universe that has no beginning and has no end. And it is his lifelong in the world to get himself reunited with the universe which can also be called Paramathma
In conclusion, I strongly believe that Christianity and Yoga are fundamentally different from each other and any attempt at making a christian yoga is a futile effort.
All humans should do Yoga, Pranayama for a crime free, violence free world..
Yoga movements helps improve my flexibility, releases stress and tension stored in muscles, helps me quiet my mind and focus on God, and improved my overall physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above." (James 1:17).
Agreed you gotta thank adhiyogi Shiva for that .
Om namaha shiva 🙏
I really appreciate and respect the sincerity of your words. I do believe that God meets us where we are and ultimately it is the Holy Spirit who convicts our hearts of the things we practice that do not align with Jesus Christ. However, regardless of what your intentions are as you flow through the poses, ultimately you are physically worshiping something else. You can’t separate Hinduism from yoga, no matter how much you try to focus your heart on Jesus. It is a form of worship but not unto him. May God continue to guide you through this journey as you continue to surrender to Him.❤
I literally felt the tears coming down when you said God told you “I am so proud of you.” I just been going through a metamorphosis in my life, from child to adult, from living a sheltered life to having more experience, from seeing things my way to seeing things for how they truly are. And this whole process and been overwhelming because it’s a lot to take in, and I’m trying to catch up with everything that’s going and re-educate myself about the past, making up for lost time. I used to do yoga a lot before. Then I got into a relationship that I thought would be beneficial, where we could pray and seek God, exercise and do yoga together. But he’s been seeing how young minded I am and criticizing me for it. I wanted to know if yoga is even helpful and right in God’s eyes, because I know now that the Lord wants me to develop my relationship with Him again before anyone else, and develop myself.
Thank you so much for sharing this, Noemi! Holding you in prayer as I type this.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Separating Hinduism from yoga is like separating a mother from her child. Every intricate part of yoga is deeply rooted in the Vedas and Upanishad. We have to understand that Hinduism has fundamental differences with Christianity. There is a clear rejection of material existence and an emphasis on unifying the individual soul with the supreme consciousness that is the Paramathma.
The Sankhya, that talks about detaching oneself from fruits of actions and concentrating on his karma rather than for his own selfish needs is what stands at odds with Christianity. Christianity is fundamentally selfish in nature where by the devotees seeks all the love and affection from a higher being rather than realising that such love and affection are mere illusions that are fleeting and temporary. Yoga aims to detach the person from these illusions and make him equipped with tools to see the world the way it is.
In Christianity, human being is the centre of the universe and everything else in his resource. In Hinduism, the individual is just one constituents of the infinitely large universe that has no beginning and has no end. And it is his lifelong in the world to get himself reunited with the universe which can also be called Paramathma
In conclusion, I strongly believe that Christianity and Yoga are fundamentally different from each other and any attempt at making a christian yoga is a futile effort.
@@sidg856 beautifully explained brother.... from when they started realising that yoga is inevitable for humankind they started conspiracy to make the world believe that yoga didn't invent by hindus...
Whenever they find something good in Hinduism they try to snatch the credit from Hinduism and give it in their own name
Thanks for your positive video .
I am 55 and have been doing Yoga has a everyday practice at home for almost 3 years now.
I practice yoga to increase my flexibility and stay in shape, it is a wonderful way for me to start my morning .
Often times I will read a devotion at the end of my practice .
Being home and going to some of the church events I have found that some of the older ladies can not even sit on the floor . That is not going to be me ,I plan on keeping this up into my eighties so I keep fit .
Doris, I love this! Yes! Keep on moving, and journeying on, friend!
I struggle with depression and anxiety. A few years ago, I was lost in my pessimistic overthinking and felt like I was drowning. I kept hearing "meditate with God" or "meditate on the scripture", but I didn't fully understand how to do it. Not until I was invited to a Yin yoga session. The instructor was calming and engaged in helping all the students learn. That's when I started to understand what meditation looked like. I went a few more times and could feel my soul calming. I believe God saw me trying and struggling and when I was losing hope, He used a friend of mine to help me find the resource I needed to learn to rest and listen to what He was teaching me. I am still learning and look forward to reviewing more of your videos.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story, Amber. What a sweet time with God on your mat!
Even what Christians do say about yoga that for you you actually do have a connection with Christ by doing it and also the YMCA happens to be a Christian run organization and they actually do have yoga classes.
I’m a Christian and a worship leader. I had recently had an abdominal hysterectomy and in recovery now. I’ve just been cleared to drive, walk and lift 30 lbs only (prior to this, I weight lifted heavy, and was always on the move). It has been Strongly suggested that I do yoga. Well, I’ve been doing it for a few weeks and I’m so grateful to God. I went from not hardly been able to get off the couch, use the bathroom and using a walker to aide me in movement to now move and stretch so much better. I KNOW WHO I SERVE!!!!! The Lord Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for me ❤️. Yet.... family members are judging me and it’s so heart breaking to me. I just continue to do yoga and have a quiet mind, breathe, stretch and think on the things of the the Lord.
Thank you for the video and everyone’s encouraging comments shared.
Thank you so much for sharing, Michelle! Holding you in prayer. Hugs!
Michelle Eaglin Yoga goes against Christian cult so stop doing it. It’s not for abrahamic followers.
@@pushpakunwar7262 it will be better if they will become a hindu instead of stealing yoga from Hinduism
Yoga is sanskrit word ... stop making your own bullshit version ... Yoga is part of a different religion so either respect that religion or pls just don't do yoga because you don't want to give ceridt to that religion for creating something beneficial for body , mind and soul .....but ripping off yoga and creating your own version .. racist
Personally, I am being led by the Holy Spirit NOT to do yoga. There is no need to couple prayer with movement and with a spiritual tradition tied to false gods - it’s dangerous. Take heed. God wants to keep us safe by following him. In my experience, God speaks through the Holy Spirit, not through savasana. The scripture about good fruits is meant to be understood in the context of ALL scripture. Good fruit should glorify God, not ourselves 🙇🏽♀️🙌🏼🙏🏼
(I think if God is using yoga to help you, then trust him, but I would be very wary of having any spiritual experiences on the mat, like that blissed out high in savasana, and confusing that with the Holy Spirit. Good exercise can give us an endorphin boost and we can praise God for our health, but yoga is designed to open spiritual doors so I would be very careful of what’s happening on the mat. For me it’s better to just stay away. Be safe 🙏🏼)
Thanks for sharing your perspective, Nina! Blessings.
Nina H Good. Don’t steal our holy practice of HINDUS.
True. And as Christ followers we are not to connect with our God through exercise. That's not at all scripture. That entire idea stems from this false yoga religion. That's how they connect to spirits. We don't use poses and all that to feel and experience God or to be delivered or anything like that. It's through God's Word, His Holy spirit and prayer. So it's odd to hear Christians speak like this concerning yoga. And I have to wonder if they've really connected to the God of the bible.
Nina I agree with you and I practiced yoga for twenty years and it led me into the new age and Christ called out.
@@rhondal8887 I practiced yoga for over twenty years and it led me into the new age and Christ delivered me from spiritual deception.
Caroline, I too experienced a deeper relationship with God through practicing Holy Yoga. Surrendering myself to Him and listening to his voice. It’s like nothing else. Thank you for posting these videos, I use them daily in my practice!
Penny, thank you so much for sharing that. It is SUCH an honor to year that you use these videos daily. Hugs, friend!
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga so you are a hindu now ?
There is nothing such thing as holy yoga
@Samarth Mishra Yeah lol
I can't believe what I just read. Seriously holy yoga? Are you, by any chance, a catholic? They really have a penchant for adding holy to almost anything. You may as well perform a "holy murder" or tell a "holy lie". Smh.
I am a Christian and have done yoga for a while now. I really didn’t know of its connection to Hinduism. I’ve always done it at my local gym or at my Kaiser health center. I always remember it being based sole on the stretches and movements. I still don’t want to be doing something that might not be of benefit to my faith. So far I haven’t had a real problem personally with the practice.
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
The word yog was found in Vedas and bhagwat geeta....you should try to do some research about it
1 Cor 8: 4-8 comes to my mind when considering this.
Thank you Caroline, for offering this great channel for those of us who are Christians and want to practice yoga. God bless you.
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old
First, I do believe in the Holy Spirit as a physical manifestation of the presence of Jesus inside of us. I also believe that sometimes we feel His presence, His holiness so greatly that we bow or even dance because of that Holy Presence inside of us.
I have also seen the counterfeit kundalini thing that’s crept into the church. And so that is a real reality too.
If I participate in a practice that has been used to open ones self up to these demonic presences, how do I know that I haven’t just opened myself up to it?
When anyone answers please answer like you are speaking to a 5 year old that just wants to know she is safe.
Yes, the Holy Spirit does move us to respond with our bodies! What a beautiful gift that God would want to connect to us in this way.
You will ALWAYS be safe in the loving arms of God.
SDG51 SDG51 Great question. I was hoping she was address Kundalini specifically because that is a very real thing and I was convicted by the Holy Spirit not to do yoga because of it. Like you said, how can we practice something we know opens one self to a demonic presence.
What I would say to a 5 year old is this - you are being wise and discerning, sweetie, good for you. Stay away from yoga - there’s no need to do it! Pray on your knees, not in these poses. To exercise your body, do types of exercise that don’t have spiritual ties. God wants you to be healthy and safe!
SDG51 Stay away from yoga and take everything to the Lord in prayer, he will answer, don’t look to people or even those who claim to be “Christians” but only to him, that’s how you will grow and truly depend on God.
This video brought tears to my eyes. I would not describe myself as a Christian because I find organised religion a bit dogmatic, but I definitely think the Bible contains the truth, and it worries me that Christians miss out on the incredible benefits of Yoga because of fear of it being some kind of Hindu diety worship. Even the philosophy of Yoga in the ancient Indian scriptures is not really religious, more like a guide to taming the mind. I can't see any incompatibility with Christian beliefs.
I love doing yoga and I love feeling Gods presence as I stretch breathe and meditate on the LORD
You have to meditate on God's Word. 😢
Yoga is an Indian thing Karen !
I started yoga because my body was always achy. I used to sit at a desk a lot. Because I wasn’t on the path to God I got lost along the way. But becoming a mother has brought me closer to Him. I still want to do yoga because being a new mom, my body still aches. But I noticed that the yoga I used to watch didn’t make me feel the same. I still want to stretch but be closer to God too.
I love this! So glad you are growing closer to God and your baby! Hugs!
Thank you so much for this video and for the yoga sessions!
I first attended a yoga class a few months ago and for the first time in ages I heard God's voice clearly and not just my own thoughts and fears and doubts, we communicated with each other softly and prayerfully and I was amazed at how I could do this whilst the yoga teacher was talking about channelling energies and I was just so focused on God🙏🏽
For me, inviting God into the yoga by meditating on him and bringing in his presence makes it so beautiful 💜
I am curious: why do you think it was God who spoke to you?
Caroline, This video is priceless. I could not have explained "should Christians do Yoga" any better. Just as we often fear that if we participate in something, if we go somewhere, if we pilgrimage away from the straight path for awhile that we might stray from Jesus, we should fear the fact that all that does not matter, because He is bigger like you said. He delights in touching us with His presence when we are in the company of non believers. He delights in covering with His presence when we are on the mat, in the darkness, in the wilderness. He delights in transforming us wherever we are. It has been said that, ' A good teacher shouldn't think necessary to see what a person learned, they should see the transformation." The practice of Yoga will transform you, but putting Christ at the top of your practice will need no explanation because not only He but all will see the transformation. There are so many ways He will meet us, and I will raise my hand first that He does envelope us with His love outside the walls of the church. I have had a relationship with Christ since 1987, but to truly know Christ I had to discover myself and that discovery happened on a yoga mat. Being content with God on a yoga mat is a struggle some might have. I hope that all will know like you said that He is bigger than your struggle. In Acts 17:28 is says - For in Him we live and move and have our being. We live in Him, We are being moved by Him, We are of Him. Remember this - His almighty spirit runs through us on the mat, He moves us on the mat, and we are of Him on the mat. Discover yourself in a new way and just maybe you will discover a God you never knew. Thank you again Caroline. Jaimasi, Brianna
"The practice of Yoga will transform you, but putting Christ at the top of your practice will need no explanation because not only He but all will see the transformation." Absolutely! Love this. Thank you for being willing to be vulnerable in a public space!
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga stop fooling everybody
Yoga isn't part of Christianity
All humans should do Yoga, Pranayama for a crime free, violence free world..
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old
As an avid Bible reader and student of Professor Holy Spirit I cannot express how sad I am when people take someone’s word for it instead of finding out for themselves. I found Caroline as I had intentionally asked God, “what is wrong with yoga?” I recently moved to Miami where I started attending a church that was VERY “afraid” of yoga. Even the mention of yoga, almost had them break out in tongues! I never had a problem with yoga. As a matter of fact I did two things at yoga studios (when I attended) I would not bow, nor would I say “namaste. Not even knowing what it meant! After learning it’s meaning, I kept doing the two things; with good reason. Then, God brought me Caroline!!!
Not only have I been blessed on my mat, but God has taught me how to “Stretch” my faith not by what I can do, but what I thought I couldn’t!!! While I was in a knot physically (eagle pose needs some work, but seriously) God showed me on the mat how to take that breath and stretch myself Spiritually AND physically!
The reading of the talents while I was on my mat, in one of The Abbey classes that Caroline started, woke me up! Being in the safety of what I know or thought, was NOT investing in ALL that God has for those who “take the risk” and try that pose, take that job, start that ministry, leave that job... You will find more of this when you mindfully see God’s word is active and very much alive in every step of your life!
So, I invite you to come and sit or just watch one of the classes and make your own decision about this particular program. You may find yourself joining in and doing some “Yo-God!”
Abiding in the True Vine,
I can't love this enough, Angie! Thank you so much for sharing.
Isn't it sad when we live in fear instead of trusting the Holy Spirit?! Are there things in the yoga world that we should not participate in? Certainly! But that doesn't mean dismissing everything. I approach yoga in much the same way we (hopefully) approach other activities, by weighing the various elements against our baseline of Scripture and honoring God in all we do. Once we've done that, we then participate in each element, or not, accordingly. I tell people who get upset with me for practicing and teaching yoga that if they insist on avoiding yoga because of some aspects if it, they should probably also stop reading books, watching movies, going online, etc., since there are elements of those that don't honor God too.
Yoga is a hindu thing 👍🙏🕉️
This is so encouraging! I’m glad you’re back to bringing videos! I’m a 200RYT and have struggled with such guilt and that I’m having a hard time hearing God. I’m not sure if it’s what I was taught for many years about how yoga is bad or not. I had a wonderful friend at church that was very open to God and had a wonderful Christian walk but she did yoga. At that time I, sadly, judged her. Years later, I became certified for a job and fell in love with it. My old dancer self loved the fluid body weight exercise that it was. I don’t have to push or motivate myself to do it because I absolutely love it! I’ve just struggled so much since getting certified over a year ago. I really appreciate all your videos. Thank you for them from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you so much for sharing! What a blessing it is to know these videos ministered to you. Hugs, friend!
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
@@kaustubhnigam6220 I learned a few things in my yoga training (taught by someone who did become Hindu) and they were that you can make yoga your own and it's your own practice, but also that there was a room for spiritual/religious purposes and a separate room for yoga (with the founding fathers of yoga). Based on these, I've understood that it is perfectly okay to use your own beliefs and have seen a lot of people use yoga to do so. Basically, in Christian yoga they are using meditations from the Bible and using it as a body, mind, and Christian-based spiritual practice rather than a Hindu based practice.
@@Laundrey1 where in the Bible ???
@@Laundrey1 if there are separate meditations in the Bible then there should be separate terms for them
Why to call them yoga ?? 😏😏😏
Yes!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord that the Earth is the Lord and everything in it!!
I have a very personal story of how God has used yoga to help me overcome an anxiety disorder!
4 years ago after I had my second son only 16 months after I had my first I suffered from postpartum OCD, it is not as common as depression but it's not talked about either.
I realized I had struggled with it my whole life and now God was leading me to find freedom in it.
He absolutely used yoga and still uses it to ground me in His love and to bring a mindfulness of His peace and presence everyday. Thank you Caroline for what you are doing in Jesus precious name. I'm with you in this!
Btw, I have 3 sons 5 and under. I need all the help I can get! God is good!!
Wow, Chelsey! Thank you so much for being vulnerable and offering your story here. What a blessing to hear how yoga has been used by God in your life! Praying for you and your sweet children.
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
Stop calling it Christian yoga
I have been struggling with prayer. I feel like there are so many things around me pulling me and needing my attention. This morning as I woke up to pray (I'm in a 24hr prayer with my church) I read a verse on my daily bible app. It was Romans 12:12 NLT and it stuck with me on what it said about prayer. "Be happy in your hope. Do not give up when trouble comes. Do not let anything stop you from praying." With this in mind and resounding in my heart "do not let anything stop you from praying" I searched youtube for "Christian Yoga" and found your channel. I viewed one video and began to relax and at some point I tuned out and began to pray I laid flat on my mat with everything around me silenced. Although I didn't even get trough my 1st prayer request on my list, I connected with God undisturbed for a full hour. Just thanking him and appreciating being alive and breathing. I will continue watching your videos for coaching and learning to use my body. I am hopeful, happy, and with my mind at ease. This feel right with in me.
Wow, Cindi. Thank you so much for sharing. Praying that you continue to feel this stillness in His presence. Blessings!
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu🕉️🕉️🕉️
Personally, I have renewed my faith recently and cannot face cutting yoga out as it has also saved me from things in my life. Yes, Jesus saves us and heals our spirit, but as someone who spends all day at a desk, yoga helps my body relax and release tension. I will be mindful and am exited to try your videos :)
thank-you for your openness Caroline 💜 I really appreciate your honesty & integrity. Our God is so much bigger than any box we try to put Him in! keep enjoying the journey! 🙌🏼
Thank you, Jose-Anne!
Our GOD is bigger than yoga for sure, that's why HE never mentioned it in HIS word.
What about just saying amen at the end. And naming the poses differently. We can praise our Jesus any way we want. I'm sure the 1s saying it isn't good....while typing on this phone could be reading more in Bible about judgment. I say praise Jesus christ our lord an savior anyway that brings u closer to him. As long as we are saved we're going to heaven. Live unto Jesus.... Bible says to exercise in all areas of ur life.
@@Travel2BA and yet Christians still do yoga.
For me, yoga is really regulating for my nervous system. Helps me slow down, stretch my tense body and quiet my mind. I think that’s why you were able to let go and connect with God because you quieted yourself. Your mind was still enough to receive from God. Someone here in the comments section said “don’t do yoga, just do normal stretches” I kind of laugh at that because like all “normal stretches” can be traced back to yoga. And stretching is soooooo good and necessary for the body. So why not do it in a way that involves deep breathing and stillness so that you help your nervous system and body at the same time? Seriously, take it from my husband. His parents had that same view that yoga was bad and so they never encouraged their children to stretch- at all! And now I’m his twenty’s he is SO stiff and inflexible - it hurts him and is super difficult to even tie his shoes! Seriously, everything , EVERYTHING comes down to your heart in it. Why are you doing yoga? Is it to worship Buddha or is it to calm your nervous system and stretch your muscles?
Love your reflections here, Amanda! Thank you so much for sharing.
Why are you stealing bharateeya culture.The name Yoga itself comes from Sanskrit.don't try to steal concepts. you may use it but not propagate it as yours..
I needed to hear this. I've come from a new age background to christianity and after that I considered yoga "forbidden", too - until I became sick with severe PTSD and burnout. And, seriously with that Yoga has helped me so much, I feel guilty regularly (even though God encourages me again and again, He's so patient and loving :) ). I always thought if I read the bible enough and pray enough, God will heal me. I was so stubborn on this view that it almost killed me (because at some point I was even too scared to go to doctors because the notion "you don't trust God enough"). Thank you for your comment and, Caroline thank you for your channel! I will start diving into your videos as of today :)
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old
Christ was son of God. Krishna is real God according to Vedic scriptures which are 5000 years old. Hare Krishna spread Love 😘❤
Yoga is a practice that transcends specific religions or beliefs. It's about physical and mental well-being. I'm curious, why do we sometimes feel the need to view yoga through the lens of a particular faith, like Christianity or Hinduism, when it can be a universal practice
Love yourself, love others and love the Devine. Meditation is similar to centering pray which brings you closer to God.
I found yoga in my journey to healing my inner child & with a depression filled past. Jesus met me on the mat & there’s nothing else like it. I too believe that God has to be bigger than it all. He ultimately created my body before time & before all those idol-worshipping practices. He made my body & gave it the freedom to move, stretch, & release. No one else gets that glory. Thank you & so excited that you’re back making videos!
Thank you so much for sharing. I wholeheartedly agree! Hugs
Jesus met you lol
Stop calling yourself a Christian 👎
Better become a hindu and go read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads 👍👍
Practice Hinduism now 👍👍
Stop claiming yoga as a Christian thing
And stop lying that Jesus met you blah blah blah
Become a monotheistic hindu now 👍
RNDF ADVENTURES Stop stealing our practice you thieves.
@@kaustubhnigam6220 LOL
I have always been drawn to yoga but could never really fall in love it... until I started practicing with you! I have had similar moments of heartache for different reasons. Not yoga related but I remember one dark point where I felt very low. My instinct was to get up from where I was sitting and start moving. I literally jogged in place and and did some jumping jacks the tears just flowed. I felt something shift. That moment helped me understand how connected our minds spirits and bodies are.
I am so thankful for the way you connect them and share it with us :) I am a recent Abbey subscriber and I have been so blessed by it. Thank you !
Mere, thank you so much for sharing! This is such a gift to hear. The way movement helps us process is amazing. And yay! I'm so happy you're in The Abbey! Hugs, friend.
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu🕉️🕉️
Stop associating it with Christianity or Jesus 👍
@@kaustubhnigam6220 how free are you to comment under every comment?
Connect to which god? Jesus or the yoga god? How do you know which spiritual realm are you connected to and how do you confirm it is not a deception from the enemy/ies of the living God Yahweh?
OMG, you made me cry. Thank you so much for sharing your story and perspective. God bless you.
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
Also read Manu dharma, that book is telling all humans are not equal, Jesus is the way and the truth.
@@petertherebel 😂😂😂😂
Your Jesus is incomplete without yoga 😂😂
@@petertherebel I only read Bhagwat Gita for dharma
Not many dharma
It's filled with lots of adulterations
@Lovebirds 0910 You may not realize but what you wrote at the beginning of your comment is taking God Almighty's name in vain, only pointing this in a loving way to you. God bless!
I hear u Caroline, as a ex yoga instructor, I have battled with this for years upon years .. many things r of false gods, medical, symbols, medicine, oaths etc etc.
The stretches in a commercial or Christian yoga setting r not the issue as many of the yoga stretches r involved in pilates, aerobics dance etc its the phrasing & the meaning behind the phrases or word(s) which recently made leave it & go to stretching instead. Thank you for doing this video & would love to hear yr feedback on this. 🙏🙏
This was a really well put together answer. Thank you so much.. I am in my teacher training right now and I thought about quitting.. I’m learning about the vedas/history of yoga and it was making me feel uneasy. I love yoga for the mindfulness and presence it gives me. I do feel more centered and able to connect with God more through my practice. I will hold strong.. id love to one day share my faith with others through yoga.. possibly reading scriptures in opening meditation or simply offering a place for them to find the rest that only Jesus can give. Thank you again for sharing, this was really inspirational. God bless you 💙
Hannah, with all respect to you...don’t disregard that uneasiness just because you found someone to validate your desires. Whether you believe it or not, each yoga pose was created to either depict or worship a Hindu god. Look into the origins of the warrior poses. The progression is depicting a murder scene. So, you’re re-enacting that when you do those poses. 1Thess 5:22...avoid every appearance of evil. I know you love yoga, but do you love Jesus more? ❤️ He asks us to follow him. I’m saying this with a loving heart.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
You are Hinduphobic and Racist!! YOGA derived from Hinduism and from no where it forces you to follow Hinduism it's all about spirituality!! If you don't find Yoga easy don't do it!! But please don't degrade our Holy Vedas!! We Hindus always preach brotherhood not hatred!!
@@ammairarajput2178 correct
They want to do yoga and feel uneasy too at the same time
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old
Im so thankful... Im a dance student and I use to train almost 40 hours a week. So I need to stretch daily. Yoga helped me a lot to get through this. Not only physically. About 6 months ago I desided giving my life into jesus hands. And there were so many people telling me that I couldnt do yoga anymore. I struggelt a lot. I never really understood why this should be forbidden. Or why it wouldnt be ok to make it a worship . So I continued doing yoga but I was struggeling very much. Today I had a lot of doubts about it. And I felt guilty. But not because god had given me this feeling. It was only because people made me felt guilty for things that are good for my relationship with god. Wow. You made me cry. Tank you so much. I think there are so many people who need to here this
Yoga is one of six hindu practices.
It predates Christianity and has nothing to do with Christianity.
I went to a holy yoga class and really felt so much peace at it. It really was a great way for me to connect with God and make that intentional time for him. So yes! I really think yoga is fine and can be used for God’s glory.
Your story is so neat; I so identify with you regarding the career path! It just blows my mind how God works!! I am so glad that you didn't give up! And just look at all of the good you are doing teaching us!! (high five to you) :)
Thank you so much, Cherée! God is so good. Hugs!
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
@@kaustubhnigam6220 it is Hinduism. Period.
Totally so true!!! Beautiful Sister in Christ. Our God is so much bigger!
I have a similar experience as you .
how i can feel the presence of Holy Spirit when i am still on the mat. To enhance my yoga now, i say Our Father prayer before i start, i thank Him for the beautiful creation of human body ... give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His love for us... He pushes me to take care of my spirit, body and soul...each practice i become closer to Jesus. Amazing experience.
Thank you so much for sharing, Dena! This is beautiful.
So excited to have found your channel! Can’t wait to use your meditation sessions.
Yoga is stretching your body. There is nothing wrong with stretching your body but do not worship other gods. And those that say each pose worships a god are too legalistic in my mind. Yoga/stretching has scientifically been proven to be helpful for the body. Physical training is of some goodness but godly training is even more beneficial no? So what’s wrong with working on doing yoga and taking care of the temple that is your body? I do yoga for medical reasons since I have myofascial pain syndrome. It is the only type of workout that addresses my physical pain and no amount of prayer helped my pain. I’ve been to everyone for prayer and I believed for years it would work. And I don’t know why God didn’t let it. But the myofascial stretching via yoga truly has helped me and my injuries that caused this pain.
And to those who believe the poses worship Hindu gods, none of the poses worship ANY gods. Some are named after Hindu deities because they look similar to what is depicted, but there’s no worshipping of any kind going on in the poses. And the English translations are not Hindu related at all. The poses were created to get out of your head and connect the mind to the body
I also have had tender moments with God and Jesus. I have left yoga and felt more anxiety and been really unhappy. I do not worship other Hindu Gods, I bow to Jesus and stretch and find harmony and peace on the mat. It has helped me be a balanced and healthy person so there's no way it's evil if approached the right way and with the right instructor too. I am relieved that someone shares my experience and I think it's a backwards and inflexible attitude that needs to change with some people who are mininformed.
I completely relate ❤
Found this so helpful when I was not going to church and walked away from God for a bit. Bought me back to his presence and surrendering my walk to Jesus again ❤
Thank you for sharing, Sarah! Holding you in prayer as you continue this walk.
Be still and know that I am God ( Psalm 46/10)
What a wonderfully fresh outlook🙏
Wow! Thank you for explaining what I have always felt! God meets me on the mat! My brain quiets there! Distraction is gone and I am present! Soooo good!
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old
Christ was son of God. Krishna is real God according to Vedic scriptures which are 5000 years old. Hare Krishna spread Love 😘❤
Thank you so much, your channel has greatly improved my body and my relationship with Jesus!
Jesus..... 😂😂😂😂
When did your Jesus adviced you to do yoga
Better become a hindu
Go read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads
@@kaustubhnigam6220 jesus be thinking how stupid these people are
Yoga will take you closer to your God of your heart . Your concentration will improve when you pray bringing you closer to your God! Period
Thank you so much. I didn't know if it was right before or not. You made me believe that I can do yoga aswell as doing yoga. Thanks and God bless you ❤
““When the Lord your God goes ahead of you and destroys the nations and you drive them out and live in their land, do not fall into the trap of following their customs and worshiping their gods. Do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How do these nations worship their gods? I want to follow their example.’ You must not worship the Lord your God the way the other nations worship their gods, for they perform for their gods every detestable act that the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters as sacrifices to their gods.”
Deuteronomy 12:29-31 NLT
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
I'm facing a lot of trials right now, the biggest being a separation which will lead to divorce. My heart has been broken for so long, I've been rejected, neglected, betrayed, by all the men in my life that were supposed to love and protect me. A few months ago I started a new journey with a God I didn't know before. A few days ago I started yoga because of the current lockdown, I wanted something to do, and someone suggested yoga. I have always been sceptical of yoga, but I have found it so peaceful and relaxing. The breathing techniques has helped me sleep better, I don't need sleeping tablets anymore.
I am calmer in general. I have found during the yoga time that certain scriptures just pop into my head. Promises of Gods love, promises of peace. Especially Isaiah 26:3-4
I look forward to this journey and finding more ways to have a more intimate relationship with God.
I'm am so glad I have found your channel. Thank you. And God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so so sorry to hear of this difficult season you're walking through. I pray that you feel the arms of the Father around you during this time, and the nearness of Jesus as your friend. Hugs!
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
In everything you do it's all about your intention
I do yoga and love it but I don’t chant and I don’t say Namaste, I say thank you, Jesus. ❤🙏✝️
Spoken so beautifully! Thank you looking forward to the next videos!
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
Hi Caroline! I’m so happy I just found your channel!!!!
I’ve practiced yoga for a few years now. Only consistently 3 times a week for less than a year. I’ve been to a few in person yoga classes - 2 of them being a Christian practice. Every other practice has been through following you tubers - none of them Christian. And today is the first time I’ve ever actually searched for “Christian Yoga” and I’m wondering why I’ve never done this search before! Your channel is the first that popped up!
I’m sitting here on my yoga mat tearing up listening to your story and really connecting with it. All of this time, in all of my practices, I talk to God during this time. It allows me, like you said, to be still and cry out to Him in whatever season I’m in!
I want to thank you for your strength, beauty and courage in sharing your spiritual journey with us! You are amazing! 😇🙏🏻💗
This is amazing, Tori! Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs!
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Their is nothing Christian about yoga.
Next what Christian hinduism? 😂
She’s baaaccckkkk. Praise Jesus! Thanks Caroline.
Only pray Jesus *... So you should not practice paganic stuff like yoga
I am an ex-hindu and a former Jehovah's witness who is now a born again Christian...and I have gone through severe depression..and I like breathing practice of inhalation and exhalation.. it is very effective.
Thanks for sharing!
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga sister.. many Christian's in the west are associating yoga with demonic practices and new age mysticism.. I would love to know your views on that..
Please consider turning only to the Word for peace. We are called to leave behind our old self and be renewed in Christ.
General paced breathing is fine, but the breathing in yoga was designed to open yourself up to the spirits -- it is very dangerous! ❤
Most "Christians" are ignorant of what yoga really is. The west generally has no idea of its depth. Hatha yoga is the balance of positive and negative energies. An adept would hold a pose for 3 hours. His or her mind would be still. As the bible says, "be still and know the Truth". Thank you Caroline.
And it is a spiritual practice of Hinduism.
Caroline, I feel like you are my friend. I have been working through your videos for a few months now. We spend a lot of time together haha! These practices have definitely helped me spend more time with Jesus, since I, too, really struggle with quiet time and silencing my overactive brain! Sometimes I'll go through the same one for a week just to meditate on what He has for me! I first discovered Christian yoga at a small studio in my town. It has sadly since closed, but when I discovered it, I was going through a painful divorce, and can completely relate to the sobbing on your mat! The teacher would anoint our heads with oil during shavasana, lay her hands on us and pray, and it was so loving and precious! I truly miss it. All of this - you, that studio - has me kicking around becoming certified, and helping others connect with God in this way. I'd love to know a Christ-centered way to do that!
Thank you so much for sharing some of your story with me here, Andrea! What a gift. Holding you in prayer and so glad that God brought us together in this way. Hugs!
How shameless you have to be to plagiarize religious practices of other religions and later call it Christian.
There doesn't exist anything like Christian yoga.... first learn the history of yoga
You’re very brave to be so open and honest about your experiences, especially on such a divisive subject. I agree with you on most points, but the big picture for us is conscience. Whenever we make a decision, it’s our Christian duty to show love to one another by considering the conscience of others.
Paul says:
“And so by your knowledge this weak person is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning against your brothers and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.”
If my understanding of yoga surpasses the knowledge of another Christian, I do well to make sure that my practices don’t call them to stumble. My temporary physical wellbeing isn’t more important than the salvation of another. Careful. Be very careful.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
@@JessBell39 If everything that is pagan in origin is inherently evil and cannot be repurposed to serve God then why does Paul cite pagan Greek philosophers in Acts 17?
"For in Him we live and move and are.' As also some of the poets among you have said, 'For we are also His offspring.'" - Acts 17:28
These words were originally from a poet who was a countryman of Paul’s, Aratus of Tarsus (circ. B.C. 272), who had written a poem called "Phenomena". It opens with an invocation to the supreme god of the Greek pantheon, Zeus. Similar words are found in a hymn to Zeus by another pagan Greek philosopher, Cleanthes (B.C. 300). Both passages are worth quoting:
(1)“From Zeus begin; never let us leave
His name unloved. With Him, with Zeus, are filled
All paths we tread, and all the marts of men;
Filled, too, the sea, and every creek and bay;
And all in all things need we help of Zeus,
For we too are his offspring.”
-Aratus, Phænom. 1-5.
(2)“Most glorious of immortals, many-named,
Almighty and for ever, thee, O Zeus,
Sovran o’er Nature, guiding with thy hand
All things that are, we greet with praises. Thee
’Tis meet that mortals call with one accord,
For we thine offspring are, and we alone
Of all that live and move upon this earth,
Receive the gift of imitative speech.”
-Cleanthes, Hymn to Zeus.
So Paul is taking something that pagan Greeks wrote in honour of a pagan god, and reused their language only applying it to the True God. So if your theory, that anything that might have pagan origins is irredeemably evil is correct, then Paul sinned when he used those words.
I was introduced to yoga after experiencing a lot of trauma in my life. I had no idea it was “against God” or worshipping any other God.
All I know is that it helped me to release this trauma and heal!!! 🙏🏼❤️
We are to do works through God’s eyes and words.
Just because some ancient people from somewhere made up poses to praise their Gods- doesn't mean that all people use yoga for that.
I would relate it to different hand gestures, meaning different things depending on the culture.
Yoga is hand gestures and movements, yes. But only hold whatever meaning you put behind it.
We are to practice through God- not our interpretation.
If you use yoga to pray to other Gods and believe it to be true- then don't do it.
I have been interested in Yoga for a while. This past February a local yoga studio opened and I decided to try it. I did feel that some of the chants and words of affirmation were not right for me, but thought this is the perfect time to meditate on God's word and pray. So, that is what I started doing. Then i started searching for Christian Yoga and found you and a few others. I am so thankful! I just now decided to watch these videos. I did pray about participating in Yoga and feel that God is telling me "yes, participate". This video confirms it for me. Some of the aches and pains I have been dealing with for years and trying to get rid of are now gone thanks to yoga. I also realized some of the exercises I found to help with the pain were actually yoga poses.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Yoga as nothing to do with the Christianity.
If you want to do it accept it as whole cherry picking is not allowed.
Yoga was given to hindus by hindu god shiva.
Lord Shiva is not a Christian god.
Christianity is Just 1500 years old religion. Yoga and Vedic religion is 5000 years old
Christ was son of God. Krishna is real God according to Vedic scriptures which are 5000 years old. Hare Krishna spread Love 😘❤
I just didn't want anything stopping a relationship with my Father. I'll try this with an intentional Daughter of Good mindset, though.
Edit: chanting and idols will not be part of this endeavor in my life.
There's a non-Christian Aunt that I love that's starting a health journey with yoga included and I will at least act uninterested in any spirituality other than the Holy Spirit. I will not preach, and I will not act salty. I simply favor God's connection to my spirit -only.
I do find it interesting that you mentioned for us to wait for the fruit of yoga? Should we not have the fruit of the Spirit. This doesn't sound Biblical at all. Yoga takes the place of the Spirit?
Absolutely not! Yoga is a tool or discipline that helps us be transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Jesus. It never takes the place of the Spirit.
THANKYOU!! This is what I needed. You have know idea ❤
I was listening out of curiosity. All the sudden , I started crying. I don't understand. I think I need to try this.
Don't do it.
Yoga means to yoke/be in union with God.
Hindu God Shiva is supreme yogi
See how she didn't mention the most basic thing about yoga, cause she knew if she did, she wouldn't be able to deceive Christians.
Look up Shiva bhakts (followers), aghori Babas, to understand the bizarre, macabre n dark practices and rituals they engage in.
There is lot of weird creepy stuff going on behind the scenes of these yoga, which might explain your emotional outburst,cause they prey on the vulnerable.
I have lengthier post on here if you want to read
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
@@ibizwood9325 I had heard that, but no one ever explained why Christians shouldn't. Wow! I guess I will definitely Not be doing that Thx.
@@debi7657 please don't do it. Many are deceived. But yoga is a religion... And putting"holy" before it doesn't automatically stamp it with God's approval. That's man's way of making themselves feel better about doing something that is in direct contradiction of God and His Word.
@@rhondal8887 AMEN! I was fooled for so long.
Very well said! Thank you for having an open discussion about this.
If I dont stretch, my body doesn't work.
I am interested in practicing yoga and would like to learn a gentle practice. (I'm over 50). Not sure if you have also heard of Rhonda Jones who practices Christian meditation. I listened to her youtube video on how to meditate on scripture. For my journey, I would like to learn to quiet myself and do Christian meditation. Since I need to learn to stretch and get in better shape, I thought yoga would be an avenue. My concern is that I subscribed to a general yoga practice and I saw the woman put her hands over the third eye. I thought that if I am to do this yoga, I will have to rectify some of the movements. Maybe instead of the third eye motion, I should put my hands in prayer position and thank the Holy Spirit for living inside of me and guiding me. Whenever they say to "Give thanks to yourself", I give thanks to Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit for allowing me to do the exercise and giving me breath in my body. Since my pre-salvation was so deeply bad, I feel healing and don't judge to hardly. I just have my goals and I just want to be fit, to meditate scripture and to be flexible physically as I age. I hope that I am able to do this through 2021 to reach a healthier lifestyle.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Thank you Jesus
Don’t thank Jesus for yoga. That’s Satan’s masterpiece working it’s way into the Christian church as an angel of light.
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
@@JessBell39 I agree with you
Thank you for this video. I can't wait for the rest of this series. My experience has been similar to yours.
But remember it's a hindu practice 👍👍👍
It's better to read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads and become a hindu
I grew up Catholic but no longer practicing. I have been doing yoga for over 10 years and I see so often Christians who would benefit from having a yoga practice to help them with things like anxiety, posture, flexibility but reject it for religious reasons. It is nice to see someone like you attempting to bridge this gap of misunderstanding.
That's called plagiarism.
Pasting Christian label on religious practices of other religions doesn't make it Christian.
I agree with everything you said! What is your perspective on a Christian studying traditional YTT? Are there parts that would conflict with our faith in Jesus as Savior?
Hi Julie! I have done both a faith-based and "secular" 200hr YTT and got immense value from both of them. There were certainly parts of the secular training that I had to wrestle with but I felt that being exposed to it help reaffirm my own beliefs and opened up lots of doors for me to have great conversations with my peers. It's so dependent on the studio and the program so I'd recommend doing your research and having conversations with the instructors
Better become a hindu then 👍
Yoga is against Christianity
Become a hindu then practice it. 🕉️🕉️🕉️
Seems like your Jesus is incomplete 😏😏😏
💯every person WHO HAS A BODY needs to be able to MOVE it deeply and naturally!!! 😌
have also been wondering why most christian say YOga and meditation in demonic but then again for me i believe in "whats the intentions behind what you doing?" and where is it written in the bible that we shouldnt? honestly i get confused sometimes..
Hi Joann! Thanks for sharing your questions and honesty. I would just encourage you to continue taking your questions before God! I know He will meet you there, my friend. Blessings!
@@CarolineWilliamsYoga thanks dear..amen!!
Meditating is not demonic.
Jesus meditated as well.
They are doing this because to stop Hindu conversion in Europe and US.
There's nothing wrong in doing hindu yoga.
Hinduism is the only religion which supports the practise of other religions.
Hinduism is spreading because of it's simplicity and the westerners don't want it lol.
Christian yoga is nothing but an altered Version of the original one written thousands of years ago.
No wonder people who tried the altered version had demonic experiences.
Hello, in my mid-50's I took up yoga at my local YMCA as part of my cross-training to run a half-marathon. I admit I went into it with some trepidation, wondering if this was a smiling face that would conflict with my Christianity. But I found my fears were unjustified. I used these sessions to focus on God's presence, and on the sensation of stretching; my instructors were well-grounded people, and everything was fine.
Of course, this wouldn't be true of every yoga class, and I would advise any fellow Christian to be cautious and not apologize for walking out if they sensed God's leading to do so. But if you find yoga provides an opportunity to pray, loosen up areas of tightness, and allows you to JUST.SLOW.DOWN... it can potentially be a positive experience. Thanks for this message Caroline.
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
I've researched that the root meaning of yoga is yoke. I am thankful that there are scurptures in the bible in regards to being yoked to our father. My issue with calling it " yoga" ( body, mind and spiritual unity in movement) is the attachment it has to another spiritual belief and praise poses. With that said, I am a MSW and work in mental health field and working on beginning my hours for licensure (LCSW). I look forward to my ministry being one which will combine mind body and spiritual healing. I want to create healing workshops rooted in christianity, acknowledging the God head: the father ,son and holy spirit. With Jesus Christ as our healer and savior, always in the center of practice. Seeking to learn from any pioneers and leaders in this type of ministry. Be blessed.
Thanks for sharing, May! What a joy it is to know you are digging deeper for the TRUTH. Praying that you continue to feel God near to you on this journey. Hugs!
May Sanchez start a TH-cam channel once you start your workshops!
If Jesus is your savior then pray to Jesus
Why to do yoga ?
Either become a hindu or stop lying that there is something known as Christian yoga
Intentions are more important than what deity/God you worship. That's why even athiests can do yoga. We hindus have no issue worshipping Jesus christ as well.
As an overseas worker I have come to learn that Christ CAN redeem and use things that the world uses for evil. I see this not as syncretism (merging and amalgamation of differing religions) BUT as a way of injecting our faith INTO all spheres of our life- like working out. Caroline is a God fearing woman and as she leads us through these poses she isn't pushing us towards the secular but the holy presence of God. YES, we as believers need to be discerning of what we listen to...but that does not mean we can't find God in unexpected places. God is able to see my heart on the yoga mat as one in the posture of meditation (which pst IS biblical.)
God, NOT ONCE, not ever redeemed a pagan religious practice-you can search the old and New Testaments-you will not find this anywhere.
Yoga literally means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
Thank you SO Much for this Video! Jesus centered movement, Breath, Prayers, Listening to scripture settle and still my heart and my mind, Jesus Christ, through the modality and Community of Holy Yoga continues to heal me from a past of childhood trauma, body shame, negative self-talk, and I get to worship and love the one-and-only Higher Power, Jesus Christ with my Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. God Bless You, Caroline.
Keep spreading the Good News!
Love this, Anna! Thank you for sharing.
Jesus Christ is nothing that's why you need yoga now
It's not holy yoga like holy water or holy Jesus or holy cross or holy blood
Become a hindu
Go read Bhagwat Gita and Upanishads 👍👍👍
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
I am a christian and practice yoga it's a great way to limber joints and muscles. I have never had a spiritual experience doing yoga to me it's just excercise.
Than you are practicing Hinduism if you do yoga.
Yoga and hinduism are inseparable.
Don't fall for this scam.
Thank you Caroline 🧘🏼♀
Thank you for doing this video. This has been a struggle for me. I used to do yoga as a workout until friends from church told me I shouldn't because the poses mean I am worshipping other gods. So I changed the narrative and said instead of saying "Namaste" I will say "THANK YOU JESUS" and make God my focus in the movements. Then I was told you still have to be careful because the moves can still bring on unwanted spirits. So to say the least I have been torn. I love how I feel when I do yoga but don't want to go against God so thank you for this beautiful perspective 🙏🏾❤️
Thank YOU Caroline! Praying this video will be found by whoever is looking at these questions and will actually find a more diverse answer which is also pointing to our Jesus. Bless!
Yoga means to yoke with Brahma. Brahma is NOT the Christian God😢. What God are you yoking with?
What does the Bible say about doing what the pagans do? He says it is an abomination to worship Him as the pagans worship their God.
“When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods. Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Feelings are not the standard of measure, the word of God is. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9
We can deceive ourselves with our feelings. We walk by faith NOT by sight OR feelings-faith in God’s word and what it say is true-not what makes someone feel good even though we KNOW it’s PAGAN TO THE CORE.
I stopped practicing yoga when I found out the truth about yoga. May God guide you into all truth-not “your truth” but THE TRUTH. “Your truth” is feeling based (or an opinion), whereas “THE TRUTH” is fact based in the scriptures.
May God (the One True God of the Bible) bless you in your search for THE TRUTH!
This is a very controversial topic so it’s hard to know if Christians should do yoga or not.
Hi Emily! It is a controversial topic indeed. Thanks for listening to this video. If yoga is something you're interested in, I'd encourage you to keep bringing your questions before the presence of God! He'll meet you there, friend. Blessings!
Correct me if I'm wrong , You should use the term Meditation instead of Yoga and avoid chanting *OM* which is Inviting Hindu Gods to Dwell in you.
I started doing yoga, was meditating to the world and asking the universe for blessings using the “law of attraction”. Life got very easy and I started seeing so much worldly success and benefits I guess you could call it. I smoked weed non stop and really tried to be a good person. I wasn’t doing evil things but I was living an ungodly life and was starting to think of myself as a god. I got arrested for weed and spent a night in a cell. That night I prayed to God for the first time in a long time at 26 years old. Things worked out and I didn’t get into much trouble at all, after I started reading the Bible more but was still smoking, doing yoga, and mediating. I was on and off with my Bible reading and praying and couldn’t figure out why exactly I couldn’t go all in with it and feel that freedom people talk about as Christians. A little over a year later I heard an amazing preaching and finally decided to give my life to the Lord! At the time I didn’t realize it but I never said the name Jesus until that day and when I asked Jesus to save me and said I was gonna let him guide me and love me not myself anymore the feeling of peace and freedom I got was like no other and I’ll never forget it, I broke down completely and cried like a baby lol I stopped doing yoga now and just do stretches, I don’t meditate but instead I pray and I don’t smoke weed but instead read my Bible daily. I replaced all those things with biblical things and now I’m living a Godly life because Jesus has set me free from the bondage I was in and now I can say His name whenever I want when before I literally couldn’t say His name which looking back was really scary but I was blinded and didn’t even realize it! So be careful and if you find it hard to pray, read the Bible and/or say the name Jesus, I recommend you to repent right away and put your trust completely in Jesus, He will lead you out of any deception you’re in and will show you the light, He will allow you to see the truth! No good works or anything we do can get us to heaven but trusting in Jesus and believing He died for our sins! If you do that and truly do it, not just believe in your mind but in your heart you will see change. You will want to pray and study the Bible not just read it but really start to understand what it means and you’ll life will never be the same! It won’t happen over night it’s a process and will take many prayers but it only takes one prayer to get started and there’s never a bad time to start or a wrong way to do it just start talking to Jesus and the Holy Spirit will guide you! God bless you all ♥️
Thank you so much for sharing! What a blessing to get to witness the movement of God in your life. I know you are a gift to everyone around you. Holding you before God in prayer as you are on your journey! Blessings.
Are you sure it is Jesus or lord Shiva because lord Shiva was the one who invented yoga.
This is exactly what I needed. For a while now I have been in a tug of war between wanting to worship the lord through this practice and what the internet and even some friends say about it. This is so helpful. I think I just need to do it and pray for the Lors to meet me on the mat ☺️
Thank you! You have confirmed all that I’ve been learning and applying yoga on my mat to honor and worship God Almighty! I’ve connected with Jesus more that anywhere.
Very helpful! I love Yoga and a Christian and I am terrified that God doesn’t approve
Because yoga has nothing to do with Christianity. It is a hindu practice given by hindu god Shiva.
If it is against your religion stop practicing it.