Why Katara Should Have Chosen Zuko and NOT Aang

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • #Zuko #zutara #avatar
    Zuko and Katara. Zutara. Kazuko. Zuko x Katara. Whatever you call them, we all know they were a better match than Kataang or Katara and Aang. The relationship makes more sense. The love they should have had will now be explored.

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  • @makingthestorybetter
    @makingthestorybetter  ปีที่แล้ว +817

    I'm noticing a lot of comments where people apparently only watched the first 2 minutes of the video and then left their opinion without watching the full thing. Please only leave a negative comment if you've watched the whole thing. It's fine if you disagree but simply disliking something based on the title affects the algorithm and it takes a lot of work to make these videos.
    Also, because I'm pretty passionate about the subject, here are some thoughts to clarify any misconceptions and serious problems that Kataang shippers seem to be unable to address:
    1. I said Katara was older than Aang in emotional intelligence and maturity
    2. Katara is used as a trophy for the Avatar. Their last 3 conversations are all negative before they show them kissing in the finale. (Arguing about vengeance/justice, Aang kissing Katara when she doesn't want it, Aang yelling at Katara because he doesn't want to kill Ozai) Meanwhile, Zuko and Katara's last interactions are all very positive and shows them growing together. At best you can argue the writing was bad here and should have been changed.
    3. There are multiple aspect to why Katara and Zuko should have ended up together. It's not JUST from the romantic side of things. This is clearly explained if you watch the whole video.
    4. I am still waiting to hear how Aang is really good for Katara and how he contributes to the relationship. She does most the work and he just simps for her.

    • @TE-sq1xk
      @TE-sq1xk ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I feel like every person who ships Zuko and Katara are 14 year old girls who want someone who is tall dark and brooding. Zuko spent the whole show dealing with his trauma, trauma that led him to abuse Katara’s trust in Old Ba Sing Se. This necessitated the Southern Raiders episode in which he earns back her trust by the last few episodes of the show. Katara being motherly is a collection of predispositions due to her own trauma with the fire nation. Being motherly doesn’t equate maturity which is a stupid logical leap u made. This assumption is literally wrong because we see Katara act childish throughout the whole show. In fact multiple time where Katara pushes the plot forward are literally her being childish. For example, planning to go after aang by herself in the beginning, stealing the water bending scroll, Jet, her trust Zuko in the first place just because his mom is gone, etc. Aang was the person that opened up Kataras world, defended her when northern customs tried to oppress her, and not to mention all the little fun moments that happened before Zukos redemption in the last season of the show. You’re willfully ignoring all the plot and world building that made it clear Aang and Katara are the only reasonable ship. Because Aang definitely has 0 chemistry with Toph or any other character.

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +116

      Hey. Based in what u just said I don't think you have a good understanding of kataang as a ship. Which is the case for most zutara shippers. Yall r blinded by enemies to lovers, fire and water, opposites attract, looks etc. Which is again, reasonable.
      Regarding ur last point, you say ur waiting for someone to say how aang is good for katara? I just wanted to say that Aang brings out the best in katara. Allow me to explain.
      We see the Southern raiders episode and how zuko helped her. We also saw katara not being herself.
      The way she went off at everyone in the beginning, even telling sokka that he "didn't love her the way she did". This was very ooc (out of charecter) for katara. This shows how zuko brings out the worst in katara and aang brings out the best.
      Katara was literally about to kill the man. All of the anger and sorrow inside her was being put out, and zuko encouraged that. Zuko encouraged katara to murder someone. (And this isn't hate to zuko, zuko was once a villain of course. This is just me showing how he essentially brang out the worst in her.)
      But aang, went out of his way to encourage katara to be the best version of herself. Telling her there's a better way. At the end of the episode we see aang tell katara he's proud of her. Showing that he's happy she could withhold a good front.
      Aang doesn't only simp for katara. He's there for her and encourages her. Aang actually has a big impact on katara. Aang is essentially kataras number one supporter along with Sokka. He alwyas acknowledged how strong she was, and what she could do.
      Addressing some other points, you say that Katara is emotionally older than aang. This is true, until season 3. Season 3 is probabaky kataangs peak. Aang slowly grows into a man, after almost dying and katara saving him, we see him going through a period of unease and trouble. This also allows aang to grow. He clearly starts making big decisons and maturing. Katara acknowledges this herself and says this in the day in the black sun episode. She says and I quote "your not the same boy I found in the iceberg"
      You could even say aang is more mature than katara. He's overcame way more trauma than her and always comes to a resolve and closure. He's not hung up on his trauma like katara was, he faced the real world, especially in season 3, and like I said, Always. Came. To. A closure.
      Aang and katara built a beautiful relashionship of trust and love. They could always be their true self around one another. Being eachothers number 1 supporter. Aang brings out the best in katara, and adknolwges her for who she is and what she stands for.
      I also forgot to mention how Aang allows katara to loosen up in some ways. We see this in the "kataango", their little dance, and etc. Aang always encourages katara to have fun and be abit more free-spirited. Because katara is so motherly, she often forgets to enjoy herself and be in the moment. Aang is a very fun and free spirited goofy guy, this isn't him being immature, it's simply his personality, we know this as he is still the same person as he grows. It's not immaturity; it's aang.
      Hence why they're a good match we have fun and free spritied, but can also often be serious guy, with motherly and quite uptight caring girl. They go together? Don't you think?
      I hope this allowed you to have a better understanding of what kataang is as a ship. I tried to explain it well. If u have any queories, feel free to reply and address them.
      (Sorry im speaking so formally, I tend to to that when explaining things.)

    • @makingthestorybetter
      @makingthestorybetter  ปีที่แล้ว +148

      @@bunniesrunup Hey thanks for the thought out comment. I don't think we'll be able to come to the same conclusion because we're fundamentally starting off at different points.
      1. Was Katara justified in killing Yon Rha? Kataangers tend to see this as murder but I personally don't. We don't blink an eye when Liam Neeson kills dozens of people for kidnapping his daughter because it's justice and justice needs to be served. Granted this is a kids show so obviously she isn't going to kill him but had it been an "adult" show, then we wouldn't be bothered with Zuko helping her get justice. Either way, at the end of the episode she still doesn't know if she should have let him live. But she does know vengeance isn't going to bring her healing and that's only because Zuko took her to confront her trauma. Aang wasn't willing to do it.
      Zuko follows better therapy practice than Aang in this episode. He's by her side as she is confronting her trauma. He's also never telling her "Yeah murder these people" so I'm not sure where that argument stems from. The main thing he says is that Katara needs closure and justice. He's by her side and says things like "are you ready?". When she opens up to him, above all other people including Aang, about her mother, he doesn't compare or bring up his mom. He just says her mom was brave.
      Aang does not follow best therapy practice. He lectures Katara and even compares losing Appa for a month to her mom. Talk to anyone who's gone through trauma and the WORST thing you can do is compare. (Especially when compare your pet to someone's dead mom) That's a one way ticket to causing hurt and damage to the person struggling with their trauma.
      So again, I understand when Kataangers say that Aang was bringing out the best in Katara during this episode but that stems from if you consider her killing Yon Rha actual murder. Either way though, she only learns this important life lesson because of Zuko so if you exclude the murder dilemma then Zuko takes the cake for emotional support in this episode.
      2. What type of relationship does one prefer? Some people really like sweet pictueresque relationships where they are always treating each other well. (Think Jim and Pam) Nothing wrong with this. Others, like me, prefer relationships where it's got some issues but they work it out anyways. (Think Beauty and the Beast)
      One looks at romance and relationships through rosy glasses. The other sees relationships as messy and difficult.
      Yes Aang was very good to Katara and would do anything for her, but that doesn't mean he's a good partner for her. Like I said in my video, she has to be very delicate with him lest she hurt his feelings and I can't really think of any moments where he genuinely helps her grow. He helps her have fun but that alone isn't a foundation for a relationship when the honeymoon phase is over. She's the pillar in the relationship that he has to constantly lean on. Even when they do have some tiffs in the last half of season 3, they never get resolved. We never see them actually resolve their differences over Yon Rha. We never see them resolve their conflict when he kisses her at the play against her wishes. We never see them resolve their argument when he yells at her that he doesn't want to kill Ozai. She's just handed over to him as a trophy for saving the world. So in essence, we never see how they solve deep conflicts with each other in a healthy way. If life has to be rosy for their relationship to work then it's going to fall apart since life isn't rosy.
      So again, I think the shipping relies heavily on two fundamental differences. First, was Katara about to commit actual murder or was she justified? If you believe it WAS murder then yes Zuko is crazy in that episode (though he also grows from that episode too). Second, what type of relationship do you prefer in entertainment? Jim and Pam where it's roses and rainbows? (Again nothing wrong with that, it's just a personal taste) Or do you want a relationship that shows the good the bad and the ugly and still works out?
      Thanks again for commenting!

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +51

      Hi, I see ur point here. I appreciate ur reply and think this is a very reasonable response
      In the southern raiders, Zuko did encourage katara to kill them. They were very violent and threatening, zuko never objected it, he simply let her do whatever. He never said to kill them, but never objected it, which is hence how he brings the worst out of her.
      You say that katara only came to closure because zuko brought her to confront her trauma and aang didn't. You need to remember was development for zuko and kataras relashonship. Aang was simply not the right person for this task. Not because he couldn't help her, but because zuko was meant to be the one helping katara. Zuko is just the helper of the group.
      Zuko helped everyone on his little field trips with them, he went to help aang learn true firebending, which in the process, let aang get over his fear of using it after hurting katara, we also see him helping sokka save his dad, and everyone in the prison. which was huge development for sokka. We then see him help katara, which was to gain her trust and fully redeem himself. Zuko simply helped everyone develop as people. Which is why only zuko was fit for the role of accompanying katara to confront her trauma. Not aang.
      You need to remeber that zuko was searching for redemption. He wanted kataras forgiveness.
      Aang did compare her mother's death to losing appa, but I dont think he meant it to come across in a bad way. He was simply using it as an example of how there is always a better way. Like I said aang always comes to resolve. he was trying to again, bring out the best in her and tell her there's a better way to approach things, using appa as an example.
      Appa meant alot to aang. You said you cant compare ur pet to ur dead mom but in aangs case u can. The bond between the airnomads and their bisons are very sacred and special. You may see appa as just a pet, but in reality, hes a life companion who aang shares a special bond with. This is stated in air normad culture. (he was even about to break his no killing rule because of appa.) I get what ur saying, that comparing isn't the best thing to do. But aangs relashio ship with appa isn't your normal pet and owner relahsionship. I simply saw it as him relating to her and trying to show her that there's a better way. And using him and appa as an example isn't wrong of him as their relashionship is like no other. It's still not great to compare though.
      At the end of the episode. What katara came to was closure, as she needed. This was not thanks to zuko. It was charecter development for katara, one that she need. Yes, zuko was there. But he was there so he could help katara, but overall, she developed on her own.
      Katara was influenced by aang in this episode. This is just how I saw it. Aang is of course not going to follow katara when she intends to kill someone. (And liek I said before, aang was simply nit the person who was meant to, zuko was the helper.) But what he did do is try and give her some of his wisdom, whihc is if course there's a better way.
      Which impacts katara, as we see, she doesn't kill him, even after years worth of emotion and anger and rage come bubbling up to the surface, even when she fibally couldve satsified herself, She doesn't kill him. aangs words reached her, and bringing out the best in her even when she's at her worst, like we see in that episode.
      You say that kataang never resolved their issues when they did. The issue with killing osai didn't matter,because aang came to a resolve himself. Wether or not he wanted to kill ozai didn't concern katara. He had to overcome this dilemma by himself and find a better way as he always does. He's the avatar.
      Aang benefits katara with like I said, bringing out the best in her. Katara doesn't have to be delicate with talking to not hurt his feelings. Katara can very much tell him the truth, and he accepts it, we see this after he kisses her in the ember island epsiode. but because in this case, aang was confused, kataras imput simply made it worse.
      But with zuko, it'd be even worse, zuko blows up at every little thing with mai. So I think if they got together, their communication would be horrible.
      And like I said, it's only specific occasions were katara has set aang off. Those are times were when she was talking to him, she wasn't helping him, but asking things worse.
      With the whole killing ozai thing, katara was simply making aang more confused and more troublee which caused him to go off at her. This doenst make them a bad couple in any means, as all couples have their queories. You talked about them nor over coming it but they didn't need to. It was aangs problem to resolve and his alone. I don't think the killing ozai thing mattered in the end. As long as aang defeated him, so that ozai couldn't cause any more harm, it was fine. Hence why the matter isn't brang up again. It didn't actually matter all that much in the end. It was aangs problem to overcome, and aang still did the job he needed to do.
      The thing that annoys me the most is the whole trophy thing. It literaly doenst make sense. (Not trying to be rude, I just hear it alot and it really gets me confused) in no way was katara depicted as a trophy for aang, and in no way did he act like that towards her.
      Kataang built up from season 1... if katara was a trophy of some sort, that would be more evident with the way they built up. If you get what I mean.
      What I'm syaing is taht, considering how kataang developed and grew, katara was not a trophy. Katara ending up with aang was the result of aangs growth. It was never about how aang desserved katara. I genuinely don't know where zutaraas shippers got this from, I think that statement is harmful. Its basically saying that by katara getting with aang,she's being objectified in the process, which again, makes no sense. When people say things like that, I think it shows the little understanding they had of the ship. And again, I think its very harmful. (Im not offended. after all, we are all entitled to our opinion, and we all perceive things in a different way. It just confuses me and I see it as a harmful statement.)
      Kataang doesnt show the good the bad and the ugly, if that's what u meant in the last paragraph. kataang showed two people struggling together, growing together, grieving together, going through war together, but never failing to bring out the absalute best in eachother, and always putting eschother as number 1. I hope you understand that.
      I just wanted to add on soemthing in response to when you say aang doesn't impact katara. And that's she's a pillar or something.
      Katara says herself in the comics that one of the reasons she loves aang is that he always sees the bright side of things. Which is true, aang always finds a good resolve to a dilemma he has. He does see the good side of people, and the good side of situations. This clearly has an impact on katara and the way she perceives things which proves even more how aang brings out the best in katara. When she's at her lowest, aangs influence and wisdom always impacts her her. This is seen throughout the series, and she acknowledges this herself. Just wanted to put that out there.

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@makingthestorybetter sorry I write so much in the second reply, I feel bad. I should've split it into comments lmao, I'm so sorry.

  • @moistboi4980
    @moistboi4980 ปีที่แล้ว +901

    "I hated who I have become more than I fear you" is such a good and impactful line.

    • @alliyahblurton8298
      @alliyahblurton8298 ปีที่แล้ว +47

      Yes would’ve been such a good fight and way better for azula’s mental breakdown imo (as everyone keeps leaving her for themselves)

    • @bazhumke4040
      @bazhumke4040 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      when is this line spoken in the show?? only thing i can think of is mai saying 'i love zuko more than i fear you' but that's not even close... or are you just saying it would have been a good line for zuko?

    • @moistboi4980
      @moistboi4980 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @bazhumke4040 yup, i was saying this line would have been much better if it was used in the show.

    • @bazhumke4040
      @bazhumke4040 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@moistboi4980 yeah, it's definitely a solid line but maybe a bit too on the nose... I feel like we get the idea expressed in that line pretty clearly in the confrontation with zuko and his dad. like that entire encounter is essentially zuko telling his dad that sentiment (he expresses that sentiment explicitly by finally being unafraid to stand up to his dad, and he does so because he realizes he can't be happy/at peace while living not being true to himself). I do think that if zuko had explicitly used that line, it would've taken away from the impact of that scene. no worries if you disagree, but as a writer I've learned that sometimes excluding certain 'really good lines' in favor of making a scene demonstrate the idea expressed in a line of dialogue (such as the one you came up with) can be more powerful yanno?

    • @moistboi4980
      @moistboi4980 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@bazhumke4040 I don't disagree with you but that line could have brought Mai's character some uumph......but u may be right it might have stolen some fire from zuko confrontation scene if the line was used in the show.

  • @lexibrowning7447
    @lexibrowning7447 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +481

    Also let's not forget that Dante Basco and Mae Whitman themselves said there was a spark between their characters that was hard to mask in the booth

    • @iwatommy9139
      @iwatommy9139 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Send a link where it shows Mae saying that. It was just Dante who said that.

    • @Lunafroyo
      @Lunafroyo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +65

      @@iwatommy9139Mae literally said she thought Zuko and Katara would end up together after Dante said it himself.

    • @AJGaming-wh8rf
      @AJGaming-wh8rf 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i dont see it

    • @reiphas
      @reiphas 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      @@iwatommy9139 Dante is the official captain of the Zutara ship, I've heard. If he didn't say that then, well, now he most definitely had.

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Lunafroyo Mae Whitman is a Kataang shipper lmao

  • @user-qg1ic3jm4w
    @user-qg1ic3jm4w ปีที่แล้ว +2737

    I always thought Aang and Katara was such a weird pairing. Katara and Zuko would have made a lot more sense if the writers had just worked a little harder on that aspect

    • @Omnihilo
      @Omnihilo ปีที่แล้ว +327

      Honestly, am I the only one that’s kind of grossed out by it. Like…it almost feels incestuous, which, obviously it’s not but… She basically acts as his surrogate mother/big sister for the majority of their relationship. It’s completely bizarre. Even in moments when she’s holding him, she doesn’t hold him like they’re equals. She cradles him like he’s a newborn. 🤢

    • @user-qg1ic3jm4w
      @user-qg1ic3jm4w ปีที่แล้ว +167

      @@Omnihilo seriously I felt that way too when I saw them kiss. Gave me the ick

    • @brendapaz1609
      @brendapaz1609 ปีที่แล้ว +51

      @@Omnihilo I completely agree

    • @samariam3043
      @samariam3043 ปีที่แล้ว +101

      EXACTLY, I think that made way more sense. And Aang should have been with Toph.

    • @brooklynnmcloud1470
      @brooklynnmcloud1470 ปีที่แล้ว +143

      One of the writers who left the show said Katara and Zuko were supposed to be end game

  • @addictedtothewrittenword3451
    @addictedtothewrittenword3451 ปีที่แล้ว +1985

    Louder for the people in the back.
    There's also the fact that Aang leads a nomadic life, even after they're married, and that wasn't something Katara was on board with. She's literally in tears when Aang takes off without telling her, yet he still does it at the end of the show leaving Zuko, of all people, to pick up the pieces and comfort her in his absence.
    Unlike Aang and Katara or Zuko and Mei, Katara and Zuko actually resolve their differences by talking them out as equals they don't get magically solved or conveniently forgotten.
    Mei was still in love of the image of who Zuko was before he he left the FN and after he joined Aang, hence her not understanding the turmoil he's going through when he comes back home. She literally tells him he's betraying his country because she's never given thought to how the FN is on the wrong side of the war. She fails to grow in the comics either.
    Katara is treated more like a reward Aang deserves because he's the hero of the story, and the hero always gets the girl even if it's at the detriment of the girl.

    • @jaxonflex5680
      @jaxonflex5680 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      When did that happen?

    • @addictedtothewrittenword3451
      @addictedtothewrittenword3451 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      @@jaxonflex5680 You're going to have to be a bit more specific, when did what happen?

    • @michellemurphy4387
      @michellemurphy4387 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      That’s a little hard though because that was more of a spiritual journey. Aang didn’t even realize where he was in the end?

    • @isabellaandrews1942
      @isabellaandrews1942 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      @@addictedtothewrittenword3451 I think they are talking about the additional comics that carried on the story after the show ending

    • @brooklynnmcloud1470
      @brooklynnmcloud1470 ปีที่แล้ว +160

      Thank you I couldn’t stand Mei. She had barley any character development and I didn’t get them at all. He was a traumatized man and she just seemed like a bored rich princess with a crush.

  • @ravenwaves6785
    @ravenwaves6785 ปีที่แล้ว +1754

    When I was a child I supported Aang and Katara, but watching this series as an adult I felt much the same way you do. Zuko and Katara make more sense, and add more character depth across multiple story arcs.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 ปีที่แล้ว +103

      Yes, same - after rewatching the show when I got older and had a deeper understanding of writing and character development etc. I started to recognize what kind of bs Kataang was and how much more sense Katara and Zuko made

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +37

      Zuko and Katara barely interact throughout the entire series. The fact that this ship even exists is mind boggling.

    • @emilynam6084
      @emilynam6084 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      @@FifteenRavens I kinda have to disagree. I feel like sokka and zuko had the least interaction or toph and zuko. And I kind of feel like nickelodeon itself shipped it as well. Back in 2006 when the book 2 season finale commercial was on nickelodeon, it only showed that scene where zuko and katara were trapped in the crystal catacombs. Younger me and my friends from school thought they were gonna get closer bc of that commercial alone. So it's not that impressive that the ship exists imo.

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +16

      @@emilynam6084 Sokka and Zuko had the least interaction? 😂 did you watch the show blindfolded? As for Zutara, I’m not surprised the ship exist, I’m surprised with the fact that people genuinely thought they would become a couple.

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@emilynam6084 Well I counted and sure enough you’re wrong. (Excluding the boiling rock) Sokka and Zuko interacted 11 times throughout the whole series while Katara and Zuko (excluding the southern raiders) only interacted 8 times. Zuko and Aang (excluding the Firebending masters) interacted 24 times and Toph and Zuko interacted 3 times.

  • @scourge5410
    @scourge5410 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +43

    i also just rewatched the secret tunnel episode and tbh the song and the idea of "two lovers forbidden from one another because of war and finding their way out the tunnel" would suit zuko and katara much more

  • @somnia6736
    @somnia6736 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +121

    Also Aang and Katara kinda feed into the narrative that the male protagonist ALWAYS has to be involved with the female co-protagonist as if it’s a common rule that would make things suck if it’s not pursued. News flash: he doesn’t have to? It’s just so forced that at times it gives me an headache at how tryhard the pairing is.

    • @lennard5393
      @lennard5393 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank u

    • @kanyeet5162
      @kanyeet5162 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She loved aang. move on

  • @starwarrior6661
    @starwarrior6661 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +126

    Imagine, when someone sees Zuko's chest after his fight with Azula, they will remember that he will never love anyone as much as he loved Katara to the extent of taking lightning so close to his heart and potentially dying.

  • @killersword2
    @killersword2 ปีที่แล้ว +488

    If this had happened, it would be symbolic like you said. Plus...it would have worked out for Aang because I like him paired with Toph. Toph deserved so much better than what she got in Korra where two guys banged her and left. WTF.

    • @sledgehammernana3320
      @sledgehammernana3320 ปีที่แล้ว +136

      True, this is how I was hoping it would end. I felt like aang and tops were such a good ship because they were both free spirited and young minded. Like they loved being mischievous and seemed to match mental age.

    • @castaliafierce8466
      @castaliafierce8466 ปีที่แล้ว +79

      This. Toph is the perfect match for aang, they both complement each other and give something to their respective personal journeys.

    • @noneofyourbeeswax01
      @noneofyourbeeswax01 ปีที่แล้ว +120

      Knowing Toph, I think it more likely that _she_ banged two guys then kicked them out.

    • @Taiga-16
      @Taiga-16 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Just a question, have ever imagine Aang with Azula ? Cause i did

    • @Danplays3000
      @Danplays3000 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      ​@@noneofyourbeeswax01true plus she would not let anything slide

  • @SometimesAbel
    @SometimesAbel ปีที่แล้ว +532

    This was so well put! Throughout the entire series, I never felt a natural spark between Aang and Katara. Zuko and Katara made so much sense.

    • @christopherbennett5641
      @christopherbennett5641 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Agreed! 👌🏾

    • @WorldWeaver
      @WorldWeaver ปีที่แล้ว +33

      Zuko and Katara had more natural romantic tension (I think 'tension' is the word for it) ON ACCIDENT than Aang and Katara while the writers were aiming that direction. (at least in my opinion)

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Literally you are blind kataang make more sense what arguments you can put because everything in the video isnt canon and not even close to romantic with 1argument I can put above zutara moments

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@WorldWeaverliterally no with aang is absolutely better way better moments and we can see clear how much chemistry have together lol

    • @WorldWeaver
      @WorldWeaver 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@nikosmihailidis9440 Can you explain it, then? I don't really see that side of it, but I genuinely want to understand. Why do you think Kataang is better?

  • @armorbearer9702
    @armorbearer9702 ปีที่แล้ว +849

    I am glad that you mentioned the Katara needs a mature lover (11:47). If we look at the men Katara showed interest to in the past(Jet & Haru), there is a pattern. Jet is an accomplished strategist and leader. He has some intense hatred for the Fire Nation because they burned down his village. His hatred blinds him at times and drives him to commit atrocities. Haru shares Jets hatred for the Fire Nation to a lesser degree. His father was taken by the Fire Nation at a young age and has been an obstacle to his earthbending since birth. Everyday, his village is bullied by Fire Nation troops. Although Haru is not a leader yet, he definitely has the potential to succeed his father in leading the rebellion. Both men are tall, strong, and emotionally opened up to Katara. If we compare them to Aang and Zuko, Zuko comes much closer to what Katara is looking for in a man.

    • @justinlacek1481
      @justinlacek1481 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      Lmao? Aang is literally the Avatar. Far stronger than them both, far greater leader than them both, and emotionally open.

    • @thatonkgau5221
      @thatonkgau5221 ปีที่แล้ว +161

      ​@@justinlacek1481 A leader I never really saw Aang act as a leader more of an advisor. And we are not talking about power levels we are talking about maturity. Aang is very powerful but he doesn't have the enough emotional maturity as Zuko.

    • @Casutama
      @Casutama ปีที่แล้ว +90

      @@justinlacek1481 I don't agree that much with OP (Katara is plenty strong, she doesn't need a tall, strong protector), but I *do* agree with Thato - Aang doesn't lack power levels, he lacks emotional maturity. Leadership ability - which honestly at least throughout the original series Aang never displays, especially not at the end - or physical strength are not the same thing as emotional maturity.
      Katara, despite her age, has the emotional maturity and complexity of someone who became a mother-figure to her elder brother far too young. She's been the mother of the group for three whole seasons. She's still 14/15 and can be irrational sometimes, but mostly, she approaches her decisions with maturity, thought, and is also old enough to grasp the complex nuances and scales of grey in the world. She's shouldered all "household" chores pretty much by herself and she's not a child anymore on any level. If she has to enter a relationship right now (which there's honestly no need for), she'll need a partner, not a kid she has to take care of.
      Aang has none of this emotional depth (yet). And not once in the show has he shown that he'd be able or willing to be that partner. Quite the opposite. He has to be taken care of like an unruly teenager (see "Aang, we need to talk about what to do now" after their initial loss during the Day of the Eclipse, where he just races off), never once participates in chores with her like her *equal* , but it becomes clearest in the two scenes where Katara has two sort of mother-daughter-reminiscent conflicts with Toph. He doesn't have to be *on* her side in either of these situations, parents are often not in agreement about the best way to discipline their children, but he actively avoids these conflicts, tries to smooth them over. "Nonono Toph, Katara didn't mean that" in the first one, and not voicing any opinion in the second one. A partner would either help Katara and reinforce her point with Toph, or would take Katara aside, assure her he understands but that her way of dealing with Toph isn't the best way to go about it. Something like that. But Aang doesn't. And with his tendency of evading problems, his childishness, throughout the entire series, he needs to be taken care of (in an emotional sense as well as with normal surviving things like cooking etc) by Katara. He idolises her and she mothers him.
      The writers could easily have *written* Aang to give him the emotional maturity to be a good match for Katara. I'd still maintain that the relationship between an 14-15-year-old girl and a 12-13-year-old boy would feel uncomfortable for me (were it the other way around, people would freak out), even without this great gap in emotional maturity, but they didn't write him that way. The way he is written in the show, he's not what Katara needs at that moment.
      It doesn't help that the lead-up to the big kiss is the worst it could possibly be. Aang behaves extremely immature and honestly really problematic in the Ember Island Players, which is *never* addressed (and that scene in and of itself shows Aang is nowhere near emotionally ready for a serious partnership Which is fine btw, because he's *twelve* he doesn' need to be ready, he has time), the episode after that ends with him storming off like a teenager in a huff "nobody understands me, nobody can help me!", and then they *never* interact again, until, without any problems resolved, they suddenly have their Big Romantic Kiss.

    • @justinlacek1481
      @justinlacek1481 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@thatonkgau5221 12 year old, literal *kid* Aang? Maybe, but Katara didn't marry a kid. Anyone who knows his storyline knows he's arguably the greatest leader in the entire setting, it's not even close. What, you think Republic City built that statue of him because he was just an advisor?
      I don't know how someone can claim to be a fan of the setting and is arguing that Aang isn't emotionally mature or a strong leader. Not only was he the key to Republic City's founding and success - he managed to rebuild the air temples as well as air temple island at the same time.

    • @justinlacek1481
      @justinlacek1481 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@Casutama If Katara had married 12 year old childhood Aang, then maybe you'd be right, but it's established pretty quickly in the years after Ozai's death that Aang plays a crucial role in keeping the world from slipping right back into chaos. I feel like I'm talking to people who's only knowledge of Avatar is ATLA.

  • @sarahtrickey5345
    @sarahtrickey5345 ปีที่แล้ว +310

    Letting go of attachments to people doesn't mean sacrificing a love or friend relationship with them, it just means that you can live your life and do what you need to do without needing them beside you - it's emotional intelligence versus co-dependence, "want" versus "need". Aang had unhealthy attachment to Katarra, he practically imprinted on her when he woke from the ice. That's an aspect that wasn't adequately resolved by the end of the show, and it resurfaced in LoK when his parenting style was revealed - so attached to his Airbender offspring he actively neglected his other children.

    • @castaliafierce8466
      @castaliafierce8466 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      That's so true. Kataang could've have regarded this too, just finishing the show with both single and reconnecting again after some growth (that doesn't mean they'd have to spend 10 years separated). Meanwhile, Aang would've learnt how to live without Katara's guidence, get to know the new world better and appreciate her for who she is, shadows and anything. And Katara would've put Aang down the Avatar pedestal and appreciate who he has become over the years.

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      the fact that zuko called him on this in the very first episode too: "i suppose you wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks."

    • @chrystianaw8256
      @chrystianaw8256 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So true

    • @christom5334
      @christom5334 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thinking ang was a bad dad is delusional. Get your head out of your ass and look at it objectively. Was he perfect? No! Bad dad though? You are smoking crack if you think that

    • @elijean-baptiste3122
      @elijean-baptiste3122 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you so much for explaining that Guru Pahtik's last chakra with Aang.

  • @olitaorru4513
    @olitaorru4513 ปีที่แล้ว +569

    Finally! You're the first to say that by the end of season 2 Aang was written so that he had to detach himself from Katara in order to win. Having him enter the avatar state because of a rock, a stroke of luck instead of a conscious decision on Aang's part was really like a slap in the face.
    Of course I also agree with all the other arguments, which are more well-known.
    One thing I would like to add though, and which I always hear used as an argument by Kataang shippers, is that he brings out the best part of Katara. The problem with this is that as much as it is true that she is nicer in his company, this is given by the fact that she is the one who censors herself so as not to hurt/scare Aang. When Katara ends up exploding and shouting at others, Aang always treats her as if she was not herself. He does not seem to accept Katara's passionate side, which is at the core of her characterisation, that she is just like water that heals but can also destroy.

    • @annaguyot8630
      @annaguyot8630 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      i mean he is not the first, sneezy reviews did spoke about it to in " get in loser, we're stanning zutara" (good vidéo essays on zutara, definitly worth the watch)

    • @cyndybohrer2674
      @cyndybohrer2674 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      But Aang didn’t abandon Katara he gave up on the avatar state

    • @kringle7804
      @kringle7804 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Where are you getting this from like where in the show does it show you that katara censors herself

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ​@@kringle7804 for real 💀 these pl be saying anything I swear

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +5

      "He does not seem to accept katara passionate side" where and when??

  • @snotje1885
    @snotje1885 ปีที่แล้ว +161

    I always found it weird that a 12 year old and a 14 year old kissed.. when I was 14 and looked at 12 year old they looked like babies to me

    • @natalierichner2700
      @natalierichner2700 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Aang is technically 112 he just never aged mentally or physically since he was in an iceberg for 100 years but he sometimes acts like an old man when he brings up the past

    • @incidentalreelz
      @incidentalreelz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      off topic but i find it funny that in doctor who you have a 900 year old dude kissing a 19 year old and everyones cool with it.

    • @CaptainAmericaReal
      @CaptainAmericaReal 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Zuko is 16 its just as bad

    • @rosieleaverton
      @rosieleaverton 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@incidentalreelz Well, since the doctor regenerates, depending on what face/body he gets (or she in the case of Jodie), his physicality can be any age. So though he's so old mentally, his new body can be young, which makes it not as weird.

    • @incidentalreelz
      @incidentalreelz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rosieleaverton I know, but still

  • @dattebayo6454
    @dattebayo6454 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    And the truth that katara is taller than aang i laughed so hard

  • @randomwolffox1742
    @randomwolffox1742 ปีที่แล้ว +677

    (Zuko is also good with kids and seemed to like it when Katara hugged him)
    I always thought Zuko would be better for Katara. They’re more similar than they are different and he seems to deeply understand her. Zuko is both a strong person and a person who doesn’t try to assert himself over her; even as enemies they fight as equals. He respects her.
    Also I’m laughing at all these hate comments, most look like someone half illiterate wrote them

    • @daniapfel9673
      @daniapfel9673 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same Aang respects her what that you believe ?!

    • @Omnihilo
      @Omnihilo ปีที่แล้ว +62

      The response you got proving your point. 😂👏

    • @The1andonlysharpshooter
      @The1andonlysharpshooter ปีที่แล้ว +45

      @@Omnihilo I’m crying bro theres no way that was an actual response.

    • @Omnihilo
      @Omnihilo ปีที่แล้ว +31

      @@The1andonlysharpshooter I know, I'm wondering if maybe it was sarcasm. 😅

    • @Salik96
      @Salik96 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@daniapfel9673 He never said aang didn't respect her.

  • @IBeMelissa
    @IBeMelissa ปีที่แล้ว +315

    I always felt Katara and Zuko understood each other on a much more emotional and mature level, compared to her and Aang. Plus the writers obviously teased us with their possible romance... They just made way more sense relationship-wise. When Katara told that story about the two lovers from different kingdoms who couldn't be together but found a way and brought harmony, I thought that would be reflective of her future relationship with Zuko too. The bonding cave scene in Ba-Sing-Se, both losing their mothers to the fire nation, Zuko literally helping her to find her mother's killer and trying so hard to make amends with her, The fact Zuko saved her life TWICE. Literally during the ending fight with Azula and what he did for her, I really thought they would confess or something. I'm not hating on Kataang...but I will always prefer Zutara sorry!

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Katara and Aang have known each other longer and have more moments together on the show. So whatever you just said is irrelevant.

    • @asobimo5532
      @asobimo5532 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      ​@@FifteenRavensyeah but most of those moments were of katara being more of a mother figure to ang than a love interest

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@asobimo5532 When was Katara EVER being a mother figure to Aang? She quite literally mentions in the show that she doesn’t like being seen as a mother figure. So whether or not you got that vibe, it doesn’t matter.

    • @Amarareadsalot
      @Amarareadsalot 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I totally agree with you,I am 15 when I used to watch ATLA when I was a kid. I mean, I still am, but I didn't care about who would end with whom at that time nonetheless,I decided to watch it again and damn they make so much more sense,it's a pity they didn't end together 😔 and zuko is my ultimate crush and I don't like the fact that mai ends up with him 😵‍💫

    • @ZohidRixsiyevUmmon
      @ZohidRixsiyevUmmon 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      You told honest 😊I agree with you 💯 that's right 👍 Zutara is more exciting and more interesting than Kataang 😂😂😂

  • @samiapple9889
    @samiapple9889 ปีที่แล้ว +381

    you’re completely right. aang’s journey LITERALLY would have made more sense if Aang let go of Katara in the season 2 finale (or beginning of season 3 or even at the end of season 3 before fighting ozai) so that he can get into the avatar state. Additionally, Zuko’s arc wouldve come full circle if he ended up with Katara. The finale of the show set up Katara and Zuko together, at that point in time, the only things that made sense for them was for Katara to remain single, be with Zuko (or even Haru in a few years). Not her being with a person she mothered throughout the entire show

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      bro that would have ruend legend of kora and hole love plot like they would have never made zuko and katara canon

    • @donmoez6289
      @donmoez6289 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That quite literally sounds like a cuck dynamic. Aang lets go of the girl he wants; so that some other guy can come along and take her. Wtf are yall smoking? Lool. Aang didn't need to let go of Katara for his journey to be complete. He learnt as the Avatar, he has to be bound to the Earth. That's why he couldn't let go of Katara, because it showcased his duty to the world relies on attachment. Zaheer (in Korra) became "free" from attachment AFTER his girlfriend died; and he's not even an Avatar. He had no duty to the world. Aang did.
      And I struggle to understand how it's realistic that Katara falls for someone who acted as an accomplice and led to Aang's death; as well as betrayal; and overall corruption.

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Katara being jealous of other girls talking to aang, imitating a kiss, blushing, etc etc is her mothering him? Okay yall

    • @lemon4u
      @lemon4u ปีที่แล้ว +46

      @@bunniesrunup That's the thing you guys don't understand. Even if those interactions took place it doesn't make it more logical, it just makes it official. And something being official doesn't mean it's always right. Sure Katara and Aang kissed, but to me, personally, it was weird. Cannon doesn't mean it's always perfect. The only argument you Kataangers have is that "they bonded throughout the seasons, AND OH, THEY KISSED SO COPE". The only evidence you bring to the table are the official cannon scenes. Zutara plays a deeper part. I'm not gonna waste my time explaining that when you can watch multiple HOUR long videos people made on Zutara making sense. But of course, you watch 2 seconds of that video before going to the comment section to trash it.
      I have officially lost respect for any Kataangers. Under every Zutara video, there's always the Kataang gang attacking us. Idc what you say, your points are invalid to me if you can't respect a good ship without judging it.

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@lemon4u girl you just said a whole bunch if nonsense💀first of all, I said katara INITIAATED the kiss as in suggested they kissed.

  • @JovaniaGeorge
    @JovaniaGeorge 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    "Aang and Katara are both good with kids and they both like hugs...i honestly can think of nothing else" made me laugh way harder than it should have. only thing else they have in common is that they symbolize hope to and for each other. they give each other the motivation to keep going but that ideal and symbolism that they feel the other gives, isnt their whole true self and thats only evident when they actually have to work through trauma and tougher than normal situations they seem to be in denial of who the other is and what they are capable of.

  • @MissSarahDonut6
    @MissSarahDonut6 ปีที่แล้ว +709

    I never had anything against Kataang. But to me this will always be the ship of my childhood and nothing more. It made sense when first watching it at age 7-10 because they're the main heroes, and they're cute together. But growing up you realise that's not what relationships are about and how Zuko is a much more compatible choice for Katara. Tbh I don't see anyone better for Aang just because he's been so focused on Katara since the first episode so from his perspective Kataang still makes sense imo. But for Katara and Zuko, as well as for us viewers analysing the characters and situations objectively like you did, Zutara makes so much more sense and would've been MUCH better writing. Well done on the video!
    PS as a girl who was once 14, I can tell you that realistically Katara would go for the edgy 16yo and not the 12yo goofball 😭😂

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      buddy boy or should i say buddy girl he is not 16 he is 17 for 1 and for 2 for a person who watch is atla every day for 1 year you realy need to watch it 4 times thats wen you start to see the small details that really count and nek time i see someone say that aang is just a goofy kid needs to go back to when he was telling katara to just to lett her anger out and not to kill him o and you can to the last episode sosans comant and donet you think a almost 18 year old should be with a 14 year old and you can see that sound pretty werid to me and come from a guy aang is a true definition of a great guy so please think of re watch it cause this is just downright dumb

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      o btw i have watched it a 100 times like not metaphorically

    • @donmoez6289
      @donmoez6289 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @MissSarahDonut6 You're saying Katara would realistically go for the guy (Zuko) that betrayed her and her love interest (Aang); which also led to his death via accomplice? 😂

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@donmoez6289 I don't know if you on my side cause you don't know how to spell

    • @donmoez6289
      @donmoez6289 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Anix0000 Broski, you sound young. I was talking to the original comment, not you. And yes I prefer Katara and Aang lool.

  • @KaoruSan241
    @KaoruSan241 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I'll never forgive the writing team for what they did to Katara post-series, too. She was the only one of the Gaang not to get a statue, and seemed to lose SO much independence. I don't think it's a coincidence, either, that the majority of Zutara shippers are women because Katara actually has her own agency in that scenario LMAO. I'm still pissed off about that comic con panel where Mike and Bryan said that all Zutara fans were 'doomed to have failed relationships'. Like actually no, if you marry a guy who acts like your son then THAT is true misery.

    • @l.n.3372
      @l.n.3372 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Yikes did Bryke really say that about Zutara fans? That's so ... Disappointing.

    • @supervivo7069
      @supervivo7069 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@l.n.3372 I've seen rumours that Makorra was supposed to represent Zutara 2.0, and we know how that ended up.

    • @l.n.3372
      @l.n.3372 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@supervivo7069 see, I've heard something different than what you're implying. I heard that Bryke included Mako/Korra to appease the Zuko/Katara fans who wanted a fire/water pairing. but as we all know, it was a ship that didn't last and they were better as platonic.

  • @Jenny-vm3yu
    @Jenny-vm3yu ปีที่แล้ว +466

    I was a Zutara fan as a teen. Then I stopped when LOK came out because Katara and Aang had a cute family. Plus, I felt there was no point in arguing with Kataang shippers who effectively won. It’s just pure drama, as some of these comments prove. However, I still couldn’t shake the off feeling about Kataang. You have articulated it perfectly. I’m not ashamed to admit I still ship Zutara now.

    • @emilynam6084
      @emilynam6084 ปีที่แล้ว +43

      I was a huge zutara fan as a kid and teen. I don't have any hate towards kataang. I think the pairing itself is still good, and I was satisfied with the end of the show, but kataang didn't have that same feel with me the way zutara did. I'll always like zutara more.

    • @kausha7135
      @kausha7135 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      I like the Kataang family too, but I've always shipped Zutara and felt like Kataang was forced.

    • @user-rt2em2ks6g
      @user-rt2em2ks6g 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      This is so true i loved zutara and i hated how aang and katara got together yet after LOK came out i got so attached to the characters i had to support aang and katara.

    • @gaminginvirinch3339
      @gaminginvirinch3339 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@user-rt2em2ks6g didn't Zuko encourage Katara to take revenge while Aang and Sokka were trying to make things better for her? Just because both have trauma doesn't mean they are a good couple. In fact, nigga Zuko betrayed

    • @chrystianaw8256
      @chrystianaw8256 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      ​@@kausha7135it was definitely forced3

  • @Elfygaming
    @Elfygaming ปีที่แล้ว +432

    First off, I don’t mind Katara & Aang, they are kinda sweet and all, and if they had avoided forcing them together at the end just after Katara said she wasn’t ready and needed time to think I would like it more. But I do remember reading somewhere that the creators didn’t intend for that either but had to add it so I get it. Still, despite the hints that Katara has feelings for Aang their relationship still gives of a brother/sister vibe to me from her side, and the romance when it happens feels a bit meh because of that, it doesn’t feel like a mature relationship between equals in the show at least.
    Katara & Zuko just feels like a good pairing in comparison, yes it starts rocky, enemies to lovers and all but Katara does eventually forgive him and it turns out they work very well together and can also communicate which is a thing he doesn’t do as well with Mei. I’m also not that fond of Mei with Zuko, I like her character but I feel she and Zuko share too many of their bad traits to make a healthy couple. They both get very negative, aggressive and cynical so them being together feels doomed. While Katara could counter those traits by being positive, levelheaded and understanding. And like another commenter said, Mei doesn’t really seem to see/accept all of Zuko, just the parts she has seen, not the entire struggle he goes through about the fire nation, his family dynamic and what he really is/wants to do. Also does she ever acknowledge the fire nation’s actions as bad? She betrays Azula for Zuko yes, but other than that does she see the fire nation as being in the wrong? Because that is a big part of Zuko’s journey and redemption, to acknowledge the bad his nation has done and how he wants to change that into good. It doesn’t feel like she changes at all since they were kids while Zuko changes a lot.
    Mei and Aang gives off first/teenage relationship vibes to me while Zutara felt like a more mature relationship. And while there weren’t many moments between Zuko and Katara that could be seen as romantic in canon what was there felt like a great start, like communication, acceptance and chemistry. At the very least, I feel Zuko should have ended up with someone else then Mei in canon.

    • @ThreadBareHope1234
      @ThreadBareHope1234 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      The maturity in personality thing is a good argument that I never heard until I was watching these videos. I thought Aang had wisdom beyond his years and manned up in season 3, so his innocence didn't make their attraction unbelievable, but I get Zutara. I almost like it better (if the show developed it better).

    • @Taiga-16
      @Taiga-16 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I guess you'll be happy that Mai and Zuko brock up in the comics

    • @cw9468
      @cw9468 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Clearly, what zuko told her got her thinking. Betraying azula isn't something small... it means she's going against her nation as well. She empathized with zuko and understood a lot of what he went through. Clearly, she didn't make her decision lightly.

    • @hihi-xj4uu
      @hihi-xj4uu 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "i don't mind katara and aang" and then you go trash the ship 💀 where did the writers FORCE the ship?!?!?! Katara and Aang were hinted since the beginning and throughout seasons 1, 2, 3 💀 have you had your eyes closed while watching the show?

  • @nekocat8083
    @nekocat8083 ปีที่แล้ว +154

    At the end, katara became a trophy for the MC of the story.
    Realistically Zuko and katara were better compatible in all mature aspects.
    Aang needed a partner that matches him when he grows up a bit more, not a mom. Kids don't need serious romantic partner, they need friends to be happy with and enjoy.

    • @scottgrohs5940
      @scottgrohs5940 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Aang will always have that fun loving aspect (that some who are not woke would call immature) which is why Toph would not work for him either. He needs a freewheeling breezy partner that can run with him as he sets about restoring harmony to the four nations, someone he can love without necessarily getting attached.

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Katara became a trophy? Hypocritical of you to say something like that after y’all wanted Katara to “choose” Zuko over Aang after he took a lightning strike for her.

    • @guardianforce3460
      @guardianforce3460 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I like the idea of Zuko and Katara getting together cause the fire nation destroyed both of their family life, and it would have been nice to see them get together having overcome their differences, and made family built on unity. And sure Aang gave Katara a good family, but he also leaves her alone alot. He repicks up the nomadic life and in LoK it's revealed he doesn't spend much time with his family except Tenzin. It legit seemed to me in the LoK universe, he "gets" with katara and just hopes his next baby with her will be an air nomad, then leaves her to try again later. Cause Tenzin, the baby of the family, is an air nomad, and what do you know, no more kid's.
      Plus the prophecy for Katara applies to the literal Fire Lord too, Zuko is a powerful bender as well.
      And what kind of message would go out to the world if the fire nation joined the water nation like this. I think the real world impact would have been more prominent than frozen avatar wakes up, gets the girl, saves the world. Zuko and Katara would have earned their relationship, and from what we see at the end of the show, they synergized fast and were super effective.
      I get Zuko burned Katara once and she might still have anger towards him for that and distrust to a degree. But if they overcame that, that makes a better story and lover relationship that males more sense than, "I'm the avatar."
      Plus, how do we know Aang can only chi bend? How do we know he didnt force Katara loving him? Water bending can control a person's actions, why wouldnt there be a form of bending that alters a person's mind? She viewed Aang platonically, even in the end she's like, "Well.... I guess I can try to see you as more than a friend and little brother." She knew she had romantic feelings for Jet right away. And yea! She was like a mother to all the Aang Gaang. A long term relationship like that has too much dependency on one "partner". And if you recall, LoK has Aang just swoop in and woo katara and then bail out again. He got what he needed but she is left tending to half a family and all the work, again and again. She was such a family oriented person, only to grow up and be stuck with a nomad for a husband.
      And then Zuko goes off to have a rough life. Thankfully he seems to have found a nice lady.. we think. She doesnt even get any screen time who ever she is- cause it isnt Mai. If Katara had even a notion for romance towards him, I think he would have been more clear headed on how unhealthy his relationship with Mai was. I mean, he did have an idea, but he was still going blind. Zuko did know family tho, and he ultimately forgives his father, he forgives his sister, finds him mom and gets his family on track. But they are still broken and a stable family life with a loving wife and kids that he was there for would have been nice to see him have, and if Katara and Zuko earned each other's love, the writer's wouldnt have a choice in showing us Zuko's family life. And on a plus- I bet Sokka would have been integral to the fire nation army! We would have seen him more and he would probably have had a longer life than what we got. Plus if Katara was in a stable relationship, Toph may have had someone to look at and see how being with your family is actually pretty handy and helpful cause Katara wouldnt have been left alone, she would have been right beside the Fire Lord with her kids.
      What a long read!

    • @guardianforce3460
      @guardianforce3460 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Bonus! If Katara and Zuko got together, Katara's motherly nature would have done Azula good, they were both prodigies in their own right, and Katara's personality, if she were more emotionally involved with Zuko and his family, I bet she would have been able to get Azula to stay around and alleviate her temper and veiw on how her ability and prowess is all that determines worth. They would have been such great friends, and an actual friend is what Azula needed. It doesnt get more honest than having Katara as a friend! And to tops it off, Katara may have been able to see Ozai as more human than evil incarnate. That one would take major time, but she got through to the man who killed her mom and countless other water benders. Katara with the head of the fire nation would have been op and been a great service to the wanderer Aang on restoring peace. Aang and Katara together seems to have plunged a bigger divide- and that's what happens when you force balance- it sways *cough* Aang forcing Katara to love him*cough*

    • @hellogoodbyeandallinbetween
      @hellogoodbyeandallinbetween ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@FifteenRavens I agree with you, why did she have to pick one of them? Why did she have to be in a relationship? Neither of them were suitable and she only just found the freedom to think of romance after the war. Maybe she and Haru would reunite further down the road when both had matured

  • @Ricky_12_
    @Ricky_12_ ปีที่แล้ว +311

    Not to mention in the Legend of Kora Aang ended up not being that great of a parent. He favored Tenzin when they discovered he was an Airbender. Yes he had a lot work healing the world and running a new government. But Zuko was still a caring parent to his nonbender daughter. Always felt odd that there were no scenes of Zuko and Katara interacting in the Legend of Kora . I can go on and on on other topics but be typing a novel then…. Anyways I agree with everything in this video and feel the writers did want them to end up together but they would of felt that it was rushed and not make sense. Had they done four seasons it definitely would’ve happened

    • @kalo_vera
      @kalo_vera ปีที่แล้ว +76

      In all fairness, LoK kind of screwed over the entire cast of Last Airbender, especially Sokka
      RIP my man, didn't even have kids 😔

    • @saraarnaout7509
      @saraarnaout7509 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@kalo_vera maybe suyin was his....

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +37

      One of the reaosn Tlok is disliked is the way they did the gang. Aang being a bad dad is so out of charecters and makes no sense. It ahs nothing to do woth kstang being canon, it's tlok ruining aangs charechter.

    • @Pissnation
      @Pissnation ปีที่แล้ว +24

      @@bunniesrunup I’m desperately holding out for hope they will un-canonize LOK but I know there’s like no chance. I hope the Netflix adaptation will do us right as it seems to be made with a lot of love by people who are huge fans of the OG show

    • @monicavelazquezrodriguez3035
      @monicavelazquezrodriguez3035 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Still waiting Zutara's bastard son in ATLA.

  • @Wheelwalker8
    @Wheelwalker8 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Katara and Zuko is the symbol of forgiveness

    • @Enemy_Bird
      @Enemy_Bird ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Can you explain why? Because I don't see any forgiveness there other than katara forgiving him for chasing aang?

    • @Wheelwalker8
      @Wheelwalker8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@Enemy_Bird Forgiveness of everything. Forgiving him and herself. You'll know that someday.

    • @Enemy_Bird
      @Enemy_Bird ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Wheelwalker8 everyone forgived him in the group, it is nothing special with katara. She was overdramatic as always and blamed her mother's death on Zuko because he was a fire bender and the fire prince. Also for me, she didn't have the right to have a choice between forgiving him and not forgiving him. Zuko did nothing to her except when they were in ba sing se. The only one who was harmed Aang that day, he DIED okay? It was Aang's right to have a choice to forgive him because it was kind of zukos fault. But no, to katara everything is about herself! Plus zutara is so far away even rivalling to aang in the matter of forgiveness. He could blame zuko of his peoples genocide like Katara did. He could attack Ozai with fury and rage without thinking because he was the firelord and fire nation erase the air benders, which katara would definitely do. He easily forgived Zuko for trying to kidnap him, hurt him, imprison him, ruin his life, attacking him, capture him. Remember Zuko was not after Sokka or katara but AANG. it didn't take 1 episode for aang to forgive him unlike KATARA. So what katara forgives him for? Who is she to think she deserves to forgive Zuko who did nothing to her?

    • @Wheelwalker8
      @Wheelwalker8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@Enemy_Bird "overdramatic" typical. I'm not gonna explain those who are explicitly showed in the show. Just finished the whole series last month, i suggest a rewatch for you lol

    • @Enemy_Bird
      @Enemy_Bird ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Wheelwalker8 So did I, I bet you're a teenager girl who finds Zuko hot and relates with Katara thus makes up things to ship them. Also you can't deny Katara is always overdramatic, everyone knows that, even ember island players do. Besides what you've said doesn't prove anything I wrote wrong, katara and zuko have nothing to do with forgiveness.

  • @lismarie9011
    @lismarie9011 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    I honestly believe that if the writers had developed Zutara more they would’ve been such an iconic couple

    • @TheFirstHurrah
      @TheFirstHurrah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      I honestly believe that if Zutara would have happened we wouldn't still be having these discussions about it. It would have eventually just been near universally accepted as the correct choice. It's the fact that Kataang still seems 'wrong' to so many people is why we keep talking about this.

    • @Yourmom-vs3dw
      @Yourmom-vs3dw 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheFirstHurrahIt’s not wrong though. Kataang was canon for a reason. Stay delusional 😂

    • @Trash2000s
      @Trash2000s 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheFirstHurrahit’s strictly wrong

  • @blackk_rose_
    @blackk_rose_ 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    ATLA was an amazing show with great writing, which makes it really baffling how they handled Katara and Aang. It's not the only romantic relationship they messed up, Mai and Zuko ending up together was strange too and Sokka and Yue also moved way too fast to make sense. But Katara and Aang were the worst because it was obvious from the beginning they'd be endgame. Since they already knew, they could've taken steps to develop their relationship in a believable way. Change their dynamic in Book 2 to turn Katara from a mother figure into an equal, show Aang understanding her and being there for her instead of imposing his morals and opinions onto her, show Katara challenging Aang instead of always being like "he's the Avatar, he can change the world and can do no wrong". I don't have a problem with Aang's crush on Katara at all - in fact, I find that very realistic. It's the fact that a) Katara would ever be interested in him romantically and b) that Aang wouldn't grow out of it over time that bothers me. Katara at first doesn't see Aang as anything more than a friend and then isn't sure about him the entire show until they kiss out of the blue in the finale without another conversation - it just doesn't make sense.
    And what's even worse is the aftermath: she basically becomes Aang's trophy wife, staying home and taking care of the kids, healing people, always second to his needs. What a sad ending for such a strong, independent, fierce girl like her! Not saying motherhood is a horrible fate no woman should strive for (in fact, I definitely think Katara would grow up into the kind of woman that wants to be a mother), but Katara explicitly rejects the traditional expectations of womanhood placed on her in Book 1 when she's expected to learn healing and ends up fighting for her right to be taught waterbending just like the boys are. Yet she ends up in exactly the role she so fiercly rejected, which is why it bothers me so much. It's basically saying "okay girls, you can have a time of independence where you do everything you always wanted to do, but eventually it's time to settle down with a man and have kids and focus on more womanly things". You could argue she turned to healing when she became too old to fight but we see plenty of old people fighting in both ATLA and LOK, including Zuko, who is even older than Katara. If Zuko, Bumi, Iroh, Toph etc. had been shown as less capable and strong in their old age too, I wouldn't complain, but they're portrayed as remaining incredibly powerful. And even Toph, who lives as a recluse and doesn't seem to regularly fight anymore, and Zuko, who stepped down as Fire Lord, both get fight scenes in LOK, while Katara is there to heal and be a therapist to Korra. Again, no problem if she fulfilled that role, it fits her character, but why not show her fighting side as well to balance it out?

  • @naberyll
    @naberyll ปีที่แล้ว +99

    Loved this. Have you seen the Zutara video made by Sneezy Reviews ? I think it's also a great one for laying out the foundation of why Zutara would have been such a great way to wrap up the story

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      sneezy reviews is a zutarian GODDESS

  • @lmaoashley
    @lmaoashley ปีที่แล้ว +150

    I’ll never forgive the writers for pairing Aang and Katara. Zutara was ALWAYS a perfect love story!

    • @Enemy_Bird
      @Enemy_Bird ปีที่แล้ว +4

      What about I say it wasn't

    • @christopherbennett5641
      @christopherbennett5641 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +14

      A love story that never existed. Cope.

    • @darckense1
      @darckense1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ash-degenerate when they see writers not doing things (they’ve got to be the scum of the earth, worse than eipstein and hilter!!!)

    • @lennard5393
      @lennard5393 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Go cope on your own dope​@@FifteenRavens

  • @jessefulton8841
    @jessefulton8841 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    You don’t even realize how alchemically perfect this is in terms of spirituality as well. Fire is represented often as a divine masculine quality while water is feminine form that balances the masculine fire. So their union would balance the nations.

  • @DioJolyne
    @DioJolyne ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Zutara woulda been a power couple. Even without your analysis, them being together is so compelling for them as individual characters.

    • @hutki_shira
      @hutki_shira ปีที่แล้ว

      Imo I don't like zutara it doesn't make sense I like zuko and mai like zutara makes no sense katara treats everbody like she's their mother so I don't get the "like a brother" argument
      People change relationships change they used to be friends now they are in love if the did zutara a little better and made spend more time with them then it couldv'e worked but you can say that with any character like cabbage man and that old guy in the storm episode

  • @RiseeRee
    @RiseeRee ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Idk, I watched this series when it aired and I was 14. I never got the idea that the Guru said to let go of love, as in, Aang can’t have any in his life. I always took it to mean that he has to be able to put his duty first. He has to be willing and able to let go, but it doesn’t mean he has to let go.
    I did find the Kataang ship a little odd though. I was the same age as Katara, and I remember my friends and I were like we’re in 9th grade there’s no way we’d date a middle schooler 😂😅
    The airbenders would have always been “segregated”. They’re monks and nuns. They do learn a lot about other nations because of their own nomadic culture.
    Zuko is also good with kids. We see him with that Earth Kingdom kid. In the comics we also see him be good with kids.
    The Maiko ship is just so vapid. Mai is apathetic to Zuko’s feelings and his efforts to please her. They don’t even like the same things besides making out.
    We don’t know if Zuko believed in vengeance, he kinda just facilitated things and let Katara do what she would, just providing back up and comfort.

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      yeah, i was an adult by the time avatar came around but kataang reminded me of my best friend in 8th grade who was dating a 5th grader, and how absolutely revolted the rest of us were by the idea. my own kids are the same age difference as aang and katara and the difference in maturity, even as an 11yo girl/9yo boy, is STAGGERING, especially because girls already mature faster than boys. i would be very concerned if my daughter came home one day in 8th grade and was like "mom my boyfriend is in 6th grade."

  • @jallenps7
    @jallenps7 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    I found Aang and Katara good together (I mean, they're both good-hearted/have good morales), but I just felt that Zuko and Katara motivated each other to be better (at least Katara did for Zuko) and their banter was so fun. Their character/relationship arc was so good man, wish the writers did more with it even if they didn't end up together.

  • @alma_1906
    @alma_1906 ปีที่แล้ว +187

    I've been telling people this! Katara and Zuko are very compatible with each other and make a good couple

    • @Omnihilo
      @Omnihilo ปีที่แล้ว +11

      It’s Azula all over again. Back in the day if you empathized with Azula you were “evil, sociopathic, immature” etc. I distinctly remember being told off for saying I liked Azula and that I even identified with her a little. Now, suddenly everyone acts like they’ve always had this deep understanding of her and always liked her. We’re watching it happen again in real time with Zutara.

    • @colourful_macaronigenerato951
      @colourful_macaronigenerato951 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      zuko even said he did actually fall in love with katara! zutaraaaa forever!

    • @Devinisapimp2019
      @Devinisapimp2019 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@colourful_macaronigenerato951 no he did not that was the actor💀

    • @colourful_macaronigenerato951
      @colourful_macaronigenerato951 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Devinisapimp2019 the actor acting as Zuko?

    • @Devinisapimp2019
      @Devinisapimp2019 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@colourful_macaronigenerato951 the voice actor Zuko did not say that in the show

  • @user-zt6mw9yh1m
    @user-zt6mw9yh1m ปีที่แล้ว +60

    Personally I blame Aunt Wu for inceptioning the idea in Katara's head that Aang was gonna be her hubby😂

    • @User-xf6fb
      @User-xf6fb ปีที่แล้ว


    • @User-xf6fb
      @User-xf6fb ปีที่แล้ว +35

      But powerful bender could’ve been Zuko 👀

    • @TheFirstHurrah
      @TheFirstHurrah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      If you accept the rumours that there was at one point probably going to be a season 4 where Zutara ends up together you can very easily start thinking that this line was meant to be a red herring -- only to be revealed at the end of the show that by *powerful* bender it actually was referring to the leader of the Fire Nation.
      Because seriously, why else would a show in its very first season outright *tell* the main girl (and the audience) that she's going to end up with the main guy so directly? And why have the main guy overhear it and get so smug about it if he wasn't eventually meant to come to terms with the fact that it didn't actually mean him?
      Prophesies in media are interesting and make sense to be told right at the beginning only if there's going to be some twist to them by the end.

    • @user-en8ur3lj8u
      @user-en8ur3lj8u 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      TRUE!!! ​@@User-xf6fb

  • @ameliziou4776
    @ameliziou4776 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender for the first time just two years ago, with my dad and my brother. I was aware that the finale was 4 episodes long, so I convinced my dad to watch the show as we had lunch, with my mom. She had never even heard of the show, nor did she really like cartoons to begin with, but I'll never forget how, even she, watching the last minutes, looked at me flabbergasted and asked "wait, so we're *not* supposed to ship the water girl and the guy with the face scar?"

  • @celestialmorpho
    @celestialmorpho ปีที่แล้ว +129

    I will never forgive Katara being stuck in the role as the perpetual single mother. A role thrust upon her since her mother died. I think culturally the water tribe had more of a tight knit family, as opposite to the nomadic lifestyle where I read children were taken from the parents and given to monks or nuns to be raised and segregated by their sex, so I cannot fathom Katara being okay with having an absentee husband and father for her children. I believe being the avatar justifies not being entirely present though. I also believe Zuko's childhood experiences and the teachings and support of Iroh would encourage and lead him to be a wonderful father. According to other comments that is proven.
    I actually like Aang (almost all ATLA characters individually). But, a relationship between him and Katara does and says nothing whereas a relationship between Katara and Zuko is incredibly more significant. Katara should've received more praise than she did in Legend Of Korra and I believe she would have if she wasn't in the position she was in being alone with her children. I haven't watched LOK but have been reading many opinions on what occurs and many have agreed in describing Katara in that series as "insignificant", "held back" and "poorly written". She could've been recognized as the greatest healer in the world and brave helpmate/supporter of the avatar and his mission with the firelord at the time, *and she would've had a statue* like the rest of the members in the gaang. She could've had all of her accomplishments from her past recognized and emphasized if she married Zuko because she would have been continuing to make history by acting out the wishes of most of the world instead of proselytizing. Zuko and Katara could've been peace and unity personified (alongside the Avatars accomplishments and endeavors of course).
    *So pretending LOK never happened, I imagine Aang honestly remaining unmarried, mirroring his nomadic culture, and spreading his seed. Or ending up with Toph to prevent her from taking residence in a swamp with a missing/unknown baby daddy.*

    • @manoranjanchakraborty6314
      @manoranjanchakraborty6314 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Y'all are just coping at this point

    • @christopherbennett5641
      @christopherbennett5641 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I agree with everything you’ve said 💯👌🏾

    • @noneofyourbeeswax01
      @noneofyourbeeswax01 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      Katara was so _angry_ with her dad for being absent even though she knew he had to that I just can't envisage her being OK with a nomadic husband.

    • @Zoetic444
      @Zoetic444 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Yes. They butchered Katara’s character after the ATLA. The LOK made her seem like she was just put in the back burner after the battle and didn’t accomplish more after the age of 13? Yes she was a great teacher and was a mother but that’s all?
      And for her to allow Aang to be an absent father to the other 2 children doesn’t make sense. She has so much fire and passion that I can’t imagine that. In my opinion her relationship with Aang held her back and kept her at one role to play, as a mother and teacher that’s all.
      She was more than that. She had fight and an ability to lead and love hard. But again it is what it is.

    • @TheFirstHurrah
      @TheFirstHurrah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Katara literally had abandonment issues and they paired her with a guy who has a chronic running away problem. Which he doesn't even fully outgrow by the time of the finale, running away yet again after him and Katara have that fight that's never resolved.
      And then they get married and he spends significant amounts of time taking just one of their children off on adventures and leaving her to take care of the other two kids at home by herself. And then her kids all grow up and go off on their own and she's left all alone in the southern water tribe, visibly crying as her family leaves her yet again. It's actually so sad. And so clear to me that this wasn't supposed to be the destiny/legacy of the girl who gave such an impassioned speech to empower the earthbenders or said she would never turn her back on people who need her.

  • @Rellx305
    @Rellx305 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    The way you explained it, it seemed like the writers did indeed drop the ball

  • @jupiteralmighty3730
    @jupiteralmighty3730 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    Zuko sacrificing himself to save Katara's life, that's an act out of love. I personally wouldn't do that for just a "friend" and Katara being so extremely worried about him she's brought to tears by his actions and worry. I have a feeling that somehow they did have feelings for each other, but chose not to do anything with it. I always thought Aang and Katara were more like mother and son or siblings rather then a couple. And Aang turned out to be a shitty dad. I wanted better for Katara. Zuko was perfect for her.

    • @stilloslachen6519
      @stilloslachen6519 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I think its stronger as a scene specifically because they are not in love.

    • @jupiteralmighty3730
      @jupiteralmighty3730 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@stilloslachen6519 I wouldn't say that. Zuko pretty much sacrificing himself for her, a "friend" wouldn't do that for another friend. Like I'm sorry but it's definitely an act out of love.

    • @shindomare1492
      @shindomare1492 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@jupiteralmighty3730 there's no such thing as perfect. Aang is not a shitty dad not good either and just because someone sacrifices something for a friend, it's always an act of 'love' like 'inlove'. You can do that too if you love a friend, platonic love. That's a true friend there.
      I'm not KataAng nor Zutara. It's just... 😒

    • @stilloslachen6519
      @stilloslachen6519 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jupiteralmighty3730 I dont know. Personally Id do that for my friends.

    • @shaundouglas690
      @shaundouglas690 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@jupiteralmighty3730 I personally think that it's an act of "trying not to let someone who can't redirect lightning get hit by lightning" and not love

  • @lexibrowning7447
    @lexibrowning7447 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +63

    Imagine how rich the story telling would have been in season 3. Zuko gaining trust and falling in love with the only person he's ever met with the same temperament as his long lost mother, Katara falling in love with Zuko after living her entire life despising firebenders and learning who Zuko truly is and why he became who he became, and then Aang gaining maturity by going through his very first heartbreak while simultaneously accepting the fact that the only person who can teach him firebending is the person who caused the heartbreak. That's 3 profound arcs that would come to a perfect close with Zutara. I'm sorry, but Aang was not meant to marry Katara. Zuko and Katara are literally opposites coming together which is another form of balance in the world

    • @TheFirstHurrah
      @TheFirstHurrah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      And Katara eventually helping Zuko find his mother and possibly gaining a new mother figure herself in Ursa. And Zuko gaining a new father figure in Hakoda. Ugh, it could have been so beautiful!

    • @Yourmom-vs3dw
      @Yourmom-vs3dw 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheFirstHurrahNo it wouldn’t.

  • @hellopumpkin86
    @hellopumpkin86 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    I was a Zutara shipper, but I knew the writers would put Kataang together in the end because it made the show more memorable (and as a kid at the time, I was still happy with that). As I got older, I realized lot of males (including the creators of the show themselves) were probably living vicariously through Aang “winning the hot older chick” they could never have in their own lives growing up! 🤣

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Aren’t Zutara shippers doing the same thing though? They’re self inserting themselves as Katara.

    • @hellopumpkin86
      @hellopumpkin86 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@FifteenRavens The difference between shippers and creators of the actual show is that shippers aren’t producing the canonical content! Creators can’t always let their personal emotions/insecurities/political ideas influence their storytelling because it can ruin the project (not in Avatar’s case though-as long as we ignore Legend of Korra)-just look at the state Disney is in at the moment! 🤣

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@hellopumpkin86 Yes they can. It’s their show. Whatever they wanted as an ending was up to their choice.

    • @castaliafierce8466
      @castaliafierce8466 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@FifteenRavens mmm... Not really. I mean, some of them are, but there are a good number of zutara shippers that enjoy the couple for it's potential or interactions. Myself included, as I watched the series with 21 years for the first time and had any crush on Zuko

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@castaliafierce8466 There are a couple of flaws with your comment. First off, Zuko and Katara were never a “couple” secondly whether they’re aware of it or not, a good 75% of Zutara shippers mostly consist of women who self insert themselves as Katara and aren’t really fans of the show. Lastly, sure the two could’ve had potential, but you’re also forgetting they were never love interests. It’s better that they just stayed as FRIENDS.

  • @travelmore-vp2wg
    @travelmore-vp2wg ปีที่แล้ว +32

    there was even some foreshadowing and Zutara in the series
    1. tale of two lovers scene
    2. the fortune teller mentioned that Katara will marry a powerful bender and that episode was all about a powerful volcano erupting representing [Fire]
    It would have been an a Great plot twist!!
    If the writers had just been intentionally shoehorning Aang in the 2 scenes above but were actually setting up the plot twist where it was Zuko that they were foreshadowing all along

    • @hutki_shira
      @hutki_shira ปีที่แล้ว +5

      There was no foreshadowing atla was planned for years they didn't just plan it on the fly

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      katara also said she hoped her future husband was handsome and tall... that ain't aang lol

    • @hutki_shira
      @hutki_shira 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@dietotaku And Aang became tall and handsome did you see him in Korra man he had a massive glow up he became way taller than zuko and goddam his jawline is soo god damb good I wish I had a jawline like his

    • @vanished7775
      @vanished7775 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@hutki_shirathey are making shit up if they would watch the "A serious case against zutara" vid their opinions would change, or maybe not, they are dense

  • @haruzanfuucha
    @haruzanfuucha 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Zuko is good with kids too and he's canonically a better father than Aang was, lol.
    Also JKR never said Hermione should have ended up with Harry.

  • @lvlyce136
    @lvlyce136 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    In my head they always end up together until I remember "Korra"..

    • @Taiga-16
      @Taiga-16 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      There is not korra in ba sing se

  • @cookiedq
    @cookiedq ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Even as a kid I didn’t like the paring of Katara and Aang, my older brother that got me into told me I was weird for not liking the 2 main characters together but I definitely sensed way more romantic feeling and potential between Katara and Zuko, even as an 11 year old kid

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You weren’t a very smart kid then. I could tell your brother is good at story telling.

    • @cookiedq
      @cookiedq ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@FifteenRavens it’s cliche and boring, they set up the story for it to be Zuko and Katara but buckled and just went the boring and illogical route, just because what my brother told me was what happened doesn’t make it a good story my guy

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@cookiedq They clearly set up Katara and Aang from the very beginning. If you had common sense it would’ve been obvious to you.

    • @cookiedq
      @cookiedq 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@FifteenRavens Katara had 0 romantic interest towards Aang during the first couple of books. The secret tunnel song has HIGH implications of Katara and Zuko getting together. Until they screwed it up and decided to go with the boring route and throw in random feelings that seem to have come from nowhere from Katara

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@cookiedq Katara blushing around Aang= 0 romantic interest towards him.
      Katara being nice to Zuko and offering to heal his scar= romance.
      Katara and Aang’s cave of two lovers has no romantic implications, but Katara offering to heal Zuko’s scar does?

  • @bennystone5281
    @bennystone5281 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    "Skinny monk body"😭😭😭

  • @feaww5085
    @feaww5085 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    People saying it was never shown in the show that zuko and katara had feelings for each other, no shit, kataang was set up as endgame and even then they had zero chemistry compared to the potential of zutara. Zutara had more chemistry with a friendly hug than kataang kissing💀💀 Even aang and on ji had more chemistry. I do agree that it would be too sudden for katara and zuko to develop feelings for each when zuko probably only started joining team avatar weeks before sozins comet. Zutara could have been developed in book 4. They would have more time to get to know each other more, spend more time together, and eventually fall for each other.

    • @nikeday4256
      @nikeday4256 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @pinkstarlightchaos3076
      @pinkstarlightchaos3076 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @jotbaghria4956
      @jotbaghria4956 ปีที่แล้ว

      Aang and on ji had MORE chemistry? Give me a break

    • @jotbaghria4956
      @jotbaghria4956 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Zutara can work platonically but I really don’t think it’ll be good as a romantic one. All the things zuko put katara through just for them to end up together doesn’t seem right imo.

    • @nikeday4256
      @nikeday4256 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jotbaghria4956 I mean aang burned and sexually assaulted Katara. Then he became the avatar and she was down. Probably could’ve used another season to flesh them out.

  • @wenders4908
    @wenders4908 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Seeing aang and katara end up together was so fucking weird cause I always saw them as a sibling bond

    • @pimpnamedslickback7780
      @pimpnamedslickback7780 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Right it was cringe

    • @bored_boar
      @bored_boar 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Siblings that kissed each other? Huh

  • @warriorspiritmovers2589
    @warriorspiritmovers2589 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    You know, i feel this. All of this. And i then raise you. Toph and Aang would have found balance together, being so similar in joking, goofy personality, yet also completely opposite.
    Their kids too would have made for great stories.

    • @Enemy_Bird
      @Enemy_Bird ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Aang clearly doesn't like toph that way, he always blamed her in her littlest mistakes

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Enemy_BirdDon’t mind them, they’re delusional. They can’t accept the fact that for once the guy in the relationship is smaller than the girl. This is why they pair Aang with Toph instead.

    • @Enemy_Bird
      @Enemy_Bird ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@FifteenRavens I know, thank you so much for your care and kindness you've made my day trying to help me 😊

    • @troyii435
      @troyii435 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@FifteenRavens That's hardly fair to make that assumption, also calling someone delusional is just baseless and unnecessarily demeaning. If you have a point to disagree with, then disagree with them, but don't justify your position through mockery and insults

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@troyii435 Wouldn’t really call it an assumption, it’s more of a fact. Whether they’re aware of it or not, Aang being smaller than Katara has something to do with their disliking for their relationship. They deserve to be demeaned.

  • @zeldaxninja3214
    @zeldaxninja3214 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Aang and Toph wouldve made more sense

    • @littenfire3563
      @littenfire3563 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Aang and TOPH?! heck no. Toph is the very opposite of Aang's culture in nearly every way

    • @Alma-gz8ri
      @Alma-gz8ri 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      On Ji or Ty Lee? I mean I can see Aang and Ty Lee getting along pretty well.

  • @Mithical_C
    @Mithical_C 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    I was like disappointed that Katara and Aang ended up together...

  • @geminiguy6032
    @geminiguy6032 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    That was an excellent point about about Aang needing to let go being what should have won the war. It definitely would have been more impactful because it brings Aang's character arc full circle from being a kid to being a responsible avatar. However, I felt the rock in the back was a literal metaphor that Aang is stuck between a rock and a hard place and needed to unleash his full power to defeat Ozai even if it meant killing him. It was still impactful, but letting go of Katara and embracing his role as the Avatar would have been even more impactful.

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The show literally explains that it’s not about Aang needing to completely let go of the ones he loves, but that he had to accept the idea of losing them. He can still be with her. The s2 finale showed him finally letting go which is why he was able to enter the avatar state. He literally died to a lighting strike. Recovering from that to be able to access the avatar state again was going to take a while and the injury itself had to have misaligned his physical connection to the avatar state.

    • @hopeslover6778
      @hopeslover6778 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ⁠​⁠@@BuddyChyI agree that Aang needed to accept the possibility of losing Katara was the main message in this episodes, however doesnt that just reinforce the idea that letting go of Katara would’ve been more impactful? If you think it is possible to love someone deeply and be content with the idea of having to let them go, then Aang having to make a final decision to sacrifice his love for Katara would’ve had more of an influence and way more to say then him having his cake and eating it too. It would’ve shown the real the consequences of having the Avatar, and how with great power comes with great burdens, and how not everyone can have their own happy endings. It would’ve shown an even deeper love that he had for Katara and how he would be willing to give up his own selfish desires for not just Katara, but for the world as well. It would give the viewer a different perspective for how people can love each other in different ways, especially unreciprocated love and how to deal with these situations when the person you love doesn’t feel the same way.

    • @hopeslover6778
      @hopeslover6778 ปีที่แล้ว

      ⁠​⁠@@BuddyChyI agree that Aang needed to accept the possibility of losing Katara was the main message in this episodes, however doesnt that just reinforce the idea that letting go of Katara would’ve been more impactful? If you think it is possible to love someone deeply and be content with the idea of having to let them go, then Aang having to make a final decision to sacrifice his love for Katara would’ve had more of an influence and way more to say then him having his cake and eating it too. It would’ve shown the real the consequences of having the Avatar, and how with great power comes with great burdens, and how not everyone can have their own happy endings. It would’ve shown an even deeper love that he had for Katara and how he would be willing to give up his own selfish desires for not just Katara, but for the world as well. It would give the viewer a different perspective for how people can love each other in different ways, especially unreciprocated love and how to deal with these situations when the person you love doesn’t feel the same way.

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hopeslover6778 only problem with that is that it’s kind of an opposite message to the ending theme which involves Aang being told he had to sacrifice his pacifism to win but he was determined to find another way and stay true to his beliefs by ultimately choosing not to kill Ozai. He shouldn’t have to give up his love for katara. Being the avatar doesn’t mean you can’t find love. It’s also not unreciprocated

    • @hopeslover6778
      @hopeslover6778 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ⁠@@BuddyChyI think that scene would’ve been the perfect set up for all the possible lessons I listed in my previous comment, especially since this show can deal with heavy topics in a way that kids could easily digest. You got to admit that would be another interesting route for the show to go too, no?

  • @alyssabullock6421
    @alyssabullock6421 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    I personally have respect for Katara/Aang AND Katara/Zuko, but I totally believe that Zutara would have a much juicier, symbolic relationship.
    It had SO much potential as a relationship in a show based around war between the fire nation every other nation. Fire/Water is already a popular dynamic, but to end the show off with them coming together through love and mutual understanding of loss would have been SO satisfying!
    They couldve allowed Aang to listen to the Guru and let Katara go, and have her slowly grow closer to Zuko instead.

  • @momotheone9700
    @momotheone9700 ปีที่แล้ว +162

    The truth is as much as we deny it, the kataang ship is the fairy tale we all wanted in real life, a lot of us who are being friendzoned by our crushes that is, but in real like katara would definitely had fall for zuko more than aang thats just facts, zutara would have been the ship in real life, but its good to dream, and for aangs character to grow not only as an avatar, but as a man that a woman can respect and fall for, thats why we got kataang.

    • @thedarklordofthejougan4990
      @thedarklordofthejougan4990 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      No it's not katara is a character who learns by her experience, and she has already experienced falling for the tall bad traumatized boy jet, that was her first lesson in romance, the second not that it's a romance but it is still a moment of experience, which is the cross road of destiny with zuko who betrayed her trust and was partly to blame of ang death, she learns from her experience to no form of redemption is ever going to breakdown how katara feel, she sharp and guarded of her emotions wen it comes to love,

    • @donmoez6289
      @donmoez6289 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Bro what; it's literally nothing to do with that. Both Katara and Aang; and Katara and Zuko are unrealistic when it comes to real-world "relationship mechanisms"; you can't possibly think it's realistic for someone to fall in love with a man who was corrupt for years; betrays you; acts as an accomplice and kills your love interest/best friend? Katara and Aang was built from S1; regardless of how you want to analyze their dynamics, maturity, etc. This is not Wattpad. Aang clearly grew/developed throughout B1-B3 and their relationship was explored more in the comics.

    • @colourful_macaronigenerato951
      @colourful_macaronigenerato951 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      no. im sorry. but the deepest ever inside my heard screams zutara. its just the motherly/ younger brother realationship between them. and then next thing i know, they're together. i'd like zutara as canon more than kataang. as dante basco says something on the lines of 'the things that could have happened are much better than the things that actually happened.' zuko did fall in love with katara and said so in the same video. I WILL ALWAYS THIP ZUTARA!! :D

    • @donmoez6289
      @donmoez6289 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@colourful_macaronigenerato951 There is literally nothing that could've happened with them. Do you seriously think Korra would've "gone deep" into their stories as you guys are fantasizing in your own heads? They wouldn't have. Zuko's arc was complete, and so was Katara's. Dante Basco is not a good example to use. He did the same thing yall are doing, be unrealistic.

    • @Casutama
      @Casutama ปีที่แล้ว +18

      I find it so funny (and telling) that so many of the people who are hardcore Kataang-shippers and anti-Zutara are men. I think that says a lot about male wish fulfillment. Most girls and women I've talked to about Kataang are either indifferent to it or find it (mildly or more) uncomfortable. Like, no almost 15-year-old girl as mature as Katara is gonna fall for an almost 13-year-old boy she's been mothering and who's as childish as Aang, even if he's magically powerful, nor would she fantasise about a relationship with him.

  • @shadow177a17
    @shadow177a17 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I like how much effort you put into showing that Zuko and Katara were a possible couple in the show. The logic and reasoning was very sound and being a Zutara fan I’m happy this video exists because it is a extremely well done video. Love the video and hope to see more awesome videos of yours in the future.

  • @CODE.8301
    @CODE.8301 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    The Truth that katara is taller than aang🥲
    I took that personally 😭

    • @rftg1793
      @rftg1793 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I was dying atm 🤣🤣

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      btw he got friking tall when he was 13 14

    • @colourful_macaronigenerato951
      @colourful_macaronigenerato951 ปีที่แล้ว

      me too lol i took that personal. ZUTARA FOREVER! dw zuko is taller than katara

  • @laviniasnow4494
    @laviniasnow4494 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    At one point I thought I was going crazy for not seeing that romantic relationship between Aang and Katara while the majority of people were swooning. To me they seemed more like siblings. And the way Katara was the mother figure of the group made it even more so.
    I also remembered the first time I saw Zuko and Mai as a couple I thought I was missing something because it was so off.

  • @kiriavatar123
    @kiriavatar123 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It makes it even better when you realize katara used breath of fire, a firebending technique as her last move and zukos last fighting move was redirecting lightening stance ( a waterbending technique)

  • @joshua4785
    @joshua4785 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    This was amazing! I support Zutara but I never realized what it will mean for their world. Them uniting will surely be a symbolic start for all people to realize all of them can live together and achieve true harmony which Aang and all of his past lives continuously seek to achieve.
    And now that I realize it, them uniting will surely make the water tribe civil war more interesting. Will the fire nation, on behalf of Katara and the southern water tribe lineage in the fire nation royal family, intervene and support southern independence or not? It would have been so intriguing!

    • @prismanic24
      @prismanic24 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I hadn't even considered what Zutara would mean for the Water Tribe Civil War in LoK. It would've definitely given Korra more reason to side with Unalaq initially because she doesn't want the Civil War to trigger another global conflict like the 100 year war. Also would've been fitting that she ended up in the Fire Nation when she found out about Wan. Perhaps Zuko would've even made more appearances in LoK.
      So many missed oppurtunities...sigh.

    • @joshua4785
      @joshua4785 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@prismanic24 Additionally also, I realized this recently, it could have brought up several issues in regards with decolonization that is still a crucial topic in many of the third world countries in our world, from Africa, Latin America, and even Asia (like with what happening in Congo and Palestine in some extent) through the involvement of the Fire Nation in the Water Tribe Civil War. I don't know how they can be connected but such issues can be brought up and represented through this Avatar timeline, and made more essence and meaning to LoK for our world...
      And in a scenario where the fire nation did intervene, what would be the reaction of the other nations in there world. Such actions would have been viewed by the Earth Kingdom, the North, and the URN as the continuous imperialistic moves of the Fire Nation but instead viewed by the South as its former colonizer helping them to fight their current colonizer which have parallels in our today's world... like what happened I think (not sure) with Hong Kong (past colony), China (current oppressor), and the UK (former colonizer), and the current happenings in the South China Sea, with the Philippines (past colony), China (current oppressor), and the USA (former colonizer of PH)...
      So many missed opportunities seriously... Tho this might be me overthinking stuff but that's why I wished Zutara happened, it would have opened many doors for these kinds of topics in our world that the general public like us should be aware of...

  • @mariem8705
    @mariem8705 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I’m so HAPPY you pointed out Hermione and Ron being a bad match! He constantly bullied her, made her do his homework and made her cry so many times!!! He did NOT deserved her, but I’d go with Draco for the same reason you pointed out here.

    • @Yourmom-vs3dw
      @Yourmom-vs3dw 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s not good either? Both ships are horrible. Dramione is bad and so is Zutara. Both have 0 chemistry.

    • @l.n.3372
      @l.n.3372 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hate to break it to you tho, but Hermione reviews Harry's homework too xD. I don't think Harry and Hermione were better as a couple. It's fine to dislike Ron, but that doesn't prove Harry and Hermione have romantic chemistry either. Disproving X doesn't prove Y.

  • @danignazio3668
    @danignazio3668 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    In reality Aang would most likely have a harem, so that he could repopulate the air nomads. I never bought the idea that harmonic convergence just magically gifted tons of earth kingdom citizens air bending.

      @EJINSANE 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Too mature for Y-7 demographic

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      y'all understand that the whole point of the air nomad genocide was that war has consequences and they're seldom reversible, right?

    • @l.n.3372
      @l.n.3372 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      OMG I always believed Aang should have had a harem too! I legitimately wanted him to father kids all around the world, thus making dozens of new air benders.

    • @threedragonstalk2123
      @threedragonstalk2123 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      On the other hand - even with a harem, can one man really produce enough children to restore an entire race which has been genocided? And besides Aang is a monk, first and foremost, so I could just as easily see him being voluntarily celibate.

    • @l.n.3372
      @l.n.3372 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      A) nobody is saying Aang can literally restore a lost race. but if he slept around, he could get dozens of women pregnant. that's a lot of potential air benders, and that adds up over time, after all. if Aang sired 100 kids, and each air bender married a non bender and had 2 kids of their own, then the air nations is already reborn.
      B) Aang canonically has kids with Katara in LoK, so idk why you think he would stay celibate.
      C) Aang is an air nomad. they obviously reproduced as Aang exists. not sure why you assume the air monks don't have kids or else where did the new air bender babies come from in their culture?

  • @MurasakiMonogatari
    @MurasakiMonogatari ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I was so put off by that kiss between Aang and Katara in the end. Why? Suspension of disbelief is a funny thing. I'll accept a face-stealing centipede spirit, but I will not accept that a teen girl will go for a goody boy two years her junior. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen.

    • @revangerang
      @revangerang ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Also literally two seconds previous she had been mad at him for kissing her ?? Why would she suddenly change her mind?

    • @just_some_greek_dude
      @just_some_greek_dude ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@revangerang she was conflicted because aang would have faced ozai and she didn't wanted to lose another loved one like how she lost her mother

    • @MegaMilenche
      @MegaMilenche ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@just_some_greek_dude Or maybe she was conflicted about her little best friend brother constantly harassing her sexually.

  • @EliteWarrior1026
    @EliteWarrior1026 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Timestamps, because Why Not?
    -0:00, Intro
    -0:51, Aang's Character Arc
    -5:28, The Political Reasons
    -8:55, The Romantic Reasons

  • @HannahBailey0904
    @HannahBailey0904 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I wasn't sure about the whole Zutara thing before, but you've convinced me! It's true that they have obvious chemistry during the movie and they would've been a good match for each other.
    One addition I would make to your analysis would be regarding Aang's arc. I'm not a big fan of the "let go of love" line of thinking, just because I think that there are some earthly attachments that make you a better person. I think that love is one of those things. Love, when done right, gives you more motivation to make the world a better place for your loved ones.
    However, I agree that Aang's arc needed something more. So instead of letting go of earthly attachments by letting go of love, I would've made it so that Aang had already confessed to Katara by that point in the show and she denies him (because she thinks of him like a little brother). Maybe this is really hard on him to accept because he likes her so much. He still clings to the idea of "winning her over" or something.
    In this case, the thing he needs to let go of is his "attachment" to someone who can't/won't reciprocate those feelings. Once he lets go of his one-sided love with Katara, he is able to enter the avatar state by will. That way, there is still possibility of love in the future for him, but he is able to progress and mature.

    • @francismorris4115
      @francismorris4115 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe he could have said let go of Romance instead.

  • @annaguyot8630
    @annaguyot8630 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I'm 100% for zutara, i just think it's something that should've been develloped more after, like in the comics

    • @annaguyot8630
      @annaguyot8630 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @Quirkygirl522 lol yeah it's horrible

    • @annaguyot8630
      @annaguyot8630 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Quirkygirl522 no i just cut out youtube for sometine, you know, disconect from the internet, something you don't know how to do apparently. I just forgot about you .

  • @feaww5085
    @feaww5085 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    So glad more men are posting about zutara. Back then before the internet is what it is today, the creator/s would shit on people that shipped zutara and made web comics depicting crazy/delusional fangirls thinking that it was only women that wete upset with kataang. Didn't want to make this about gender but that was really a rather frustrating time. Now more men are posting their thoughts on zutara vs kataang online hopefully the creator/s can take the points being made on zutara seriously now

    • @talisa222
      @talisa222 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The Avatar ship wars were so fucking... *rolls eyes*. Miserable time to be online fr fr. I've always been a silent (female) Zutara shipper and it's annoying the discourse I've read over the years.

  • @thatonkgau5221
    @thatonkgau5221 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Wow 😳 I never realised how little chemistry Aang and Katara had as a kid a saw them as like the perfect couple. But now the more I think about they don't match at all they have nothing in common besides being the last of there kind and as you said Aang is to childish. The fact that Katara was the first girl he saw and the only one he knew in this time doesn't help. If Aang had really given up Katara that would've completed his arc of becoming the Avatar.
    He would've fully understand what being the Avatar meant putting the safety of the world first and making sacrifices. By giving up love and Zuko and Katara would've become the greatest power couple ever. Redeeming the sins of the fire nation together and uniting the water tribe and fire nation.

  • @ThePariahDark
    @ThePariahDark ปีที่แล้ว +111

    They didn't have the stones. Just like they didn't have the stones to have Aang kill the Fire Lord and instead invented the Lion Turtles. Because Aang facing reality, that the real world has no ideal ending, is not kid friendly enough. We can see that, but they couldn't risk showing that to kids... or so they think, kids can handle way more than they think. Anime proves this, anime shows mature themes to kids as well (death, loss, blood, hurting, emotional damage) and japanese kids still turn into functional adults most of the time.

    • @danielalaiz419
      @danielalaiz419 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Deus ex-machina

    • @witchrich2365
      @witchrich2365 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      uhm no. I do agree that the Lion Turtles should not have been introduced at the very last episode, and it does make more sense for Aang to not enter the Avatar State because his chakra got unblocked. However, I cannot agree on Aang killing Ozai is a fitting end. Yes, it's so satisfying to watch revenge shows, but the whole point of Avatar is finding a third option. Aang needed to be more realistic, but that doesn't mean his idealism and optimism are terrible traits. It is his value on life that makes him a great Avatar. Instead of allowing Ozai to just go about his wrongdoings, he decides to stop him and get rid of his bending. That way, he will still live and have a chance at redemption WHILE preventing him from hurting anyone any longer. He even trapped him so he won't escape and hurt others. That's the third choice. Killing Ozai so others may live or keeping him alive as he is still a living being whose life should still be valued? None of those. Imprison him and take away his bending so he and others all live while stopping him from doing evil.

    • @danielalaiz419
      @danielalaiz419 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@witchrich2365 it wouldn't even be a revenge kill, ozai would burn the earthrealm is self-defense, aang missed the opportunity to end the war while remaining faithful to the precepts of air nomads if he released katara in the guru episode, kill ozai without avatar state would be the consequence of your bad choices and that would be adult for a show

    • @witchrich2365
      @witchrich2365 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@danielalaiz419 Oh now I get what you mean! Yes, it would have been cool to see Aang let go of Katara and choose the Avatar State as it should be the only means to achieve energybending and take away Ozai's bending and end the war. He did end the war, though, but still letting him have the climactic choice would be so cathartic. Don't know if you're for or against killing Ozai, but I'm against it since that's what makes Aang a great Avatar.

    • @danielalaiz419
      @danielalaiz419 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@witchrich2365 I'm not even against him not killing ozai, from the first season until the guru episode, you lead to believe that his main plot is to remain faithful to the precepts of the air nomads, while fulfilling his duty as an avatar, but after he exchanged the control from the avatar state by katara, and spends the third season dancing,robbing fire nation citizens and preaching and more concerned with his supposed feelings for katara rather than focusing on the comet alone, i just thought he deserves to sacrifice his faith for the world to be saved it's all a matter of consequences for your mistakes(I don't like energybending, an underground prison to ozai in the north or south would make me happy)

  • @stephylynnpatch
    @stephylynnpatch ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This was very well put. This is one of those ships were people will be divided forever.

  • @passerby1156
    @passerby1156 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    this always weirded me out, since ang was like younger brother, and katara older sister.. unbelievable relationship imo. i hope katara get better ending in live action, instead being left alone in the end.

  • @AnimeAndGachavidio
    @AnimeAndGachavidio ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I shipped karats and Zuko
    And shipped Aana and Toph

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว

      who ana its aang and thats just crap

    • @Lili_Chan_2011
      @Lili_Chan_2011 ปีที่แล้ว

      Who is Aana

  • @Villainsaga2024
    @Villainsaga2024 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Zuko and Katara had this undeniable chemistry that just felt more intense and real compared to Aang and Katara. Their journey from enemies to friends showed how much they understood and respected each other. Zuko saw Katara as an equal, not just someone to protect, which could have led to a more balanced and mature relationship. Their moments together were filled with so much depth and emotion, and it's easy to imagine them supporting and challenging each other in a way that would make them a powerful couple. They just had that spark that made you think, "Yeah, these two could really be something special."

  • @v1v1d1ty
    @v1v1d1ty ปีที่แล้ว +70

    this was so good, i really wish this is how it happened in the show

    • @hinokami77
      @hinokami77 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      well it didn’t cry about wouldn’t have been good didn’t make any sense and zuko was in love with mai

    • @AboveChronicle
      @AboveChronicle ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@hinokami77 some ones a bit toxic here 💀

    • @hinokami77
      @hinokami77 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@AboveChronicle yea cause it doesn’t make any sense yall are ignoring
      the fact that zuko was in love with mai and Katara and anng had children 3 of them

    • @AboveChronicle
      @AboveChronicle ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@hinokami77 imma leave this at agree to disagree because I don't feel like debating this cuz I'm both tired and can't be bothered

    • @taeven_tea
      @taeven_tea ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@hinokami77 They break up so often that it's hard to be sure.

    @NTSMMA ปีที่แล้ว +47

    This is structured great and super well made! 👍

  • @muireannmc1056
    @muireannmc1056 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Katara and Zuko are such perfect symbolism of what the future of that world should look like. Unlike Oma and Shu (one of whom Zuko is descended from) their love would make it and unite their tribes. Integration was the future of Avatar and they would be wonderful role models.
    Normally I'm totally at peace with non cannon ships but Zutara was so obviously the right answer it still hurts a little all these years later

    • @starringdon3612
      @starringdon3612 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Zutara only works with the assumtion Katara doesn't love Aang. But she does, so it doesn't work and didn't happen.

    • @rockethito
      @rockethito ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@starringdon3612I understand zutara but that’s not what happens in the show or even what the show suggest. The points are valid but that didn’t happen in the story. So yea I don’t get zutara in that sense because they have to assume things about the show to make it work.

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว


    • @hellogoodbyeandallinbetween
      @hellogoodbyeandallinbetween ปีที่แล้ว

      I disagree because I think the symbolism would be too corny and easy

    • @starringdon3612
      @starringdon3612 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hellogoodbyeandallinbetween which is why nobody really liked mako and korra
      watergirl and fireboy for the 11millonth time in history

  • @14omoon
    @14omoon ปีที่แล้ว +57

    I was a Zutara fan back in the day, I really wanted after I saw the Waterbending Scroll episode, thought they would be so cute enemies to lovers 🥰 but when I read somewhere that creators ultimately decided on Kataang (I believe because it was easier to write) I was sad still loved the show tho. I just think Katara would've made a great Fire Lady!
    Edit: Also I remembered a lot of us wanted Zutara because of American Dragon, Jake and Rose were a thing and both voiced by Mae Whitman and Dante Basco

  • @san6984
    @san6984 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    i truly don’t understand all the comments saying how Katara never liked aang or showed interest in him when it’s made clear several times in the story she cares for him as more than a friend…..she’s the first to suggest kissing when they’re stuck in a cave, she starts to see aang in a different and more romantic light by the end of the fortune teller episode, she’s the only one who’s able to really calm his heart & quell his rage when no one else can, he’s the only one who can bring out real katara and get her to let loose and be the kid she never got to be and have fun and enjoy life, they compliment each other very well.
    Katara and Zuko don’t even truly become friends until like 4 episodes before the show ends, i think people really just enjoy the whole enemies to lovers trope. Katara dating her former oppressor also probably wouldn’t have sent a good message, nor would it really makes sense. They do have some close moments but i feel like people really take them for more than what they are.
    also for all the people saying Katara acted more like his “mother” it’s like some of y’all haven’t paid attention to her character arc at all 😭 Katara acts like a mother to the entire group and that’s literally something that gets spoken on multiple times and it’s explained why she acts like that as she had to step up extremely young and be mature enough to handle the challenges her and her village were facing. It’s clearly stated it’s basically a trauma response so idk why everyone acts as if she acts motherly towards Aang because she simply doesn’t like him in that way

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      There are multiple flaws in your kind of reasoning.
      First off: What do you mean "real Katara"? How does a "real Person" get defined in your sense? There is no "real" you, as you get defined by many different kinds of traits and such - one of her personality traits really clashed with Aang in the southern raiders episode, making Aang not being able to understand where shes trying to come from and instead trying to shove airnomad philosophy onto her - and before you argue that he understood her by the end of the episode, you are dead wrong, since he still exclaimed that hes proud of her for having forgiven Yon Rha, where she even snaps at Aang and telling him she hasnt forgiven him (also what kind of response is "I am proud of you" after something like that?? Oh golly Aang, that really does lift a burden off Katara shoulders, knowing that her future husband is proud of her to have seemingly followed his shallow understanding of the world)
      Secondly, I hate that "Hurr durr, they have been enemies before, why would she love her oppressor???" response from people, cuz accourding your logic, it would also be toxic for Sokka to be Zukos friend, or Aang being best pals with Zuko and building up an entire city from the ground, because why would they be so trusty and friendly with their former oppressor??? Surely THAT also doesnt send a good message??? That claim also suggests that you dont think people are truly capable of changing and that feelings/minds cannot be altered - when one of the core themes of the entire show is exactly that; people change, minds can change, the entire world changes etc.
      And lastly: Katara doesnt act motherly around anybody in the Gaang - the only exceptions she doesnt mother are Sukki and Zuko - her mothering people is actually a habit she picked up during her childhood, where she had to take care of basically everyone else in the Southern Watertribe and do all the work, forcing herself to grow up early due to the loss of her mother and her father being absent most of the time - she actually needs someone who breaks her free from that, and I will give you a hint: Aang isnt capable of doing that. Aang, by the end of Book 3, is a much less developed character than ending of Book 2 Aang, too many loose ends not tied together in his character arc and still clinging to immature behaviors that arent properly adressed and instead being tuged under the rug - which is still a damn shame and I am still angry about that

    • @san6984
      @san6984 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@anfani6839 1st. you’re just knitpicking. by “real katara” i mean the Katara that isn’t weighed down by responsibility & her trauma, she can just be herself without having to worry about all that she does and Aang does understand her by the end of the SR’s episode. she literally did what he advised….
      2. it’s still a lil more weird especially considering Katara doesn’t even like nor trust him until literally maybe a week or two before Sozin’s comet…y’all want her to date Zuko because of a tired ass enemies to lovers trope & because they “look” better together. Katara has never liked that boy romantically and there was never gonna be any room for a relationship even if she wanted one with him. Yes people change but in their case a foundation of mutual trust didn’t even exist until four (4) episodes before the end of the story, and its partially Aang’s advice that helps her even go to forgive him.
      3. “Katara doesn’t act motherly around anybody in the gang, the only exceptions are Zuko and Suki” you mean the 2 people who didn’t officially join until the later half of the last season…??? like please be forreal 😭. Why tf would she act like a mother towards Zuko she literally hated him AGAIN until 4-5 episodes before the show ended. Suki is about Katara’s age and Katara while she does care about her was not as close to her as she was to Toph, Aang and Sokka. so again i state she was motherly to everyone in the group bc for the majority of the show the group has been Katara, Sokka Aang & Toph. you talking about Aang still hangs on to immature tendencies like the boy isn’t TWELVE!!!!???? hello??? he’s not a grown ass man ofc he is gonna be a lil childish that’s literally apart of his charm. He was still growing up as they all were, Zuko made MANY immature decisions from book 1 to book 3 and he’s the oldest out of the group. Katara literally says in the first episode how she hasn’t been penguin sled riding since she was a kid and Aang states how she still is one. you talking about she needs someone to break her from all the seriousness and trauma and help her live more and that’s literally Aang….ever since he met her and she has recognized and accepted that herself in the show. You think Zuko hardbody, serious, dysfunctional self who you can clearly see how complicated with relationships he is with Mai is good for Katara? you literally just contradicted yourself in your bias and talking bout i got flaws in my argument idk.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@san6984 1. Apparently you didnt understand the ending of the Southern raiders episode, either. She literally told him "But I havent forgiven him" after he thinks she did, while glaring at him a little upset and then not paying attention to him anymore. And she DIDNT forgive him - so no, she didnt follow his advice, he didnt understand her and what she needed and still clung onto his "oh you've forgiven him, great!" at the end of the episode, and thats how it ends
      2. I am not saying they should've gotten together at the end of the show - The headwriter of the Show (Aaron Ehasz) was suggesting the idea of them becoming a couple by the end of Book 4 (which sadly, we have never gotten - but would have been very nice to have to also tie in all the loose plot points left over from the show previously) - and I dont want them to be together because "they look better together", but because it would have made much more sense in the whole picture of the narrative and the thematics of the show; and no, Aang didnt help her forgive Zuko, if anything, it was Sokka who helped by trusting Zuko enough to tell him about the story of their mother
      3. You bascially proved my points - Aang is twelve and immature, so tell me why should he be in a relationship at this point in life? And I understand that he is still immature and needs to learn a lot - not a whole lot of time has past from Book 1 - Book 3, hence why I still stand my ground by saying he should've matured in many various aspects of his character first, before even thinking about engaging in a relationship (The headwriter had the idea of Aang going on a spiritual journey to find himself and develop etc. in a potential Book 4, and I think this would've fit very well into the picture)
      And by the end of Book 3 Zuko was far more mature than Aang - take the Ember Island Player episode for instance, where Aang pushed Katara into answering him despite her clearly showing that she isnt comfortable with the situation; compared to Zuko holding Katara back after Aang stormed off angrily in the finale and she wanting to go after him; I think there's already a big difference there, but you do you

    • @FifteenRavens
      @FifteenRavens ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anfani6839You’re a clown.

    • @notmyopinion4981
      @notmyopinion4981 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Katara only started to see Aang in that light after this one episode with the fortune teller telling Katara that she will marry a great Bender and Katara just realized in that episode that Aang is a great Bender and that was actually kinda forced. Katara needed a push any day to see Aang in that light at all

  • @RefalaStas
    @RefalaStas ปีที่แล้ว +18

    0:36 yep that is my most concern. I did not understood it as a child, but now i know that no girl would ever choose a short bald younger kid over hot tall mature teen.
    It's just unrealistic and it really feels weird. You can't trick biology, in reality Katara would never choose Aang and would be secretly pinning for Zuko (after he got the haircut and lost those huge atrocious traps of course)

    • @bunniesrunup
      @bunniesrunup ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Not only did aang grow to be attractive, but katara loved ssng for who he was. The fact think aang is not worthy of katara because he's not hot enough will never fail to disgust me.

    • @RefalaStas
      @RefalaStas ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@bunniesrunup Get reality check please

  • @livewithmanon6443
    @livewithmanon6443 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I do agree with why Katara and Zuko are a better match, but I really liked that Aangs child teaches the new avatar airbending. So maybe Aang should have had a different love interest. Like toph? They are closer in age and opposites just like Katara and Zuko.

  • @craigwheeler4760
    @craigwheeler4760 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    In the final episode, where zuko is fighting his sister and takes a near fatal hit. At that point I was expecting he and katara to kiss, after azula was captured and she was healing his wounds.
    It was the biggest mistake of the Avatar writers to not have those to get married after the events of the final fight.

  • @wowamazingwoah
    @wowamazingwoah ปีที่แล้ว +52

    I'll make my debate based on the creators points.
    1. Katara being older than Aang in emotional intelligence and maturity.
    All members of team avatar have shown immature moments during the show. Katara stole a scroll, Aang wasn't ready for his responsibilities as the avatar, Sokka does stupid stuff, Toph overreacts, Zuko doesn't have much patience. They are tweens and teens and they are all taking their path to maturity at different paces which is normal. As a kid, I was always in higher classes and considered "mature" and "smart" for my age. I think the same is true for Katara in a way. She was motherless most of her life and she had to take on the responsibilities young so it's only natural. Similar to Aang who also now has to deal with his responsibilities at the soul age of 12. From Katara's time after loosing her mom and the point she meets Aang she has matured. Aang has just woken up in a world where his people are dead and there's a sudden war he wasn't aware of. The show is about Aang's growth in accepting his place as the avatar. My point is, Katara and Aang had two different starting points so it's only natural their maturity doesn't match. But at the end of the series Aang has matured and is much different from the Aang that was found in the iceburg.
    2. Katara is used as a trophy for the avatar.
    Yes, the last 3 conversations between Katara and Aang were negative, but lets break that down. 1)Arguing about vengeance. Katara and Aang are from two different cultural backgrounds and so conflict is bound to happen, this also covers when 2)Aang yells at Katara because he doesn't wanna kill Ozai. 3)Aang kissing Katara before she was ready. Aang was definently out of line here but that showed us Katara's hesitance because of war. But all three of these things have one thing in common, in the 2nd example the solution to the problem would be another answer to how to deal with Ozai, which has already been figured out now. In the 3rd example the answer is the war finishing, also has been figured out but another issue is Aangs one-sided kiss, also resolved with the final hug showing the two have made up and respect their values to eachother as friends, and the kiss showing both of them are ready to move on. For arguing about vengeance, this just shows that their are still differences in their characters. This topic is revisted in the Imbalance comics which is about balancing culture with so many different types of people in one area, sound familiar? Katara and Aang have a talk about finding balance between the two of them as well on an island they find.
    (I'm not gonna interfere with the creators thoughts on the zutara ship because I respect his opinion and I'm just defending kataang with facts as he is with zutara)
    4. Aang doesn't contribute to the relationship
    This kinda follows the idea of balance, in most of the series Aang is depending on Katara (You have to remember Katara was first only Aangs waterbending teacher.) Between teacher and pupil this is normal, but as the series continued everyone depends on Aang to defeat the firelord. Also along the way Katara and Aang share moments of apprieciation rewarded through hugs or kisses on the cheek. This just adds to their feelings for eachother. Anyway that was all over the place but the show ends with Aang and Kataras first step into their relationship. In the comics where they are actually a couple their are plenty moments where the support and depend on eachother for comfort, support, saftey, protection, and advise.
    Lastly I think the main issue with so many Zutara arguments is they act like Katara doesn't like Aang which isn't true. Thats really the main problem with it, Katara loves Aang. Shes expressed it and they say it (a lot smh) in the comics. So many talk about Katara being a "reward" then disregard her feelings for Aang. The assumption Katara doesn't like Aang is what really powers it. She wouldn't have kissed him if she didn't want to (we know her), infact she reached out first. So why exactly does everyone ignore her feelings when talking about Zutara? Because thats the only way it works. Zutara only works with the assumtion Katara doesn't love Aang. But she does, so it doesn't work and didn't happen.
    ig im passionate too lmaoo💀💀💀

    • @henriettesvarregaardkirk976
      @henriettesvarregaardkirk976 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      5) Katara being Aangs mom
      Of course the two opposites meet can be too much apart, but I would argue Katara and Aang would help each other balance. Because the urge to be the responsible mom is so grown into Katara I wonder if the penguin-slide in ep 1 or 2 (I can’t remember) was the first time she really played and had silly fun like the kid she actually is in a long time. And that with the dance in season 3 too. Aang can balance out Katara by showing her that she also can be silly, have childish fun and live just for the sake of it. And likewise Katara can balance out Aang by being the one to ground him in serious circumstances and the one he can talk deeply with, because though they come from two different cultures and don’t always agree they both share a big compassion
      Also I do see how Zuko and Katara grow together in the series, and I do agree that Katara might be the kind of girl Zuko needs, but there, like you say, you have to take Katara feeling into concideration, plus though Katara needs Zuko in her life to see the that fire nation people also have suffered from the war, I don’t think that is What she needs for a life partner.
      And you can grow with and dearly care for someone as a friend.

    • @sofxriee
      @sofxriee 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I agree. "Zutara" is so delusional. Katara and Aang's love was confirmed in the cave of two lovers. Yet those fans act like Katara doesnt love Aang and would confess to Zuko who still loves Mai.

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      1 is very "jaywalking, murder, running a stop sign, not signaling when changing lanes, cutting someone off..." the thing is katara had to take on all these responsibilities at a young age, while aang ACTIVELY RAN AWAY from his responsibilities. he explicitly DID NOT take them on until he was more or less forced to. and even then he tried to weasel out of it and go have fun instead at every opportunity, or pitched a whiny hissy fit about all of his predecessors telling him he has to fulfill his duty.
      2 the problem is there was never a CONVERSATION to resolve those issues. you can't just kiss someone - TWICE! - without their consent, have a few knock-down drag-out fights with them, go away for a few days then come back and hug and expect everything to be great.
      3 ??? where did 3 go ???
      4 "zutara arguments act like katara doesn't like aang" no honey, KATARA acts like katara doesn't like aang. _"aang's a sweet little guy, just like momo."_ shhhing him when he's trying to be romantic. the fact that she was insulted and enraged (not heartbroken) when aang said he didn't want to kiss her in the COTL. the aggressive mothering in "the runaway." the look of anxiety and disappointment on her face when he kisses her before the invasion. every single interaction between them in TSR, including after she comes back and aang praises her for "forgiving" yon rha. her angry "I JUST SAID I WAS CONFUSED" and storming off after he kisses her without consent AGAIN. like, are you a girl? have you ever talked to a girl? can you grok that "i don't know, i'm confused" is girlspeak for "i want to say no but i'm also scared you're going to blow up at me"? katara loves aang, the way a mother loves her child, but she doesn't seem to LIKE him as a romantic partner. you want to talk about ignoring katara's feelings to make your ship work, look at how blatantly aang ignores katara's feelings in the entirety of TSR, and for most of the show for that matter.

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @sofxriee it cracks me up that you guys can ignore the show literally spelling out why the canon ships don't work and still claim "katara loves aang" or "zuko loves mai." yeah, the things he said to mai in "the beach" were really some deep words of love 🤣 HE LEFT HER IN PRISON. even after the war was over! he's casually getting dressed to be crowned fire lord and never once is he like "OH SHIT MAI'S STILL LOCKED UP IN THE BOILING ROCK!" when you have to rely on your UNCLE to break you out of jail, your boyfriend doesn't love you.

    • @sofxriee
      @sofxriee 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@dietotaku Katara has been kissing Aang the entire show without his permission

  • @roseberryy_
    @roseberryy_ ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I simply cannot understand how any Kataang shippers would watch this whole video and still think the canon ending was better writen than this. Zuko ending up with the cynical girl even after he grew so much as a person because of the emo teen couple aesthetic and Katara ending up with Aang because the hero must get the girl of his dreams even tho she has been acting like a mom to him for the whole series? And the way there were no consequences for Aang after he just refused to complete the avatar path? How on earth is that better than water and fire uniting aftter a whole journey of forgiveness and growing together and the avatar having to make the greatest sacrifice? I'll never get it. No one understands Zuko the way Katara does and viceversa. It's so apparent to me I sometimes wonder if Kataang/Maiko shippers watched the same show as me 🤔

    • @hellogoodbyeandallinbetween
      @hellogoodbyeandallinbetween ปีที่แล้ว

      Why does Katara have to choose between these two boys? Why would uniting two opposing nations with two characters that clearly didn't understand each other well until a few episodes before the end be any less cliché and less forced? Katara should have ended up with neither in my opinion, she deserves someone who helps her grow beyond the series' events.

  • @juliasitnikova4146
    @juliasitnikova4146 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    You know, I think the creators really thought about Katara and Zuko ending up together (otherwise why write the story the way they did? For me, as well, they are a clear power couple! :D), but in the end something went wrong. Maybe they thought: "Well, that's still a cartoon for kids mostly (I disagree!) and we kinda want Aang to be happy in the end and blah blah blah...". I always thought that kiss in the end was out of place, it didn't work in my head, but Zutara did... So yeah, I was confused, but I still loved the show and do love and adore it till this day. NGL I was glad for Aang and Katara both, espescially as a kid😊

  • @kikusama
    @kikusama ปีที่แล้ว +8

    100% True!! Katara and Zuko were so obvious to me when I watched the show.
    Then, out of no-where Katara likes Aang?! Aang liking Katara makes sense, but not Katara liking Aang back.
    I think Nickelodeon pushed Aang with Katara! it wbs definitely forced!

  • @meridaskywalker7816
    @meridaskywalker7816 ปีที่แล้ว +109

    Why would Katara "choose" Zuko in the first place? There was no rivalry over her between him and Aang, Zuko loved Mai and had no romantic interest in Katara.

    • @4nimegod799
      @4nimegod799 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      They were literally boutta kiss tho

    • @meridaskywalker7816
      @meridaskywalker7816 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      @@4nimegod799 When?

    • @Devinisapimp2019
      @Devinisapimp2019 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@4nimegod799 umm when

    • @jaxonflex5680
      @jaxonflex5680 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      If you watched it you would understand why. The writers just had a bad set up but wouldn’t let it go. They wanted Aang and Katara even though it was cringe. They coir have changed the dynamic so aang would work but they didn’t and just forced a square peg in a round hole

    • @meridaskywalker7816
      @meridaskywalker7816 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@jaxonflex5680 The dynamic was there from the beginning, though. Even though the writers considered making Zutara cannon at some point, they dropped it pretty early and it didn't really affect the relationships between characters. Katara and Aang were a pretty ok couple to me🤷

  • @AbdussalamPopoola
    @AbdussalamPopoola ปีที่แล้ว +68

    I never thought I'd agree to this in a million years. Zuko and Kitara are a perfect match now that you connect the puzzle.
    Makes me wonder who Aang would end up with.
    Damn, it'd have made a killer story tbh 🔥

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      buddy aang hasted to end up with katara becaes if not legened of korra would not have made it

    • @AbdussalamPopoola
      @AbdussalamPopoola ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Anix0000 True, but Aang and Korra aren't even related by blood.

    • @Anix0000
      @Anix0000 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AbdussalamPopoola bro you good in the head did you get dropped or something because the reason why that would not happen is because if aang new that katara and zuko we're together then it would have not worked cuz in the comic you see them having fun celebrating that would not happen cause aang would be so mad he would just go and run away again and if he dose that then there would be no koror o that was just a thought but this not related to any thing but you can see in the show how katara and zuko went on a trip and zuko was mad that katara hated him but the reason he was mad is because katara was like his sister he wanted to repair there relationship as friends for that he did not loos a nother sister I and by the way zuko loves mai o and that do get back together cuz there daughter is named after the water fountain they fell in hope don't get dropped again.

    • @DipperPines1986
      @DipperPines1986 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Maybe with Toph

    • @colourful_macaronigenerato951
      @colourful_macaronigenerato951 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Anix0000 zuko fell in love with katara. he did say! and katara x zuko would have made more sense to me

  • @BenjaminsBay
    @BenjaminsBay 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Well who knows, they might change this in the live-action.

  • @infingirl8488
    @infingirl8488 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    How did this hit the nail on the head every time?
    Massively underrated! Well done!

  • @sophieb.4743
    @sophieb.4743 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Great Video, thanks for the work and passion and your thoughts. I especially liked what you said about Aangs arc not being complete and it would have been great if he could only have been able to go into the Avatar state with a sacrifice. :-)

  • @coryluso941
    @coryluso941 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    the fact you think kataras personality matches zukos more than aangs makes me doubt your ability to absorb information, from a story perspective zuko and katara work great as friends but hardly romantic partners, this channel really needs a name change

  • @stayism.corner
    @stayism.corner 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I have ALWAYS thought Zuko and Katara should’ve ended up together. Katara and Aang seemed like a cute mutual pining crush, but it never felt like it would be endgame. Zuko and Katara felt more organic and poetic

    • @kaptenhiu5623
      @kaptenhiu5623 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Fire Lord married a Water bender would be hard to swallow by many Fire Nation citizens, especially after they lost the war, lost their colonies, and many soldiers fighting that said water bender. Yes it's poetic but unrealistic. It's like Japanese princess marries Douglas MacArthur's son after WWII. It's not impossible, but highly unlikely and politically inconvinient

    • @stayism.corner
      @stayism.corner 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kaptenhiu5623 To me it can be seen as the first of many steps to right the wrongs done by the fire nation. As we’ve seen later on in Korra, reconciliation of the nations isn’t out of the question, but to each their own.

  • @niicespiice
    @niicespiice ปีที่แล้ว +5

    i get the feeling that the writers decided aand and katara would be a couple early-on in the show's development, and didn't want to change it, perhaps because it's a trope in media for the main male lead and the main female lead to get together, and they didn't really want to stray from that.

  • @hellfire4you
    @hellfire4you 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    It just made more sense for Zuko and Katara to end up together because one of the biggest turn offs about Kataang was how throughout the whole show Katara never once felt like a potential love interest for Aang. She was basically an adoptive mother for him up until the end. They just give me the ick.

  • @eyes1168
    @eyes1168 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is gonna be a bit random but I am so happy to see you explain female characters with the depth mostly only male characters get heard for. Of course we owe the show itself the most credit but thank you for seeing it and keeping it alive!

  • @brendapaz1609
    @brendapaz1609 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    In the beginning of the fortuneteller episode Sokka teases Katara saying Aang is her boyfriend and Katara says this:
    "He's a sweet little guy, just like momo"
    She compared him to a pet, there's no way she could be attracted to him in less than a year

    • @thedarklordofthejougan4990
      @thedarklordofthejougan4990 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You didn't watch the rest of that episode did you, I guess not couse you would have seen she had a real change in perspective after Ang stop a volcano, like SHOW not TELL, she showed her reaction to the possibility of Ang be the great bender, and she vibing it in,

    • @san6984
      @san6984 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      crazy how you tried to use that episode to push an agenda for your statement when in that SAME episode near the end she admires him, blushes and looks at him as a strong bender she might one day marry & fall in love with like the fortune teller predicted….

    • @julchensweet2538
      @julchensweet2538 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@san6984 Katara’s prediction was that she would marry a strong bender, so she was kinda baffled at Sokka’s similar choice of words, hence her reaction with widening eyes.
      But let’s not forget that Aang prediction didn’t show any romance in his life.
      So who was really the strong bender Aunt Woo foresaw in Kataras future?
      And a girl blushing doesn’t mean she’s in love with the person standing close to her.

    • @san6984
      @san6984 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@julchensweet2538 she literally was staring at aang, blushing and thinking back on her fortune………. like be forreal. ofc it didn’t say who…it’s a fortune they don’t give you outright answers. Also no it doesn’t mean she was in love….yet. She obviously liked her/was gaining affection for him & has shown that affection she has for him numerous times.

    • @MegaMilenche
      @MegaMilenche ปีที่แล้ว

      @@san6984 That damn fortune teller also predicted that Katara will die in her sleep when her 3rd grandchild is born. Que LoK and she is still live and kicking after the birth of her 4th grand kid. So, obviously the fortuneteller lied. Ergo, if Katara married Aang because of some fraud's lies, then she fucked herself over.

    @xHOTxCHOCOxFUDGEx 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I never finished watching this show. I stopped at some point. But I remember thinking Zhukov and Katara would’ve made a good couple. I honestly only thought Aang just had a typical crush on an older girl, but Katara only saw him like a little brother. So the fact that Katara and Aang ended up together just baffles me. I am highly disappointed that Zuko and Katara didn’t end up with each other.

  • @Jelloishereee
    @Jelloishereee ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Zuko was the villain to them for like 80% of the show so in my opinion it would have felt rushed from her hating him to loving him in like 10 episodes 4 of which are focusing on the fight with the Fire Lord and she has known Ang for the whole show

    • @Megan-sr4du
      @Megan-sr4du 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ViewerOnline101
    @ViewerOnline101 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I’m saying this as someone who was a Kataanger all throughout the series airing, Zutara is by far the superior ship. As a kid, I shipped Kataang, but as I got older and gained a better understanding of relationships, writing, story, and characters, I saw just how heavily flawed and incompatible Kataang was and how Zutara was vastly superior and made so much more sense, and so I jumped ships. Zuko and Katara know, understand, and relate to each other better than anyone else in the show. They stand as equals who make each other better people and help one another grow. There was chemistry between them throughout the show (which the creators said they deliberately put in there), and even though I was a Kataanger and very anti-Zutara at the times, when Katara healed Zuko after their fight with Azula, I fully expected them to kiss and was surprised they didn’t. Katara had such a better and brighter future with Zuko than with Aang. She could have gone on to do great things, help bring the nations together and establish peace, even be a symbol of unity, harmony, and balance as Fire Lady despite being Water Tribe. Even from a political standing, it made sense for them to wed. Literally everything was there and worked perfectly for them as a couple and with a great future together. I actually took a writing course, and the way Zutara plays out literally aligns with how most modern romances novels do. Plus, they look really good together.
    With Kataang, though, the relationship was heavily flawed, with Katara only showing 3 brief instances of any interest in Aang romantically throughout the enter series, and after they occurred, her behavior doesn’t change towards him at all, as if those moments never happened, and she continues to treat him like a son/little brother. Aang borderline stalks her and basically makes a claim on her without her consent, and constantly pressures her into returning his feelings. He even forces a kiss on her after she told him she was confused and didn’t want a relationship with everything going on with the war (that’s called sexual assault). The relationship really isn’t healthy. Aang is almost dependent on her and makes so many decisions that simply revolve around having her with him; he even chose to sacrifice the world and/or innocent people on more than one occasion because he wanted her more. And sure, I’ve heard the argument that Aang is just a kid and so doesn’t understand relationships and will mature, but that’s my point, Kataang wasn’t the epic romance Kataangers pretend it is.
    Even in the post-series comic with them as a couple, uch, it’s horrible. Their dialogue with each other and the way they interact with each other is just… no. It’s not cute, or romantic, or attractive, or sexy, or even wholesome, it’s super cringy. And Katara becomes even more motherly and determine to please Aang in literally everything he wants and decides, even if she disagrees with him, just because she wants him to be happy. And look where she ended up. She becomes a baby-making stay at home mom/housewife whose best known for her healing (the very thing she fought Pakku against being stuck as). That’s like a woman fighting to get out of the kitchen just to turn around and go into the kitchen. She could have had so much potential, become a great master Waterbender, done so many great things, but no. Instead, she gets so little recognition that she’s the only member of the GAang that doesn’t get a statue of her, even though she was the one to defeat Azula. She deserved so much better.
    And all this isn’t just me bashing the ship or expressing my opinion. We SAW how dysfunctional and broken their family life was in Legend Of Korra. I’m sorry to say it, but Aang is a bad father and poor husband. He overly-pressured Tenzin and forced everything he wanted on him and openly favored him while completely neglecting and ignoring his other two kids to the point where they all become resentful of him and of each other and held grudges they never get over and having their family divided and estranged. This can all point back to Katara never stepping up to address Aang’s behavior since she’s always mothering him and just wants him to be happy, so now their kids suffered greatly because she never did anything about the way Aang was treating them. This just shows how incompatible they are as a couple. It was even stated that despite becoming an adult, Aang never grew up (yet they tried to push the idea that Katara found that endearing), and that’s likely due to Katara always mothering him and being the adult, so he never had to grow up. Katara doesn’t need a little boy that she’s always catering to for a partner though, she needs a man, an equal. So we saw for ourselves just how poorly Kataang worked out and how so much of Katara’s potential was wasted when she could have had so much more with Zuko. I don’t think that’s how the writers intended Kataang to be, but if you actually look at it, that’s what happened.
    So I’m sorry to all the Kataangers, but Zutara is vastly superior and makes so much more sense in literally every way. You’re free to ship Kataang all you want, power to you, but it falls way short of Zutara and what could have been, especially compared to what we saw the result of Kataang was in LoK. Kataang may have been the canon ship, but Zutara is the better one. So much potential lost for a poorly written and undeserved “hero gets girl” trope. Zutara has unlimited potential that has so many good things possible for both Katara and Zuko, while Kataang, well, we saw how problematic that ended up being.
    Rant over. I know I repeated several of your points, but that's because I agreed with them and wanted to add my own thoughts. The series should have ended with Katara and Zuko kissing and Aang seeing them from up on the roof or something and then smiling before looking out upon the horizon of a now peaceful world and being content that everything was as it should be.