After much retrospective, and getting the helmet to work... it is indeed a bad design. Not a QC issue... but completely flawed. Yes, it is possible to fit the mask on the chin piece but there's no effort that should be required. I'm not disappointed in it since I got it to work but it is worth criticizing nonetheless. TVC has done a better job overall with the helmet, and the peg for the arm on TVC is far more solid than the standard peg used for TBS which makes it swivel and pop off when we don't want to. That's the most frustrating aspect of it. I do have a secondary unit on card along with TVC.
I agree with your assessment. Its a great figure otherwise, but we should expect better from TBS. Especially considering the recent price increases to almost $30 a figure.
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After much retrospective, and getting the helmet to work... it is indeed a bad design. Not a QC issue... but completely flawed. Yes, it is possible to fit the mask on the chin piece but there's no effort that should be required. I'm not disappointed in it since I got it to work but it is worth criticizing nonetheless. TVC has done a better job overall with the helmet, and the peg for the arm on TVC is far more solid than the standard peg used for TBS which makes it swivel and pop off when we don't want to. That's the most frustrating aspect of it. I do have a secondary unit on card along with TVC.
I agree with your assessment. Its a great figure otherwise, but we should expect better from TBS. Especially considering the recent price increases to almost $30 a figure.
In the thumbnail image it looks like Gumby Luke. But then you click on the video and he looks normal.
Was that on purpose?
The image in the thumbnail is from Hasbro. You are right its not a good image.