I have several dupes (not from this seller) but they are so good and the quality is excellent, I will never buy another authentic again. I have a 23 year old authentic speedy 30 monogram print and at this point I really just want to sell that one!
Hi! I am curious if you still have the bag in your collection and how has it held up quality wise? Do you still carry it & love it compared to the speedy? Thanks so much for your video, I am really thinking about this one so a little more info would be awesome!
I have several dupes (not from this seller) but they are so good and the quality is excellent, I will never buy another authentic again. I have a 23 year old authentic speedy 30 monogram print and at this point I really just want to sell that one!
I can't say their reproductions are the best in the world, but I can vouch for the best quality at the right price D U P B A G Y
So cute. I wish the openings were bigger on these bags though.
Yeah me too. It helps to keep things in pouches so you find stuff quickly with the small opening 🌷
Does this come with a removable base?
Hi! I am curious if you still have the bag in your collection and how has it held up quality wise? Do you still carry it & love it compared to the speedy? Thanks so much for your video, I am really thinking about this one so a little more info would be awesome!
Yes I do! I love it
Oh my goodness I have missed your videos
Awww thank you! Glad to be posting videos again ❤️❤️❤️❤️
*hqluxy* hydrate I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter