Божественная красота, эти ювелирные изделия. Мира и процветания Вам и Вашему бизнесу на долгие годы для Радости нас во Благо и процветание нашей планеты Земля во все времена, с Божьей помощью. Хочу иметь такую роскошь у меня в новой шкатулке для Радости Души, Духа, Тела; во Здравии Души, Духа, Тела во Благо и процветание нашей Родины Россия во все времена, с Божьей помощью.
Thanks! I don't really mind the ads, since they DO pay for all this. And normally, they let me see what sort of information the bots are collecting - or not. This time, though, I thought the selection was funny.
Because you probably are in the demographic to go to SHONEY'S or there's one near you. It's not just topic targeting, there's geographic and demographic targeting too :)
Superb pieces of Jewels !!!!
Thank you😁
Божественная красота, эти ювелирные изделия. Мира и процветания Вам и Вашему бизнесу на долгие годы для Радости нас во Благо и процветание нашей планеты Земля во все времена, с Божьей помощью. Хочу иметь такую роскошь у меня в новой шкатулке для Радости Души, Духа, Тела; во Здравии Души, Духа, Тела во Благо и процветание нашей Родины Россия во все времена, с Божьей помощью.
Now that's recession proof...
Prekratke su scene.
God...Thanks for the dream
And 'AdsByGoogle' overlays this video with an ad for SHONEY'S!!!! Because 'Sotheby's' and 'Shoney's' look alike to the bot choosing the ads?
Thanks! I don't really mind the ads, since they DO pay for all this. And normally, they let me see what sort of information the bots are collecting - or not. This time, though, I thought the selection was funny.
Because you probably are in the demographic to go to SHONEY'S or there's one near you. It's not just topic targeting, there's geographic and demographic targeting too :)