I'm happy to be a member of the Church of Christ for over 50 years and want to show others the good news about Jesus dying for our sins so that we can believe and obey with baptism and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And be with Him forever 💕
I love your studies in general. These beliefs are exactly what my Baptist church teaches. We are known as people of the book and are taught to evaluate everything against the bible. The bible being the final authority
@LB-hi6zc I know my Bible and that's not it...Paul tells us in 1 Corithians 15:1-4 how we are saved and in Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us what happens after we believe the gospel of salvation.
@LB-hi6zc Not trying to argue...I just think people truly need to know the gospel of salvation and what happens after they believe....Most churches think we are still in the Kingdom Gospel that was Jesus's earthly ministry to Israel...Jesus gave Paul the revelation of the mystery to show us The Gospel of Jesus Christ..His heavily ministry
@@power-through-faith must be missing the point you are trying to make. I agree we are saved by God's grace, sending his son to die for our sins and raising him from the dead so all who believe may be saved. I believe any sincere beliefs will translate into action. Believers will be baptised and live to please the Lord
You are 💯 correct I'm also a leader for the Christian Church the Church of Christ, so easy if people just read the Bible on Lord one faith one baptiziem so easy to follow but people want to change God's word, with their own ideas, God is the creator its what he said, doesn't matter what we want ,only what God wants.
So the main, overall MISSION of any church I would ever want to be a part of would be to seek and save the lost.. there are many things that help model that goal - a heart of worship, showing the love of Christ by meeting the needs of others (Jesus almost always started out by meeting a physical need).. but if the ultimate goal is not to see souls saved, it’s the wrong goal
@@wesleycrisp6523 As a born-again Christian, I am a member of the church that Christ built. But I am not a member of the denomination called the Church of Christ.
Thank brother Mike God continue to bless strengthen you to preach these excellent lessons Praying.that they will continue to help us to stay grounded focus and lead the lost to Christ Iwas introduced to your lessons by my preacher 's wife I'm learning so much I really appreciate your good work God bless you and family Always thank you🙏
I find one error with this presentation....... the Lord's Church has always been in existance since Acts 2. Continousouly. There are congregations of the Lord's Church, in the USA, that predate ANY Restoration Movement activites. While the activities, sermons and teachings out of the Restoration Movement are a tremendous help and should be studied, they are not the source of the church of Christ. They did not found or establish the church of Christ. There are congregations whose bullentins and articles can be pulled from materials in some of the oldest documents in some of the libraries in England. Those members refused to be called by any other name than Christian, they had the Lord's Supper weekly and would very much fit in with the congregations where I have attended over the years. And this material is scattered throughout libraries in jolly old England dating back to AD 350. See the book Traces of the Kingdom for a better handling of this. While I agree that the Lord's Church is vastly different than any denomination, it has been here since Acts 2.
I am interested in what Traces of the Kingdom has to say... I would assume there has always been a "faithful remnant" throughout the centuries, since the establishment of the church in Acts 2, but would say that the "churches of Christ" in existence today, are the product of the restoration movement... I applaud the work of Campbell and Stone, in attempting to "restore" the new testament church, but would agree in point of fact that the "church" of Christ is the body of believers who have acted in faithful obedience throughout the centuries... probably bumbling along the way, as we do currently, but saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord’s church has always been in existence during the last 2000 years, among people displaying Christ’s power in their lives. They were found amongst the Eastern Orthodox, Syriacs, Coptic and others, medieval Catholics, proto-Protestants such as Waldensians and Hussites. Yes, they often held what we might consider to be errors. Sometimes they only had fragments of scripture in their languages because the word of God was confined to languages they did not understand. Then the reformation began and people had the Word of God in languages they understood. During the reformation and Puritan era, New Testament Christianity was fully restored.
@@neofitagacis7303 you are incorrect. All of the bodies that you mentioned did not or do not teach the Word. They teach a version of it and as such, are not the Lord's Church. You can find documentation in the Libraries of England going all the way back to the 300's AD that sound just like the church of Christ today. The Bible and it alone. Christians and no other title. Baptism (immersion) FOR the forgivesness of sins. A LOCAL body of believers overseen by an LOCAL eldership and no other ties to Earthly organizations. ALL the groups that are spawned out of the reformation are Cathoilic denominations of some sort. By their own admission they are protesting something about the Catholic Church. The true Church has ALWAYS been in existance since Acts 2. It was restored in some sense during the Restoration Movement but since Acts 2, there have been faithful member of the Lord's Church meeting on the first day of the week for worship.
I'm a member of a church of Christ, but just keep in mind that I do not speak on behalf of every congregation or even my own congregation, because the churches and beliefs are not monolithic. The churches of Christ are autonomous bodies of believers, each congregation operates within its own confines, under the headship of Christ and, to a lesser extent, under the leadership of appointed elders (pastors/shepherds/overseers) within each congregation. Speaking for myself and the limited knowledge I have of Anglicans, I consider them as fellow Christians. No doubt, while our theology might differ on some things, I believe we share the same fundamental understanding about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We would most likely be in alignment over the Nicene Creed, although the churches of Christ do not formally endorse or abide by any creed that is not explicitly derived from the Scripture. But that doesn't mean we don't agree with various creeds, as long as they are biblically-based. As I indicated before, you'll find some variation between the churches of Christ when it comes to the "non-essentials", but we want to express charity in all things and have loving discussions about what we believe. We are all sinners in the hands of a loving God, so we just want to love Him, study His Word together, preach the truth, and love others as He loves us. Not sure if that helps, but that's my personal answer.
@@jonathanhansen1222 Johnathan, I like what you had to say, but frankly there are differences between the churches of Christ, that I would agree are "typically" "non-essentials", yet have split the church over the years to the point of unwillingness to fellowship together. and often labeling those churches who do not agree with us as "unsound". Please see my other commentary I made to this video
Know this Brother Mike Mazalongo the Nursery should be "Utilized" so that the Spiritually Sick can be fed. Have you ever done a sermon on the importance of taking your noise making baby/toddler/child to the Nursery (so others can Hear) and how the noises that their baby/toddler/child makes may be of no big deal to the Mother of those babies/toddlers/children, but to those who have hearing problems or who just want to be able to hear "You Feed The Flock The Word Of God" may want to hear so that they may be comforted and Spiritually Fed the Word of God. If your Nursery doesn't have a speaker with your sermon coming through it, then install one and a closed caption TV Monitor with you on it Preaching, then install such equipment. We have enough Noise and Stress in our Lives. Church is the one place that should be a Refuge for the People of the Body of Christ. Why are Preachers so scared to address this issue. We had a Preacher at our church of Christ that would announce right before he started to Preach, " Ladies Please take your Babies/Toddlers/Children to the Nursery so that we can hear the Word of God. If anyone is offended by what I have said then go to God about it. Church use to be a good place to go to be Renew and Lifted up now the Noise is just like every other church. So Sad, So Sad. What has subtly crept into church, think about it really think about it???
The Church of Christ, in my experience, has caused significant harm to my family. I am thankful to God for rescuing me from this group, as they propagate misleading teachings. I urge anyone reading this to steer clear of them, as they have the potential to alienate you from your loved ones. Keep moving forward and do not associate with them.
Dont think he came to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34-36. You dont argue from scripture or logic. Think about what u said. The church Jesus founded caused harm to ur family and then u thank God u left his church.
When St. Paul reached Ephesus he learnt that they were not heard about Holy Spurit. Then St. Paul asked which baptism have they taken...If they were baptised atleast they would have heard about Boly Soirit ie. When the discioles baptised they baptised in the name of Heavenky Father, The Sin of God and the Holy Spirit. (Trinity) At the tone if baptism of Christ Jesus presence of Father Son and the Holy Spirit cane together as one
I Peter 3:21 says that baptism does save us... what is it you need explained? If you want to understand more of the "how" baptism saves us, I would refer you to Romans 6. I would also note that baptism is not a "work" it is an act of faithful obedience to the gospel message, and that we are saved by grace through faith, not by works per Ephesians 2:8.
Mike, I have been a member of the church of Christ for 54 years,,, since I was baptized at age 10. I teach the gospel message as you do and though clearly understanding that we are saved by grace through Faith... that faith is one of obedience to the gospel message of salvation, in which I see the scriptures being very clear on the importance of responding to the gospel message in baptism for salvation as per Acts 2:38, multiple example of conversion throughout Acts and further explained (on what that means) through Romans 6. This, I would say is the primary reason I remain a member of a "church of Christ". However, there is a point I want to address that you made about 21 minutes in where you said,,,, "maybe legalistic at times, but never once has anyone accused or demonstrated that we're doing or teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ." First, you make this comment, as though universally churches of Christ, are all on the same page... which we are not. We have institutional and non-institutional churches (old terms, conservative, liberal, anti, mainline...) who do not agree and have split (circa 1950s) over "authority" on use of the collection of the saints. And more splits that have occurred before (circa 1900) and continue to split such that the "church of Christ" today is either on a large scale not in unity, or on a small scale narrowly defined as to which churches are actually "sound" or "approved". How could this fractured group who are clearly not unified exist in such a state unless at least some of these churches are teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ or the apostles? If as you note, we are "maybe legalistic, at times"... which I believe we frequently are in the church of Christ (doesn't matter whether speaking of institutional of non-institutional) ... in doing so, we "are" teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This was the very thing that Jesus addressed with the Pharisees, making laws where there were none. When we superimpose "laws" that are not expressed, we are teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees regarding why the apostles were picking grain on the sabbath, they had a basis for such an accusation, Exodus 34:21 which forbade "harvesting" on the sabbath. Yet, Jesus answered them in a way we would never consider from our "authority" model... he pointed out that when David was hungry he ate the shewbread which was not lawful for him to eat. Let me give you just one example of how we do this today (even going further than the Pharisees did by making a "law" out of a single example)... Jesus instituted the Lord;s supper and Paul notes in I Corinthians 11:23-26 that he said "as oft as you take it do so in remembrance of me" No frequency is specified by Jesus, nor by apostolic teaching. Yet, there is one example given in Acts 20:7 where Luke said when we came together on the first day of the week to "break bread"... this has been used to form a "rule" that the Lord's supper is to be taken on the first day of the week, and no other time is "authorized"... yet, there is no distinction in the greek text of the use of this term "breaking bread" in Acts 20:7 and Acts 2:46 where the early Christians were "breaking bread" from house to house daily. The church, by and large has taught that those were just meals in Acts 2, but it was the Lord;s supper in Acts 20... really??? And we can "prove" this how??? Further, if we want to hang our hat on it being first day of the week alone, guess what... they didn't take it on the first day in Acts 20,, Luke records that Paul preached until midnight, then Eutychus fell out the window and died, Paul revived him... and then "we broke bread"... the next day. There is an excellent article on this by Al Massey, a church of Christ preacher from New Mexico here: www.zianet.com/maxey/reflx168.htm But please don't think I write this to just try to make a point only about the Lord's supper... "we" in the church of Christ have superimposed rules in multiple areas based on Direct Command, Approved Example, Necessary Inference, and then applied that model however we see fit... able to fashion a "rule" regarding Lord's supper on one "example" verse (Acts 20:7) and able to dismiss "direct command" verses as "not applicable today" because that was "cultural", like women keeping silence in the church, greet ye one another with a holy kiss,,, etc, In other words we act like we are purist in the area of biblical authority, applying our "authority model" rigidly, even dismissing other scriptures that would be contrary to that application on whatever topics we hold fast to that we consider we hold the truth on, and then dismissing use of it, when we don't find it works for our current practices today. Brother, I don't write this as a challenge to your faith of any of our other brothers faith, but I write sincerely in hopes that we can get away from this :legalistic" approach to our study of God;s word to us, and while continuing to search the scriptures daily, as per the Berean example, we do so in the manner that our Lord would want us to do.
Only to Churches mentioned in the Bible: the church of Christ and the church of God, which one in the same which is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost/Spirit, the three are One. Read the Holy Bible and find it for yourself.
I would advise against it. They preach that you must be water baptized to have your sins remitted or else you will go to hell. The Bible tells us that the sins of the world were forgiven on the cross as recorded in II Corinthians 5:18-21. II Corinthians 5:18-21 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. All denominations (including the CoC) have one thing in common. They all preach that the church that is the body of Christ started on Pentecost. This means that they all combine the gospel of the kingdom which is recorded in Luke 1:30-33 (preached at Pentecost - see Acts 2:30) with the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4 and preached ONLY by our Apostle Paul. Basically, if you believe the CoC doctrines for your salvation, then there is zero chance of salvation, because you do not understand and believe the true gospel. We are saved when we believe the gospel of the grace of God found in I Corinthians 15:1-4. This gospel was taught ONLY by our Apostle Paul. I Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
And over 50 subgroups of the Church of Christ. I am wondering what standard you used to determine that the Church of Christ is the only group in history trying to consistently restore Christianity in the world.
We are autonomous like how the church is in the bible. What do u mean we have 50 subgroups, how r u determining what a subgroup is? And thats not really an argument against what we teach.
@coxcult-e8z u can say that about every church except the universalist. You r just saying stuff and even if true that doesn't prove anything by itself.
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug Do you have some type of document that identifies these 130 times or is this just an exaggeration? I do agree there have been many splits... so this isn't an argument.
The reason I’m asking is because what about the thief on the cross? He wasn’t baptized with water, but through faith, he was baptized by the Holy Spirit. Just trying to understand what the church of Christ believes
We are to rightly divide the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15). The word of truth is the gospel of our salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14). When we believe the gospel of the grace of God we are saved. I Corinthians 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. We are Spiritually baptized into the body of Christ upon salvation. I Corinthians 12:13 - For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
@@grantgwin6084 So, it is hard to say what the church of Christ" believes, because the church of Christ is the body of believers in Christ, not by title over the building, and every individual who is a member of that body (no matter what the name is on the building where they meet) has to "work out their salvation with fear and trembling". Now, I'll tell you what I believe in a nutshell... that is that Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again, of both water and the spirit. We are baptized in water and in the name of the father son and holy spirit. Peter says in Acts 2:38 we need to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and we will receive the gift of the holy spirit. So, why wouldn't we follow the message provided to us in scripture? Bringing up the thief on the cross (who clearly couldn't come down off it to be baptized), or perhaps Cornelius who in Acts 10 received the spirit prior to baptism is only bringing up examples that God can save whomever he wants however he wants. But, God does not ever tell us it's ok not to obey what he tells us. So, why would we point to these examples? He didn't tell us to get on a cross and asked to be saved by Jesus. He didn't tell us to be a righteous gentile example to Jewish Christians to demonstrate that Christ died for not only the Jew but the Gentile.
Excellent teaching - as usual. I appreciate this very much since I wanted to know what was particularly unique about the Church of Christ. Does anyone know how this compares to the Church of God?
They are both denominations that combine the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of the grace of God and preach a combo gospel. We are not to combine the gospel of the grace of God with the gospel of the kingdom recorded in Luke 1:30-33. This gospel was taught by Peter and the 11. We are saved when we believe the gospel of the grace of God found in I Corinthians 15:1-4. This gospel was taught ONLY by our Apostle Paul.
@@MaLiArtworks186 Sorry, but that gospel of the kingdom was paused and the gospel of the grace of God was given to the entire world by our Apostle Paul. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached by the 144,000 during the Tribulation. Romans 3:4 - “…yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” God is a faithful and true God. The Word of God is faithful and true. God will keep and fulfill every promise He has made to the nation of Israel regarding the promise of an eternal earthly kingdom as preached by Jesus while on earth and Peter and the 11. God will also fulfill the promises made to the church that is the body of Christ through our Apostle Paul. Those of us who believe by faith the gospel in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be rewarded throughout eternity. You and others can call God a liar through your Replacement Theology and Covenant Theology. However, your lies cannot cover nor replace the truthfulness of God.
For sincere believers who know their Bible and are stumbling in to this denomination, for whatever reason, no, the Church of Christ is not the correct church. The Lord would have let you know a long time ago if it was. Don't believe me? Stick around for a while and get to know some members, you will soon figure out what I mean.
Nabatian kna sia lagab-i nag urinula sia,tapós wess,wesseess,klaro sos gin kulbaan ako hamak,tapos nagpalanindog ang akon balahibo da ng ors ang lalim,nakab ihon d kna gintam aw ang tym kay basi ano pa akon makita
What is your teaching about The Heavenly Father( as the Vine dresser in John 15) who is glorified when the branches of the Vine branches bears fruits) Jesus keeps the commandments of the Heavenky Father who keeps His commandments ABIDES IN THE HEAVENLY FATHER HENCE HEAVENLY FATHER AND CHRIST JESUS ALONG WITH HOLY SPIRIT ARE ONE AND THE SAME HAVING DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS IN SALVATION AND LIFE AS CHRISTIANS. IT IS NOT A RELEGION But tye Only Way to Eternity with God Triunue or Trinity
Ecclesiastes says there is nothing "NEW" under the Sun!!! People want it their way instead of God's way and God's Ways are not the "ways of man". Read the Holy Bible the same things are still going on as in Biblical Times.
Don't member any church on the world , in your name anything else you have ? Can't go heavens , even your Bible , this world things are belong to prince of the world
I'm proud to a member of Church of Christ Watching from Kuwait
Am very Proud In The Mighty Name of Lord Jesus Christ, am part of Church of Christ past 4 years i lernt so many things as per d word of God BUBLE
I'm happy to be a member of the Church of Christ for over 50 years and want to show others the good news about Jesus dying for our sins so that we can believe and obey with baptism and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And be with Him forever 💕
I love your studies in general. These beliefs are exactly what my Baptist church teaches. We are known as people of the book and are taught to evaluate everything against the bible. The bible being the final authority
What's the gospel of salvation? Most Baptist churches I've ask have no clue.
@power-through-faith Read Romans 10 an Ephesians 2:8
@LB-hi6zc I know my Bible and that's not it...Paul tells us in 1 Corithians 15:1-4 how we are saved and in Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us what happens after we believe the gospel of salvation.
@LB-hi6zc Not trying to argue...I just think people truly need to know the gospel of salvation and what happens after they believe....Most churches think we are still in the Kingdom Gospel that was Jesus's earthly ministry to Israel...Jesus gave Paul the revelation of the mystery to show us The Gospel of Jesus Christ..His heavily ministry
@@power-through-faith must be missing the point you are trying to make. I agree we are saved by God's grace, sending his son to die for our sins and raising him from the dead so all who believe may be saved. I believe any sincere beliefs will translate into action. Believers will be baptised and live to please the Lord
You are 💯 correct I'm also a leader for the Christian Church the Church of Christ, so easy if people just read the Bible on Lord one faith one baptiziem so easy to follow but people want to change God's word, with their own ideas, God is the creator its what he said, doesn't matter what we want ,only what God wants.
I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized for the remission of my sin 11 months before my 20th birthday
I am proudly a member of the church of Christ. ❤️
Watching from Nigeria.
So the main, overall MISSION of any church I would ever want to be a part of would be to seek and save the lost.. there are many things that help model that goal - a heart of worship, showing the love of Christ by meeting the needs of others (Jesus almost always started out by meeting a physical need).. but if the ultimate goal is not to see souls saved, it’s the wrong goal
And the CoX does not evangelize and NEVER has!! NOT the NT Church!
Thank you Mike - well explained - wonderful message AMEN
I’m a member of the church of Christ, but not the Church of Christ.
@@wesleycrisp6523 As a born-again Christian, I am a member of the church that Christ built. But I am not a member of the denomination called the Church of Christ.
All true Christians have the right Lord - the triune God, with the Lord Jesus Christ who is fully God and the Holy Spirit who is fully God.
Im a member of Church of Christ from Kenya
Awesome statement of the truth Thank you
Thank brother Mike God continue to bless strengthen you to preach these excellent lessons Praying.that they will continue to help us to stay grounded focus and lead the lost to Christ Iwas introduced to your lessons by my preacher 's wife I'm learning so much I really appreciate your good work God bless you and family Always thank you🙏
You got it right brother,from Roy Newton
I find one error with this presentation....... the Lord's Church has always been in existance since Acts 2. Continousouly. There are congregations of the Lord's Church, in the USA, that predate ANY Restoration Movement activites. While the activities, sermons and teachings out of the Restoration Movement are a tremendous help and should be studied, they are not the source of the church of Christ. They did not found or establish the church of Christ. There are congregations whose bullentins and articles can be pulled from materials in some of the oldest documents in some of the libraries in England. Those members refused to be called by any other name than Christian, they had the Lord's Supper weekly and would very much fit in with the congregations where I have attended over the years. And this material is scattered throughout libraries in jolly old England dating back to AD 350. See the book Traces of the Kingdom for a better handling of this. While I agree that the Lord's Church is vastly different than any denomination, it has been here since Acts 2.
I am interested in what Traces of the Kingdom has to say... I would assume there has always been a "faithful remnant" throughout the centuries, since the establishment of the church in Acts 2, but would say that the "churches of Christ" in existence today, are the product of the restoration movement... I applaud the work of Campbell and Stone, in attempting to "restore" the new testament church, but would agree in point of fact that the "church" of Christ is the body of believers who have acted in faithful obedience throughout the centuries... probably bumbling along the way, as we do currently, but saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord’s church has always been in existence during the last 2000 years, among people displaying Christ’s power in their lives. They were found amongst the Eastern Orthodox, Syriacs, Coptic and others, medieval Catholics, proto-Protestants such as Waldensians and Hussites. Yes, they often held what we might consider to be errors. Sometimes they only had fragments of scripture in their languages because the word of God was confined to languages they did not understand. Then the reformation began and people had the Word of God in languages they understood. During the reformation and Puritan era, New Testament Christianity was fully restored.
@@neofitagacis7303 you are incorrect. All of the bodies that you mentioned did not or do not teach the Word. They teach a version of it and as such, are not the Lord's Church. You can find documentation in the Libraries of England going all the way back to the 300's AD that sound just like the church of Christ today. The Bible and it alone. Christians and no other title. Baptism (immersion) FOR the forgivesness of sins. A LOCAL body of believers overseen by an LOCAL eldership and no other ties to Earthly organizations. ALL the groups that are spawned out of the reformation are Cathoilic denominations of some sort. By their own admission they are protesting something about the Catholic Church. The true Church has ALWAYS been in existance since Acts 2. It was restored in some sense during the Restoration Movement but since Acts 2, there have been faithful member of the Lord's Church meeting on the first day of the week for worship.
Thank you so much
Watching brother.
St.Paul write that he spoke in other tongues mlre than many others.
He clarifies that those who spoke in other tpngues speak to God and get edified
Wonder how you guys feel about Anglicans
Great question my friend, I'm wondering the same?
I'm a member of a church of Christ, but just keep in mind that I do not speak on behalf of every congregation or even my own congregation, because the churches and beliefs are not monolithic. The churches of Christ are autonomous bodies of believers, each congregation operates within its own confines, under the headship of Christ and, to a lesser extent, under the leadership of appointed elders (pastors/shepherds/overseers) within each congregation. Speaking for myself and the limited knowledge I have of Anglicans, I consider them as fellow Christians. No doubt, while our theology might differ on some things, I believe we share the same fundamental understanding about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We would most likely be in alignment over the Nicene Creed, although the churches of Christ do not formally endorse or abide by any creed that is not explicitly derived from the Scripture. But that doesn't mean we don't agree with various creeds, as long as they are biblically-based. As I indicated before, you'll find some variation between the churches of Christ when it comes to the "non-essentials", but we want to express charity in all things and have loving discussions about what we believe. We are all sinners in the hands of a loving God, so we just want to love Him, study His Word together, preach the truth, and love others as He loves us. Not sure if that helps, but that's my personal answer.
@@jonathanhansen1222 Johnathan, I like what you had to say, but frankly there are differences between the churches of Christ, that I would agree are "typically" "non-essentials", yet have split the church over the years to the point of unwillingness to fellowship together. and often labeling those churches who do not agree with us as "unsound". Please see my other commentary I made to this video
Know this Brother Mike Mazalongo the Nursery should be "Utilized" so that the Spiritually Sick can be fed. Have you ever done a sermon on the importance of taking your noise making baby/toddler/child to the Nursery (so others can Hear) and how the noises that their baby/toddler/child makes may be of no big deal to the Mother of those babies/toddlers/children, but to those who have hearing problems or who just want to be able to hear "You Feed The Flock The Word Of God" may want to hear so that they may be comforted and Spiritually Fed the Word of God.
If your Nursery doesn't have a speaker with your sermon coming through it, then install one and a closed caption TV Monitor with you on it Preaching, then install such equipment. We have enough Noise and Stress in our Lives. Church is the one place that should be a Refuge for the People of the Body of Christ. Why are Preachers so scared to address this issue. We had a Preacher at our church of Christ that would announce right before he started to Preach, " Ladies Please take your Babies/Toddlers/Children to the Nursery so that we can hear the Word of God. If anyone is offended by what I have said then go to God about it. Church use to be a good place to go to be Renew and Lifted up now the Noise is just like every other church. So Sad, So Sad. What has subtly crept into church, think about it really think about it???
😂 😂😂 silly
Jesus said, "Suffer or don't stop babies and children from coming to me."
The Church of Christ, in my experience, has caused significant harm to my family. I am thankful to God for rescuing me from this group, as they propagate misleading teachings. I urge anyone reading this to steer clear of them, as they have the potential to alienate you from your loved ones. Keep moving forward and do not associate with them.
Me too!! Totally agree!! Thank you Lord!!
Dont think he came to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34-36.
You dont argue from scripture or logic. Think about what u said. The church Jesus founded caused harm to ur family and then u thank God u left his church.
@@thegollyer903 Tne CoX is a Cult DENOMINATION and as far from the true Church as you can get!!!
I'm curious exactly how it is the CoC caused harm to you or your family, thanks.
@@thegollyer903 You're brainwashed by a Cult.
2ND TIMOTHY 2: 15, 16, 19,
Tongues means Languages, Languages that are Understandable.
When St. Paul reached Ephesus he learnt that they were not heard about Holy Spurit. Then St. Paul asked which baptism have they taken...If they were baptised atleast they would have heard about Boly Soirit ie. When the discioles baptised they baptised in the name of Heavenky Father, The Sin of God and the Holy Spirit. (Trinity)
At the tone if baptism of Christ Jesus presence of Father Son and the Holy Spirit cane together as one
Explain 1 Peter 3:21 if baptism is mandatory for salvation.
I Peter 3:21 says that baptism does save us... what is it you need explained? If you want to understand more of the "how" baptism saves us, I would refer you to Romans 6. I would also note that baptism is not a "work" it is an act of faithful obedience to the gospel message, and that we are saved by grace through faith, not by works per Ephesians 2:8.
The videos on youtube have been scrambled making it hard to navigate.
I love this lesson ❤
Mike, I have been a member of the church of Christ for 54 years,,, since I was baptized at age 10. I teach the gospel message as you do and though clearly understanding that we are saved by grace through Faith... that faith is one of obedience to the gospel message of salvation, in which I see the scriptures being very clear on the importance of responding to the gospel message in baptism for salvation as per Acts 2:38, multiple example of conversion throughout Acts and further explained (on what that means) through Romans 6. This, I would say is the primary reason I remain a member of a "church of Christ".
However, there is a point I want to address that you made about 21 minutes in where you said,,,,
"maybe legalistic at times, but never once has anyone accused or demonstrated that we're doing or teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ."
First, you make this comment, as though universally churches of Christ, are all on the same page... which we are not. We have institutional and non-institutional churches (old terms, conservative, liberal, anti, mainline...) who do not agree and have split (circa 1950s) over "authority" on use of the collection of the saints. And more splits that have occurred before (circa 1900) and continue to split such that the "church of Christ" today is either on a large scale not in unity, or on a small scale narrowly defined as to which churches are actually "sound" or "approved". How could this fractured group who are clearly not unified exist in such a state unless at least some of these churches are teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ or the apostles?
If as you note, we are "maybe legalistic, at times"... which I believe we frequently are in the church of Christ (doesn't matter whether speaking of institutional of non-institutional) ... in doing so, we "are" teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This was the very thing that Jesus addressed with the Pharisees, making laws where there were none. When we superimpose "laws" that are not expressed, we are teaching something contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees regarding why the apostles were picking grain on the sabbath, they had a basis for such an accusation, Exodus 34:21 which forbade "harvesting" on the sabbath. Yet, Jesus answered them in a way we would never consider from our "authority" model... he pointed out that when David was hungry he ate the shewbread which was not lawful for him to eat.
Let me give you just one example of how we do this today (even going further than the Pharisees did by making a "law" out of a single example)... Jesus instituted the Lord;s supper and Paul notes in I Corinthians 11:23-26 that he said "as oft as you take it do so in remembrance of me" No frequency is specified by Jesus, nor by apostolic teaching. Yet, there is one example given in Acts 20:7 where Luke said when we came together on the first day of the week to "break bread"... this has been used to form a "rule" that the Lord's supper is to be taken on the first day of the week, and no other time is "authorized"... yet, there is no distinction in the greek text of the use of this term "breaking bread" in Acts 20:7 and Acts 2:46 where the early Christians were "breaking bread" from house to house daily. The church, by and large has taught that those were just meals in Acts 2, but it was the Lord;s supper in Acts 20... really??? And we can "prove" this how??? Further, if we want to hang our hat on it being first day of the week alone, guess what... they didn't take it on the first day in Acts 20,, Luke records that Paul preached until midnight, then Eutychus fell out the window and died, Paul revived him... and then "we broke bread"... the next day.
There is an excellent article on this by Al Massey, a church of Christ preacher from New Mexico here:
But please don't think I write this to just try to make a point only about the Lord's supper... "we" in the church of Christ have superimposed rules in multiple areas based on Direct Command, Approved Example, Necessary Inference, and then applied that model however we see fit... able to fashion a "rule" regarding Lord's supper on one "example" verse (Acts 20:7) and able to dismiss "direct command" verses as "not applicable today" because that was "cultural", like women keeping silence in the church, greet ye one another with a holy kiss,,, etc, In other words we act like we are purist in the area of biblical authority, applying our "authority model" rigidly, even dismissing other scriptures that would be contrary to that application on whatever topics we hold fast to that we consider we hold the truth on, and then dismissing use of it, when we don't find it works for our current practices today.
Brother, I don't write this as a challenge to your faith of any of our other brothers faith, but I write sincerely in hopes that we can get away from this :legalistic" approach to our study of God;s word to us, and while continuing to search the scriptures daily, as per the Berean example, we do so in the manner that our Lord would want us to do.
Only to Churches mentioned in the Bible: the church of Christ and the church of God, which one in the same which is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost/Spirit, the three are One. Read the Holy Bible and find it for yourself.
But how does one explain what gospel the thief on the cross obeyed according to Hebrews 4:2?
I also want to become member of church of christ kindly advise pl
Connect with a local church of Christ congregation in your region
Were you able to get in contact with one in your country or region?
I would advise against it. They preach that you must be water baptized to have your sins remitted or else you will go to hell. The Bible tells us that the sins of the world were forgiven on the cross as recorded in II Corinthians 5:18-21.
II Corinthians 5:18-21
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
All denominations (including the CoC) have one thing in common. They all preach that the church that is the body of Christ started on Pentecost.
This means that they all combine the gospel of the kingdom which is recorded in Luke 1:30-33 (preached at Pentecost - see Acts 2:30) with the gospel of the grace of God recorded in I Corinthians 15:1-4 and preached ONLY by our Apostle Paul.
Basically, if you believe the CoC doctrines for your salvation, then there is zero chance of salvation, because you do not understand and believe the true gospel.
We are saved when we believe the gospel of the grace of God found in I Corinthians 15:1-4. This gospel was taught ONLY by our Apostle Paul.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Don't do it! It's a Cult!
And over 50 subgroups of the Church of Christ. I am wondering what standard you used to determine that the Church of Christ is the only group in history trying to consistently restore Christianity in the world.
They hate each other and have split over 130 times!!!
We are autonomous like how the church is in the bible. What do u mean we have 50 subgroups, how r u determining what a subgroup is? And thats not really an argument against what we teach.
@coxcult-e8z u can say that about every church except the universalist. You r just saying stuff and even if true that doesn't prove anything by itself.
@coxcult-e8z didnt ask and dont care
@@EverlastingLife-pl9ug Do you have some type of document that identifies these 130 times or is this just an exaggeration? I do agree there have been many splits... so this isn't an argument.
All of eternity based on believing something you can't see....
Great video, so when you say that baptism is required for salvation, do you mean water baptism, or the baptism by the Holy Spirit through faith?
The reason I’m asking is because what about the thief on the cross? He wasn’t baptized with water, but through faith, he was baptized by the Holy Spirit.
Just trying to understand what the church of Christ believes
We are to rightly divide the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15). The word of truth is the gospel of our salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14). When we believe the gospel of the grace of God we are saved.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
We are Spiritually baptized into the body of Christ upon salvation.
I Corinthians 12:13 - For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
@@grantgwin6084 So, it is hard to say what the church of Christ" believes, because the church of Christ is the body of believers in Christ, not by title over the building, and every individual who is a member of that body (no matter what the name is on the building where they meet) has to "work out their salvation with fear and trembling".
Now, I'll tell you what I believe in a nutshell... that is that Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again, of both water and the spirit. We are baptized in water and in the name of the father son and holy spirit. Peter says in Acts 2:38 we need to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and we will receive the gift of the holy spirit.
So, why wouldn't we follow the message provided to us in scripture?
Bringing up the thief on the cross (who clearly couldn't come down off it to be baptized), or perhaps Cornelius who in Acts 10 received the spirit prior to baptism is only bringing up examples that God can save whomever he wants however he wants. But, God does not ever tell us it's ok not to obey what he tells us. So, why would we point to these examples? He didn't tell us to get on a cross and asked to be saved by Jesus. He didn't tell us to be a righteous gentile example to Jewish Christians to demonstrate that Christ died for not only the Jew but the Gentile.
I am Muslim l love Christ Christian s are part of Muslims masala Allah karim
ACTS 2: 21, 30, 32, 42, 47,
N/T ACTS 11: 26,
Excellent teaching - as usual. I appreciate this very much since I wanted to know what was particularly unique about the Church of Christ. Does anyone know how this compares to the Church of God?
They are both denominations that combine the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of the grace of God and preach a combo gospel. We are not to combine the gospel of the grace of God with the gospel of the kingdom recorded in Luke 1:30-33. This gospel was taught by Peter and the 11. We are saved when we believe the gospel of the grace of God found in I Corinthians 15:1-4. This gospel was taught ONLY by our Apostle Paul.
The Church of God was created in 1880 in America by DS Warner.
The Church of Christ began in 33 AD on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem by Christ.
@@MaLiArtworks186 Sorry, but that gospel of the kingdom was paused and the gospel of the grace of God was given to the entire world by our Apostle Paul. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached by the 144,000 during the Tribulation.
Romans 3:4 - “…yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”
God is a faithful and true God. The Word of God is faithful and true. God will keep and fulfill every promise He has made to the nation of Israel regarding the promise of an eternal earthly kingdom as preached by Jesus while on earth and Peter and the 11.
God will also fulfill the promises made to the church that is the body of Christ through our Apostle Paul. Those of us who believe by faith the gospel in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be rewarded throughout eternity.
You and others can call God a liar through your Replacement Theology and Covenant Theology. However, your lies cannot cover nor replace the truthfulness of God.
N/T ROMANS CHAPTER 15: 5, 6, 7,
1ST CORINTHIANS 1: 10, 11, 12, 13,
N/T ROMANS CHAPTER 15: 5, 6, 7,
1ST CORINTHIANS 1: 10, 11, 12, 13,
For sincere believers who know their Bible and are stumbling in to this denomination, for whatever reason, no, the Church of Christ is not the correct church. The Lord would have let you know a long time ago if it was. Don't believe me? Stick around for a while and get to know some members, you will soon figure out what I mean.
Nabatian kna sia lagab-i nag urinula sia,tapós wess,wesseess,klaro sos gin kulbaan ako hamak,tapos nagpalanindog ang akon balahibo da ng ors ang lalim,nakab ihon d kna gintam aw ang tym kay basi ano pa akon makita
Da this guy isn't telling me nothing. The baptist will say the same thing.
Does Choctaw have a fussy baby room!?
My goodness!
😂 silly
Jesus said, "Suffer or don't stop babies and children from coming to me."
You teach "another gospel"!! (Galatians 1)
What is your teaching about The Heavenly Father( as the Vine dresser in John 15) who is glorified when the branches of the Vine branches bears fruits) Jesus keeps the commandments of the Heavenky Father who keeps His commandments ABIDES IN THE HEAVENLY FATHER
Ecclesiastes says there is nothing "NEW" under the Sun!!! People want it their way instead of God's way and God's Ways are not the "ways of man". Read the Holy Bible the same things are still going on as in Biblical Times.
Don't member any church on the world , in your name anything else you have ? Can't go heavens , even your Bible , this world things are belong to prince of the world
Google he is the roober and TH-cam
ACTS 2: 21, 30, 32, 42, 47,
N/T ACTS 11: 26,