HorseWorld's miracle babies

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • Last year, HorseWorld were called to help rescue three very neglected and pregnant Thoroughbred mares. They were found just in time to save them. HorseWorld later welcomed two newborn foals, Thor and Ginny to their family. Now the charity are able to tell the inspiring story of these animals fight to survive.
    The expectant mothers were discovered standing in a filthy barn, near Bristol, hock deep in soiled bedding. They were riddled with lice and suffering from rain scald due to exposure to prolonged wet weather, all had over-grown feet, and were desperately trying to cope with being malnourished and pregnant.
    The mares, Lisa Jane (LJ), Pink Champagne and Tango were quickly removed to the safety of HorseWorld where the Welfare team alongside our Veterinarian administered emergency care and began a race against time to save the mares and their unborn babies.
    Sadly, Tango did not recover from the horrendous neglect she had suffered and soon after arrival, Veterinary examination for lameness revealed a fractured and infected bone within her hoof. She was declining rapidly despite the best veterinary care and pain medication was no longer offering her relief. Everyone was heartbroken, but at least for her final few days she had finally known how it felt to be cared for. Her final moments were full of love.
    But from this story of neglect emerged the story of hope and just weeks later, LJ gave birth prematurely to a colt foal. He was very cold and very weak and unable to stand on his own. His life hung in the balance. He was so small the team had to buy him a dog coat to help keep him warm. LJ was also poorly and needed veterinary treatment after she suffered an infection. The HorseWorld team worked 24/7 to save the tiny colt. He had inherited his mother’s brave character and determination to survive - it was then our team named him Thor.
    Just a few weeks later, Pink Champagne gave birth to her baby. The little filly seemed healthy at first and the HorseWorld team nervously celebrated a straightforward, positive outcome for the mares, but both mother and foal soon became very poorly with a virus called Campylobacter. If it hadn’t been for the quick action and excellent care she received, she would not have survived. In recognition of the bravery shown by her mum, the little filly was named Pink Gin - or Ginny for short.
    It cost £5,588.67 in vets fees to nurse these mares back to health and the intensive care required for their foals to survive.
    Ginny and Thor will never know the cruelty and neglect that their mothers suffered as HorseWorld will always ensure their every need is met.
    “This Valentine’s Day, HorseWorld are asking our supporters to show a little love to secure the future of this family and others like them that the charity continue to provide for” Said HorseWorld’s Fundraising and Engagement Coordinator, Amy Williams.
    “Every penny donated will make a difference to Ginny, Thor, their mothers and other horses, ponies and donkeys who have, through no fault of their own, found themselves in need of help”
    A donation page has been set up on the HorseWorld website where anyone wishing to help can donate.”
    HorseWorld is an equine welfare charity in Bristol specialising in rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming horses, ponies and donkeys in need.
    To find out more, visit

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @sarahpitt1862
    @sarahpitt1862 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another example of the amazing good work you do at Horseworld and wonderful to see the dedication of the staff. Well done on achieving so much with this group of poor unfortunate horses who now have a better life in store for them. Thank you Sarah.

  • @veronicaevans9438
    @veronicaevans9438 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How wonderful to see the change and how free and happy they all are You do amazing work for amazing horses well done all of you xxx🏅🏅🏅

  • @Poultrymad
    @Poultrymad 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well done for saving 2 mares & their foals but why was the other mare put down before her baby was born? You destroyed 2 lives instead of just the 1? Very sad.

    • @HorseWorldTrust
      @HorseWorldTrust  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sadly Tango was in a great deal of pain and barely able to stand. She was very rapidly declining despite the best veterinary care. The foal was not close enough to full term to deliver and wouldn't have survived. It was incredibly heartbreaking and tragic but unavoidable.

    • @Poultrymad
      @Poultrymad 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@HorseWorldTrust- That's very sad, shame you couldn't save at least one of them. Thanks for explaining.