I am just as puzzled as you are. Maybe it’s just clickbait, but it’s surprising because some of this content was posted on reputable channels with a large following. Sharing misinformation like this could seriously hurt their credibility. While several videos have been taken down, many are still up. To verify, I checked seven different airline websites and even called two of them-none are enforcing these so-called 'new' restrictions. So I guess, we just have to remain "on our toes", and keep checking, although I assume that if any airline would truly go that direction, there would be press releases and most definitely email notifications to all ticketed passengers. All the best, thank you so much for watching. Happy Travels:)
Great summary thank you
You are welcomed, thanks for watching:)
Why are they doing this false info? Are they selling "new" luggage?
I am just as puzzled as you are. Maybe it’s just clickbait, but it’s surprising because some of this content was posted on reputable channels with a large following. Sharing misinformation like this could seriously hurt their credibility. While several videos have been taken down, many are still up. To verify, I checked seven different airline websites and even called two of them-none are enforcing these so-called 'new' restrictions. So I guess, we just have to remain "on our toes", and keep checking, although I assume that if any airline would truly go that direction, there would be press releases and most definitely email notifications to all ticketed passengers. All the best, thank you so much for watching. Happy Travels:)