I've used cotton Fibre to bond silicones together when doing ears and nose/eye areas extra flexible or whatever I need. Works amazingly well! I've also smoothed silicone using 99% alcohol and my finger
I don't recommend using fiber to link layers of silicone, unless diminished stretch won't be an issue. Another good way to smooth out "brushed-on" silicone is a 50/50 mix of Mold Soap and warm water. Just make sure you don't do it until the very last coat is applied!
Is there a document/videos teaching about colouring the silicon showing what was used please. Im a dental technician branching into maxillofacial prosthesis
Thanks for the update
I've used cotton Fibre to bond silicones together when doing ears and nose/eye areas extra flexible or whatever I need. Works amazingly well! I've also smoothed silicone using 99% alcohol and my finger
I don't recommend using fiber to link layers of silicone, unless diminished stretch won't be an issue. Another good way to smooth out "brushed-on" silicone is a 50/50 mix of Mold Soap and warm water. Just make sure you don't do it until the very last coat is applied!
Is there a document/videos teaching about colouring the silicon showing what was used please. Im a dental technician branching into maxillofacial prosthesis
Go to BJB Enterprises website. The silicone pigments used are available there along with the relevant SDS and technical bulletins.