Unfortunately, yes. Explained in the blog post daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/05/06/i-survived-curl-up-2024/ If you crank up the volume it is possible to hear what is being said. At least I could do it.
My friend Mr. Daniel Hello sir how are you I have tried to attend to Stockholm on 4-5 May but I have faced Sweden Entrance Visa obtain difficulty I was excited to be there but it didn't succeed which is attempting to be one of your audiences even I traveled to UAE -DUBAI for obtaining visa also doesn't work. I hope in future will happen best regard with high respect degree to your personal affords. your sincerely : ABDULMUTALEB.M.FENJAN 17/5/2024
These videos are great. Thanks for sharing them. Interesting to see no one is really using the rust backends after so much hype around rust.
Unfortunately the audio is quite bad (very low volume), so I'm not able to understand.
Unfortunately, yes. Explained in the blog post daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/05/06/i-survived-curl-up-2024/
If you crank up the volume it is possible to hear what is being said. At least I could do it.
My friend Mr. Daniel Hello sir how are you I have tried to attend to Stockholm on 4-5 May but I have faced Sweden Entrance Visa obtain difficulty I was excited to be there but it didn't succeed which is attempting to be one of your audiences even I traveled to UAE -DUBAI for obtaining visa also doesn't work. I hope in future will happen best regard with high respect degree to your personal affords.
your sincerely :