Every Dail video on TH-cam seems like it's exactly what you'd say if you got drunk, passed out, and then someone woke you up from a dead sleep screaming, "DESCRIBE AN IRISH PARLIAMENT!" in your face.
carlos jones he was very biased in my opinion biased towards Fianna Fáil and fianna Gail and against Sinn Fein and some independents, but nothing tops how he acted with the Taoiseach he protected him like he was his daddy😂
I wouldn't say he'd be "biased towards Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael" since that sounds like a boomer statement as FF and FG didn't have the confidence and supply agreement at the time nor were they in coalition, but he was biased towards FF as well and all of the opposition who weren't government parties. A FG'er won't protect an FF'er.
Watching the Dail is far more interesting than watching the Scottish Parliament. Everyone seems to be having a barney in there!
The Speaker needs to ring the wee bell he has on the desk! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Irish bloke in the cloak who bangs the bell is hilarious!!! He’s not very effective
"I've decided I can talk now" The hit motion picture
" Would you please resume your seat? " is the most repeated phrase in the Dail. And it works wonders. 😂
We need more kneecapping in the house.
Getting €100,000 euro to €200,000 a year for this. No wonder Ireland in a mess
Weak chair. Ask once - if he refuses, suspend the house.
The anarchist Proudhon quit the French parliament saying he felt polluted by the democratic charade.
Pity we couldn't hear what he said.
And I thought the UK parliament was bad! This lot actually make Westminster look good.
Aahhh another day in the snake pit! You all wondering why your not been heard..here you are.
Contentious little fella .
Bit like myself 🙂
Me arguing with my kids 😆
Every Dail video on TH-cam seems like it's exactly what you'd say if you got drunk, passed out, and then someone woke you up from a dead sleep screaming, "DESCRIBE AN IRISH PARLIAMENT!" in your face.
Love it! 😂😂😂😂❤
Sean Barrett was the worse Ceann Comhairle Ireland ever had.
What would you do in his position allow whoever shouts the louder and longer to control the business of the dail
carlos jones he was very biased in my opinion biased towards Fianna Fáil and fianna Gail and against Sinn Fein and some independents, but nothing tops how he acted with the Taoiseach he protected him like he was his daddy😂
I wouldn't say he'd be "biased towards Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael" since that sounds like a boomer statement as FF and FG didn't have the confidence and supply agreement at the time nor were they in coalition, but he was biased towards FF as well and all of the opposition who weren't government parties. A FG'er won't protect an FF'er.
He would need the AK 47 beside him and a few clips they would shut up then and run out of the chamber 🤣🤣
Chairman only lets people say certain agreed so insufferable garbage
Leave the chamber * 20
Leave him Speak
Wouldent happen if Roy Keane was in the chair,, GET OUT MAN!!!!
Guy looks like boris Johnson 😂
This I feel ashamed to be Irish to be honest
Beat ceann chomairle ever