【2022 | BETTER TOGETHER 同創·童樂】精彩片段
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2025
- 在創意改變的過程中,往往需要與他人同行攜手,透過同理心了解他者的想法和需要,在不斷的溝通、協作和分享之中,同創更多歡樂和美好。
PMQ Seed今年以「BETTER TOGETHER 同創.童樂」為活動主題,繼續運用設計思維方法,鼓勵小朋友以同理心出發,以他人的所知所感作為創作起點,發揮想像力進行創作。活動設計強調協作共創,透過與隊友一起進行構想的機會,在討論過程中學習互相尊重,懂得如何溝通、取長補短,在掌握知識及技術之餘,同時提升溝通及協作能力。在共創過程中,家長及教師亦會參與其中,與PMQ Seed的教學團隊一起發揮以人為本的精神,從孩子的目光反思現在、啟迪未來。
由香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」作為主要贊助機構,今年PMQ Seed 繼續夥拍多個創意設計團隊,並透過六大項目: 「網上創意營」、「校園計劃」、「小小夏令營」、「教育節」、「導師培訓工作坊」及「網上教學資源庫」,為六至十二歳的小孩、教育工作者及家長等受眾度身訂造一連串的創意活動,讓大家一起親身體驗及展現創意能量!
The creative process often requires us to work closely with different people and to empathise with their thoughts and needs. Delightful solutions to problems can be created through continuous communication, collaboration, and sharing.
Due to the pandemic, kids have been spending most of their learning time online from home. With digital interactions taking the place of real-life socialising among the kids, we see the rise of a new generation that is adept at technology but challenged by interpersonal communication.
This year’s PMQ Seed Programme is themed “BETTER TOGETHER”. Once again, we will work with school-age kids to apply design thinking methodology in the creation of imaginative solutions based on empathetic discovery. Team collaboration will be a main focus in all workshop activities, through which participants will learn to respect diverse voices and work with each other’s strengths and weaknesses, all while building new knowledge and skills. Parents and teachers will also be involved in the human-centred co-creation process together with PMQ Seed’s teaching teams; it is our hope that grown-ups can gain valuable insights into the present and future of education by engaging with important issues from kids’ points of view.
Under the support of Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the Lead Sponsor, PMQ Seed continue to work with multiple creative teams this year to present six key programmes: “Creative Camp”, “School Outreach”, “Mini-camp”, “Creative Festival”, “Train the Trainer Workshop”, and the “Seed Online”. An exciting series of creative activities, each tailor-made for kids aged six to twelve, parents, or educators, is in the works-we can’t wait to share this journey with everyone!