Exactly, they banned frogs because of hoe busted it was. But now this stupid build exists for months and they dont do anything about it. Nerfing slamma to tier 5 did absolutely nothing
Misplays: skipping myrmidons and magnetics at the end. You need to drop the economy at some point and switch to minion quality. In hindsight, should’ve started transition before the ghost, as it could not kill your rylac
I think it's moreso the fact that scaling comps just flat out lose to the absolute retardation of beasts and the archetype itself forces you to play around it and play everything you can to counter it they've been broken for idk ever and instead of just calling out the bullshit people go skill issue lelz
This is why I don't feel bad for him and his petulant whining. He greeded because he wanted his tavern minions to be 10000000/10000000 instead of pivoting to magnetic mechs when he had plenty of time. Nothing more satisfying then watching Kripp lose to beasts.
@@billybegood466 Beasts cap out eventually, you're not really going to see 3k+ beasts like you do with murlocs/demons/mechs. It's not perfectly balanced by any means, but it's not the end-all-be-all either that kripp makes them out to be.
@@ArcadiaCvbeats don’t have 3k+ on one minion but they summon a similar amount of stats, and don’t have to spend any time scaling, you just look for the exodia pieces and if you have them, it’s an instant top 2 finish
@@yungbisharp You might be confusing easy with strong. Beast builds are easy to get, yes, but they aren't stronger. Using this game as an example the biggest summoned beast minion was 307/212, a Mechanized Gift Horse can summon two of those, which can each summon 1 more for a total of 4 buffed minions. For a total of about 1200/1200 stats. With reborn that can get up to 2400/2400 worth of stats. Add in baron and you can get 4800/4800 if they all die in the optimal order. By comparison a 4 digit Choral Mrrglr is somewhat easy to get and with Cloning Conch 5 or 6 digit stats are not uncommon for a first place murloc build. You would need 25 board spaces filled with Mechanized Gift Horses plus baron and slamma with multiple goldrinns and every single hit would have to be in the optimal order for all the minions to spawn all without a single snipe happening in order to kill a single 100,000 health Choral Mrrglr. The strength isn't even remotely comparable(or even possible as 25 board spaces don't even exist). Beasts are FAR weaker endgame builds than murlocs/demons/mechs, which is only made up by the fact they are far easier to pull off. But again, easy and strong are not the same thing.
This whole thing about the devs not doing anything about the oppressive cards reminds of Big Priest in constructed. A ton of people hated it a lot, but there were a ton of people playing the archetype, maybe more than the people hating it. And since it was actually keeping a good portion of the player base engaged, the devs basically did nothing to stop it. Actually, they only released even more support to make it even stronger (Catrina Muerte, anyone remember that?). Maybe there is someting similar happening with beast in BGs?
Unpopular opinion maybe but I was on board the anti-beast train until these last 2 patches, and I have stepped off the train since then. I realize their winrate is high and some of the quests help them. But this beast comp we're crying about is from left to right: golden 6 star, 6 star, golden reborn 5 star, golden 5 star, reborn 5 star. its turn 16, so it's not like this guy just hit 6 and found the comp in 1 turn. If you had 4 Kalecgos, golden Brann, golden Hunter of Gatherers, and divine shield Warpwing on turn 16 you should win the game, so why are beasts broken if they win with that same level of RNG? Regarding winrate, beast winrate will stay high forever because people play random builds until lategame, and they either lose with the random builds or win because they hit the beast comp. They can't come in 8th (which would bring the winrate down) with beasts because you cant even play the comp until like turn 11 nowadays, and somebody will have died by then. I agree they should have nerfed the build in a different way to make it more fun to play against, but this is an example of a perfectly fair beast victory.
@@fergusgraem3625actually the only real problem with beasts is the Goldrinn aura effect. Remove it and the whole tribe is dead. That is literally the only thing that keeps beasts broken. All the other cards only work on top of that effect.
I dont understand why he doesnt put the reborn rylak between the battlecries and puts it to the edge to only trigger the felemental. Does he not like extra gold??
I lost to a beast comp when I had 2 demons over 800/800 and 1 that was a 3k/3k. Beasts are broken, nanner needs a tweak, raptor can not summon beasts tier 4 or more, and the mech horse needs to be changed to undead mech instead of beast mech
Banana slamma shoud be 6 i would even take a buff on a goldrinn to be a tier 5 for that change like for the fucking love of god beast wouldnt be so strong without this stupid broken monkey
It’s crazy seeing everyone complain about banana slamma and beasts when murlocs are casually chilling with by far the strongest comp in the game get 3K stats no problem. Beasts are not as unbalanced as Murlocs. Coral Mrgglr, Bassgill, Bream Counter is so strong. They out stat beasts by thousands of stats. Along with easy access to venomous and unending summons from bassgill. They are kinda pushed to the side and ignored when it comes to balancing issues.
Omg no beast build are broken enough the frog would make things 100 times worst. On second thought yes bring it back i want to see kripp lose hes mind!
Beasts are really good beginning, middle and end. They have a cap and can’t scale as high as other builds but they hit their potential faster than other builds. They don’t require as much investment as other builds. The main issue is that player can make bad plays that won’t win them the game over all but because beasts are really strong, you will lose a ton of hp playing against them. Quests and buddies just exacerbate the balancing issues with the different tribes.
If they want to leave Slamma in the game put it on 6, put Hawkstrider on 5. Make the scarab thing only target friendly beasts, add back Nyxiao or however its spelled, it itself helped counter beasts and was always in when beasts are in.
Itd be a cool rework to make Slamma actually slam. In the same way that the t7 dragon hits something first and then the attack goes through, what if Slamma slammed his banana down and then attacked. Either a set amount of damage or equal to it's attack, keeping it high tier. Doesnt need a cleave effect, just the double hit would be so much more enjoyable to deal with than its current state
Is pirates not the counter to the banana beast builds because there’s that one pirate that attacks 1 or 2 when golden minions on the opposing side to it? It seems like a good way to snipe down at least the baron if not the banana as well
The pirate fight at start of combat can do something, but if it's a normal version all they need is reborn. If it's golden, maybe... but it also has to be big enough since beasts can slide in start of combat goldrinn deathrattles too
i think u missplayed so much last few rounds that just straight up cost u the game and the fact you started last round with only 6 minions, disappointed by ur lack of selfreflection here tbh XD
I'm not sure if anybody have mentioned that, but why TF is banana slamma still a beast? If they just remove a minion type from the monkey it'll probably fix a lot of problems like giving it reborn which diminishes the snipe value and this card being revived with a ton of stats from the wolf buffs. Seems like a pretty good nerf IMHO.
Man skipping those magnetics for the elemental and not even keeping the brumblewitch, or selling the fellementals with divine instead of the rylac, when you can switch your taunts…. Idk about these plays
My last game. I had tess and had a very legit build with the level 7 undead TRIPLED and the fish which clones deathrattles. I still lost by a huge margin to that comp
This patch is far too much rng for me, as much fun as it can be the amount of frustrating games with high rollers has been a polar opposite than pre-quests patch we had recently. Beasts also just make me want to quit the lobby immediately, i have no desire to play that build and always avoid beasts.
I agree. Power level differences are insane right now. You can be destroying a lobby with 90+% win chances every fight and then go up against someone who high rolled even more and have a 100% lose chance.
Alot of people complain about him misplaying and being greedy, which he did, But at the same time. each time that beast player summoned something, It was the same or higher stats then the minions his build had made all game. So is the problem him being greedy? Yes he could have TWO big minons that last round, Or is the problem that the beast player every summon was getting 300+ in stats with no real build other then tokens, and their quest they earned like turn 4 that is made purely for beasts. (Could say mechs but we all know).
The combination of Goldrinn, Chicken and Baron isn't a build? Something doesn't have to be "omg statstacking go brrrrr" to be a build. A build is anything that requires a certain combination of cards to make work and the beast build that most often wins taverns requires several key high tavern cards to actually win the tavern. Just because it's not stat stacking doesn't mean it's not a real build.
The amount of misplay last few turns made me wonder what kripp want to achieve? What in his mind😂😂 he could have way way bigger minoins especially magnetics
The problem with beasts isn't that they're strong , but that it's the same comp ... EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! How many beast lobbies end with Goldren, chicken, horse, banana, and Rivedare? Too many to count that's how many, if beasts had more variety it could be tolerable, But the same comp game after game is not very fun.
I hate beasts atm. The 50/50, ball minion, extra deathrattle all benefit them. That and of course the easy triple quests. It's all a bunch of bull. Every game I play is 4 beast players and then the other 3 are dead by turn 10. Its all about "can I come in 4th" now. And thats a sucky way to play.
Bullcrap? I can agree but he not only tried to abuse 1 cleave, he attempted 3... That's equivalently, if not even more disgusting. Low key happy he didn't get first with that
I hate beasts late game because even when I've been scaling for the last 6-10 turns they can win a 12% on me with fucking BRAND NEW unscaled garbage via having banana slammas and summon cards. Sure, it's not easy to stack a golden+ a normal one of those or anything, but completely unscaled cards beating scaled ones still feels horrible to me.
For all that Kripp hates on Banana Slamma, I think he sleeps on the damned Mech Horse! I hate that card, it's in almost every game and when it's in, people go token build!
Look, yes beasts need some balance and all but bruhhh you missplayed and passed on something like 1k-1k on stats, and you play on 6-8mmr lobby. Murlocs destroys beasts on higher mmr lobbys it's not even close, usually you hit 2-4 with beast build. For reference I am 10k on EU.
Blizzard loves the scam builds beasts are funneled into and instead of redesigning them, they're just going to keep getting busted in combat scaling. I finally uninstalled during this patch because of far too many games of people spamming beasts above 7k mmr. It's either quit every match with beasts in it, or suffer through 5 people all fighting for Slamma.
this is why I stopped playing battlegrounds, everytime I want to play there are 5-6 people in the lobby making beasts, like fr, u don t need to use ur brain to make that build and u can easily finish top 1 or 2
I hate beasts, they ruin every game they are in! I also like the idea of quests, but sadly they create a meta of people staying in low taverns and rushing midrange. Whoever survives that train wreck with the best quest then wins. I think it’s time for quests to move on for a while.
This loss was definitely avoidable. For example, passing on the magnetic mechs and going into the last fight with six minions on the board. That being said, I hate beasts and am REALLY sick of seeing them dominate every lobby.
Kripp do you ever play the other modes? I never play BGs, never got them. Most of your fanbase followed you when you played ranked/arena and all the rest of it. Throw us a bone every now and then please!
He won't and I don't blame him. Current hearthstone is not the Kripp hearthstone and if he tried to play it only thing we would see would be a saltshaker man going mad about infinite value, combos etc. belive me it's not fun to watch
Modern hearthstone sucks to watch and is even worse to play (ranked). Can’t blame ‘em, I don’t think people want to see it and he certainly doesn’t want to put himself through it. Maybe the devs will start steering the ship away from oppressive power creep?
So I'm probably a high MMR player? Just over 8k, so low end but actually on the leaderboard. When it comes to beasts, their high roll typically isn't even the high-rolliest - that belongs to murlocs. And typically, a good high roll of some stat tribes like dragons will outscale a 'fair' roll from beasts (Slamma, Titus, Goldrinn, Hawkstrider, 1-2 of which are golden). The reason they're problematic is due to how 'easy' it is to put the pieces together. If you have the core pieces, you might have barely any round-to-round scaling on them (outside of reborn from that tier 3 scarab) yet you can still top4, and even win a lobby. Most other builds require turn after turn after turn after turn of investment. It also doesn't help that the Amalgamation reward - one of the better rewards due to how good it is midgame and thus how good it is at confirming top4 - works best with beasts due to Slamma multiplying the stats. Tumbling Disaster, another very good reward, also works arguably best with beasts due to it being able to replace Goldrinn + Hawkstrider and having a very functioning build (while eliminating the need for T6 units if you go that route). It also doesn't help that beasts and token deaths synergise with many quest objectives. And it also doesn't help that Snapjaw and the Bird are very powerful T2 units (T1 Mana Saber into T3 Snapjaw is freaking brutal). Basically, it's not that beasts are unbeatable, or that they're even the high rolliest comp - that well and truly belongs to murlocs - it's just that early on they're good, and later on their final build is capable of top1ing yet is so easy to put together (mostly vanilla units).
Og beasts with hydra were the goat
I was a pogo-hopper fan personally lol.
Rat pack with scavenging hyena anyone?
You just wanted to make a comment but ended up speaking the truth.
Tumbling Disaster? More like Balancing Disaster
It's a complex strategy, find stuff that dies the most you wouldn't understand. /s
More like shut up disaster
More like Concede-and-save-your-self-the-time Disaster
I liked the frogs but wth is this
Exactly, they banned frogs because of hoe busted it was. But now this stupid build exists for months and they dont do anything about it. Nerfing slamma to tier 5 did absolutely nothing
I liked the frogs too. Not sure why I hate this beast setup.
@@leeartlee915 It's that stupid mech beast unit that takes forever to die.
@@BlackPlated Yeah, that is the problem unit… but I also hate banana slammer. Somehow it’s so much more powerful than mama bear.
@@leeartlee915 We need the hydra combo back and shut this one down.
Misplays: skipping myrmidons and magnetics at the end. You need to drop the economy at some point and switch to minion quality. In hindsight, should’ve started transition before the ghost, as it could not kill your rylac
literally unwatchable at points ngl
If he had gotten *SLIGHTLY* worse attacks the rylak would've actually died vs the ghost. Idk if it could've died twice, but definitely once.
Also, not placing the reborn Rylak between the Felemental and the pirate to get more gold out of it.
I think it's moreso the fact that scaling comps just flat out lose to the absolute retardation of beasts and the archetype itself forces you to play around it and play everything you can to counter it
they've been broken for idk ever and instead of just calling out the bullshit people go
skill issue lelz
This is why I don't feel bad for him and his petulant whining. He greeded because he wanted his tavern minions to be 10000000/10000000 instead of pivoting to magnetic mechs when he had plenty of time. Nothing more satisfying then watching Kripp lose to beasts.
turns out skipping 800/800 in stats loses you the game
Passes up literally 1000/1000 in magnetics.
"Wtf beasts are so OP"
Yes, true, he did. But beasts are OP and I'm absolutely sick of seeing them destroy every lobby.
@@billybegood466 Beasts cap out eventually, you're not really going to see 3k+ beasts like you do with murlocs/demons/mechs. It's not perfectly balanced by any means, but it's not the end-all-be-all either that kripp makes them out to be.
@@ArcadiaCvbeats don’t have 3k+ on one minion but they summon a similar amount of stats, and don’t have to spend any time scaling, you just look for the exodia pieces and if you have them, it’s an instant top 2 finish
@@yungbisharp Exactly. You can go from nothing to unbeatable without any prep or scaling.
@@yungbisharp You might be confusing easy with strong. Beast builds are easy to get, yes, but they aren't stronger.
Using this game as an example the biggest summoned beast minion was 307/212, a Mechanized Gift Horse can summon two of those, which can each summon 1 more for a total of 4 buffed minions. For a total of about 1200/1200 stats. With reborn that can get up to 2400/2400 worth of stats. Add in baron and you can get 4800/4800 if they all die in the optimal order.
By comparison a 4 digit Choral Mrrglr is somewhat easy to get and with Cloning Conch 5 or 6 digit stats are not uncommon for a first place murloc build. You would need 25 board spaces filled with Mechanized Gift Horses plus baron and slamma with multiple goldrinns and every single hit would have to be in the optimal order for all the minions to spawn all without a single snipe happening in order to kill a single 100,000 health Choral Mrrglr.
The strength isn't even remotely comparable(or even possible as 25 board spaces don't even exist). Beasts are FAR weaker endgame builds than murlocs/demons/mechs, which is only made up by the fact they are far easier to pull off. But again, easy and strong are not the same thing.
This whole thing about the devs not doing anything about the oppressive cards reminds of Big Priest in constructed. A ton of people hated it a lot, but there were a ton of people playing the archetype, maybe more than the people hating it. And since it was actually keeping a good portion of the player base engaged, the devs basically did nothing to stop it. Actually, they only released even more support to make it even stronger (Catrina Muerte, anyone remember that?). Maybe there is someting similar happening with beast in BGs?
Nothing compares to purify priest and they still haven't done anything about it
@@Drsteezymcgee Poor priest.. had 2 good archetypes and they got more hate than the turn 3 dead by pirates meta
When will Kripp learn to go mechs after felamental pumping……
I Miss Skipperino Kripperino
Unpopular opinion maybe but I was on board the anti-beast train until these last 2 patches, and I have stepped off the train since then. I realize their winrate is high and some of the quests help them. But this beast comp we're crying about is from left to right: golden 6 star, 6 star, golden reborn 5 star, golden 5 star, reborn 5 star. its turn 16, so it's not like this guy just hit 6 and found the comp in 1 turn. If you had 4 Kalecgos, golden Brann, golden Hunter of Gatherers, and divine shield Warpwing on turn 16 you should win the game, so why are beasts broken if they win with that same level of RNG?
Regarding winrate, beast winrate will stay high forever because people play random builds until lategame, and they either lose with the random builds or win because they hit the beast comp. They can't come in 8th (which would bring the winrate down) with beasts because you cant even play the comp until like turn 11 nowadays, and somebody will have died by then. I agree they should have nerfed the build in a different way to make it more fun to play against, but this is an example of a perfectly fair beast victory.
If it werent for rylak I would also concede all those games with beasts haha
Rylak is the only beast that should exist. I wouldnt care if they ban the rest completely... actually i would care, ill be joyed
@@fergusgraem3625actually the only real problem with beasts is the Goldrinn aura effect. Remove it and the whole tribe is dead. That is literally the only thing that keeps beasts broken. All the other cards only work on top of that effect.
Why is Kripp NOT putting the reborn in between the pirate and elemental? Isn't the extra gold worth it?
I live just outside of Detroit and it’s nice to hear other people talk highly of it.
I dont understand why he doesnt put the reborn rylak between the battlecries and puts it to the edge to only trigger the felemental. Does he not like extra gold??
Had a better chance if he had switched fully to mechs. He held onto the felemental and rylak at least 2 turns too long.
I lost to a beast comp when I had 2 demons over 800/800 and 1 that was a 3k/3k. Beasts are broken, nanner needs a tweak, raptor can not summon beasts tier 4 or more, and the mech horse needs to be changed to undead mech instead of beast mech
Banana slamma shoud be 6 i would even take a buff on a goldrinn to be a tier 5 for that change like for the fucking love of god beast wouldnt be so strong without this stupid broken monkey
Passing up 500+ stats for 3 gold is just nonsense
It’s crazy seeing everyone complain about banana slamma and beasts when murlocs are casually chilling with by far the strongest comp in the game get 3K stats no problem. Beasts are not as unbalanced as Murlocs. Coral Mrgglr, Bassgill, Bream Counter is so strong. They out stat beasts by thousands of stats. Along with easy access to venomous and unending summons from bassgill. They are kinda pushed to the side and ignored when it comes to balancing issues.
Bring back The Frog!
Omg no beast build are broken enough the frog would make things 100 times worst. On second thought yes bring it back i want to see kripp lose hes mind!
miss played so hard. those mechs could have been 1000 easy. . . .
Quick! Take a shot every time he says beasts….dont do that though you’ll die 😂
Beasts are really good beginning, middle and end. They have a cap and can’t scale as high as other builds but they hit their potential faster than other builds. They don’t require as much investment as other builds. The main issue is that player can make bad plays that won’t win them the game over all but because beasts are really strong, you will lose a ton of hp playing against them. Quests and buddies just exacerbate the balancing issues with the different tribes.
Forge Guard is really good when you just go full on minion build and consider yourself the cheerleader for your minions
If they want to leave Slamma in the game put it on 6, put Hawkstrider on 5. Make the scarab thing only target friendly beasts, add back Nyxiao or however its spelled, it itself helped counter beasts and was always in when beasts are in.
Itd be a cool rework to make Slamma actually slam. In the same way that the t7 dragon hits something first and then the attack goes through, what if Slamma slammed his banana down and then attacked. Either a set amount of damage or equal to it's attack, keeping it high tier. Doesnt need a cleave effect, just the double hit would be so much more enjoyable to deal with than its current state
Why wouldn't you put the reborn Rylak between the Battlecry minions? You missed so much gold by not putting the reborn Rylak near that pirate...
Geniusly ironic choice of shirt for that intro. Salty Crip is salty. xD
Is pirates not the counter to the banana beast builds because there’s that one pirate that attacks 1 or 2 when golden minions on the opposing side to it? It seems like a good way to snipe down at least the baron if not the banana as well
The pirate fight at start of combat can do something, but if it's a normal version all they need is reborn. If it's golden, maybe... but it also has to be big enough since beasts can slide in start of combat goldrinn deathrattles too
i think u missplayed so much last few rounds that just straight up cost u the game and the fact you started last round with only 6 minions, disappointed by ur lack of selfreflection here tbh XD
I'm not sure if anybody have mentioned that, but why TF is banana slamma still a beast? If they just remove a minion type from the monkey it'll probably fix a lot of problems like giving it reborn which diminishes the snipe value and this card being revived with a ton of stats from the wolf buffs. Seems like a pretty good nerf IMHO.
Ok, I can explain. Beasts don't require high apm so phone players force them alot. That's why Beasts have so many wins : phones
Off course you loose if you skip the whole +200+200 magnetics 😄
Man skipping those magnetics for the elemental and not even keeping the brumblewitch, or selling the fellementals with divine instead of the rylac, when you can switch your taunts…. Idk about these plays
My last game. I had tess and had a very legit build with the level 7 undead TRIPLED and the fish which clones deathrattles. I still lost by a huge margin to that comp
😂😂 i was scrolling TH-cam Short Then about the sleep Till i Saw New Upload ❤
Yall remember ally cat?
Love ur vids krip
If you cant beat em, join them. Just play beasts dude, we’ll still watch it.
He's playing so bad, is painfull to watch. The problem wasn't the beasts, it was the misplays.
once again kripp tries to play greedy on the last turn instead of replacing his support units with the MASSIVE ones from shop
gogogo 1.000.000 subs
This patch is far too much rng for me, as much fun as it can be the amount of frustrating games with high rollers has been a polar opposite than pre-quests patch we had recently. Beasts also just make me want to quit the lobby immediately, i have no desire to play that build and always avoid beasts.
I agree. Power level differences are insane right now. You can be destroying a lobby with 90+% win chances every fight and then go up against someone who high rolled even more and have a 100% lose chance.
Should have sniped the baron before the fight started
Alot of people complain about him misplaying and being greedy, which he did, But at the same time. each time that beast player summoned something, It was the same or higher stats then the minions his build had made all game. So is the problem him being greedy? Yes he could have TWO big minons that last round, Or is the problem that the beast player every summon was getting 300+ in stats with no real build other then tokens, and their quest they earned like turn 4 that is made purely for beasts. (Could say mechs but we all know).
The combination of Goldrinn, Chicken and Baron isn't a build? Something doesn't have to be "omg statstacking go brrrrr" to be a build. A build is anything that requires a certain combination of cards to make work and the beast build that most often wins taverns requires several key high tavern cards to actually win the tavern.
Just because it's not stat stacking doesn't mean it's not a real build.
@@iMakeTheSpackleIts is a real build as well, more so bc it does well even in midgame while statstacking is harder to live through the end
Ill play this game again when they remove or change bananaguy
The amount of misplay last few turns made me wonder what kripp want to achieve? What in his mind😂😂 he could have way way bigger minoins especially magnetics
Oh boy here we go, haven't watched yet. I'm prepped for the rant of all rants
Didn't see the vídeo yet but i can feel the salt 😍
Worst think is Raylek is my most favorite card ever... if they remove it, yeah i would conced all beast games
Detroit was the richest city in America, America is not the world.
I had an awesome build the other day and I got WRECKED against beast. So stupid.
Easiest fix. Remove the *** horse. Actually, remove all tokens from the game apart from tier 6 ones like the octopus or eternal summoner.
Beasts have too many resummons
The problem with beasts isn't that they're strong , but that it's the same comp ... EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! How many beast lobbies end with Goldren, chicken, horse, banana, and Rivedare? Too many to count that's how many, if beasts had more variety it could be tolerable, But the same comp game after game is not very fun.
Just a general Beast's comment, not only are they OP - they've been in the minion pool in my last 20 lobby's straight - very annoying
I hate beasts atm. The 50/50, ball minion, extra deathrattle all benefit them. That and of course the easy triple quests. It's all a bunch of bull. Every game I play is 4 beast players and then the other 3 are dead by turn 10. Its all about "can I come in 4th" now. And thats a sucky way to play.
Battleground has been about "just finish in the top 4" since damn near it's inception.
Bullcrap? I can agree but he not only tried to abuse 1 cleave, he attempted 3... That's equivalently, if not even more disgusting. Low key happy he didn't get first with that
I hate beasts late game because even when I've been scaling for the last 6-10 turns they can win a 12% on me with fucking BRAND NEW unscaled garbage via having banana slammas and summon cards. Sure, it's not easy to stack a golden+ a normal one of those or anything, but completely unscaled cards beating scaled ones still feels horrible to me.
Sleep time videos 😴
Tumbling with beast is fantastic to play!
For all that Kripp hates on Banana Slamma, I think he sleeps on the damned Mech Horse! I hate that card, it's in almost every game and when it's in, people go token build!
Look, yes beasts need some balance and all but bruhhh you missplayed and passed on something like 1k-1k on stats, and you play on 6-8mmr lobby. Murlocs destroys beasts on higher mmr lobbys it's not even close, usually you hit 2-4 with beast build. For reference I am 10k on EU.
Blizzard loves the scam builds beasts are funneled into and instead of redesigning them, they're just going to keep getting busted in combat scaling. I finally uninstalled during this patch because of far too many games of people spamming beasts above 7k mmr. It's either quit every match with beasts in it, or suffer through 5 people all fighting for Slamma.
Beasts aren't even the best comp right now
Rylak should not be a beast, It has almost no synergy with any beast builds.
So many misplays 😢
You could've had so big mechs that their quest was irrelevant
Enjoy the video, everyone!
this is why I stopped playing battlegrounds, everytime I want to play there are 5-6 people in the lobby making beasts, like fr, u don t need to use ur brain to make that build and u can easily finish top 1 or 2
Yeah true. Beast are a fun-killer. It's not even fun to play beast yourself.
I hate beasts, they ruin every game they are in! I also like the idea of quests, but sadly they create a meta of people staying in low taverns and rushing midrange. Whoever survives that train wreck with the best quest then wins. I think it’s time for quests to move on for a while.
This loss was definitely avoidable. For example, passing on the magnetic mechs and going into the last fight with six minions on the board.
That being said, I hate beasts and am REALLY sick of seeing them dominate every lobby.
Kripp do you ever play the other modes? I never play BGs, never got them. Most of your fanbase followed you when you played ranked/arena and all the rest of it. Throw us a bone every now and then please!
He won't and I don't blame him. Current hearthstone is not the Kripp hearthstone and if he tried to play it only thing we would see would be a saltshaker man going mad about infinite value, combos etc. belive me it's not fun to watch
He also mentioned he enjoyed BGs due to not being impacted by stream snipers.
Modern hearthstone sucks to watch and is even worse to play (ranked). Can’t blame ‘em, I don’t think people want to see it and he certainly doesn’t want to put himself through it. Maybe the devs will start steering the ship away from oppressive power creep?
@@mgs85 nope with wizbang from what i can see right now its heading into bizzare combo and unfunny gameplay
god I wish they would just remove beasts.
So I'm probably a high MMR player? Just over 8k, so low end but actually on the leaderboard. When it comes to beasts, their high roll typically isn't even the high-rolliest - that belongs to murlocs. And typically, a good high roll of some stat tribes like dragons will outscale a 'fair' roll from beasts (Slamma, Titus, Goldrinn, Hawkstrider, 1-2 of which are golden). The reason they're problematic is due to how 'easy' it is to put the pieces together. If you have the core pieces, you might have barely any round-to-round scaling on them (outside of reborn from that tier 3 scarab) yet you can still top4, and even win a lobby. Most other builds require turn after turn after turn after turn of investment.
It also doesn't help that the Amalgamation reward - one of the better rewards due to how good it is midgame and thus how good it is at confirming top4 - works best with beasts due to Slamma multiplying the stats. Tumbling Disaster, another very good reward, also works arguably best with beasts due to it being able to replace Goldrinn + Hawkstrider and having a very functioning build (while eliminating the need for T6 units if you go that route).
It also doesn't help that beasts and token deaths synergise with many quest objectives. And it also doesn't help that Snapjaw and the Bird are very powerful T2 units (T1 Mana Saber into T3 Snapjaw is freaking brutal).
Basically, it's not that beasts are unbeatable, or that they're even the high rolliest comp - that well and truly belongs to murlocs - it's just that early on they're good, and later on their final build is capable of top1ing yet is so easy to put together (mostly vanilla units).
why don't you play in a lobby this above 6-7k? Those lobbies are a joke. come up to 10k+ and you'll start to see real cards.
Turns out you just played badly
Looking at that shit build takes away any will I have to reinstall this garbaccio.
so complain about beasts 😴