The humans see how BiBi is handling the kitten but don't interfere. BiBi is not being deliberately abusive, he is acting as a monkey. The kitten does need to be moved somewhere safer.
Si siguen tratando al GATITO como pelota se les va a morir. Por favor el es un ser vivo. El monito no entiende ustedes sí. Ellos no son para jugar. 😢😢😢
STOP LETTING THE MONKEY HANDLE THE KITTEN --IT IS ABUSIVE! To all that think this is cute, wake up! It will only be a matter of time before it’s dead. The monkey will continue to be a monkey-STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT HUMAN. Shame on you for watching this abuse , how can you not tell the kitten is suffering? 🤬😢
Bibi est émerveillé par tout ce que fait son père. Je ne pense pas que bibi maltraité le chaton. Je pense que le chaton est trop lourd pour qu'il puisse le manipuler plus délicatement et ne se rend pas compte de la fragilité du chaton. Il se montre curieux de l'animal.
I love how Bibi has to be right on top of everything dad is doing! He’s like the “foreman” of the job while dad is the worker! Bibi is very excited about the kittens new house. Dad- let’s make sure you teach Bibi how to be gentle. He drags that poor kitten around like a rag doll. I know he doesn’t mean to be rough with the kitten so he needs to be taught. Hope you are feeling well Quan!
Don't be stupid u shouldn't have a kitten with a monkey Bibi is rough and unkind. I am very upset to see this video. Find the kitten a good home for goodness sake. I will not watch your videos again
Bibi será para uno de los q comentan un mono .., pero el corazón preocupación para darle un lugar donde dormir a pequeño gatito . Es lo que habla de ella . Dulce inteligente y tiempo necesita . Lo q aveces ni un ser humano tiene . Corazón ! No me gustó comentario . Es elemplo de q se trata bibi y lo q significa para un ser humano . Vaya de dónde venimos ???? Felicidades Bibi por tu dulzura e interés . Para los animales y seres humanos . Lo q falta en muchos . Enséñales bibi hermosa ❤😊
I don't want to say that, But Bibi is still a monkey after all. He didn't know how to treat the kitten gently, But you can't blame him for being too rude. The kitten is still young, please ask dad to help find a good home for it to adopt!
Concordo. Tem macaquinhos que são criados desde bebês com outros bebês humanos e dão carinhosos. Mas o Bibi não. Então é bem rude com o gatinho, que ainda não sabe se defender.
Também acho que devem tomar mais cuidado quando Bibi estiver com o gatinho….ele não faz por mal mas pode machucar. Um gato precisa de cuidados diferentes dos macacos.
@@BinnyRed Ah , yes you are right . I forgot the Person behind the camera though I think everyone with "a Heart for Cats " and also for Monkeys should see and hear that this small kitten is no one to lay in a Monkeys Hand .
What's with all the negativity about BiBi being too rough with the kitten. At least appreciate that BiBi, with the help of parents made a house for the kitten. BiBi is not rough with the kitten, but comments from viewers are
Hello bibi and Lan hope you all have a nice day. Please let B know he needs to be gentle with the kitten. He doesn't know any better but just as he learned all other things he'll learn that too. He means well but a bit rough. He enjoys his kitty. Well anyway house's are cute. Please you all take care and God bless❤
vcs precisam ensinar o Bibi a ser mais gentil com o gatinho. Fico com dó do jeito que ele pega o pobre animalzinho. E todo bebê, inclusive humano, faz isso também. Cabe aos adultos ensinar.
Es tut mir auch weh, wie Bibi das Kätzchen zieht und zerrt. Er will ihm gar nicht Schmerzen zufügen, tut es aber leider doch. Das winzige Kätzchen hat große Angst vor Bibi und schreit. Bitte...gebt es weg. Das hat das Tierchen nicht verdient.
Isto mesmo. Não é recomendado dar animais pra crianças justamente pela falta de noção de perigo. A mesma coisa acontece com o Bibi. As vezes os bichinhos crescem sem reagir, já se acostumando com os maus tratos. Isto não é divertido.
Ja, das grässliche Affenvieh sollte von dem kleinen Kätzchen ferngehalten werden, Affen sind brutale und bösartige Scheusale, sie können keine Freundschaft oder Liebe empfinden, sie sind primitive und stupide Scheusale, aber die sogenannten "Eltern" sind auch nicht besser!
Котёнок не игрушка Почему вы не останавливаете вашу обезьяну когда она вредит бедному маленькому котенку Сначала я смотрела но теперь отпишусь так как здесь жестокое обращение с животными
Essa gatinha vai acabar morrendo imagino quanta dor elazinha não sente no corpo todo de tanto o Bibi apertar ela ela grita o tempo todo! E vcs ficam rindo como se não soubesse que ela é um ser vivo e que sente dor.😢😢😢
Sometimes Bibi is a bit rough to kitten although he is kind and loves kitten. Bibi is still a baby , he is unable to take good care of kitten. Hope dad and mom understand this and teach Bibi a bit. Bibi is curious at whatever dad is doing ; he learns a lot from dad. Thanks dad and mom for loving Bibi and baby kitten ❤
Отдайте котёнка волонтёрам,что ли 😢😢😢У Вас же есть социальные сети?Биби просто маленькая обезьянка и ему хочется играть,но малыш не игрушка 😢он ему лапы сломает, точно.. Закончится всё тем,что и котенок навредит Биби,укусит или поцапапает 😮 вряд-ли он привит😢 Даже смотреть не хочется уже, когда с первых кадров видно как страдает кот.неужели вы не видите?
Papi recuerdo cuando hiciste el primer sillon y lo colocaste en la mesada para que Bibi ,bebe se sentara mientras tu le cocinabas ❤❤❤❤❤❤ gracoas papi por dar tanto amor a Bibi ❤❤❤
@@paulesther7956 ... verstehe ich es richtig, Sie melden diesen Kanal, obwohl man sieht, dass das Kätzchen, welches erst ein paar Tage in der "Familie" ist und sich alle erst aneinander gewöhnen müssen, schon viel besser aussieht als zu Beginn? Bei uns sagt man: "Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen" , das heisst, alle müssen erst noch lernen was gut fürs Kätzchen ist und was nicht. Im Übrigen ist immer ein Kameramann in der Nähe um Schlimmes zu verhindern. Sende Ihnen viele Grüße aus Düsseldorf und seien Sie bitte nicht zu schnell mit Ihren Urteilen, überlegen Sie vorher ganz genau was Sie mit einer Meldung des Kanals anrichten, heisst, erst gründlich überlegen, abwägen und ggf. die nächsten Filme abwarten. Wir sehen nur einen ganz, ganz kleinen Ausschnitt des wirklichen Alltags. Nochmals viele Grüsse aus Düsseldorf 🇩🇪🌞🌞🌞
There’s nothing independent about Bibi. He relays completely on his humans to survive! He can NOT at all take care of the kitten and the kitten needs protection against Bibi, as he mistreats the kitten often!
А Бибишечка сам еще не так давно таким же маленьким был, как этот котенок. Недавно видео попалось, как его купают. А он сам не больше этого котенка. Только глазки - маслинки и ушки торчком. Подрос, самостоятельный стал, уже сам может о ком - то заботиться. Я просто таю, как мороженое, когда он кого - нибудь целует. Это так мило.❤❤🐒🐒🐒❤️❤️❤️
@@MonkeyBiBi16Das Affenvieh ist weder schlau noch lieb, es ist ein hässliches Ungeziefer, das überhaupt nicht verstehen kann, was die elenden Tierquäler von ihm wollen!
The kitten is scared by the way Bibi plays with him. Please don't leave Bibi alone with the kitten. Bibi doesn't understand that the kitten is an animal like him and needs to be careful not to hurt him. The kitten is just a baby and doesn't know how to defend himself from Bibi's rough play. Kitten needs peace to grows up healthy.
Dad and mom it is your responsibility to make sure Bibi does not injure this baby kitten.just watch him closely when he wants to play with the baby kitten.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Your love for bibi is so outstanding !!! As in any family there are always problems and hurdles to over come as a father your mastering these hurdles great for bibi and your beautiful daughters,love your family❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊😺😺😺😺
Yes as many have mentioned just teach Bibi to be gentle with kitten. Bibi does not realize to be more gentle with kitten. Just teach Bibi who will learn.
Bibi helped Dad find and save kitten. He just needs to be taught to be gentle and Bibi is smart he will learn. I Love the kittens new home. I Love you Bibi and family ❤. Wishing you all happiness, safety and good health. I Love seeing Dad and Bibi loves Dad so much, you can see 👀 it in his eyes and his actions. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Das hässliche Affenvieh sollte von dem kleinen Kätzchen ferngehalten werden! Affen sind lästige und uebergriffige Scheusale, aufdringlich und nicht fähig, Gefühle zu entwickeln! Sie folgen nur ihren niedrigen Instinkten, fressen, verdauen und vermehren, sonst kennen sie nichts!
Bibi will not accept that this is the kitten's house. I fear there in the dark he can do with the kitten whatever he wants. Please make the door smaller!
Bom dia meu povo apaixonado por Bibi eu também sou apaixonada por Bibi e toda família Bibi está amando o gatinho 🐱 da beijos 💋 💋 está feliz o bom mesmo é ver Lan contar histórias para Bibi dormir ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂
Bibi is really so smart and loving, he wants to give his own toy box for kitten, Bibi so intense on how Dad makes the house,the way he is looking at it love it. This toddler wants to learn what Dad is doing. Bibi will grow up to be the one of smartest loving monkey creatures ❤❤❤❤❤
Биби такой счастливый, заботливый мальчик, очень рад, что у него появился маленький друг,,, целует котика,,, умничка биби,,, папу слушает и маму❤❤❤россия
@@ГусьЛапчатый-ц4рDer haessliche Affe ist ein ekelhaftes und abstoßendes Scheusal! Das kleine Kätzchen sollte ihm seine ekelhafte Schnauze zerkratzen! Wie der das arme Kätzchen packt und brutal herumschleppt, ist einfach zu widerlich, das Affenvieh sollte getötet werden! Aber was kann man von solchen ungebildeten Individuen schon erwarten? Die sind genau so primitiv wie das Affenscheusal!
DAD read your comments from your viewers. They are saying that BIBI needs to be more careful with the cat. He is much too rough in handling this kitten!! Why dont you listen?? You and the nanny need to teach Bibi to be GENTLE with it. But neither of you seem to care. The kitten IS NOT A TOY for Bibi. It is a living animal thatt needs to be taken care of properly. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR VIEWERS.
I wouldn't read them either if I was him. He doesn't have to listen to his viewers at all. Two weeks.down the track and the kitten is still fine. Shocker
I loved little Bi's house and his counter chair! He is so adorable in this video - a master student - always studying EVERYTHING up close. He's just the most precious creature.
@@lilievseeva7607Buna seara aveti dreptate pt Bibi pisoiasul este ca o jucărie....mie mila cum trage de el mi se rupe sufletu....Una este cînd un ciine mic se potrivește cu o pisicuta mica toate maimutele au acesta reacție dura dar nu inteleg ca este un animal mic .. Vine din interiorul lor aceste gesturi
@@НатальяЛучко-ы9ва вы считаете, что хрупкого котенка таскать за горло, тыкать в глазки, ковырять в ушах ,дергать за шерсть,выкручивать лапки это нормально (((
Ура!!! Поздравляю котенка с новосельем, у него теперь свое жилье, ну и Бибишку тоже ,они теперь частенько там будут вместе. Спасибо большое Папе и маме что они хорошо постарались❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤
Que lindo papa y mama haciendo para la cama del gatito, yo y mi marido somos asi, tenemos 5 gatitos, llega el invierno y preparamos para sus camas.Son de corazon grande lleno de amor.Falta el nombre,puede ser LUNA .❤
Thanks Daddy Quan and mum Lan and most of all my little man Bibi who put so much effort into building a little house 🏠 for kitty 😺 well done guy's 👏🏾 ✔️ 👍🏽 that made my day 😀 in due course Bibi will get the hang of things bless him 😘 ❤❤❤
You, my kind boy, you are thinking of your friend so that he has a place to sleep. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your love of animals, and for thinking of Bibi and the kitten's happiness❤️
Love how Bibi cuddles with Mom while playing on the phone. 💖. Bibi is thinking 🤔🤔🤔 and remembering his house as a safe haven and a place to play. Kitty 🐈⬛ needs one too😉. Dad brings supplies to make a kitten house. Bibi, the great supervisor, is checking the work of Dad and Mom 👍👍. Great job everyone on the house construction 👏👏👏. It should proudly say “Monkey Bibi’s Kitten’s Playhouse”, yes? Love to Bibi 💕,Mom 💖 and Dad ❤️.
Bibi is very smart and eager to learn when he wants to help his parents make a new house for the kitten. Thank you for your love, wish you lots of health and luck
Understand, after all, they don't care about that kitten, the most important thing for them is that the monkey is happy. I am so sorry to see this cute kitten in the hands of that monster because I love kittens so much. Of course, these are old videos and the monkey and the kitten are long dead. But why show people such cruel treatment of a small helpless kitten?
Mr. Quan and Mom... we know that it is a lot happening right now. Two babies and one mom to handle both. You have to work and plus the family in the city to consider - it is a LOT we know and we just want to thank and encourage you. You have a GREAT HEART and God will bless you in your effort sir. Just a quick point out though... Bibi does not know to to play with or handle the kitten! Bibi is too rough and the kitten is still a baby - two different animals of course. We know Bibi loves the kitten but you guys need to be around when he plays with/handles the kitten and teach him to be gentle with it. The stress is too much for the kitten... too rough!!!
Well said. I couldn’t agree more. I had to stop watching the video early on. It was too difficult to see the kitty being dragged by his head and picked up by his skin on his back. So painful to watch. I pray Quan re-homes this sweet, helpless kitten.
No he visto niño más curioso que mi amorcito Bibi, el quiere descubrir, observar, tocar absolutamente todo, por eso es muy inteligente ja ja ja love you Bibi ❤❤❤❤❤
Quando Dad está na jogada tudo fica mais interessante. Sua presença é fundamental para que as coisas fluam com tranquilidade e harmonia ❤
Así es
Quan é uma pessoa capaz, inteligente, cuidadoso. Faz toda diferença. Além do Bibi, o que nos trás aqui é a perspicácia e inteligência do papai.
Muito obrigado, vou passar mais tempo com a Bibi para que a Bibi possa ser feliz todos os dias
Das ist nichts als ein geldgieriger dreckiger Tierquäler, und seine haessliche Frau ebenfalls!@@rosanedemoraes6225
Папа мастер, умеет все делать, какая Биби счастливая с таким папой и мамой
The humans see how BiBi is handling the kitten but don't interfere. BiBi is not being deliberately abusive, he is acting as a monkey. The kitten does need to be moved somewhere safer.
Yes. A monkey and will remain a monkey. To me, the worst part is that the so-called parents allow the monkey to do whatever it wants.
Si siguen tratando al GATITO como pelota se les va a morir. Por favor el es un ser vivo. El monito no entiende ustedes sí. Ellos no son para jugar. 😢😢😢
Душа болить , коли я бачу ,як ви мучите котика. Дуже боляче. Сльози на очах.
STOP LETTING THE MONKEY HANDLE THE KITTEN --IT IS ABUSIVE! To all that think this is cute, wake up! It will only be a matter of time before it’s dead. The monkey will continue to be a monkey-STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT HUMAN. Shame on you for watching this abuse , how can you not tell the kitten is suffering? 🤬😢
Котенок еще маленький, чтобы играть с Биби, ему тоже нужна забота.Он испуган и одинок. Позаботьтесь о нем!!!
Bibi est émerveillé par tout ce que fait son père.
Je ne pense pas que bibi maltraité le chaton. Je pense que le chaton est trop lourd pour qu'il puisse le manipuler plus délicatement et ne se rend pas compte de la fragilité du chaton. Il se montre curieux de l'animal.
Привыкнет в тепле ,любви и сытости. И потом, он тоже вырастет ☝💪
I love how Bibi has to be right on top of everything dad is doing! He’s like the “foreman” of the job while dad is the worker! Bibi is very excited about the kittens new house. Dad- let’s make sure you teach Bibi how to be gentle. He drags that poor kitten around like a rag doll. I know he doesn’t mean to be rough with the kitten so he needs to be taught. Hope you are feeling well Quan!
The kitten should have immediately been taken to the local animal hospital for proper care and adoption!
Drama Queen@@user-ch5op8we4e
Plus BiBi has had enough of drama in his life. Don't need no more.
@@user-ch5op8we4e kitten appears to be fine and getting lots of love.
Don't be stupid u shouldn't have a kitten with a monkey Bibi is rough and unkind. I am very upset to see this video. Find the kitten a good home for goodness sake. I will not watch your videos again
Большое спасибо папе Биби! Какое у папы огромное терпение и любовь к Биби!🙏🏻
Muito amor e paciência com BIBI mamãe também entende tudo que BIBI quer isso eu chamo de amor de mãe de verdade ❤❤❤❤😂
Спасибо за комплимент, подписывайтесь на нас, чтобы посмотреть новые милые видео Биби.
Bibi será para uno de los q comentan un mono .., pero el corazón preocupación para darle un lugar donde dormir a pequeño gatito . Es lo que habla de ella . Dulce inteligente y tiempo necesita . Lo q aveces ni un ser humano tiene . Corazón ! No me gustó comentario . Es elemplo de q se trata bibi y lo q significa para un ser humano . Vaya de dónde venimos ???? Felicidades Bibi por tu dulzura e interés . Para los animales y seres humanos . Lo q falta en muchos . Enséñales bibi hermosa ❤😊
I don't want to say that, But Bibi is still a monkey after all. He didn't know how to treat the kitten gently, But you can't blame him for being too rude. The kitten is still young, please ask dad to help find a good home for it to adopt!
Concordo. Tem macaquinhos que são criados desde bebês com outros bebês humanos e dão carinhosos. Mas o Bibi não. Então é bem rude com o gatinho, que ainda não sabe se defender.
Thank you for saying that. He can be trained to be more gentle. And if not, don't let him handle the kitten.
Também acho que devem tomar mais cuidado quando Bibi estiver com o gatinho….ele não faz por mal mas pode machucar. Um gato precisa de cuidados diferentes dos macacos.
That poor kitten. He is too rough with it.
They shouldn t leave the Cat alone with Bibi .
Bibi is never alone. 📷
Pls give the kitten to someone else .. Bibi is very rough with it ,
@@BinnyRed Ah , yes you are right . I forgot the Person behind the camera though I think everyone with "a Heart for Cats " and also for Monkeys should see and hear that this small kitten is no one to lay in a Monkeys Hand .
@@SimranSharma-xw1jv Get a life.
@btoz7499 yes the kitten definitely is a new fun toy for Bibi
I'm sorry but Bibi is too rough with the kitten! Give him a plush toy cat!
What's with all the negativity about BiBi being too rough with the kitten. At least appreciate that BiBi, with the help of parents made a house for the kitten. BiBi is not rough with the kitten, but comments from viewers are
Mais non , bibi s'occupe bien du chaton, le caressé, le couvre dans la couverture et veut lui faire 1 maison
Vois voyez le mal partout 😂😂😂
A mí me encantan los gatitos y creo que Bibi algunas veces le hace daño por favor cuiden del gatito
How come the kitty follows BI everywhere.
Hello bibi and Lan hope you all have a nice day. Please let B know he needs to be gentle with the kitten. He doesn't know any better but just as he learned all other things he'll learn that too. He means well but a bit rough. He enjoys his kitty. Well anyway house's are cute. Please you all take care and God bless❤
vcs precisam ensinar o Bibi a ser mais gentil com o gatinho. Fico com dó do jeito que ele pega o pobre animalzinho. E todo bebê, inclusive humano, faz isso também. Cabe aos adultos ensinar.
Absolutely, Dad you need too teach Bebi too be gentle!!!!! He's a sweetheart ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Es tut mir auch weh, wie Bibi das Kätzchen zieht und zerrt. Er will ihm gar nicht Schmerzen zufügen, tut es aber leider doch. Das winzige Kätzchen hat große Angst vor Bibi und schreit. Bitte...gebt es weg. Das hat das Tierchen nicht verdient.
Isto mesmo. Não é recomendado dar animais pra crianças justamente pela falta de noção de perigo. A mesma coisa acontece com o Bibi. As vezes os bichinhos crescem sem reagir, já se acostumando com os maus tratos. Isto não é divertido.
Ja, das grässliche Affenvieh sollte von dem kleinen Kätzchen ferngehalten werden, Affen sind brutale und bösartige Scheusale, sie können keine Freundschaft oder Liebe empfinden, sie sind primitive und stupide Scheusale, aber die sogenannten "Eltern" sind auch nicht besser!
Joj Bibi,takto nemôže zaobchádzať s maciatkom veď ono je tiež živé a cíti bolesť.Drzte Bibi od neho ďalej nedovoľte jej mu toto robiť prosím 🙏🙏🙏
Биби растет и ещё умней становится
Bibi loves the kitten he wants to help make the house cute ❤❤❤❤❤
Он становиться жестоким.
Котёнок не игрушка Почему вы не останавливаете вашу обезьяну когда она вредит бедному маленькому котенку Сначала я смотрела но теперь отпишусь так как здесь жестокое обращение с животными
@@lika.l7 а как у Алексагиных, в парке Тайган, обезьяны Люська и Стёпка, затаскали котеек
@@ИринаБелова-ь3п Я и там высказывала свое мнение но стала неугодной зоодуой отписалась и от этой насыщенной дамы
Bibi gosta tanto do gatinho que não sabe que esta machucando ele.
Essa gatinha vai acabar morrendo imagino quanta dor elazinha não sente no corpo todo de tanto o Bibi apertar ela ela grita o tempo todo! E vcs ficam rindo como se não soubesse que ela é um ser vivo e que sente dor.😢😢😢
Со стороны людей безответственное отношение к котёнку.Это не игрушка для обезьянки и вообще, это тоже живое существо. Смотреть больно😪
Bibi loves the kitten and needs to be taught how to treat him. Clever Quan has made a lovely house for the kitten just as Bibi wanted.xxxx❤❤😊😊😊😊
Obrigado pelo seu amor pela Bibi. Tentarei cuidar bem da Bibi e da gatinha para não decepcionar as expectativas de todos
Por favor síguenos para desearle al gatito una pronta recuperación.
Lan es más que nana, es la mamá de Bibi
ビビ❤ 😺子猫ちゃんが愛し過ぎて壊さないでね🤣
Отличный получился домик,у котика теперь есть свой уголок.Папа молодец,у него здорово получилось!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴👪🙊🏠😻
Bibi é tão fofo 😊😊😊😊 e graçado😂😂😂
Папа с БиБи на одной волне, понимают друг, друга❤Это любовь отца и сына❤
Я очень люблю Биби и постараюсь подарить Биби все самое лучшее.
Sometimes Bibi is a bit rough to kitten although he is kind and loves kitten. Bibi is still a baby , he is unable to take good care of kitten. Hope dad and mom understand this and teach Bibi a bit. Bibi is curious at whatever dad is doing ; he learns a lot from dad. Thanks dad and mom for loving Bibi and baby kitten ❤
Котёнок выглядит гораздо лучше.. 😍❤Спасибо папе с Биби и маме, что взяли и позаботились о потеряшке.. 🙏Биби так любит своего нового дружочка.. 🤗😍❤
Вы разве не видите, что происходит с этим малюсеньким котёнком
Отдайте котёнка волонтёрам,что ли 😢😢😢У Вас же есть социальные сети?Биби просто маленькая обезьянка и ему хочется играть,но малыш не игрушка 😢он ему лапы сломает, точно.. Закончится всё тем,что и котенок навредит Биби,укусит или поцапапает 😮 вряд-ли он привит😢 Даже смотреть не хочется уже, когда с первых кадров видно как страдает кот.неужели вы не видите?
@@ОлесяЗуева-э1п вы зачем мне это пишите? Что-то истерика?
Papi recuerdo cuando hiciste el primer sillon y lo colocaste en la mesada para que Bibi ,bebe se sentara mientras tu le cocinabas ❤❤❤❤❤❤ gracoas papi por dar tanto amor a Bibi ❤❤❤
@@paulesther7956 ... verstehe ich es richtig, Sie melden diesen Kanal, obwohl man sieht, dass das Kätzchen, welches erst ein
paar Tage in der "Familie" ist und sich alle erst aneinander gewöhnen müssen, schon viel besser aussieht als zu Beginn?
Bei uns sagt man: "Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen" , das heisst, alle müssen erst noch lernen was gut fürs
Kätzchen ist und was nicht. Im Übrigen ist immer ein Kameramann in der Nähe um Schlimmes zu verhindern.
Sende Ihnen viele Grüße aus Düsseldorf und seien Sie bitte nicht zu schnell mit Ihren Urteilen, überlegen Sie vorher ganz genau
was Sie mit einer Meldung des Kanals anrichten, heisst, erst gründlich überlegen, abwägen und ggf. die nächsten Filme
abwarten. Wir sehen nur einen ganz, ganz kleinen Ausschnitt des wirklichen Alltags.
Nochmals viele Grüsse aus Düsseldorf 🇩🇪🌞🌞🌞
There’s nothing independent about Bibi. He relays completely on his humans to survive! He can NOT at all take care of the kitten and the kitten needs protection against Bibi, as he mistreats the kitten often!
Wow, Dad not only good at cooking, but also good at art. The kitten house is awesome ✨🐒🐱🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠✨❣️
He's a jack of all trades !
Куан почему как раньше.не живёт. С биби. Временами приходит а потом уходить
А Бибишечка сам еще не так давно таким же маленьким был, как этот котенок. Недавно видео попалось, как его купают. А он сам не больше этого котенка. Только глазки - маслинки и ушки торчком. Подрос, самостоятельный стал, уже сам может о ком - то заботиться. Я просто таю, как мороженое, когда он кого - нибудь целует. Это так мило.❤❤🐒🐒🐒❤️❤️❤️
Биби очень умная и милая, когда вместе с родителями строит домик для котенка.
@@MonkeyBiBi16Das Affenvieh ist weder schlau noch lieb, es ist ein hässliches Ungeziefer, das überhaupt nicht verstehen kann, was die elenden Tierquäler von ihm wollen!
Bibi ordena y mamá y papá lo complacen!!!Linda casita para el gatito 😃🐈⬛
Probablemente Bibi esté muy feliz de ayudar a sus padres a hacer una pequeña casa para el gatito.
The kitten is scared by the way Bibi plays with him. Please don't leave Bibi alone with the kitten. Bibi doesn't understand that the kitten is an animal like him and needs to be careful not to hurt him. The kitten is just a baby and doesn't know how to defend himself from Bibi's rough play. Kitten needs peace to grows up healthy.
Два счастья в доме Бибишка и маленький котёночек. У БиБи хватает забот на весь день. Спасибо папе и маме за заботу и воспитание этих малышей.❤❤❤
This is horrible that poor kitten
@@hillarychabot4825 what is horrible?
Биби очень умна и очаровательна, когда помогает родителям построить домик для котенка.
@@MonkeyBiBi16😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡😡 păcat cum iubești maimuta iubește și pisicuța... său pe maimuțică ei bani 😢😡😡😡😡👎👎👎👎👎
Какие тебе родители? Это зверь. Какой бы он не был, остаётся животное. Ты бы обиделась если бы тебя не за человека а за животтное видели
Dad and mom it is your responsibility to make sure Bibi does not injure this baby kitten.just watch him closely when he wants to play with the baby kitten.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Bibi é tão empático 💖
Distribui atenção e carinho como gosta de receber 💖✨🥰 é emocionante ver o empenho em ajudar a fazer uma casa para o gatinho 🤗
Estou muito feliz porque a Bibi tem um coração bondoso e gosta de ajudar os outros
Yes bibi helping with his new bb kitten is priceless!!!
Your love for bibi is so outstanding !!! As in any family there are always problems and hurdles to over come as a father your mastering these hurdles great for bibi and your beautiful daughters,love your family❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊😺😺😺😺
Yes we can hear the little kitten making noise. And besides he doesn't have another animal with Bibi. What happened to his little puppy.
I believe the Kitten may have felt fear/pain with the distress sounds it was making with its mewing cries. I couldn't watch anymore...
Yes as many have mentioned just teach Bibi to be gentle with kitten. Bibi does not realize to be more gentle with kitten. Just teach Bibi who will learn.
Kreatif ayah kamu Bi, buat ruang kamarnya kucing dari kardus. 😊
Mom,i Dad you need to teach Bibi how to play gently with the kitten ...
Dem dreckigen Kotsaecke kann man überhaupt nichts beibringen, das ist ein hässliches und primitives Scheusal!
Dad é muito engenhoso. Adorei o compasso improvisado para o desenho da porta da cadinha
Dad o "Professor Pardal"!!!! Bibi observa tudo de perto.❤
Bibi helped Dad find and save kitten. He just needs to be taught to be gentle and Bibi is smart he will learn. I Love the kittens new home. I Love you Bibi and family ❤. Wishing you all happiness, safety and good health. I Love seeing Dad and Bibi loves Dad so much, you can see 👀 it in his eyes and his actions. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Изначально, когда Биби только попал в семью, у него тоже был домик из картона, там стояла его кроватка и лежали игрушки. На домике была надпись Биби
А я вспомнила,как новое кресло Куан делал,для БиБи, не верится,что столько времени уже прошло.
Nothing compares to watching Bibi and dad together.😊
Oh yes I agree✌🏾!
Com certeza finalmente ver Bibi e papai juntos e outra coisa 😍😍😍
omy! @@anntracey6865
@@anntracey6865 you are in the minority with your opinion.
Follow us to see many beautiful moments of Bibi
Bibi, Hello! Please don't disturb kitty when it is sleeping. Kitty is very young and needs his/her sleep.❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Quan for giving the kitten a home. Maybe it can hide from Bibi in there and be safe from Bibi's " loving" hugs.
Wrong ! he can't hide from BiBi in there. BiBi fits in the house to.😀😀
아기가 아기를 이뻐하는 ❤❤❤ .아빠는 바쁜와중에도 들러주시나 보네요. 뽀뽀를 아는 비비 사랑해😍
Nochmals😮ein Kitten ist kein Spielzeug. 😮
Hello Lan, if kitten sleep relaxing or whatever. Pls .don't let Bibi bother....😊😢😮
Das hässliche Affenvieh sollte von dem kleinen Kätzchen ferngehalten werden! Affen sind lästige und uebergriffige Scheusale, aufdringlich und nicht fähig, Gefühle zu entwickeln! Sie folgen nur ihren niedrigen Instinkten, fressen, verdauen und vermehren, sonst kennen sie nichts!
Il gattino non è un giocattolo ma un esserino piccolo e delicato fate attenzione che bibi non gli faccia male 😢
Bibi will not accept that this is the kitten's house. I fear there in the dark he can do with the kitten whatever he wants. Please make the door smaller!
Zdravo svima Nove avantura našeg Bibike sa mamom Čekam video ljubim vas❤❤❤❤
Tako sam sretan što vam video donosi radost, nadam se da može širiti radost i ljubav prema životinjama svima.
Bibi est tres content il prepare avec son papa une Maison pour le petit chat 😊❤
Bom dia meu povo apaixonado por Bibi eu também sou apaixonada por Bibi e toda família Bibi está amando o gatinho 🐱 da beijos 💋 💋 está feliz o bom mesmo é ver Lan contar histórias para Bibi dormir ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂
Bibi is really so smart and loving, he wants to give his own toy box for kitten, Bibi so intense on how Dad makes the house,the way he is looking at it love it. This toddler wants to learn what Dad is doing. Bibi will grow up to be the one of smartest loving monkey creatures ❤❤❤❤❤
Quan es muy habilidoso con las manualidades.! Hermosa casita para el gato.! 😉😊😅
Наконец то у семьи Би и Кис появилась своя жилплощадь 😊👍❤ Поздравляю с новосельем!🎉😊
„President Palast…“
Подпишитесь на нас, чтобы посмотреть милые видео Биби, желаю вам и вашей семье счастливого нового дня.
Биби такой счастливый, заботливый мальчик, очень рад, что у него появился маленький друг,,, целует котика,,, умничка биби,,, папу слушает и маму❤❤❤россия
он его мучает, а не целует и никто не запрещает, какие жестокие, как так можно, он же не игрушка, он живой и очень маленький
@@ГусьЛапчатый-ц4рDer haessliche Affe ist ein ekelhaftes und abstoßendes Scheusal! Das kleine Kätzchen sollte ihm seine ekelhafte Schnauze zerkratzen! Wie der das arme Kätzchen packt und brutal herumschleppt, ist einfach zu widerlich, das Affenvieh sollte getötet werden! Aber was kann man von solchen ungebildeten Individuen schon erwarten? Die sind genau so primitiv wie das Affenscheusal!
DAD read your comments from your viewers. They are saying that BIBI needs to be more careful with the cat. He is much too rough in handling this kitten!! Why dont you listen?? You and the nanny need to teach Bibi to be GENTLE with it. But neither of you seem to care. The kitten IS NOT A TOY for Bibi. It is a living animal thatt needs to be taken care of properly. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR VIEWERS.
I wouldn't read them either if I was him. He doesn't have to listen to his viewers at all. Two weeks.down the track and the kitten is still fine. Shocker
He will read the comments if he only starts having a few viewer's. Lol pay attention dad, that poor kitten😢
Not good People. They dont care about small kitten.
Exactly it seems like they are ignoring all the comments
Ваш Биби угробит котёнка😢
Que linda casinha pra vc Bibi e seu amiguinho
Какой Биби хороший, позаботился о кисуле, а папа с мамой воплотили его идею в решении домика для котика. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bibi be carful. Bibi hurt kitten😢
Beautiful bibi dad ,mom, make home for kitten so nice hom is beautiful❤..thank you bib, mom, and dad...❤❤❤
Daddy, please be careful of Bibi handling the kitten. He has very strong grip even though Bibi's small. Might injure the baby kitten. 🙏
Yeah Bibs makes me scared too the way he handled little kitty 😢
Bibi is so want toget a home for the kitten...Bibi be gentle with the kitten.. love 💘 to the family ❤❤❤
Мама биби очень сладкий ребёнок ❤❤❤
Please don't let the kitten suffer it's afraid bibi to tough
Cela rappelle la maison de Bibi
Merci papa de prendre soin du chaton et de Bibi
Je vous aime tous ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I loved little Bi's house and his counter chair! He is so adorable in this video - a master student - always studying EVERYTHING up close. He's just the most precious creature.
Какие вы замечательные люди-Цюань и Ланочка!
Bibi is being too rough w/ the kittens. Please help him to be more careful!
Bibiは子猫ちゃんの為に お部屋を作ってあげたかったのですね😊本当に心の優しい お兄ちゃんです☺️
É sempre bom vê papai com bibi🎉💖💗❤️🤩
Love the fact that BiBi likes to inspect daddy’s work 😂😂
I love him 😍
Это счастье иметь такого папу. Забота о Биби-самое главное . Приятно наблюдать за вами. Домик готов. Молодцы!
Большое спасибо, я постараюсь хорошо позаботиться о двух детях, чтобы они были счастливы каждый день.
Dad gracias por protejer tanto a mi bibi lo amoooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Биби так заботиться о котёнке,но мне кажется иногда делает ему больно.У мамы с папой столько терпения и любви к малышам.Им очень с вами повезло 😊
Не может обезьяна любить котенка, разве что поиграться и помучить. Не стоит ему доверять заботу о котейке, макака была и есть макака!
@@lilievseeva7607Buna seara aveti dreptate pt Bibi pisoiasul este ca o jucărie....mie mila cum trage de el mi se rupe sufletu....Una este cînd un ciine mic se potrivește cu o pisicuta mica toate maimutele au acesta reacție dura dar nu inteleg ca este un animal mic ..
Vine din interiorul lor aceste gesturi
А вы считаете, что животные не могут любить и заботиться, какое заблуждение. Животные ещё лучше могут заботиться чем люди
@@НатальяЛучко-ы9ва вы считаете, что хрупкого котенка таскать за горло, тыкать в глазки, ковырять в ушах ,дергать за шерсть,выкручивать лапки это нормально (((
Ура!!! Поздравляю котенка с новосельем, у него теперь свое жилье, ну и Бибишку тоже ,они теперь частенько там будут вместе. Спасибо большое Папе и маме что они хорошо постарались❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤
Aw this is another AWESOME period shared with us THANK YOU Dad Quan, Lan And and Bibi
비비가 아기고양이를 부드럽게 만지는걸 가르켜주세요 비비는 모든게 엄빠 처럼 사랑인줄알지만 모든 아기의생명체는 부드럽게 하는게 좋아요
Какой красивый домик - вы очень дружные и добрые:)))🎉
Биби очень разумный:))))
Спасибо за комплимент, надеюсь, котенку понравится этот новый дом.
Buenos días Bibi deja ese gatito en paz❤ el está chiquito ❤
Aynen katılıyorum size •Severken kediye bır zarar gelecek
Es ist unverantwortlich die kleine Katze bei dem Affen zu lassen. Tierquälerei.
Thank you Quan for responding to all. God bless and cover you and your family with His abundant Grace and Favor.
Bibi, ficou com ciúmes, do gatinho, por causa da casinha, que o papai fez!! 😁😁😁😁😁💝💗🌸🌻🌷💋🇧🇷
Que lindo papa y mama haciendo para la cama del gatito, yo y mi marido somos asi, tenemos 5 gatitos, llega el invierno y preparamos para sus camas.Son de corazon grande lleno de amor.Falta el nombre,puede ser LUNA .❤
Good Evening Mom, Bibi and Family... Hello Kitten ❤🎉❤🎉
Hello Mom adn Dedy Bibi
Ilove you ❤❤❤
Hello, wish you and everyone lots of health and joy
Thank you so much..Same to you
Thanks Daddy Quan and mum Lan and most of all my little man Bibi who put so much effort into building a little house 🏠 for kitty 😺 well done guy's 👏🏾 ✔️ 👍🏽 that made my day 😀 in due course Bibi will get the hang of things bless him 😘 ❤❤❤
Lan and I want to send a little love to the kitten, hoping she will recover quickly
@@MonkeyBiBi16 Thank you 😊
You, my kind boy, you are thinking of your friend so that he has a place to sleep. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your love of animals, and for thinking of Bibi and the kitten's happiness❤️
Die Katze ist für ihn wie ein Gegenstand. 😮
Hoy Bibi tiene un día muy diferente. Volvió papá y ella está muy activa disfrutando. Me encantó ver a Bibi y me reí muchísimo. Los quiero.
Bibi y su gatito😂😂
@BlancaSoria 1807; Bibi NO es Femenina, Es Varon!!! Y si Bibi tiene un 💙Grande mucho Amor hay en EL.
@@alashasifuentes7316 habría que preguntarle a papá. Yo del sexo de Bibi no se. Solo se que la o lo quiere como si fuera mío.
@blancasoria1807; me Parece Que Todos Nosotros que enviamos mensajes Positivos d Bibi, queremos a Bibi Tambien para nosotros💓
Love how Bibi cuddles with Mom while playing on the phone. 💖. Bibi is thinking 🤔🤔🤔 and remembering his house as a safe haven and a place to play. Kitty 🐈⬛ needs one too😉. Dad brings supplies to make a kitten house. Bibi, the great supervisor, is checking the work of Dad and Mom 👍👍. Great job everyone on the house construction 👏👏👏. It should proudly say “Monkey Bibi’s Kitten’s Playhouse”, yes? Love to Bibi 💕,Mom 💖 and Dad ❤️.
Bibi is very smart and eager to learn when he wants to help his parents make a new house for the kitten. Thank you for your love, wish you lots of health and luck
@@MonkeyBiBi16cuidar al gatito hay maltrato por parte del mono
А вы не видите как эта обезьяна обращается с котёнком.
Вход в домик нужно было сделать меньше, чтобы Биби не имел возможность туда залезть, чтобы котенок мог уединяться от него
Understand, after all, they don't care about that kitten, the most important thing for them is that the monkey is happy. I am so sorry to see this cute kitten in the hands of that monster because I love kittens so much. Of course, these are old videos and the monkey and the kitten are long dead. But why show people such cruel treatment of a small helpless kitten?
Que legal, o 😺 e sua casa nova 👏👏👏👏
Bibi gostou tanto...é só alegria 😍
Muito obrigado, tenha um bom dia
Какая милота!!!! Они нашли друг друга. Будут лучшими друзьями, вот увидите.
Very nice to see Dad, Mom, Bibi and Kitty together❤😊
Dla Pana, Pani i pomocnika mądrego 🐵 ,mały kotek ma domek jak miło😻🏕🌝♥
Obrigado papai e mamãe pelo amor que vcs tem pela Bibi,adimiro muito vcs, que Deus os abençoe.
Mr. Quan and Mom... we know that it is a lot happening right now. Two babies and one mom to handle both. You have to work and plus the family in the city to consider - it is a LOT we know and we just want to thank and encourage you. You have a GREAT HEART and God will bless you in your effort sir. Just a quick point out though... Bibi does not know to to play with or handle the kitten! Bibi is too rough and the kitten is still a baby - two different animals of course. We know Bibi loves the kitten but you guys need to be around when he plays with/handles the kitten and teach him to be gentle with it. The stress is too much for the kitten... too rough!!!
THANK YOU! Someone needs to step in for the kitten's sake - it's not a monkey toy!
I coulldn't agree more. I think they are doing it for ratings. It's all about money. The kitten is going to get hurt.
@@user-ch5op8we4e I so agree. Please help make it stop... I can't stand it any more. I used to like watching him and now all i do is cry..
Well said. I couldn’t agree more. I had to stop watching the video early on. It was too difficult to see the kitty being dragged by his head and picked up by his skin on his back. So painful to watch. I pray Quan re-homes this sweet, helpless kitten.
@@user-ch5op8we4eGenau! Die widerlichen Tierschaender müssen auch noch ein kleines Kätzchen von dem dreckigen Kotsack quälen lassen!
No he visto niño más curioso que mi amorcito Bibi, el quiere descubrir, observar, tocar absolutamente todo, por eso es muy inteligente ja ja ja love you Bibi ❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias por tu amor por bibi, síguenos para ver los lindos videos de bibi.
Hola Bibi me encanta verte ,eres inteligentes,soy tu fans,un abrazo ,te saluda desde PERÚ.🇵🇪💖💖
비비가 아주 신났어요. 역시 아빠는 비비의 든든한 기둥입니다. 그런데 웬일인지 이제 아빠가 주인이 아니라 손님같이 느껴져서 마음이 씁쓸해요. 멋진집을 만들어준 칸씨는 손재주가 좋군요 요리도 잘하죠~~