Teryl-Leigh is one of the worst models I've seen on Top Model. She is gorgeous! But she has the worst attitude and she doesn't practice or think she should be working harder. The face paint shoot is one of the worst as well. Not because of the models, but because of the makeup. It is just ugly not edgy, strong or beautiful!
I agree she and I liked how she was truthful about how she felt at first cause its a major makeover but she was willing to own it unlike some girls you see on America's next top model where they act like little brats about it OK I get cutting your hair is a big deal but you did know what your were signed up for
I've noticed that in Australian Next Top Model and in this version when they have a Black girl they just shave their hair. I think it's out of ignorance and laziness because the do not know how to style or maintain Black hair and there is a probable lack of Black make up and hair stylist or so they think. If they are going to allow diversity in the competition than they should accommodate the contestant's and hire stylist that are knowledgeable of all hair types
apostleozzie198 Yes, so very true, and the fact of the matter is, it's really NOT that Black hair, which is still diverse even within the race, is not do difficult it's just as was said. It is entirely about ignorance and laziness. Blacks, Dominicans and some others can do Black hair and anyone's hair bc it's about skill, improving that skill to ultimately make money and expand your business. It's sad really, and shameful.
32:14 🤥 B.S. 🚨 ALERT! DURING ELIMINATION: Laura walks up. Chris Sisarich begins by giving her well deserved compliments….only to have Sara not so nicely insinuate that ALL didn’t go well & to explain: Laura says she used “Comfortable” to describe the garment she wore…Collin rudely cuts her off: “You know what??… GET over it…” 🤐 Now Designer Kirrily Johnston quickly jumps in “…oh…don’t worry about it it’s more that WE were concerned about YOU (LIE) “…I wasn’t offended..” (LIE) “…I didn’t care..” (BIGGER LIE) “..it’s just what was coming out of you, and..”w more nonsensical rambling … clearly attempting damage control…fearing Laura would tell the truth: The very INSTANT Laura said “Comfortable” they both POUNCED on & admonished her: “..NEVER say THAT!..” “You can’t SAY THAT with the designer standing right here!..” “That’s not how I want my clothing line described… ..use ‘Sexy”+“Powerful” ..but NOT comfortable…” 🤫 They made Laura feel like she just committed some unforgivable sin! Bullies.
It’s not as if Laura’s one word descriptor held vast weight in the public eye. She’s not a Fashion Critic and although “High Fashion” Designers despise “Comfortable” (probably due to its association with sweat pants) it’s NOT even a negative word. Plus you should only judge people on their INTENT: Did Laura intend to throw shade? No. So shut it.
Love the accents, Im English Texan and it’s like a softer version of us, we a bit more crunchy sounding, it’s the heat I guess lol and we been here in one spot 200 years out of Austin 🏴
22:19 - Olivia. 😳 The taste+skill level of her stylist is highly questionable: unless the memo was for a gypsy child at an Annual Fair in some tiny remote town who has her face painted. The overall look is SO sloppy: Poofy clown hair with a turquoise scrunchie that got ripped up while unsuccessfully trying to remove, a silver robot face that a child vandalized while drawing a heart…but was interrupted.
These make-ups are horrible!!!! Some girls got a little better ones, but only the "favorites" of the judges from the first. I felt horrible for these poor girls trying to make ugly look better. And I mean it: ugly. Not artistic.
In just about Every Next top model they always makeover at least one girl with the very short cut so they all should be prepared that it could happen to them and the girl they cut very short and made her very very blonde looks great , they all do
This show is ALOT better than Tyra's show, thats for sure. On this show New Zealand, these gals look pretty, but for Tyra's, they look sick looking...sorry to say.
Lizzy Walker I disagree, this show has no personality to the judges and at this time when these shows were shot, in America it was high fashion to have a thin waist and just be thin overall, every country has its own high fashion and Australia and America might be similar but they are still different
New Zealand 's Next Top Model, that was so horrible to cut the Africa lady hair off because we feel your hairdresser did not want to take the time to add more hair or just style it. While you let the majority of the others keep their long hair because it will grow back fast. From the Right Girls
Right?? 😳 That’s what I initially thought. But given that her comment is a “voice over” I have a feeling she may not have mentioned it until after the fact- that’s why she’s not on camera saying it. I mean, if the production team or any show members HAD known prior to makeovers - can you imagine the backlash they’d receive?? I’m still reeling from Ruby’s BlackFace. (See my three comments)
23:10 😑 Tyras Smizing Tips: Q: “But will it make one iota of a difference given Cristobelle’s Cringeworthy Alien Seaweed Face Mask?” 🎱 The Answer says: “No”.
Time 7:45PM Sun 3/4/18. I love Hosannas photo & Laura's photo. Olivia being eliminated was a good thing her photo was bland as hell even Terryleigh s photo was crap.
@@rosiepayne7712 Bitch, it IS an issue, because it’s offensive as hell!! Who tf are you to tell someone who’s of the same race as me to not be offended! There’s so much nasty and negative history behind black face, so if you’re not my color NATURALLY, then you shouldn’t pull stunts like that! Stay in your fucking lane and be happy with your own skin tone! That judge could’ve found a plethora of shoots to do with those women so to dress someone in black face is pathetic! Y’all hate us so much yet wanna be like us & think it’s okay! 🖕🏽
@@oliverchunlong Smart ass! I know exactly what the hell it is! Whether it was face paint, face oil, whatever… She STILL incorporated Black face, something offensive to black culture, into their photo shoot! Stop playing in the comments section, and as an African-American, I don’t appreciate the fact that you’re discounting how we feel!! Get off your high horse and stop talking out of your ass, because your comment was honestly not needed!
I really like this show ALOT better than Tyra's....this host is NOT a bitvh like Tyra, and also for makeovers, not one of the models is bald. What is Tyra's obsession of having a bald model and also, these gals are pretty, not stick looking like ANTM.
Lizzy Walker actually in cycle 24 jeanna has a disease that makes her almost bald thas why tyra decided to cut it all, its not good to let her wearing wig all the time
To be fair theirs only been 3 bald girls Nneena c6 who was happy enough with her look Ebony c1 had only had a tuft so I doubt she was upset about been shaved she was upset with how they hairdressers where shaving it and talking over her head and joking Jeana like somebody else said she had a condition that was making her bald and wearing wigs all the time wasn't healthy
24:49 OK-LAST ONE: 👩🏻🎤🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤 After seeing Ruby in full on BlackFace w NO other accessories, adornments or colors, her hair still pulled back from when they’d applied it - I figured out what happened: 🤔 The Stylists never showed up. So they called the local Beauty College, requesting their Graduating Class, but as they were on a field trip, “trainees” were sent over. Because there’s NO way any professional would sign off on this mess. Even w the most Eclectic+Edgy ideas, the overall looks themselves compliment the model, there’s a flow and impeccably finished. Or else it was “Bring your Kids to Work Day”.
Jenae Lovely I don’t agree at all, a model has to take a step OUT of their comfort zone and Sarah wouldn’t even try. It was either she wanted to do it or she didn’t do it. She wanted to be with her kid and I don’t think someone else should’ve gone home when they were trying and wanted to be there while Sarah didn’t want to be there and wasn’t trying at all.
@@m1lksucker555 I agree it's like the twins on the second cycle while it's sad when one went home first but as you said they are two difffent people not one person x
She wasn't made to look of African descent....it was meant to be a mask. The problem is you people trying to make something offensive when its benign. Consider yourself lucky that you have no real problems to contend with, you have to invent drama. No better than a Kardashian, really. *slow clap*
Teryl-Leigh is one of the worst models I've seen on Top Model. She is gorgeous! But she has the worst attitude and she doesn't practice or think she should be working harder. The face paint shoot is one of the worst as well. Not because of the models, but because of the makeup. It is just ugly not edgy, strong or beautiful!
As much as I love her ...bad attitude will never get far..especially for newbie
As soon as I started to know who they all were they went and gave them all makeovers, now I have to start all over again! lol
😂😂 I had to rewind to before the makeover just get reminded of who was who
they always cut the black girls hair all off
Thandeka T All the Fricking time
Thandeka T ~~ I haven't always agreed with that but this time it really made her look totally different and great
So what
Yes. You would think that these expensive salons could be a little more creative than just chopping it all off.
Not everyone can pull off the long hair look.
Laura's makeover is one of the best ever and she is feeling it.
I agree she and I liked how she was truthful about how she felt at first cause its a major makeover but she was willing to own it unlike some girls you see on America's next top model where they act like little brats about it OK I get cutting your hair is a big deal but you did know what your were signed up for
@Danielle Fliegelman she does even their oringal hair was even similar
I totally agree. Sometimes people confuse "pretty hair" with supermodel.look. Laura's makeover transformed her in a top model
Did these girls realize that even 14 years ago, they were getting hundreds of dollars of services for free? Be grateful!
I'm so glad Sarah went home, now is just not the time to be away from baby, theses are their bonding moments, awww poor sweetie was torn
Those clothes were rather horrid. That high fashion makeup artist......pretty high!....on herself, very bad crap.
H O R R I B L E!
The person who need to be makeover haircut is Colin!... Hahaha.. He looks like a 1970 Divas.
Chan B. Collin is awesome.
Chan B. Haha he is so,weird but he is funny and likable and the only reason I keep watching this...where is he know?
@@helixmoore7636 That was a good one!!! Tell another one
Are they seriously mad at her for describing the clothing as comfortable? Would you rather she said it felt like shit to wear?
Laura's makeover was amazing, she looked stunning.
with their new makeovers I can't tell who's who. I struggled with their normal haircut. -.-
Lucy with brown hair looks like Carly Rae Jepsen
I just found this today and bingewatched all 4 eps ~ please upload the rest ~ thank you and Happy New Year! ♥
Ugh the video quality is so bad but I'm already invested....
Every episode at judging sara sounds like she is having a break down when she says, " I cant do this alone" and "COME ON LUCY" lmao.
I've noticed that in Australian Next Top Model and in this version when they have a Black girl they just shave their hair. I think it's out of ignorance and laziness because the do not know how to style or maintain Black hair and there is a probable lack of Black make up and hair stylist or so they think. If they are going to allow diversity in the competition than they should accommodate the contestant's and hire stylist that are knowledgeable of all hair types
apostleozzie198 yeah, at least tyra , elle and Abbey do something to their hair.
apostleozzie198 Yes, so very true, and the fact of the matter is, it's really NOT that Black hair, which is still diverse even within the race, is not do difficult it's just as was said. It is entirely about ignorance and laziness. Blacks, Dominicans and some others can do Black hair and anyone's hair bc it's about skill, improving that skill to ultimately make money and expand your business. It's sad really, and shameful.
They didn't shave it they cut it off
@@pastellaura2580 same thing they end up with short ass hair
They cut white and black young women's hair very short when they believe n them.
When they say Sara it sounds like they're saying Trya. Lol I love Christobelle and Rebecca Rose and Laura
The opening theme music for NZNTM is cooler than ANTM's.
What on earth were they thinking with Rubys makeup on the photoshoot?
I love Laura's photo I though we will get best picture
They are crazy. They all look amazing!
I have never been happier that I am too short to be a model. This industry is so unhealthy!
32:14 🤥 B.S. 🚨 ALERT!
Laura walks up.
Chris Sisarich begins by giving her well deserved compliments….only to have Sara not so nicely insinuate that ALL didn’t go well & to explain:
Laura says she used “Comfortable” to describe the garment she wore…Collin rudely cuts her off:
“You know what??…
GET over it…” 🤐
Now Designer Kirrily Johnston quickly jumps in “…oh…don’t worry about it it’s more that WE were concerned about YOU (LIE)
“…I wasn’t offended..” (LIE) “…I didn’t care..” (BIGGER LIE)
“..it’s just what was coming out of you, and..”w more nonsensical rambling …
clearly attempting damage control…fearing Laura would tell the truth:
The very INSTANT Laura said “Comfortable”
they both POUNCED on & admonished her:
“..NEVER say THAT!..”
“You can’t SAY THAT with the designer standing right here!..”
“That’s not how I want my clothing line described… ..use ‘Sexy”+“Powerful” ..but NOT comfortable…”
They made Laura feel like she just committed some unforgivable sin!
Most of the make overs made them look WAY older... And super 00's too.
it was the 2000s...
Them: omg I gained weight
Me: 😕😑
Its clearly Laura has one of the best shots..These judges tho....are they judging based on skills pr what??lol
Great haircuts 👌💞
This is the most horrible photo shoot ever
It’s not as if Laura’s one word descriptor held vast weight in the public eye. She’s not a Fashion Critic and although “High Fashion” Designers despise “Comfortable” (probably due to its association with sweat pants) it’s NOT even a negative word.
Plus you should only judge people on their INTENT:
Did Laura intend to throw shade?
So shut it.
How can anyone look beautiful in such hideous make-up, it's literally paint
Love the accents, Im English Texan and it’s like a softer version of us, we a bit more crunchy sounding, it’s the heat I guess lol and we been here in one spot 200 years out of Austin 🏴
thanks for posting, please upload the next episodes!
Please upload the next episodes
Teryl lee looks like bella hadid
22:19 - Olivia. 😳
The taste+skill level of her stylist is highly questionable: unless the memo was for a gypsy child at an Annual Fair in some tiny remote town who has her face painted.
The overall look is SO sloppy: Poofy clown hair with a turquoise scrunchie that got ripped up while unsuccessfully trying to remove, a silver robot face that a child vandalized while drawing a heart…but was interrupted.
These make-ups are horrible!!!! Some girls got a little better ones, but only the "favorites" of the judges from the first. I felt horrible for these poor girls trying to make ugly look better. And I mean it: ugly. Not artistic.
I don't know where those girl necks was?
Why do they all think a pose is hand on hip?
I really want Hosshana to win one of these. She's been doing really well.
J. Elizabeth exactly she is the only that try’s and practice and she is wayyyy underrated for all the effort she puts in
I think it would be interesting is there were colored models with a white mask. Truly think it would interesting and maybe amazing
I agree. That would look FAR better than this mishmash lot!
what is coloured when white people go red purple and blue. make it make sense ??
The makeovers were horrible. The blondes looked very gray and didn’t have any warmth. The only one with a game changer makeover was Rhiannon
In just about Every Next top model they always makeover at least one girl with the very short cut so they all should be prepared that it could happen to them and the girl they cut very short and made her very very blonde looks great , they all do
Why do they need portfolios at the end when they are given their own picture each elimination?
This show is ALOT better than Tyra's show, thats for sure. On this show New Zealand, these gals look pretty, but for Tyra's, they look sick looking...sorry to say.
Lizzy Walker I disagree, this show has no personality to the judges and at this time when these shows were shot, in America it was high fashion to have a thin waist and just be thin overall, every country has its own high fashion and Australia and America might be similar but they are still different
This should be called New Zealand's Lowest Self-Esteem. My God most of these girls really don't need to be on reality TV.
Case & point: 😉
As the photographer says,
“…try to think how strong and powerful you look…” “…less little girl…more woman..” ..lol….
New Zealand 's Next Top Model, that was so horrible to cut the Africa lady hair off because we feel your hairdresser did not want to take the time to add more hair or just style it. While you let the majority of the others keep their long hair because it will grow back fast. From the Right Girls
Right?? 😳
That’s what I initially thought.
But given that her comment is a “voice over” I have a feeling she may not have mentioned it until after the fact- that’s why she’s not on camera saying it.
I mean, if the production team or any show members HAD known prior to makeovers - can you imagine the backlash they’d receive??
I’m still reeling from Ruby’s BlackFace. (See my three comments)
She most likely felt peer pressure and overall pressure/stress just being on the show, especially surrounded by a bunch of white girls.
23:10 😑
Tyras Smizing Tips:
Q: “But will it make one iota of a difference given Cristobelle’s Cringeworthy Alien Seaweed Face Mask?”
The Answer says: “No”.
Time 7:45PM Sun 3/4/18. I love Hosannas photo & Laura's photo. Olivia being eliminated was a good thing her photo was bland as hell even Terryleigh s photo was crap.
these girls are so unprepared for this .everybody is stiff, all of them areforced poses. those guys are useless.
Lucille Wickliffe-Ewetuga.
I think non of them are able to show what they’re good at because the make up 90% of the time is awful and the clothes are terrible 😬
Can you please upload the rest??? Thank you so much!
These girls even the girls on America's next top model always complain about their haircut because it's "not them" well its not supposed to be you.
Why did they do that to rubys face? Why? What part of the ocean is she representing? It reminds me of something entirely different and... why?
pleeeease tell me they did not just put that girl in blackface .... jesus
Fr, that was ridiculous
Chill it's not a problem stop being offended
@@rosiepayne7712 Bitch, it IS an issue, because it’s offensive as hell!! Who tf are you to tell someone who’s of the same race as me to not be offended! There’s so much nasty and negative history behind black face, so if you’re not my color NATURALLY, then you shouldn’t pull stunts like that! Stay in your fucking lane and be happy with your own skin tone! That judge could’ve found a plethora of shoots to do with those women so to dress someone in black face is pathetic! Y’all hate us so much yet wanna be like us & think it’s okay! 🖕🏽
It’s called face paint… It’s not blackface if she’s not portraying a particular race.
@@oliverchunlong Smart ass! I know exactly what the hell it is! Whether it was face paint, face oil, whatever… She STILL incorporated Black face, something offensive to black culture, into their photo shoot! Stop playing in the comments section, and as an African-American, I don’t appreciate the fact that you’re discounting how we feel!! Get off your high horse and stop talking out of your ass, because your comment was honestly not needed!
Pls upload the rest PF the season!!
Man, this ANTM is dryer than a crispbread. The host has no life in her whatsoever! It simply doesn't compare to America's!
Lifes Light I’ll take dry over campy any day.
Australia's Next Top Model is more high fashion.
I really like this show ALOT better than Tyra's....this host is NOT a bitvh like Tyra, and also for makeovers, not one of the models is bald. What is Tyra's obsession of having a bald model and also, these gals are pretty, not stick looking like ANTM.
Lizzy Walker actually in cycle 24 jeanna has a disease that makes her almost bald thas why tyra decided to cut it all, its not good to let her wearing wig all the time
To be fair theirs only been 3 bald girls
Nneena c6 who was happy enough with her look
Ebony c1 had only had a tuft so I doubt she was upset about been shaved she was upset with how they hairdressers where shaving it and talking over her head and joking
Jeana like somebody else said she had a condition that was making her bald and wearing wigs all the time wasn't healthy
Are the sisters related to someone in production?
I have high hopes for Laura and Rhiannon especially being so young.
TL is still my personal fav.
I dont get Christobells look. Shes beautiful but I dont see model
OK-LAST ONE: 👩🏻🎤🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤
After seeing Ruby in full on BlackFace w NO other accessories, adornments or colors, her hair still pulled back from when they’d applied it - I figured out what happened:
The Stylists never showed up. So they called the local Beauty College, requesting their Graduating Class, but as they were on a field trip, “trainees” were sent over.
Because there’s NO way any professional would sign off on this mess.
Even w the most Eclectic+Edgy ideas, the overall looks themselves compliment the model, there’s a flow and impeccably finished.
Or else it was “Bring your Kids to Work Day”.
What's with them all thinking they need to lose weight? Very outdated.
Rude to Olivia
Clothes are supposed to be comfy i think.. for normal people atleast😂😂
Ajoh should've got a long weave
Her look would've been similar to Kendal's from ANTM C15
please upload episode 5!
All I could think about is that the model with “black face” kinda racist...
Please tell me you're joking...
Bruh not everything that involves the colour black is blackface lmao
No wonder she was bummed out and off her game. Glad someone else spotted it.
It's not like she got to chose the color
@@abcdefg2174 well everything that is black and covers most of your face like paint or foundation or spray tan is BLACKFACE
sorry Olivia is not a model I wish sara would've made it
Jenae Lovely I don’t agree at all, a model has to take a step OUT of their comfort zone and Sarah wouldn’t even try. It was either she wanted to do it or she didn’t do it. She wanted to be with her kid and I don’t think someone else should’ve gone home when they were trying and wanted to be there while Sarah didn’t want to be there and wasn’t trying at all.
Umm the makeup??? WTF?
i cant believe they sent one of the twins home!! THAT MUST HURT TO SEE YOUR SISTER LEAVE
They are 4 years apart, they are not twins
They are not twins.
It shouldn't be decided based on family anyway. Even if they were twins, they are still individuals
@@m1lksucker555 I agree it's like the twins on the second cycle while it's sad when one went home first but as you said they are two difffent people not one person x
Having black paint on your face is high fashion? I dont understand these things 😂😂
The makeup during the shoot is terrible gosh
Of course they cut the black girls hair off. I hate Lucy's makeover.
Omg that girl has black face!!! 😯😲
@Smileyrie.yeppoon no. She looked cheap at best.
Not her fault. Low budget and poor choice of makeup theme. Whatever.
@@rosiepayne7712 watch out the wind will change and you’ll stick like that.
@@luluvsraven what?
🤦🏿♀️ poor girl
They shouldn't cut off black women's hair because it takes so long to grow back
Exactly... Black hair takes a long time to grow
Well they entered the competition knowing that was a possibility.
@@rosiepayne7712oh close it
they did it out of spite so unfair. atleast her tears where genuine
No budget for hair extensions?..
Ajoh looked better with her hair these people always cut a black girls hair cuz of laziness..and please why the blackface model?
Because their bone structure is stunning n hair takes away the focus.
@@coodaytah6312oh whatever - why does it always have to be the black girl. boring
Is that black face at 24:49? Wth?!
Everyone’s makeup was absolutely horrible, I didn’t get the memo at all. It looked like a 2nd grader could do this makeup. 0 conceptual awareness.
Are we gonna ignore that they literally had a girl in blackface?
definitely would not have gone down well in America. the show would have been cancelled
Rachel Nunneker I was NOT happy they did that at all.
Callie r: tyra has done it more than twice on antm
do you know what season/ episode or with what model? im really surprised!
She wasn't made to look of African descent....it was meant to be a mask. The problem is you people trying to make something offensive when its benign. Consider yourself lucky that you have no real problems to contend with, you have to invent drama. No better than a Kardashian, really. *slow clap*
Did they seriously do a black face??? 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
"Black face" would have to imply that her makeup was intended to imitate a black person, so no, they didn't.
Thought tht too😞
Zzzzzzz boring show...very lack lustre
Lucy is bang is slightly looks abit to Taylor Swift 😂