Penalties can be broken down into a few different types. If a normal penalty like tripping, hooking etc then that will award a 2 minute penalty where the offending team will be down to 4 players against 5 for 2 minutes. If a penalty is taken at the same time as a penalty is being served then it can come down to 5 on 3 but never any lower then that. Even if another penalty is taken. Then if a penalty is taken on a clear chance at a goal then a penalty shot can be awarded. Alternatively if a penalty is really bad or causes injury then it can be 4 or 5 minutes long. Hope this helps!
Fairly new to ice hockey. Can anyone explain the penalty?
Penalties can be broken down into a few different types. If a normal penalty like tripping, hooking etc then that will award a 2 minute penalty where the offending team will be down to 4 players against 5 for 2 minutes. If a penalty is taken at the same time as a penalty is being served then it can come down to 5 on 3 but never any lower then that. Even if another penalty is taken. Then if a penalty is taken on a clear chance at a goal then a penalty shot can be awarded. Alternatively if a penalty is really bad or causes injury then it can be 4 or 5 minutes long. Hope this helps!
the benches are awefully small........cant they be extended a bit ?