You know, while my personal canon has no problem with the Doctor being a father, I have no clue why he has his cot on the Tardis. I mean, the implication is that he holds onto it because his own children (and probably Susan) slept in it, but he left Gallifrey by stealing the fucking Tardis! When did he find time to pack shit like personal mementos? Did he pick it up during one of his return visits in the classic series? Did John Hurt take a break from being Time Lord rambo to fish it from the ruins of whatever city he used to live in?
The whole River Song being engineered to kill the Doctor from birth always pissed me off not only because it sounded convoluted and stupid but saw it as a lame ripoff from the plot of Bioshock (only it worked there because it had a code phrase that caused him to act unconsciously and in spite of his objections whereas River does it because she's in a controlled astronaut suit thus isn't suspenseful or sad but just stupid)
I'm glad you came up with that explanation about the TARDIS telepathic circuits translating babies for him. It was such a stupid idea that I was really struggling with it being canon. That explanation actually makes sense and sort of makes it work.
So far as I'm concerned, the series restarted with Peter Capaldi, and even then they're pushing it. Yes, all the Doctors of the New Who era have had good episodes that are true to the spirit of the show, and sometimes I watch them. But on the whole, it's not like I'm missing much, if only because the series has become a massive series of contradictions, not only from one era to another, but even one show to another. Yes, Old Who did it too, but with New, I find I can dip in pretty much at random.
How did Capaldi restart the show since everything in his first episode was old rehashed ideas The first original script in s8 was Kill the Moon Over half way though the series
Also I'll I said was the a good man goes to war is only 3 years old It's not old at all I never said any of those other things which you have given replies too
0:09 win 3:06 fourth-rate curse of fenric 3:36 the show went there 🙄 6:12 agreed 9:16 bingo^42... 12:24 Kazoo preparing to meet Fred Flinstone 20:26 the 6th Doctor's coat isn't nearly as garish as NuWho's muzak 21:00 looms forever, please. 22:00 yup. Twilight. In something. 24:39 Melody Vaper: "Search within your heart, you know it to be true". Luke Skyrim: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Doctor Who: 1963-1989, 2017?
I saw the River = Amy's daughter twist coming too. I figured it out after the two parter that opened season 6 because of the photo of Amy holding a baby in River's room, and River's regernation in New York. The fact that Amy's daughter was a Time Lord seemed like too big a reveal for her to not be River Song
When I first saw this episode I spent a week combing through previous episodes of dr who and the dr who wiki to find out where madam vastra first appeared trying to find the "origin story" they reference only to find that it doesn't exist even as a book or audio story they made later on because I just couldn't believe all of these characters the doctor supposedly knew for a long time were just made up for this episode
Loved the monk song from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. :) Sooo fitting. I admit I stopped watching the show before this episode, getting fed up with the Mary Sue-ishness of the Doctor and River and the many times the Doctor goes off on his high horse about him being right about everything. And yes, how the hell does the whole headlessness make the monks more than just humans with lightsabers? Why can't they just, I dunno, shoot them?
20:08 The Prydonian talent is for understanding languages even without the translation circuits. In Mission to Magnus Anzor complains about the state of the Doctor's "lower languages circuits" to which he replied "prerogative of a Prydonian"
How DARE you have a different opinion than me! You shall RUUUUE this day! I thought this episode was pretty good and you hated it and that makes you WRONG! WROOONG I SAY! Actually, I also hate Madam Vastra, but for different reasons; It's established that she murdered an unknown amount of innocent workmen. She butchered them and this is never mentioned. You'd think there'd be family members who'd be all pissed off that the lizard-woman who killed their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons was just walking around la-dee-da without any repercussions whatsoever, but nope! This is never mentioned.
Binging your who reviews. New year's episode left me nostalgic and hungry for more. Btw... Your 3 year old video has silence during intro title sequence. Huggles gorg 😘
'Colonel Runaway'. I bet that Moffat thought that was so cool. It sounds like a particularly crap Blackadder gag. If I were the Colonel, I'd have smashed the Doc round the chops just on general principle.
Nice to see a return of the Twatty New Who Reviews! It's been awhile, hasn't it? Good to see someone tearing into the series once more... Oh gods, series six. Right, I'm going to admit that this is the beginning of my disconnect with new-Who. Somehow I held on before officially giving up at the insultingly awful ending to series eight. I pop in now and then, but... I mean, I like Capaldi, but the series itself just plain lost me... The overarching arcs are a nightmare, and the individual stories are just so uninteresting. Six, for me, feels like the point where seasons stopped feeling self-contained and began to develop into this grand custerfuck of knotted disappointments (I ended up reading a summary of series nine and I got an aneurysm just trying to think about it). That said, my adoration of Big Finish was the final nail in the coffin. Why bother with a show that does the same story outline thirteen times a year and never lives up to its promises when I can listen to a diverse series of stories which are willing to take chances and experiment? I'm not saying the audio works don't have failures, but they make much more of an effort than the show has the past few seasons. Plus they have David Warner as an alternate history Doctor, and I will destroy anyone who doesn't find that idea fantastic. Heck, they even have me interested in a River Song series where she meets up with past Doctors, so they get bonus points there as well.
Also would you recommend any Big Finish ? I've listened to most of the £2.99 and some of the other cheap ones and a wave of different spin offs and 6,7 and 8s stuff is what I'm mainly into And I've reached the finale of s1 of Luice and 8 today and I've also got s2 and will probably buy s3 and s4 soon
Calling it "Demon's Run" Implies it was called that because a demon (Or some who was metaphorically called one) owned it. If thats what they were going for, it's grammatically correct, If it's not, they are wrong
Loved these Who Reviews. Been watching since 1975, even though a lot of the episodes you review I like I can see your point. Plus they are funny as hell
What's funny is that I never got why Rory didn't assume that the Doctor slept with Amy when it's revealed that Melody is a timelord. I mean, that's what my first thought would've been.
Another thing about the Doctor's cot. We saw in a later episode that Clara had the Doctor change which TARDIS he was going to steal. I don't know if the Doctor had any personal knick-knacks in his original choice but he surely didn't have any in the one he finally left in. So did the Doctor pick up his cot centuries later. And if so, why?
***** I wish that was in a book or comic somewhere rather than fan suspension of disbelief. Speaking of fan fiction. I always wanted to see the Doctor come across the cybermen in a war torn African Nation, but is surprised that the cybermen have come building hospitals. People are getting converted Tenth Planet style with the cybernetics and plastic bubble suits healing war injuries and the doctor has a conflict: The cybermen are multiplying, but to save lives. In the end the cybermen are stopped from advancing in a military capacity, but take all the converted humans with them back to space. The Doctor wins by preventing an invasion of earth, but aiding in thousands of humans getting taken by an enemy he knows will fight him again.
Going back to the classic cybermen, would you say they were completely emotionless or trying to be emotionless and failing? I always remember the cybermen, particularly the cyber-leader, losing their tempers *almost* at least, and certainly being deliberately vindictive... poor Brian Glover's fingers. I don't get on with these modern ones at all because of this - I like my cybermen to be ultimately not-entirely-emotionless... a truly emotionless monster is dull as all hell. Oh God, if only the Headless Monks were armed with planks... would have been so good...
Strax was way better teamed up with Jago and Litefoot in the Big Finish audio 'The Haunting', and it makes me weep that we won't get more stories with them.
There are a lot of episodes of the show I don't like for various reasons, from deifying the Doctor to stupid plot points to artificially snarky dialogue to poor characters, the list goes on. This one, though, is the only one I can remember that I utterly fucking LOATHE. I'm actually fond of the Church since I think the show's anti-religious leanings lean into the illogical, hypocritical, and sometimes even downright bigoted. So when the Church showed up in season 31, I liked them for giving a little balance. Then this made them the bad guys, dumbed them down, and used them to deliver a 'religion is for stupid people' message. Combine that with the other problems, and I went from wanting Kovarian to die to cheering when the Doctor lost. I couldn't even make it through this review without stopping I fucking hated the episode so much, and I get the feeling the Church only turned good next season because a friend of Moffat's royally reamed him out for this. There might be worse episodes, and certainly episodes more offensive to more vulnerable people (Kill the Moon, for one), but I haven't seen them. This was offensive enough and bad enough.
Damnit Hagan, now I wanna see/read/listen to an adventure that features all the characters you listed off. I've been wanting to see a return of most of them for years. And I have to ask, prior to New Who did the Silurians ever have the knockout tongue thing? 'cause if not...of all things to rip off, Farscape?
Now that time of the doctor aired Isn't everyone on demons run against him Like as in they are the evil splinter group which made all this happen in the first place?
I'd really prefer if they left most of the stuff about the Doctor's pre-show past vague. Nothing they try to tell us could possibly live up to an appropriate past for a character like the timeless, mysterious, eccentric weirdo that is the Doctor. That's one of the reasons all of Davies' and Moffat's garbage delving into the Doctor's past annoys me. I'd prefer if Time Lords and Gallifrey would stay more vague, too, since the show has proven they can't portray them for more than a brief moment with dignity intact. That said, the little vague references Thirteen has given us in recent episodes is fine by me because she doesn't explain what the flying fuck she's talking about. Having lots of grandmas and the 5th one said things about the 2nd one? That could mean a Time Lord who is the same person regenerating or it could be many people, and granny could be a term of endearment, a silly nickname, or it could be literal. Having teachers? Yeah, that could mean anything, too, especially since she didn't say WHAT or WHERE or WHEN they were teaching.
We know Borusa (the bonkers) was the Doctor's maths teacher and that he only narrowly passed him on Spatial Geometry (The Invasion of Time.) There is a short story where a Gallifreyan PI discovers that the Celestial Intervention Agency has a whole department deliberately creating contradictory evidence of the Doctor's origins in order to protect the Gallifreyan time-line.
ITM 31 actually they aren't cybus cybermen from what I've read the original classic cybermen and the cybus cybermen groups met and formed one group of cybermen
This review and the fact I just finished listening to David Tennant play a brainwashed Dalek agent in Dalek empire III makes me want to ask: you ever read the Doctor who - Dalek fancomic - Second Empire? And if yes, did you like it or hated it more then New Who?
How could real Rory remember events that [a] took place after he was both dead AND erased from history and [b] which happened not to him but to an Auton duplicate who in turn was erased from history. How could the Nestene duplicate a man who had never existed better than they duplicated Micky in "Rose". Despite the fact that they had access to the real Micky in that episode. Why is Rory wearing a costume from an alternate reality, that belong to someone else? And where did he get it? Do Amy and Rory like to do a bit of *ahem* role-play in the privacy of their quarters? Steven Moffat clearly doesn't understand the concept of something having been erased from history, a plot problem that runs through the "cracks in time" arc. E.g. if Amy's parent's were erased from history and never existed, how could Amy have been conceived? And the house her parents bought, why isn't someone else living there? And where are the social services?
That last point isn't entirely true, I think. I need to rewatch series 5, but there was a reason why time travelers could remember people not related to them.
I can forgive the timelords having children since the looms can make a new galifrayan at any age. I choose to believe they started having the looms birth adult galifrayans was due to the time war escalating. Even in classic who they mentioned galifrayan children. And when I looked up the looms, it said they can make them children or adults
The fan reception to this episode was never great but if they'd managed to include Jack being beheaded to become the Face of Boe, as some report to have been the original plan, then all hell would have broken loose among the fans. Other than how tricky it would have made Miracle Day airing two months later (the real reason, I suspect, the idea was nixed), the misuse of Jack on such a shitty episode would have sent fans into a right ol' tizzy.
For some smaller (and even some larger) nitpicks and criticisms, I tended to draw my own conclusions, and from time to time they were supported by the show. As per hating characters. well, that's your opinion. I really liked Jenny and Vastra.
79.03.13 it's the same thing they did in day of the doctor, can't get one of the main actors from series 1 let's create a new personality free characters rather bringing back classic who characters which would have been much better
Most of their emotions have been suppressed, but not all and only the ones the cybermen themselves choose at the time of conversion. Thus, assembly line sociopaths.
No, I didn't like this episode either. And I thought Fear Her was as high as a 4/10 when I first watched it (Although on rewatch I realised it was actually closer to a negative 3)
You know, while my personal canon has no problem with the Doctor being a father, I have no clue why he has his cot on the Tardis. I mean, the implication is that he holds onto it because his own children (and probably Susan) slept in it, but he left Gallifrey by stealing the fucking Tardis! When did he find time to pack shit like personal mementos? Did he pick it up during one of his return visits in the classic series? Did John Hurt take a break from being Time Lord rambo to fish it from the ruins of whatever city he used to live in?
I'm just going to argue that Ace destroyed the cyber-men's fleet.
With a baseball bat!
The whole River Song being engineered to kill the Doctor from birth always pissed me off not only because it sounded convoluted and stupid but saw it as a lame ripoff from the plot of Bioshock (only it worked there because it had a code phrase that caused him to act unconsciously and in spite of his objections whereas River does it because she's in a controlled astronaut suit thus isn't suspenseful or sad but just stupid)
Thankfully classic Who and Trek TNG didnt rip off video games for plot fodder nearly as often. 😁
I'm glad you came up with that explanation about the TARDIS telepathic circuits translating babies for him. It was such a stupid idea that I was really struggling with it being canon. That explanation actually makes sense and sort of makes it work.
Every time I feel like catching up on old-New Who, I watch one of your videos and -- nah.
Thank you.
Old new who ?
A good man goes to war is only 3 years old
So far as I'm concerned, the series restarted with Peter Capaldi, and even then they're pushing it. Yes, all the Doctors of the New Who era have had good episodes that are true to the spirit of the show, and sometimes I watch them. But on the whole, it's not like I'm missing much, if only because the series has become a massive series of contradictions, not only from one era to another, but even one show to another. Yes, Old Who did it too, but with New, I find I can dip in pretty much at random.
How did Capaldi restart the show since everything in his first episode was old rehashed ideas
The first original script in s8 was Kill the Moon
Over half way though the series
Also I'll I said was the a good man goes to war is only 3 years old
It's not old at all
I never said any of those other things which you have given replies too
Ok but it still wasn't that long ago
Well at least there is one good thing about Strax: He has good taste in Doctors as the Sixth Doctor is his favorite.
8:04 Jack the Ripper was the Valeyard. I'm not adverse to Vastra but her vs the Valeyard? She's toast.
0:09 win
3:06 fourth-rate curse of fenric
3:36 the show went there 🙄
6:12 agreed
9:16 bingo^42...
12:24 Kazoo preparing to meet Fred Flinstone
20:26 the 6th Doctor's coat isn't nearly as garish as NuWho's muzak
21:00 looms forever, please.
22:00 yup. Twilight. In something.
24:39 Melody Vaper: "Search within your heart, you know it to be true". Luke Skyrim: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Doctor Who: 1963-1989, 2017?
Oh god, I forgot about that exchange between Ian and Susan from Reign of Terror XD
I saw the River = Amy's daughter twist coming too. I figured it out after the two parter that opened season 6 because of the photo of Amy holding a baby in River's room, and River's regernation in New York.
The fact that Amy's daughter was a Time Lord seemed like too big a reveal for her to not be River Song
When I first saw this episode I spent a week combing through previous episodes of dr who and the dr who wiki to find out where madam vastra first appeared trying to find the "origin story" they reference only to find that it doesn't exist even as a book or audio story they made later on because I just couldn't believe all of these characters the doctor supposedly knew for a long time were just made up for this episode
I would rather see John Goodman go to war
Stop f***ing about with the Dravins! We f***ing get that they are your favorite Hartnell villain and they are such cool concepts!
I agree with that
I remember reading Steven Moffat wanted John Barrowman to return as Jack for this story. I wonder what would be different if that happened
Captain Jack was planned for the episode, but he was cut.
Really? Great now I’m more annoyed
Good. He'd be even more annoying than River in full smug mode.
Loved the monk song from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. :) Sooo fitting. I admit I stopped watching the show before this episode, getting fed up with the Mary Sue-ishness of the Doctor and River and the many times the Doctor goes off on his high horse about him being right about everything.
And yes, how the hell does the whole headlessness make the monks more than just humans with lightsabers? Why can't they just, I dunno, shoot them?
17:05 was fucking hilarious they basically disarm their guns and say "we are not fools"
Do you plan on making a Twatty Who review for The rebel flesh/ The almost people and Let's kill Hitler?
20:08 The Prydonian talent is for understanding languages even without the translation circuits. In Mission to Magnus Anzor complains about the state of the Doctor's "lower languages circuits" to which he replied "prerogative of a Prydonian"
How DARE you have a different opinion than me! You shall RUUUUE this day! I thought this episode was pretty good and you hated it and that makes you WRONG! WROOONG I SAY!
Actually, I also hate Madam Vastra, but for different reasons; It's established that she murdered an unknown amount of innocent workmen. She butchered them and this is never mentioned. You'd think there'd be family members who'd be all pissed off that the lizard-woman who killed their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons was just walking around la-dee-da without any repercussions whatsoever, but nope! This is never mentioned.
Binging your who reviews. New year's episode left me nostalgic and hungry for more. Btw... Your 3 year old video has silence during intro title sequence. Huggles gorg 😘
Yeah TH-cam fuckery :(
'Colonel Runaway'. I bet that Moffat thought that was so cool. It sounds like a particularly crap Blackadder gag. If I were the Colonel, I'd have smashed the Doc round the chops just on general principle.
Nice to see a return of the Twatty New Who Reviews! It's been awhile,
hasn't it? Good to see someone tearing into the series once more...
Oh gods, series six. Right, I'm going to admit that this is the beginning of my disconnect with new-Who. Somehow I held on before officially giving up at the insultingly awful ending to series eight. I pop in now and then, but... I mean, I like Capaldi, but the series itself just plain lost me... The overarching arcs are a nightmare, and the individual stories are just so uninteresting. Six, for me, feels like the point where seasons stopped feeling self-contained and began to develop into this grand custerfuck of knotted disappointments (I ended up reading a summary of series nine and I got an aneurysm just trying to think about it).
That said, my adoration of Big Finish was the final nail in the coffin. Why bother with a show that does the same story outline thirteen times a year and never lives up to its promises when I can listen to a diverse series of stories which are willing to take chances and experiment? I'm not saying the audio works don't have failures, but they make much more of an effort than the show has the past few seasons. Plus they have David Warner as an alternate history Doctor, and I will destroy anyone who doesn't find that idea fantastic. Heck, they even have me interested in a River Song series where she meets up with past Doctors, so they get bonus points there as well.
I've started big finish a few months ago and series 10 better be bloody good
Also ...
Is Series 9 Capaldis Series 6?
(If that makes any sense)
Also would you recommend any Big Finish ?
I've listened to most of the £2.99 and some of the other cheap ones and a wave of different spin offs and 6,7 and 8s stuff is what I'm mainly into
And I've reached the finale of s1 of Luice and 8 today and I've also got s2 and will probably buy s3 and s4 soon
I personally don't like the idea of looms and don't consider them canon, but a possible explanation is that it is The Other's cot.
“Unless he’s Batman which he probably isn’t” well it’s not Batman but Arthur Darvel would end up playing a DC character on Legends of Tomorrow
The Victorian fetish is due to the Whoverse basically being a steampunkverse.
The rebel flesh and the almost people is the worse story of series 6. And the worst two part story of new who.
Calling it "Demon's Run" Implies it was called that because a demon (Or some who was metaphorically called one) owned it. If thats what they were going for, it's grammatically correct, If it's not, they are wrong
I'm always happy to see yet another Twatty Who episode on your channel.
Loved these Who Reviews. Been watching since 1975, even though a lot of the episodes you review I like I can see your point. Plus they are funny as hell
Thanks! Did you enjoy the Quick Guide to Classic Who?
DiamandaHagan I did but I started with My Original Doctor, Tom Baker. He was my hero for years
What's funny is that I never got why Rory didn't assume that the Doctor slept with Amy when it's revealed that Melody is a timelord. I mean, that's what my first thought would've been.
Still love this episode.
I don’t have anything near your loathing for the revival, but I always thought this episode was awful.
Another thing about the Doctor's cot. We saw in a later episode that Clara had the Doctor change which TARDIS he was going to steal. I don't know if the Doctor had any personal knick-knacks in his original choice but he surely didn't have any in the one he finally left in. So did the Doctor pick up his cot centuries later. And if so, why?
5:10 I get the feeling this is what sparked the cyberman war in that Warwick Davis episode of Doctor Who
***** I wish that was in a book or comic somewhere rather than fan suspension of disbelief.
Speaking of fan fiction.
I always wanted to see the Doctor come across the cybermen in a war torn African Nation, but is surprised that the cybermen have come building hospitals. People are getting converted Tenth Planet style with the cybernetics and plastic bubble suits healing war injuries and the doctor has a conflict: The cybermen are multiplying, but to save lives. In the end the cybermen are stopped from advancing in a military capacity, but take all the converted humans with them back to space. The Doctor wins by preventing an invasion of earth, but aiding in thousands of humans getting taken by an enemy he knows will fight him again.
Going back to the classic cybermen, would you say they were completely emotionless or trying to be emotionless and failing? I always remember the cybermen, particularly the cyber-leader, losing their tempers *almost* at least, and certainly being deliberately vindictive... poor Brian Glover's fingers. I don't get on with these modern ones at all because of this - I like my cybermen to be ultimately not-entirely-emotionless... a truly emotionless monster is dull as all hell.
Oh God, if only the Headless Monks were armed with planks... would have been so good...
I love it when reviewers piss on the things I really love. No really, I do.
Strax was way better teamed up with Jago and Litefoot in the Big Finish audio 'The Haunting', and it makes me weep that we won't get more stories with them.
There are a lot of episodes of the show I don't like for various reasons, from deifying the Doctor to stupid plot points to artificially snarky dialogue to poor characters, the list goes on. This one, though, is the only one I can remember that I utterly fucking LOATHE. I'm actually fond of the Church since I think the show's anti-religious leanings lean into the illogical, hypocritical, and sometimes even downright bigoted. So when the Church showed up in season 31, I liked them for giving a little balance.
Then this made them the bad guys, dumbed them down, and used them to deliver a 'religion is for stupid people' message. Combine that with the other problems, and I went from wanting Kovarian to die to cheering when the Doctor lost. I couldn't even make it through this review without stopping I fucking hated the episode so much, and I get the feeling the Church only turned good next season because a friend of Moffat's royally reamed him out for this. There might be worse episodes, and certainly episodes more offensive to more vulnerable people (Kill the Moon, for one), but I haven't seen them. This was offensive enough and bad enough.
Damnit Hagan, now I wanna see/read/listen to an adventure that features all the characters you listed off. I've been wanting to see a return of most of them for years.
And I have to ask, prior to New Who did the Silurians ever have the knockout tongue thing? 'cause if not...of all things to rip off, Farscape?
Definitely prefer the old ones too. They felt far more like their own ancient race as opposed to just humanoids with scaly skin.
Riker as King Arthur needed to happen at some point, but not in a serious episode.
River having regeneration powers I don't mind
I just mind people calling her a time lady
Also Moffat even more fucks even more with the war doctor
Okay to be fair part of the Doctor's force was Judoon so counting heads makes sense.
Random question, but what did you think of 'The Girl Who Waited'? Because I thought it was one of the stronger episodes in series 6.
Rhys Parry-George she likes it
don't the looms only exist in the continuity of the new adventures novels which completely redid the continuity of the classic show?
22:28 Oh, yeah, I read something about that... it would've been very interesting if it was canon. Hell, maybe it is still canon somehow...
1814 you say? He's going back to 1814 in the new series with Bill. Do you think River will make an appearance?
Pie Iesu Domine, Dona Eis Requiem
I think Matt Smith didn't like this one...
Now that time of the doctor aired
Isn't everyone on demons run against him
Like as in they are the evil splinter group which made all this happen in the first place?
I'd really prefer if they left most of the stuff about the Doctor's pre-show past vague. Nothing they try to tell us could possibly live up to an appropriate past for a character like the timeless, mysterious, eccentric weirdo that is the Doctor. That's one of the reasons all of Davies' and Moffat's garbage delving into the Doctor's past annoys me. I'd prefer if Time Lords and Gallifrey would stay more vague, too, since the show has proven they can't portray them for more than a brief moment with dignity intact.
That said, the little vague references Thirteen has given us in recent episodes is fine by me because she doesn't explain what the flying fuck she's talking about. Having lots of grandmas and the 5th one said things about the 2nd one? That could mean a Time Lord who is the same person regenerating or it could be many people, and granny could be a term of endearment, a silly nickname, or it could be literal. Having teachers? Yeah, that could mean anything, too, especially since she didn't say WHAT or WHERE or WHEN they were teaching.
We know Borusa (the bonkers) was the Doctor's maths teacher and that he only narrowly passed him on Spatial Geometry (The Invasion of Time.) There is a short story where a Gallifreyan PI discovers that the Celestial Intervention Agency has a whole department deliberately creating contradictory evidence of the Doctor's origins in order to protect the Gallifreyan time-line.
Also why are they the parallel earth model of Cybermen
ITM 31 actually they aren't cybus cybermen from what I've read the original classic cybermen and the cybus cybermen groups met and formed one group of cybermen
the who is telling you the looms are not cannon not me .. you can argue with BBC all you want
This review and the fact I just finished listening to David Tennant play a brainwashed Dalek agent in Dalek empire III makes me want to ask: you ever read the Doctor who - Dalek fancomic - Second Empire? And if yes, did you like it or hated it more then New Who?
Vastra, Jenny, and Strax should’ve been replaced by Jago, Litefoot, and Sabalom Glitz. Don’t @ me.
I'd have preferred that.
@@DiamandaHagan For Moffat loving Talons so much, he often seems to forget that it exists
I like this episode, but it does not live up to its potential. Also the Silence's plan is pretty stupid.
i don't understand any of this but i love your reviews lol
doctor who never seems to want to make sense to me ..
How could real Rory remember events that [a] took place after he was both dead AND erased from history and [b] which happened not to him but to an Auton duplicate who in turn was erased from history.
How could the Nestene duplicate a man who had never existed better than they duplicated Micky in "Rose". Despite the fact that they had access to the real Micky in that episode.
Why is Rory wearing a costume from an alternate reality, that belong to someone else? And where did he get it? Do Amy and Rory like to do a bit of *ahem* role-play in the privacy of their quarters?
Steven Moffat clearly doesn't understand the concept of something having been erased from history, a plot problem that runs through the "cracks in time" arc.
E.g. if Amy's parent's were erased from history and never existed, how could Amy have been conceived? And the house her parents bought, why isn't someone else living there? And where are the social services?
That last point isn't entirely true, I think. I need to rewatch series 5, but there was a reason why time travelers could remember people not related to them.
I can forgive the timelords having children since the looms can make a new galifrayan at any age. I choose to believe they started having the looms birth adult galifrayans was due to the time war escalating. Even in classic who they mentioned galifrayan children. And when I looked up the looms, it said they can make them children or adults
Also now all the fans call Strax potato
The fan reception to this episode was never great but if they'd managed to include Jack being beheaded to become the Face of Boe, as some report to have been the original plan, then all hell would have broken loose among the fans. Other than how tricky it would have made Miracle Day airing two months later (the real reason, I suspect, the idea was nixed), the misuse of Jack on such a shitty episode would have sent fans into a right ol' tizzy.
Hate to be pedantic, but the headless monks killed more than three people. They killed a few Silurian's coming in.
one of the worst - especially for river pong
Wow. Melody Pond = River Song is duuuumb
For some smaller (and even some larger) nitpicks and criticisms, I tended to draw my own conclusions, and from time to time they were supported by the show.
As per hating characters. well, that's your opinion. I really liked Jenny and Vastra.
colonel manten(did i spell that right?) is a decent example of the new who having mainly black people as the villains second in command/messenger.
Boring 👊🏻👊🏻
Also when 11 picks up blue guy
People always says Matt smith looks like a girl
And in the shadow I can see why
You're probably gonna have to add so much more to this list because of Series 9
It annoyed me the more and more I watch this that none of the people in 11a team are from classic who
79.03.13 it's the same thing they did in day of the doctor, can't get one of the main actors from series 1 let's create a new personality free characters rather bringing back classic who characters which would have been much better
The cybermen are sociopaths, not emotionless.
I guess I imagined all the times their emotionless-ness was mentioned or a minor plot point. Cheers!
Most of their emotions have been suppressed, but not all and only the ones the cybermen themselves choose at the time of conversion. Thus, assembly line sociopaths.
I don't mind gallifreayan babies cous they can be loomed but
I don't like the idea of sex and Gallifreyans having kids like us
One of the few twatty who reviews I disagree with you on! :-)
20:36 I mean...literally speaking...
Eh, I still like this episode enough.
That intro moment when it pulls back from Colin Baker is 10/10 mate - in fact it's often better than the reviews (just bitching) :)
A awful episode
Demons run when a good man goes to war.
Captain jack was supposed to be in the episode but John was busy he would have made the episode a lot better
Space Penguins that makes me wish arrow never existed I would give up one of my favorite shows to get jack back in dr who
Boring 👊🏻
Wha...? Are you seriously criticizing one of the best episodes in the show?
No, I'm criticising Good Man goes to War.
DiamandaHagan Haha, you think you're very clever.
Ignorant troll. This episode was as big as Empire Strikes Back
No, I didn't like this episode either. And I thought Fear Her was as high as a 4/10 when I first watched it (Although on rewatch I realised it was actually closer to a negative 3)
Lewis Conroy Which one was Fear Her again?
The one where the girl draws people and they get trapped in the drawing.
looms not cannon
This guy just always finds something to complain about...
This girl is observant.
Demons run when a good man goes to war.