my Olympic-LiShanShan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • my Olympic-LiShanShan

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  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Narrator: ...history, there was only one BB gold achieved by China.
    (dismount, crowd cheers)
    (Li Shanshan interviewed)
    Shanshan: BB is an event that requires on the spot performance; it is great to train in, but very tough to compete.
    Narrator: With the highest A-score at that time, Shanshan shouldered the weighty dream of an Olympic BB gold medal.
    (scene of Shanshan falling off the beam at 2008 Beijing)
    Shanshan: You get only one...

  • @BurkeanConservatism
    @BurkeanConservatism 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    The announcer talks about China's history on balance beam: Liu Xuan, Zhang Nan. Shanshan says that the event is easy to train but hard to compete. Performing on beam has come easily to her, and she's gotten more confident as coaches complimented her. After getting silver despite a fall at 2007 Worlds, she decided to focus on making the Beijing team.

  • @BurkeanConservatism
    @BurkeanConservatism 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    At Beijing, the commentator praises the difficulty of the connections of her routine and her stability. Shanshan talks about "Cheng fei jie jie" and her strength on beam, and He Kexin who, on the night before beam finals, having already won bars, told her, "Let's see what happens tomorrow. If you win..."(Basically Kexin was being endearing, as usual)

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    (Liu Xuan’s significant dismount at 2000 Sydney)
    Narrator: Liu Xuan became an Olympic champion of BB in 2000 Sydney. But at the 2004 Athens Olympics (Zhang Nan falls off BB), Nan fell and was placed sixth. With only 4 years to go, who will fight on in the 2008 Beijing Olympics?
    Shanshan: I have good control and a very good feel of the wood so it has been great training for me and of course naturally I love the BB.

  • @BurkeanConservatism
    @BurkeanConservatism 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dunno if you want the details of her routine, but I think what was significant was that while competing, entertaining the audience was also a priority.
    She hopes that in the future Chinese coaches will find a way to close the gap between talent and performance.

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ma Yan Hong: ...Shanshan’s routine is that it has many high value element connections; she has such a level of consistency that I feel so assured every time I see her on the beam.
    (Shanshan dismounts, crowd roars)
    Narrator: Team finals, Shanshan scored 16.050 with her stability. After the performances at the prelim and this team final, people were looking forward to the BB event finals in 5 days with greater anticipations.
    Shanshan: Cheng Fei Jie (big sister) told me that...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    For all Chinese WAG team fans.
    This is the same translation for the Li Shanshan video posted by another youtube user. The video was taken out later. For over a year, seeing this same footage posted by fanbutterfly, I now, decided to post my translations here, for the enjoyment of all Shanshan fans :)
    I wish her all the best in her future undertakings :)
    My Olympics - Li Shanshan
    (scene shows Liu Xuan’s Olympic gold BB performance at 2000 Sydney)
    Narrator: In the Olympic...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: ...And on top of that, I get praises on it all the time and it adds to my confidence to excel.(smiles)
    (close-up shot of BB training)
    Narrator: 10 centimeters wide, and a period of 9 years’ work. 14 year old Shanshan came into view. She earned BB championship nationwide in 2006, and this achievement brought her to the 2007 Worlds with the world’s highest A-score of 7.3.
    (Shanshan mounts)

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Narrator: Her A-score was graded as 7.0 due to the error. In the end, American gymnast, Shawn Johnson took the title with a score of 16.225; Cheng Fei took the bronze trailing with a gap of 0.275; Li Shanshan at 6th place with 15.300.
    Shanshan: On the path ahead, I believe the Chinese athletes will benefit from the documented data the coaches have been gathering and be better BB competitors, to perform the level of capabilities that they are...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: ...she had great faith in me, she was so happy after Kexin had taken the UB title, that with my capability I should be able to take it (the title). (smiles)
    (BB finalists march in)
    Narrator: August 19, 2008, the final day of Artistic Gymnastic competitions. Li Shanshan decided to compete for China’s second Olympic BB gold medal with an A-score of 7.4. All she had to do was to perform normally and nobody should have been a threat to her.

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: I will strive for my best. In actuality, there are a lot of excellent BB workers in China; but, this event being so tough to compete at, there are only a handful of champions at major meets. It needs immaculate on the spot performance.
    (shows Shanshan at training)
    Narrator: A traditionally strong event of the Chinese, 8 BB world champion titles were sequentially achieved by 7 gymnasts; only 1 Olympic BB gold was earned.

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    (shows Shanshan waiting for the green light to mount)
    Shanshan: Nobody would have believed me if I had told them that I was not nervous. I was nervous but at a lower degree.
    (mounts, commentator describes the 4 elements connection)
    Shanshan: That connection had very high difficulty value, but it was not necessarily my hardest (in terms of a technique that she had problems with).

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: It was a D difficulty technique with a starting value of 0.4 and an addition of 0.2 for the connection. My movement was off during the transition of elements and that cost me the error (lips tighten).
    (shows the rest of her routine)
    Shanshan: I knew very well in my heart that no matter how clean the rest of my routine was, I could never be the champion; the only thing I could do was doing my best to show that it was good, regardless.

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    (Shanshan dismounts, crowd cheers. Commentator: She contributed greatly with her two BB performances for the team)(Cheng Fei comforts her)
    Shanshan: I had done all I could in preparations, I guess you would need some luck as well in competitions; it was only 10 centimeters in width, errors would happen with the slightest of inaccuracy. That is gymnastics, you need the combination of many factors during a competition, to be the champion.(Shanshan at athletes’ area, sad and disappointed)

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    (Shanshan and team cheer on, and yelp when a junior fall off UB)
    Shanshan: Now that I am back for the Nationals, there are juniors emerging in my provincial team. Being the senior, I will be there for them and to lead them through a good match; to bring them up.
    (scene shows Shanshan visualizing her routine)
    Narrator: When she was about to perform her specialty event, Shanshan was most serious in her meditation.

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Narrator: ...her routine immaculately and convinced the judges, earned the silver medal with a gap of 0.125.
    Shanshan: After the 2007 Worlds, I felt that I would fight for a place in the Olympics. I just felt that I would regret it for the rest of my life if I did not give it a shot at this once in a life time opportunity.
    Narrator: The silver medal earned at the Worlds was not her ticket into the Olympics. There were other top players in the national team like Cheng Fei, Xiao Sha...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: You will need excellent mentality, great balance, be very brave and yet delicately detail-oriented. At training, you can get back on again after you fall, but at competition you get only one shot.
    (shows Shanshan falling off BB at 2007 Worlds)
    Narrator: She lost the chance for the title with this error on the low difficulty spin. (audience gasp and then cheer her on as she continues) But with the highest difficulty value, she completed the rest of...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Narrator: ...better, she had earned her place in the Olympic team with her difficulty value and consistency.
    (Shanshan dismounts at the Olympic prelim. Audience cheer. Live commentator: Good job, she did it again)
    Narrator: With a top score of 16.125, Shanshan led by 0.15 over the second place gymnast at the preliminaries. (Kexin hugs Shanshan)
    (shows sequence of connecting BB elements at team finals)
    Guest commentator, Ma Yan Hong: The key of having the highest difficulties in...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: ...chance (of a perfect routine to go for gold), you would regret for a life time if you had missed it.
    Narrator: The Balance Beam girl with a dream, Li Shanshan.
    Program starts
    (Guangdong provincial team cheers: Jia yo!)
    Narrator: May 13, 2009, at the 11th National Competitions prelim held at Jinan City.
    Being the only Olympian in the Guangdong team, Shanshan had the air of a leader. (shows Shanshan chalking UB for teammates)

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: ...really at. I believe by then, the Chinese BB will be very strong.(smiles)
    Narrator: For this distant goal, Li Shanshan resumed training positively after the Olympics. The preparations for the 11th Chinese Nationals was her renewed motivations. (Shanshan warms up with Yilin)
    Shanshan: Still cannot say that I have regained my level of confidence as I do not feel that I am at my top of abilities...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    (shows the execution of Rufolva, and Shanshan slips off the beam. Audience gasp)
    Shanshan: I heard the gasp, I could feel the reaction from the crowd, I could not have missed it. But I told myself, it has passed, that move was done with, the only thing to do now is to deliver the rest of the routine the best you can.
    Narrator: The awarded points for the connection of elements was where Shanshan’s difficulty value lies; the severe error occurred right in that connection.

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Narrator: ...Sui Lu, etc., who were strong BB workers other than Shanshan herself. With 8 years of anticipation to take the Olympic BB title, the team of coaches were very prudent with the selection of the BB gymnast for this Olympics.
    Shanshan: I remember there were about 30 of us on the big list and we started to compete in the selection program since the start of the year, there were many exams.
    Narrator: In the months to follow, Shanshan’s condition was getting better and...

  • @longdoydoy
    @longdoydoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shanshan: ...I believe we wish to go much further in our paths, as far as we can, so to have a glorious career.
    (we will see more of you, Shanshan. Jia yo!)
    Many thanks and appreciation to Technical Advisor, who runs the fastest :)
    (Oct. 27, 2010) At this moment that I am re-posting this translation, Li Shanshan had officially retired.

  • @KarpfenKarpfen
    @KarpfenKarpfen 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    li Shanshan is sooo pretty at 0:53!!!^^

  • @curmeow
    @curmeow 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    she lacks luck!!!

  • @lswalling
    @lswalling 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    does anyone have english subtitles please

  • @czucksk84life
    @czucksk84life 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    can someone translate please please please!!