"Children's Tale" - slideshow on Jewish children in the USSR - American Soviet Jewry
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025
- "Children's Tale," Slideshow Narrated by Martin Gilbert, 1984
The creation of this video was a joint project of the Center for Jewish History and the American Jewish Historical Society. The materials are from the American Jewish Historical Society’s Archive of the American Soviet Jewry Movement.
“The Soviet Jewry Movement (circa 1963-1990) was a worldwide effort to obtain freedom for Jews in the Soviet Union to practice their religion without state persecution or discrimination or to emigrate to Israel, the United States or elsewhere to seek the blessings of freedom, and to pursue lives of their own choosing.
The American Jewish Historical Society has established its Archive of the American Soviet Jewry Movement to help assure that the story of the role played by Americans of all faiths in that Movement will be collected and preserved so that future generations will be familiar with, and inspired by, their achievements.” www.ajhs.org/aasjm
This video features the following material:
This video recording was created to digitally reunite the photographic slides and audio recording that initially accompanied the slides to emulate a screening of slideshow.
The audio recording is found in Box 56, Folder 4 of Subseries A: Audio Materials of Part 2, Series VIII: Audio and Visual Materials of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews records (I-410A),
This material has been digitized and is available here: digital.cjh.org...
The slides are located in Box 110, Folder 156 of Subseries C: Photographs, Slides and 3D Objects of Part 1, Series V: Audio and Visual Materials from the Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews and Bay Area Council for Jewish Rescue and Renewal records (I-505).
This material has been digitzed and is available here: digital.cjh.org...
The materials used in this video were digitized thanks to a generous grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).
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