Amazing Steinhoff recovered from his entire body burns after being cooked in that intense heat. I suspect Platzschutzstaffel aircraft engaging the enemy may have been a rare thing. III./JG 54 was doing that in Nov 1944 with brand new Fw 190Ds while training in the new type.
More previous comments. Anecdotes this time: John Basiglone People should research and learn about the rift between Galland and Goering (The 'Fat One'). At first Galland was Goering's favorite. But as the war drew on, Galland and Goering were butting heads over tactics and Goering's unreal expectations of the fighter corps. The Luftwaffe fighters were spread thin and after the cadre of experienced pilots grew thin as a result of countless missions, the newer pilots were rushed into combat and were cannon fodder for allied fighters and bomber formations. Goering was castigating the fighter corps at every turn and mandating tactics that Galland found unsuitable. After a time, 1943 to 1944, Galland and the top aces arrived at the conclusion that Goering's position as the Luftwaffe commander had become untenable. Ergo the evening of the Fighter Pilot's Mutiny, which Galland purposely did not attend. It went over like a lead balloon and Goering was out for blood. Several top fighter aces were reassigned and sent to the far reaches of the theater. But Goering wanted Galland. Galland went incognito and finally sent word to Hitler to somehow intercede and call off Goering. Hitler told Goering to call off his crusade to arrest, jail and possibly execute Galland. Ultimately, Hitler allowed Galland to form JV44. Some believe that Hitler and Goering did this not to appease Galland, but as a means to get rid of him as he would probably die as a result of flying the jet or as a combat loss. They all knew the war was lost at that time. --- --- A G Von den knapp 1.500 hergestellten ME.262 durften auf Führer Befehl nur jede 10. Maschine eine Schwalbe (Jäger) sein, der Rest mussten Sturmvögel (Jagtbomber)sein. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet In his book, Galland claims that Speer clandestinely went around the Fuhrer's Me 262 production micromanagement - initially to keep the Me 262 program alive and then to get more Me 262 fighter variants produced rather than just bomber variants. That took some courage on Speer's part (and Galland's) to defy Hitler's orders! Galland wrote that Ar 234 production also helped appease Hitler's desire for a Blitz Bomber and after that they got the official okay for production of more Me 262 fighters. It seems a Blitz Bomber to try to stop a beachhead at Normandy made some sense but after that, continuing to make bombers was foolish. --- --- Leopard Curious your citation regarding Lutzow. He ended up crashing at high speed according to witnesses remarks after bouncing some American medium bombers and being chased by Thunderbolts. The plane wreckage was never to be found, nor his body. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Galland didn't seem to write much in his book about Lützow aside from short references here and there. From Stigler's book: On the ride home on that last mission, Lützow didn't respond to radio queries about his condition and mysteriously banked away from three other Me 262s. There was speculation by Krupinski that Lützow might have suffered a fatal wound and deliberately flew his jet into the ground rather than be shot down by the P-47s. There was also speculation that he lost the will to continue or that he was "making amends for the moral mistake of serving his country". Leopard @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Thanks for sharing it with me. Never read Stigler's book. I think it might be correct stating that either way Lutzow didn't care or didn't want to survive the war. --- --- Kristian Schmidt so, it was routine for US pilots to shoot German pilots parachuting if the US pilots though the German pilots were aces? Jeff's Airplane Cabinet There apparently were a minority of pilots on both sides who shot enemy pilots while they were in parachutes or strafed them. During the Battle of Britain, RAF Fighter Command Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding said something to the effect: You can shoot at pilots but only over their home territory. Americans had no prohibition against shooting parachuting pilots during WWII (but now do). In Galland's book, he wrote: in 1941, "Göring looked me straight in the eyes and said, 'What would you think of an order directing you to shoot down pilots who are bailing out?' 'I should regard it as murder, Herr Reichsmarshal, ' I replied, 'and I should do everything in my power to disobey such an order.' Göring put both his hands on my shoulders and said 'That is just the reply I had expected from you, Galland.' --- ---- Ronald Harrison Amazing aircraft for the time period. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Yes and turbojets might possibly have arrived even sooner. Frank Whittle patented the turbojet engine in 1930 with aircraft in mind. Finn Carl Bomholt Sørensen An American officer collected High Tech German weapons after the war and he was told by a proud German crew, that even in the field a skilled German crew could change an engine on a 262 in half an hour! So the short lifespan of one was only a problem if they hadn't spares. I wonder how long it took to change an engine on a Meteor? --- --- Sigeberht Ta 152s were also used to provide cover for the Me 262 airbases. Wolff Weber Well… probably not. They were used nearly exclusively by Stab/JG 301 and there were only several airworthy at time. But during last weeks of 1000-yr Reich everything could happen. Sigeberht @Wolff Weber I'm not saying JV 44 in particular but I'm recounting an entry in a war diary. I didn't see any in those photos. However, it was recorded at least, in one instance, that they were used in that way. --- --- G Man 27:48 I've touched the wingtip of that plane (the Australian War Memorial Me 262). They also have the only ME109 in original paint scheme. G Man @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet It was probably more neglect that saved it. Here it is: I definitely remember it having a plaque stating it was the only one in original paint scheme. --- ---- Darrell Wilson The encounter with the P 47 sounds an awful lot like a documentary I saw many years ago, and still have on a beta tape, titled a fighter pilots story. A P 47 pilot documented an encounter with an ME262 when escorting bombers. He shot out one engine but was amazed at how rapidly the jet still flew away on just one. --- --- Tier One With the attribution rate along with the ME262’s unstable reliability at times, is why Galland never had his trademark Mickey Mouse painted on any 262 in particular, as he was never sure if he would be flying the same one from one day to the next. With his old Messerschmitt 109, he could almost count on having the same one for each mission unless it took heavy damage & needed to be out of service for more than one day. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Other JV 44 pilots like Barkhorn gave up their nose art traditions too (from Franz Stigler book). Kristoffer At this point in the war, there were so few Me 262s, and so the pilots of JV 44 often shared the planes among them. The other guy who "shared" Adolf Galland's 262 was Franz Stigler (he of the "Ye Olde Pub" story Immortalized by a song by Sabaton). After Galland's plane crash landed and he was pulled out of the cockpit, Stigler approached him and was not happy. It did not help matters that the air raid sirens sounded out and all of them ran to the slit trenches. Stigler swore angrily that he would never share a plane with him again. American fighters put that 262 out its misery a few minutes later. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet I read on the Falke Eins blog that White 3 (WN 111746) was not destroyed (as has been generally stated) but only damaged that day. I looked in Stigler's book: He wrote Galland hobbled out of the cockpit with a bloody knee, dove into the crater, was rescued by a mechanic on a kettenkrad without stopping while being strafed, headed for the alert shack and they both dove for cover as, over the noise, Stigler is yelling a joke to Galland about never lending him a plane again. Stigler claimed White 3 was repaired overnight and the very next day, he loaned it to a pilot named Pirchan, who had never flown an Me 262 before, for a few circles around the airfield so Pirchan could say he'd been in combat. Stigler claimed Pirchan crashed in White 3 and died in his arms. Stigler's role in the story seems embellished. Tier One @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet When Stigler allowed Pirchan to go up in White 3 for a few passes, both engines apparently flamed out not too long after he was airborne then he crashed in an area of some houses. Upon crashing he struck the gun sight & cracked his skull open, thus exposing his brain somewhat. Stigler & some others arrived to find that some folks that saw the crash had went up & helped get him out of the cockpit. Stigler then gave him a pain killer and briefly spoke with him before Pirchan died in his arms. That was a damn shame because Stigler described Pirchan as a young pilot with a lot of ambition & promise of becoming a great pilot.
The JV 44 Platzschutz pilots (other jet airfields had their own protection units) distanced themselves from the jet pilots so "Sachsenberg" Schwarm may be more appropriate than "Galland" Schwarm. I wonder about that ringed-checkers emblem on the 190s and the current Wikipedia claim that it's a JV 44 emblem. None of the jets appeared to carry it so maybe it at least began unique to the autonomous JV 44 Airfield Protection unit.
Here are some useful critiques from previous versions of this video, some of which were incorporated into the current video: There were dozens of comments about a World War I tank originally used to rescue Galland as being a poor vehicle choice. Even more comments that the “Mustang” that attacked Galland was a P-47. Donald Barnard I watched until you misidentified a P-47 as a Mustang, then I thought "what's even the point"? I won't give you a dislike for it, but it sure makes me wish for a disappointment button. --- --- Bernard Edwards Your jets make a similar sound to piston engines, but in my experience jets sound quite different. Your sirens make the same sound as British sirens, which I often heard during the war, but German sirens sounded different, so your sound effects need working on. I thought it was odd that Galland had been collected by a WW1 tank. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet It hadn't occurred to me that air raid siren sound varies. Very observant. Bernard Edwards @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet If you choose the right WW2 documentary about Allied air raids, you can not only hear how German sirens sounded, but borrow the sound for your videos. modern millennials wouldnt know the difference, but elderly people would. --- --- gabor korthy Problem is English doesn't use accent marks that would immediately tell you how to pronounce that "a". My first name Gabor is usually mispronounced by English speaking people. The "a" is pronced "ahh" and that is indicated by an accent mark. I thought Ketenrads the motorcycle half tracks were used to tow the jets to the runways. George Coventry @Boris Zech - That's what I thought too...but I checked it out on a German to English translation page to hear exactly how a native German speaker says it...and it sounded less like "ah" and more like the "a" in cat, to my surprise. Anyway, the main point is, it definitely does NOT sound like "eh" (the long A in English)(or the "a" in the word "page") I've always pronounced it "ah" myself. Boris Zech @George Coventry Sound pretty correct to my Teutonic ears. It is pronounced like Ahdolf. Wikipedia has a good example, too: fleuger99 Great vid including the historical information. PS. try pronouncing his name correctly, it is his name :) --- --- Randal Montgomery At 21:55 he cuts the engines and glides to a landing but around 23:00 we still hear the engines winding down. Would they still make any noise after being cut off? Jeff's Airplane Cabinet I checked and the engines spool down for 54 seconds after being cutoff in simulation. --- ---- sona cotra Games not fluid at all!axe, blows above the buildings of the game especially on big cities. Despite very large configurations.a absolutely avoided! Chopper Girl if by attacked, you mean molasses excrutiatingly slowly sliding down the side of a jar and suddenly hitting the table and making it sticky... then yeah, attacked. Paul Everitt You need to tighten up your edit. I watched it at 2X speed. --- --- Justin This story is wrong. As Galland approached the last B-26 his third to confirm if it was a kill Tsgt Henry Dietz a B-26 gunner shot at Galland’s 262 as he slowed down to observe. Galland’s Me 262 was already smoking and damaged when the P-47 jumped him as he was already a wounded sitting duck. The P-47 pilot James Finnegan “Irish Shallalah” testified to this. Galland now had both jet engines blown out and crash landed dead stick under fire from more P-47s. Do better research next time. --- --- Julius Dream That’s not why he named it JV44. I heard him say it himself it was a dig a Hitler as four in German sounds like furer. That’s what he said in an interview anyway.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Thanks Julius for clearing up where the JV 44 name came from. I saw a Galland interview ( yesterday where at 30:00 he gives three reasons for the name. --- --- Christopher Reinheimer Oh ...where's the guys pull starting the engines.... Dr Strangelove The Riedel engines were auxiliaries. The main jet engines were electrically started by the pilot. A G @Dr Strangelove kurz gesagt "Riedel Anlasser"!
Previous comments about Adolf Galland Dennis Dudley Galland was a controversial figure. He was an outstanding fighter pilot, with I think 108 kills to his credit and highly respected by the RAF, he was not an ardent nazi, he paid only the necessary lip service to aquire what he needed, he did his best to look after the pilots under his command, even butting heads with Goering, Himmler, and Hitler, never backing down, he refused orders to execute downed Allied airmen, and would not participate in any of the atrocities being perpetrated by the Nazis during the course of the war. Esa Juhani Rintamäki Someone cursed bloody nazi pilots here. It had to be remembered that Luftwaffe pilots tried to protect civilians, their wives and children to be bombed to death. It does not matter if their wives were members in NS-Frauenschaft or BDM. And it is a sharp fact, that American pilots were ordered to kill by shooting German jet pilots in parachutes. --- --- JC Woodman I met General Galland in the early 1990s, charming fellow & he autographed a couple of art prints I have still depicting his aircraft. --- --- rob woodard My dad wrote the insurance on the movie The Battle of Britain and we were on site for a week or so , I got to visit with General Galland and the other Tech advisors on site , shortly after that Bob Hoover introduced Dad ( WG Woodard President of Omni Aviation Managers Inc ) to Erich Hartmann in California at the start of his book signing tour , Hartmann and his friend a Aviation artist were sharing expenses on the tour and we invited them to stay with us for the 1st leg of there tour , It was a remarkable childhood growing up were and when I did Pappy Gunn That's a cool story . But writing the insurance on that movie musta been kinda unique too... David Burvll-Holmes Man! what a great memory to have. Some of the filming of Battle Of Britain took place directly over my boarding school and the boys where aloud to go out and watch, probably because the teachers too were eager to witness the event. qaiser butt Wish I had met germans top aces. Too good and greatly motivated. Backed by best scientific research team. 50 years ahead of the west. Fought well Harold Godwinson Your understanding of Galland is mostly propaganda. In reality, he was for the most part, despised by rank-and-file Luftwaffe pilots. He was an establishment figure who essentially looked after his own - the old crowd from Spain and the early war years. If you were in his circle, you were fine; If not, you didn't matter. aussie69 So? He flew combat for 8yrs ('37 to '45) I guess that would make you loyal to your people as you watch them steadily die off. He also pissed off upper management & the idea behind him forming JV 44 was that he would be killed there. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet In his book, Galland presents himself in a favorable light. Galland was criticized for getting dates wrong in his book. I read Galland and Steinhoff had some animosity towards each other when JG 77 was in North Africa but that Steinhoff came to be a Galland supporter. --- ---- Viper twenty2 Anyone who hasn't read Galland's book really ought to. It's quite an eye opener. --- --- Calvin Grondahl I met General Galland in the 1970s. I read his book in the 1950s. This is a wonderful tribute to him. Calvin Grondahl @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet The General was on tour with Stanford Tuck a Spitfire ace. We were at the Utah Air National hanger at the Salt Lake City airport. I was the newspaper cartoonist in SLC at the time. I attended with a former P.O.W. who was in the same camp as Stanford Tuck. Dick Carter was a B-24 Co-pilot who flew out of North Africa. There was a B-24 outside that flew in for the occasion. Dave No tribute is do to evil men that murdered for hitler. He should have been executed upon capture, as all that fought for hitler should have been. Gil DE @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet It was hard not to be a friend of him.....he was always friendly....laughing a lot and a real prankster...the only time i remember him serious was on the funeral of my granddad, but as soon it was over he took "command" of us kids and started telling stories and jokes.... Gil DE @Leopard At that time for me he was my uncle, only way later my dad told me who he was and what he did before and during the war. Honestly i didn´t care and don´t care nowadays. For me he was my uncle dolfo and i loved him as a kid. Remembering him always give me a sad smile. Scott Havens Ya those cuddly nazis. Funny how ppl get attached to an enemy who if victorious ...well sure would be a different world. Imagine a bushido world I have zero sympathy for these maniacal aggressors Jeff's Airplane Cabinet @Scott Havens Galland wasn't a member of the Nazi party although his bosses were. Luftwaffe pilots who wrote biographies, including Galland, commonly claim they despised the interference of the SS and party members as pilots had to watch their backs to avoid being sent to a camp or worse for saying the wrong thing. Galland brought his lawyer to stop a scene in the Battle of Britain movie where his character was supposed to give a Nazi salute to Göring. Sigeberht Mercia @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet That's a good piece of information to know. I read the biography in my teens. I've always admire Galland. I know he was at odds with Goering including the strategy for winning the Battle of Britain. Fortunately, for Britain, Goering's doctrine prevailed. For him, in the latter part of the war, I had the impression that it was more about preventing the bombings than winning the war. --- --- William Lemmond My Dad, a US Air Force and Virginia Air National Guard fighter pilot, had a paperback copy of The First and the Last. I read it back in the 1970s, when I was in junior high school. School was harsh for me, back then. Reading was an escape. I liked the book. I also recall scenes with an actor playing Galland in "The Battle of Britain." I remember Goering asking what Galland wanted, and Galland answering "a squadron of Spitfires." Alan Hunter-Craig He didn't mean the aircraft but the freedom of RAF fighters to seek and destroy after Goering had ordered his fighters to accompany the bombers and thereby lose any advantage. He flew a captured Spitfire but preferred the ME 109 --- --- Stuart Ahrens Yes this man who was one of my favourite Fighter aces and he knew that the war was lost in 1943. But he said that we kept flying out to meet with the Allies and he said that the 262 would have made things more even if this plane would have been in service at the end of 1943. The 8th air force would have been in trouble if the German air force would have done better. But Hitler was involved in the plane being a bomber not a interceptor. Galland knew that this plane would have been great for the use of the 262 with pilots like Galland knew how to use it --- --- Rodrigo Goncalves He was a consultant when they made the movie Battle of Britain. He did a acrobatic display with one of the ME109s used on the movie, just to prove who he had been. Funny thing: the ME109s used on the movie, had Merlin engines... Jeff's Airplane Cabinet That's impressive that Galland was still flying 109s 24 years after the war ended. That would have been great if he had been in any of the movie scenes! I never liked the odd look of those Merlin-powered 109s. --- --- Tessa Le Roux Gallant was an Ace and such a nice man.. May his Soul RIP. Salute and Respect Wedgenut Tanker Adolph Galland. Not Gallant Kenny Gottlieb @Wedgenut Tanker just Dolfo as he was called, they where All aces. --- --- Big Sky 1991 My Grandfather was a B-17 Pilot and later Squadron XO at Wars end who stayed on active duty until the 60s. While stationed in Wiesbaden in the 50s, he was invited to a Deutcher Jagdfliegerverband Vets meeting in Hamburg where US and British Officers were also invited to attend. There were some Egos and hurt feelings to deal with, but after copious amounts of Whisky were downed, a wave of humor washed over the affair when Gen. Galland told my Grandfather "You Ami's had it all wrong with your Bombing Campaign..." there was a long silence... My Grandfather had vivid and haunting memories of the losses he witnessed...and of course the German Vets were bitter about the 8th Air Force bombing German cities and having killed so many innocent civilians. Then Galland said "Had you only bombed the "Stempelfabrike" (the official stamp factories) the War would have ended in a week! Because in Germany, nothing happens or moves without someone stamping the documents! No stamps, no War"! Then everyone laughed and drank...realizing the absurdity of it all. Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Thanks! That made me laugh. Gute Wasser @Jeff's Airplane Cabinet it has a very german flavor to it, its not so much funny as westerners see it, more in the nietzschiean sense, which shows how ingrained in us it is --- ---
Beautiful reporting! Thanks a lot!
Great work, instant sub.
awesome work.
Great video
The Fw 190-D’s were great aircraft to protect the Me 262 when they were landing or taking off. Johannes Steinhof went on to command NATO Air Force .
Amazing Steinhoff recovered from his entire body burns after being cooked in that intense heat. I suspect Platzschutzstaffel aircraft engaging the enemy may have been a rare thing. III./JG 54 was doing that in Nov 1944 with brand new Fw 190Ds while training in the new type.
Yes indeed i did enjoy this video . Thank you and good job
Fantastic video. And that Forsyth book is well worth buying too.
Yup, it’s a great read
More previous comments. Anecdotes this time:
John Basiglone
People should research and learn about the rift between Galland and Goering (The 'Fat One'). At first Galland was Goering's favorite. But as the war drew on, Galland and Goering were butting heads over tactics and Goering's unreal expectations of the fighter corps. The Luftwaffe fighters were spread thin and after the cadre of experienced pilots grew thin as a result of countless missions, the newer pilots were rushed into combat and were cannon fodder for allied fighters and bomber formations. Goering was castigating the fighter corps at every turn and mandating tactics that Galland found unsuitable. After a time, 1943 to 1944, Galland and the top aces arrived at the conclusion that Goering's position as the Luftwaffe commander had become untenable. Ergo the evening of the Fighter Pilot's Mutiny, which Galland purposely did not attend. It went over like a lead balloon and Goering was out for blood. Several top fighter aces were reassigned and sent to the far reaches of the theater. But Goering wanted Galland. Galland went incognito and finally sent word to Hitler to somehow intercede and call off Goering. Hitler told Goering to call off his crusade to arrest, jail and possibly execute Galland. Ultimately, Hitler allowed Galland to form JV44. Some believe that Hitler and Goering did this not to appease Galland, but as a means to get rid of him as he would probably die as a result of flying the jet or as a combat loss. They all knew the war was lost at that time.
--- ---
Von den knapp 1.500 hergestellten ME.262 durften auf Führer Befehl nur jede 10. Maschine eine Schwalbe (Jäger) sein, der Rest mussten Sturmvögel (Jagtbomber)sein.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
In his book, Galland claims that Speer clandestinely went around the Fuhrer's Me 262 production micromanagement - initially to keep the Me 262 program alive and then to get more Me 262 fighter variants produced rather than just bomber variants. That took some courage on Speer's part (and Galland's) to defy Hitler's orders! Galland wrote that Ar 234 production also helped appease Hitler's desire for a Blitz Bomber and after that they got the official okay for production of more Me 262 fighters. It seems a Blitz Bomber to try to stop a beachhead at Normandy made some sense but after that, continuing to make bombers was foolish.
--- ---
Curious your citation regarding Lutzow. He ended up crashing at high speed according to witnesses remarks after bouncing some American medium bombers and being chased by Thunderbolts. The plane wreckage was never to be found, nor his body.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
Galland didn't seem to write much in his book about Lützow aside from short references here and there. From Stigler's book: On the ride home on that last mission, Lützow didn't respond to radio queries about his condition and mysteriously banked away from three other Me 262s. There was speculation by Krupinski that Lützow might have suffered a fatal wound and deliberately flew his jet into the ground rather than be shot down by the P-47s. There was also speculation that he lost the will to continue or that he was "making amends for the moral mistake of serving his country".
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet Thanks for sharing it with me. Never read Stigler's book. I think it might be correct stating that either way Lutzow didn't care or didn't want to survive the war.
--- ---
Kristian Schmidt
so, it was routine for US pilots to shoot German pilots parachuting if the US pilots though the German pilots were aces?
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
There apparently were a minority of pilots on both sides who shot enemy pilots while they were in parachutes or strafed them. During the Battle of Britain, RAF Fighter Command Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding said something to the effect: You can shoot at pilots but only over their home territory. Americans had no prohibition against shooting parachuting pilots during WWII (but now do). In Galland's book, he wrote: in 1941, "Göring looked me straight in the eyes and said, 'What would you think of an order directing you to shoot down pilots who are bailing out?' 'I should regard it as murder, Herr Reichsmarshal, ' I replied, 'and I should do everything in my power to disobey such an order.' Göring put both his hands on my shoulders and said 'That is just the reply I had expected from you, Galland.'
--- ----
Ronald Harrison
Amazing aircraft for the time period.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
Yes and turbojets might possibly have arrived even sooner. Frank Whittle patented the turbojet engine in 1930 with aircraft in mind.
Finn Carl Bomholt Sørensen
An American officer collected High Tech German weapons after the war and he was told by a proud German crew, that even in the field a skilled German crew could change an engine on a 262 in half an hour! So the short lifespan of one was only a problem if they hadn't spares. I wonder how long it took to change an engine on a Meteor?
--- ---
Ta 152s were also used to provide cover for the Me 262 airbases.
Wolff Weber
Well… probably not. They were used nearly exclusively by Stab/JG 301 and there were only several airworthy at time. But during last weeks of 1000-yr Reich everything could happen.
@Wolff Weber I'm not saying JV 44 in particular but I'm recounting an entry in a war diary. I didn't see any in those photos. However, it was recorded at least, in one instance, that they were used in that way.
--- ---
G Man
27:48 I've touched the wingtip of that plane (the Australian War Memorial Me 262). They also have the only ME109 in original paint scheme.
G Man
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet It was probably more neglect that saved it. Here it is: I definitely remember it having a plaque stating it was the only one in original paint scheme.
--- ----
Darrell Wilson
The encounter with the P 47 sounds an awful lot like a documentary I saw many years ago, and still have on a beta tape, titled a fighter pilots story. A P 47 pilot documented an encounter with an ME262 when escorting bombers. He shot out one engine but was amazed at how rapidly the jet still flew away on just one.
--- ---
Tier One
With the attribution rate along with the ME262’s unstable reliability at times, is why Galland never had his trademark Mickey Mouse painted on any 262 in particular, as he was never sure if he would be flying the same one from one day to the next. With his old Messerschmitt 109, he could almost count on having the same one for each mission unless it took heavy damage & needed to be out of service for more than one day.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
Other JV 44 pilots like Barkhorn gave up their nose art traditions too (from Franz Stigler book).
At this point in the war, there were so few Me 262s, and so the pilots of JV 44 often shared the planes among them. The other guy who "shared" Adolf Galland's 262 was Franz Stigler (he of the "Ye Olde Pub" story Immortalized by a song by Sabaton). After Galland's plane crash landed and he was pulled out of the cockpit, Stigler approached him and was not happy. It did not help matters that the air raid sirens sounded out and all of them ran to the slit trenches. Stigler swore angrily that he would never share a plane with him again. American fighters put that 262 out its misery a few minutes later.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
I read on the Falke Eins blog that White 3 (WN 111746) was not destroyed (as has been generally stated) but only damaged that day. I looked in Stigler's book: He wrote Galland hobbled out of the cockpit with a bloody knee, dove into the crater, was rescued by a mechanic on a kettenkrad without stopping while being strafed, headed for the alert shack and they both dove for cover as, over the noise, Stigler is yelling a joke to Galland about never lending him a plane again. Stigler claimed White 3 was repaired overnight and the very next day, he loaned it to a pilot named Pirchan, who had never flown an Me 262 before, for a few circles around the airfield so Pirchan could say he'd been in combat. Stigler claimed Pirchan crashed in White 3 and died in his arms. Stigler's role in the story seems embellished.
Tier One
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet When Stigler allowed Pirchan to go up in White 3 for a few passes, both engines apparently flamed out not too long after he was airborne then he crashed in an area of some houses. Upon crashing he struck the gun sight & cracked his skull open, thus exposing his brain somewhat. Stigler & some others arrived to find that some folks that saw the crash had went up & helped get him out of the cockpit. Stigler then gave him a pain killer and briefly spoke with him before Pirchan died in his arms. That was a damn shame because Stigler described Pirchan as a young pilot with a lot of ambition & promise of becoming a great pilot.
Amazing video - well done...The ' Platzschutzstaffel ' is called " Sachsenberg- Schwarm " ...
The JV 44 Platzschutz pilots (other jet airfields had their own protection units) distanced themselves from the jet pilots so "Sachsenberg" Schwarm may be more appropriate than "Galland" Schwarm. I wonder about that ringed-checkers emblem on the 190s and the current Wikipedia claim that it's a JV 44 emblem. None of the jets appeared to carry it so maybe it at least began unique to the autonomous JV 44 Airfield Protection unit.
Here are some useful critiques from previous versions of this video, some of which were incorporated into the current video:
There were dozens of comments about a World War I tank originally used to rescue Galland as being a poor vehicle choice. Even more comments that the “Mustang” that attacked Galland was a P-47.
Donald Barnard
I watched until you misidentified a P-47 as a Mustang, then I thought "what's even the point"? I won't give you a dislike for it, but it sure makes me wish for a disappointment button.
--- ---
Bernard Edwards
Your jets make a similar sound to piston engines, but in my experience jets sound quite different. Your sirens make the same sound as British sirens, which I often heard during the war, but German sirens sounded different, so your sound effects need working on. I thought it was odd that Galland had been collected by a WW1 tank.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
It hadn't occurred to me that air raid siren sound varies. Very observant.
Bernard Edwards
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet If you choose the right WW2 documentary about Allied air raids, you can not only hear how German sirens sounded, but borrow the sound for your videos. modern millennials wouldnt know the difference, but elderly people would.
--- ---
gabor korthy
Problem is English doesn't use accent marks that would immediately tell you how to pronounce that "a". My first name Gabor is usually mispronounced by English speaking people. The "a" is pronced "ahh" and that is indicated by an accent mark. I thought Ketenrads the motorcycle half tracks were used to tow the jets to the runways.
George Coventry
@Boris Zech - That's what I thought too...but I checked it out on a German to English translation page to hear exactly how a native German speaker says it...and it sounded less like "ah" and more like the "a" in cat, to my surprise. Anyway, the main point is, it definitely does NOT sound like "eh" (the long A in English)(or the "a" in the word "page") I've always pronounced it "ah" myself.
Boris Zech
@George Coventry Sound pretty correct to my Teutonic ears. It is pronounced like Ahdolf. Wikipedia has a good example, too:
Great vid including the historical information. PS. try pronouncing his name correctly, it is his name :)
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Randal Montgomery
At 21:55 he cuts the engines and glides to a landing but around 23:00 we still hear the engines winding down. Would they still make any noise after being cut off?
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
I checked and the engines spool down for 54 seconds after being cutoff in simulation.
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sona cotra
Games not fluid at all!axe, blows above the buildings of the game especially on big cities. Despite very large configurations.a absolutely avoided!
Chopper Girl
if by attacked, you mean molasses excrutiatingly slowly sliding down the side of a jar and suddenly hitting the table and making it sticky... then yeah, attacked.
Paul Everitt
You need to tighten up your edit. I watched it at 2X speed.
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This story is wrong. As Galland approached the last B-26 his third to confirm if it was a kill Tsgt Henry Dietz a B-26 gunner shot at Galland’s 262 as he slowed down to observe. Galland’s Me 262 was already smoking and damaged when the P-47 jumped him as he was already a wounded sitting duck. The P-47 pilot James Finnegan “Irish Shallalah” testified to this. Galland now had both jet engines blown out and crash landed dead stick under fire from more P-47s. Do better research next time.
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Julius Dream
That’s not why he named it JV44. I heard him say it himself it was a dig a Hitler as four in German sounds like furer. That’s what he said in an interview anyway.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
Thanks Julius for clearing up where the JV 44 name came from. I saw a Galland interview ( yesterday where at 30:00 he gives three reasons for the name.
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Christopher Reinheimer
Oh ...where's the guys pull starting the engines....
Dr Strangelove
The Riedel engines were auxiliaries. The main jet engines were electrically started by the pilot.
@Dr Strangelove kurz gesagt "Riedel Anlasser"!
Previous comments about Adolf Galland
Dennis Dudley
Galland was a controversial figure. He was an outstanding fighter pilot, with I think 108 kills to his credit and highly respected by the RAF, he was not an ardent nazi, he paid only the necessary lip service to aquire what he needed, he did his best to look after the pilots under his command, even butting heads with Goering, Himmler, and Hitler, never backing down, he refused orders to execute downed Allied airmen, and would not participate in any of the atrocities being perpetrated by the Nazis during the course of the war.
Esa Juhani Rintamäki
Someone cursed bloody nazi pilots here. It had to be remembered that Luftwaffe pilots tried to protect civilians, their wives and children to be bombed to death. It does not matter if their wives were members in NS-Frauenschaft or BDM. And it is a sharp fact, that American pilots were ordered to kill by shooting German jet pilots in parachutes.
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JC Woodman
I met General Galland in the early 1990s, charming fellow & he autographed a couple of art prints I have still depicting his aircraft.
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rob woodard
My dad wrote the insurance on the movie The Battle of Britain and we were on site for a week or so , I got to visit with General Galland and the other Tech advisors on site , shortly after that Bob Hoover introduced Dad ( WG Woodard President of Omni Aviation Managers Inc ) to Erich Hartmann in California at the start of his book signing tour , Hartmann and his friend a Aviation artist were sharing expenses on the tour and we invited them to stay with us for the 1st leg of there tour , It was a remarkable childhood growing up were and when I did
Pappy Gunn
That's a cool story . But writing the insurance on that movie musta been kinda unique too...
David Burvll-Holmes
Man! what a great memory to have. Some of the filming of Battle Of Britain took place directly over my boarding school and the boys where aloud to go out and watch, probably because the teachers too were eager to witness the event.
qaiser butt
Wish I had met germans top aces. Too good and greatly motivated. Backed by best scientific research team. 50 years ahead of the west. Fought well
Harold Godwinson
Your understanding of Galland is mostly propaganda. In reality, he was for the most part, despised by rank-and-file Luftwaffe pilots. He was an establishment figure who essentially looked after his own - the old crowd from Spain and the early war years. If you were in his circle, you were fine; If not, you didn't matter.
So? He flew combat for 8yrs ('37 to '45) I guess that would make you loyal to your people as you watch them steadily die off. He also pissed off upper management & the idea behind him forming JV 44 was that he would be killed there.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
In his book, Galland presents himself in a favorable light. Galland was criticized for getting dates wrong in his book. I read Galland and Steinhoff had some animosity towards each other when JG 77 was in North Africa but that Steinhoff came to be a Galland supporter.
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Viper twenty2
Anyone who hasn't read Galland's book really ought to. It's quite an eye opener.
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Calvin Grondahl
I met General Galland in the 1970s. I read his book in the 1950s. This is a wonderful tribute to him.
Calvin Grondahl
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet The General was on tour with Stanford Tuck a Spitfire ace. We were at the Utah Air National hanger at the Salt Lake City airport. I was the newspaper cartoonist in SLC at the time. I attended with a former P.O.W. who was in the same camp as Stanford Tuck. Dick Carter was a B-24 Co-pilot who flew out of North Africa. There was a B-24 outside that flew in for the occasion.
No tribute is do to evil men that murdered for hitler. He should have been executed upon capture, as all that fought for hitler should have been.
Gil DE
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet It was hard not to be a friend of him.....he was always friendly....laughing a lot and a real prankster...the only time i remember him serious was on the funeral of my granddad, but as soon it was over he took "command" of us kids and started telling stories and jokes....
Gil DE
@Leopard At that time for me he was my uncle, only way later my dad told me who he was and what he did before and during the war. Honestly i didn´t care and don´t care nowadays. For me he was my uncle dolfo and i loved him as a kid. Remembering him always give me a sad smile.
Scott Havens
Ya those cuddly nazis. Funny how ppl get attached to an enemy who if victorious ...well sure would be a different world. Imagine a bushido world I have zero sympathy for these maniacal aggressors
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
@Scott Havens Galland wasn't a member of the Nazi party although his bosses were. Luftwaffe pilots who wrote biographies, including Galland, commonly claim they despised the interference of the SS and party members as pilots had to watch their backs to avoid being sent to a camp or worse for saying the wrong thing. Galland brought his lawyer to stop a scene in the Battle of Britain movie where his character was supposed to give a Nazi salute to Göring.
Sigeberht Mercia
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet That's a good piece of information to know. I read the biography in my teens. I've always admire Galland. I know he was at odds with Goering including the strategy for winning the Battle of Britain. Fortunately, for Britain, Goering's doctrine prevailed. For him, in the latter part of the war, I had the impression that it was more about preventing the bombings than winning the war.
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William Lemmond
My Dad, a US Air Force and Virginia Air National Guard fighter pilot, had a paperback copy of The First and the Last. I read it back in the 1970s, when I was in junior high school. School was harsh for me, back then. Reading was an escape. I liked the book. I also recall scenes with an actor playing Galland in "The Battle of Britain." I remember Goering asking what Galland wanted, and Galland answering "a squadron of Spitfires."
Alan Hunter-Craig
He didn't mean the aircraft but the freedom of RAF fighters to seek and destroy after Goering had ordered his fighters to accompany the bombers and thereby lose any advantage. He flew a captured Spitfire but preferred the ME 109
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Stuart Ahrens
Yes this man who was one of my favourite Fighter aces and he knew that the war was lost in 1943. But he said that we kept flying out to meet with the Allies and he said that the 262 would have made things more even if this plane would have been in service at the end of 1943. The 8th air force would have been in trouble if the German air force would have done better. But Hitler was involved in the plane being a bomber not a interceptor. Galland knew that this plane would have been great for the use of the 262 with pilots like Galland knew how to use it
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Rodrigo Goncalves
He was a consultant when they made the movie Battle of Britain. He did a acrobatic display with one of the ME109s used on the movie, just to prove who he had been. Funny thing: the ME109s used on the movie, had Merlin engines...
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
That's impressive that Galland was still flying 109s 24 years after the war ended. That would have been great if he had been in any of the movie scenes! I never liked the odd look of those Merlin-powered 109s.
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Tessa Le Roux
Gallant was an Ace and such a nice man.. May his Soul RIP. Salute and Respect
Wedgenut Tanker
Adolph Galland. Not Gallant
Kenny Gottlieb
@Wedgenut Tanker just Dolfo as he was called, they where All aces.
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Big Sky 1991
My Grandfather was a B-17 Pilot and later Squadron XO at Wars end who stayed on active duty until the 60s. While stationed in Wiesbaden in the 50s, he was invited to a Deutcher Jagdfliegerverband Vets meeting in Hamburg where US and British Officers were also invited to attend. There were some Egos and hurt feelings to deal with, but after copious amounts of Whisky were downed, a wave of humor washed over the affair when Gen. Galland told my Grandfather "You Ami's had it all wrong with your Bombing Campaign..." there was a long silence... My Grandfather had vivid and haunting memories of the losses he witnessed...and of course the German Vets were bitter about the 8th Air Force bombing German cities and having killed so many innocent civilians. Then Galland said "Had you only bombed the "Stempelfabrike" (the official stamp factories) the War would have ended in a week! Because in Germany, nothing happens or moves without someone stamping the documents! No stamps, no War"! Then everyone laughed and drank...realizing the absurdity of it all.
Jeff's Airplane Cabinet
Thanks! That made me laugh.
Gute Wasser
@Jeff's Airplane Cabinet it has a very german flavor to it, its not so much funny as westerners see it, more in the nietzschiean sense, which shows how ingrained in us it is
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