What I want to know is if that was Tobias himself doing the dancing or if they hired a professional to do it instead. Did Tobias actually learn how to dance like that, or did they just put someone else in the Cardinal Copia makeup for this video?
@@autumnphillips151 that's a good question, though i wouldnt be surprised if it was Tobias, guy seems to be about having flair in his videos. though that would that creepy mask a whole lot more.
@@UltimateGamerCC In interviews Tobias claims to have done all the dancing in this video, and had a body double for the bits where he was standing still. So either he's been taking secret ballet classes for a few years to be able to pull off those moves (some of that is fairly advanced stuff!), Satan has gifted him with perfect pirouettes, or he's fucking with us. ;)
The character design and body language of Cardinal Copia is outstanding. The way Tobias describes him as some sort of charismatic, Freddie Mercury type really made me realize what a great era this was for the band. Cardy got moves man
Tobias Forge has said that he wants Ghost to sound like the greatest band from the seventies and eighties that you've never heard before. Mission accomplished.
I think a lot of the crazy dance moves are a professional dancer in the Cardinal Copia costume intercut with shots of Tobias wearing it. You can sort of see his body proportions changing, in some shots he's really skinny and others he's normal.
@@SeaBeast4Life that’s exactly what it is. A professional dancer, supposedly he was just asked to dance to the music on set. No routine or anything, he just went wild.
4 years later and this song still fucking kills. I can't decide between jazz hands, moshing, headbanging, or dancing. I think that's why I love it so much. Musically it invokes all these different feelings and it's just fucking glorious. I almost peed my pants seeing it live twice. Long live Ghost 👻
My son is 5 and I didn't realized he stopped to watch this music video (i had it on while cleaning.) Next thing i know, he's dancing around the house and growling "Them rats!" Highlight of my day lol ❤
@daleshelden8394 it was the cutest thing I've ever seen! He even tried doing the little arm dance thing that Copia does lol so hours later we both were doing it together, it was a great time lol
Hahaha he's already a lil Ghost stan in the making, it was clearly meant to be. I'd be proud as a parent :D make sure he grows up with this stuff; he'll always think of you when he hears it, and it'll always be a favorite to him :)
The art of the truly artistic video clip was lost after the early 90's for me, and Ghost is bringing it back in spades. Absolute killer drums all the way through this, solid, complex without being complicated. Genius.
Moments in this mv that never fail to crack me up: - The lil jaw wiggle at the beginning - 1:04 - Special Ghoul putting his freaking _leg_ on the _keyboard_ - SG playing guitar with gloves on - Evil horse
Can’t believe the Cardinal predicted the style of the Wednesday dance, lol in all seriousness there’s something so hilarious and haunting seeing the movements range from poetically smooth and ballet like, into unpredictable full body gesticulations
it's just goth dance, which is basically just moving your body however you can to the rhythm of the music. I heard that for this they just put the music in the background and recorded the video without a planed choreography. the Wednesday dance was planned but it was based on those types of stuff.
that's just goth dance in general 😭 wednesday didn't invent it, the choreographers for that number drew upon the sort of flowy jerky style you'd see at a goth club
A good number of Kansas songs fit this mold as do System of a Down. Miracles from Nowhere? Hey, Mr Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know could easily be applied to some political leaders who seem completely mad (to me Trump, Bolsonaro, Lukashenko).
You know what's also epic? Go watch Square Hammer's music video. At a particular point in the movie the band is watching, there is a moment of color. I won't spoil it, but foreshadowing for this album is there and it's amazing,
@@lucheloco420 i watched that video a lot, ando today i noticed that! Been searching to see if anyone noticed it and if it actually was in fact am easter egg...and i just stumbled on you comment! :D
I'm 52 and an old school metal head. Love these guys and wish people my age would support the future generations of hard Rock. These guys also do a great job of incorporating 70's and 80's gothic music into their sound.
Rod Viquez I'm 48 and if you think this is good metal music you need to see a therapist and go to a real concert sorry for your loss. This band and you old fuckers suck!!!
I'm 48 now, and I have my tickets already for the current show when they come around. I'm glad to see they have a young audience as well :) As for the nay sayers, well, I remember when Zappa criticized Black Sabbath along with Sabbath fans. They (the nay sayers) kind of remind me of that and sound about as irrelevant. I for one will still enjoy listening to Ghost and seeing them perform. It's like Dio said, "Metal will never die" and to "gather round the young ones, they will make us strong".
For those wondering what the white guitar is, it is a Hagstrom Fantomen. Not really sure if anyone even cares but I went through the trouble of figuring it out so might as well share.
The previous Nameless Ghouls were using Gibsons RD, so I guess they needed new guitars from a new manufacturer but using the same style and design... pretty much what Papa did with the full band, different people but same design and style of music...
@@Metalbirne Satan works for God in Juudaism. His job to entice evil to be punished by God. So it makes sense with what his talking about. His basically talking down to mankind. Satan looks down on mankind. Like when he had a bet with god that Job would fail his tests. He enjoys testing mankind through trials.
skillzorz101 Oh fuck the hell YES! I adore Repo! and its creator, Terrance Zdunich. I want Forge and Zdunich to work together, at some point. I WILL DIE HAPPY IF THAT EVER HAPPENS!
Only because Tobias has such a big ego believes the nameless ghouls are so replaceable he doesn't even compensate them properly as their music grew bigger as to why they left the band and brought on lawsuits
I love how the last 30 seconds of this song exist as an incredible starting point for an entirely different song. Yet Ghost has so much going for them, they just integrated it at the end of this song instead, as if that riff doesn't go HARD.
@@zvendiearschficker6664 That riff is actually in two other Ghost songs, it's played on synths at the end of Ashes which opens the album but it was also played on strings in Spöksonat from Meliora three years earlier so it was a hell of a build up to it
Ben Amini Could it be that CERN has opened up the gates!!!???? Remember peeps... Demons will take over your children, with cool beats, and catchy lines. They won't appear to be scary at all.
@@danascavone1734 You forgot Europe, Amon Amarth, Opeth, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Sabaton, Katatonia, Hammerfall, Dark Tranquillity, Dark Funeral. I remember these and am not a fan of all of them.
@@andrewklein9064 I've heard the vocals are sometimes harder to hear live from some people I know. Was that true in your case? I've been to good shows and bad...every band has bad shows, it happens. It would be unfair for me to assume a band is going to be mentally, physically, and emotionally happy all the time. Got caught rambling a bit, lol. Your comment just shows a lot of insight on how far they're willing to go live so i thought I'd ask. :D
Just out of curiosity, how do you know it's underrated if you just discovered the band? Honest question, don't mean to come off as anything but genuine.
@@zachsmusicandcomics it's a very fair question. I just feel that the guitar playing is overlooked from what I could gather with all my information at the time. Not saying I was right or wrong. By saying "Just discovered" , I didn't literally mean that very second. So thats my bad my dude if I made it seem like I knew more than I intended. But great band either way. 🤘
This was the first song I heard when I first discovered Ghost around 2018-2019, and it's still my favorite song of theirs. I love that it's simultaneously heavy and uper catchy. When hearing it live in Oslo, I was amazed by how huge the chorus sounded and how badass the outro was. Ghost, thank you for making this timeless masterpiece.
words can't describe how much i'm in love with the band, the music, and everything about it it's like a gold mine of serotonin where have i been all this time
@@Angry_bunny13 Canadian here, just outside Toronto. I work in mental health care and started getting sick yesterday. I'm just waiting for my doctor to call back so I can go get tested. This whole area's shut down. It's crazy. My sister went into quarantine a few days ago because she just got back from Mexico, even though they've got far less cases there than we do here. She's happy to have some vacation time to spend with her kids.
@@Angry_bunny13 My fever finally broke today, and I've been on prednisone for my breathing. There's not enough test kits, so I'm just a "suspected case", on home quarantine. They're never going to get accurate stats this way! But I'm still alive too, and plan on staying that way! Good luck, and stay well! Even a mild case of this is total hell. Take good care!
@@PinkCow0 it's mostly coming from the metal elitists. They can't sit and enjoy a band that tries new things and doesn't take themselves too seriously.
I love this so freaking much! Definitely one of Ghost best songs & music videos. The instruments esp the bass line are simply gorgeous for the whole album. Easily my fav Ghost album 😊
Plague: Dance of the Rats a work of oil on canvas art 17th century featuring rats dancing. The plague dance took place in the early 1500's where people we dancing endlessly through all the death and despair. Many of these dancers died from exhaustion or heart attack. So for those unaware or judgemental, the dancing here is related to that along with the theme of the album, the plague. This is the modern art now that depicts the death and survival of such gruesome times. Also the upcoming track on this album Dance Macabre has to do with people who were dying from the plague went out and just had fun with their remaining days, danced like they've never danced before. Partied and drank, just lived it up until they perished. So yeah it's actually pretty dark. Actually it all has to do with the darkest times in history, so just because there is dancing, doesn't mean it's not dark. It's symbolic.
Miss Queen The plague or Black Death killing up to 200 million people estimated, taking 200 years to recover from. Many of these people thinking it was punishment "all your loved ones and all your kin will suffer punishment beneath the wrath of god" Yeah I would have to say this is a lot darker as a whole than the procreation of the antichrist. I love all of Ghosts work. People just want darker "sounding" music, then again also can't blame them.
The MADGamer i can't even listen to any other bands,ghost has become my new religion, it's like a love pain when i don't listen to their music .. sounds welrd but true :)) i met this band two days ago and now im angry with myself that i didn't even hear any music of them before, finally i've found the true religion hell yeah haha🤘🏼🤘🏼 and thanks for your beautiful infos 🙏🏼
The MADGamer Tobias has said many times in interviews that the theme of the upcoming album is darker but not necessarily heavier music. This is a perfect example to introduce the album. I think it is heavy enough and certainly very catchy. He is drawing new fans to Ghost.😄
The MADGamer i think so many people are misunderstanding the dancing. I didn't get it at first but eventually got it after a few views. Maybe Tobias should have had a little intro to the video but ultimately it is about the music which is awesome.
C4ralh0000!!! incrível como eu viciei nessa banda em tão pouco tempo. Alguns anos atrás, isso era irrelevante pra mim. Sem significância alguma. Hoje clamo desesperadamente por um show aqui no Brasil. Preciso ver de perto o espetáculo que é o Ghost ❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
SNES drunk FUCKING SNES DRUNK! I love your channel. I'm new to it, but I'm taking it all in. Glad to see you and I not only have the best home console in common!
That last riff is so amazing Ghost can create such a sinister and spooky atmosphere with their instruments alone, they should make an entire instrumental album!!
This was the song that got me into Ghost. My friend was telling me about the band and I asked if I could hear a song, she put on this music video. I've been hooked ever since.
I'm just getting into Ghost and at the 0:42 I started to feel like I had heard this song before then it hit me. My local Rock/Metal station plays this song all the time.
Fucking Steve from HR always gets employee of the month just because he brings doughnuts every morning, meanwhile no one notices Cardinal Copia is literally dancing his ass off trying to bring more people unto Lucifer.
For the few who don't understand the dancing, it's sinister, in the tradition of the original Twin Peaks series, when the possessed serial killer did Fred Astaire-like dances. Here the cardinal is doing a sort of homage to "Singin' In the Rain," only the puddles are blood, not water. It's macabre. And it suggests disease, as in St. Vitus' Dance, a symptom of Sydenham's chorea. Nothing campy about this -- it's horror for those with eyes to see.
Oh, jeeezus. That explains why my cat looked at me like I was having a stroke, when I tried some Cardinal "moves". Huh! ...you learn sumthin' new every day!
The bass and drums alone on this track are masterful. Between the playing, the mix and the Actual tone (Fender Jazz is outstanding). An excellent quality hard rock tune all around.
berker ön that explains why he came to papa emeritus 0 with a retro boombox on his shoulder. He loves the 80's and john travolta's Saturday night fever
I swear there was a cartoon I used to watch that had the same sound as in 3:49 I don’t know if it had anything to do with rats but it’s bothering me that it sounds so familiar, yet I can’t remember anything about it 💀
1. What healthy looking and adorable little ratties! 2. THIS DANCING. 1:03 in particular, is amazing. 3. Love the pale horse symbolism at the end. I'm so glad I recently discovered this band. It's a great song.
This was the first song I heard from Ghost. Then Cirice, then Square Hammer, then some more, then the rest, now I'm buying the albums, and getting a hat too. I think I'm a fan now.
The first song I heard was “He Is” then “Cirice” then “Square Hammer”. “Square Hammer” sold it for me, and I’m going down the same path as you. Definitely want to go to one of their concerts. It’s so theatrically appealing and the music doesn’t hurt lol
I'm SO late discovering this band and their music. Ghost is now my favorite band, love their sound.
same lmao
Welcome to the Fandom, we all love and welcome you and you being new just means you got quite a backlog to enjoy :)
lol same
i`m into my 1st week of Ghost , better late than never . cannot stop listening!!!
Welcome to the clergy
"Hi I'm Cardinal Copia and I'll be your freestyle dance instructor."
Best comment
Megamind would not claim that Tobias Forge lacks presentation.
What I want to know is if that was Tobias himself doing the dancing or if they hired a professional to do it instead. Did Tobias actually learn how to dance like that, or did they just put someone else in the Cardinal Copia makeup for this video?
@@autumnphillips151 that's a good question, though i wouldnt be surprised if it was Tobias, guy seems to be about having flair in his videos.
though that would that creepy mask a whole lot more.
@@UltimateGamerCC In interviews Tobias claims to have done all the dancing in this video, and had a body double for the bits where he was standing still. So either he's been taking secret ballet classes for a few years to be able to pull off those moves (some of that is fairly advanced stuff!), Satan has gifted him with perfect pirouettes, or he's fucking with us. ;)
Sometimes when I’m sad I come back to this music video and watch the cardinal do his little fancy dance.
Cheers me up everytime
Same ghestie
I wish it was him actually doing it but I guess you can't have everything!
1:04 🤣🤣🤣
U deserve more likes ,pal 😂
1:04 how I walk to the microwave when my pizza rolls are done
How true
Same 🎉🎉🎉😂
Lmao true xD
My wife stared in bewilderment as I started cackling upon reading that
1:04 that must be one of the best dance movements ever
don't forget 2:36 too.
I like 2:48
@@CCluff Ice skater moment
or 1:13
Cardinal Copia clearly won the second most "Employee of the Month" awards with them fire dance moves. He's killing it.
Seriously tho haha!
I honestly never knew that Cardinal Copia was a rubber mask. I'm so ashamed...
@@nicoleobrien2517 all the characters Tobias plays are rubber, don't know if you noticed that too.
@@ghostranger5255 I'm pretty sure he's wearing just makeup in the "Square Hammer" video. I may have to go back to check now 🤔
@@nicoleobrien2517 I don't think he is, his face doesn't seem to match Tobias's but I could also he wrong
Dance choreographer: Ok how many twirls should this dance have?
Tobias: Yes
All of them, eh?
It really puts this moment where he's just casually pointing out the hole in his shoe in perspective: th-cam.com/video/6p-GqIVaM1Y/w-d-xo.html
And back to back. Part of what makes the video so fu!n loving and comical
I lol’d bro hahaha
Don't forget 1:04
The character design and body language of Cardinal Copia is outstanding. The way Tobias describes him as some sort of charismatic, Freddie Mercury type really made me realize what a great era this was for the band. Cardy got moves man
OMG I'm so happy he was made head of the clergy though. Frater Imperator, the boss of Papa V. Love it.
@@AngelusaNobilisyessssss 😂❤
It's Vincent price....
@@redcroft308yes Cardi was modelled on Vincent Price it’s Cardi as Papa iv that was modelled on Jacques Clousteou and Freddie Mercury
Tobias Forge has said that he wants Ghost to sound like the greatest band from the seventies and eighties that you've never heard before.
Mission accomplished.
@@DJC3412 what?
via the olde one video...yes i know. Namel...i mean HE confirmed that
Ratsssss.... AU-OAHHHH.... Ratsssss...
* € ( BC ) " %= ?? 0. ¡¡!!!!!!!√ ™ = 555
Cardinal Copia is definitely the man to take this band into stratosphere levels of notoriety and fame. He’s already legendary.
Cardinal forever!🖤
Now papá emeritus iv but he Will die in some time x'd
Is Cardinal making anymore appearances at the shows?
@@EmeritusIV616 is the cardinal no more?
@@spellbound6921 The cardinal got a promotion and became Emeritus IV, he's not dead yet
I love his "singing in the rain" moment with the umbrella.
3:48 Best part of the song... I could listen to this over and over. So powerful!
Best part --> 4:25
@@keev.11 personally, this is where it gets good 0:00
@@Leafley-_- agreed
It is masterful, and I agree, and just get cravings to hear it again and again..
@@keev.11 I just offended
I swear this man took ballet lession or smth.. those spins were too professional
I think a lot of the crazy dance moves are a professional dancer in the Cardinal Copia costume intercut with shots of Tobias wearing it. You can sort of see his body proportions changing, in some shots he's really skinny and others he's normal.
the head/mask also looks disproportionately large in some shots 🤔
@@SeaBeast4Life that’s exactly what it is. A professional dancer, supposedly he was just asked to dance to the music on set. No routine or anything, he just went wild.
i think that the cardinal with the hair all messed up is the professional dancer
@@24fretsoffury This is.... just delightful.
4 years later and this song still fucking kills. I can't decide between jazz hands, moshing, headbanging, or dancing. I think that's why I love it so much. Musically it invokes all these different feelings and it's just fucking glorious. I almost peed my pants seeing it live twice. Long live Ghost 👻
OMGs SAME! The instrumental goes SO hard and I can't decide what to do xD
@@MikaMoonlight same here
the only valid dance to this is ballet twirls lol
Can a ghost 👻 truly live? Length’s not really important to a ghost either… 🐀 rat bomb comment 🐀
Don't forget your Vincent Price Mask!! 😉
This song prevents me from hearing the word rats like a normal person again.
Oh thank God I'm not the only one with this problem!
Rrrrats rats rats ratsss
rrrats oawahaaa
Panama part two.
Me too...
My son is 5 and I didn't realized he stopped to watch this music video (i had it on while cleaning.) Next thing i know, he's dancing around the house and growling "Them rats!" Highlight of my day lol ❤
That must have been adorable!
@daleshelden8394 it was the cutest thing I've ever seen! He even tried doing the little arm dance thing that Copia does lol so hours later we both were doing it together, it was a great time lol
Hahaha he's already a lil Ghost stan in the making, it was clearly meant to be. I'd be proud as a parent :D make sure he grows up with this stuff; he'll always think of you when he hears it, and it'll always be a favorite to him :)
If this video were around during the 80s it would've been legendary. It's a masterpiece.
It is a masterpiece
The art of the truly artistic video clip was lost after the early 90's for me, and Ghost is bringing it back in spades. Absolute killer drums all the way through this, solid, complex without being complicated. Genius.
It's Amazing!
When it’s the Black Plague but you have to practice your pirouette.
This shit is fuckin garbage
Disturbed soft core ripoff
Spooze Mcsgooch no one asked ya mate 🙅
I just choked on my lemonade.........thanks lmao
@@spoozemcsgooch2129 you're a fucktard.
"Darling, lets go to a musical" "Cats?" "No, Rats!"
if Ghost made a musical, i'd attend.
And nowadays, it could be "Bats" :D
Cats was attrocious.rats shit all over those cats living in dustbins.
@@UltimateGamerCC same
This comment needs a lot more exclamation marks
Moments in this mv that never fail to crack me up:
- The lil jaw wiggle at the beginning
- 1:04
- Special Ghoul putting his freaking _leg_ on the _keyboard_
- SG playing guitar with gloves on
- Evil horse
My mom: come show everyone that little dance you do
Me: 1:04
Lmao,why i laughed so hard at this?! 😂😂😂
I don't know if I'm sleep deprived or what but I can't stop looping this
There's an animated gif of this that loops back and forth and it is probably my favorite ever.
Absolutely love the choreo in this video. It's like "Thriller" meets a particularly hellish "Singin' in the Rain".
...with a dash of Mary Poppins and spring heeled Jack 😂
Ok, but why is this SO accurate 😂
Seeing Rats performed live, that ending riff is *so* crunchy and satisfying
Homage to Metallica perhaps?
The Ghoulettes rock at the end of it! Gotta love them
Can’t believe the Cardinal predicted the style of the Wednesday dance, lol in all seriousness there’s something so hilarious and haunting seeing the movements range from poetically smooth and ballet like, into unpredictable full body gesticulations
It's really awesome, he's like a Mephistopheles.
it's just goth dance, which is basically just moving your body however you can to the rhythm of the music. I heard that for this they just put the music in the background and recorded the video without a planed choreography. the Wednesday dance was planned but it was based on those types of stuff.
that's just goth dance in general 😭 wednesday didn't invent it, the choreographers for that number drew upon the sort of flowy jerky style you'd see at a goth club
Imagine releasing a song that becomes more relevant as time passes.
system of a down in a nutshell
Never gonna give you up
Hell yes
No handle bars and Basically most of SoAD
A good number of Kansas songs fit this mold as do System of a Down. Miracles from Nowhere? Hey, Mr Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know could easily be applied to some political leaders who seem completely mad (to me Trump, Bolsonaro, Lukashenko).
*1st time hearing Rats* "Eh, it's okay.."
*11th time hearing Rats* (Dances in sync with the Skull Dancers)
*666th time hearing rats* (Becomes a rat)
Armando Centeno 999th listen (Satan returns, according to End of Days)
This song gives me goosebumps that hurt.
This is really so fucking true 😂
I just realized that Cardinal’s “Papa” skull makeup is a rat skull and it makes everything so much more epic
I love your name
You know what's also epic? Go watch Square Hammer's music video. At a particular point in the movie the band is watching, there is a moment of color. I won't spoil it, but foreshadowing for this album is there and it's amazing,
@@lucheloco420 IF you mean the "Cardinal" on the cross, I saw it too.:)
@@lucheloco420 i watched that video a lot, ando today i noticed that! Been searching to see if anyone noticed it and if it actually was in fact am easter egg...and i just stumbled on you comment! :D
Not sure how a human face looks anything like a rat skull but ok, if you say so lol...
2:31 That is certainly one of the most beautiful guitar solos in metal. Short but charming.
For real, should be longer 😢
that ending riff deserves its own song!!
The rest of the album probably will be complimented by more heavy riffs.
It already has it's own song my friend, listen closer. It is Spöksonat!
I was expecting a breakdown right after to close the song with even more intensity. Like the same riff but lower
Viccy Schreuder I hope so
1:04 my sleep paralysis demon in the corner of my room
😂😂😂 yeees!
Heh heh
I'm 52 and an old school metal head. Love these guys and wish people my age would support the future generations of hard Rock. These guys also do a great job of incorporating 70's and 80's gothic music into their sound.
Rod Viquez I'm 48 and I love Ghost
I'm a old timer as well and love Ghost...
Rod Viquez I'm 48 and if you think this is good metal music you need to see a therapist and go to a real concert sorry for your loss. This band and you old fuckers suck!!!
Travis Harris trolling the comments section on a band you don't even like. You okay guy? Sounds a little masochistic to me.
I'm 48 now, and I have my tickets already for the current show when they come around. I'm glad to see they have a young audience as well :)
As for the nay sayers, well, I remember when Zappa criticized Black Sabbath along with Sabbath fans. They (the nay sayers) kind of remind me of that and sound about as irrelevant.
I for one will still enjoy listening to Ghost and seeing them perform. It's like Dio said, "Metal will never die" and to "gather round the young ones, they will make us strong".
We need more musical geniuses like this. Great music and very entertaining to watch. Future musicians should take note.
For those wondering what the white guitar is, it is a Hagstrom Fantomen. Not really sure if anyone even cares but I went through the trouble of figuring it out so might as well share.
GTAwheelman247 thanks for the info! I've been trying to figure out if it was an obscure one-off Gibson, lol!
Pretty sure it's a Gibson RD ;)
The previous Nameless Ghouls were using Gibsons RD, so I guess they needed new guitars from a new manufacturer but using the same style and design... pretty much what Papa did with the full band, different people but same design and style of music...
Yep my bad, I should have checked before talking :) They changed them to Hagstroms
Thanks. Sorta like the Gibson RD guitars.
When you've got razzle dazzle but also hail Satan.
Ghost in a nutshell.
Jazz Hands!
What’s razzle dazzle?
He said the wrath of God on this. I dont think he was hailing satan bud.
@@brazilianman92 He is definitely hailing Satan though.
@@Metalbirne Satan works for God in Juudaism. His job to entice evil to be punished by God. So it makes sense with what his talking about. His basically talking down to mankind. Satan looks down on mankind. Like when he had a bet with god that Job would fail his tests. He enjoys testing mankind through trials.
The guitar solo is the single most haunting one I've ever heard, what a masterpiece
Hell yeah, those twin guitars sure drive the message home!
Tobias has the art of composing meaningful solos down,not everyone can do this
It's a really good example of how a great solo does not at all have to be extremely note-dense or complicated.
@@Darwinist m no. Hl mm
Come for the metal. Stay for the pirouettes. Thats Ghost.
When Tobias said he wanted to make a song that people could dance and sing, i did'nt thought it was gonna be so literal xD
Love you Copia ❤
Martin Ruiz Thats why he made the new young pope. Feelsgood
There is no tobias. Only papa.
Cardinal Copia is pretty awesome! Interesting to see such a new and different character in the band
I love how much this sounds like an 80's horror movie credits song.
That's a pretty good description. I was thinking it sounded like it was from a musical like Repo or something.
Good Game RC • The Quake Grave kind of sort of like Dokken: dream warriors
skillzorz101 Oh fuck the hell YES! I adore Repo! and its creator, Terrance Zdunich. I want Forge and Zdunich to work together, at some point. I WILL DIE HAPPY IF THAT EVER HAPPENS!
And now “Hunters Moon” is on the Halloween Kills soundtrack , it was inevitable
@@bobmathews9072 beat me to it!
I can’t believe I’m so late to this band. One of the greatest I’ve heard, never going back
Tu n'es pas la seule
Wars, conflicts, fake news, scandals.....
Ghost has a new single.
One thing a lot of modern rock/metal bands seem to neglect is the importance of a larger than life front man
Ghost are one of the few that get it
Only because Tobias has such a big ego believes the nameless ghouls are so replaceable he doesn't even compensate them properly as their music grew bigger as to why they left the band and brought on lawsuits
the dancing at 2:47 cracks me up EVERY time i watch it. I love this band.
1:04 absolutely kills me.
@@CommanderWiggins another amazing part
I think Wednesday Addams channeled the Cardinal in her dance. Sorry Weds. it's been done before and better.
The Cardinal loves himself a little ✨🌈👋Fossy 👋🌈✨
This song will never be forgotten. It will endure until the end of time.
I love how the last 30 seconds of this song exist as an incredible starting point for an entirely different song.
Yet Ghost has so much going for them, they just integrated it at the end of this song instead, as if that riff doesn't go HARD.
Its the riff in another Ghost song. I’m too baked to remember rn.
@@zvendiearschficker6664 That riff is actually in two other Ghost songs, it's played on synths at the end of Ashes which opens the album but it was also played on strings in Spöksonat from Meliora three years earlier so it was a hell of a build up to it
@@havoc14 and it leads into a completely different song when the play it live.
It also flows into Call Me Little Sunshine really well if you queue those two up together
It's an allegory for how the Renaissance was the end of the Dark Ages and the Plague Years and the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era.
Something is right with Sweden and its music, so many talented and famous musicians in music history. God bless Sweden.
Ben Amini Could it be that CERN has opened up the gates!!!???? Remember peeps... Demons will take over your children, with cool beats, and catchy lines. They won't appear to be scary at all.
First ABBA, then A-Ha and Yngwie, now Ghost? I'm f-ing hooked
@@danascavone1734 You forgot Europe, Amon Amarth, Opeth, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Sabaton, Katatonia, Hammerfall, Dark Tranquillity, Dark Funeral. I remember these and am not a fan of all of them.
@@benamini5701 my goodness, I'm slipping in my old age! Thanks for reminding me! 😁
Don't know what you guys mean about 1:04, that's how I usually approach people to make friends.
Mr. Futago that’s why this comment has three likes
Mr. Futago that sounds like it would be very effective
I'm certainly the Cardinal's friend now.
@@ThisHorrorFilmDoesNotExist I don't have many friends.
@@lasc1v1ous: Bullshit. You have Ghost. So you have everything. Duh.
I'm a ol metal head and these guys absolutely kick ass
1:04 :
Top 10 Characters Who Can Defeat Thanos By Themselves
The closing riff is a reminder that this is a metal band. God damn, that's a headbanger
I wish it went for longer, it's so good!
What rock was I living under holy crap the sound is unique love it! Keep making great music
Very underrated guitar playing and composition. Just discovered these guys and I'm very happy I did. What a great ensemble and theatrics.
Wait until you see them live!! Best corioghraphy I've ever seen!
@@andrewklein9064 I've heard the vocals are sometimes harder to hear live from some people I know. Was that true in your case? I've been to good shows and bad...every band has bad shows, it happens. It would be unfair for me to assume a band is going to be mentally, physically, and emotionally happy all the time. Got caught rambling a bit, lol. Your comment just shows a lot of insight on how far they're willing to go live so i thought I'd ask. :D
Just out of curiosity, how do you know it's underrated if you just discovered the band? Honest question, don't mean to come off as anything but genuine.
@@zachsmusicandcomics it's a very fair question. I just feel that the guitar playing is overlooked from what I could gather with all my information at the time. Not saying I was right or wrong. By saying "Just discovered" , I didn't literally mean that very second. So thats my bad my dude if I made it seem like I knew more than I intended. But great band either way. 🤘
Saw them live for the first time in Grand Rapids. Rats live and their other tunes will blow your mind. A new age powerhouse band
as a rat who stole someone’s phone i feel very represented 🐀❤️ gotta tell colony about this band
Here 3 years later and I'm still obsessed with this band since this song came out...thank you Ghost for making some of my dreams come true!
what dreams are you talking about? XD
@@Limownandfriends *Them rats!*
Oh, Papa makes all my dreams come true! 😍
Dude went hard on this one, he looks like he's having a lot of fun. And the song is awesome, the solo and the ending riff, dude, they killed
Rodrigo Bogg agreed.
Can we talk about that bass line? I can't get enough of it
He plays all the instruments on the albums except the drums. Crazy
Man I am so late to this party but you can just see everyone is having fun and I live for that.
I could literally spend here all day watching Cardinal dancing like this
CDC worker: Sir I'm going to need you to clear the area immediat-
Cardinal Copia: *pirouettes*
CDC worker: No okay you're good
Finally an original comment
CDC worker: now, Excuse me while i continue to handle this rat cage with no gloves on.
Laughed harder at this than necessary.
I'm starting to think taking ballet in first through third grade wasn't a bad thing because now I can just terrorize my family dressed as cardinal
This song is growing on me, it just keeps getting better. That ending riff is soooo good!
And the dancing ghules fit perfectly 😍😍
The ending is amazing!
Really hoping that the ending of Rats is the beginning of the next song in the album
The end riff got me hooked to loving this song. I agree with ya.
The end riff is from Spöksonat.
This was the first song I heard when I first discovered Ghost around 2018-2019, and it's still my favorite song of theirs. I love that it's simultaneously heavy and uper catchy. When hearing it live in Oslo, I was amazed by how huge the chorus sounded and how badass the outro was.
Ghost, thank you for making this timeless masterpiece.
If Cardinal Copia doesn't perform any of the choreography at any show I attend, I will ask for my money back
Connor Hayes I think it's a woman in a mask...
dance or riot
That seems to be his persona so I wouldn't be surprised if he did. I would be disappointed too.
Hart Underscore_
What a flat assed and titted Lady...
I'd venture to guess that the Cardi C in this video isn't Tobias Forge at all
If you cant handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my 1:04
bro i fucking lost it at this comment lmfao
knew exactly where that was gonna take me but i still clicked on it to see it again
I cried 🤣
I just woke up my kids laughing at this
Me going to the bathroom at 3am
The demon in the hall 1:04
As soon as I saw this I busted out laughing
He just helping you wipe 😏
this comment is underrated as FUCK
words can't describe how much i'm in love with the band, the music, and everything about it
it's like a gold mine of serotonin
where have i been all this time
Me in 2018: Amazing song
Me in 2020: Damn it world! This song wasn't supposed to be a suggestion!
Perfect soundrack for my 20 days quarantine.
Edit : my infinite quarantine
You too, huh? ;D
@@neuralmute yep, I'm Italian.
@@Angry_bunny13 Canadian here, just outside Toronto. I work in mental health care and started getting sick yesterday. I'm just waiting for my doctor to call back so I can go get tested. This whole area's shut down. It's crazy. My sister went into quarantine a few days ago because she just got back from Mexico, even though they've got far less cases there than we do here. She's happy to have some vacation time to spend with her kids.
@@neuralmute I Hope you're well. I'm still alive at the moment ...
@@Angry_bunny13 My fever finally broke today, and I've been on prednisone for my breathing. There's not enough test kits, so I'm just a "suspected case", on home quarantine. They're never going to get accurate stats this way! But I'm still alive too, and plan on staying that way! Good luck, and stay well! Even a mild case of this is total hell. Take good care!
Idk why this band gets so much hate, they are awesome
I’ve never seen hate about them
@@PinkCow0 same bro
@@PinkCow0 it's mostly coming from the metal elitists. They can't sit and enjoy a band that tries new things and doesn't take themselves too seriously.
What’s a new thing about this ? It sounds exactly like generic 80s metal.
@TheMaidofMiddleEarth Yes, we are :)
I love this so freaking much! Definitely one of Ghost best songs & music videos. The instruments esp the bass line are simply gorgeous for the whole album. Easily my fav Ghost album 😊
Ballerina Papa is something I never knew i wanted, but now that I've seen it I've realized it's something I've wanted all along.
Plague: Dance of the Rats a work of oil on canvas art 17th century featuring rats dancing.
The plague dance took place in the early 1500's where people we dancing endlessly through all the death and despair. Many of these dancers died from exhaustion or heart attack.
So for those unaware or judgemental, the dancing here is related to that along with the theme of the album, the plague. This is the modern art now that depicts the death and survival of such gruesome times. Also the upcoming track on this album Dance Macabre has to do with people who were dying from the plague went out and just had fun with their remaining days, danced like they've never danced before. Partied and drank, just lived it up until they perished.
So yeah it's actually pretty dark. Actually it all has to do with the darkest times in history, so just because there is dancing, doesn't mean it's not dark. It's symbolic.
The MADGamer perfect explanation 🤘🏼
Miss Queen The plague or Black Death killing up to 200 million people estimated, taking 200 years to recover from. Many of these people thinking it was punishment "all your loved ones and all your kin will suffer punishment beneath the wrath of god"
Yeah I would have to say this is a lot darker as a whole than the procreation of the antichrist. I love all of Ghosts work. People just want darker "sounding" music, then again also can't blame them.
The MADGamer i can't even listen to any other bands,ghost has become my new religion, it's like a love pain when i don't listen to their music .. sounds welrd but true :)) i met this band two days ago and now im angry with myself that i didn't even hear any music of them before, finally i've found the true religion hell yeah haha🤘🏼🤘🏼 and thanks for your beautiful infos 🙏🏼
The MADGamer Tobias has said many times in interviews that the theme of the upcoming album is darker but not necessarily heavier music. This is a perfect example to introduce the album. I think it is heavy enough and certainly very catchy. He is drawing new fans to Ghost.😄
The MADGamer i think so many people are misunderstanding the dancing. I didn't get it at first but eventually got it after a few views. Maybe Tobias should have had a little intro to the video but ultimately it is about the music which is awesome.
1st time listening: hey this is pretty cool
20th time listening: help me I have a problem
BostonConcert You DO have a problem. You've only listened to it TWENTY times?!?
Same, man. Same.
BostonConcert and thats the main issue with ghost jaja
you are like.meehh
not bad
but still playing it until you realize it is too damn good
BostonConcert i
Lol I have the same problem
C4ralh0000!!! incrível como eu viciei nessa banda em tão pouco tempo. Alguns anos atrás, isso era irrelevante pra mim. Sem significância alguma. Hoje clamo desesperadamente por um show aqui no Brasil. Preciso ver de perto o espetáculo que é o Ghost ❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Jklu🎉vi😊lyg😂😢😊 2:02 2:02 🎉j😅
Me watching myself make the wrong decision knowing damn right that I’m going to regret it
😂 same
Good one
It’s taking everything in me not to learn the choreography
@The Ripper I’ve learnt the first quarter but the only dancing I can do is to all of MJs songs 😭
Just learn it :)
"Don't think Mav. Just do" 🤣🤣
Honestly, same.
doooo iiiit!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun fact: Director of this video also made the Cirice video!
ReelEllio that's cool👍
Yup, another tribute to 1980s italian horror.
Nice! :D
>fun fact
ok where is the funny fact?
I’m a 15 year old girl who’s a huge kpop listener and my dad introduced me to tons of rock bands and I have loved ghost for over 5 years now ❤️
Vai gostar de Alice Cooper e King Diamond
tell your dad he should listen to Ween. And then you should do the same.
@@whodoesntluvpapas definitely will thanks!
Come for the song, stay for the pirouetting
SNES drunk FUCKING SNES DRUNK! I love your channel. I'm new to it, but I'm taking it all in. Glad to see you and I not only have the best home console in common!
Muhgibs Medat Cool story bro.
damn snes drunk is a ghost fan? dang dude now my life is complete.
haha hell yeah
SNES drunk I thought I recognized that avatar...
The last part of the song is fire.
tonyagrestic damn you are right.
On my first listen I lost my shit at the ending it was so fucking sick.
U're damn right !!!!
Its spöksonat but faster if you listen
That last riff is so amazing
Ghost can create such a sinister and spooky atmosphere with their instruments alone, they should make an entire instrumental album!!
I agree. They have a few instrumental songs that are genius.
Yeah I love the whole song but the solo it´s just too good.
This was the song that got me into Ghost. My friend was telling me about the band and I asked if I could hear a song, she put on this music video. I've been hooked ever since.
It's incredible how when i started listening to this band, this song had just came out, and now i see that 4 year have passed.
What an amazing band.
The amount of times I've pressed the replay button is beyond ridiculous
right click on the video -> Loop -> enjoy! ;-)
you're not alone
Hary Golt deje de poner sus mamadas... ya pongase a limpiar su cuarto homs💪
*listens to first 5 seconds*
"fuck me this is going to be awesome"
Listens to the rest
"Fuck me this sounds like shit"
That outro riff. Fuccckkkkk it’s good
lara pupara true story!
I’m so glad to be living in these times of turmoil. Because we wouldn’t have ghost. And as they said, if you have ghost: you have everything
I'm just getting into Ghost and at the 0:42 I started to feel like I had heard this song before then it hit me. My local Rock/Metal station plays this song all the time.
Really digging this, getting some major 80s vibes from the theatric vocals, guitar tones, and keys.
Yeah definitely with guitar tone.
I didn't know you were a Ghost fan Jon! Looking foreword to a review soon!
You excited for the album Johnny Boy?
Hey Ik you
Opening riff sounds like Dokken, specifically the main riff from Dream Warriors :)
It's short and simple, but it's possibly one of the best guitar solos of the past 10 years. It's so good
agreed. I listen to a lot of shred guitarists but that simple solo is just epic.
It’s almost a 5 min song haha
@@Tecom38415 the solo
my first Ghost song. Heard it in 2018.
@@backslash68 I'll take a solo that fits the song over random shred wankery any day
I love the whole song, but my favorite part is when he stops and the gears start turning and you can nearly hear him think “Imma ride that horse”
Friday 13th. Nice touch.
James Bailey yeah, I feel like I should have seen that coming
Especially the part before he found his pale white horse lol
I now understand why the Cardinal has the second-most amount of Employee of the Month awards
I wonder who’s above him
ramanan cow worshipper papa.
dwight schrute
Fucking Steve from HR always gets employee of the month just because he brings doughnuts every morning, meanwhile no one notices Cardinal Copia is literally dancing his ass off trying to bring more people unto Lucifer.
Who can beat someones fathers father father father father father lol
For the few who don't understand the dancing, it's sinister, in the tradition of the original Twin Peaks series, when the possessed serial killer did Fred Astaire-like dances. Here the cardinal is doing a sort of homage to "Singin' In the Rain," only the puddles are blood, not water. It's macabre. And it suggests disease, as in St. Vitus' Dance, a symptom of Sydenham's chorea. Nothing campy about this -- it's horror for those with eyes to see.
Top comment.
It's also fucking beautiful and very sexy :P.
Ghost are not taking themselves THAT seriously.
I agree!
Oh, jeeezus. That explains why my cat looked at me like I was having a stroke, when I tried some Cardinal "moves". Huh! ...you learn sumthin' new every day!
Ha! :-D
The bass and drums alone on this track are masterful. Between the playing, the mix and the Actual tone (Fender Jazz is outstanding). An excellent quality hard rock tune all around.
this video is all about cardinal copia's love for flashdance and teaching the moves to nearby decayed women corpses
thought the same thing too!! lol..
berker ön that explains why he came to papa emeritus 0 with a retro boombox on his shoulder. He loves the 80's and john travolta's Saturday night fever
Mihai Doană exactly i thought the same thing after papa copia started to dance
if metal was a broadway musical, it would be called Ghost.
Nope. Devin Townsend
Bjorn Lakenstrazen trueeeee
Ditto! Could not agree more.
I think if satanism was a Broadway musical it would be called ghost
He's writing a rock opera
1:04 One of the best dance moves you'll ever see.
I totally agree!
Am i the only one who has tried this and just completely failed each time
I don’t think I’ve seen one better
Is there a gif somewhere?
I have a silly question. Is that really Tobias dancing like that? Idc they are awesome!
I swear there was a cartoon I used to watch that had the same sound as in 3:49
I don’t know if it had anything to do with rats but it’s bothering me that it sounds so familiar, yet I can’t remember anything about it 💀
to me it sound similar to oggy and the cockroaches in a way, idk tho😭
1. What healthy looking and adorable little ratties!
2. THIS DANCING. 1:03 in particular, is amazing.
3. Love the pale horse symbolism at the end.
I'm so glad I recently discovered this band. It's a great song.
.3: "And I'm following behind you ona pale white horse"
All those dance moves, Lady Gaga bro haha
@@kryzo8554 Michael Jackson and Gene Kelly.
Death on his pale white horse
Love it! Band continues to try new things without forgetting what brought them to the dance.
Hell yeah ghost 🤘🤘🤘
Ey Matt
This was the first song I heard from Ghost. Then Cirice, then Square Hammer, then some more, then the rest, now I'm buying the albums, and getting a hat too. I think I'm a fan now.
Adelina Borden Thanks for having me
That's the order I heard them in, too. This one won me over right away, but Cirice sealed the deal.
The first song I heard was “He Is” then “Cirice” then “Square Hammer”. “Square Hammer” sold it for me, and I’m going down the same path as you. Definitely want to go to one of their concerts. It’s so theatrically appealing and the music doesn’t hurt lol
Ghost should get a Grammy every year till 2050.