It is the Futenma, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan Soke Shubukan dojo with Sensei Ken Nakamatsu in Seisan Bunkai as demo and defender, Sensei Kosuke Yonamine as Uke in Seisan Bunkai as watching Grand Master Kanei Uechi, Hanshi Judan, Shihan is sitting and it seems like Sensei Irei is watching and assisting with the Bokken.
looks like the Futenma Dojo--not sure about now but it was still there as late as 1985--brings back fond memories of too short a time there
That's it and I loved it and I respected Sensei Kanei Uechi He is a Legend in My Life.
Master Kanei, living legend of Uechi Ryu Karate Do ..... This is Traditional Karate.!
Kanei Uechi was My Sensei at the Futenma City Dojo.Okinawa.
Not many videos for Uechi Ryu. Thank you for the post.
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Osu, thank you so much for posting this video. I enjoyed the traditional aspect of UechiRyu...great kata and bunkai from the MASTER.
It is the Futenma, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan Soke Shubukan dojo with Sensei Ken Nakamatsu in Seisan Bunkai as demo and defender, Sensei Kosuke Yonamine as Uke in Seisan Bunkai as watching Grand Master Kanei Uechi, Hanshi Judan, Shihan is sitting and it seems like Sensei Irei is watching and assisting with the Bokken.
who knows, who are the students on this video?
Does anybody know as to when these videos were taken?
I believe in 1962. I can surely give u the correct answer. Or u can ask Sensai Saizan of the Uechi ryu Zankai yoyi association in okinawa. G Breyette
Thank you, from the Quality of the Film it looks like 8 mm from the 60's. I do believe you are correct.
Yes i am a master