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The thing I hate about the Xyston Class it looks exactly like Imperial 1- class Star destroyers which implies design in the Star Wars universe really doesn’t matter that you can make a ship look like anything in the only thing that matters is how many weapons you can put on it. in my opinion resurgent class star destroyer are design better has a low-key bridge that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb it has plenty of hangers space A good amount of turbo laser and point defenses systems The only thing that I wander about the resurgent class how does it deploy walkers
@@joesnyder8592 _"The thing I hate about the Xyston Class it looks exactly like Imperial 1- class Star destroyers which implies design in the Star Wars universe really doesn’t matter that you can make a ship look like anything in the only thing that matters is how many weapons you can put on it."_ That's what the Empire _thinks,_ and it's proven wrong every time when the Rebel fleet owns them battle after battle.
Idazmi7 and know what it shouldn’t be that hard for Disney to design a new Star Destroyer for a new movie they could easily go online and look up fan designs send them an email or something asking “hey we like your design can we use it in our new movie” and the artist Will either say yes or no if they say no all they would have to do is just move onto the next artist
@@joesnyder8592 Disney isn't going to "waste" money on creativity like that when they can just scale up a regular Star Destroyer. Walt is spinning in his grave.
@@skilledwarman Not compared to how hyped it was before the film. It shows up, turns out to be too slow to catch its quarry, kills 2 ships that are technically already dead, then is destroyed. They shouldn't have even bothered with it (like 99% of the things in that film).
Flaw 11, writers keep forgetting what the Resurgent can actually do, like how blowing up the bridge can't crash the ship because they have constantly manned back up bridges on standby buried deep in the hull.
@macroi winiow this info primarily comes from the updated vehicle cross section books by Pablo Hidalgo-Lucasfilm story group. They spend a paragraph talking about how the loss of the Executor changed the design. It also sacrificed a cooler scene where the good guys break in and have to destroy the backup bridge, but "wasted potential" sums up almost the entire Sequel Trilogy.
@@macroiwiniow5665 it was unmanned, that's why they couldn't regain control by the time it was caught in the gravity well of the ds2. That's why the initial comment said MANNED.
I think the Resurgence class was designed this way (large, imposing and vulnerable to Fighters) was because the First Order probably thought they wouldn't be fighting a small rebel fleet but a large, well funded New Republic Navy (See the NR Starhawk for an example) By the time the First order had the Resurgence class production under way, the New Republic was demilitarizing, and they prob couldn't shift their design philosophy on a dime, considering their state of operation.
Ya, true. But in the bigger picture Anti-Fighter is something a military mind would have anyway. Pirates and small militias would not likely deploy larger ships. Also the unknown regions did have various threats that would be in the size class of fighters. That is something a competent military mind would do. We all know how inept the first order was so ya that is a flaw of strategy more than ship design.
Even if they fought large fleets, it still doesn't make sense to make it defenseless against fighters considering the rebels could always at any time exploit that weakness. Their design philosophy won't matter if they lose and they could always change it back after they win.
The Left can't Meme I've always said that I could forgive the empire not having large amounts of point defenses on their main capital ship at the beginning of the rebellion, but not having any by the end is moronic, totally devoid of logic and downright immersion breaking At the start of WW2 US warships had very few anti aircraft installed, but by the end if the war they literally bristled with AAA of all sizes, even on ships that were build a decade or more before the start of the war. To think the empire was incapable of adding them is silly, especially when, during the same time period, they built not only a second death star, but a large number of super star destroyers and countless standard star destroyers, and of course didn't increase point defenses, despite knowing their main opposition was almost exclusively using star fighters.
You have to remember that while turbolaser shots are fast they have no tracking and are not faster than light. If you shot at a target that is too far away they will just calculate the trajectory and move so it no longer hits. This means direct fire space combat has to happen up close
#1: Yes, the Resurgent class was very heavy regarding crew compliment, but the empire's navy was faaar larger in comparison and used far more personnel in total to crew such large vessels. Comparing the two using more reasonable numbers puts the Resurgent class as far less costly, also considering that it didnt have a long production run. #2: The same could be said for most all ships of almost every class. In Legends the Empire made dozens of super Star Destroyers and many other factions made larger and even more complex ships. Saying that this single ship needed specialists and not mentioning any other class - even in comparison - kinda implies a bias. #3: Maneuverability has always been a flaw with capital ships, but yes, size does play into it. The Venator class were smaller ships, 1,137 meters and acted more of carriers than dedicated star destroyers or in ship-to-ship battles. It is also about 2.56 times larger than the Venator and 1.82 times larger than an Imperial class Star Destroyer. At least try to bring in something of a similar size. #4: In case you never got it, the Imperials love big things: Big ships, big space stations, big weapons, big armies, big tanks, etc. The First Order was a large group of ex-imperials who banded together in the unknown regions and wanted to bring back the Empire in all its glory, and along with that came big ships (not to mention Palpatine, maybe he's compensating for something?). #5: This point can be made, yes but once again the Imperials before them had far more costly projects and ships and designs and most of them just end up getting completely destroyed anyway. The first Death Star blows up, build one slightly bigger but uh oh! That blows up too lets not salvage it and make more superweapons! There have been far more costly ships in the Star Wars universe both in canon and in legends, this one is tame compared to the rest. #6: You overlook the purpose of this ship, its a battlecruiser by design so its meant to take on other capital ships head on, not carry hundreds of fighter-craft. The Venator was more of a carrier, most of the entire front section of the ship was its hangar, and it rightly carried hundreds of starfighters. The Imperial 1 class had about 144 total starfighters of various types on board, yet it was larger than the Venator. The Resurgent had the same fighter compliment as the Imperial 1 class with addition of a light cruiser that could easily dock into the ship. It may have not specialized in fighter squadrons, but it brings its own to the table, not to mention that most of its starfighters had hyperdrives. #7: So did most Imperial craft and all Old Republic ships. It was still an experimental technology and it would provide far too big of a target for anyone who opposed the First Order. It sounds like you expect them to have it installed on every ship cause obviously the Imperials did the same to all of their capital ships, oh wait... #8: This has been an ongoing problem throughout all of Star Wars lore, legends/EU and new canon. The tech development progress in the galaxy is tortuously slow, with only a few big leaps in faster and larger ships made in just over 4000 years. This winds back to my allegation of a bias as you are singling it out specifically to the Resurgent class star destroyer as is the title and purpose of this video. Most al;l factions should have been able to do this for thousands of years, but alas they didnt and its a problem of logic in the lore. #9: ... ... ... ... ... Really? Thats the big gripe? This star destroyer didnt have planet cracking weapons? As it was more or less explained in 9, the First Order mainly served as a testbed and precursor for The Final Order, of which Palpatine was planning to integrate the First Order into. The Mandator 4 class dreadnought seen briefly in episode 8 was THE testbed for the planet killing weapons seen on the Xyston class star destroyers. Its also pretty obvious that planet killing superweapons need a shitload of power and only ships and vessels designed to produce that much energy could use and utilize those weapons properly, functionally, and sustainably. I know Im taking the list a bit too seriously, but these honestly seem very nitpicky and very small problems overall and you are making them seem like big problems. Im not living in a bubble, the Resurgent class does have its flaws, but the ones listed in the video are minor compared to its actual flaws, such as poor management of the ship's specialties, its fighter compliment to weaken enemies and then use the ship to finish them off, as well as pure intimidation factions of its sheer size. The First Order wanted to rule through fear and they did that pretty well, but they made some pretty bad choices that backfired on them spectacularly, but I wouldnt really count these among that list.
Point #2: No, in Legends, the Empire had at minimum, 25,*000* Star Destroyers. Captain Pellaeon says this in a conversation with Thrawn, and at one point in another book, the Empire was churning out ISD's so fast that intel bases had trouble keeping up with the number of them.
I also completely forgot about the Tie Fighters being able to track the Falcon in hyperspace as well, plus being able to know when Poe was going to pop back out so they'd stay on his tail. As for weak gravity: in the EU (I know it's "non Canon") all ships had safeties hardwired into their hyperdrives so that even a minor gravity well would shut the hyperdrive down to avoid damaging the engine. The only people who could punch through a gravity well were the Bakurans and they did so by having backup engines that would engage after the previous one failed. A tactic they used in the Correlian Trilogy.
@@Idazmi7 Yeah, cos the Negh'var and Vor'cha classes are regular ballerinas. The Bird Of Prey is maneuverable, but that doesn't mean all Klingon ships are.
@@andyb1653 _"Yeah, cos the Negh'var and Vor'cha classes are regular ballerinas."_ The Vor'cha is, along with the K'Tinga and all Bird-of-Prey variants. The Negh'var is actually unusual for Klingon warship design and only serves as a command ship.
@@Idazmi7 If you say so. If you ask me, the K'tinga and B'rel classes were the oddballs. We're talking about the culture that used the D7 Battlecruiser for *everything,* for almost a century. Not exactly the most maneuverable starship anyone ever built.
They had a really good chance to show the remnants of the Empire in the new trilogy struggle, not having massive fleets, no SSDs or other dreadnoughts, small in number etc. Having to change the tactics and strategy to that similar to the Rebellion, except having superior tech. They really fucked up, idk who was in charge at Disney, but apparently not Faigey? the one that kind of or did make MCU so successful. Would of loved seeing a Rebel fleet chase the remnants of the Empire, doing crazy stuff trying to escape and running like chicken at the sight of Rebels, only to trap them etc.
Ah, General Hux. The main reason the resistance was allowed to escape in The Last Jedi. If he spent less time stroking his ego by playing with his prey before killing them (not immediately firing on Poe at the beginning, deciding not to send some star destroyers ahead of the resistance fleet during the chase, and used MORE THAN ONE CANON ON THE SHUTTLES AT THE END) the resistance would have been completely crushed (also Kylo Ren shares some of the blame by not allowing FO forces from continuing their siege on Crait during his fight with Luke)
@@carsoncasmirri3874 Just because he was groomed for Command from childhood doesn't mean he'd ever become a GOOD Commander... An Idiot well trained in the arts of Military Command is still an Idiot...
@thecazigan28 he is right, they used the animated models that where used in Rogue One scaled up. But it's still stupid to complain about reusing assets, especially if it looks awesome
With all these flaws highlighted, especially the massive resource requirements (i.e. massive labour requirements serviced by what can only described as the largest kidnapping operation and huge capital requirements), this does raise another question: How the hell did the New Republic not twig onto the massive rearmament going on? Even if it all occurs in the "Unknown Regions", surely the massive kidnapping campaign just to rebuild the First Order would have tripped massive security alarms across whatever intelligence apparatus the New Republic possessed?
There's another reason to duck into the nooks and crannies of the RCSD's overhang. TIE pilots won't try to shoot 'em because *they* could get into trouble for friendly fire deaths.
what some don't understand is that the Resurgent Star Destroyer may have over 1500 turbo lasers and alot of other weapons but the Resurgent has a huge flaw, the ship uses a separate generators for weapons so if the main reactor goes down the weapons still work, this may seem like a good thing if the weapon generators weren't located in the overhang and extremely exposed to star fighters, so if you take out the generators the entire ship has to rely on Stat fighters for attack and defense
However it makes the ship much more vulnerable in combat as it provides a much larger profile and presents the thinnest side at all times. It would also only allow 1-3 sides to fire a ship a one time and some guns could even block others. The dagger/arrow shape of Stae Destroyers on the other hand counters these problems. It has a much lower profile making it harder to hit, the shape greatly angles the armor at all sides, except directly above and below, which increases the effective thickness of the armor, and all guns are either above or below the other. Cubes are better for colonization and absolutely terrible for combat.
@@thatoneweeb-wehraboo2424 lol. Im not sure if your serious about misunderstanding the square cube law of not so I'll give an example. Imagine a capital ship that has a requirement of being fully armored against starfighter cannons as 1 meter thick durasteel. It dosent matter if the ship is large or small that is the "minimum" armor required for a capital ship, that means less of the ships tonnage is used for armor the larger a ship becomes. And if your a captain of a capital ship and you let an enemy capital ship within visual distance then your need a demotion. Also there is no up and down in space so broadsides are more practical with Star Wars tech then a wedge shape, just keep spinning the ship so the side with recharging weapons and shields is facing away from the enemy, this will allow a constant attack as the sides takes turns firing and charging.
You make good points. I would design a smaller, more efficient design. I would incorporate the best qualities of the Venator class, Mon Calamari cruiser, and the Imperial class star destroyer. I would call it the Centurion class star destroyer. It would be 1200 meters long, have a diverse weapons complement, have a good starfighter complement, a large troop capacity, and a well defended bridge.
I find it great that whenever they falk about the star destroyer line that the conversation always seems go back to the Venator. It wasnt the biggest or most powerful ship. But it was probably the most practical in terms of having a large number of starfighters and powerful turbo lasers, that while few in numbers could attack from long range and with heavy firepower. Id actual love to see a venator with a full fighter complement go up against a resurgent class ship.
the first 2 flaws were right when we talk about the first order. but imagine this beautys in the hands of the empire. palpatine for sure would love to have the resurgent class in his galactic fleet
Good points Ben. Heck, even the Donnager could house a pair of escort frigates like the Tachi/Rocinante. Why a Resurgent Class didn’t carry a few picket ships that it could use to establish a continuing presence in a system when it had to go elsewhere and then return makes no sense.
Don't forget the guns. The amount of guns are almost the same as an Executor class SSD. With the amount of gun ports it runs the risk magazine detonation. Even in the Battle of Courscant you see magazine detonations on a Venator SD when they were exchanging broadsides with Providence Dreadnoughts.
Excellent, Ben. The First Order is just implausible in my opinion. Maybe do a video on how unlikely it is that they are so ridiculously powerful given the state the Imperial Remnant was in and how difficult it was to survive in the unknown region. I guess the films needed a villain so they had to take some liberties with believablity but my gripe has always been that they didn't even try to explain it. The First Order is a thing now... deal with it.
If I was creating or rebuilding an Empire, I'd take the Venators that still aren't scrapped, repair them, upgrade the hell out of them, and give them as many long-range missile launchers as I can. Of course, the fighters would essentially be F-4 Phantom IIs, as well as F-14s.
This is new republic propaganda. The resurgent class Star destroyers are almost perfect. The most major flaw it has is that it doesn't have enough bathrooms
Well, the planet cracking weapons needed kyber crystals and the best source of those was Illum, which was strip mined to make weapons for the 1st Order and the shadow fleet. Have to find another planet with lots of those crystals again or find out how Luke made his synthetic crystal work.
The Resurgent probably had a basic complement of fighters and vessels, so they had to carry less crews due to personnel shortages and use fewer resources on long term missions. In full wartime it was possibly capable of more than tripling its fighter and shuttle numbers at the cost of operational deployment before having to resupply.
It's still the coolest ship to come out of the sequels. The Raddus is underpowered and undergunned, the Supremacy was just silly, the new ship in Rise looks almost identical to an ISD-1 so it doesn't count, and don't get me started on the SF17 bomber.
It does look bigger than it needs to be. The idea of Grav-Well generators on a ship that size makes a ton of sense. It would not likely be alone and a smaller escort version of ship means less crew/resources. They could have kept the Imperial SD Relocate its bridge and upgrade its weapons package and do fine.
7:00 the amount of guns the ship has is ridiculous. With that many it's entire surface would have been covered with it and it could produce a bullet hell that could take on anything. It's more like the creators don't have any lick of sense and just throw things in it to make it look cool.
#0- Disney designed the ships so that the good guys, who mainly fly starfighters, would win. Giving the Revengeance a logical design and weapons to better protect themselves against such ships defeats the purpose of the narrative.
Never understood why star wars ship builders were obsessed with exposed bridges. Having a sub bridge is okay but why make your command deck so exposed that it is necessary to have one? having a viewing deck is fine, but bridges should be in the bowels of the ship where they would be well protected.
Battlestar Galactica did not. There was a viewing deck at the front of the ship, one of the only areas with a window, but the bridge was buried in the ship. Also they had water tanks and storage on the outer layer which would provide more protection.
In The Force Awakens, the guided missiles were not activated and fired until Gen. Huks told them to. The crew should have already been on it. In other places in Star Wars movies the captains had to tell someone what to do, like in episode 1, the captain said "shields', instead of flipping the switch. She won't make that lazy mistake again.
I'd argue the biggest problem with the Resurgent-Class wasn't the ship itself but the doctrine it was used for. The Resurgent, by its size and functionality, is a Battlecruiser (essentially a low level Dreadnought) yet it is used like a ship-of-the-line. A Battlecruiser operates as an anchor to a fleet, providing tremendous firepower and support from a distance, but requiring a screening from smaller ships. This is why the Resurgent struggles in its duties as it was not built for those purposes.
I really like the designed of the Resurgent Class because it is so refined unlike the previous SD line, the only downside is that like all any other contemporary SD line it lack turrets on its ventral and dorsal hull which can be placed with various turrets that would make it more powerful.
13:00 One reason for that is that none of these ships are battleships. They're still destroyers (for some reason) despite kind of being carriers and from size and role, it's much closer to a battlecruiser. Its basically a redesigned Allegiance class, which would make sense if they employed it like one.
It does make you wonder why they spent time and money building the dreadnought capitol ship when the Resurgent was more than capable of blasting a planets surface into glass all on it's own
@@rmoore2209 You may be right, according to Wookiepedia it's a fleet killer and designed for planetary assault. Twice the size of a Resurgent Star Destroyer and, according to an interview with the ship designer behind the scenes of TLJ, Rian Johnson wanted something bigger than what they had in TFA, something like Vaders Executor super star destroyer from Jedi or something like the battleship Yamato from our own history. But it feels a little indulgent to create something so huge needing so big a crew when a Resurgent would do the job eventually and you are short on manpower
I would say you are partly correct about ship to ship battles taking place over a greater distance, but disagree with the scope. The theoretical doctrines of space warfare borrow heavily from naval warfare, and on the seas most naval battles take place near strategic or other valuable targets on land, for the main reason that it is way easier to find your opponent there. Space, even more so than the sea, is too big to be able to effectively scan for opponents without sophisticated networks of satellites, outposts and smaller vessels. Like in real life, these would be fairly easy to disrupt, either through ECM's or out right destruction, with both taking large chunks of resources to protect. Therefore Capital Ship Space Warfare would be restricted by the same constraints as Naval Warfare, the incentives would be to engage in decisive battle over a strategic or valuable target as you know that's where your enemy will be (or at least turn up to defend if you attack). This limits the incentive to build weapons which target capital ships out of their line of sight (i.e. in this case a system). So in that sense I disagree with you. Though I agree that the First Order's lack of innovation was a flaw, as they did not respond to the Fighter based strategy which the Resistance inherited from the Rebellion. This fighter strategy allowed the Resistance to deliver fire power from a greater (so there for safer when taking into account Empire/FO strategy, tactics and operational assets) distance. This is where the First Order could have extended their weapons range. Big capital ships would specialise as Carriers and/or missile platforms, negating the fighter tactics of the resistance, while cruiser size vessels would provided as escorts, short and medium firepower and general multi role capability. Smaller, frigate and destroyer size vessels serve as specialists, such as picket line defence, or armoured hulks to charge down resistance capital ships at close range if needed. Heavily armoured assault carriers combining a marine regiment, short range weapons and a balanced flight wing would be able serve dual role as a planetary assault vessel or close quarters space fight, if the latter is ever called upon. The end result of this would be a longer engagement range within a system.
11:52 My hypothesis as to why there is a lack of long range ordinance in the star wars is because they would just be easily defeated by current countermeasure technology in the star wars universe. If an attacking ship were to launch a long range project at sublight speeds , the targeted faction would be able to detect the incoming assault via long range sensors and take evasive action by either escaping into hyperspace, shooting down the incoming projectiles, or activating a disruptive emp field well in advance. Therefore, space combat necessitates close range battles in order to avoid a stalemate.
wasn't the resurgent star destroyer made as a home base. Since the first order didn't have a main home base planet. Also seen in the TROS the resurgent star destroyer main command bridge was destroyed and still plummeted to the ground. Even though its secondary is still in tact.
Akhil Prabhakar the only Resurgent there was, is pride ships when Finn and janna shot the bridge it exploded the bridge and the ship starts falling like the executor in ep6.
I think we see star destroyers shoot it out, face to face, because of their shields. Long distance weapons fire is stopped by their energy and particle shields. When a Starfighter fires on a Star Destroyer, they do so from very close range. The fighters always fire from INSIDE of the capital ship’s shields. I suspect that this is also the case with capital ships facing off. They, too, have to get inside of the enemy ship’s shields.
Your kinda off on the first one. Yes there bigger ships, and they need a lot of man power, but the First Order mechanically operated alot of their systems to cut down on crew numbers. So all in all, the ships needed about the same or less crew then an imperial star destroyer
Ugh, let American Ben do his video without being interrupted, Alan! You're not doing your buddy any favors lol distracting his viewers from what he's saying, you know!?
The lack of planet cracking weapons isn't really an issue. Remember that each if these Resurgent star destroyers not only carry 25 times the number of turbo lasers an Imperial II did, but each if them wa more powerful than those on the Imperial II's, so a resurgent class SD should be capable of slagging an entire planet in short order. Estimates on how long it would take an Imperial class SD to execute a base delta zero bombardment range from a couple hours, to a full day, but since the resurgent carrys 25 times as many turbolasers, and each is considerable more powerful then thevolder ships, it should be able to slag a planet in less than an hour. If more than one ship is involved, it would be considerable less. Now one last thing to consider, about a base delta zero attack is that it wouldn't need to turn the entire surface of a planet into molten slag, since as soon as it started the attack would cause massive geologic and tectonic activity resulting massive destroying in areas across the entire planet, even those untouvhed by the bombardment. The asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs, and most other living creatures on the planet, did so while only striking a fairly small area, and while the shots from the SD would be much smaller, there would literally ge 10's of thousand of shots in a very short period of time.
Having a fleet of ships with weapons that could destroy a planet was one of the things I hated about the last movie. To be honest the power requirements of such a weapon should be astronomical and would likely end up making the ship extremely vulnerable when used due to the power drain on the ships systems. It would have to be mostly power generators and engines. This also does not explain why the weaknesses of the Original IMP class star destroyers were not rectified in the newer design. Sheild generators were still very vulnerable to attack etc.
I enjoyed this video....... In the beginning Alan had me cracking up...... Ben how were you able to maintain composure....... And you are right about everything you said about the RCSD.........
About the trenches on the Resurgent being a weakness - sure, I think on the surface they're an issue, but if you look closely, you can tell there's this odd truss / net pattern supporting the lips of the overhang. This leads me to theorize it could be a 'trap' of sorts. Wait for enemy fighters to fly into the trench, then execute evasive maneuvers or a change in speed to have the fighters collide with the sides of the overhang. Although this could be done with almost any star destroyer, the 'net' or 'webbing' along the Resurgent leads me to believe it's actually a tertiary defense against star fighters beyond its own fighters and point-defense guns.
Correction: 40K ships carried Cyclonic torpedoes that scorched planets, they didn't have guns that blew up planets. Only Abbadon's planet killer had that. Cyclonic torpedoes are rare too; otherwise they'd be used as casual ship to ship weapons.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l Any warship from any series can do that. Just keep firing until you see the core of the planet, then blast it. There were bombs in SW that can do that, and even low grade fuel, if enough is on the planet, will blow it up if ignited via blaster. I'm talking about single shots.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l In SW, the average turbolaser is rated at 200 gigatons. Weeks or months of shooting that at a planet with several warships will be more than enough to kill it. Either the atmosphere dissipates and the planet becomes unlivable, or the planet just collapses from the sheer weight of the firepower. Or it just collapses or blows up after enough shots expose the core of the planet and they shoot it. But if you have a planet rich with low-grade fuel, a single blaster shot will blow it apart. That's what happened to Peragus in KOTOR II.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l Because planetary energy shields made 200 gigaton turbolasers look like spitballs in comparison. 200 gigaton turbolasers can scare outer rim worlds, but civilized planets like Alderaan and Corellia, which not only have their own fleets but also their own planetary energy shield generators, would be laughing at your 200 gigaton turbolasers as their Ion Cannons and warships render your fleets immobile and tear your ships to shreds. Even the Rebels could afford planetary shield generators on Hoth, hence why planetary bombardment was not an option. So when those Imperial senators and their home planets start rebelling, you'd better pray to God that your Death Star is online, otherwise, you're in for a long, protracted war where 200 gigaton turbolasers are chump change. Also, the 200 gigaton figure came from the movie tech manual for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. So it is definitely not GE propaganda, because not only is it a neutral, God's-eye POV book from the movie canon, but the Empire didn't even exist back in Episode II.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l No, you still don't understand. A planetary shield covers the ENTIRE PLANET. Hence the word "planetary". It cannot be beaten by sheer bombardment. Also, secret agents can't be there all the time. You assume that infiltration is 100% easy, whereas in Star Wars, they have organizations like the ISB, Imperial Intelligence, and the Bothans that hunt down spies or know how spies work. Also, the novels and comics have shown such firepower in droves, down to the point where they have pictures of 200 gigaton explosions, and descriptions of whole planets getting glassed by ONE ship. Also, the manual from which the 200 gigaton figure comes from hails from the movie canon manuals. Which means they are more canon than 99% of SW. The movie stuff, which includes the movies, their novels, and tech manuals, are at the top of the canon chain in Star Wars, down to the point where Disney can't retcon the Prequels even if they wanted to. So no, these stats are canon, and are objectively true in the Star Wars universe, which is more than I can say when compared to the slop 40K fans call a lore: "With Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, the notion of canon is a fallacy. [...] Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 exist as tens of thousands of overlapping realities in the imaginations of games developers, writers, readers and gamers. None of those interpretations is wrong." Gav Thorpe, Lead Designer, Games Workshop "It all stems from the assumption that there's a binding contract between author and reader to adhere to some nonexistent subjective construct or 'true' representation of the setting. There is no such contract, and no such objective truth." Andy Hoare, Game Designer GW "There is no canon. There are several hundred creators all adding to the melting pot of the IP." Aaron Dembski-Bowden, co-author Horus Heresy series Star Wars canon does not work like that. Legends lore is canon to SW Legends, Disney canon lore is canon to Disney SW, and the canon of the original six movies, which includes the movies, their novels, and the tech manuals, are canon to BOTH continuities. Also, the guy who wrote the manual (Curtis Saxton) is an astrophysics professor. So no, it's not bad research at all. You're just in horrible denial of something seen as true in Star Wars for ages-even a single warship is known to be capable of decimating worlds. "The Imperial Star Destroyer has enough firepower to reduce a civilized world to slag." Imperial Sourcebook, p.61 "These colossal, wedge-shaped behemoths, bristling with turboweapons and carrying entire TIE squadrons within them, each possess more firepower than the entire planetary forces of most worlds, and can reduce a planet surface to smoking debris." Star Wars Technical Journal, vol.2, p.17 "Kill a million people with a mighty star cruiser and you are a war hero. Kill a hundred with a thermal detonator and you are a terrorist." -Lorgal, Anti-Republic seditionist, Manaan, KOTOR 1 "Such a tragedy when the Republic bombed their world into a radioactive ball, and the Jedi did nothing to prevent it." -Visquis, Nar Shaddaa Exchange Boss, KOTOR 2, regarding his Ubese warriors
That tenth flaw was a spoiler(rise of the sky walkers), but that’s one of the reasons I liked those star destroyers better, since not all the star destroyers had one and would like a video on them. It’s not been since the legends era we had other ships that could d-(almost spilled it) could do this!!!
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Cool thanks!
Happy New Year
It says you posted this comment 3 days ago. Utube on crack again.
Happy New Year thanks for another year of awesome work.
Xsyton class star destroyer
The dolphins have taken over Allen mind
No he's just mad that Ben is doing his job.
No it a clever way to play with the mines of the dolphins
At least Resurgent Class is more creative than Xyston Class, instead of giving a different paint job and stick a mini deathstar.
The thing I hate about the Xyston Class it looks exactly like Imperial 1- class Star destroyers which implies design in the Star Wars universe really doesn’t matter that you can make a ship look like anything in the only thing that matters is how many weapons you can put on it. in my opinion resurgent class star destroyer are design better has a low-key bridge that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb it has plenty of hangers space A good amount of turbo laser and point defenses systems The only thing that I wander about the resurgent class how does it deploy walkers
_"The thing I hate about the Xyston Class it looks exactly like Imperial 1- class Star destroyers which implies design in the Star Wars universe really doesn’t matter that you can make a ship look like anything in the only thing that matters is how many weapons you can put on it."_
That's what the Empire _thinks,_ and it's proven wrong every time when the Rebel fleet owns them battle after battle.
Idazmi7 and know what it shouldn’t be that hard for Disney to design a new Star Destroyer for a new movie they could easily go online and look up fan designs send them an email or something asking “hey we like your design can we use it in our new movie” and the artist Will either say yes or no if they say no all they would have to do is just move onto the next artist
Disney isn't going to "waste" money on creativity like that when they can just scale up a regular Star Destroyer. Walt is spinning in his grave.
I'm more annoyed that they made it bigger without even changing the model.
Number 1 it didn't get enough screen time and was literally overshadowed by bigger ships
clpfox: "(Resurgent) didn't get enough screen time"
Supremacy Star Destroyer: **curses loudly in starshipese**
@@andyb1653 that at least got most of a film
@@skilledwarman Not compared to how hyped it was before the film. It shows up, turns out to be too slow to catch its quarry, kills 2 ships that are technically already dead, then is destroyed. They shouldn't have even bothered with it (like 99% of the things in that film).
Flaw 11, writers keep forgetting what the Resurgent can actually do, like how blowing up the bridge can't crash the ship because they have constantly manned back up bridges on standby buried deep in the hull.
Just like the super star destroyer in the original trilogy? Or do you just want to nitpick Disney on everything
@macroi winiow this info primarily comes from the updated vehicle cross section books by Pablo Hidalgo-Lucasfilm story group. They spend a paragraph talking about how the loss of the Executor changed the design. It also sacrificed a cooler scene where the good guys break in and have to destroy the backup bridge, but "wasted potential" sums up almost the entire Sequel Trilogy.
@@lordfrostwind3151 executer still got destroyed because of an a wing
@@macroiwiniow5665 it was unmanned, that's why they couldn't regain control by the time it was caught in the gravity well of the ds2. That's why the initial comment said MANNED.
I think the Resurgence class was designed this way (large, imposing and vulnerable to Fighters) was because the First Order probably thought they wouldn't be fighting a small rebel fleet but a large, well funded New Republic Navy (See the NR Starhawk for an example)
By the time the First order had the Resurgence class production under way, the New Republic was demilitarizing, and they prob couldn't shift their design philosophy on a dime, considering their state of operation.
That makes sense
Ya, true. But in the bigger picture Anti-Fighter is something a military mind would have anyway. Pirates and small militias would not likely deploy larger ships. Also the unknown regions did have various threats that would be in the size class of fighters. That is something a competent military mind would do. We all know how inept the first order was so ya that is a flaw of strategy more than ship design.
Even if they fought large fleets, it still doesn't make sense to make it defenseless against fighters considering the rebels could always at any time exploit that weakness. Their design philosophy won't matter if they lose and they could always change it back after they win.
The Left can't Meme I've always said that I could forgive the empire not having large amounts of point defenses on their main capital ship at the beginning of the rebellion, but not having any by the end is moronic, totally devoid of logic and downright immersion breaking
At the start of WW2 US warships had very few anti aircraft installed, but by the end if the war they literally bristled with AAA of all sizes, even on ships that were build a decade or more before the start of the war.
To think the empire was incapable of adding them is silly, especially when, during the same time period, they built not only a second death star, but a large number of super star destroyers and countless standard star destroyers, and of course didn't increase point defenses, despite knowing their main opposition was almost exclusively using star fighters.
@@shawn6860 maybe they did it because they upgraded their fighters to have shields hyperspace and the badass tie silencer
Allen is using a rare form of communication through gestures and poses
Is Allen ok? It seems like his mental state is degrading more and more.
Because Ben keeps stealing his stuff.
I like how American Ben didn't get distracted by Allen.
Creepy Allen is the best Allen
I'm sure he's fine
He had to explain the unexplainable. The train wreck that Disney left behind.
You have to remember that while turbolaser shots are fast they have no tracking and are not faster than light. If you shot at a target that is too far away they will just calculate the trajectory and move so it no longer hits. This means direct fire space combat has to happen up close
Plus turbolasers fizzle out after a great distances
#1: Yes, the Resurgent class was very heavy regarding crew compliment, but the empire's navy was faaar larger in comparison and used far more personnel in total to crew such large vessels. Comparing the two using more reasonable numbers puts the Resurgent class as far less costly, also considering that it didnt have a long production run.
#2: The same could be said for most all ships of almost every class. In Legends the Empire made dozens of super Star Destroyers and many other factions made larger and even more complex ships. Saying that this single ship needed specialists and not mentioning any other class - even in comparison - kinda implies a bias.
#3: Maneuverability has always been a flaw with capital ships, but yes, size does play into it. The Venator class were smaller ships, 1,137 meters and acted more of carriers than dedicated star destroyers or in ship-to-ship battles. It is also about 2.56 times larger than the Venator and 1.82 times larger than an Imperial class Star Destroyer. At least try to bring in something of a similar size.
#4: In case you never got it, the Imperials love big things: Big ships, big space stations, big weapons, big armies, big tanks, etc. The First Order was a large group of ex-imperials who banded together in the unknown regions and wanted to bring back the Empire in all its glory, and along with that came big ships (not to mention Palpatine, maybe he's compensating for something?).
#5: This point can be made, yes but once again the Imperials before them had far more costly projects and ships and designs and most of them just end up getting completely destroyed anyway. The first Death Star blows up, build one slightly bigger but uh oh! That blows up too lets not salvage it and make more superweapons! There have been far more costly ships in the Star Wars universe both in canon and in legends, this one is tame compared to the rest.
#6: You overlook the purpose of this ship, its a battlecruiser by design so its meant to take on other capital ships head on, not carry hundreds of fighter-craft. The Venator was more of a carrier, most of the entire front section of the ship was its hangar, and it rightly carried hundreds of starfighters. The Imperial 1 class had about 144 total starfighters of various types on board, yet it was larger than the Venator. The Resurgent had the same fighter compliment as the Imperial 1 class with addition of a light cruiser that could easily dock into the ship. It may have not specialized in fighter squadrons, but it brings its own to the table, not to mention that most of its starfighters had hyperdrives.
#7: So did most Imperial craft and all Old Republic ships. It was still an experimental technology and it would provide far too big of a target for anyone who opposed the First Order. It sounds like you expect them to have it installed on every ship cause obviously the Imperials did the same to all of their capital ships, oh wait...
#8: This has been an ongoing problem throughout all of Star Wars lore, legends/EU and new canon. The tech development progress in the galaxy is tortuously slow, with only a few big leaps in faster and larger ships made in just over 4000 years. This winds back to my allegation of a bias as you are singling it out specifically to the Resurgent class star destroyer as is the title and purpose of this video. Most al;l factions should have been able to do this for thousands of years, but alas they didnt and its a problem of logic in the lore.
#9: ... ... ... ... ... Really? Thats the big gripe? This star destroyer didnt have planet cracking weapons? As it was more or less explained in 9, the First Order mainly served as a testbed and precursor for The Final Order, of which Palpatine was planning to integrate the First Order into. The Mandator 4 class dreadnought seen briefly in episode 8 was THE testbed for the planet killing weapons seen on the Xyston class star destroyers. Its also pretty obvious that planet killing superweapons need a shitload of power and only ships and vessels designed to produce that much energy could use and utilize those weapons properly, functionally, and sustainably.
I know Im taking the list a bit too seriously, but these honestly seem very nitpicky and very small problems overall and you are making them seem like big problems. Im not living in a bubble, the Resurgent class does have its flaws, but the ones listed in the video are minor compared to its actual flaws, such as poor management of the ship's specialties, its fighter compliment to weaken enemies and then use the ship to finish them off, as well as pure intimidation factions of its sheer size. The First Order wanted to rule through fear and they did that pretty well, but they made some pretty bad choices that backfired on them spectacularly, but I wouldnt really count these among that list.
Thank you for sticking up for the FO
Point #2: No, in Legends, the Empire had at minimum, 25,*000* Star Destroyers. Captain Pellaeon says this in a conversation with Thrawn, and at one point in another book, the Empire was churning out ISD's so fast that intel bases had trouble keeping up with the number of them.
Achievement Earned:
*Military Industrial Complex*
Well since ships can apparently jump to hyperspace in a planetary atmosphere now I suppose Interdictors aren't needed anymore
@@wilfred8498 what about Star killer base?
@@wilfred8498 And leaving Jedda in Rogue One when the city was Death Starred.
That was a standard U-Wing, not even a modified smuggler ship.
Happened on jakku with the Falcon I think as well as in TLJ with the stolen ship. Not to mention whatever the hell "light skipping" is.
@@wildkarrde3370 light skipping is definitely another lore breaking "innovation".
I also completely forgot about the Tie Fighters being able to track the Falcon in hyperspace as well, plus being able to know when Poe was going to pop back out so they'd stay on his tail.
As for weak gravity: in the EU (I know it's "non Canon") all ships had safeties hardwired into their hyperdrives so that even a minor gravity well would shut the hyperdrive down to avoid damaging the engine. The only people who could punch through a gravity well were the Bakurans and they did so by having backup engines that would engage after the previous one failed. A tactic they used in the Correlian Trilogy.
dude the lip sync of of murican ben with ackbar is amazing 0:05 noticed just now when rewatching the video
*Klingons laughing in the distance*
Me: They're laughing about NordVPN.
Klingons would dig Star Destroyers. Even the weapons discharge is the right color (bright green).
Klingons prefer maneuverable ships.
@@Idazmi7 Yeah, cos the Negh'var and Vor'cha classes are regular ballerinas. The Bird Of Prey is maneuverable, but that doesn't mean all Klingon ships are.
_"Yeah, cos the Negh'var and Vor'cha classes are regular ballerinas."_
The Vor'cha is, along with the K'Tinga and all Bird-of-Prey variants. The Negh'var is actually unusual for Klingon warship design and only serves as a command ship.
@@Idazmi7 If you say so. If you ask me, the K'tinga and B'rel classes were the oddballs. We're talking about the culture that used the D7 Battlecruiser for *everything,* for almost a century. Not exactly the most maneuverable starship anyone ever built.
They had a really good chance to show the remnants of the Empire in the new trilogy struggle, not having massive fleets, no SSDs or other dreadnoughts, small in number etc. Having to change the tactics and strategy to that similar to the Rebellion, except having superior tech. They really fucked up, idk who was in charge at Disney, but apparently not Faigey? the one that kind of or did make MCU so successful.
Would of loved seeing a Rebel fleet chase the remnants of the Empire, doing crazy stuff trying to escape and running like chicken at the sight of Rebels, only to trap them etc.
It needed experienced commands he says, and then shows Hux...
Ah, General Hux. The main reason the resistance was allowed to escape in The Last Jedi. If he spent less time stroking his ego by playing with his prey before killing them (not immediately firing on Poe at the beginning, deciding not to send some star destroyers ahead of the resistance fleet during the chase, and used MORE THAN ONE CANON ON THE SHUTTLES AT THE END) the resistance would have been completely crushed (also Kylo Ren shares some of the blame by not allowing FO forces from continuing their siege on Crait during his fight with Luke)
I mean they kinda pissed away that he was being groomed for command since he was a small child
@@carsoncasmirri3874 Just because he was groomed for Command from childhood doesn't mean he'd ever become a GOOD Commander...
An Idiot well trained in the arts of Military Command is still an Idiot...
The new ships from “The Rise of Skywalker” are classified as Xyston-class star destroyers, not modified imperial-1 destroyers.
The visual models are literally the Imperial I's used in Rogue One and Solo with some extra bits stuck on. It's a rushed and lazy asset flip.
@@theunknownone5990 Well why wouldn't you use the assets when you have them?
@thecazigan28 he is right, they used the animated models that where used in Rogue One scaled up. But it's still stupid to complain about reusing assets, especially if it looks awesome
@thecazigan28 *Fanboy alert*
Looks pretty ISD 1 ish to me. Even windows on bridge the same...
With all these flaws highlighted, especially the massive resource requirements (i.e. massive labour requirements serviced by what can only described as the largest kidnapping operation and huge capital requirements), this does raise another question: How the hell did the New Republic not twig onto the massive rearmament going on? Even if it all occurs in the "Unknown Regions", surely the massive kidnapping campaign just to rebuild the First Order would have tripped massive security alarms across whatever intelligence apparatus the New Republic possessed?
Plot Twist:
*American Ben is actually a dolphin in disguise and they're secretly brainwashing Allan!*
There's another reason to duck into the nooks and crannies of the RCSD's overhang. TIE pilots won't try to shoot 'em because *they* could get into trouble for friendly fire deaths.
Allan is Kira in disguise. We can’t see killer queen
You're talking about that dolphin stand?
United States Of America
No that’s jotoro
@@theskullboy8700 hahhahahahahaha
@@theskullboy8700 Ok,you asked for this
ZA Nukoooo
I love you Allen. Nice video American Ben
what some don't understand is that the Resurgent Star Destroyer may have over 1500 turbo lasers and alot of other weapons but the Resurgent has a huge flaw, the ship uses a separate generators for weapons so if the main reactor goes down the weapons still work, this may seem like a good thing if the weapon generators weren't located in the overhang and extremely exposed to star fighters, so if you take out the generators the entire ship has to rely on Stat fighters for attack and defense
I actually like this ship's design and I hope we see a redesign of by the NR in the future.
The square cube law makes larger space ships more practical. You get thicker armor and more space for less weight the larger the ship is.
However it makes the ship much more vulnerable in combat as it provides a much larger profile and presents the thinnest side at all times. It would also only allow 1-3 sides to fire a ship a one time and some guns could even block others. The dagger/arrow shape of Stae Destroyers on the other hand counters these problems. It has a much lower profile making it harder to hit, the shape greatly angles the armor at all sides, except directly above and below, which increases the effective thickness of the armor, and all guns are either above or below the other.
Cubes are better for colonization and absolutely terrible for combat.
@@thatoneweeb-wehraboo2424 lol. Im not sure if your serious about misunderstanding the square cube law of not so I'll give an example. Imagine a capital ship that has a requirement of being fully armored against starfighter cannons as 1 meter thick durasteel. It dosent matter if the ship is large or small that is the "minimum" armor required for a capital ship, that means less of the ships tonnage is used for armor the larger a ship becomes. And if your a captain of a capital ship and you let an enemy capital ship within visual distance then your need a demotion. Also there is no up and down in space so broadsides are more practical with Star Wars tech then a wedge shape, just keep spinning the ship so the side with recharging weapons and shields is facing away from the enemy, this will allow a constant attack as the sides takes turns firing and charging.
Why Allen is playing the lego jedi starfighter? At 0:00
Becouse Allen is sexy that's why
@@heathward9419 wrong answer.
He is bored that’s why
@@pyeitme508 *correct
No it's because Ben is stealing his show.
Maybe because it looks like two cheese wedges put on top of each other with an engine strapped to it
Most of the reasons you reason's listed here, while accurate, are situational and are not inherent design flaws.
*Allen doing the Carbonite freeze pose*
You make good points. I would design a smaller, more efficient design. I would incorporate the best qualities of the Venator class, Mon Calamari cruiser, and the Imperial class star destroyer. I would call it the Centurion class star destroyer. It would be 1200 meters long, have a diverse weapons complement, have a good starfighter complement, a large troop capacity, and a well defended bridge.
Nicely done Allen. That really makes me laugh while Ben just talking about Star Wars stuff.
Middle finger in the background at 1:50
My theory is that the shipyards made the resurgence bad was to fuel demand from both sides of the war.
2:57 Except for the fact that VPNs are banned and the ban is enforced.
Darn commies!
@@therealamerican99.76 Yes, damn that commie world Mustafar!
Thats another reason for a VPN
TheSunkenCommander Well, VPNs won’t work in China.
I find it great that whenever they falk about the star destroyer line that the conversation always seems go back to the Venator. It wasnt the biggest or most powerful ship. But it was probably the most practical in terms of having a large number of starfighters and powerful turbo lasers, that while few in numbers could attack from long range and with heavy firepower. Id actual love to see a venator with a full fighter complement go up against a resurgent class ship.
the first 2 flaws were right when we talk about the first order. but imagine this beautys in the hands of the empire. palpatine for sure would love to have the resurgent class in his galactic fleet
Allen please make Ben notdo any Star Wars content you're the true master of Star Wars
Good points Ben. Heck, even the Donnager could house a pair of escort frigates like the Tachi/Rocinante. Why a Resurgent Class didn’t carry a few picket ships that it could use to establish a continuing presence in a system when it had to go elsewhere and then return makes no sense.
The Star Wars Galaxy is going to run out of habitable planets with the sudden advancements in Planet killing weapons.
Ben at 12:55: long range battles wouldn't be cool
The expanse: hold my beer
#9 is negated by episode 8, where we see a relatively short distance still render massive cannons ineffective.
Admittedly of constantly accelerating ships, perhaps. But still looked like about 40 Km limit.
I love Alan just being in the background.
3:32 For the first flaws and skip the sponsership
Thank you
Generation Tech, it's not the best choice it's spacer's choice.
Spacers choice is junk
@@GenerationFilms T&L is way better.
@@GenerationFilms yeah... your point?
Don't forget the guns. The amount of guns are almost the same as an Executor class SSD. With the amount of gun ports it runs the risk magazine detonation. Even in the Battle of Courscant you see magazine detonations on a Venator SD when they were exchanging broadsides with Providence Dreadnoughts.
Assueming Executor is not retconned again, Plus, many RSD guns very small...
Good video! Happy new year!
Happy New Year friend!
Excellent, Ben. The First Order is just implausible in my opinion. Maybe do a video on how unlikely it is that they are so ridiculously powerful given the state the Imperial Remnant was in and how difficult it was to survive in the unknown region. I guess the films needed a villain so they had to take some liberties with believablity but my gripe has always been that they didn't even try to explain it. The First Order is a thing now... deal with it.
If I was creating or rebuilding an Empire, I'd take the Venators that still aren't scrapped, repair them, upgrade the hell out of them, and give them as many long-range missile launchers as I can. Of course, the fighters would essentially be F-4 Phantom IIs, as well as F-14s.
Why not f 22s
This is new republic propaganda. The resurgent class Star destroyers are almost perfect. The most major flaw it has is that it doesn't have enough bathrooms
1822 is not enough for you?
@@minecat1839 yea u have a point there xD
@@ilikepigeons6101 Found that info in a choose your own adventure book.
@@minecat1839 wait WHAT!??! WOW XD
Well, the planet cracking weapons needed kyber crystals and the best source of those was Illum, which was strip mined to make weapons for the 1st Order and the shadow fleet. Have to find another planet with lots of those crystals again or find out how Luke made his synthetic crystal work.
The Resurgent probably had a basic complement of fighters and vessels, so they had to carry less crews due to personnel shortages and use fewer resources on long term missions.
In full wartime it was possibly capable of more than tripling its fighter and shuttle numbers at the cost of operational deployment before having to resupply.
It's still the coolest ship to come out of the sequels. The Raddus is underpowered and undergunned, the Supremacy was just silly, the new ship in Rise looks almost identical to an ISD-1 so it doesn't count, and don't get me started on the SF17 bomber.
And wasted in those films.
@@minicle426 Every good idea they had in that trilogy was wasted, TBH. From the new characters to the new planets to the new ships.
It does look bigger than it needs to be. The idea of Grav-Well generators on a ship that size makes a ton of sense. It would not likely be alone and a smaller escort version of ship means less crew/resources. They could have kept the Imperial SD Relocate its bridge and upgrade its weapons package and do fine.
*in Thanos’s voice* IMPOSSIBLE
7:00 the amount of guns the ship has is ridiculous. With that many it's entire surface would have been covered with it and it could produce a bullet hell that could take on anything. It's more like the creators don't have any lick of sense and just throw things in it to make it look cool.
Best NordVPN commercial ever!
We witness a beginning of an ARG, with Allen at the centre
13:30 Hell in Star Trek the babies have planet crackers and that's a relatively "nice" universe.
Omg haha you got some iron will, American Ben. I couldn't keep a straight face with the background activity
8:05 A mistake in the word "targeTing".
#0- Disney designed the ships so that the good guys, who mainly fly starfighters, would win. Giving the Revengeance a logical design and weapons to better protect themselves against such ships defeats the purpose of the narrative.
Never understood why star wars ship builders were obsessed with exposed bridges. Having a sub bridge is okay but why make your command deck so exposed that it is necessary to have one?
having a viewing deck is fine, but bridges should be in the bowels of the ship where they would be well protected.
All Sci-Fi does it. Even at the early days with Star Trek.
because it looks visually more appealing.
Battlestar Galactica did not. There was a viewing deck at the front of the ship, one of the only areas with a window, but the bridge was buried in the ship. Also they had water tanks and storage on the outer layer which would provide more protection.
You confuse the Designers of an Ominous Looking Massive Movie ship with the Engineers of a functional spacecraft. That ship was eye candy only.
In The Force Awakens, the guided missiles were not activated and fired until Gen. Huks told them to. The crew should have already been on it. In other places in Star Wars movies the captains had to tell someone what to do, like in episode 1, the captain said "shields', instead of flipping the switch. She won't make that lazy mistake again.
"Long rang battle is less cool". The Expanse: Hold my beer ...
I'd argue the biggest problem with the Resurgent-Class wasn't the ship itself but the doctrine it was used for. The Resurgent, by its size and functionality, is a Battlecruiser (essentially a low level Dreadnought) yet it is used like a ship-of-the-line. A Battlecruiser operates as an anchor to a fleet, providing tremendous firepower and support from a distance, but requiring a screening from smaller ships. This is why the Resurgent struggles in its duties as it was not built for those purposes.
Hmm, any other thoughts?
I think I would designated the Resurgent class star destroyer as a Multi - purpose Capital. ( Tell me is theirs a flaw about it :D).
I really like the designed of the Resurgent Class because it is so refined unlike the previous SD line, the only downside is that like all any other contemporary SD line it lack turrets on its ventral and dorsal hull which can be placed with various turrets that would make it more powerful.
Great video and I love the awesome design.
Thaaaaanks man. ❤️
If what he said was true about losing a resurgent then when they lost all those ships in the last Jedi they might be taken back alot
Yep and all the ones blown up in the books and comic
Number 1: since it's Disney starwars it will be forgotten without a cool line of toys.
13:00 One reason for that is that none of these ships are battleships. They're still destroyers (for some reason) despite kind of being carriers and from size and role, it's much closer to a battlecruiser. Its basically a redesigned Allegiance class, which would make sense if they employed it like one.
Dammit Allen we talked about this
My friend went to Columbia University. Represent, American Ben!
Please do 10 flaws of the C-9979 Droid landing craft
You know what they say: Bigger the belly gun...
It does make you wonder why they spent time and money building the dreadnought capitol ship when the Resurgent was more than capable of blasting a planets surface into glass all on it's own
The dreadnought 2 guns could punch threw planetary shields with ease where the resurgent would not be as effective
@@rmoore2209 You may be right, according to Wookiepedia it's a fleet killer and designed for planetary assault. Twice the size of a Resurgent Star Destroyer and, according to an interview with the ship designer behind the scenes of TLJ, Rian Johnson wanted something bigger than what they had in TFA, something like Vaders Executor super star destroyer from Jedi or something like the battleship Yamato from our own history. But it feels a little indulgent to create something so huge needing so big a crew when a Resurgent would do the job eventually and you are short on manpower
I would say you are partly correct about ship to ship battles taking place over a greater distance, but disagree with the scope. The theoretical doctrines of space warfare borrow heavily from naval warfare, and on the seas most naval battles take place near strategic or other valuable targets on land, for the main reason that it is way easier to find your opponent there. Space, even more so than the sea, is too big to be able to effectively scan for opponents without sophisticated networks of satellites, outposts and smaller vessels. Like in real life, these would be fairly easy to disrupt, either through ECM's or out right destruction, with both taking large chunks of resources to protect. Therefore Capital Ship Space Warfare would be restricted by the same constraints as Naval Warfare, the incentives would be to engage in decisive battle over a strategic or valuable target as you know that's where your enemy will be (or at least turn up to defend if you attack). This limits the incentive to build weapons which target capital ships out of their line of sight (i.e. in this case a system). So in that sense I disagree with you.
Though I agree that the First Order's lack of innovation was a flaw, as they did not respond to the Fighter based strategy which the Resistance inherited from the Rebellion. This fighter strategy allowed the Resistance to deliver fire power from a greater (so there for safer when taking into account Empire/FO strategy, tactics and operational assets) distance. This is where the First Order could have extended their weapons range. Big capital ships would specialise as Carriers and/or missile platforms, negating the fighter tactics of the resistance, while cruiser size vessels would provided as escorts, short and medium firepower and general multi role capability. Smaller, frigate and destroyer size vessels serve as specialists, such as picket line defence, or armoured hulks to charge down resistance capital ships at close range if needed. Heavily armoured assault carriers combining a marine regiment, short range weapons and a balanced flight wing would be able serve dual role as a planetary assault vessel or close quarters space fight, if the latter is ever called upon. The end result of this would be a longer engagement range within a system.
11:52 My hypothesis as to why there is a lack of long range ordinance in the star wars is because they would just be easily defeated by current countermeasure technology in the star wars universe. If an attacking ship were to launch a long range project at sublight speeds , the targeted faction would be able to detect the incoming assault via long range sensors and take evasive action by either escaping into hyperspace, shooting down the incoming projectiles, or activating a disruptive emp field well in advance. Therefore, space combat necessitates close range battles in order to avoid a stalemate.
There are no flaws with the Resurgent - Class!!
Move along!!
No major flaws at least
Allen just messing around
Wonder what happened to that back-up bridge during TROS?
wasn't the resurgent star destroyer made as a home base.
Since the first order didn't have a main home base planet.
Also seen in the TROS the resurgent star destroyer main command bridge was destroyed and still plummeted to the ground. Even though its secondary is still in tact.
Another plot script fail
The ships in the end of the movies are not resurgent class star destroyers and the whole ship exploded
Akhil Prabhakar the only Resurgent there was, is pride ships when Finn and janna shot the bridge it exploded the bridge and the ship starts falling like the executor in ep6.
viper Son the secondary bridge worked it was just the ship got compromised so the secondary bridge wasn’t useful
I think we see star destroyers shoot it out, face to face, because of their shields. Long distance weapons fire is stopped by their energy and particle shields.
When a Starfighter fires on a Star Destroyer, they do so from very close range. The fighters always fire from INSIDE of the capital ship’s shields.
I suspect that this is also the case with capital ships facing off. They, too, have to get inside of the enemy ship’s shields.
Video about about Spear of Adun when?
Your kinda off on the first one. Yes there bigger ships, and they need a lot of man power, but the First Order mechanically operated alot of their systems to cut down on crew numbers. So all in all, the ships needed about the same or less crew then an imperial star destroyer
I applaud you guys for trying to make it make sense but the sequels make absolutely no sense lol
Happy New year's
Happy New Year bud.
Ugh, let American Ben do his video without being interrupted, Alan! You're not doing your buddy any favors lol distracting his viewers from what he's saying, you know!?
The lack of planet cracking weapons isn't really an issue. Remember that each if these Resurgent star destroyers not only carry 25 times the number of turbo lasers an Imperial II did, but each if them wa more powerful than those on the Imperial II's, so a resurgent class SD should be capable of slagging an entire planet in short order.
Estimates on how long it would take an Imperial class SD to execute a base delta zero bombardment range from a couple hours, to a full day, but since the resurgent carrys 25 times as many turbolasers, and each is considerable more powerful then thevolder ships, it should be able to slag a planet in less than an hour. If more than one ship is involved, it would be considerable less.
Now one last thing to consider, about a base delta zero attack is that it wouldn't need to turn the entire surface of a planet into molten slag, since as soon as it started the attack would cause massive geologic and tectonic activity resulting massive destroying in areas across the entire planet, even those untouvhed by the bombardment.
The asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs, and most other living creatures on the planet, did so while only striking a fairly small area, and while the shots from the SD would be much smaller, there would literally ge 10's of thousand of shots in a very short period of time.
@@jonumine6250 Yeah, it sounds like to many but supposedly is has 1,500 turbolasers, compared to the 60 of the Imp2
Having a fleet of ships with weapons that could destroy a planet was one of the things I hated about the last movie. To be honest the power requirements of such a weapon should be astronomical and would likely end up making the ship extremely vulnerable when used due to the power drain on the ships systems. It would have to be mostly power generators and engines. This also does not explain why the weaknesses of the Original IMP class star destroyers were not rectified in the newer design. Sheild generators were still very vulnerable to attack etc.
I enjoyed this video.......
In the beginning Alan had me cracking up......
Ben how were you able to maintain composure.......
And you are right about everything you said about the
Hahaha i know
Lol he was probably able to maintain composure by simply rehearsing the skit a few times before they recorded
Video starts at 3:37
Thank me later
About the trenches on the Resurgent being a weakness - sure, I think on the surface they're an issue, but if you look closely, you can tell there's this odd truss / net pattern supporting the lips of the overhang. This leads me to theorize it could be a 'trap' of sorts. Wait for enemy fighters to fly into the trench, then execute evasive maneuvers or a change in speed to have the fighters collide with the sides of the overhang. Although this could be done with almost any star destroyer, the 'net' or 'webbing' along the Resurgent leads me to believe it's actually a tertiary defense against star fighters beyond its own fighters and point-defense guns.
The cross section for this ship says that they are trusses that support the upper hull, but I guess that works too
Correction: 40K ships carried Cyclonic torpedoes that scorched planets, they didn't have guns that blew up planets. Only Abbadon's planet killer had that. Cyclonic torpedoes are rare too; otherwise they'd be used as casual ship to ship weapons.
How rare, like one per ship or one per one hundred ships? On all ships or only certain kinds?
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l Any warship from any series can do that. Just keep firing until you see the core of the planet, then blast it. There were bombs in SW that can do that, and even low grade fuel, if enough is on the planet, will blow it up if ignited via blaster. I'm talking about single shots.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l In SW, the average turbolaser is rated at 200 gigatons. Weeks or months of shooting that at a planet with several warships will be more than enough to kill it. Either the atmosphere dissipates and the planet becomes unlivable, or the planet just collapses from the sheer weight of the firepower. Or it just collapses or blows up after enough shots expose the core of the planet and they shoot it. But if you have a planet rich with low-grade fuel, a single blaster shot will blow it apart. That's what happened to Peragus in KOTOR II.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l Because planetary energy shields made 200 gigaton turbolasers look like spitballs in comparison. 200 gigaton turbolasers can scare outer rim worlds, but civilized planets like Alderaan and Corellia, which not only have their own fleets but also their own planetary energy shield generators, would be laughing at your 200 gigaton turbolasers as their Ion Cannons and warships render your fleets immobile and tear your ships to shreds. Even the Rebels could afford planetary shield generators on Hoth, hence why planetary bombardment was not an option. So when those Imperial senators and their home planets start rebelling, you'd better pray to God that your Death Star is online, otherwise, you're in for a long, protracted war where 200 gigaton turbolasers are chump change. Also, the 200 gigaton figure came from the movie tech manual for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. So it is definitely not GE propaganda, because not only is it a neutral, God's-eye POV book from the movie canon, but the Empire didn't even exist back in Episode II.
@@user-dp7xd5lq8l No, you still don't understand. A planetary shield covers the ENTIRE PLANET. Hence the word "planetary". It cannot be beaten by sheer bombardment. Also, secret agents can't be there all the time. You assume that infiltration is 100% easy, whereas in Star Wars, they have organizations like the ISB, Imperial Intelligence, and the Bothans that hunt down spies or know how spies work. Also, the novels and comics have shown such firepower in droves, down to the point where they have pictures of 200 gigaton explosions, and descriptions of whole planets getting glassed by ONE ship.
Also, the manual from which the 200 gigaton figure comes from hails from the movie canon manuals. Which means they are more canon than 99% of SW. The movie stuff, which includes the movies, their novels, and tech manuals, are at the top of the canon chain in Star Wars, down to the point where Disney can't retcon the Prequels even if they wanted to. So no, these stats are canon, and are objectively true in the Star Wars universe, which is more than I can say when compared to the slop 40K fans call a lore:
"With Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, the notion of canon is a fallacy. [...] Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 exist as tens of thousands of overlapping realities in the imaginations of games developers, writers, readers and gamers. None of those interpretations is wrong."
Gav Thorpe, Lead Designer, Games Workshop
"It all stems from the assumption that there's a binding contract between author and reader to adhere to some nonexistent subjective construct or 'true' representation of the setting. There is no such contract, and no such objective truth."
Andy Hoare, Game Designer GW
"There is no canon. There are several hundred creators all adding to the melting pot of the IP."
Aaron Dembski-Bowden, co-author Horus Heresy series
Star Wars canon does not work like that. Legends lore is canon to SW Legends, Disney canon lore is canon to Disney SW, and the canon of the original six movies, which includes the movies, their novels, and the tech manuals, are canon to BOTH continuities. Also, the guy who wrote the manual (Curtis Saxton) is an astrophysics professor. So no, it's not bad research at all. You're just in horrible denial of something seen as true in Star Wars for ages-even a single warship is known to be capable of decimating worlds.
"The Imperial Star Destroyer has enough firepower to reduce a civilized world to slag."
Imperial Sourcebook, p.61
"These colossal, wedge-shaped behemoths, bristling with turboweapons and carrying entire TIE squadrons within them, each possess more firepower than the entire planetary forces of most worlds, and can reduce a planet surface to smoking debris."
Star Wars Technical Journal, vol.2, p.17
"Kill a million people with a mighty star cruiser and you are a war hero. Kill a hundred with a thermal detonator and you are a terrorist."
-Lorgal, Anti-Republic seditionist, Manaan, KOTOR 1
"Such a tragedy when the Republic bombed their world into a radioactive ball, and the Jedi did nothing to prevent it."
-Visquis, Nar Shaddaa Exchange Boss, KOTOR 2, regarding his Ubese warriors
The Empire's hard-on was for 'Make it big and menacing' not ' Practical and effective'
i watched your top 10 last resort super weapons and you forgot starkiller base.
That tenth flaw was a spoiler(rise of the sky walkers), but that’s one of the reasons I liked those star destroyers better, since not all the star destroyers had one and would like a video on them. It’s not been since the legends era we had other ships that could d-(almost spilled it) could do this!!!
You know it's a good ship when one of it's top ten flaws is that it doesn't have gravity well generators.
And a death star.
I like how much firepower the resurgent-class has.
Don't you bring 40k into this! You know that everything there is insanely overpowered! You can't compare to StarWars to WARHAMMER 40K.
lol 3:00 shows "recent connections" then a few secs later it says "no logs"