Want To Become A Certified Hand Therapist? Occupational Therapists Preparing For The CHT Boards Feel Overwhelmed With The Amount Of Studying. We Can Help You Prepare For The Boards. Hand Therapy Mentorship & Hand Training for Occupational Therapists. Take The Overwhelm Out Of Preparing For The CHT Board Certification With Our 12 Week Hand Exam Prep Program.Overwhelmed with all the info that you need to learn and don't have any guidance? Don't know where to Start? Worried that you won't be ready? Feel stuck and need help solving problems FASTER? SIGN UP below and we'll send you the details about our 12 week Hand Exam Prep Program. www.handtherapysecrets.com/cht-mentoring/
Listening this as my 17 year old son is in surgery on his hand. Partial amputation of his middle finger. The surgeon is hoping to repair the index finger with pins but there’s a chance he may loose part of that too. I worried about how this would affect him mentally as well as physically. I found it interesting to hear you refer to it as just a finger but follow it with it being more than just a finger. How do we best support him in both the physical and mental healing.
Hey! First … I’m really sorry to hear about your son and I’m hoping that this message finds him doing well. Amputations no matter how small or big is a big deal. Finding a great certified hand therapist is key to getting the support you need. I worked with a 15 year old with a severe hand injury and we were lucky enough to support both the 15 year old and his parents :) and they did great! Good luck to your son. We also provide educational videos for people with injuries from our clinic at Hands-on Therapy Services.
Want To Become A Certified Hand Therapist?
Occupational Therapists Preparing For The CHT Boards Feel Overwhelmed With The Amount Of Studying. We Can Help You Prepare For The Boards.
Hand Therapy Mentorship & Hand Training for Occupational Therapists.
Take The Overwhelm Out Of Preparing For The CHT Board Certification With Our 12 Week Hand Exam Prep Program.Overwhelmed with all the info that you need to learn and don't have any guidance?
Don't know where to Start? Worried that you won't be ready?
Feel stuck and need help solving problems FASTER?
SIGN UP below and we'll send you the details about our 12 week Hand Exam Prep Program.
Listening this as my 17 year old son is in surgery on his hand. Partial amputation of his middle finger. The surgeon is hoping to repair the index finger with pins but there’s a chance he may loose part of that too. I worried about how this would affect him mentally as well as physically. I found it interesting to hear you refer to it as just a finger but follow it with it being more than just a finger.
How do we best support him in both the physical and mental healing.
Hey! First … I’m really sorry to hear about your son and I’m hoping that this message finds him doing well. Amputations no matter how small or big is a big deal.
Finding a great certified hand therapist is key to getting the support you need.
I worked with a 15 year old with a severe hand injury and we were lucky enough to support both the 15 year old and his parents :) and they did great!
Good luck to your son. We also provide educational videos for people with injuries from our clinic at Hands-on Therapy Services.