Well that Is My Wife She as Beautiful, Pure Hearted, and Powerful as Ever I can always Bath, Sleep, Eat, Hug, and Kiss Her while Spending every Day of Eternity With Her with No Problem it Is a Blessing to Have Her as the Perfect Wife as well as the Perfect Mother for our Offspring.
"Just-a Love(er?)(-a?) Size"...
I feel so obsessed when I hear that.
pkillerx I like the fact she so forward and she one of the funnest servants to be around
Quality tail clipping.
Scene does not contain a lap dance
I wonder how Tamamo's wet tail look like??
Imagine a wet fox.
That should answer your question.
*googled it* oh, not that bad, hahahaha
Maybe it's magic and stays foofy
Is that best girl I see?
She hit Nero, so no.
Nero hit her first
Not just best girl, best wife!
How do you activate this event ?
Well that Is My Wife She as Beautiful, Pure Hearted, and Powerful as Ever I can always Bath, Sleep, Eat, Hug, and Kiss Her while Spending every Day of Eternity With Her with No Problem it Is a Blessing to Have Her as the Perfect Wife as well as the Perfect Mother for our Offspring.