As always, I talk about hand motion a lot but don't enact it perfectly myself. "Do as I say, not as I do"; follow the slow-motion demonstration, but bear in mind once I start playing in fluid motion my hands won't function as I say they should. This is partly because my hands are large, so don't notice stretches as much; it is partly also because I find the piece easy so I can't tell when my posture is suboptimal; but also, of course, because Lubomyr's technique is not completely with me yet. When I close my eyes it _feels_ like I'm doing the right movements, but whenever I make these recordings I have to laugh at how much room for improvement there is
As always, I talk about hand motion a lot but don't enact it perfectly myself. "Do as I say, not as I do"; follow the slow-motion demonstration, but bear in mind once I start playing in fluid motion my hands won't function as I say they should. This is partly because my hands are large, so don't notice stretches as much; it is partly also because I find the piece easy so I can't tell when my posture is suboptimal; but also, of course, because Lubomyr's technique is not completely with me yet. When I close my eyes it _feels_ like I'm doing the right movements, but whenever I make these recordings I have to laugh at how much room for improvement there is
cant get enough of your teachings. currently trying to get to speed but the complexity is just mind boggling. loving every moment tho
You’ll get there one day Cremerse 🥺 Good thing meditations should be (initially) played kinda slowly.