Who blamed the Panther? The lady that got clawed accepted she was in error, the Zoo upgraded the the housing to avoid future accidents and the Panther just had a cub? So who exactly is blaming the animal here?
but whose stupidity? the women who went close to the net or the zoo who didn't put the right net? Clearly, they wouldn't know what they were doing there. If the humble woman didn't own her injury, in the court zoo would pay a huge penalty
She is absolutely the most adorable baby in the World!!! I don't know how people could hurt a animal like her. If we had her. She'd get what ever she wanted. Lots of food, cuddles and belly rubs!!!!! We just love her!!!!
@@juliew1426 because they have to make sure, as they’re endangered, that the cub makes it into adulthood and when she’s older, they reintroduce her to her home
@@Z1Hellrider That's usually only true for Americans in the southern US. In many portions of the US it definitely isn't pronounced that way. Some people (not me) feel the V....Hickle pronunciation is sign of ignorance or being uneducated.
I think they just try to domesticate these animals as much as possible and giving them the impression that Human=warmth and milk will make them less likely to attack? Just guessing, it also might have something to do with the fact that the jaguars mother was recently in an attack.
a lot of times if it's a new mother they have a hard time with nursing in captivity, they've had little to no socialization with other female jaguars so they don't understand how to take care of their cub. zoos step in to make sure the baby is properly fed and cared for
Well they can’t crush a skull. Same as the tiger, jaguars kill smaller prey by piercing its skull with their fangs... they can’t crush the skull... lol. If you compare a tiger and a lions fangs you notice that the tigers fangs have a little curve. It’s in order to better allow the teeth to puncture the skull of its (smaller) prey. Large prey is still suffocated same as lions do. But all of those big cats still have a weaker bite force than a gorilla... so... Even grizzly bears have weaker jaws than male gorillas.
Also jaguar are more aggressive than a lion or tiger just like for example a gorilla and a chimpanzee the gorilla might be bigger and stronger but chimps get totally crazy and nuts so let's say a jaguar is like a chimp in that sense. And actually the in proportion of the body and all the bite of the jaguar is more powerful than any other cat. So we are lucky that are not the size of a 🐯 or a 🦁
Hats off to the woman who owned up to her mistake (reaching past the barriers) and didn't want media attention or going for millions in a lawsuit. She gets an A+ in Civic Duty 101.
Actually she gets a big fat F would since she didnt act like she was supposed to and follow the posted rules rather than blatantly ignoring and breaking them...
Baby Jaguar: Put me down you puny hooman! Or do you want me to tear your face off! I'm Telling my Mommy on you!!!! Human: Ahh! Isn't she the cutest thing? Baby Jaguar: Ohh, just you wait 😼😾
That’s exactly the reason though, their species is already going extinct so they’re taking no chances especially since it’s possible for the mother to “reject” the cub and accidentally hurt her.
@@TheWiseMagpie1 Exactly what I was going to say. Give her a chance, you never know. People just like to take everything in their own hands, even when it's not necessary. If you want to have a pet, get a puppy or a cat, don't play home with a wild cat's baby. That's foolish.
Same here this video annoyed me the cub should be with her mother nursing and being protected by mom. Imagine giving birth only for someone to come snatch your baby..awful. I get they are trying to help the species but the babies best chances are with mom her milk will have all the vital nutrients baby needs.
@@sammylou5716 Actually in a public zoo the babies best chance is being raised by the Veterinarians, nursing mothers get very protective and agitated in an open zoo setting, they can attack and kill the other cats and even the cub, keeping the cub isolated and cared for by the Vets for the first few weeks is the best thing for it
I can only guess since everything is off in captivity, there's high probability mother would eat it or kill it, so the "humans" come to save the day. This is what i presume, based on several similar reports where i've seen they take the cub from mother, for different species.
I think they gonna return her to the mom soon, maybe it was for medical check up .. they are endangered species probably they are trying to socialize the jag cub
When a cub is bottle fed by a zookeeper it's usually due to the fact that mom can't do it or won't do it. Meaning the cub is not getting regular feedings. Taking a cub away from mom is a last resort no matter the species.
nas taran They killed the mother, she clawed a moronic human. So other moronic humans killed an endangered species. They will never tell you that in the news story
I've got to assume that the zoo was afraid the mother would kill her baby. Let's face it: A jaguar in captivity's already depressed. No stalking, no hunting, no independence - nothing natural.
Heard that it is normal procedures for Zoo keeper to take care the cubs to avoid the cubs become wild and difficult to approached. Bc all wild animal in zoo will never return back to its habitant. But some animal like Orangutans/Gorillas take care by their moms, depends on the situation.
I called to ask them that question, she is only being hand reared by the zoo personnel because mum does not have enough milk. After 4 1 hour feedings she goes back to mummy.
I have to wonder what would happen if there was a 'No USA comments" button on any video how different the comments would be, especially the "gun porn" videos.
Any adult human who tries to take a 'selfie' with a wild predatory animal close enough to be able to touch them, is clearly going for that posthumous Darwin Award. Too bad the village idiot who tried to pose with a full grown Jaguar didn't receive hers. She was a worthy recipient.
@@hi.5311 Animals like those are not meant to be taken care of the same way as domesticated cats is what the commenter probably meant. These are wild cats, natural predators. Of course, since it's in a freaking zoo, they're going to try to domesticate it and get rid of its instinctual behaviour and change its natural habits to suit their own needs. These animals are naturally meant to hunt and play fight and do all that stuff on their own, but these people are just taking that away from them just to make them into their own little puppets and string them along inside disgusting cages. The way they are babying it up, this cub will never ever be able to 'take care of itself' because it's already used to people spoon-feeding it. It'll turn out just like a domesticated pet. Sad, but that's what humanity does to these animals. Why don't we just let them stay in their habitats? Why do we have the need to destroy their homes just to use their land as ours, why do we need to strip them of a home and family just to put them in cages and show them off? How would you like to be put in a box and have tons of people watch you enthusiastically? Goodness, I'll never understand the need to do something so cruel. Just because they are animals doesn't mean they don't have feelings. If you really wanna see these animals so bad, go to savannahs or nature reserves and experience it first hand. Zoos need to go. We should not intervene with nature unless we feel there's something wrong. Rescuing animals is ok as long as you let them free after they have recuperated. Keeping animals and hoarding them just to make money off of them? Disgusting. And here I thought society developed. I guess not.
Because public zoo's make nursing mothers highly territorial and agitated, to the point where they might injure their own cub. Separating the cub during the first few weeks and having the Veterinarians care for it makes the cubs chances of survival far greater. For a species on the Endangered list every surviving cub is a major boost.
@@FerretJohn As a behavioural psychologist i can tell you that it is highly unlikely that any cat species would hurt their own children. Especially territorial behaviour to their new born cup doesnt make any sense. Dont you rather think that it is a huge PR chance for the zoo, so they can get better pictures for TV and social media? No doubt, it makes sense to do a medical checkup etc., but this shouldnt take longer than a day. It's looking like they aren't even planning to give the cup back to her mother. Shame!
@@Bei_Gandalfs_Bart Nah that's how all baby zoo animals are raised, I think, especially if they're endangered; you can't risk anything happening to the baby, cos the species literally depends on it. So they get around the clock attention and monitoring to make sure they're getting bigger as per schedule :)
@@silpabenny2150 Yeah, maybe you are right. But it's a shame anyways, because it's the humans who caused the nearly exctinction. And I think its also unnecessary stress for the cup to make this big media circus. Photographers should just stand behind a window, without lightning and noise isolated.
@@Bei_Gandalfs_Bart so should we just watch them extinct? At least some good people are out there to fix our mistakes by aiding wild animals to prevent from extinction. Don't look at negative side only. You won't find anything to be happy about by being pessimistic
@@lightningandodinify Tigers don't kill their prey with a skull bite like jaguars do, and jaguars have the strongest bite force of any feline. Of course a tiger can crush a human skull tho.
I don't think misinformation is really intentional here. Of course a lot of wild cats can crush a skull but I think jaguars are the only ones that naturally prefer these kind of attack while most other big cat generally go for the throat.
@@ashlynn1652 we all want, but for that to happen we need zoos, who breed endagerd animals and teach the humans who hunt them for fur etc. to stop this bs
I'm pretty sure we all want him to be free but some of us do you understand that she can have to do some pretty depressing and maybe even cruel things to keep the animal alive like for the jaguars case even if the animal could raise the cup if The cup got sick The mother would have killed it it's very common with feline animals in general and with Panthers being on the endangered species list I don't know about you but if I wanted to save them and I didn't want to go through the hell of hunting poachers I would give the Cubs the best chance of survival after all you got to pick a lesser evil if necessary
@@andrebrs1381 That's not helping. Over hundreds of years we've destroyed habitats, killed off species and now we've overpopulated the planet to the point humans are struggling for space. Zoos and wildlife sanctuaries are safe spaces for these animals where they work hard for the continuation of these species. There are so many folks out there who're working to reverse the damage we've done. You wanna let the animals free? Sure, lets give up modern amenities, work on controlling human population, raze half the cities to the ground and reforest the earth. It's very easy to be a keyboard warrior, but not to be one in the real world.
Fun fact: 100% of people saying that the cub should be with its mother have done zero research on the topic and are not the professionals with decades of research!
@@grayolsen8769 tell me, have you done any of the background work to know that you may in fact be wrong and are telling professionals what they should do?
Or maybe it's because they're trying to increase the chances of the cup surviving because you know animals do have a history of ignoring the weakest link of their children
You need to do some investigating my freind of the advantages and disadvantages of doing so and compare them to see wich one is better. As a vet myself I find this the best way to make sure that the animal stays alive and maintains a good health. But even tho im a vet I can always be wrong, im human just like you and I have my opinions.
She is too important to the continuation of the species, mothers sometimes kill their young, sometimes by rolling on them or sometimes on purpose, best to leave these decisions to the people who know a lot more about conservation than yourself and don't act on their 'feelings and emotions' over the extinction of the species. Thankgod we have people who know what they are doing eh ?
It's for the cub's protection. When new, the mothers (at least those in zoos/the like, are more nervous and territorial and anxious) can actually kill the cub, either by accident, or even on purpose. In addition, this makes monitoring the newborns for food, medical, immunization, etc needs easier. They will reintroduce the parent and cub once the circumstances are deemed safe.
They want to make sure the baby has the best chance of surviving and growing up. A lot of big cat mothers in the wild lose at least one baby during the first year of life.
Any idiot who ignores a "DANGEROUS ANIMAL" sign and is injured deserves exactly what they get! Sara should received a medal and a commendation from the governor for nailing that fool. Teaching the human a painful lesson about wild animals might have saved her life, although I'm not sure she had the mental ability to understand the "lesson". HTF do you live long enough to become an adult and not know why you shouldn't allow your body parts within the reach of claws and teeth?
2:09 The doctor is so beautiful. She looks like a Hollywood actress. She has the brains and the looks. That is a deadly combination in today's society.
@Stephanie Rose 'Old lady'?? Lol She's not old by any means and she is beautiful. The poster is completely right. Have your eyes tested as they're not very good anymore. Either that, or you're jealous - I can see from your photo you're not very attractive. it's obvious by the way you write: 'U', 'wired fetishes', that you're a simpleton too.
Sometimes when animals are raised in captivity, they are hand reared by humans to better monitor their health & ensure that the mother won’t neglect them. Also, it’s hard to try and take a cub for a check up from a 200lb pissed off cat.
"Jaguar gives birth to healthy baby cub" Think about that for a second... I thought jaguars were cats, not bears. So shouldn't it technically be, "Jaguar gives birth to healthy baby kitten" ?
No, she is not living her best life. She’s been taken away from her mother. That would be her best life. Why do humans think this cub is better being raised by humans. It should be with its mother. It’s cruel to separate them like this.
The more dangerous the animal, the more cuter the babies are, confirmed.
So that's why these females out here smashing Pookie and Ray ray. Confirmed Tell me not.
@@FirstNation1492 Can verify that is why
Nah, human babies are ugly af
Green Snake but can be cute :)
Until they grow up for some
She is her Mama's little mini - me, with the most adorable little roar!!! LOL
people getting hurt while acting stupid are getting animals blamed for just being themselves..
let jaguare be jauare they not a cat , leave them alone.
elvis cesar yes, they are cats but wild cats/big cats.
What!?! They killed her mother!?! Because some idiot leaned into her enclosure for a selfie? I'm livid!!
Oh I see. Sara is still alive.
Who blamed the Panther? The lady that got clawed accepted she was in error, the Zoo upgraded the the housing to avoid future accidents and the Panther just had a cub? So who exactly is blaming the animal here?
it was not the jaguars fault that the woman reached across the safety barrier.its ALL on the woman do NOT blame the animal
Humans are ridiculous (and quite stupid), Mary.
You, however, are wise. 🧠💚
@@Blissid_Waters thank you
You are so right - people are just plain stupid.
My first reaction is always to blame the humans, because the majority of the time it's something stupid they did!
@I love Sidney pretty stupid i guess lol
She’s beautiful! I hope she gets more time with her jaguar mom than with humans. Let their bond be strong.
We shouldn't blame animals for people stupidity
but whose stupidity? the women who went close to the net or the zoo who didn't put the right net? Clearly, they wouldn't know what they were doing there. If the humble woman didn't own her injury, in the court zoo would pay a huge penalty
@@KMHasan You are owning your own stupidity. Humble and Moron are two different things but for idiot like you they are the same I guess.
@@KMon1111IND Jesus, so you're insulting him for simply pointing out that the lady owned her mistake? 🤦🏿♂️What's your issue?
I love the baby jag- wire roar!!!
snow leopard are more cuter i promise
@@meatymeatbuster336 Awwww, they're all cute.
More like a quack
Loool jag-wire
Your efforts to preserve the Jaguar species is wonderful. Happy birth day little one.
Really? Then why isn't she feeding and bonding with her mom? So, are they putting her mom down?
She is absolutely the most adorable baby in the World!!! I don't know how people could hurt a animal like her. If we had her. She'd get what ever she wanted. Lots of food, cuddles and belly rubs!!!!! We just love her!!!!
Gawd that’s a gorgeous cub, she’s so precious 🖤
Sarah was sensitive because she was pregnant 😊
But still the woman was dumb to go over the barrier to get a selfie
my thought exactly.
@Johni manoli Exactly! Why isn't her cub with her?
@@juliew1426 because they have to make sure, as they’re endangered, that the cub makes it into adulthood and when she’s older, they reintroduce her to her home
@Johni manoli dead most likely
He says JagWIRE.
like Americans say V......Hickle, instead of vehicle like the English
That's usually only true for Americans in the southern US. In many portions of the US it definitely isn't pronounced that way. Some people (not me) feel the V....Hickle pronunciation is sign of ignorance or being uneducated.
I have never heard anyone pronounce it , v-hickle
@@readynow12345 oh well guess you haven't been everywhere, that's a shame, what do you want us to do about it ?
The news guy: "jagwire"
Moynulamin amin Jerry Maguire
@@gappuma7883 Tobey
Literally was like why is he saying it like that the whole way through?!
@@gappuma7883 Mary Jagwire
@Cyn Nightingale Jagwire is a midwestisum. Much like all of the other mispronunciations from the midwest.
I'm confused why isn't her mother raising her? Why the bottle feeding?
Me too.
I think they just try to domesticate these animals as much as possible and giving them the impression that Human=warmth and milk will make them less likely to attack? Just guessing, it also might have something to do with the fact that the jaguars mother was recently in an attack.
@@sawysauce1256 Yeahh!! But..they are wild animals and it's logical the way she behaved.This is cruelty!!
@@agustinaquintero729 I agree. That jaguar should be in the wild. Or in a forest reserve. Not trapped in her enclosure like that.
a lot of times if it's a new mother they have a hard time with nursing in captivity, they've had little to no socialization with other female jaguars so they don't understand how to take care of their cub. zoos step in to make sure the baby is properly fed and cared for
The newly crown queen of the nursery. Hear her roar
Yup, that's really fearful
obviously, she has something on her mind
Be afraid.. be very afraid... 😁😁
@The Blue Jeans who asked.
@The Blue Jeans Lies she doesnt speak english.
go to be a moron somewhere else
To quote Mushu, “I think my bunny 🐰 slippers ran for cover!” 🤔😄
That's the most adorable kitten I've ever seen ^_^
...because other kittens are ugly as hell
“... the only cat that can crush a skull.”
The news reporters nod casually like, “ah yes, I see.”
Well they can’t crush a skull. Same as the tiger, jaguars kill smaller prey by piercing its skull with their fangs... they can’t crush the skull... lol. If you compare a tiger and a lions fangs you notice that the tigers fangs have a little curve. It’s in order to better allow the teeth to puncture the skull of its (smaller) prey. Large prey is still suffocated same as lions do. But all of those big cats still have a weaker bite force than a gorilla... so... Even grizzly bears have weaker jaws than male gorillas.
Also jaguar are more aggressive than a lion or tiger just like for example a gorilla and a chimpanzee the gorilla might be bigger and stronger but chimps get totally crazy and nuts so let's say a jaguar is like a chimp in that sense. And actually the in proportion of the body and all the bite of the jaguar is more powerful than any other cat. So we are lucky that are not the size of a 🐯 or a 🦁
Awwe, the baby jaguar is so adorable! Good thing the little cutie wasn't violently ripped apart in the womb in a gruesome jaguar abortion!
Hats off to the woman who owned up to her mistake (reaching past the barriers) and didn't want media attention or going for millions in a lawsuit.
She gets an A+ in Civic Duty 101.
She would of lost miserably if she dared tried to sue for being an idiot 🤣🤣🤣
Actually she gets a big fat F would since she didnt act like she was supposed to and follow the posted rules rather than blatantly ignoring and breaking them...
You're right. Even though what she did was wrong, I appreciate her taking responsibility because zoos have killed animals for less.
Reporter: the newly crown queen of nursery, hear her roar.
Cub: *heeeeeeeeelp!*
Baby Jaguar: Put me down you puny hooman! Or do you want me to tear your face off! I'm Telling my Mommy on you!!!!
Human: Ahh! Isn't she the cutest thing?
Baby Jaguar: Ohh, just you wait 😼😾
My favorite part
Why did they take it away from her mom...let her mother raise her. Her first and only cub...what.
That’s exactly the reason though, their species is already going extinct so they’re taking no chances especially since it’s possible for the mother to “reject” the cub and accidentally hurt her.
@@reversequeen838 If mom rejects her, it is time to get her out. First give her a chance to be Mom..
Hello you doing over there?
@@TheWiseMagpie1 Exactly what I was going to say. Give her a chance, you never know. People just like to take everything in their own hands, even when it's not necessary. If you want to have a pet, get a puppy or a cat, don't play home with a wild cat's baby. That's foolish.
@@TheWiseMagpie1 Except that rejection can mean mom killing the baby. God you people are stupid.
Only one baby? Why isn't the mother nursing her cub? Great that they are still among us!!!
This is what I was wondering about 😮😮
Same here this video annoyed me the cub should be with her mother nursing and being protected by mom. Imagine giving birth only for someone to come snatch your baby..awful. I get they are trying to help the species but the babies best chances are with mom her milk will have all the vital nutrients baby needs.
@@sammylou5716 Actually in a public zoo the babies best chance is being raised by the Veterinarians, nursing mothers get very protective and agitated in an open zoo setting, they can attack and kill the other cats and even the cub, keeping the cub isolated and cared for by the Vets for the first few weeks is the best thing for it
Those kind of comments are so dull
I can only guess since everything is off in captivity, there's high probability mother would eat it or kill it, so the "humans" come to save the day. This is what i presume, based on several similar reports where i've seen they take the cub from mother, for different species.
Why separate her from mother, I'm anxious watching this because mother wouldn't let them near her cub and she not in the picture
I think they gonna return her to the mom soon, maybe it was for medical check up .. they are endangered species probably they are trying to socialize the jag cub
Yeah its weird how a pregnant jaguar attacks humans when the first thing humans do when she gives birth is takr her child away
When a cub is bottle fed by a zookeeper it's usually due to the fact that mom can't do it or won't do it. Meaning the cub is not getting regular feedings. Taking a cub away from mom is a last resort no matter the species.
nas taran They killed the mother, she clawed a moronic human. So other moronic humans killed an endangered species. They will never tell you that in the news story
@@CobraDove1111 😭😭🤬🤬🤬🤬
why is the cub not raised by her mom? even cat moms get depressed if you take away their cubs
I've got to assume that the zoo was afraid the mother would kill her baby. Let's face it: A jaguar in captivity's already depressed. No stalking, no hunting, no independence - nothing natural.
Only in America...
Heard that it is normal procedures for Zoo keeper to take care the cubs to avoid the cubs become wild and difficult to approached. Bc all wild animal in zoo will never return back to its habitant. But some animal like Orangutans/Gorillas take care by their moms, depends on the situation.
I called to ask them that question, she is only being hand reared by the zoo personnel because mum does not have enough milk. After 4 1 hour feedings she goes back to mummy.
@@janetblack5181 Thank you for that information, Janet. I appreciate it very much! 😊
absolutely beautiful Jaguar cub ! simply priceless !
There just had to be some bonehead "Joe Exotic" type who would ask about owning this animal.
I have to wonder what would happen if there was a 'No USA comments" button on any video how different the comments would be, especially the "gun porn" videos.
Any adult human who tries to take a 'selfie' with a wild predatory animal close enough to be able to touch them, is clearly going for that posthumous Darwin Award. Too bad the village idiot who tried to pose with a full grown Jaguar didn't receive hers. She was a worthy recipient.
This is a movie
So, this jagwire is related to the dreaded barbedwire?
IKR. lol good one. It is as you know pronounced jag-u-ar. Like the car but more endangered.
@@suzannetodaro5494 i prefer Jag-wuar
And when it grows up will be a bit of a live... Wire.
This is so weird. They’re treating it like a house cat.
Well what do you want them to do?
@@yolandamcknight9429 I mean, stop doing it perhaps? That Jaguar could turn on them any second, then what to do?
From what I can tell, this jaguar cub is better behaved than some of the housecats I've known.
@@d0wntownki2k what's it going to do? Gum them to death? It's only 3 weeks old.
@@hi.5311 Animals like those are not meant to be taken care of the same way as domesticated cats is what the commenter probably meant. These are wild cats, natural predators. Of course, since it's in a freaking zoo, they're going to try to domesticate it and get rid of its instinctual behaviour and change its natural habits to suit their own needs. These animals are naturally meant to hunt and play fight and do all that stuff on their own, but these people are just taking that away from them just to make them into their own little puppets and string them along inside disgusting cages. The way they are babying it up, this cub will never ever be able to 'take care of itself' because it's already used to people spoon-feeding it. It'll turn out just like a domesticated pet. Sad, but that's what humanity does to these animals. Why don't we just let them stay in their habitats? Why do we have the need to destroy their homes just to use their land as ours, why do we need to strip them of a home and family just to put them in cages and show them off? How would you like to be put in a box and have tons of people watch you enthusiastically? Goodness, I'll never understand the need to do something so cruel. Just because they are animals doesn't mean they don't have feelings. If you really wanna see these animals so bad, go to savannahs or nature reserves and experience it first hand.
Zoos need to go. We should not intervene with nature unless we feel there's something wrong. Rescuing animals is ok as long as you let them free after they have recuperated. Keeping animals and hoarding them just to make money off of them? Disgusting. And here I thought society developed. I guess not.
I thank that woman for not blaming the animal. Probably saved its life.
Have some respect to this rare gem, it's jaguar not jagwire.
@Angharad Keltik must be a Britt. 'Merica!
you mean have some respect for your irrelevant sensibilities? XD
@Angharad Keltik it's Jag-Waar. Wtf is wrong with you?
@@d0wntownki2k I've also heard it pronounced Jag-you-are from watching Mad Men
This lady is blessed to get the chance to raise this baby panther.❤
That is the most precious 👶 I ever seen. Be still my ❤
That's one of the cutest little creatures ever!!! 🐱💜
She has such a profound gaze. She's an old Soul. Beautiful. 💖😻🙏
Why isn’t the cub being cared for by its mother jaguar
Because public zoo's make nursing mothers highly territorial and agitated, to the point where they might injure their own cub. Separating the cub during the first few weeks and having the Veterinarians care for it makes the cubs chances of survival far greater. For a species on the Endangered list every surviving cub is a major boost.
@Mind Absorber stf. It was a simple question. They didn't talk about it. Go have a life in real life. You must be a joy in meetings
@@keikey9123 you should have stopped at the first half my bro.,.
@Walker Where they're free to be hunted to extinction?
@@FerretJohn As a behavioural psychologist i can tell you that it is highly unlikely that any cat species would hurt their own children. Especially territorial behaviour to their new born cup doesnt make any sense. Dont you rather think that it is a huge PR chance for the zoo, so they can get better pictures for TV and social media? No doubt, it makes sense to do a medical checkup etc., but this shouldnt take longer than a day. It's looking like they aren't even planning to give the cup back to her mother. Shame!
"And as for that roar?" *snorts*
I don´t understand: WHY is the baby not with her mother?? WHY did you take her baby away??
is it cause I is black?
Most captive jaguars do not raise offspring successfully. Abandonment does happen.
So zoo keepers intervene.
shvt up, karen
Oh karen, u think all baby needs mother like u
suzy klitgaard blame humans
Even an adorable cub of 2 weeks, those claws are no joke!
when the zookeeper said "she's gonna start transitioning...." i had a mini microsecond heart attack fearing she'd say " a male."
Cutest thing ull see all day lol? All month ty
Awwe, the baby jaguar is so adorable! Good thing the little cutie wasn't violently ripped apart in the womb in a gruesome jaguar abortion!
Why isn’t she being taken care of by her own mother???
Because then you wouldnt get so nice pictures for TV. Its a huge PR opportunity for the zoo. Shame!
@@Bei_Gandalfs_Bart Nah that's how all baby zoo animals are raised, I think, especially if they're endangered; you can't risk anything happening to the baby, cos the species literally depends on it. So they get around the clock attention and monitoring to make sure they're getting bigger as per schedule :)
@@silpabenny2150 Yeah, maybe you are right. But it's a shame anyways, because it's the humans who caused the nearly exctinction. And I think its also unnecessary stress for the cup to make this big media circus. Photographers should just stand behind a window, without lightning and noise isolated.
@@Bei_Gandalfs_Bart so should we just watch them extinct? At least some good people are out there to fix our mistakes by aiding wild animals to prevent from extinction. Don't look at negative side only. You won't find anything to be happy about by being pessimistic
@@LunaLunaTzy Only because I critizise their behaviour it doesn't mean that I want them to go extinct. You have a very narrow thinking.
I would totally adopt a jaguar
@Sur la Bankise Production This breed is endangered, so it doesn't really belong in the wilderness anyway. At least for right now.
Remember they are the only cats in the world that can crush a skull with their teeth
@@kamakanimaui5776 I wouldn't put ANYTHING near it's mouth.
Rest in peace U~U
@@willyb7353 nah dude these animals are not domestic
thanks for saving the jaguars. great work.
The baby jaguar looks like a normal house kitten although I know he/she can turn really big
What a fine animal. Hope she and her mom have long lives.
Misinformation 101: They are NOT the only cat in the world that can crush a skull...
It doesn't even make sense to be true tbh. Surely a powerful animal like a tiger could do the same.
@@lightningandodinify Tigers don't kill their prey with a skull bite like jaguars do, and jaguars have the strongest bite force of any feline. Of course a tiger can crush a human skull tho.
I don't think misinformation is really intentional here. Of course a lot of wild cats can crush a skull but I think jaguars are the only ones that naturally prefer these kind of attack while most other big cat generally go for the throat.
Why isn’t the baby with its mother humans shouldn’t be touching it
its a zoo. poke, prod display
@Faiz I don't want to touch it. I'd rather see in naturally where it's supposed to be.
@@ashlynn1652 we all want, but for that to happen we need zoos, who breed endagerd animals and teach the humans who hunt them for fur etc. to stop this bs
I'm pretty sure we all want him to be free but some of us do you understand that she can have to do some pretty depressing and maybe even cruel things to keep the animal alive like for the jaguars case even if the animal could raise the cup if The cup got sick The mother would have killed it it's very common with feline animals in general and with Panthers being on the endangered species list I don't know about you but if I wanted to save them and I didn't want to go through the hell of hunting poachers I would give the Cubs the best chance of survival after all you got to pick a lesser evil if necessary
this is the last thing my dad ever sent my family and i before he died a week later. this video will definitely be special to me for quite a while.
sorry for your loss man!
@@kokorico1971 thank you.
These days these sort of news are the only ones that makes me smile ...
They’re basically black panthers lol 😂❤️
I’m going to that Zoo when it reopens next week and I’m even more excited now
you like visit prisons?
@@andrebrs1381 That's not helping. Over hundreds of years we've destroyed habitats, killed off species and now we've overpopulated the planet to the point humans are struggling for space. Zoos and wildlife sanctuaries are safe spaces for these animals where they work hard for the continuation of these species. There are so many folks out there who're working to reverse the damage we've done.
You wanna let the animals free? Sure, lets give up modern amenities, work on controlling human population, raze half the cities to the ground and reforest the earth. It's very easy to be a keyboard warrior, but not to be one in the real world.
The caregiver is just beautiful. Cute kitty too.
I just love that adorable cute little Sara...and nice basket on the cute news guy too laying down next to Sara..hahaha
Oh god, he's such a cutie.. and I bet she's gonna love him to pieces too.
“A dangerous but important animal” 😂
Fun fact: 100% of people saying that the cub should be with its mother have done zero research on the topic and are not the professionals with decades of research!
So what is the explanation based on your knowledge?
You're making him weak by giving him human like care. They are stronger naturally. Let his mother take care of him.
Gabby Mouse They aren't giving her a chance to even try though.
@@grayolsen8769 tell me, have you done any of the background work to know that you may in fact be wrong and are telling professionals what they should do?
@@epiclamp44 This comment section is so full of it. There's even a person who's going around saying the zoo euthanised the jaguar mum. I give up.
I'm so pleased Sara was not destroyed.
Because Sarah is more important than any other jaguar
Could we just appreciate the fact that the woman is beautiful inside out
Yep 💯
Jaguar so beatifull And powerfull
Our black kitten look just like him! So adorable.
Why does he keep saying “Jag-Wire” 🤣
Cause he’s a jag off....😜
Awe cute kitten and gorgeous innocent eyes adorable face ❤😍 all kittens big & small are cute and adorable ❤
1:16 just like human baby looking at his mama.❤
No wonder they're endangered. The last ones have a baby and it gets taken away. Imagine how the mom feels.
Or maybe it's because they're trying to increase the chances of the cup surviving because you know animals do have a history of ignoring the weakest link of their children
Should be with the mother ,unless she's not feeding the cub ,they should of left mum and cub alone
My thoughts exactly - giving formula instead of mother's milk is a crime, and they robbed the mother.
crest castle Could it be possibly that the mother has some feeding issue and they are doing this for the baby’s welfare?
crest castle They euthanized her, that’s what evil humans do when they scratch people, even if the person was a moron
Sometimes when their new mother or stress mother it will kill the babies so they separated them for it safety.
@@CobraDove1111 Please give the name of the person that killed her.
The "best" care would be from her mother. Stop ripping cubs away from their moms. The poor mom probably thinks her cub is dead.
You need to do some investigating my freind of the advantages and disadvantages of doing so and compare them to see wich one is better. As a vet myself I find this the best way to make sure that the animal stays alive and maintains a good health. But even tho im a vet I can always be wrong, im human just like you and I have my opinions.
Juanki agree
They have to make sure it's healthy and feed the cub.
Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages mother and the cub should be together. That is an animal right. Not a business deal
She is too important to the continuation of the species, mothers sometimes kill their young, sometimes by rolling on them or sometimes on purpose, best to leave these decisions to the people who know a lot more about conservation than yourself and don't act on their 'feelings and emotions' over the extinction of the species. Thankgod we have people who know what they are doing eh ?
the sweetest jag cub, one could imagine
Oh my goodness such a BEAUTIFUL cub!
i think he said "jaguire"
I'm really curious how this animal will look like when it's fully grown. I've never seen a Jagwire before.
Beautiful Jaguar cub. How come the mother isn't raising her baby?
I don't understand why the mother named Sarah is not nursing her baby 💔
Anthony West I was also wondering that. They took the baby away from mom.
It's for the cub's protection. When new, the mothers (at least those in
zoos/the like, are more nervous and territorial and anxious) can
actually kill the cub, either by accident, or even on purpose. In
addition, this makes monitoring the newborns for food, medical,
immunization, etc needs easier. They will reintroduce the parent and
cub once the circumstances are deemed safe.
I like the way the British say Jaguar. "Jag-you-are." Very classy. 🙂
The zoo is obviously not monitoring the animals carefully if they didn't know that the Jaguar was pregnant.
She belongs to her mother. Into the wild. I hate it when animals live's in the zoo. Sorry for my bad englisch.
Are you a German?
It's a breeding programme because they are in danger of extinction. Put them in the wild and they will die out.
@@adoremus4014 so instead they breed them just to sell to other zoos? It's disgusting!
Гарик Баратов this is exactly what thought. hahaha
The zoo is safer than being an endangered species in the wild.
Damn I wanna cuddle her so bad..why so cute
What a *gorgeous black panther!* 🖤‼️🥰❣️
What should i Say its Just the cutest Thing i ever Seen 🥺😍
Humans are the only animal in nature that see a large, dangerous predator and respond with “let me get as close as possible for cute-fun-happy time!”
Why is she being bottle fed when she has a mom
That’s what I’d like to know as well.
They want to make sure the baby has the best chance of surviving and growing up. A lot of big cat mothers in the wild lose at least one baby during the first year of life.
Any idiot who ignores a "DANGEROUS ANIMAL" sign and is injured deserves exactly what they get! Sara should received a medal and a commendation from the governor for nailing that fool. Teaching the human a painful lesson about wild animals might have saved her life, although I'm not sure she had the mental ability to understand the "lesson".
HTF do you live long enough to become an adult and not know why you shouldn't allow your body parts within the reach of claws and teeth?
Funny how the caretaker is bouncing the cat as if it's a human infant.
Powerful little force in that new born jaguar cub voice
Such a beautiful baby!💟🐱🐾🐾🐱💖🐾🐾🐱💟🐾🐾Serafina😍😍💋
News reporter: "JAGWIRE"
iconoclast the Spanish pronunciation is HOG-u-arr
Yes! Like the car.
2:09 The doctor is so beautiful. She looks like a Hollywood actress. She has the brains and the looks. That is a deadly combination in today's society.
@Stephanie Rose 'Old lady'?? Lol She's not old by any means and she is beautiful. The poster is completely right. Have your eyes tested as they're not very good anymore. Either that, or you're jealous - I can see from your photo you're not very attractive. it's obvious by the way you write: 'U', 'wired fetishes', that you're a simpleton too.
Aww so cute way of playing with humans 😍😍
1:00 "One day, I'll show a guest at the zoo that my mom was playing nicely. But today, I would like some extra nose boops and some milk. Thanks."
WHERE IS THE MOTHER????? Why is this baby being raised by humans? That makes me sick...
EXACTLY, was thinking the same thing!! Why the bottle feeding??? Where it's mother??
I was about to ask same thing in the comments when I saw your question. Where is the mother???
Sometimes when animals are raised in captivity, they are hand reared by humans to better monitor their health & ensure that the mother won’t neglect them. Also, it’s hard to try and take a cub for a check up from a 200lb pissed off cat.
They can't leave it with the mother 24/7. it's an endangered species and needs to be monitored. Same with any animals at a zoo.
Wonder if mom would reject her because she smells like people now? Baby and mom will be very confused. Mom very sad.
"Jaguar gives birth to healthy baby cub"
Think about that for a second... I thought jaguars were cats, not bears. So shouldn't it technically be, "Jaguar gives birth to healthy baby kitten" ?
No big cats it's cubs, hence Lion cub etc.
all big cats have cubs
Puma young can be cubs or kittens.
No, she is not living her best life. She’s been taken away from her mother. That would be her best life. Why do humans think this cub is better being raised by humans. It should be with its mother. It’s cruel to separate them like this.
In a zoo, mothers get really agitated and can kill the cub.
The vets are doing the best, humans are not always bad, my God.
The hear her roar *vicious mewing sound* killed me.
That's the cutest roar I ever heard!
A rare jag wire cub
Jag-war is how you say the name of this species.
It's pronounced differently depending on the nationality of the individual enunciating the word.
In my country it's Yagoo-ar. So yeah, it's different.
And it's Boca Ra ton, Florida NOT Boca RaTone!
It's actially pronounced... wait for it... Jaguar
1:39 Jag Wire? 😕😕😕
Oh wait... He kept repeating it. It wasn't a slip of the tongue.
In Spanish, it is pronounces 'hah-gwar,' and that is where Americans get their pronunciation of the word, I believe.
Baby jaguar : meow!!🥰😽🐈⬛
Well you should already be afraid of the little roar she has new. Too cute that roar