Wow I love how it's calculating the frequency changes, and the radio is responding - that's the doppler shift as the satellite heads through the sky. * adds to ham radio Wishlist * 🙂
Great stuff, I've been considering importing one of these units for quite some time and know quite a few people who have already done so. This is a fab piece of kit and at a reasonable price point too. There's lots of support online in various discussion groups and definitely something on my list. Are MLS going offer a package deal to buy the rotator and the rotator controller together? I'm already into QO-100 and use a fixed dish with a DX Patrol Groundstation 2 for operations. MLS should definitely look at the QO-100 stuff out there as it's becoming very popular, and, currently, the only way of obtaining most of kit is either direct from the manufacturer or via WIMO in Germany.
They already do, the IC905 for example would be an excellent basis of a QO100 system or a satellite system, though you may need to buy two for duplex and that get's a bit expensive. For QO100 kit/advice you could look at joining AMSAT-UK or the BATC. Their websites are extensive and there is always the option of building up your own kit. That very rewarding and there are many designs out there suitable for anyone from a beginner to advanced.
So this Does away with using the Manual Control box with the G5500. Does Martin sell the G5500 stand alone or do you have to purchase both controller and rotator together?
Great video, thank you! Do you know if this works with any satellite? Or it it only programmed for AMSAT's? I'm a licensed amateur, but right now I'm looking for something to track NOAA and other sat's.
@@JonathanCreaser And I actually have an answer! After posting my comment I emailed the manufacturer. They were very quick to reply. I'll paste their response below: "You can track other Satellites besides the Amateur Radio ones. We have different lists you can choose from. We could make a list for you to use if you don't find what you are looking for."
Interesting video. There's something for everybody in amateur radio, but satellite is definitely not for me 😁 I will be coming to you in the future for an IC-705 😉
Wow I love how it's calculating the frequency changes, and the radio is responding - that's the doppler shift as the satellite heads through the sky. * adds to ham radio Wishlist * 🙂
I would love it if I could use an open-source library like that for a project... Especially in Rust language
Most enlightening, always good content from ML&S.
Great stuff, I've been considering importing one of these units for quite some time and know quite a few people who have already done so. This is a fab piece of kit and at a reasonable price point too. There's lots of support online in various discussion groups and definitely something on my list. Are MLS going offer a package deal to buy the rotator and the rotator controller together?
I'm already into QO-100 and use a fixed dish with a DX Patrol Groundstation 2 for operations. MLS should definitely look at the QO-100 stuff out there as it's becoming very popular, and, currently, the only way of obtaining most of kit is either direct from the manufacturer or via WIMO in Germany.
They already do, the IC905 for example would be an excellent basis of a QO100 system or a satellite system, though you may need to buy two for duplex and that get's a bit expensive. For QO100 kit/advice you could look at joining AMSAT-UK or the BATC. Their websites are extensive and there is always the option of building up your own kit. That very rewarding and there are many designs out there suitable for anyone from a beginner to advanced.
Wow! You lads have the best radio toys out there. Maybe I’ll relocate “across the pond” and hang out at ML&S! 🇬🇧
Where would I find the rotator and antenna on your wed site. Thanks you.
So this Does away with using the Manual Control box with the G5500. Does Martin sell the G5500 stand alone or do you have to purchase both controller and rotator together?
EDIT. needs the control box. Says it also controls channel master rotor by ir. FYI, only works with select icom models.
I misunderstood my friend, looks like it hooks up to the yeasu control box.
Great video, thank you! Do you know if this works with any satellite? Or it it only programmed for AMSAT's? I'm a licensed amateur, but right now I'm looking for something to track NOAA and other sat's.
Exactly what I was wondering 🤔
@@JonathanCreaser And I actually have an answer! After posting my comment I emailed the manufacturer. They were very quick to reply. I'll paste their response below:
"You can track other Satellites besides the Amateur Radio ones. We have different lists you can choose from. We could make a list for you to use if you don't find what you are looking for."
Interesting video. There's something for everybody in amateur radio, but satellite is definitely not for me 😁
I will be coming to you in the future for an IC-705 😉
NASA in a box!
work just if that radio or is valibal for all SDRs ?
It can talk to any SDR that supports HAMLIB. I use it with SDRAngel software which is free.
Can you tell me what other radios are supported please?
Are there any Yaesu radios?
Only Icom radio at this time
QO-100 is geostationary
Too much blaaablaaaa for me.
Good afternoon MLS team 2E0RJB Bruce
Good morning everyone, 2E0BGB💖💖