Everyone says free energi is fake? This is my infinity energi system and i show you how to make this shit! More about the free energy generator: www.patreon.co...
Amazing that these old rusty machines are so well engineered that they don't produce any heat! In fact, the fact that the machine gets progressively faster means it is more than perfectly efficient, so it probably consumes heat! Congrats! You broke science!
This is fake. I know. I build it myself with the same motors and the same pulleys..... 400v 3 phase motors need high start-up voltage. that is not just cranking by hand, but with a field certainly above 300v. Need more proof??? In the video you will hear a click at start up around 5:48 if you turn your sound up loud. This is a click of an on/off switch. And at start-up, it uses a speed controller to let the motor start up slowly. The multimeter also indicates a voltage that does not fluctuate, which is the case with a real setup like this one. There is a lot more nonsense and hidden things in this video. The big engine he uses is a HEEMAF from the Netherlands. Thanks for reading and please share this text with others.
Genau. Das Anschlusskabel geht durch den großen Spalt in der Werkbank. Vermutlich ist es sogar das dicke Kabel, was links unter der Werkbank hervorschaut.
So amazing that I can't even believe that this is possible! And there is a video about the assembly of this engine? A lot of talk that it can work in this mode. Yes, even with the connection of consumers. Thank you! From Russia.
I got rid of the mechanical stuff and connected an inverter to a battery, and plugged a battery charger into the inverter. Much safer with no moving parts, and produces as much free energy as this does.
Hello! Everyone has seen a magician at the circus... the sight of the performance can be captivating. If someone asks how he did it, the magician will not answer. I would like to get the answer along with the explanation in minute detail. ...then the video is worth something and then many people will know how to make them.
Our friend just forgot to hide the dangling cable that powers the smaller motor and he even uses a device to control the speed of the smaller motor during start-up. As the Bee Gees song says I starded a joke
@@aaronross7433 Probably under the wood drilled thru table. If you compare a VFD(variable frequency drive) spin up sound to this video. Its identical. The PWM(pulse width modulation) frequency can be heard very distinctly. Usually 16khz mixed with the 0-400hz frequency. If the video is real then the uploader can show us all whats underneath the wood and all around the motor as its spinning up. At the rate it was spinning up to it should have kept going and self destructed, but it didn't. His frequency drive maxed out at 400hz and that was the top speed. Again the second time he spins it up, pay carefull attention as to how long it take to ramp and and listen the the high frequency ringing from the coils. If it was truly one motor driving another there wouldn't be a high frequency component like that but rather a consistent frequency increase from 0hz up to max speed of 400hz(for example) Just an observation. If I'm wrong please prove me wrong 🙂
1st Law of Thermodynamics - Energy can neither be created or destroyed. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - For a spontaneous process, the ENTROPY of the universe increases. 3rd Law of Thermodynamics - A perfect crystal at zero Kelvin has zero entropy. (that motor ain't a perfect crystal) But, congratulations to Dr Daniel...you don't need free energy to get rich.
El motor tiene que poder tener menos pérdidas que energía que recibe. (o/y) El generador tiene que dar más ganancia eléctrica que fuerza mecánica que recibe.
Idealny przyd oszustwa ... Tak właśnie pracuje silnik wydając pisk przy pracy z falownika z regulacją obrotów. Tu tym bardziej widać jak są zwiększanie obroty. Im niższe obroty bym pisk silnika mocniejszy. Oszustwo !!!
Tak, oszustwo zaczyna się w podstawówce na fizie i elektrotechnice :-D Największe oszustwo to generatory wodne, wiatrowe, spalinowe i auto-silnikowe. Bo to wcale nie przepływ elektronów, tylko małe trolki i anioły szczelają piorunami bo siedzą w kabelkach, biskup je święci a obajtek z kaczką kasuje po 2,5 zł za 1 kWh, żeby wszystkich przybliżyć do nieba czyli śmierci z zimna i brudu, wszak zbawienie to dar, a sens życia to krzyż. Hitler miał podobny posób na odchudzanie :-( w mieście Oświecenie :-(
@@arkadiuszkurowski2673 lol.. Ok well I've had several inverters over the years in trucks from 300 to 4000snds and the only noise they make if the cooling fan! So if you and some others can hear it working well that's amazing!! Hearing of dogs on video!
@@arkadiuszkurowski2673 and lets say that's a shop fan running! No chance of that huh?? I used to fck around in my shop all the time always had the fan on. It was hot! But no way that's what that is huh?? Its got to be an inverter!! Tell me how an inverter works if you can hear one! I'd like to know!
Il primo principio della termodinamica rappresenta una formulazione del principio di conservazione dell'energia e afferma che: l'energia interna di un sistema termodinamico isolato è un universo termodinamico costituito dal sistema e dal suo ambiente, è un sistema isolato. L'energia non si crea né si distrugge, ma si trasforma, passando da una forma a un'altra: l'energia può cioè essere trasferita attraverso scambi di calore e di lavoro. Nella forma più generale e semplice, quindi nessuna macchina elettrica può produrre più energia di quanta ne fornisci. Uno dei 2 motori è connesso ad un'inverter alimentato dalla rete elettrica che ne la varia velocità, per simulare l'aumento di energia prodotta. Pensa quanti soldi mi sarei fatto vendendo energia elettrica se fosse possibile.
Molte persone preferiscono credere nel potere delle immagini piuttosto che nelle leggi fisiche. L'uomo, dopo tutto, è un animale con gli occhi. Perché abbia un cervello così grande e non lo usi è un mistero, soprattutto quando si tratta di argomenti di questo tipo.
@@ossi.p purtroppo ci sono persone che non sanno neppure avvitare una vite, e questi credono ad ogni scrmenza che gli propinano. Fosse cosi semplice faremmo a meno di tutte le fonti di energia conosciute, ma non è cosi semplice.
I'm electrician. It's heard the classic noise (a very thin sound) of a inverter, a electronic device to control motor speed. This device create the tipical sounds especially with low speed. Consider also with low speed the generator can't produce enough power to make the motor spinning, the energy created is not linear, like 10 rpm=10 watts and 100rpm=100 watts. Usually until a range of minimum rpm (1000 or more) the amount of energy it's ridiculous and not enough to move nothing.
У любого мотора есть два показателя. С одной стороны есть потребляемая электрическая мощность. И выдаваемая механическая мощность на валу. Как правило моторы стандартные делаются так, чтобы механическая мощность юыла чуит-чуть меньше электрической мощности потребления. Но путем замены постоянных магнитов на роторе на более мощные можно повысить механическую мощность в несколько раз, до 10 раз. Момент вращаения зависит не только от электрической мощности, за счёт которой создаётся магнитное поле статора, но и за счёт магнитного поля построянных магнитов ротора. Чем мощнее магниты ротора, тем больще механическая мозность на валу двигателя. Условно говоря мощность на валу двигателя равна произведению напряжённостей магнитных полей статора и ротора. В принципе можно повысить мозность мотора за счёт снижения сопротивления обмотки статора. Но это задача более трудная, чем замена магнитов ротора на более сильные. Так что алгоритм примерно такой. Надо вначале подобрать генератор с подходящей мощностью - 5-10 кватт. Затем ищем мотор, у которого на статоре стоят обмотки возбуждения, а на роторе стоят магниты. Затем меняем магниты на роторе на магниты с большей можностью с соблюдением прежней полярности, и чтобы диаметр ротора при этом не изменился. Чем ближе магниты ротора будет находится от статора, тем больше мощность на валу. Вот и всё. Далее всё монтируется на основании, устанавливаетс ременная передача или валы генератора и мотора соединяются встык. Выход генератора подаётся на удлинникель на 3-5 розеток, одновременно параллельно к выходу подключается мотор через переключатель. Можно добавить маховик для стабильности вращения и увеличения выходной мощности. Если на выходе генератора будет три фазы, то под каждую фазу отдельный удлиннитель. Но можно этот вечный двигатель установить в отдельную постройку или металлическую стойку, а фазы подключить через щитов с предохранителями, от которго делать разводку по комнатам. и пристройкам. Такую бандуру можно прямо ставить на велик или автомобиль. На авто есть свой электродивгатель. Если у него три фазы, то можно просто установить трехфазный мотор и использовать его как генератор. Вот вам и автомобиль Теслы.
Так и работает ,просто перекидываешь ещё одним проводом от генератора в преобразователь и далее в проводку можно кабеля от нее протянуть и всё норм работает никаких скачков только с переменного на постоянный
If you are familiar with the motors and phases and understand connettic energy and how it works it's very simple. Been doing this since I was 8 I'm 50 now.
gdzie ten falownik ukryłeś ? a zapomniałeś pokazać ile to energii produkuje to cudowne ustrojstwo ! zgłaszam do nagrody Nobla, będziesz bardzo bogatym człowiekiem
@@a.kov.4965 можно в сам двигатель засунуть аккамулятор и частотник а оставить подшипник с шкивом а через пульт включать частотник настроиным плавным пуском.
Alternating current, which supply energy, then, direct current, will consumed power, at the same time, it gives infinite energy until the rest of my life
It doesn't make sense....to the common person not understanding physics, magnetic particle acceleration and thermodynamics... this is a good illusion !
I'm sure you know you cannot produce more electric that way then it takes to run the motor. I do have some ideas how one could make a device that would make electric it would technically be a battery that produces its own current. But I just don't have the financial means to do a demo on it. When I was 12 years old I tried to talk the airliners and the government into putting parachutes on planes they said it couldn't be done now they're doing it what I know right now a battery that produces its own current is perfectly possible. It's a simple electrical field. I think it would probably cost $10,000 to make a demo
Фейк. Вначале слышно свист частотного преобразователя . А главное что заставило стабелезироваться оборотам. По логике частота должна расти до бесконечности и разорвать всё.
The way it is started ,u can see that he has cheated there must be 3 phase supply is given to one of the motor.to produce a magnetic field need lot of force
Sounds good . But what if you put a load on generator ? It will kill the induction motor ? Or you might put a very little load just enough to change tow or three or four car batteries 🔋🔋🔋🔋 ?
Γεια σου. Σύνδεσε το βολτόμετρο, να δείχνει από την αρχή και συνεχώς την τάση καθώς αυξάνει στροφές. Όταν ανεβάσει στροφές στο τέρμα, βάλε ένα μεγάλο φορτίο και συνδεδεμένο αμπερόμετρο, να δείχνει συνεχώς, πόσο τραβάει το φορτίο. Ευχαριστώ, από Ελλάδα.
interessante a corrente alternada entre os motores é de 424vac entre as fases. Mostra aí como foi feita o esquema, com certeza o motor menor tem neodímio no induzido. Com essa corrente tão alta precisa ter um transformador pra baixar a tensão de 424vac para 220vac
Jó napot mindenkinek. Érdekelne hogy ez valódi vagy csak valamilyen módon a motrokban lévő segítséggel múködik például: elemek vagy netán más vezérlő elektronika.
Mágneses a forgòrész benne hiszen aszinkron motor! Van a vasmag ami rézel van tekercselve az áram hatására a mágnesen henger alakù forgòrész forogni kezd!
Furcsa hogy egy magyar kommentet sem láttam... a magyarokat az ilyesmi nem érdekli?! Mellesleg ha részletesen elárulod, mit, hogyan módosítottál hogy így működjön, még pénzt is köldök :)
Siempre ha sido mi sueño este invento. Desde pequeño ya me lo planteaba y sabia que funcionaria. Hay mucha desinformacion en youtube. Este Video es el mas *Espectacular de cientos que he visto* y evidentemente algunos son *FAKE* Gracias por compartir. Saludos desde Galicia!
¿Y también cree que hay gente que levita y dobla cucharas con la mente, que desaparecen, hacen aparecer cartas de la nada y otras cosas inverosímiles, que publican en TH-cam? De razón que las religiones y sectas se nutren de gente ingenua que tragan entero y no cuestionan nada.
@@jairolopez812 Que va no creo nada de eso y me considero Divergente" .Es más. he investigado y probado y este video en un FAKE! si quieres te dejo el link donde lo desmontan.....Saludos.
Pues por el comentario al que le respondí da a entender todo lo contrario. He visto varios videos donde sin tanta matemática o casi nada, solo por lógica se da uno cuenta que son burdos montajes. No es que sea "Divergente" es solo que es lógico y al menos tiene conocimiento del tema. Y gracias por el saludo y de vuelta otro saludo.
What is the price of this generator.will this generator run contineousely for 8 hours.how watt power load can take from this set. Can you proper reply.i am egarly waiting to see your reply
@@ТимурЛевин-м7в e secondo te.. tutte le industrie petrolifere resterebbero a guardare le loro aziende fallire? Ed i loro immensi guadagni svanire ? Auto.. camion.. generatori.. quasi ogni cosa va a carburante! Esistono fin troppi conflitti di interesse a questo mondo.. se io inventassi una barca a vela.. chi vende le barche a remi non troverebbe più clienti.. !! Riflettici..
Hello, can you tell me please the technical dates of the engine & generator? (voltage, watts, rpm, ampere). I appreciate your answer very much !!!!!!! kind regards Marcus
The idea of powering an electric motor from a generator and the claim that "infinite, free, and free energy" is produced is often associated with concepts that are inconsistent with fundamental principles of physics and energy conservation. These claims are generally considered to be misleading and deceptive. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Thus, the idea of obtaining infinite energy from a closed system contradicts this fundamental law of physics. Specifically, when a generator powers an electric motor, there is always energy loss due to electrical resistance, friction, and other factors. Therefore, it is not possible to get more energy out than you initially put into the system - this principle is known as the "second law of thermodynamics". In conclusion, the idea of getting "infinite, free, and free" energy from such setups is generally viewed with skepticism and is usually associated with schemes that try to take advantage of people's lack of knowledge of the fundamental principles of physics. In general, it is important to evaluate such claims with a critical eye and rely on validated scientific principles when analyzing such concepts
Az a káros az emberek tudására hogy nem képesek elfogadni hogy amit az álomvilágukban elképzeltek nem létezik... Jellemzö a társadalom szinvonalára.... Mert mindenki a hazugságra vágyik a konteokban hisz az észérvek helyett, és erre van igény mert a valoságot képtelenek elfogadni. Lehet ezen höbölögni de amig ezt fogják megnézni én erre fogok tartalmat gyártani. Gyerek szinten lévö társadalomnak a mese kell akkor én azt fogom gyártani.
Bravo!!! Sxema TESLA. Perpetu Mobile-bez Dalekovoda. Koji je imao Želju i Nameru, a nije mu se ostvario San. Zašto??? Jasno je svim Bozijim Ljudima do Danas kao Beli Dan. Zar ne??? Prijatnoooooo
4: 30 see the belt tension and direction In this video Drive main Motor is right side machine . But this system motor and generator are changed . My conclusion , this is fake.
We are happy to support such videos. The electronics industry and especially the large electric motors and generators require a lot of know-how. Such videos encourage the next generation of engineers to study the subject. We are currently building our own community on our channel. Anyone who wants to take part is cordially invited.
Só vi o motor fazer esse ruído na partida até atingir a rotação final com inversor de frequência ele provavelmente deve estar debaixo da bancada 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Faça o teste amigo! Um gerador e um motor trifáso c a mesma rotação. Eu tenho um motor de italianinha trifásica e faz esse barulhinho tanto com ou sem inversor fw 10.
@@MehmetBoysal No not a ghost.. It's a new TH-cam concept to see how many subscribers I can get, for having NO content...Thanks for checking me out and Don't forget to subscribe?
Wybaczcie wszyscy komentujący ten film ale właściciel określił się w opisie "Jest głodny i chce tylko kasę".Szkoda pisać i pytać i tak nie odpowie .Liczy się tylko Cash!!!!!.Przykre że taka jest ludzkość.
That motor has a magnetic core in it. MAGNETS. Read about magnets and you will find out how many hours it will last. I'll tell you straight. If you service the engines, greasing the bearings and cleaning them you won't get to live how long that engine will last. Magnest loose about 1% of their properties in 100 years. That's a fact.
Amazing that these old rusty machines are so well engineered that they don't produce any heat! In fact, the fact that the machine gets progressively faster means it is more than perfectly efficient, so it probably consumes heat!
Congrats! You broke science!
This is fake. I know. I build it myself with the same motors and the same pulleys..... 400v 3 phase motors need high start-up voltage. that is not just cranking by hand, but with a field certainly above 300v. Need more proof??? In the video you will hear a click at start up around 5:48 if you turn your sound up loud. This is a click of an on/off switch. And at start-up, it uses a speed controller to let the motor start up slowly. The multimeter also indicates a voltage that does not fluctuate, which is the case with a real setup like this one. There is a lot more nonsense and hidden things in this video. The big engine he uses is a HEEMAF from the Netherlands. Thanks for reading and please share this text with others.
That flap on the table with the huge gap under the bigger motor, is the perfect place to hide an electricity cable :)))
Ein Motor wird über einen Pulswelleninverter gespeist. Hört man deutlich an dem Pfeiffton im Hintergrund.
Genau. Das Anschlusskabel geht durch den großen Spalt in der Werkbank. Vermutlich ist es sogar das dicke Kabel, was links unter der Werkbank hervorschaut.
5:54 How nice to hear the frequency converter in the background 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So amazing that I can't even believe that this is possible! And there is a video about the assembly of this engine? A lot of talk that it can work in this mode. Yes, even with the connection of consumers.
Thank you! From Russia.
It's not possible.
I got rid of the mechanical stuff and connected an inverter to a battery, and plugged a battery charger into the inverter.
Much safer with no moving parts, and produces as much free energy as this does.
Please i will like to know how you did it, a picture or something will be okay thanks
@@chinedumnzerem : the government made me dismantle it, and took the pictures.....
@@drewthompson7457 yeah right
@@YourAverageMODude145 : I hope you're just as sceptical of everyone else that claims to make a perpetual motion / free energy machine.
@@drewthompson7457 oh yeah, I know it's fake.
The VFD effect on start up is a nice touch
Which motor is running the other the little one or the bigger one by which outer source a battery or independent electricity source.
The generator is modified to brushless. The neodymium magnets are glued to the rotor and the generator is almost 10 times more powerfull
El mundo campesino nesecita d talento. Se requier generadores muy economicos d 1500 w.gracias
który to silnik a który generator?
@@tomaszstepien628 Wydaje mi się, że mniejszy to generator a większy silnik.
@@marcelchwistek8056po czym to poznajesz?
@@tomaszstepien628 Na początku filmu zakręca generatorem i na mierniku wychodzi 400V
Everyone has seen a magician at the circus... the sight of the performance can be captivating.
If someone asks how he did it, the magician will not answer.
I would like to get the answer along with the explanation in minute detail. ...then the video is worth something and then many people will know how to make them.
Our friend just forgot to hide the dangling cable that powers the smaller motor and he even uses a device to control the speed of the smaller motor during start-up. As the Bee Gees song says I starded a joke
Gotta love hearing the VFD with high frequency pwm spin the motor up gradually. Good job 👏
Also if you notice on the second spin up the motor doesn't get up to speed until the hand walks over to the vfd to turn it up gradually 👍😁
Why do we choose to lie to each other. 🤷♂️
Add revenue... it's his job
Ok.... If he is lying about this... Where is the other wires from where the terminals are connected up top for him to turn up the speed
Probably under the wood drilled thru table.
If you compare a VFD(variable frequency drive) spin up sound to this video. Its identical.
The PWM(pulse width modulation) frequency can be heard very distinctly. Usually 16khz mixed with the 0-400hz frequency.
If the video is real then the uploader can show us all whats underneath the wood and all around the motor as its spinning up.
At the rate it was spinning up to it should have kept going and self destructed, but it didn't. His frequency drive maxed out at 400hz and that was the top speed.
Again the second time he spins it up, pay carefull attention as to how long it take to ramp and and listen the the high frequency ringing from the coils.
If it was truly one motor driving another there wouldn't be a high frequency component like that but rather a consistent frequency increase from 0hz up to max speed of 400hz(for example)
Just an observation.
If I'm wrong please prove me wrong 🙂
Looks good, please put this on top of a glass box (Aquarium)so we can all see around and under it.
Ce fel de motoate sant mai detailat
1st Law of Thermodynamics - Energy can neither be created or destroyed. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - For a spontaneous process, the ENTROPY of the universe increases. 3rd Law of Thermodynamics - A perfect crystal at zero Kelvin has zero entropy. (that motor ain't a perfect crystal) But, congratulations to Dr Daniel...you don't need free energy to get rich.
maybe the first sensible comment for someone who sees behind the lines... I didn't get rich, but the video earned me 2 months' salary. :)
I might be wrong but I think the belt tension is a bit too weak😂
maybe needs a little grease to stop whining
El motor tiene que poder tener menos pérdidas que energía que recibe. (o/y) El generador tiene que dar más ganancia eléctrica que fuerza mecánica que recibe.
Hola, c5rees que si al motor que genera la energia, se le coloca un transformador acaso no podra funcionar?
Berapa lama dapat running
Reconocido correctamente. Ambos están disponibles en Alicia en el País de las Maravillas en las rebajas de verano.
Elektrik üretmek bukadar basitse dünya enerji sorununu çözmüş demekti sizce ne kadar doğru
I saw the table plank open below it moved showing a gap with a fresh cut.
Hope you get your million subscribers!
I don't Rick, it looks fake.
Idealny przyd oszustwa ... Tak właśnie pracuje silnik wydając pisk przy pracy z falownika z regulacją obrotów. Tu tym bardziej widać jak są zwiększanie obroty. Im niższe obroty bym pisk silnika mocniejszy. Oszustwo !!!
ty wiesz jak pracuje taki silnik slyszales kiedys?
Tak, oszustwo zaczyna się w podstawówce na fizie i elektrotechnice :-D Największe oszustwo to generatory wodne, wiatrowe, spalinowe i auto-silnikowe. Bo to wcale nie przepływ elektronów, tylko małe trolki i anioły szczelają piorunami bo siedzą w kabelkach, biskup je święci a obajtek z kaczką kasuje po 2,5 zł za 1 kWh, żeby wszystkich przybliżyć do nieba czyli śmierci z zimna i brudu, wszak zbawienie to dar, a sens życia to krzyż. Hitler miał podobny posób na odchudzanie :-( w mieście Oświecenie :-(
what genset used for this project please specify all the details in the video it would help all thank u for sharing
Needs bigger hidden battery, this takes forever to spool up.hehe.
Is it true
@@KevinSmith-os5yz in
Чётко слышно звук частоты частотного преобразователя , но невидно где он и с какой стороны ввод проводов . Фейк
At the start you can clearly hear the sound of the inverter from which it is powered. Nice trick.
You can hear an inverter?? Wow!! HEY EVERYBODY HERE'S SUPERMAN!! hear an inverter lmmfao.. Do you even know what an inverter is??
@@oregonman5918 Yes i know what inverter is and i know how inverter sounds. I´m not the only one who can hear it, check below in comments.
@@arkadiuszkurowski2673 lol.. Ok well I've had several inverters over the years in trucks from 300 to 4000snds and the only noise they make if the cooling fan! So if you and some others can hear it working well that's amazing!! Hearing of dogs on video!
@@arkadiuszkurowski2673 and lets say that's a shop fan running! No chance of that huh?? I used to fck around in my shop all the time always had the fan on. It was hot! But no way that's what that is huh?? Its got to be an inverter!! Tell me how an inverter works if you can hear one! I'd like to know!
The funny part is a battery charger makes more noice then a 4000 inverter does!
Tisztelt Kun Úr!
Az aszinkron motorok bármilyen átalakításon átestek?
Nem valodi. Egy frekvenciaválto hajtja a kicsi motort. Én is kérdeztem és ezt a választ kaptam.
@@janospekarik5708 köszönöm a választ!
Il primo principio della termodinamica rappresenta una formulazione del principio di conservazione dell'energia e afferma che: l'energia interna di un sistema termodinamico isolato è un universo termodinamico costituito dal sistema e dal suo ambiente, è un sistema isolato. L'energia non si crea né si distrugge, ma si trasforma, passando da una forma a un'altra: l'energia può cioè essere trasferita attraverso scambi di calore e di lavoro.
Nella forma più generale e semplice, quindi nessuna macchina elettrica può produrre più energia di quanta ne fornisci. Uno dei 2 motori è connesso ad un'inverter alimentato dalla rete elettrica che ne la varia velocità, per simulare l'aumento di energia prodotta. Pensa quanti soldi mi sarei fatto vendendo energia elettrica se fosse possibile.
Molte persone preferiscono credere nel potere delle immagini piuttosto che nelle leggi fisiche. L'uomo, dopo tutto, è un animale con gli occhi. Perché abbia un cervello così grande e non lo usi è un mistero, soprattutto quando si tratta di argomenti di questo tipo.
@@ossi.p purtroppo ci sono persone che non sanno neppure avvitare una vite, e questi credono ad ogni scrmenza che gli propinano. Fosse cosi semplice faremmo a meno di tutte le fonti di energia conosciute, ma non è cosi semplice.
I'm electrician. It's heard the classic noise (a very thin sound) of a inverter, a electronic device to control motor speed. This device create the tipical sounds especially with low speed. Consider also with low speed the generator can't produce enough power to make the motor spinning, the energy created is not linear, like 10 rpm=10 watts and 100rpm=100 watts. Usually until a range of minimum rpm (1000 or more) the amount of energy it's ridiculous and not enough to move nothing.
What was that please explain how this won't work?
Зря звук включили..
У любого мотора есть два показателя. С одной стороны есть потребляемая электрическая мощность. И выдаваемая механическая мощность на валу. Как правило моторы стандартные делаются так, чтобы механическая мощность юыла чуит-чуть меньше электрической мощности потребления. Но путем замены постоянных магнитов на роторе на более мощные можно повысить механическую мощность в несколько раз, до 10 раз. Момент вращаения зависит не только от электрической мощности, за счёт которой создаётся магнитное поле статора, но и за счёт магнитного поля построянных магнитов ротора. Чем мощнее магниты ротора, тем больще механическая мозность на валу двигателя. Условно говоря мощность на валу двигателя равна произведению напряжённостей магнитных полей статора и ротора. В принципе можно повысить мозность мотора за счёт снижения сопротивления обмотки статора. Но это задача более трудная, чем замена магнитов ротора на более сильные. Так что алгоритм примерно такой. Надо вначале подобрать генератор с подходящей мощностью - 5-10 кватт. Затем ищем мотор, у которого на статоре стоят обмотки возбуждения, а на роторе стоят магниты. Затем меняем магниты на роторе на магниты с большей можностью с соблюдением прежней полярности, и чтобы диаметр ротора при этом не изменился. Чем ближе магниты ротора будет находится от статора, тем больше мощность на валу. Вот и всё. Далее всё монтируется на основании, устанавливаетс ременная передача или валы генератора и мотора соединяются встык. Выход генератора подаётся на удлинникель на 3-5 розеток, одновременно параллельно к выходу подключается мотор через переключатель. Можно добавить маховик для стабильности вращения и увеличения выходной мощности. Если на выходе генератора будет три фазы, то под каждую фазу отдельный удлиннитель. Но можно этот вечный двигатель установить в отдельную постройку или металлическую стойку, а фазы подключить через щитов с предохранителями, от которго делать разводку по комнатам. и пристройкам.
Такую бандуру можно прямо ставить на велик или автомобиль. На авто есть свой электродивгатель. Если у него три фазы, то можно просто установить трехфазный мотор и использовать его как генератор. Вот вам и автомобиль Теслы.
Вовремя остановился читать ваш комментарий, чуть мозг не закипел.:))
Вы думаете под столом нет скрытого кабеля? Если это так то.....даже не знаю..... похоже на чудо.
Ещё один сказочный"персонаж"
Похоже что вы правы. Вот доказательство что подобное действительно работает: th-cam.com/video/OzOhM4HsIeg/w-d-xo.html
А как на счёт этого ролика особенно посмотрите на 15-45 минуте th-cam.com/video/VhRPYG7HeSw/w-d-xo.html
Ура!!! Вечный двигатель существует... 😉
Но нет. Это фейк.
Так и работает ,просто перекидываешь ещё одним проводом от генератора в преобразователь и далее в проводку можно кабеля от нее протянуть и всё норм работает никаких скачков только с переменного на постоянный
@@icreamxcoin5416 Da pravilno
Не могли бы в кратце объяснить как у него тут работает!? Я понимаю чуток что есть генератор и трёхфазник…. Спасибо 🙏
Ni Gavru# это не вечный но работает целый год!🤣🤣🤣😆😆 ой дурак!!
@@icreamxcoin5416 вы сделали бтг?
5:43 it still shows the voltage while you took it off 😅
По звуку слышен частотник. Это бред а не вечный двигатель
Creativity at the top, but we want to know the content of the generator from the inside. Thank you
If you are familiar with the motors and phases and understand connettic energy and how it works it's very simple. Been doing this since I was 8 I'm 50 now.
@@gregoryb2999 Hello
I am conducting tests in this area
May I ask if you can provide guidance?
Early acknowledgment
☺️😂👍👏Да. Хорошо.
gdzie ten falownik ukryłeś ? a zapomniałeś pokazać ile to energii produkuje to cudowne ustrojstwo ! zgłaszam do nagrody Nobla, będziesz bardzo bogatym człowiekiem
Słychać falownik
Газ не нужен!!! Выкидывай котлы ребята. Всем тепла и света в это сложное время!
I'd like to know if the moutor have permanent magnets like the generator .
thats how the fakes work:
se ve muy bien pero deberias mostrar que no hay un cable debajo de la mesa o una bateria escondida en los motores con un transformador o algo asi....
синхрофазатрон мать его🤣не ужели еще кто то ведется на эти фокусы😂.автор видео а можно приподнять досточку и запечатлеть что там нет проводов?😉
да, прям он покажет, что нет там проводов ))). Видно что фейк 10000%!!!
Да хотя бы подвигать туда сюда по столу.Я весь ролик ждал,но увы.😂😂😂😂😂
@@a.kov.4965 можно в сам двигатель засунуть аккамулятор и частотник а оставить подшипник с шкивом а через пульт включать частотник настроиным плавным пуском.
Да там и так слышен звук чистотника
Bravissimo!!! Non capisco perché tanti commenti negativi questa si chiama energia psichica alimentata da noi che ti guardtamo🙄
Why didn't you put a load on it to prove you could power devices with it?
it would stop!
Alternating current, which supply energy, then, direct current, will consumed power, at the same time, it gives infinite energy until the rest of my life
Einen magnet Motor der die Kraft vom generator bekommt. Respekt 👍
don't make a fool of yourself
You can hear (but not see) the frequencyconverter under the table
For this to make sense, the system must produce more energy than the motor consumes, so it's hard to get this method.
Это точно ,вечный двигатель!?
True but not impossible. If you get your ratings right
It doesn't make sense....to the common person not understanding physics, magnetic particle acceleration and thermodynamics... this is a good illusion !
Its Impossible, to make more energy from the same motor to power it, this video is FAKE
@@theinfohub8356 crap
Başarılı bir çalışma fakat eksik. Elektrik üretmek için yetersiz proje
It's Not free its Genius!
StepUp and rotation :)
You close the circruit
With this technology you are certainly not poor. Good job!
السلام عليكم
اسم المحول الى الكهرباء بلازحمه وشكرا
I'm sure you know you cannot produce more electric that way then it takes to run the motor. I do have some ideas how one could make a device that would make electric it would technically be a battery that produces its own current. But I just don't have the financial means to do a demo on it. When I was 12 years old I tried to talk the airliners and the government into putting parachutes on planes they said it couldn't be done now they're doing it what I know right now a battery that produces its own current is perfectly possible. It's a simple electrical field. I think it would probably cost $10,000 to make a demo
Фейк. Вначале слышно свист частотного преобразователя . А главное что заставило стабелезироваться оборотам. По логике частота должна расти до бесконечности и разорвать всё.
5:52 внимательно послушай щелчок включателя преобразователя слышна 😂
At that speed being belt driven one would think that device should be vibrating all over that table🤔.
The way it is started ,u can see that he has cheated there must be 3 phase supply is given to one of the motor.to produce a magnetic field need lot of force
Sounds good . But what if you put a load on generator ? It will kill the induction motor ? Or you might put a very little load just enough to change tow or three or four car batteries 🔋🔋🔋🔋 ?
Γεια σου. Σύνδεσε το βολτόμετρο, να δείχνει από την αρχή και συνεχώς την τάση καθώς αυξάνει στροφές. Όταν ανεβάσει στροφές στο τέρμα, βάλε ένα μεγάλο φορτίο και συνδεδεμένο αμπερόμετρο, να δείχνει συνεχώς, πόσο τραβάει το φορτίο. Ευχαριστώ, από Ελλάδα.
τα καλοδια που εχει κριψι κατο απο το τραπεζι δεν τα βλέπουμε.. μα ο θοριβος του ινβερτερ VFD στις χαμιλες στροφες ακουιετε καθαρα ..ζζζζζζζζ
μην το πιστευεις λεβεντη,,,, στο ενα απο τα μοτερ ΣΙΓΟΥΡΑ εχει βαλει μαγνητες και στο ροτορα και στο στατορα
καλησπερα Θαναση υπαρχει τροπος επικοινωνιας μαζι σου, θελω να ρωτησω για κινητηρες free energy
I like the rustic workshop motif in this one!!! And none of those cheesy video splices like the ones from the east.
interessante a corrente alternada entre os motores é de 424vac entre as fases. Mostra aí como foi feita o esquema, com certeza o motor menor tem neodímio no induzido. Com essa corrente tão alta precisa ter um transformador pra baixar a tensão de 424vac para 220vac
o chines explicou tudinho agora kkkk
Fake... Ao fundo podemos ouvir o som de um inversor controlando o motor e a rotação está gradual... Fake fake fake
@@lijuansun I agree.
Was für Motoren hast du benutzt und wieviel kw haben die?
Вау , брат , быстрей ведро подставляй ... собирай выработанное электричество и владельцам теслы будешь продавать
Jó napot mindenkinek. Érdekelne hogy ez valódi vagy csak valamilyen módon a motrokban lévő segítséggel múködik például: elemek vagy netán más vezérlő elektronika.
Nem valodi. Egy frekvenciaválto hajtja a kicsi motort.
Köszönöm válaszát, tehát ez nem fog müködni pl: kertben ahol nincs villany áram.
Man hört das summen von einem Frequentsumformer im Hintergrund, Fake..
cant wait to see aircrafts powered with this!
Hello, this is very cool work. . Question: Does the motor have a magnet inside?
fake..the device receives electricity from the network
Mágneses a forgòrész benne hiszen aszinkron motor! Van a vasmag ami rézel van tekercselve az áram hatására a mágnesen henger alakù forgòrész forogni kezd!
Aszinkron motornál pont nem mágneses a forgórész.
(Hacsak nem valami örvényáramú mágnességre gondolt. 😎)
Furcsa hogy egy magyar kommentet sem láttam... a magyarokat az ilyesmi nem érdekli?! Mellesleg ha részletesen elárulod, mit, hogyan módosítottál hogy így működjön, még pénzt is köldök :)
I like how it starts to accelerate.
How are u stopping it?
And for how long will it last?
Siempre ha sido mi sueño este invento. Desde pequeño ya me lo planteaba y sabia que funcionaria.
Hay mucha desinformacion en youtube. Este Video es el mas *Espectacular de cientos que he visto* y evidentemente algunos son *FAKE*
Gracias por compartir. Saludos desde Galicia!
explanatory video. th-cam.com/video/QPDt-pfg2JE/w-d-xo.html
¿Y también cree que hay gente que levita y dobla cucharas con la mente, que desaparecen, hacen aparecer cartas de la nada y otras cosas inverosímiles, que publican en TH-cam? De razón que las religiones y sectas se nutren de gente ingenua que tragan entero y no cuestionan nada.
@@jairolopez812 Que va no creo nada de eso y me considero Divergente" .Es más. he investigado y probado y este video en un FAKE! si quieres te dejo el link donde lo desmontan.....Saludos.
Pues por el comentario al que le respondí da a entender todo lo contrario. He visto varios videos donde sin tanta matemática o casi nada, solo por lógica se da uno cuenta que son burdos montajes. No es que sea "Divergente" es solo que es lógico y al menos tiene conocimiento del tema. Y gracias por el saludo y de vuelta otro saludo.
Poporul meu are povesti cu ,,tinerețe fără bătrânețe și viață fără de moarte " De copil le-am crezut! Crezul este gratis
Very interesting 🤔 Did you put a load on to see what it can do?? HOW DO YOU STOP THE MACHINE???
The sorcerer's apprentice forgot to install an off switch. And if the construction does not destroy itself, it is still running today.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Вот мне тогда интересно было бы посмотреть если эта правда то как он его остановил
Наверное отвёртку меж контактов сунул🤣🤣🤣
Открутил контакт
@@ZoRro500e прикольно током долбит а он гайки крутит👍🤣
What is the price of this generator.will this generator run contineousely for 8 hours.how watt power load can take from this set. Can you proper reply.i am egarly waiting to see your reply
Ни фига себе вот это вечный двигатель прелесть вас ист фантастиш спасибо огромное за видео здоровья вам удачи и всего хорошего пока 🙏👍👍👍👍👍
Ты звук частотного преобразователя вообще не слышишь ?
@@ВладимирЦарьков-ф2ф извените, но я хочу знать что делает частотный преобразователь и как это работает? За рание спасибо.
Это фейк,никакого вечного двигателя нет, если бы был вечный двигатель, то он бы продавался на рынке вместо бензинового генератора.
@@ТимурЛевин-м7в e secondo te.. tutte le industrie petrolifere resterebbero a guardare le loro aziende fallire? Ed i loro immensi guadagni svanire ? Auto.. camion.. generatori.. quasi ogni cosa va a carburante! Esistono fin troppi conflitti di interesse a questo mondo.. se io inventassi una barca a vela.. chi vende le barche a remi non troverebbe più clienti.. !! Riflettici..
@@369N.Tesla3 однако и парусные лодки и лодки на вёслах существуют. Подумайте об этом.
If this is true. Napoleon is my mother-in-law. By no electrodynamic Law this is possible.
А где же инвертор спрятан ???
How long can it run before it burns out?
Hello, can you tell me please the technical dates of the engine & generator? (voltage, watts, rpm, ampere).
I appreciate your answer very much !!!!!!!
kind regards
The idea of powering an electric motor from a generator and the claim that "infinite, free, and free energy" is produced is often associated with concepts that are inconsistent with fundamental principles of physics and energy conservation. These claims are generally considered to be misleading and deceptive.
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Thus, the idea of obtaining infinite energy from a closed system contradicts this fundamental law of physics.
Specifically, when a generator powers an electric motor, there is always energy loss due to electrical resistance, friction, and other factors. Therefore, it is not possible to get more energy out than you initially put into the system - this principle is known as the "second law of thermodynamics".
In conclusion, the idea of getting "infinite, free, and free" energy from such setups is generally viewed with skepticism and is usually associated with schemes that try to take advantage of people's lack of knowledge of the fundamental principles of physics. In general, it is important to evaluate such claims with a critical eye and rely on validated scientific principles when analyzing such concepts
Jó napot nekem az lenne a kérdésem hogy hol lehet venni ilyen generátort és hogy milyen árba vannak előre is koszonom
Na erre én is kíváncsi lennék.
Biztos nem olcsó; több évi energia fogyasztásodat fedezheti.
Szerintem jobban jársz, ha magad építed meg. 😎
Wow that's amazing so please sir after this how can you connected to the load side , can you send us a video please.
This is a fake set, find the trick.
При запуске пищит частотник, вот и весь фокус
Очень слышно работу частотного преобразователя задающего частоту вращения плавного пуска двигателя .
5:52 внимательно послушай даже щелчк кнопки слышна 😂
Interesting, but could you please repeat the experiment on the glass table?
Nice! You know how to make laws of physics useles
jobb ha elfelejtjük ezeket a bűvészmutatványokat.Nagyon káros a tudásunk egészségére!Jellemző a joutube színvonalára!
Az a káros az emberek tudására hogy nem képesek elfogadni hogy amit az álomvilágukban elképzeltek nem létezik... Jellemzö a társadalom szinvonalára.... Mert mindenki a hazugságra vágyik a konteokban hisz az észérvek helyett, és erre van igény mert a valoságot képtelenek elfogadni. Lehet ezen höbölögni de amig ezt fogják megnézni én erre fogok tartalmat gyártani. Gyerek szinten lévö társadalomnak a mese kell akkor én azt fogom gyártani.
You express your level of culture
Achei estranho o barulho quando acionado parece um inversor de frequência
Bravo!!! Sxema TESLA. Perpetu Mobile-bez Dalekovoda. Koji je imao Želju i Nameru, a nije mu se ostvario San. Zašto??? Jasno je svim Bozijim Ljudima do Danas kao Beli Dan. Zar ne??? Prijatnoooooo
4: 30 see the belt tension and direction
In this video Drive main Motor is right side machine .
But this system motor and generator are changed .
My conclusion , this is fake.
Is that wire from above of the motor your electrical supply to run the motor? Its not free energy after all.
We are happy to support such videos. The electronics industry and especially the large electric motors and generators require a lot of know-how. Such videos encourage the next generation of engineers to study the subject. We are currently building our own community on our channel. Anyone who wants to take part is cordially invited.
I'm on board
I'm on board
यस्तै खालकाे फ्रि ईनर्जि प्रबिधि भए सिचाइ मा बिजुलि ख्च गर्नु पर्ने थिएन । किसान लाइ सजिलो हुनथ्याे।
Só vi o motor fazer esse ruído na partida até atingir a rotação final com inversor de frequência ele provavelmente deve estar debaixo da bancada 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Faça o teste amigo! Um gerador e um motor trifáso c a mesma rotação.
Eu tenho um motor de italianinha trifásica e faz esse barulhinho tanto com ou sem inversor fw 10.
can you Please give the type sign of the engine and the generator that would be helpful i know this is old but i would like to make one thank you
"ITS A TRAP" door in the table and the power supply on the wall and the screaming VFD.... Good vid though...
You must be a ghost on YT you have no content on your channel.
@@MehmetBoysal No not a ghost.. It's a new TH-cam concept to see how many subscribers I can get, for having NO content...Thanks for checking me out and Don't forget to subscribe?
Wybaczcie wszyscy komentujący ten film ale właściciel określił się w opisie "Jest głodny i chce tylko kasę".Szkoda pisać i pytać i tak nie odpowie .Liczy się tylko Cash!!!!!.Przykre że taka jest ludzkość.
Its fake
Nice and simple. Just wondering how many hours it will last with at least 25% loads capacity
That motor has a magnetic core in it. MAGNETS. Read about magnets and you will find out how many hours it will last. I'll tell you straight. If you service the engines, greasing the bearings and cleaning them you won't get to live how long that engine will last. Magnest loose about 1% of their properties in 100 years. That's a fact.
Bullshit and not possibly at all
C'est impossible que ça marche !!!!!!
Is this engine and alternator?
This is great, but we don't know what kind of generator it is. Is it unknown?
Nice scotter wouldn't be nice to have one of those twister motors on it. Love you guy. Kevin James