This was a favourite my Mum never liked me dancing so i made sure to learn it fabulous I loved it and still do not the turns anymore the walk walk shuffles are fine
Appreciate your comments, however she is part of the family and I won't shut her out. Most of the time she is very quiet so the odd occasion cannot be helped
This was a favourite my Mum never liked me dancing so i made sure to learn it fabulous I loved it and still do not the turns anymore the walk walk shuffles are fine
Yes, it is a nice dance. Lock down enabled me to learn it
I trid listening to this but can't hear so.e of it for the dogs feet on the floor.
One of the pitfalls for recording in the house. I can't always control what the dog does or where she goes. Most of the time she wasn't a problem
The sound of the dog scratching itself was very distracting.perhaps she could put it in another room next time.
Appreciate your comments, however she is part of the family and I won't shut her out. Most of the time she is very quiet so the odd occasion cannot be helped