every show is the same Non religious person "I'm gonna make sense for 5 minutes" Religious person "I'm gonna bend those facts and confuse the shit out of you for 5 minutes, job done."
Most of the religious denominations would not allow children to question the authenticity or logic of their stories, whether written in scriptures or transmitted through oral tradition. They would harshly reprimand them.
But everyone is guilty of confirmation bias, when you're brought up in a religious family the influences you get are heavily biased towards your families religion which hinders critical thinking and open-mindedness
yes, its difficult for religious ppl and even for the moderates to question anything of the scripture but some of us -- we the progressives do question things we find difficult to agree with and if we fail to find any reason we prefer to consider it irrelevant for the time or at least inapplicable in our personal lives. ps: I'm a Muslim with a third-word country background.
@@DinieSuhaimi This is a blatant lie. Apostasy is punishable by death. You are demonstrating the double think that extreme religious indoctrination can inflict on a person.
when I was a kid and asked a lot of questions to Christians at church and my family, they acted like I was trying to disprove their beliefs or disagreeing with them and would get angry more time than not.
we in pakistan use humour to strike a nerve of religious people, if you just get all witty about some religious stuff you think is funny, people will just tolerate it even if they don't like it much. I make fun of the clerics all the time albeit we can't do the same for religious personalities or prophets - that's kind of unforgivable in this part of the world. But, clerics can be booed, jeered and even beaten up!
why does Religion have to be introduced to children at such a young age? wouldn't it be better they were introduced it in their late teens or as thinking adults so they can make committed and a well thought out decision to accept and follow the Religions?? It seems to be quite fair.
+Duane Locsin because religion is more of a cultural construct as opposed to genuine beliefs. most christians/muslims don't know what they believe in, they were just born to religious families.
I believe children should be introduced to religion but in a very limited way, they should be told that god is their best friend and confidant, I used to talk to god when I was a child, I even wrote letters to him in my troubled teens even though I was taught a lot more than I needed, lol.
But I'll tell you why it is a crime. When children are that young, they"ll believe any.bullshit. There are thousands of gods,religions,superstitions who can't possibly be true, so even if one of them were true, it is unfair towards the children not to wait until they are in an age when they won't believe any b.s at all before you introduce them to superstitions and religions. They are too young to make fully informed and tational decisions yet. That simple.
Geir Erling Gulbrandsen Bullshit. Teaching religion is part of a tradition that binds a culture. Are you telling me that native Americans cannot teach their children according to their belief system? You have no freedom. You are one step from Stalin.
That’s cuz religions teach Segregation and trying saying to people “you’re free to think freely” but only if you choose to think how our religious family wants you to
"Religion asks it adherents to question everything", around 6:30 Where on earth do people get this idea? ALL religions do that? How about quoting some scripture to support your claim. Christianity does the exact opposite. So does Judaism. "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
At @5:29 the guy that screamed yah, when the humanist was talking about cutting part of children Genitalia, i was crying and laughing. In joy of course.
Religion can, undoubtedly, be used to stifle a child's curiosity. I had a Jewish friend, who, when asking questions about religion, was told by his teacher "Don't question it. It just is."
@@qurratulainzehra8760 Your comment really shows the limitations of text communication. It would help me understand you a great deal if I heard a positive or negative inflection on this statement.
@@qurratulainzehra8760 I'm kinda surprised you responded. I wonder how long these vids will last. How cool would it be to see comments that are centuries old?
It's funny how she said faith schools accept everyone.. For me to get into a catholic primary school when I was younger, my parents had to convince the teacher who came to inspect me that I was a catholic child and that I had a belief in God. And my years there was shoving religion down my throat, forcing us to sing half an hours worth of hymns a day and such. Something I happily turned my back on! Although I don't regret going to the schools and meeting the people I did, but that's not relevant. If I had half the understanding that I do now about religions, I wouldn't have wanted to go.
@@yassirammar3723 Haven't you heard? Isis is defeated and so will be every future isis that tries to establish any kind of kilafa. That shows, in practice, no religion can be above the law or universal human rights.
@@LilyRose-theOne They won't leave us in peace... 😥😪 Everybody should learn the objective of Islam. The objective of Islam is to establish dominance all over the world, to dominate and subjugate everyone under the rule of Islam. Does this mean that all Muslims want to take over the world? No, of course not. Not every Muslim even reads the Qur'an. Not every Muslim even knows how to read, and not everyone of the literate Muslims, who are able to read and understand the following commandments, are willing to fulfil them. But watch out for those who are! PROOF NO.1 - THE SUNNAH i.e. According to prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam and the everlasting example of a perfect Muslim: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." Grade: Sahih sunnah.com/bukhari/2/18 “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.” Grade: Sahih sunnah.com/muslim/1/36 “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.” Grade: Sahih sunnah.com/muslim/1/33 If you think the sunnah was bad, but the Qur'an must be all about peace, love, harmony and especially the freedom of religion, guess again. It's much worse. The Qur'an commands, not only Muhammad but all muslims, to fight everyone who doesn't believe in Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger. PROOF NO.2 - THE QUR'AN: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.” quran.com/9/29
My major concern is that children should learn to think - to reason, to question and to work out how to find out about the world. The problem with religious instruction is that it encourages and values faith. Faith is a very poor substitute for reason. Faith is blindly accepting what you're told at face value. Indoctrinating faith into children inhibits and contradicts reason. Religious people know deep down that their beliefs cannot be justified, and they know how ridiculous religious beliefs are; so if they allow their child to mature without religious indoctrination, it will be very difficult to convince the adult that their religion is true - which would force them to confront the reality of their own indoctrination. It's a painful prospect, and so much easier to carry on the tradition so nobody has to worry about it.
Sure. Me too. And I think a child can gradually learn to think for him, or herself while being raised in a God centered family of faith, where the family is a is a unified fromt that's at least on the same page, & has the same agenda, & isn't about chaos. But yes, a child should learn to gradually learn to think for him, or herself in exactly that kind of environment. .... It's called balance. A word that I hear all the libbies throwing around all the time, every 5 seconds or so. ;)
MrJohnnyjeyy Ah yes, you've raised another interesting point. If a family (or any other group) is on a unified front and all agree, there's no debate or discussion. So ideas that might not be useful or beneficial remain unquestioned and perpetuate through mutual acceptance. There is no progress until someone questions the status quo. How can indoctrinating a child into a certain religion be called "balance"? You could make that case for teaching a child about all religions and allowing the child complete freedom to choose or reject any faith, or create their own; but teaching, for example, that the Bible is true is not balanced at all, it's completely biased!
Ok, so. Would you have it where children run the home when they are children, & usurp a patent's authority in the home? Would you have it where, elementary aged children all choose different things at that age so that the parents, wind up having to make special rules for each child, & no one is part of a unified front? And would you actually entertain the idea of parents being allowed to instill into their children the same values they believe to be true? Sounds to me as though the way you'd have it would be that, parents are nothing more than birth givers, with absolutely no right to persue a unified family at all. What I see clearly here is, a bunch of bigoted antichristians who are simply hell bent on wiping out christianity, & are not above resorting to catastrophizing a family faith, &/or standard by exaggerating & calling it child abuse. What I see in this discussion is an attempt to rid the world of christianity, under the false guise of, being concerned about children & their so-called, 'choices". I'm sorry, but in my experience, if you let a child choose everything for themselves, nothing but bad can come from that. In any normal decent family unit, parents set the tone, & then, once the child is old enough to get a job, & move out on their own, & fend for themselves, then they can make any decisions they see fit, no matter how good or moronic they may seem. Why don't you just cut the crap, & be honest, & just admit, you are an antichristian that will resort to saying & reframing anything about christianity in a negative light, & that your real concern has absolutely nothing to do with children's choices at all. I know the typical "libby-lingo". You are simply a hater of the faith. So, quit with the fake altruistic bent, & just admit you have your own issues with Christianity, & leave other free people to rear their children in any way they see fit so long as, there is no real abuse. Parents setting the tone in the home does not always equal abuse. So quit it with the altruistic BS. You're not fooling anyone. K?
MrJohnnyjeyy Are you trying to wind me up or are you genuinely stupid? Do you think that children "running the home" is a "useful or beneficial" idea? I certainly don't. Ditto making "special rules for each child". >>"And would you actually entertain the idea of parents being allowed to instill into their children the same values they believe to be true?"
Stew Taylor Oh, that's really attractive. Bravo! Clap-clap-clap! First of all, I didn't need to be taught how to think for myself. I just sort of "evolved" into it. Had I lacked any ability to think at all, I wouldn't have been able to think my argument through, refine it, then execute it in such a way that, you had to break down every little point to respond to me in the hostile manner that you have. Also, if I lacked any ability to think for myself then, nothing I could possibly say could get you so worked up, because I obviously touched a nerve. The nerve being, I saw through, & called you out as a religious bigot. That typically happens whenever a libby get's busted out on their candycoated rhetoric, IE fake altruism. Now, allow me to clarify a few points I was actually trying to make..... Forget that, I'll simplify it..... It seems to me, after watching this video that, the discussion through this page is all about LETTING CHILDREN make choices concerning religion. Correct? Right, good, ok. Now, if a husband & wife are practicing Christians, what should they do with their children on Sundays? Dole out their hard earned cash to leave the Children at home with an ATHEIST/LIBBY babysitter, just to make non Christians, atheists, & libbies happy? I mean, seriously, what's happened to our World when Christians find themselves being forced to be concerned with what atheists & libbies think about things, especially when, it's things they admit to having issues with anyway? I mean, most of you atheists & libbies could care less what religious people think or feel about things, right? I mean, your above response kinda makes my point there, doesn't it? ;)
I'm so happy that my wife and I made a conscious decision to not bring our child up in any religion. He's a well rounded human that does not need to believe in the unbelievable...
Timbo Slice No! I never said all Muslims are "unlikable"! I stated very clearly that the Muslim speakers we see on TV are always the MOST DISLIKEABLE. And you are demonstrating the same behaviour here by trying to infer bias against all Muslims in my comments here. This kind of devious behaviour is very telling actually.
Greeny202a Yes she seems to be full of opinions that I am not sure she would be so keen on repeatedly spewing out if she was in a muslim country. I wonder has she ever heard of the penalty for apostasy, not sure that sits well with religion being taught to children for me!
Agreed. And he does do his due diligence in terms of pre-show research, so he understands where each panelist is coming from, and knows how to ask (decently) intelligent and insightful questions.
I remember at primary school we were made to sing hymns, go to church sometimes and in assemblies we had the person from the church come and talk about Christianity, also we had to say a group prayer everyday. Luckily I wasn't part of a religious family so it didn't burn on me.
Excalty spot on. Its their souls not ours. Our job is to love them and protect them and keep them sane in this world. One way is by respecting their integrety. They might end up teaching us more about life than we ever thought possible. I have two kids as well and they are only 1 and 3 but I am learning every day from them :)
@@qurratulainzehra8760 Well, they weren't happy. They were both sincerely afraid for my soul. My mom just cried. My dad said angrily "Who's gonna save your ass?" I tried explaining that my ass needs no saving. They blamed it on my humanities courses, saying college exposed me to crazy ideas. Fast forward 20+ years and my father who's since renounced his religion laughs about this conversation. "Did I really say that?" he asks incredulously. My mom is a different story. She's cool though.
Im a non believer, and I went to a Catholic school. When I started to become critical of ideas and started to question certain beliefs, I was sent out of class. The hard truth is religion doesn't allow critical thinking. If that Muslim woman was in Saudi Arabia, and she questioned Islam, she'd probably be publicly whipped.
religion teaches children that they cannot be good on thier own accord, they can only attain goodness through a diety. this is very wrong and disturbing. let them be themselves and chances are the will do the right thing...
"And it is evidently far better to be using our creative talents in a constant endeavor to do good to others and improve the world around us, than to be living idly in a perfect but static world" I agree. But we don't need religion for that.
I was raised in a conservative Christian, semi-fundamentalist, home. My parents were loving and to this day I have a fairly good relationship with them, as well as with my 3 siblings (all still professing Christians, although much more liberal now in their adulthood). I also went to private Christian schools my whole life. 3 years ago I left the Christian faith and am somewhat of an Agnostic at this point in my life. I am glad I did not go to public school and I feel, out of the many private Christian schools out there, mine was a pretty good one. My history teacher had her nose pierced - so progressive! That being said, I regret very much going to a Christian University (although because I studied Christianity, the Bible, and religion in general so much - this is what led to me leaving the faith/religion as a whole). My majors: Journalism and Anthropology were grossly understated and very much unprepared me for working in those fields compared to any State school. I don't think I turned out too badly, being raised in a religious home, however I will say, there was a lot of shame and guilt placed upon me growing up. I hit puberty at age 9 and was quite curvy shortly after with large breasts/hips/etc. My favor often shamed be for this making me cover up to extremes. The repression of my body, my sexuality, and who I was as a woman and ultimately a person BECAUSE of being raised in a Christian household, took many years to break free from. I certainly did not have it as bad as many who grew up in strict religious households - but I will not be raising my children in one.
solomon duncan Religion doesn't teach kids morals. Their parents do. Telling a child they're a sinner and they're going to burn in hell unless they worship something also seems somewhat abusive to me.
solomon duncan Religion teaches you morals? Like: Slavery, genocide, sacrifice, killing of all first borns? Those morals? Or, submitting to an authority out of fear of being tormented for an eternity?
The central theme of Christianity is NOT love, It's mindless worship of Jesus. You could literally hate everyone, accept Jesus Christ as you lord and savior and still be a Christian.
I'm german and my english isn't that good so I don't understand every word the people in the video say, but I think this muslim woman with the blue thing on the head said sth like "because of religion kids question things". Why because of religion? Why do you need religion to question things? Isn't your brain enough? I'm atheistic and young (13 years old) and I question things because of things that happened, I read or heard of, I thought about. I don't just go with things that other people say about "they're right", I think about them myself. And I don't need any religion for it.
I've red the koran for the larger part, before I was overcome with boredom. There is no difference between the koran and hundreds of other holy books. It just has a lot of purposely ambivalent language so you can read into it whatever meaning supports your religion best. All 'holy' books share this trait.
Ive always struggled with my own faith but used to take my boys to Catholic church every week. I always told them that it's not that important whether it's all true or not, they're good stories to live by.
I see some serious problems with that line of reasoning. Not only that many of the stories are extremely immoral, but even the ones that are benign, presume the authority of a god (therefore validating the evil ones). It's so much easier to hand out good stories, with clear morals that don't have cults behind them. Try early pokemon or something. I just can't see how it can be divorced from its negative aspect.
@@valroniclehre193 Exactly, I'm afraid Brendan has vestigial cognitive dissonance..trying to find the good in religion by half assing it, but perhaps I am wrong and hopefully I am.
@@FactStorm Uhh lets not be so harsh. Honestly any story can be nitpicked to some pretty bad implications, but thats only justified if its supposed to be true or perfect. If star wars was true luke would be responsible for millions of deaths of enlisted men and women. I just dont like the church environment. It has the very things that make stories dangerous.
I am so grateful to my parenta for bringing me up in a household where they tried to limit the religious doctrine i waa exposed to (eg asking me to be excused from hymns and prayer at school) and they really wanted me to be able to make my own mind up. They also encouraged me to learn about politics.
Teaching children religion is very good but forcing them to believe something is not. But we should open it to them to learn different types of religion including science and let them make a choice, it's good that children learn different religions so that they can learn about other peoples way of life, I grew up with a Muslim family but my parents didn't teach me anything about my religion they just told me to be good because that's what the Quran says and it's good to be good even without the Quran. Religion can be good for children, abolishing religion won't garentee no wars, face it, the real cause of war is GREED. It's about LAND, it becomes worse when that land has certain resources such as mining, coal, sinc, gold or diamond.
as an ex muslim, i find it hilarious when muslim women speak about religion, and islam in particular, as a faith that allows people to question about the world. This couldnt be farther from the truth. I guess they are allowed to question everything as long as the answer to all those questions is God. I am still amazed that we have soo many people who believe in religion and the literal meaning of all the holy scriptures. NOT ME
The way this should be dealt with is that when you bring up your child, you should tell them that some people do believe and some don't. That way it's fair. I'll tell my children that I believe in God, but they don't have to, and it's up to them. If they choose to believe in God, it's their choice.
55] In a 1950 letter to M. Berkowitz, Einstein stated that "My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."
Einstein might have said those quotes about the gospel, but he clearly said, "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
The obvious answer is no lol. The woman with the turquoise headscarf is so angry! Doing my head in... 22:54 onwards that David guy is so annoying.. Blithering fool
Surah Ikhlas (Holy Qur'an 112:1-4) is: Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.
My overall experience of religion is that it doesn’t teach people to think for themselves but to believe in their religion with little or no questioning. I often feel religious people are narrow minded, intolerant, judgemental, censorious, conventional and patronising towards people who have different beliefs to themselves and are conceited enough to believe they are right and everyone else wrong because they think their beliefs are divinely warranted.
He died in 2002, so that could be difficult. He was an atheist, so I understand your sentiments. He was, however, at least a bit more honest than most paleontologists. I think he knew more about his subject matter than you obviously do.
I don't think anyone is talking about laws. Just opinions I believe. I never taught my kids about religion, although they attended universalist services with my ex-wife. They are well adjusted kids, very smart, and one is Atheist and one Agnostic. They came to that decision by themselves however. That is what is important here. Giving your kids the choice, not making it your choice.
"Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her. What are you doing out here, little girl? the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster. I'm on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook, Little Red Riding Hood replied." (Little Red Riding Hood)
when i have my own family, i will teach my child about the Bible. i won't force him to believe it. nobody can force anyone to believe anything. however, i will still give him the information about Christianity and let him choose to believe it or not. i believe that being a Christian is the best thing that can happen in one's life. i still treasure it more than my life. believing in God is worth so much more than anything in this world. this knowledge alone is the best gift that anyone can get
This is the best episode and ranks alongside the hitchens/grayling intelligence squared debate in my opinion. Religion is insidious and damaging to innocent inquiring biological human minds. It is a serious issue the problem of indoctrinated parents teaching confusing mystical beliefs to thinking developing offspring, to be deciphered while maturing is already difficult. Countless years and lifetimes are wasted by us who anguish and struggle finally to the realization that there is no god. It makes the difference between praying and waiting for things to help and you forcing action for yourself.
religion does not teach a child to question, it does the exact opposite telling them that this unquestionable being is to be feared and loved and that all rules it provides are never to be argued. Religion closes off childern's nature to question and explore.
I think religion should be only taught to people with a rational thinking already developed willing to embrace a belief. I find religion potentially damaging for kids, specially for those who might suffer from any mental problems like OCD, psychosis or who can develop a mental disease because religion uses fear in almost every teaching and because religion has so many preconceived ideas that have no base in real life.
It was required at boarding school to attend church on Sundays. So at 10 years old I decided to take confirmation so I could receive the holy sacrement is get a slug of wine!
So avoiding it rather than thinking about it. Also your comment doesn't suddenly disappear off youtube I only watched this video today and saw your comment. I will not say god bless you as you very well know but I do wish you well in life.
You know, in another debate, the Christians/Muslims on the religious side would be on the other side telling how the other religion isn't good for children.
In my family, who are very religious, there was no room for questions that even hinted doubt in Christianity. I was an opinionated free spirit that found these confinements too constricting and contradicting. Even as young as 8 I could not agree with my interpretations of Christianity as being morally right. Most of my childhood I kept my mouth shut about my true beliefs for fear of the consequences of family and peers.
Not to mention it has also been directly observed in the span of hours to a few decades.. speciation in birds, lizards, protozoa, bacteria, reptiles (lerista punctovittata), fungi etc. Morphological, behavioural, biochemical adaptations resulting from those organisms tht survive and thrive in their dynamic ecosystem. The medication and vaccines u may take is thx to our understanding of these processes.
Correct Law: If someone accuses a woman of sexual misbehavior (prostitution/adultery/fornication), but that person cannot produce 4 witnesses with identical Testimony & Trustworthy background, then the accuser will be punished for "defamation". Distorted/Horrible Application: In Pakistan (i think) If a woman was raped, in a lot of cases she has to produce 4 witnesses with identical Testimony, otherwise SHE will be punished. Can't you see the huge difference between the a law & an application ?
As someone in grad school, I strongly believe in questioning and advancing existing theories.. but not by anyone. The individual should first show competence in the said field, study it, understand it and only then embark on a voyage of new discovery. Otherwise, it is most likely going to be detrimental, waste taxpayer's money and cause massive facepalms. I have a 10 year old sis. She questions me on how things work. Thts fine. But she cant choose to reject Residue theory on a whim.
i agree so i don't see anything wrong with raising a child not just in religion but Christianity it forces you to think about your religion and then make a decision
No one should be raise under any religion! Children should be raised to be free thinking and sceptical. When a person becomes 18 and are a adult by law they can make there own decision which religion the choose to follow.
I'm unsure what to label myself after all these years. Was raised as a Hindu but without the fear of course, but then I learnt about other religions and the difference between one another. But then what's the difference between us all apart from gender and other traits? That said I'd put myself more in the Hindu-Agnostic-Spiritual mold, not sure that's possible lol.
What was Darwin's son, (who wrote "Eugenic Reform" in 1926) was he an evolutionist or a eugenicist? What is Peter Singer (check out his interviews of TH-cam)? Is he an evolutionist, is he an atheist, is he a eugenicist? What are most abortionist? There's a difference??
For the NT of Acts, the confirmation of historicity is overwhelming. Any attempt to reject its basic historicity, even in matters of detail, must now appear absurd. Roman historians have long taken it for granted. A.N Sherwin-White/ Classical Roman Historian
children should never be forced to be brought up in a religion it is extremely cruel its a guilt tripping load of garbage that cant explain even the most simple questions if you leave a religion you are instantly frowned upon and treated like shit no child should go through this
"So if they argue with you, say, 'I have submitted myself to God, and so have those who follow me.' And say to those who were given the Scripture and to the unlearned, 'Have you submitted yourselves?' And if they submit, they are rightly guided; but if they turn away - then upon you is only the duty of notification. [Quran: 3:20] "We sent down to you, the Book for mankind in truth. So, whosoever goes astray, he goes astray to his own loss. And you are not a guardian over them." [Quran 39:41]
every show is the same
Non religious person "I'm gonna make sense for 5 minutes"
Religious person "I'm gonna bend those facts and confuse the shit out of you for 5 minutes, job done."
Most of the religious denominations would not allow children to question the authenticity or logic of their stories, whether written in scriptures or transmitted through oral tradition. They would harshly reprimand them.
Not as a muslim. In islam you can question anything
But everyone is guilty of confirmation bias, when you're brought up in a religious family the influences you get are heavily biased towards your families religion which hinders critical thinking and open-mindedness
yes, its difficult for religious ppl and even for the moderates to question anything of the scripture but some of us -- we the progressives do question things we find difficult to agree with and if we fail to find any reason we prefer to consider it irrelevant for the time or at least inapplicable in our personal lives. ps: I'm a Muslim with a third-word country background.
@@DinieSuhaimi This is a blatant lie. Apostasy is punishable by death. You are demonstrating the double think that extreme religious indoctrination can inflict on a person.
@@DinieSuhaimi this is biggest joke.
when I was a kid and asked a lot of questions to Christians at church and my family, they acted like I was trying to disprove their beliefs or disagreeing with them and would get angry more time than not.
You are not alone.
Try ask muslims at mosque. They will answer all your questions
we in pakistan use humour to strike a nerve of religious people, if you just get all witty about some religious stuff you think is funny, people will just tolerate it even if they don't like it much. I make fun of the clerics all the time albeit we can't do the same for religious personalities or prophets - that's kind of unforgivable in this part of the world. But, clerics can be booed, jeered and even beaten up!
Good example of dogma rotting brains
Its like asking '' Is cancer good for my balls?"
why does Religion have to be introduced to children at such a young age?
wouldn't it be better they were introduced it in their late teens or as thinking adults so they can make committed and a well thought out decision to accept and follow the Religions??
It seems to be quite fair.
+Duane Locsin because religion is more of a cultural construct as opposed to genuine beliefs. most christians/muslims don't know what they believe in, they were just born to religious families.
It’s hard to indoctrinate a developed mind.
But ur happy for the schools to teach bum sex at age 6 to our children!! Fukin deluded sheeps!!
I believe children should be introduced to religion but in a very limited way, they should be told that god is their best friend and confidant, I used to talk to god when I was a child, I even wrote letters to him in my troubled teens even though I was taught a lot more than I needed, lol.
It's illegal where I live, to teach religion to small children.
You live in a bad place.
Not according to official numbers. According to those it doesn't get much better in the world.:)
Geir Erling Gulbrandsen If you do not have tolerance for religious beliefs, what do you have? What makes life grand?
But I'll tell you why it is a crime. When children are that young, they"ll believe any.bullshit. There are thousands of gods,religions,superstitions who can't possibly be true, so even if one of them were true, it is unfair towards the children not to wait until they are in an age when they won't believe any b.s at all before you introduce them to superstitions and religions. They are too young to make fully informed and tational decisions yet. That simple.
Geir Erling Gulbrandsen Bullshit. Teaching religion is part of a tradition that binds a culture. Are you telling me that native Americans cannot teach their children according to their belief system?
You have no freedom. You are one step from Stalin.
A loving Christian household...unless you're gay or an atheist
Skeith Cainhurst Vileblood or any of the other 50,000 secs of chritianity
all this religious arguing reminds me of 2 bald men fighting over a comb
That’s cuz religions teach Segregation and trying saying to people “you’re free to think freely” but only if you choose to think how our religious family wants you to
"Religion asks it adherents to question everything", around 6:30
Where on earth do people get this idea? ALL religions do that? How about quoting some scripture to support your claim.
Christianity does the exact opposite. So does Judaism.
"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
In my book, any parent that tells a child that if they are not good, the will burn in hell, is guilty of child abuse and should be prosecuted as such.
I agree with the sentiment, but we both know too many people do this for it to actually be enforceable as law.
At @5:29 the guy that screamed yah, when the humanist was talking about cutting part of children Genitalia, i was crying and laughing. In joy of course.
Religion can, undoubtedly, be used to stifle a child's curiosity.
I had a Jewish friend, who, when asking questions about religion, was told by his teacher "Don't question it. It just is."
we muslims are the same, we like discouraging a questioning mind.!
@@qurratulainzehra8760 Your comment really shows the limitations of text communication. It would help me understand you a great deal if I heard a positive or negative inflection on this statement.
@@valroniclehre193 lol i don't give an af about this ancient conversation.
@@qurratulainzehra8760 I'm kinda surprised you responded. I wonder how long these vids will last. How cool would it be to see comments that are centuries old?
It's funny how she said faith schools accept everyone..
For me to get into a catholic primary school when I was younger, my parents had to convince the teacher who came to inspect me that I was a catholic child and that I had a belief in God. And my years there was shoving religion down my throat, forcing us to sing half an hours worth of hymns a day and such.
Something I happily turned my back on! Although I don't regret going to the schools and meeting the people I did, but that's not relevant. If I had half the understanding that I do now about religions, I wouldn't have wanted to go.
no religion can be above the law. That's it.
Winson Hui no law can be above religion.
@Winson Hui. Agreed.
@@yassirammar3723 Haven't you heard? Isis is defeated and so will be every future isis that tries to establish any kind of kilafa. That shows, in practice, no religion can be above the law or universal human rights.
@Yassir Ammar - theocracy has no place in a western world. You want theocracy? Then do not immigrate to western countries. Stay at where you are.
@@LilyRose-theOne They won't leave us in peace... 😥😪
Everybody should learn the objective of Islam.
The objective of Islam is to establish dominance all over the world, to dominate and subjugate everyone under the rule of Islam. Does this mean that all Muslims want to take over the world? No, of course not. Not every Muslim even reads the Qur'an. Not every Muslim even knows how to read, and not everyone of the literate Muslims, who are able to read and understand the following commandments, are willing to fulfil them. But watch out for those who are!
PROOF NO.1 - THE SUNNAH i.e. According to prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam and the everlasting example of a perfect Muslim:
"I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
Grade: Sahih
“I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.”
Grade: Sahih
“I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.”
Grade: Sahih
If you think the sunnah was bad, but the Qur'an must be all about peace, love, harmony and especially the freedom of religion, guess again. It's much worse. The Qur'an commands, not only Muhammad but all muslims, to fight everyone who doesn't believe in Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.”
My major concern is that children should learn to think - to reason, to question and to work out how to find out about the world. The problem with religious instruction is that it encourages and values faith. Faith is a very poor substitute for reason. Faith is blindly accepting what you're told at face value. Indoctrinating faith into children inhibits and contradicts reason.
Religious people know deep down that their beliefs cannot be justified, and they know how ridiculous religious beliefs are; so if they allow their child to mature without religious indoctrination, it will be very difficult to convince the adult that their religion is true - which would force them to confront the reality of their own indoctrination. It's a painful prospect, and so much easier to carry on the tradition so nobody has to worry about it.
Sure. Me too.
And I think a child can gradually learn to think for him, or herself while being raised in a God centered family of faith, where the family is a is a unified fromt that's at least on the same page, & has the same agenda, & isn't about chaos.
But yes, a child should learn to gradually learn to think for him, or herself in exactly that kind of environment. ....
It's called balance.
A word that I hear all the libbies throwing around all the time, every 5 seconds or so. ;)
MrJohnnyjeyy Ah yes, you've raised another interesting point. If a family (or any other group) is on a unified front and all agree, there's no debate or discussion. So ideas that might not be useful or beneficial remain unquestioned and perpetuate through mutual acceptance. There is no progress until someone questions the status quo.
How can indoctrinating a child into a certain religion be called "balance"? You could make that case for teaching a child about all religions and allowing the child complete freedom to choose or reject any faith, or create their own; but teaching, for example, that the Bible is true is not balanced at all, it's completely biased!
Ok, so. Would you have it where children run the home when they are children, & usurp a patent's authority in the home?
Would you have it where, elementary aged children all choose different things at that age so that the parents, wind up having to make special rules for each child, & no one is part of a unified front?
And would you actually entertain the idea of parents being allowed to instill into their children the same values they believe to be true?
Sounds to me as though the way you'd have it would be that, parents are nothing more than birth givers, with absolutely no right to persue a unified family at all.
What I see clearly here is, a bunch of bigoted antichristians who are simply hell bent on wiping out christianity, & are not above resorting to catastrophizing a family faith, &/or standard by exaggerating & calling it child abuse.
What I see in this discussion is an attempt to rid the world of christianity, under the false guise of, being concerned about children & their so-called, 'choices".
I'm sorry, but in my experience, if you let a child choose everything for themselves, nothing but bad can come from that.
In any normal decent family unit, parents set the tone, & then, once the child is old enough to get a job, & move out on their own, & fend for themselves, then they can make any decisions they see fit, no matter how good or moronic they may seem.
Why don't you just cut the crap, & be honest, & just admit, you are an antichristian that will resort to saying & reframing anything about christianity in a negative light, & that your real concern has absolutely nothing to do with children's choices at all.
I know the typical "libby-lingo". You are simply a hater of the faith.
So, quit with the fake altruistic bent, & just admit you have your own issues with Christianity, & leave other free people to rear their children in any way they see fit so long as, there is no real abuse.
Parents setting the tone in the home does not always equal abuse.
So quit it with the altruistic BS. You're not fooling anyone. K?
MrJohnnyjeyy Are you trying to wind me up or are you genuinely stupid?
Do you think that children "running the home" is a "useful or beneficial" idea? I certainly don't.
Ditto making "special rules for each child".
>>"And would you actually entertain the idea of parents being allowed to instill into their children the same values they believe to be true?"
Stew Taylor
Oh, that's really attractive.
First of all, I didn't need to be taught how to think for myself. I just sort of "evolved" into it.
Had I lacked any ability to think at all, I wouldn't have been able to think my argument through, refine it, then execute it in such a way that, you had to break down every little point to respond to me in the hostile manner that you have.
Also, if I lacked any ability to think for myself then, nothing I could possibly say could get you so worked up, because I obviously touched a nerve. The nerve being, I saw through, & called you out as a religious bigot. That typically happens whenever a libby get's busted out on their candycoated rhetoric, IE fake altruism.
Now, allow me to clarify a few points I was actually trying to make.....
Forget that, I'll simplify it.....
It seems to me, after watching this video that, the discussion through this page is all about LETTING CHILDREN make choices concerning religion. Correct? Right, good, ok.
Now, if a husband & wife are practicing Christians, what should they do with their children on Sundays?
Dole out their hard earned cash to leave the Children at home with an ATHEIST/LIBBY babysitter, just to make non Christians, atheists, & libbies happy?
I mean, seriously, what's happened to our World when Christians find themselves being forced to be concerned with what atheists & libbies think about things, especially when, it's things they admit to having issues with anyway?
I mean, most of you atheists & libbies could care less what religious people think or feel about things, right?
I mean, your above response kinda makes my point there, doesn't it? ;)
‘Religion began when the first conman met the first fool’........Mark Twain.
When the man who made the haircut comment started to speak for the second time I knew I should just skip to the next video...
We need a show like this in the US.
I'm so happy that my wife and I made a conscious decision to not bring our child up in any religion. He's a well rounded human that does not need to believe in the unbelievable...
It is amazing how the muslim speakers are ALWAYS the most dis-likable in every one of these discussions.
I found a lot of the theists in this debate were unlikable not just the muslims
Timbo Slice
Yes but as my comment suggests the Muslim representatives are always the MOST dislikeable.
Islam is such a horrendous cult.
That's not always true. You just have it in you're mind that they are unlikable so you stick with that idea
Timbo Slice
No! I never said all Muslims are "unlikable"! I stated very clearly that the Muslim speakers we see on TV are always the MOST DISLIKEABLE.
And you are demonstrating the same behaviour here by trying to infer bias against all Muslims in my comments here.
This kind of devious behaviour is very telling actually.
Yes she seems to be full of opinions that I am not sure she would be so keen on repeatedly spewing out if she was in a muslim country.
I wonder has she ever heard of the penalty for apostasy, not sure that sits well with religion being taught to children for me!
Agreed. And he does do his due diligence in terms of pre-show research, so he understands where each panelist is coming from, and knows how to ask (decently) intelligent and insightful questions.
I remember at primary school we were made to sing hymns, go to church sometimes and in assemblies we had the person from the church come and talk about Christianity, also we had to say a group prayer everyday. Luckily I wasn't part of a religious family so it didn't burn on me.
Excalty spot on. Its their souls not ours. Our job is to love them and protect them and keep them sane in this world. One way is by respecting their integrety. They might end up teaching us more about life than we ever thought possible. I have two kids as well and they are only 1 and 3 but I am learning every day from them :)
One of the best things I ever did was to sit my parents down and tell them the religion they raised me in is complete bullshit.
what did they say to you?
@@qurratulainzehra8760 Well, they weren't happy. They were both sincerely afraid for my soul. My mom just cried. My dad said angrily "Who's gonna save your ass?" I tried explaining that my ass needs no saving. They blamed it on my humanities courses, saying college exposed me to crazy ideas. Fast forward 20+ years and my father who's since renounced his religion laughs about this conversation. "Did I really say that?" he asks incredulously. My mom is a different story. She's cool though.
Im a non believer, and I went to a Catholic school. When I started to become critical of ideas and started to question certain beliefs, I was sent out of class. The hard truth is religion doesn't allow critical thinking. If that Muslim woman was in Saudi Arabia, and she questioned Islam, she'd probably be publicly whipped.
Implying that since i am not religious I am unhealthy
A child is born with a pure heart, without hatred,
I can save you time. The answer is “Absolutely Not”. There. You don’t have to watch this now.
Can someone please explain what the hell that guy at 18:13 was talking about
religion teaches children that they cannot be good on thier own accord, they can only attain goodness through a diety. this is very wrong and disturbing. let them be themselves and chances are the will do the right thing...
"And it is evidently far better to be using our creative talents in a constant endeavor to do good to others and improve the world around us, than to be living idly in a perfect but static world"
I agree. But we don't need religion for that.
I wonder how they arrived at the notion that faith makes children curious.
Are simple, baseless explanations not that what kills curiosity?
I was raised in a conservative Christian, semi-fundamentalist, home. My parents were loving and to this day I have a fairly good relationship with them, as well as with my 3 siblings (all still professing Christians, although much more liberal now in their adulthood).
I also went to private Christian schools my whole life.
3 years ago I left the Christian faith and am somewhat of an Agnostic at this point in my life.
I am glad I did not go to public school and I feel, out of the many private Christian schools out there, mine was a pretty good one. My history teacher had her nose pierced - so progressive!
That being said, I regret very much going to a Christian University (although because I studied Christianity, the Bible, and religion in general so much - this is what led to me leaving the faith/religion as a whole). My majors: Journalism and Anthropology were grossly understated and very much unprepared me for working in those fields compared to any State school.
I don't think I turned out too badly, being raised in a religious home, however I will say, there was a lot of shame and guilt placed upon me growing up. I hit puberty at age 9 and was quite curvy shortly after with large breasts/hips/etc. My favor often shamed be for this making me cover up to extremes. The repression of my body, my sexuality, and who I was as a woman and ultimately a person BECAUSE of being raised in a Christian household, took many years to break free from.
I certainly did not have it as bad as many who grew up in strict religious households - but I will not be raising my children in one.
Is Religion Good For Children? NO.... problem solved.
solomon duncan
Religion doesn't teach kids morals. Their parents do. Telling a child they're a sinner and they're going to burn in hell unless they worship something also seems somewhat abusive to me.
solomon duncan Religion teaches you morals?
Like: Slavery, genocide, sacrifice, killing of all first borns?
Those morals?
Or, submitting to an authority out of fear of being tormented for an eternity?
The central theme of Christianity is NOT love, It's mindless worship of Jesus. You could literally hate everyone, accept Jesus Christ as you lord and savior and still be a Christian.
The second commandment is "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" What the hell are you talking about.
***** "commandment given to us by JESUS HIMSELF"
Jesus had nothing to do with the commandments. It was god and Moses. Jesus barely spoke of them.
Tell children that if they don't believe in Christ they go to hell and ask them to make a choice? What choice is it ?
I'm german and my english isn't that good so I don't understand every word the people in the video say, but I think this muslim woman with the blue thing on the head said sth like "because of religion kids question things". Why because of religion? Why do you need religion to question things? Isn't your brain enough? I'm atheistic and young (13 years old) and I question things because of things that happened, I read or heard of, I thought about. I don't just go with things that other people say about "they're right", I think about them myself. And I don't need any religion for it.
Lithomith W. Your English is great!
I wonder why it is that almost no child attending a faith school comes to believe evolution is real when they convey such a well-balanced curriculum.
This is really interesting
I've red the koran for the larger part, before I was overcome with boredom.
There is no difference between the koran and hundreds of other holy books.
It just has a lot of purposely ambivalent language so you can read into it whatever meaning supports your religion best. All 'holy' books share this trait.
Ive always struggled with my own faith but used to take my boys to Catholic church every week. I always told them that it's not that important whether it's all true or not, they're good stories to live by.
I see some serious problems with that line of reasoning. Not only that many of the stories are extremely immoral, but even the ones that are benign, presume the authority of a god (therefore validating the evil ones).
It's so much easier to hand out good stories, with clear morals that don't have cults behind them. Try early pokemon or something. I just can't see how it can be divorced from its negative aspect.
So drop it all, if truth doesn't matter then what's left? Grisly and pseudoscientific stories? Yikes..
@@valroniclehre193 Exactly, I'm afraid Brendan has vestigial cognitive dissonance..trying to find the good in religion by half assing it, but perhaps I am wrong and hopefully I am.
@@FactStorm Uhh lets not be so harsh. Honestly any story can be nitpicked to some pretty bad implications, but thats only justified if its supposed to be true or perfect. If star wars was true luke would be responsible for millions of deaths of enlisted men and women. I just dont like the church environment. It has the very things that make stories dangerous.
A programme like this reminds you how much of an uphill struggle human progress is...some religious ppl are just plain crazy.
Harvard Study of Average IQ by Religion
Muslim- 92
Christian- 98
Pagan- 98
Hindu- 104
Buddhist- 108
Jew- 115
Atheist- 119
no surprise about the atheist IQ. 😊
Citation please
I love when the audience laughs. Smart people
The answer to the question is HAYEL NO! End of debate. Let's move on.
I am so grateful to my parenta for bringing me up in a household where they tried to limit the religious doctrine i waa exposed to (eg asking me to be excused from hymns and prayer at school) and they really wanted me to be able to make my own mind up. They also encouraged me to learn about politics.
Teaching children religion is very good but forcing them to believe something is not. But we should open it to them to learn different types of religion including science and let them make a choice, it's good that children learn different religions so that they can learn about other peoples way of life, I grew up with a Muslim family but my parents didn't teach me anything about my religion they just told me to be good because that's what the Quran says and it's good to be good even without the Quran. Religion can be good for children, abolishing religion won't garentee no wars, face it, the real cause of war is GREED. It's about LAND, it becomes worse when that land has certain resources such as mining, coal, sinc, gold or diamond.
as an ex muslim, i find it hilarious when muslim women speak about religion, and islam in particular, as a faith that allows people to question about the world. This couldnt be farther from the truth. I guess they are allowed to question everything as long as the answer to all those questions is God. I am still amazed that we have soo many people who believe in religion and the literal meaning of all the holy scriptures. NOT ME
no its not
I'm pretty sure studies show that deeply religious people tend to be more depressed and closed off than more free thinking individuals are.
No. Just how could it be. It's a virus meme and spreads as such.
"Religion is ultimately a force for good." Tell that to the Catholic church, during the times it held sway over everything...
The problem starts with "God", a name that was invented to substitute things that are unknown for an absolute knowledge
The truth that only your Maker is able to remake you again is an absolute urgent need for adults and children to know.
This argument should be centered around the parents rather than the religion.
I love these shows, some great minds always present. I would love to see some side conversations of these same speakers outside of this show.
The way this should be dealt with is that when you bring up your child, you should tell them that some people do believe and some don't. That way it's fair. I'll tell my children that I believe in God, but they don't have to, and it's up to them. If they choose to believe in God, it's their choice.
The phrase ''ignorance is bliss'' would explain why religous people lead ''happier'' lives.
Where's Hitch when you need him?
I almost lost it when that guy attempted to make a parallel between circumcision and getting a haircut.
Religion by definition is exclusive. Join our club. Join our club or else. These are the messages of religion. All religions.
55] In a 1950 letter to M. Berkowitz, Einstein stated that "My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."
the host is really good at actually forcing religious people of answering questions fully, which is great because they don't have them.
Einstein might have said those quotes about the gospel, but he clearly said, "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
The obvious answer is no lol. The woman with the turquoise headscarf is so angry! Doing my head in... 22:54 onwards that David guy is so annoying.. Blithering fool
Religion is bad for children, but can also be good at the same time.
Surah Ikhlas (Holy Qur'an 112:1-4) is:
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.
Religion encourages you to ask questions? I think not
We need this show in Canada...
My overall experience of religion is that it doesn’t teach people to think for themselves but to believe in their religion with little or no questioning.
I often feel religious people are narrow minded, intolerant, judgemental, censorious, conventional and patronising towards people who have different beliefs to themselves and are conceited enough to believe they are right and everyone else wrong because they think their beliefs are divinely warranted.
He died in 2002, so that could be difficult.
He was an atheist, so I understand your sentiments.
He was, however, at least a bit more honest than most paleontologists.
I think he knew more about his subject matter than you obviously do.
I don't think anyone is talking about laws. Just opinions I believe. I never taught my kids about religion, although they attended universalist services with my ex-wife. They are well adjusted kids, very smart, and one is Atheist and one Agnostic. They came to that decision by themselves however. That is what is important here. Giving your kids the choice, not making it your choice.
"Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her. What are you doing out here, little girl? the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster. I'm on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook, Little Red Riding Hood replied." (Little Red Riding Hood)
@15:00 "Love requires that you give somebody freedom of choice....." This coming from a evangelical Christian. Anyone else pick up on the irony here?
Couldn't agree more. Imagine how advanced our technology would be if we were always following science?
when i have my own family, i will teach my child about the Bible. i won't force him to believe it. nobody can force anyone to believe anything. however, i will still give him the information about Christianity and let him choose to believe it or not. i believe that being a Christian is the best thing that can happen in one's life. i still treasure it more than my life. believing in God is worth so much more than anything in this world. this knowledge alone is the best gift that anyone can get
Why not give them information on all the other religions, too?
This is the best episode and ranks alongside the hitchens/grayling intelligence squared debate in my opinion.
Religion is insidious and damaging to innocent inquiring biological human minds. It is a serious issue the problem of indoctrinated parents teaching confusing mystical beliefs to thinking developing offspring, to be deciphered while maturing is already difficult. Countless years and lifetimes are wasted by us who anguish and struggle finally to the realization that there is no god. It makes the difference between praying and waiting for things to help and you forcing action for yourself.
religion does not teach a child to question, it does the exact opposite telling them that this unquestionable being is to be feared and loved and that all rules it provides are never to be argued. Religion closes off childern's nature to question and explore.
HALLAH HALLAH HALLAH!!! Gotta turn down the volume everytime she speaks lol
I think religion should be only taught to people with a rational thinking already developed willing to embrace a belief.
I find religion potentially damaging for kids, specially for those who might suffer from any mental problems like OCD, psychosis or who can develop a mental disease because religion uses fear in almost every teaching and because religion has so many preconceived ideas that have no base in real life.
i still think it should be up to the kid to decide what they want to believe in and that it should not be forced on them if they dont believe in it
It was required at boarding school to attend church on Sundays.
So at 10 years old I decided to take confirmation so I could receive the holy sacrement is get a slug of wine!
As an American I laughed at "We wouldn't dream of separating them by color".
Please also note for the violent ones I said TEND to. I am aware that there are highly religious countries that are not violent, but they TEND to be.
So avoiding it rather than thinking about it. Also your comment doesn't suddenly disappear off youtube I only watched this video today and saw your comment. I will not say god bless you as you very well know but I do wish you well in life.
You know, in another debate, the Christians/Muslims on the religious side would be on the other side telling how the other religion isn't good for children.
“Committed Christian.” The next program should tackle the question: “Should Christians Be Committed?”
In my family, who are very religious, there was no room for questions that even hinted doubt in Christianity. I was an opinionated free spirit that found these confinements too constricting and contradicting. Even as young as 8 I could not agree with my interpretations of Christianity as being morally right. Most of my childhood I kept my mouth shut about my true beliefs for fear of the consequences of family and peers.
Not to mention it has also been directly observed in the span of hours to a few decades.. speciation in birds, lizards, protozoa, bacteria, reptiles (lerista punctovittata), fungi etc. Morphological, behavioural, biochemical adaptations resulting from those organisms tht survive and thrive in their dynamic ecosystem. The medication and vaccines u may take is thx to our understanding of these processes.
religion does not encourage being inquisitive. it says"god did it" to the biggest questions of life. it shuts down reason and mental growth.
Correct Law: If someone accuses a woman of sexual misbehavior (prostitution/adultery/fornication), but that person cannot produce 4 witnesses with identical Testimony & Trustworthy background, then the accuser will be punished for "defamation".
Distorted/Horrible Application: In Pakistan (i think) If a woman was raped, in a lot of cases she has to produce 4 witnesses with identical Testimony, otherwise SHE will be punished.
Can't you see the huge difference between the a law & an application ?
As someone in grad school, I strongly believe in questioning and advancing existing theories.. but not by anyone. The individual should first show competence in the said field, study it, understand it and only then embark on a voyage of new discovery. Otherwise, it is most likely going to be detrimental, waste taxpayer's money and cause massive facepalms. I have a 10 year old sis. She questions me on how things work. Thts fine. But she cant choose to reject Residue theory on a whim.
i agree so i don't see anything wrong with raising a child not just in religion but Christianity it forces you to think about your religion and then make a decision
No one should be raise under any religion! Children should be raised to be free thinking and sceptical. When a person becomes 18 and are a adult by law they can make there own decision which religion the choose to follow.
I'm unsure what to label myself after all these years. Was raised as a Hindu but without the fear of course, but then I learnt about other religions and the difference between one another. But then what's the difference between us all apart from gender and other traits? That said I'd put myself more in the Hindu-Agnostic-Spiritual mold, not sure that's possible lol.
What was Darwin's son, (who wrote "Eugenic Reform" in 1926) was he an evolutionist or a eugenicist? What is Peter Singer (check out his interviews of TH-cam)? Is he an evolutionist, is he an atheist, is he a eugenicist? What are most abortionist?
There's a difference??
For the NT of Acts, the confirmation of historicity is overwhelming. Any attempt to reject its basic historicity, even in matters of detail, must now appear absurd. Roman historians have long taken it for granted. A.N Sherwin-White/ Classical Roman Historian
children should never be forced to be brought up in a religion
it is extremely cruel
its a guilt tripping load of garbage that cant explain even the most simple questions
if you leave a religion you are instantly frowned upon and treated like shit
no child should go through this
"So if they argue with you, say, 'I have submitted myself to God, and so have those who follow me.' And say to those who were given the Scripture and to the unlearned, 'Have you submitted yourselves?' And if they submit, they are rightly guided; but if they turn away - then upon you is only the duty of notification. [Quran: 3:20]
"We sent down to you, the Book for mankind in truth. So, whosoever goes astray, he goes astray to his own loss. And you are not a guardian over them." [Quran 39:41]
It's not a choice if they're afraid to say no.
Im a atheist and 100%against religion ..however you cannot tell a parent that you cant teach their child their own beliefs.