!!Sanjay!! Fantastic dive into the cutting-edge realm of post-quantum cryptography! hardware designs for syndrome decoding in the head. Hardware implementation of these schemes was both clear and engaging, to see how hardware descriptive languages and FPGAs can be used to realize these complex algorithms, almost like building with Lego pieces, potential for running these matrix configurations in parallel. Keep up the amazing work-looking forward to more deep dives like this!
Fantastic dive into the cutting-edge realm of post-quantum cryptography! hardware designs for syndrome decoding in the head. Hardware implementation of these schemes was both clear and engaging, to see how hardware descriptive languages and FPGAs can be used to realize these complex algorithms, almost like building with Lego pieces, potential for running these matrix configurations in parallel. Keep up the amazing work-looking forward to more deep dives like this!
Im the 1st first in the comments section let's get it 😊