Who threw out the sellers, turn over the tables in the Temple of God ? oh, in all the sight of the entire community... I am sure the entire world head the news of the incident
🙏❤ very well said Pastor. Where is Jesus in this , let us put Jesus in the center first , and at the same time , sad to say , we cannot put our trust in man , not even the President of any Conference , but only in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pray and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to resolve the issues , and continue to trust God . The tares and the wheat will grow together until the day of harvest, keep the faith my brethren🙏
When there is covering up of evil in God's Church, kitawaramba. Closing of churches has become the order of the day. We saw it in Nairobi but the issue went mute. I think some leaders have over stayed in leadership to the point that they turn the church into a personal property. There is no maturity in a human being if that maturity is not grounded in Christ. We are living in the last days pray, pray and pray for our church. Be in that correct CIRCLE whose center is Christ.
The church is God’s fortress, His city of refuge, which He holds in a revolted world. Any betrayal of the church is treachery to Him who has bought mankind with the blood of His only-begotten Son.
Goodmorning my fellow believers SDA ,may our great God above in heaven be with you all as you are going to solve the issues ,let God guide you .Let our Pastors and Church members to reconciliation so that the message of God can reach the whole world not our problems to go to the world. Let Jesus be the centre of the whole issue. Let the Holy spirit lead
That is not a military base, how dare are they to intimidate your fellow in Christ just because you're a leader? It makes no sense, if this SDA CHURCH is still a church.
It's high time churches do bench marking with other churches. If you leave church governance to laity only, it is likely to turn secular. Leave the church governance to the thoroughly trained clergy & you will go far
@@edwingisemba872 stick to that ideology & you will always fail. Both calling & education are important. Imagine a pastor without literary skills yet you expect him or her to execute church financial matters?? Don't forget the office of pastors should also include governance because the pastors are the ones trained to meet the vision of church..Imagine a pastor who cannot even interpret accounts of the church..that will simply be a joke may be experience will painfully teach you. Ignorance is not one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit Gal 5:23ff
What I'm sure of is there's a way to go about spiritual misunderstandings this is not one of the ways. Let's pray that God himself will intervene the matter is not resolved properly.
The Church is Christ Bride, Humble Converted Obedient to Him Born again Saints. Sifting has started prayer cannot help the proud stubborn rebellious ones. We all need to search out heart guided by the Holy Spirit n repent of our individual sins. Let everyone work out his own Salvation with fear n trembling.
Read 2 Timothy 3;1-9 Sifting my brother’s and sisters are going on. Do it Christ like my church family 🙏 praying for you all from Dayton SDA CHURCH IN DAYTON , OHIO, USA.🙏👏🏽
I can imagine that the elders already tried to get their differences queried but not getting anywhere with the talks. we just have t pray that the Spirit of God will prevail and win in this matter.
The NCC must join back the older Kenya Conference. We cannot encourage splintered groups. SISTER WHITE SAYS: "Let not the professed people of God think it a privilege to separate from conference organization, that they may show their supposed efficiency. This is entirely opposed to God’s order. There is need of perfect unity and love, and this will appear when we learn of Jesus." 16LTMS, MS 97, 1901, PAR. 31 by Ellen White
Why are they fighting the Lord's battles for Him . God will deal His people. The holier than thou lot so entitled kwani do they no know that the church of God will still thrive even without their si called money.
Even Paul confronted Peter when he was alienating the non jews and the matter was corrected. Sin must be pointed out when seen. Even though majority sin and nobody knows, but when it will affect church unity let it be dealt with.
Such dramas make question whether the power of God is really working through this so called elders and pastors. Which gospel are this people preaching surely!!
SDA CRVC KENYA The most corrupt field in kenya: This is their true identity not like other countries they are after their personal goals. "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"
The problem is from the Union... When the problem occurs in the church what they do is to remove the poster from work which is not good at all. May God help us SDA people. 😭😭
Which pastors nearly fought with Elders? I was here and there was no confrontation between Pastors and Elders whatsoever. It is a lie that pastors and Elders nearly fought. Report facts.
Very embarrassing show by the so called heirs of the Kingdom. This once very referenced church has now become a battlefield. Both cold and full blown war. We must go back to the original faith.
This is a very brief explanation of the names of God’s people and their history based on God’s word. The first chosen people of God were called Israel. God designed to spread His truth to the rest of the world through them. When the time came for them to receive the long promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, they were led by Satan to reject Him and instead chose Caesar as their king (John 19:15). So God raised up another group and called them Christians but inwardly they were the true Israelites or Jews (Romans 2:28,30). Through Christians the gospel was spread far and wide though persecuted by Satan’s chief agents at that time--the pagans of the Roman Empire. Seeing that persecution was not working, Satan caused persecution to cease and working through the bishop of Rome corrupted Christianity with pagan doctrines. This was the birth of Catholicism which became the state religion and anyone not adhering to it was persecuted by the church. And so God sent them a message of salvation by faith in Jesus (not by works or by the pope) through His servant Martin Luther. These Christians were called Protestant Christians. Then after a while Satan caused these Protestants also to fall from their high calling by making them to love the world more than God. And so God sent them the first angel’s message, that the Judgement hour had come (Revelation 14:7), led by William Miller, and the few that heeded the message separated and were called Adventists and the rest of the Protestants, God declared them to be Babylon with the second angel’s message (Revelation 14:8; The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p.230-233;). The majority of Adventists again led by Satan fell from the grace of God after the disappointment of 1844 when Jesus did not come as expected. To the very few that remained though also disappointed but not disheartened, God send them the third angel’s message of (Revelation 14:9-12) and also raised up the prophet Ellen White among them. To this group a full explanation of the 3 angels messages was given: that the judgement hour was the Investigative judgement and not the Executive final judgement; that in 1844 Jesus Christ our High Priest had moved from the Holy place to the Most Holy place in heaven; that 1844 was the beginning of the anti-typical day of Atonement where the cases of all who have ever professed to be a follower of Christ were reviewed to determine who will enter into heaven. This new group were called Seventh Day Adventists and The Majesty of heaven had made them the repositories of his truth, not that they might hoard it up, but that they might let the light of heaven shine forth to the world. But after a while God’s chosen people -- the SDA-- became lukewarm and God sent them the Laodecian message (Manuscript 1, 1857) through the prophet and many other messages of reproves and warning but this time there was to be no separation because if they were to heed the messages then they would receive the Latter Rain and finish the work and Jesus could come the second time. Most heeded the message but when they saw that it did not immediately end in the loud cry of Revelation 18 and the Latter Rain they again became lukewarm (Testimonies for the church No. 5, p. 1-26). Then in 1888 God wanted His people to receive the Latter Rain. So He send the message of righteousness by faith through Waggoner and Jones. The prophet had been giving this message to the church “but it had been lost.” as “It had not been practiced….This was no new light, but it was old light placed where it should be in the third angel’s message.” Manuscript 24 1888. Most of the leadership led by Satan openly rejected the message and so the Latter Rain could not be poured out on God’s people (Letter 96, 1896). After much work some of the leadership began to see the light but in 1893 Satan sent a message through Stanton that the SDA church was Babylon and people should come out of it. This was firmly rebuked by the prophet. Again in 1901 God wanted to pour the Latter Rain upon the SDA leadership but they again refused and said “Go thy way for this time; when I have a more convenient season, I will call for thee”. Battle Creek Letters p. 55. And in 1898 in a letter to her son Edson she said “If the church of God becomes lukewarm, it does not stand in favor with God any more than do the churches that are represented as having fallen and become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird” Letter 35, 1898 Note at this stage in 1898 the SDA church had not yet been converted to Babylon because none of the abominations that exists in the SDA church today was found in her. Finally in 1903 she told them that if they refused to come out of the Laodecian state, a satanic reformation would take place which would end in the destruction of the SDA church by the 7 last plagues. She says, “The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure” Letter 242, 1903. God told her to do all in her power to prevent this satanic reformation taking place. She says, “Who has authority to begin such a movement? We have our Bibles. We have our experience, attested to by the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit. We have a truth that admits of no compromise. Shall we not repudiate everything that is not in harmony with this truth?” Letter 242, 1903 “I had my orders. I had heard the words, like a voice from our Captain, “Meet it!” I knew what my duty was, and that there was not a moment to lose. The time for decided action had come. I must without delay obey the command, “Meet it!”. That night I was up at one o’clock, writing as fast as my hand could pass over the paper. For the next few days I worked early and late, preparing for our people the instruction given me regarding the errors that were coming in among us.” Selected Messages book 1 p. 206. By God’s grace the satanic reformation was halted for a while. But after her death and the passing away of our pioneers, Satan fully infiltrated the SDA church and the satanic reformation went into full swing. She prophesied that “One thing it is certain is soon to be realized,--the great apostasy, which is developing and increasing and waxing stronger, and will continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout.” Letter 326 1905 and “I tell you now, that when I am laid to rest, great changes will take place” Manuscript 1 1915. Sadly the warnings were not heeded and the satanic reformation that was prophesied has been fulfilled i.e. • A new organization has been established whilst retaining the name SDA and structured in a form of a hierarchy • The principles of truth that God in His wisdom had given to the remnant church, has been discarded by watering them down e.g. Sanctuary doctrine • Books of a new order have been written e.g. Questions on Doctrine • The Sabbath is lightly regarded as well as the God who created it e.g. Sunday is the Lord’s day as shown by the book From Sabbath to Sunday by pastor S. Bacchiocchi and his credentials was never revoked • Nothing is allowed to stand in her way e.g. dis-fellowshipping Hungarian members for protesting against the church's membership in the National Council of Free Churches • The founders of this new organisation have done a wonderful work in that membership is over 21 million throughout more than 200 countries worldwide and has over 21 million adherents. Thus there is no hope of ever having a revival and reformation within the SDA church! Thus there is no hope of there being a revival and reformation within the SDA church! All that remains to be fulfilled is the “storm and tempest” to “sweep away the structure”, which are the 7 last plagues. But before they fall, God in His mercy is calling His people to come out of Babylon into fellowship with Jesus Christ. Please note that the righteousness of Christ which is the seal of God is the only defence against the 7 last plagues and it cannot be imputed to anyone whist they are still in sin or sharing the sins of Babylon. The SDA will tell the people that the Papacy is the beast of Revelation 13 while at the same time they are in business partnership with Rome in Centura Health, Universities and in the Christian World Communion www.oikoumene.org/church-families. I do not write these things to wound your souls my brothers and sisters but because I care for you since you have been purchased by an infinite price, even the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kindly people of God, don't get out of control.You have displayed satanic attributes of the highest order! All the silver and gold belong to God Almighty. Tithes and offerings are given to God and not to man. God doesn't dwell in houses built by men.You are fulfilling prophecy. Our redemption draweth nigh and thank you because you are hastening hastening it! Be sure your sins will find you out!
Muna choma can't you have closed door meeting and solve your misunderstanding, talk shameless in front of camera,if someone is wrong tell him ikishindikana remove him or her aside,Muna nachoma u don't behave like heaven goers,u can't bring pple to God this way, shameful kindly leaders don't repeat this again
Hypocrisy in the SDA can not be fathomed!! The elders , pastors , deacons are hypocrites. You will meet then in far away places with women that are not their wives , and also drinking alcohol.. hypocrisy hypocrisy!!
The man in red jacket please speak in humbleness don't speak like a politian, don't talk like you have no regards with others ,Let's pray hard to God to bring oneness in our Church not boosting will take us nowhere
@@saidibaya5327 ninani anawesa kulasimisa wokofu na wokofu ni WA mtu binafusi mwenyewe kuilinda,kwa hivyio ukitaka kumujua mwenzako ni kua na UPENDO kama huna huo usiongose kanisa kwasababu BIBLIA inasema katika zaburi 133:1 usome na wakorintho 13;1 kama unagawa watu wewe si mchungaji una kaa mlangoni kwa kuwafukusa kondoo sa Bwana umelaaniwa mtu kama huyo hao ni pepo chafu pastors watane wamulilie MUNGU sana ndio wale walijiingisa kwa Siri wajulikane mwenendo wao kwa sababu hao si ndani wamelete aibu katika nyumba ya BWANA ajabu watawaubiriaje mataifa wale awajui ukweli?bole kwa SDA reformer MUNGU atatatua yote , MPENDANE karibu YESU anakuja,
Since we are all sinners may Jesus forgive us. All glory belongs to God. May Jesus have mercy on us.
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When we conduct ourselves this way, how will politicians behave? May God help us.
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Who threw out the sellers, turn over the tables in the Temple of God ? oh, in all the sight of the entire community... I am sure the entire world head the news of the incident
Let's Pray for revival and reformation for the church because this is not the Way to go!
Interesting times ahead.
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🙏❤ very well said Pastor. Where is Jesus in this , let us put Jesus in the center first , and at the same time , sad to say , we cannot put our trust in man , not even the President of any Conference , but only in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pray and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to resolve the issues , and continue to trust God . The tares and the wheat will grow together until the day of harvest, keep the faith my brethren🙏
When there is covering up of evil in God's Church, kitawaramba. Closing of churches has become the order of the day. We saw it in Nairobi but the issue went mute. I think some leaders have over stayed in leadership to the point that they turn the church into a personal property. There is no maturity in a human being if that maturity is not grounded in Christ. We are living in the last days pray, pray and pray for our church. Be in that correct CIRCLE whose center is Christ.
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Much prayers needed in these last days
Ukweli kabisa.
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Where is the holy spirit used to guide the church?
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The conference is nowdays like a boss it does not want to listen to the people like the way it did when it begun
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They don't care about the members,the only thing they know is to send the envelopes
Where did this hulaballoo reach can someone update me
The church is God’s fortress, His city of refuge, which He holds in a revolted world. Any betrayal of the church is treachery to Him who has bought mankind with the blood of His only-begotten Son.
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Goodmorning my fellow believers SDA ,may our great God above in heaven be with you all as you are going to solve the issues ,let God guide you .Let our Pastors and Church members to reconciliation so that the message of God can reach the whole world not our problems to go to the world. Let Jesus be the centre of the whole issue. Let the Holy spirit lead
SDA is not achurch of God SDA is man made property for money scheme achurch is body of Lord Jesus Christ universal church
This is what we call covering up those who stole church money..... we're not kids.....
That is not a military base, how dare are they to intimidate your fellow in Christ just because you're a leader? It makes no sense, if this SDA CHURCH is still a church.
So God Help us The Adventist
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Ghaiiiii....let God intervene...
Whueh hii ni kuchoma 😮😮😮
Hadi nmeogopa kuonekana nkienda church 😮😮😮
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The church has mechanisms and working policies on how to solve problems.
Let the elders and pastors follow the rules
It's high time churches do bench marking with other churches. If you leave church governance to laity only, it is likely to turn secular. Leave the church governance to the thoroughly trained clergy & you will go far
Been trained and being called are two different things.
@@edwingisemba872 stick to that ideology & you will always fail. Both calling & education are important. Imagine a pastor without literary skills yet you expect him or her to execute church financial matters?? Don't forget the office of pastors should also include governance because the pastors are the ones trained to meet the vision of church..Imagine a pastor who cannot even interpret accounts of the church..that will simply be a joke may be experience will painfully teach you. Ignorance is not one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit Gal 5:23ff
Wueh! God have mercy. The truth will stand.
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This man in a red suit kindly speak with humbleness .
@@kagoramogi Not humbleness but Humility. Good to learn.
What I'm sure of is there's a way to go about spiritual misunderstandings this is not one of the ways.
Let's pray that God himself will intervene the matter is not resolved properly.
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What is happening the so call SDA the respect that the SDA has will be lowed solve the problems easily
Iko shida.
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The Church is Christ Bride, Humble Converted Obedient to Him Born again Saints. Sifting has started prayer cannot help the proud stubborn rebellious ones. We all need to search out heart guided by the Holy Spirit n repent of our individual sins. Let everyone work out his own Salvation with fear n trembling.
Read 2 Timothy 3;1-9 Sifting my brother’s and sisters are going on. Do it Christ like my church family 🙏 praying for you all from Dayton SDA CHURCH IN DAYTON , OHIO, USA.🙏👏🏽
Since the church leadership signed the ecumenical charter what else do you expect.
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I didn't know our church signed it
This is madness, those are not Elders of SDA Church, these are hooligans with in the Church
True Christians don't handle issues in such a manner
Very true. Hooligans masquerading as elders. Kitawaramba one by one
I can imagine that the elders already tried to get their differences queried but not getting anywhere with the talks. we just have t pray that the Spirit of God will prevail and win in this matter.
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this pastor is an administrator and a good christian. the way is to send a delegation to the Union
Who closed the church, the Elders or the pastor?
For how long should the leadership keep covering vices that dirtyfy the church of God
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The NCC must join back the older Kenya Conference. We cannot encourage splintered groups. SISTER WHITE SAYS:
"Let not the professed people of God think it a privilege to separate from conference organization, that they may show their supposed efficiency. This is entirely opposed to God’s order. There is need of perfect unity and love, and this will appear when we learn of Jesus." 16LTMS, MS 97, 1901, PAR. 31 by Ellen White
Politics in church not good.
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The one who's praying ,he acts as a politician. Anger will destroy your wisdom.Let them solve in a solomonical way.
😢who recorded this! Woe to u
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This is what happens when some members start consuming alcohol
This a biiiig shame!! Please don’t put it kwa mtandao!! Demand is not a word to be used by a Seventh Day Adventists!!
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Why are they fighting the Lord's battles for Him . God will deal His people. The holier than thou lot so entitled kwani do they no know that the church of God will still thrive even without their si called money.
Even Paul confronted Peter when he was alienating the non jews and the matter was corrected. Sin must be pointed out when seen. Even though majority sin and nobody knows, but when it will affect church unity let it be dealt with.
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Our God is aGod of order.Every thig should be done in order
Let God the almighty intervene.
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I think we are lost as a chuch, nowadays people are fighting for No reason
only one tribe is raising complaints. Hii ni siasa imeletwa kanisani?? viboko ya Mungu ni kali.
That's a sober tribe then listen to that tribe otherwise Jia ya kwenda mbinguni is purely a preserve of that one sober tribe
Mungu tukumbuke nyakati za mwisho
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Why only one tribe is agitated
Why all this bitterness
Pesa ni ya Mungu siyo yenu
You can't close God's church you are the one who will be closed
Hey people of God God is on the way coming ,what are you showing Now?
Always SDA Kenya😢😢😢😢😢
My humble question is why now???? not on the recent regim why???why????why??????
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I will write nothing but ask God to save His people, who is the president of this conference
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S.D.A should be restructured in all Conferences. True Christians are yaurning in every church. Some of us are their mouthpiece.
Mungu amehama huku wanajipa moyo sikizeni ndacha na onyango nyinyi
Please tribalism leads to hell. Kwanza huku hata sio Nyanza. Christianity is oneness in love not tribalistic neither is it racial
When will Ruguri ever going to retire??? SDA is not famous in kikuyu land. But why most big sits are occupied by kikuyus???
Tuambieni hii sarakasi iliisha aje tafadhali whi has the update
SDA is slowly turning into something else .
Please God don't be silent
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A good question "" where is Jesus in this?"""
Such dramas make question whether the power of God is really working through this so called elders and pastors. Which gospel are this people preaching surely!!
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Very sad my favourite church
There leaders are enjoying sadaka with womes and drinking😂😂
Wakisii jamani you're tarnishing the church image
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SDA must come to Jesus and he will give you rest
Politics in church someone using this ELDERS END TIMES.
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I am seeing my Lecturer there,,Dr Ogal
SDA CRVC KENYA The most corrupt field in kenya: This is their true identity not like other countries they are after their personal goals.
"blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"
Shame on you, you even record. God will punish you
You are stupid
We need God's devine intervention 😢! don't report what is not true!we pray that all shall be well cause this!! isn't right at all 😔🙌🙏
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The problem is from the Union... When the problem occurs in the church what they do is to remove the poster from work which is not good at all. May God help us SDA people. 😭😭
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What's the matter???
Hi, kindly watch the video for more information. Subscribe too for more updates on the same
Which pastors nearly fought with Elders? I was here and there was no confrontation between Pastors and Elders whatsoever. It is a lie that pastors and Elders nearly fought. Report facts.
We see things differently 😂
Thanks....the truth will always come out
God of mercy we ask for forgiveness in your house
This headline has negative forces despite the scene
Elders you call yourselves....make sure your hands are clean as you have refered to on video..
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Last Day events. It's expected
Dunia hii ya sasa Wacha tu kweli siku za mwishooo
Very embarrassing show by the so called heirs of the Kingdom. This once very referenced church has now become a battlefield. Both cold and full blown war. We must go back to the original faith.
Dawa ni maumini wasitoe sadaka na zaka period
Welcome to holiy mother church
Wasabato Mungu ameondoka kwenu wanamatengenezo ndio wanaregesha misingi
This is a very brief explanation of the names of God’s people and their history based on God’s word. The first chosen people of God were called Israel. God designed to spread His truth to the rest of the world through them. When the time came for them to receive the long promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, they were led by Satan to reject Him and instead chose Caesar as their king (John 19:15). So God raised up another group and called them Christians but inwardly they were the true Israelites or Jews (Romans 2:28,30). Through Christians the gospel was spread far and wide though persecuted by Satan’s chief agents at that time--the pagans of the Roman Empire.
Seeing that persecution was not working, Satan caused persecution to cease and working through the bishop of Rome corrupted Christianity with pagan doctrines. This was the birth of Catholicism which became the state religion and anyone not adhering to it was persecuted by the church. And so God sent them a message of salvation by faith in Jesus (not by works or by the pope) through His servant Martin Luther. These Christians were called Protestant Christians.
Then after a while Satan caused these Protestants also to fall from their high calling by making them to love the world more than God. And so God sent them the first angel’s message, that the Judgement hour had come (Revelation 14:7), led by William Miller, and the few that heeded the message separated and were called Adventists and the rest of the Protestants, God declared them to be Babylon with the second angel’s message (Revelation 14:8; The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p.230-233;).
The majority of Adventists again led by Satan fell from the grace of God after the disappointment of 1844 when Jesus did not come as expected. To the very few that remained though also disappointed but not disheartened, God send them the third angel’s message of (Revelation 14:9-12) and also raised up the prophet Ellen White among them. To this group a full explanation of the 3 angels messages was given: that the judgement hour was the Investigative judgement and not the Executive final judgement; that in 1844 Jesus Christ our High Priest had moved from the Holy place to the Most Holy place in heaven; that 1844 was the beginning of the anti-typical day of Atonement where the cases of all who have ever professed to be a follower of Christ were reviewed to determine who will enter into heaven. This new group were called Seventh Day Adventists and The Majesty of heaven had made them the repositories of his truth, not that they might hoard it up, but that they might let the light of heaven shine forth to the world.
But after a while God’s chosen people -- the SDA-- became lukewarm and God sent them the Laodecian message (Manuscript 1, 1857) through the prophet and many other messages of reproves and warning but this time there was to be no separation because if they were to heed the messages then they would receive the Latter Rain and finish the work and Jesus could come the second time. Most heeded the message but when they saw that it did not immediately end in the loud cry of Revelation 18 and the Latter Rain they again became lukewarm (Testimonies for the church No. 5, p. 1-26).
Then in 1888 God wanted His people to receive the Latter Rain. So He send the message of righteousness by faith through Waggoner and Jones. The prophet had been giving this message to the church “but it had been lost.” as “It had not been practiced….This was no new light, but it was old light placed where it should be in the third angel’s message.” Manuscript 24 1888. Most of the leadership led by Satan openly rejected the message and so the Latter Rain could not be poured out on God’s people (Letter 96, 1896). After much work some of the leadership began to see the light but in 1893 Satan sent a message through Stanton that the SDA church was Babylon and people should come out of it. This was firmly rebuked by the prophet. Again in 1901 God wanted to pour the Latter Rain upon the SDA leadership but they again refused and said “Go thy way for this time; when I have a more convenient season, I will call for thee”. Battle Creek Letters p. 55.
And in 1898 in a letter to her son Edson she said “If the church of God becomes lukewarm, it does not stand in favor with God any more than do the churches that are represented as having fallen and become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird” Letter 35, 1898
Note at this stage in 1898 the SDA church had not yet been converted to Babylon because none of the abominations that exists in the SDA church today was found in her.
Finally in 1903 she told them that if they refused to come out of the Laodecian state, a satanic reformation would take place which would end in the destruction of the SDA church by the 7 last plagues. She says, “The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure” Letter 242, 1903.
God told her to do all in her power to prevent this satanic reformation taking place. She says, “Who has authority to begin such a movement? We have our Bibles. We have our experience, attested to by the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit. We have a truth that admits of no compromise. Shall we not repudiate everything that is not in harmony with this truth?” Letter 242, 1903
“I had my orders. I had heard the words, like a voice from our Captain, “Meet it!” I knew what my duty was, and that there was not a moment to lose. The time for decided action had come. I must without delay obey the command, “Meet it!”. That night I was up at one o’clock, writing as fast as my hand could pass over the paper. For the next few days I worked early and late, preparing for our people the instruction given me regarding the errors that were coming in among us.” Selected Messages book 1 p. 206. By God’s grace the satanic reformation was halted for a while. But after her death and the passing away of our pioneers, Satan fully infiltrated the SDA church and the satanic reformation went into full swing. She prophesied that “One thing it is certain is soon to be realized,--the great apostasy, which is developing and increasing and waxing stronger, and will continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout.” Letter 326 1905 and “I tell you now, that when I am laid to rest, great changes will take place” Manuscript 1 1915.
Sadly the warnings were not heeded and the satanic reformation that was prophesied has been fulfilled i.e.
• A new organization has been established whilst retaining the name SDA and structured in a form of a hierarchy
• The principles of truth that God in His wisdom had given to the remnant church, has been discarded by watering them down e.g. Sanctuary doctrine
• Books of a new order have been written e.g. Questions on Doctrine
• The Sabbath is lightly regarded as well as the God who created it e.g. Sunday is the Lord’s day as shown by the book From Sabbath to Sunday by pastor S. Bacchiocchi and his credentials was never revoked
• Nothing is allowed to stand in her way e.g. dis-fellowshipping Hungarian members for protesting against the church's membership in the National Council of Free Churches
• The founders of this new organisation have done a wonderful work in that membership is over 21 million throughout more than 200 countries worldwide and has over 21 million adherents. Thus there is no hope of ever having a revival and reformation within the SDA church!
Thus there is no hope of there being a revival and reformation within the SDA church! All that remains to be fulfilled is the “storm and tempest” to “sweep away the structure”, which are the 7 last plagues. But before they fall, God in His mercy is calling His people to come out of Babylon into fellowship with Jesus Christ. Please note that the righteousness of Christ which is the seal of God is the only defence against the 7 last plagues and it cannot be imputed to anyone whist they are still in sin or sharing the sins of Babylon.
The SDA will tell the people that the Papacy is the beast of Revelation 13 while at the same time they are in business partnership with Rome in Centura Health, Universities and in the Christian World Communion www.oikoumene.org/church-families. I do not write these things to wound your souls my brothers and sisters but because I care for you since you have been purchased by an infinite price, even the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Watch! Lest the devil use you. How on earth can one mention shaka Hola near God's holy place?
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Umesema ni rumours.
Kindly people of God, don't get out of control.You have displayed satanic attributes of the highest order! All the silver and gold belong to God Almighty. Tithes and offerings are given to God and not to man. God doesn't dwell in houses built by men.You are fulfilling prophecy. Our redemption draweth nigh and thank you because you are hastening hastening it! Be sure your sins will find you out!
Muna choma can't you have closed door meeting and solve your misunderstanding, talk shameless in front of camera,if someone is wrong tell him ikishindikana remove him or her aside,Muna nachoma u don't behave like heaven goers,u can't bring pple to God this way, shameful kindly leaders don't repeat this again
You leaders you are bringing politics in the church of God .
Waislamu wanataka kuhubiriwa nyinyi mmekaa tu
Is this man in red a church leader or a politician?
Moto imewaka ,shetani naye anainama ,anainuka ,anaona moto anatoroka
Si vizuri kupost vitu kama hivi vya kanisa kwa public be carefully.. you may face the ruoth of God
Why did they invited media ?
There's no wrath of God in a false church.
Hypocrisy in the SDA can not be fathomed!!
The elders , pastors , deacons are hypocrites. You will meet then in far away places with women that are not their wives , and also drinking alcohol.. hypocrisy hypocrisy!!
Hey instead of these pray hard seems you've betroyed holly spirit from church!😢😢
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Moto sana
The man in red jacket please speak in humbleness don't speak like a politian, don't talk like you have no regards with others ,Let's pray hard to God to bring oneness in our Church not boosting will take us nowhere
Last days
Mambo bado....wajinga wameerevuka....occupy loading
Pesa mingi inasumbua ooh you are cursed
What the conference does is to take money
Hawa mapastors ni wakorofi sana .
Mmmh this wasn't supplied to be published like this . How are you going to Evangelise then
SHETANI ameingia ndani yao
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Nyinyi niwakora nyote
@@saidibaya5327 ninani anawesa kulasimisa wokofu na wokofu ni WA mtu binafusi mwenyewe kuilinda,kwa hivyio ukitaka kumujua mwenzako ni kua na UPENDO kama huna huo usiongose kanisa kwasababu BIBLIA inasema katika zaburi 133:1 usome na wakorintho 13;1 kama unagawa watu wewe si mchungaji una kaa mlangoni kwa kuwafukusa kondoo sa Bwana umelaaniwa mtu kama huyo hao ni pepo chafu pastors watane wamulilie MUNGU sana ndio wale walijiingisa kwa Siri wajulikane mwenendo wao kwa sababu hao si ndani wamelete aibu katika nyumba ya BWANA ajabu watawaubiriaje mataifa wale awajui ukweli?bole kwa SDA reformer MUNGU atatatua yote , MPENDANE karibu YESU anakuja,