What's The Most Disturbing Nice Girl Stories You've Ever Heard?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 62

  • @Yukikun22
    @Yukikun22 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    the gay best friend trope is uncomfortable because it forces someone into the role of being a prop in a (usually) straight woman's life. the expectation is that you will
    - be cool with female nudity
    - be cool with/flattered by "playful" touching and groping
    - be catty and give her all the tea
    - give her makeovers because you're automatically good at makeup if you're a gay man
    - give her perfect relationship advice/set her up with the good men
    - take her out to gay bars and clubs
    - give her shopping advice and help her become fashionable
    - pamper her when she's sad
    - better her life in every way
    basically what they've seen in movies/tv - the magical, sagely queer who is always on hand, always has the answers for her problems and has no life of their own.
    i say this as a lesbian who used to believe she was straight and had this fantasy -- as a middle schooler lol

    • @CyranofromBergerac
      @CyranofromBergerac ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I worked with a guy that would do drag shows outside of work. What you just described was exactly him. Seems like people stereotype gay people to be like him and that's it gay men act like that and nothing else. I knew a few guys you'd never know where gay unless they told ya. Real roughneck country boys, they're just into dudes. It's almost like people have personalities and sexualities that can be separate from each other.

    • @Yukikun22
      @Yukikun22 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@CyranofromBergerac Right?? I don't get what's so hard about it! But I guess if you only see the world through stereotypes and your own biases, anything outside of the norm is just mind boggling. I remember people freaking out and struggling to handle the concept when a couple on tik tok got popular simply because - GASP...a MASC woman and a FEMME man??? It's so stupid lol

  • @dragons_breath.
    @dragons_breath. ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Helloooo!! I wanted to say that I love your videos and it always makes my day. To all the amazing people reading this comment, just know you're wonderful, even if you don't feel like it! I hope you have a great day!!!!

  • @nicdunn5001
    @nicdunn5001 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Definitely can relate to story 1. In middle school I was walking to my locker at the start of school and I feel something keep touching my ass. Followed by girls giggling. I told my friend and he played it off saying, “oh don’t worry about it, they’re just having fun and joking around”………no. Don’t touch my ass…I’m uncomfortable

    • @dsxa918
      @dsxa918 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @MalaysiaIsProChannel
      @MalaysiaIsProChannel หลายเดือนก่อน

      If a dude does that,that's an assault
      But if a woman does that, it's a joke apparently 🙄

  • @Icalasari
    @Icalasari ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Story 6 - Chlamydia can cause mental disorders such as schizophrenia to pop up, so I'm guessing that she and her chlamydia didn't get along very well

  • @JackdawFeathers
    @JackdawFeathers ปีที่แล้ว +11

    As a gay man myself, I’ve had a whole group of girls immediately start trying to set me up on dates the SECOND they found out that I’m gay. Literally had one chase me down in a field once because I ran when they got that evil look in their eyes (another guy had walked up and simply said “hi”). Worst part is? They weren’t just uncomfortably interested in my love life, or new to the LGBTQ+ community and curious. No. They want to watch me and they guy THEY chose *get it on*…
    Even worse? I openly identified as asexual at the time.

    • @Yukikun22
      @Yukikun22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      wow...what??? they never heard of pornhub?? it's not that hard to find that if they wanted to watch so bad! or were they weebs who were obsessed with yaoi and wanted to see it play out in real life or something? either way I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

    • @JackdawFeathers
      @JackdawFeathers ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Yukikun22 Thank you so much for your condolences! And yes, they were definitely weebs

    • @Yukikun22
      @Yukikun22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@JackdawFeathers That figures lol I once had a group of neighborhood kids, (my "friends") pick up my little sister and another boy her age and try to force them to kiss each other because they decided they should like each other. it was so bizarre and uncomfortable but they were all laughing while we were screaming at them to stop. my sister was even crying and they didn't care! people are just weird creeps sometimes...

    • @JackdawFeathers
      @JackdawFeathers ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Yukikun22 Holy. Sorry about your sister; I hope that didn’t have any long-term affects on her. Stay safe out there

    • @Yukikun22
      @Yukikun22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@JackdawFeathers thanks, yeah she's all good now! you too! :)

  • @Redd_Nebula
    @Redd_Nebula ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Was seeing this girl for about 3 weeks before she made a bunch of homophobic comments about a random guy. I called her out on it and told her I was bi, to which she responded "why do you care? You can just choose to be straight". Needless to say, I stopped seeing her after that

    • @cloudberry._jam
      @cloudberry._jam ปีที่แล้ว +2

      i think she doesn't know sexualities aren't a choice

    • @SodiePopCornPop
      @SodiePopCornPop ปีที่แล้ว

      Good for you, that lady seemed bigoted and ignorant AF.

  • @drifter139
    @drifter139 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    not me but a friend of mine from high school. he had been in an on again/off again relationship with the self-proclaimed nice girl. during their last on again, she would hit him in front of everyone and then say things like "I can hit you but you can't hit me because if you do, I can ruin your life". during this time I kept telling him that he needs to stop going back to her because she was seriously going to hurt him one day. 2 days after saying that, she tried to hit me with her fist so I slapped her and told her that in my neighborhood, guys aren't scared to defend themselves and will beat whoever tries to hit them. my friend eventually stopped talking to her and last I heard, she was in prison for attacking her husband with a knife

  • @solowingkiba7800
    @solowingkiba7800 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    A coworker of my GF told us over drinks, "I like a guy that makes me a little afraid that he might snap and physically abuse me."
    We left soon after and as soon as we were in the car both let out a, "WTF?"

    • @dsxa918
      @dsxa918 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was thinking in #9 - "how might this have gone?"
      Is it opportunism in bad ways?

  • @TokerJoker420
    @TokerJoker420 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The first story me and my friend had something similar happen weird middle aged woman came in starting hitting on us we ignore them fot the most part until 1 of them grabbed me by front if my pants at by my belt buckle felt my crouch i jumped back with yip like a dog and the only thing i could say was "wtf is the matter with you get away from me weird 40 year old housewife" and it not make it better when she shouted back "its ok he wont mind" we ran out to the patio and enjoyed our drinks back there the bartender came out gave us a free round of drinks and told us "dont worry we told them to leave and not come back"

  • @cmdrezeri
    @cmdrezeri ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel like I may have told this story before but…
    I once had an ex show up at my house at seven in the morning. Which wouldn’t have been nearly as much of a problem were it not that she walked there. From the other side of town. I lived in Chandler, AZ at the time, near McQueen and Chandler, if anyone’s familiar with the area, she lived near the Ahwatukee foot hills (her dad was a surgeon? I think?) which totaled out to about a four and a half hour walk. Which meant by extension that she couldn’t have woken much later than two thirty. To make matters worse, I don’t know how she got my address. And to make matters even worse than that, I went along with it, all ecstatic that someone actually wanted to spend time with me. I’m pretty sure I was in the middle of a six month long psychotic episode, so there are a lot of things I don’t entirely remember from that time. That or it was all narcolepsy induced, but I sure as hell didn’t know that at the time, being that I wasn’t even diagnosed until recently. I’m also pretty sure that episode only added fuel to my ex before her breaking up with me.
    That scarlet flag should have been it, but my stupid self went along with it. And then she ended up SA-ing me. I only really remember bits and pieces of it today, but several times she would demand I use my fingers and would refuse to let me go until that happened (probably doesn’t help that I’m honestly actually pretty good with my fingers. Don’t know how since I’m AMAB but whatever).
    What finally got me free from that situation was when she hit me in front of my mom! (Pretty sure that was just a case of “only I’m allowed to do that!” but that’s so far in the past at this point). I broke up with her the next day. She then told my best friend that she thought she might be pregnant (that fable only lasted a day) then that she was going to take me to court for statuary (my friend reminded her that I was seventeen and she turned sixteen).
    It didn’t occur until recently that the reason I had problems finding someone to date after that was likely due to her spreading rumors about me being a predator.
    Oh well. I’m married now and can take care of my wife in five seconds. Not that that’s entirely relevant, it’s just a very confused brag having to do with the aforementioned talent. Just ask my wife, she can confirm. Maybe that should have been a sign about my true gender identity.

  • @sherlockwho5714
    @sherlockwho5714 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So this is my roommate's story. I need to preface my roommate had a very abusive childhood. So we have to be careful talking about abuse or watching anything with it. The Saw movies are a good way to get rid of the TV.
    Anyways back in 2006 he met a woman on myspace. He was looking for friends and made it very clear that at any time the conversation could be ended.
    So skipping to the end she starts talking about how her BF was abusive and demanding she get off the computer and tells my roommate he is threatening to beat her.
    Roommate flies off the handle and that rational brain is out of service.
    In the morning he wakes up and still pissed but at least not punching crap. He is determined to end the abuse this girl was going through but he doesn't know where she lives or anything useful except the myspace account.
    Grabs the aim chat logs and sends them to everyone on her list.
    Turns out the college aged girl and her friend thought it was funny like when you prank call about the fridge.
    Her boyfriend did not find it so funny.
    That was the last time my roommate was on social media.
    It did at least get him to seek therapy.
    To this day it's his WTF story about why he will never have any social media.

  • @brynnesantos9817
    @brynnesantos9817 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not a guy myself, but this happened to a classmate from middle and high school. There was a girl in our school who he was friends with, but never dated, although she did not hide the fact that she really, *really* liked him. I only observed whatever went on between them over Facebook, so I'm almost certain there could be more I didn't know about, but two things stood out to me. One was that on a disproportionate amount of his posts, just standard posts that teens share about themselves on social media, she would leave comments to try to get his attention usually to the effect of "Help me" or "I'm in pain". The other, by FAR more disconcerting, was that she made her Facebook profile picture a picture of him from among the ones he had posted, usually one of his profile pictures. I vividly remember reading comments on these pictures from other schoolmates urging her to change the picture, as the guy didn't like her using his pictures for her profile picture (understandably), but she make excuses as to why she couldn't. One specific I remember was something to the effect of "My computer won't let me take profile pictures any more". I was on the sidelines of all this, but I feel sincerely sorry for all those who were involved - it seemed like an absolute mess.

  • @ninmarbob
    @ninmarbob ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A girl from 7th grade used to be nice. Then in 9th grade (or tenth grade), she seems to be nice to certain people and mean to people like me. I also think she ghosted me in 2023, and was being nice to me at a mall like she wasn't being mean to me.

  • @ChrisTownsend98
    @ChrisTownsend98 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Strory 3: She just stands there Menacingly. (Siege players would have PTSD)

  • @skepticofdoom7486
    @skepticofdoom7486 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The more I hear the less I want to pick up random people. Life is good with only MY crazy to deal with.

  • @Byorgan
    @Byorgan ปีที่แล้ว

    I love the dnd shirt mr facts

  • @babakganoosh
    @babakganoosh ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have that shirt, but in black.

  • @PlasticBluVentRabbit
    @PlasticBluVentRabbit ปีที่แล้ว

    “…when she said no, I shouldn’t have listened”
    AAAAND that’s how you catch a case
    If you want someone to be like that, you clarify it beforehand or, i dunno, NOT want someone to be like that in the first place
    Cuz damn is stuff like that an easy way for a guy to get in trouble

  • @coldboar9379
    @coldboar9379 ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing I like to say, is friends are not a Collection

  • @CyranofromBergerac
    @CyranofromBergerac ปีที่แล้ว

    Dude that Rachel story, though a joke, seemed like a Rachel I knew. I had a crush her and when I built up the courage to say something she made a huge stink behind my back about me stalking her saying she didn't know me and wrote a 5 page love letter to herself from me with graphic sex acts I wanted to do to her (I'm romantic/asexual btw), forged my signature and put my number on there and showed it to people. From that point on anytime I tried to talk with a girl people addumed I was looking for a new victim. I found all of this out years later but had an idea because people were treating me like a creep for no reason. It ruined my reputation around campus and the admin/police couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it.
    Turns out there were like 16 other people stalking her at the same time and a few people who cooperated with me to reveal the truth said she had several crushes at the same time of which changed depending on who she was hanging out with. The only one I knew was one of my roommates, which he rejected because he didn't date anyone and she turned full nice girl trying to ruin his name as well. It didn't work with him though and she ended up besmirching her own reputation. I don't know for fact but I'm pretty certain she was stalking these guys she was interested in.
    But people don't ride the train that goes through town so nope. The name Rachel is kinda cursed for me. I subconsciously distrust anyone with that name.

  • @capsizemoonz2251
    @capsizemoonz2251 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I cant get the idea out of my head that you kinda look like joshua tomar if he didnt use newgrounds

  • @jasondouglas152
    @jasondouglas152 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just remember that anyone thats currently hitting on you might have just crapped their pants or taken a massive crap.
    That'll keep you from cheating

  • @jaybea365
    @jaybea365 ปีที่แล้ว

    yep, I've ben in my 20's and groped by a woman in her 40's, I felt no shame and called her out on it. "You just grabbed me in everywhere, so back it up, let's go to your place."
    She fled, I won.

  • @BattleMace
    @BattleMace ปีที่แล้ว +2

    you showed your face? damn unexpected

  • @dismafuggerhere2753
    @dismafuggerhere2753 ปีที่แล้ว

    pretty you've released this EXACT video a few months back already

  • @Kiwi_Tea
    @Kiwi_Tea ปีที่แล้ว

    The gay best friend thing is about having male company that doesn't want to get into your pants...that and they're hoping the gay guy will help with killer outfits :)

  • @jinga9862
    @jinga9862 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just a reminder that Dreadlocks are from several cultures, not just black ones. It's racist to assume it's cultural appropriation

  • @tallonmetroids271
    @tallonmetroids271 ปีที่แล้ว

    The word you're looking for in Story 16 is "gentrification."

  • @Arc4random_
    @Arc4random_ ปีที่แล้ว +2

    uhh hi idk

  • @stickboy420
    @stickboy420 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are you the dungeon newbs guide?

  • @shortnsweet1980
    @shortnsweet1980 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ya know, there are some things that are just inappropriate! I don't get how people don't realize boundaries!! Point is -> they just don't care and feel they're above them... It's not cute nor funny - it's disgusting. Grow up. I use to smile, nod n back away (just take it basically). *Not anymore*

  • @MsArrika
    @MsArrika 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So he was a junior on high school or in 7th/8th grade. Either way grannys groping a minor but im just trying to understand how deep the pedophilia goes? Groping a 17 year old is wrong and hella creepy. Groping a 13 or 14 year old is when you call the cops but cause shes an elderly woman it was less enraging of course. 😒
    Chlamydia though. Fun times. My ex cheated on me with the town whore and got and passed on a RARE form of Chlamydia. Not any more difficult to get rid of thank god but how dirty do you need to be to contract a RARE form of chlamydia.the fuck? That was his punishment and mine for being eith the idiot but she definitely got hers as well. Hookup culture and being fast, ive never had a good opinion of it. Fck that.

  • @Icalasari
    @Icalasari ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 16 - Nah, it is bigotry. Even "positive" stereotypes are still awful - The "Smart Asian" stereotype is still racism for example. Why wouldn't the "Gay Best Friend" stereotype be bigotry?

  • @antithoughtpolice7497
    @antithoughtpolice7497 ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 16: Gay best friend FETISH. Andyes, it's gross.

  • @Axotly10
    @Axotly10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I choose the d20

  • @jeremybutler8269
    @jeremybutler8269 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a gay man. women love my blue eyes and curly hair. A female friend and I took a trip. She made drinks. They were too strong. I dont normally drink. Turns out she wanted to get me drunk so she could do things to me and impregnate herself.

  • @RoshniPai
    @RoshniPai ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @General.Grievous
      @General.Grievous ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Didn't ask, you liked your own comment, L.

    • @RoshniPai
      @RoshniPai ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@General.Grievous didn't like my own comment, you're just mad, L.

    • @Glitchtraptherabbit
      @Glitchtraptherabbit ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@RoshniPai@General.Grievous Both of you stop

    • @dsxa918
      @dsxa918 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jacket potato, jacket potato

    • @isaacm7934
      @isaacm7934 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@General.Grievousno let him cook

  • @mztweety1374
    @mztweety1374 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ladies stop doing this crap. This is not the 80s...men aren't buying it anymore.