Trying to repair a Gardenfox RX4600 lawnmower part 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • It has been six months since I realized I had to order a new blade and other parts in order to use the lawnmower.
    With high spirits I start the repair. BUT, new problems arise.
    And I, I mess it up.....AGAIN......As usual....
    Part 1: • Prøver å reparere en G...
    Stiga Estate 2084H: • Stiga Estate 2084H sta...
    Link to the Q&A post: / @restoringthepast

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @kjelljensen7477
    @kjelljensen7477 ปีที่แล้ว

    Godt nyttår 💥🥳🥂

  • @akalle7683
    @akalle7683 ปีที่แล้ว

    God video!💪

  • @kjaewle
    @kjaewle ปีที่แล้ว

    bra video som vanlig :) ønske dæ et godt nytt år !

  • @Calle6974
    @Calle6974 ปีที่แล้ว

    Happy new year

  • @Toby9103
    @Toby9103 ปีที่แล้ว

    Godt nyttår Truls, håper du får et fint nyttår og forhåpentligvis en litt mindre trøblete kropp i året som kommer. ser fram til nye videoer :D interessant omtrent uansett hva du legger ut. jeg hadde akkuratt samme problemet med min stiga sitteklipper(nøkkelswitchen) men fant det heldigvis ut før jeg bestillte noen deler :P har ramlet over noen ingersoll rand type 30(tror jeg det var) typ store kompressorer. en 1000l og en 500 som skal fikses med tiden. men har samme skjiten som deg(fibro) så er begrenset hvor mye man får gjort desverre når man har både hus og bil som har prioritet over hobby.

    • @Restoringthepast
      @Restoringthepast  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Takk det samme til deg og takk for at du ser på videoene :)
      Fibro er pyton å hanskes med. Ene dagen helt ok og neste dag er man helt vrak, så ja. Det er begrenset hvor mye man får gjort dessverre. Men tar man ting etappevis og slår seg til ro med at prosjektet vil vare ei stund før man blir ferdig, så blir det enklere å gjennomføre. Er min erfaring hvertfall :)
      Det vanskeligste synes jeg, er å klare å slå seg til ro med at man var ikke like sprek som før og å slå seg til ro med at ting får bare ta tid.
      500 og 1000 ltr tanker?! Håhåhå. Trykktest før bruk er mitt råd :)
      Ønsker deg et så smertefritt år som mulig :)

    • @Toby9103
      @Toby9103 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Restoringthepast helt sant🙂 ja blir å ta en trykktest med vann slik du har gjort tør ikke å trykksette uten ihvertfall :P blir jo som en liten bombe.. :P man må bare tilpasse seg å leve med skjiten😂ja har funnet ut at jeg må ta litt og litt. heller jobbe 15-20min en dag enn 1 time og så ingenting en uke liksom :P

    • @Restoringthepast
      @Restoringthepast  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Toby9103 Det er nok veien å gå mtp arbeidsmengde :)
      Pass på å sjekk tankene hvilket test trykk de skal ha. Står som regel stemplet inn i tankene :)

    • @Toby9103
      @Toby9103 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Restoringthepast jess, tenker å teste dem med ihvertfall 25%overtrykk iforhold til hva som står på tankene :)

    • @Restoringthepast
      @Restoringthepast  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Toby9103 Husk sikkerhet. Og husk.....sikkerhet :)

  • @TheUltimate65
    @TheUltimate65 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fiter "råttner" når en bruket petrokjemisk produkt, jeg bruker vaseling oilje. Om det er feil klaring på ventil er det som regel innsugsventil og da må topplokkket av ,da ventiler ligger på siden i sylinderen
    En annen ting som er årsak til variabelt turtall er feiljustert de fjærer som rugulere fullgass og tomgang

  • @THECompressorGuru
    @THECompressorGuru ปีที่แล้ว

    -20in december. I would be moving south.

    • @Restoringthepast
      @Restoringthepast  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hehe. It's been -27c at it's lowest. December and January are cold here above the arctic circle.
      When hell freezes over is when I move south. My heart and soul belongs to this part of my country.
      Some parts of southern Norway got heavy snowfall the last 24 hours. Average snow depth last 24 hrs is 50 cm. Approximately 20 inches. It's total chaos down there. We, up north, are like Canadians. Teasing people down south when they get snow. They have no clue what to do. They have set up emergency staff and are more or less in panic mode.
      In 1997 we had a record breaking winter here up north. April 29, the amount of snow was measured to 2,4 meters (Almost 8 ft). People tried to give away snow in newspaper ads just for fun. Some places in the city, people made tunnels from the main road to their front door. They had nowhere to put the snow.
      I made loads of money clearing roofs that winter. And ate equal amounts of waffels. People were throwing money at me to clean their roofs. Along i was served waffels in gratitude. It was a rought winter. But we didn't panic, didn't complain (until late april) and no emergency staff were set other than when avalanches occured. There were a lot of avalanches. In 2000 we also got lots of snow. I don't remember how much but we were close to break the record from 97.
      Naaa, moving south....Not my cup of tea. I love it up here even if the winters are rough. But this part of Norway is a diamond in rough. In the summer we have daylight 24/7. In the winter Aurora Borealis gives us a great show almost every night. And the landscape......Stunning. Even for me who lives her 24/7/365.
      By the way Bud, I wish you a and your family a healthy and a happy new year :)
      PS, if you'd like to see some videos from 1997 when we had all the snow, have a look :)
      This is from January
      These two is from the day before the record.
      This is from the day the record was set.
      And some vintage snow removal from the 60's :)

    • @THECompressorGuru
      @THECompressorGuru ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Restoringthepast When I was younger I loved the winter. cold weather tears up equipment and the colder it got the more $ i made. I am 63 and I do not take the cold very well now. the 24 7 summer does sound great. I did not realize you were above the arctic circle. about 5 years ago we had 30 day the was never above zero f . with many nights at the -20 mark. I will watch the links you sent. good to hear from you. Bud

    • @Restoringthepast
      @Restoringthepast  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@THECompressorGuru I hear ya. I used to love wnter and snow when I was younger too. Even though I have fibromyalgia, I handle cold weather better than warm. My body shuts down when it's too warm. Thermostat issues? hehe! This summer in particular was extremely and unusually hot for our part of the country. If I'd were to move down south, I most likely woud die of heat.
      In the wintertime, cold weather does not bother me that much. But low pressure systems creates alot of pain.
      Winter can be tough on equipment, but hey, it makes money for them who repairs it :)
      Long periods below zero aren't uncommon. The most scary parts of long periods of very low temperatures is if the water to the house freezes. My house was built in the early 50's and they buried the water line 2,5 meters under ground. Two times since then, the water has been freezing. 2010 and 2018. That's a real pain in the you-know-what hahaha.
      IBC totes with heating elements and plumbing and insulation......In cold cold temperatures. It's a struggle. But hey, we love it here hahahaha.
      Have a great day :)

  • @Huttify
    @Huttify ปีที่แล้ว

    Bremse- eller forgasserrens på huden er ikke bra. Ikke bare for huden, men hudan tar opp en del av innholdet i rensen og. På med hansker når du holder på sånn. De sekundene spart er ikke verdt å plages av dette senere i livet. God video. Takk.